コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 sive signaling actions by inhibiting sEH and suggest a mechanism accounting for protection from hyper
3 le resistance to BRAF inhibitors in melanoma suggests a mechanism-based strategy to limit resistance
6 cannabinoid self-administration in adulthood-suggest a mechanism by which adolescent cannabis exposur
8 hages toward a proinflammatory phenotype and suggest a mechanism by which anti-inflammatory therapies
14 s the bridge or molecular wire component and suggest a mechanism by which electronic coupling (and th
15 ed by sensory and motor input, these results suggest a mechanism by which functional connectivity and
16 the movement of astrocytic mitochondria and suggest a mechanism by which glutamate transporters migh
18 lorecognition of graft parenchymal cells and suggest a mechanism by which indirect-pathway CD4 T cell
21 te JARID2-PRC2 interactions on chromatin and suggest a mechanism by which lncRNAs contribute to PRC2
24 nce of ANKS6 in human kidney development and suggest a mechanism by which mutations in ANKS6 may cont
25 far more complex than previously thought and suggest a mechanism by which PrP(C) fragmentation respon
28 ortant interplay between GAPDH and TRAF3 and suggest a mechanism by which the NleB effector inhibits
29 LC ribozyme by conformational switching and suggest a mechanism by which the signal for branching is
31 cific disruptions of selective autophagy and suggest a mechanism by which this polymorphism contribut
32 om its succinate dehydrogenase activity also suggested a mechanism by which Myc generates reactive ox
33 esynaptic proteins that regulate exocytosis, suggesting a mechanism by which APP tunes transmitter re
34 tions that are lost along with pluripotency, suggesting a mechanism by which cancer cells reacquire p
35 multaneous engagement of two Rac1 molecules, suggesting a mechanism by which cells may sense the dens
36 n the presence of network-wide correlations, suggesting a mechanism by which cortex could deal with c
37 to the recently described outer radial glia, suggesting a mechanism by which ferret neurons disperse
38 circuit of meso-striato-prefrontal regions, suggesting a mechanism by which genetic predisposition a
39 circuit of meso-striato-prefrontal regions, suggesting a mechanism by which genetic vulnerability in
40 emonstrate a neuroprotective role of GluN2C, suggesting a mechanism by which GluN2C is upregulated to
41 (FH1) domain of Bnr1, and Hof1 dimerization, suggesting a mechanism by which Hof1 "restrains" the oth
42 nes required for melanocyte differentiation, suggesting a mechanism by which HOXA1 expression de-diff
43 provokes global changes in gene expression, suggesting a mechanism by which its deficiency promotes
44 ccessible within this isolated intermediate, suggesting a mechanism by which membrane-associated aggr
45 in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells, suggesting a mechanism by which NE regulates myelopoiesi
46 thin the LPZ extended across the LPZ border, suggesting a mechanism by which new excitatory input ari
47 idylserine-induced oligomerization of PSR-1, suggesting a mechanism by which PSR-1 activates phagocyt
48 at all joint angles would cause depression, suggesting a mechanism by which the stored energy is rel
49 nant and recessive PS-modeled LamC mutations suggests a mechanism by which abnormal lamina organizati
50 nd scan within stalled transcription bubbles suggests a mechanism by which AID can initiate SHM and C
53 stematic method for their identification and suggests a mechanism by which DNA secondary structures c
54 ows direct comparison with unliganded IR and suggests a mechanism by which ligand regulates IR/IGF1R
56 ite (~20) can spread over many kilobases and suggests a mechanism by which ParB proteins could facili
58 ligomeric form and disassemble mature fibers suggests a mechanism by which PrP(C) might confer Abeta
60 erammonemia-induced myostatin expression and suggests a mechanism by which sarcopenia develops in cir
62 which leads to a highly compacted structure, suggests a mechanism by which the protein is activated t
64 ral WM in adolescents and adults with BD and suggest a mechanism contributing to WM pathology in BD.
65 tion rates depend on mitochondrial dynamics, suggesting a mechanism coupling weak physical segregatio
68 sordered-to-order transition of the loop and suggest a mechanism for allosteric activation: calcium b
69 gene expression in antagonism to SRFR1, and suggest a mechanism for an intimate connection between p
71 biochemical, structural and genetic data, we suggest a mechanism for binding and presentation by RapZ
72 l significance for neuronal MT stability and suggest a mechanism for cellular dysfunction in dynein-l
76 zed spectroscopY (TROSY) NMR experiments and suggest a mechanism for coupling the energy of nucleotid
77 ructural effects of M-domain phosphorylation suggest a mechanism for diminishing the functional poten
78 g contributions to DNA cleavage at the gate, suggest a mechanism for DNA discrimination involving enz
80 n the greater T cell diversity in humans and suggest a mechanism for ensuring that any V-J gene combi
82 bstitution on the KIEs and the multiple KIEs suggest a mechanism for flavin oxidation in which the H
83 ructural element in myosin force sensing and suggest a mechanism for generating diversity of function
84 are altered during late pregnancy and might suggest a mechanism for higher birth weight in obese wom
91 e so-called missing heritability of HSCR and suggest a mechanism for increased HSCR incidence in chil
96 g expression of ethanol-induced aversion and suggest a mechanism for its role in modulating escalatio
98 new structures of the bacterial YidC, which suggest a mechanism for membrane insertion by this famil
99 ivo and in vitro experimental approaches, we suggest a mechanism for MT destabilization in which isof
102 rization initiated by CSF1 binding, the data suggest a mechanism for phenotypic dominance of the muta
106 cortex is nucleated by mDia1 and Arp2/3 and suggest a mechanism for rapid fine-tuning of cortex stru
107 croRNAs (miRNAs) rarely match their targets, suggest a mechanism for sequence-specific small RNA turn
109 g(2+)/ADP-ribose, Mg(2+)/ATP, and Mg(2+)/AMP suggest a mechanism for the ADP-ribose pyrophosphatase r
110 resentation of action units in the brain and suggest a mechanism for the analysis of large numbers of
111 the role of NPM1 as a key TLS regulator, and suggest a mechanism for the better prognosis of AML pati
114 a key role for ion channels in closure, and suggest a mechanism for the coordination of force-produc
118 uired to generate cortical interneurons, and suggest a mechanism for the epilepsy observed in humans
120 (1-42) fibrils performed using Autodock Vina suggest a mechanism for the improved aggregation inhibit
121 le of kin recognition in cheater control and suggest a mechanism for the maintenance of stable cooper
122 d functional heterogeneity in radial spokes, suggest a mechanism for the milder RSPH1 PCD phenotype a
127 tional switches and biased dephosphorylation suggest a mechanism for the selective recruitment of cis
128 gulate gene expression in an animal and thus suggest a mechanism for the transmission of experience-d
131 t composition for memory destabilization and suggest a mechanism for why some memories are resistant
133 ot induced in the Alzheimer's disease brain, suggesting a mechanism for age-associated onset of the d
134 tructure interact leading to DNA compaction, suggesting a mechanism for axial filament formation.
135 riginating from the alpha-solenoid scaffold, suggesting a mechanism for channel gating by Ca(2+).
136 -interacting surface to regulate mRNA export suggesting a mechanism for coupling transcription initia
137 ttern of electrostatic interactions, thereby suggesting a mechanism for effector protein translocatio
138 increased by IL-33 through ST2R-ERK pathway, suggesting a mechanism for enhanced airway inflammation
139 rent copulatory damage to the female intima, suggesting a mechanism for entry of seminal proteins, or
141 similar developmental/migration time window, suggesting a mechanism for establishing the spatial stru
142 ation in TSC2, a negative regulator of mTOR, suggesting a mechanism for exquisite sensitivity to ever
143 mutant bound GINS in the presence of Dpb11, suggesting a mechanism for how GINS is recruited to Mcm2
144 he polyQ become largely unstructured-thereby suggesting a mechanism for how N17 regulates Htt aggrega
145 inding to Set8 through this basic extension, suggesting a mechanism for how nucleosome binding protec
146 l emotional behavior needs to be controlled, suggesting a mechanism for increased vulnerability to ps
147 of the Myog promoter containing an NC E-box, suggesting a mechanism for inhibition of myogenin gene e
148 concentrations previously regarded as safe, suggesting a mechanism for its observed idiosyncratic ef
149 pore expansion during membrane penetration, suggesting a mechanism for lipid factor requirement of B
150 cations for polarocrypsis in the open ocean, suggesting a mechanism for natural selection to shape re
151 m lymphatics results in TIE2 downregulation, suggesting a mechanism for ocular defects in patients wi
152 on is sufficient to induce Atoh1 expression, suggesting a mechanism for priming the 3' Atoh1 autoregu
153 lation in skin recovering from UV radiation, suggesting a mechanism for rapamycin's antitumor activit
154 n with histone H3 tails, but not histone H4, suggesting a mechanism for recruitment of the NuRD compl
155 as9 from its apo form to the RNA-bound form, suggesting a mechanism for RNA recruitment in which the
156 ulnerable to the effects of premature birth, suggesting a mechanism for the adverse effects of preter
157 depolarizing but inhibitory in 8.5 mM K(+), suggesting a mechanism for the effects of alpha4betadelt
158 droplet is observed with a few femtoseconds, suggesting a mechanism for the gas to particle conversio
159 hat CXCR3 variant function is not redundant, suggesting a mechanism for tissue specific biased agonis
160 aste cells of an acid-sensitive K(+) channel suggests a mechanism for amplification of sour taste and
163 al discrete low-affinity interactions, which suggests a mechanism for controlled subunit exchange at
167 nferring receptor binding and tropism, which suggests a mechanism for efficient virus neutralization
168 y between Ccr4-Not and Rpb4/7 described here suggests a mechanism for how the cell coordinates mRNA s
169 in a fuzzy chaperone-substrate ensemble and suggests a mechanism for Hsp70 function whereby the stru
172 motor at the center of the particle further suggests a mechanism for mediating conformational change
173 e of Ndc80 and Ska complexes on microtubules suggests a mechanism for metazoan kinetochores to couple
174 in adjacent regions of the BCL2 P1 promoter suggests a mechanism for precise regulation of BCL2 gene
175 s interspecific social behavioral plasticity suggests a mechanism for rapid adaptation of belowground
176 model explains key experimental findings and suggests a mechanism for regulating both the mean and fl
177 of Juno from the oolemma after fertilization suggests a mechanism for the membrane block to polysperm
178 dles during stimulation of the best contacts suggests a mechanism for the observed transient "depress
180 binding to isolated calmodulin domains/lobes suggests a mechanism for the role of CFTR as a molecular
181 completely disrupting) anaphase progression suggests a mechanism for tolerating excess cohesion and
182 a4 integrin, Rac1, and the PI3K pathway, and suggest a mechanism in which an increase in ECM stiffnes
185 rminant in autophagy progression and further suggest a mechanism in which the interplay among kinase
189 ly 33 A across an extensive dimer interface, suggesting a mechanism in which polyhydroxybutyrate bios
191 ity, nor displaced of CsA from CypD protein, suggesting a mechanism independent of CypD inhibition.
198 ghlights novel roles for Shot in mitosis and suggests a mechanism involving Dynein/Dynactin activatio
199 reaction kinetics and aggregation behaviour suggests a mechanism involving micelle-mediated physical
200 onstrate that HAP2 is the gamete fusogen and suggest a mechanism of action akin to viral fusion, indi
201 pin a molecular basis for pore formation and suggest a mechanism of action that extends beyond membra
209 ial and archaeal sliding clamps, our results suggest a mechanism of sequential switching of partners
211 ted Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, these findings suggest a mechanism of viral immune evasion at the very
215 ound peptides of both low and high affinity, suggesting a mechanism of action for the peptide-exchang
220 PVM that express Ki-67 and are SIV-infected, suggesting a mechanism of macrophage accumulation in the
223 e RasC binds to the catalytic domain of TOR, suggesting a mechanism of TORC2 activation that is simil
225 on between host skin peptides and microbiota suggests a mechanism of host-directed symbiosis througho
227 structure of the outer layer is distinct and suggests a mechanism of interaction of the bacterial she
228 remained largely unchanged in these mice, it suggests a mechanism of mTORC1 activation by ERK1/2 in a
229 nzyme with an active site configuration that suggests a mechanism of phosphodiester hydrolysis by a m
230 to AZT, which along with molecular modeling suggests a mechanism of preferred translocation of triaz
234 ion, but phage DNA replication is prevented, suggesting a mechanism reminiscent of superinfection exc
235 ions from the nonobese diabetic mouse model, suggesting a mechanism shared by mouse and man through w
236 ng occurs along a vectorial pathway and also suggest a mechanism that chaperones may exploit to preve
238 ur understanding of IAV-induced shutoff, and suggest a mechanism that facilitates the translation of
240 ructural timeline for ILY pore formation and suggest a mechanism that is relevant to understanding ot
242 eplication and N/C ratio in egg extracts and suggest a mechanism that may influence the onset of the
243 ively suppressed and enhanced poly(A) sites, suggesting a mechanism that could discriminate between v
244 of MAP7 is responsible for branch formation, suggesting a mechanism that is independent of its known
245 ial use of fast and slow nicotinic receptors suggests a mechanism that can implement spatiotemporal c
246 plant MPKs as protein kinase inhibitors and suggest a mechanism through which guard cell CO2 signali
249 following rewards in alcohol-consuming rats, suggesting a mechanism through which adolescent alcohol
250 xpressing mutant, but not wild-type, PDGFRA, suggesting a mechanism through which the oncogenic activ
251 ector of cytokine-induced IKKbeta signaling, suggesting a mechanism through which the tumor microenvi
252 Activation in the ventral visual circuitry suggests a mechanism through which signals of social app
256 ssembly and the activity of this complex and suggest a mechanism to enforce fidelity of target bindin
259 alternative splicing, our observations also suggest a mechanism to explain the widespread phenomenon
260 nd activation in naive CD8(+) T cells, which suggest a mechanism to overcome anergy induction by the
261 ating GPCR recycling from bulk recycling and suggest a mechanism to tune downstream responses of GPCR
262 baseline after the anesthetic is eliminated, suggesting a mechanism to account for persistent memory
263 ts increases Hsp90 binding to its inhibitor, suggesting a mechanism to enhance the efficacy of Hsp90
264 Aicda) and termination (Socs1/p53 response), suggesting a mechanism to explain the quantitative defec
265 1.63 A), and its active site is unoccupied, suggesting a mechanism to open the active site for subst
266 ntially higher affinity than wild-type Mcm4, suggesting a mechanism to recruit Dpb11 to DDK-phosphory
268 tion, proliferation, and differentiation and suggest a mechanism underlying the improved cardiac rege
269 le for alpha2delta-1 in appetite control and suggest a mechanism underlying weight gain in humans tre
270 ated from mTORC1 upon mitogenic stimulation, suggesting a mechanism underlying acute mTORC1 activatio
271 ly supplanted by immunoregulatory processes, suggesting a mechanism underlying the decline in T1D sus
272 d decreases in Bmp4 mRNA in stromal tissues, suggesting a mechanism underlying the ureteric induction
273 ally the neurovirulence factor, ICP34.5) and suggest a mechanism (via ICP4) for the transition from l
276 of chromosomes reproduce changes in snHi-C, suggesting a mechanism where cohesin locally compacts ch
277 o target promoters is temperature dependent, suggesting a mechanism where temperature directly contro
278 ntermolecular dynamics and inhibitor potency suggests a mechanism where polymorphisms between genotyp
287 release probability and fusion kinetics and suggest a mechanism whereby proteins (Munc13 or RIM) may
288 of patients taking thiopurines, our findings suggest a mechanism whereby UVA in sunlight may contribu
289 platelet granule secretion and spreading and suggest a mechanism whereby VAMP-7 links granule exocyto
290 e for capsaicin and other vanilloid ligands, suggesting a mechanism whereby chemical or thermal stimu
291 measures of context retrieval on each trial, suggesting a mechanism whereby cues trigger retrieval of
292 xidation was found to abolish these changes, suggesting a mechanism whereby disulfide bond formation
293 nd expression of IL-17 in malignant T cells, suggesting a mechanism whereby SEA-producing bacteria pr
297 le for Sulf1 in the ventral neural tube, and suggests a mechanism whereby Sulf1 activity shapes the S
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