


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 i concentration background by at least ca. 20%, supporting a marine biosphere-climate link through se
2 portional to its length (r = 0.680; P = .0003), supporting a common polygenic etiology.
3 clear factor erythroid-derived 2-like 2 (Nrf2), supporting a key role for Nrf2 in control of mitochon
4 ruit bats showed evidence of expansion in ORs, supporting a "trade-off" between sensory modalities.
5 rnatively spliced in a GSK-3-dependent manner, supporting a broad role for GSK-3 in regulating altern
6 growth factors in multiple primary cell types, supporting a broad role for this pathway in trophic re
7 ed this inhibitory effect on microglial cells, supporting a causal link to disease etiology.
8 ned in silico, in vitro, and in vivo approach, supporting a causative role for ANGPT1 in disease.
9 enitors in myeloid colony-forming unit assays, supporting a cell-intrinsic role of BCAP in inhibiting
10 ory activity in combination than on their own, supporting a combined delivery of PfCyRPA and PfRH5 in
11 ld-type human and various FTDP-17 tau mutants, supporting a conserved mechanism of neurotoxicity of w
12 hat HsPrp40Ap interacts with centrin in vitro, supporting a coupled functional role for these protein
13 aring mice reduced intratumoral nerve density, supporting a critical role for LIF function in PANR.
14 gation can be modified by sensory entrainment, supporting a critical role of ongoing oscillations in
15 ial mutations can be described as exponential, supporting a current hypothesis for adaptive molecular
16  the same donor and reflected donor clonality, supporting a deterministic, clone-size-based model for
17 stress at preconception to atopic eczema risk, supporting a developmental contribution to the aetiolo
18 e rescued with gestational RA supplementation, supporting a direct link between GCN5, TACC1, and RA s
19  differentiation of LSK(-) cells into B cells, supporting a direct role for this chemokine in this pr
20 ass those of hypertensive heart disease alone, supporting a direct role of catecholamine toxicity tha
21 te only in the presence of cell-autonomous AR, supporting a facultative model for CARN specification.
22 vo mutations in other genes in these pathways, supporting a frequent two-locus pathogenesis.
23 ctin molecular masses than wild-type controls, supporting a function for this protein in apoplastic p
24 ulted in ventricular hypertrophy and dilation, supporting a functional requirement of the Nkx2.5+ car
25 regulatory activator from a different pathway, supporting a generalized cluster model for transcripti
26 lial clustering of MR exists in the community, supporting a genetic susceptibility common to primary
27 e of greater importance than the GPC receptor, supporting a hierarchy of erythrocyte receptor usage i
28 odification, cluster in the heme-binding site, supporting a hierarchy of vulnerable amino acids.
29 rated that Actr2 haploinsufficiency is lethal, supporting a hypomorphic or gain-of-function mechanism
30  heroin use increased among white individuals, supporting a link between the prescription opioid epid
31 th in HCM virtually limited to embolic stroke, supporting a low threshold for initiating anticoagulat
32 orylation and, thereby, of dopamine synthesis, supporting a major presynaptic role for D2S.
33  proliferation, survival, and differentiation, supporting a major role of Pum1 and Pum2 in hippocampa
34 ever, one-site linear DNA is a poor substrate, supporting a mechanism where CglI complexes must commu
35 nce time in FAs correlated with applied force, supporting a mechanosensitive model in which forces st
36 nt genes and is required for their expression, supporting a model for transcriptional switch between
37 discussed in relation to O-O cleavage in HCOs, supporting a model in which a peroxo intermediate serv
38 or collaborate with HslV in their degradation, supporting a model in which ATP hydrolysis and linked
39 nduced downstream of Draper in AD model flies, supporting a model in which glia engulf and destroy Ab
40 near progression through these subpopulations, supporting a model in which these three states corresp
41 ayed compared with the phosphorylation of AKT, supporting a model of negative feedback downstream of
42 contribute to schizophrenia risk in 22q11.2DS, supporting a multigenic hypothesis for schizophrenia.
43 lly at eisosome ends and not along their core, supporting a new model of the eisosome as a dynamic fi
44  ER stress and oxidative stress gene programs, supporting a novel mechanism by which ATF6 decreases m
45 HBoV mRNA but not DNA was associated with CAP, supporting a pathogenic role for HBoV in CAP.
46 ic patients alter NMDAR synaptic transmission, supporting a pathogenically relevant role.
47 mmon gardens and field rainfall manipulations, supporting a persistent effect of historical climate o
48  in nonsmall cell and small cell lung cancers, supporting a possible role of oxidation in p53 mutatio
49 al cancer but not F nucleatum-negative cancer, supporting a potential role for intestinal microbiota
50 hat tumor spheroids display filopodia in vivo, supporting a potential role for these protrusions duri
51 d ST and the prediction of the E-field models, supporting a potential role of these models in dosing
52 and poor prognosis in human pancreatic cancer, supporting a potential tumour-suppressive effect of th
53 cular mechanism of shell formation in C.gigas, supporting a refined shell formation model including c
54 characteristics of ALDH1A1-positive DA fibers, supporting a regional specific function of ALDH1A1 in
55 ompanying the transition between these states, supporting a role for actin structural plasticity duri
56 the production of IL-17, IL-13, and IFN-gamma, supporting a role for B cells functioning as antigen-p
57 creasing mRNA expression throughout pregnancy, supporting a role for DNA methylation in their regulat
58 ed with zygote formation in mating-cell pairs, supporting a role for elevated MAPK activity in succes
59  reversed the obesity and glucose intolerance, supporting a role for estrogen in SERT deficiency-asso
60           This effect was inhibited by BoNT/A, supporting a role for Gbetagamma/SNAP-25 interactions.
61 locus and decreased Gata3 and IL-4 expression, supporting a role for HOX5 proteins in direct transcri
62 al preference and higher Trait-Anxiety scores, supporting a role for PER3 in mood modulation.
63 ting fatty acid synthesis leads to cell lysis, supporting a role for ppGpp as a linchpin linking expa
64 red cellular responses to cisplatin treatment, supporting a role for SLC16A5 in the development of ci
65 G hydrolysis show spore wall assembly defects, supporting a role for TAG and/or its metabolites in sp
66 ranes were demonstrated by 3D reconstructions, supporting a role for the VMAPs in creating and/or sta
67 compared to BCNS individuals with high burden, supporting a role of UV exposure in driving BCC develo
68 at correlated with peak plasma concentrations, supporting a temporal association and dose-effect rela
69 recapitulate any of the precursor signs of AD, supporting a triggering contribution of LPS in AD that
70 r haplotypes of the surrounding CHRNA4 region, supporting a true overdominant effect at rs1044396.
71 ut phenotype is also in the Y-specific region, supporting a two-gene model for sex chromosome evoluti
72 have thus been shown to act as "aquatic noses," supporting a substantial revision of the current defi
73 bsequent temporal organization of memories [3], supporting a role in contextual binding.
74 evealed an increase in the immunolabeled area, supporting abnormally elevated excitatory input number
75   The dwindling groundwater resource of India, supporting almost one fifth of the global population a
76 on focality by 40-53% for ECT and 26% for MST, supporting amplitude individualization as a means of d
77 rapid sensitive quantification of NS1 and IgG (supporting an ability to distinguish primary and secon
78 ia nigra (SN) and ventral tegmental area (VTA), supporting an important function of tau in maintainin
79 and MS analysis after equimolar H2O2 addition, supporting an alternative electron transfer (ET) pathw
80 anied by reduced peripheral blood BDNF levels, supporting an association between the decreasing level
81    M344 also increases levels of immature APP, supporting an effect on APP trafficking, concurrent wi
82 and late endosomal compartments, respectively, supporting an impaired endocytic lipid antigen present
83 occipito-temporal cortex in people born blind, supporting an organization largely independent of any
84 videnced by recent rapid contraction in range, supporting an uplisting of the International Union for
85  exacerbated atherosclerotic lesion formation, supporting Arhgef1 activation in leukocytes as causal
86 d intracellular organization of muscle fibers, supporting BIN1 as a negative regulator of DNM2.
87 n B. subtilis cell walls and released enzymes, supporting both mechanisms of autolysis interference.
88 sses and an average spectral type of L1 +/- 1, supporting both theoretical predictions and model-depe
89 metry identified 47% less cBIN1-MPs in plasma, supporting cardiac origin.
90  monthly earnings (OR 0.83, 95% CI, 0.77-0.89), supporting children in school (OR 1.22, 95% CI 1.13-1
91 ormalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tumor tissue, supporting clinical applications for this methodology.
92 as donation than after living kidney donation, supporting clinical consequences from reduced endocrin
93 uction in response to CD200(+) leukemia cells, supporting clinical translation.
94 to estimate biophysical connectivity remotely, supporting coastal management in data-limited regions.
95  individuals with and without a need for care, supporting cognitive models of psychosis.
96 enable gap junction formation and homeostasis, supporting communication between adjacent cells.
97 ession of Sox2 and Sox19 in the telencephalon, supporting conserved roles for both genes in teleost b
98 nancy, almost 8%, lasted for 10 years or more, supporting continued surveillance after 5 years.
99 CSA were associated with worse birth outcomes, supporting differential effects of infection with spec
100 1 items loaded well (loading values 0.48-0.90), supporting distinguishable domains of (1) learning en
101 tormwater biofilters are dynamic environments, supporting diverse processes that act to capture and t
102 s desirable for assessing future disease risk, supporting early and accurate diagnosis, monitoring di
103  supporting transdisciplinary research; and d) supporting education and outreach efforts.
104 odomains between acidic and SR calcium stores, supporting emerging interpretations of NAADP physiolog
105 tosol at rates sufficient for DNA replication, supporting empirical data indicating that impaired nuc
106 ty risk in patients infected with Ebola virus, supporting empirical malaria treatment in ETUs.
107                   In the Hawaiian Archipelago, supporting evidence is primarily derived from underwat
108 the existence of additional genetic modifiers, supporting expanded, comprehensive genetic analysis of
109 ndard-diameter implants (SDIs) (4.0 to 4.5 mm) supporting fixed partial dentures (FPDs) in posterior
110 y indistinguishable from the clinical isolate, supporting for the first time the direct role of house
111 on exclusively as complementary, classic PRGs, supporting functional decoupling of elongation and seg
112 ed with increased mortality in acute HF, thus, supporting functional relevance of impaired CgA proces
113  the processing of fine-grained memory detail, supporting functional specialization of hippocampal-co
114  anti-PD-1 monotherapy in patients with NSCLC, supporting further assessment of this combination in a
115 o highly acceptable to this group of patients, supporting further evaluation in an appropriately powe
116 cally heterogeneous and begin among young MSM, supporting geographically focused and age-specific app
117  ALS mice may represent BSCB repair processes, supporting hBM34+ cell transplantation as a future the
118 ates these genes in ex vivo fracture cultures, supporting histological evidence that transdifferentia
119 d those responsible for scientific misconduct, supporting hypotheses that connect bias to situational
120 rgets TauT/SLC6A6, SMIT/SLC5A3, and AR/AKR1B1, supporting in vitro findings that the inflammatory mil
121 e interactions at the interpentamer interface, supporting increased stability.
122 studies have failed to reveal such a function, supporting instead a crucial role for SHH in promoting
123 ction of tension within faster-growing clones, supporting it by computer simulations based on a gener
124  metabolism and tumorigenesis in an LFS model, supporting its further consideration for cancer preven
125 d endoplasmic reticulum (ER) nascent proteins, supporting its general chaperone function.
126 gesic effect of Byrsonima cydoniifolia fruits, supporting its potential as a nutraceutical food.
127 stability in human and mouse liver microsomes, supporting its potential for in vivo use.
128 initiating ability and metastasis to the lung, supporting its pro-oncogenic function.
129 nated the control of purine synthetic enzymes, supporting its role in metabolic reprogramming.
130 le response rates, survival, and tolerability, supporting its therapeutic use in untreated metastatic
131 ng of [18F]GV1-57 in primate nasal epithelium, supporting its translational potential.
132  whatever the methods, adaptive or 41% SUVmax, supporting its use as a strong prognosticator in lymph
133 es can adopt a compact, native-like structure, supporting its use as a vaccine candidate.
134 arning is both a broad and flexible mechanism (supporting learning from different modalities across m
135 a for testing theoretical models of stability, supporting models that account for both repulsive inte
136  a histogenic origin and progression, however, supporting molecular characterization is limited.
137 o alpha/beta dimers formed by risk haplotypes, supporting molecular mimicry as the key mechanism of R
138 xtension of the neighboring perirhinal cortex, supporting object memory.
139 y in patients with advanced urothelial cancer, supporting ongoing phase 2 and 3 studies of pembrolizu
140  porous metallic nickel-iron nitride (Ni3 FeN) supporting ordered Fe3 Pt intermetallic nanoalloy.
141 elow the median (24% vs 8% at 1 year, P = .03), supporting our hypothesis of increased intestinal per
142 usly expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells, supporting our findings in DRG neurons.
143  II occupancy in DoG regions after heat shock, supporting our findings.
144  associated with facets of addictive behavior, supporting partial coincident neurological underpinnin
145 embling the vesicle-rich areas of Lewy bodies, supporting pathogenic relevance.
146 onary artery size favored the PDA stent group, supporting PDA stent as a reasonable alternative to BT
147 f urothelium is reversible by PPAR inhibition, supporting PPARs as targetable drivers of bladder canc
148 izes myosin's prepowerstroke structural state, supporting previous measurements showing that the drug
149 tochondrial volume in Tmem compared with Teff, supporting previous reports in acute infection.
150 al ratio gamma = gamma c = [Formula: see text], supporting previous theoretical predictions.
151 c boundary (separated by approximately 200 ky), supporting pulsatory intensity of CAMP volcanism acro
152 ing intracellular pools of purine nucleotides, supporting purine synthesis as a potential therapeutic
153 s alongside user-controlled statistical tests, supporting rapid statistical validation of observed re
154  regions show striking remodeling of H3K27me1, supporting roles for H3K36 and H3K27 methylation in re
155 ns experienced during infection of host cells, supporting roles in Histoplasma pathogenesis.
156 ndards, readily deployed in a single workflow, supporting seamless quantitative transition from MS to
157 f Prdm2 was associated with decreased H3K9me1, supporting that changes in Prdm2 mRNA levels affected
158 ced general morbidity in the following months, supporting that early MV receipt may improve the gener
159  fibroblast stiffness and collagen expression, supporting that FAK(Y397) hyperactivation may underlie
160  treatment to protect against influenza virus, supporting that heat-killed LAB may be developed as an
161 mic reticulum in triple seipin mutant embryos, supporting that SEIPINs are essential for maintaining
162 Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) CBL10 gene, supporting that the essential function of CBL10 is con
163 disassembly is not coupled to GTPase activity, supporting that the GTP energy is primarily spent in c
164 d animals, in the induction of detectable NAb, supporting that the identified 13B5 target sequence co
165  prophylactic vaccines at an individual level, supporting that wider implementation will help to redu
166 tively classified at a similarity level of 80%, supporting the view that a large number of rare and m
167 zard ratio, 0.83; 95% CI, 0.71-0.97; P = .022), supporting the cat-rs7216389 genotype interaction (ad
168 ed with adipose tissue insulin resistance (IR), supporting the current theory of lipotoxicity as a dr
169  pressures in nondependent regions (p < 0.027), supporting the idea of two different scenarios of ove
170 reatment of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), supporting the premise that evasion of immune destruc
171                                          Thus, supporting the adaptive nature of glycolytic cancer ce
172 s before they become visible to the naked eye, supporting the added value of this technique in the re
173 ecific UV absorbance of nitrosamines at 335nm, supporting the assumption that it is the main source o
174 y with changes in the bipolaron concentration, supporting the bipolaron model of unipolar organic mag
175  the survival of Leishmania under heat stress, supporting the central role of the chaperone function
176 , where HPV oncoproteins are highly expressed, supporting the clinical relevance of our observations
177 th previous studies using invasive techniques, supporting the concept of FD-NIRS/DCS as a promising t
178  in individuals with greater LV trabeculation, supporting the concept of hypertrabeculation being an
179  is observed upon prolonged serum deprivation, supporting the concept that ST6Gal-I confers a surviva
180  the kinetics of TNFalpha promoter activation, supporting the concept that TRIF-dependent signalling
181 ion origins in vivo but fails to cluster them, supporting the conclusion that Fkh1 and Fkh2 dimers pe
182  and prevents its prodifferentiation activity, supporting the conclusion that RIMA-dependent nuclear
183 n site mutations identified in primary tumors, supporting the confidence in their associations with s
184 d with degree of tissue inflammation in hosts, supporting the consideration of these traits as virule
185  sinus bradycardia and fragmented QRS complex, supporting the critical role of Slc26a6 in cardiac con
186  LPOs upon red (and processed) meat digestion, supporting the current hypotheses on the causal link b
187 development and homeostasis re-emerge in GSCs, supporting the development and progression of glioblas
188 odel reproduced the different disease courses, supporting the dynamic CNS damage hypothesis to explai
189 tein was found to localize to the chloroplast, supporting the existence of a GPD2-dependent plastid p
190  significantly more stable than the reactants, supporting the experimental characterization.
191 ovascular tufts in oxygen-induced retinopathy, supporting the feasibility of targeting RUNX1 in aberr
192 nzymes in both glycolysis and gluconeogenesis, supporting the formation of multienzyme complexes.
193 one ketimine was subjected to silylamide base, supporting the formation of radical species upon depro
194 he robust antiviral activity of N6-LS in vivo, supporting the further clinical development of this an
195 ate in bats without clinical signs of disease, supporting the general hypothesis of bats as ancestral
196 .7%; this percentage is higher in younger men, supporting the genetic basis of PSA levels.
197 esistance to various environmental conditions, supporting the growing evidence that macro-organisms m
198 ental windows increases ASD risk and severity, supporting the hypothesis of systemic elemental dysreg
199 e largest proportion of the reconstructed CPC, supporting the hypothesis that a CTC-CPC loop provides
200 dently acquired aerobic respiratory complexes, supporting the hypothesis that aerobic respiration evo
201 es with H2O2 catalyzed by manganese complexes, supporting the hypothesis that both reactions proceed
202  restore brood rearing by removing the screen, supporting the hypothesis that brood rearing status is
203 rgely absent in mrgpr-cluster Delta(-/-) mice, supporting the hypothesis that CQ evokes itch largely
204  SRRPs significantly reduced platelet binding, supporting the hypothesis that Fap1 binds this carbohy
205 gical state modified flavanol bioavailability, supporting the hypothesis that flavanol metabolism, an
206 ly connects autophagic and endocytic pathways, supporting the hypothesis that impaired endolysosomal
207 in other available datasets of similar nature, supporting the hypothesis that marine cyanobacteria an
208 m to each of these experimental perturbations, supporting the hypothesis that our actomyosin-driven m
209 ndicate that Cassiopea has a sleep-like state, supporting the hypothesis that sleep arose early in th
210 llations in inhibitory interneuronal circuits, supporting the hypothesis that tACS engages endogenous
211 act biofilm formation in neighboring microbes, supporting the hypothesis that these compounds may hav
212 xpression in vivo in EAE upon supplementation, supporting the hypothesis that vitamin D may modulate
213 during periods of acute allergic inflammation, supporting the idea of an impact of SAR on cognitive f
214     The notochord sheath mineralizes normally, supporting the idea of an osteoblast-independent mecha
215 lar to those of low-level visual aftereffects, supporting the idea that distance perception arises at
216 nded on the presence of cytochrome b and Cox3, supporting the idea that supercomplex assembly factors
217 protease in the antithrombin-protease complex, supporting the idea that the enhanced substrate reacti
218 antation models of MYC-driven lymphomagenesis, supporting the idea that the mutational inactivation o
219  fetal growth restriction in the chick embryo, supporting the idea that the protective effect of sild
220 d with ambulant patients and healthy controls, supporting the idea that TSP-1 levels are correlated w
221 normal levels of Ga2 but normal levels of Gb3, supporting the importance of analyzing Ga2, in additio
222 ated with ICD-treated ventricular arrhythmias, supporting the importance of NSVT in hypertrophic card
223 atment with antibiotics and hydrogen peroxide, supporting the importance of the protein-protein inter
224 observed higher GMPS expression in the latter, supporting the in vivo relevance of our findings.
225 an accelerated onset of the neural mechanisms, supporting the integration of semantic information wit
226 els of sporulation and enterotoxin production, supporting the involvement of AbrB repression in regul
227 iated structural and functional abnormalities, supporting the involvement of basal ganglia-thalamocor
228  well as in the mouse model of Chagas disease, supporting the involvement of TcAPx-CcP in pathogen vi
229 on of immediate early genes and their targets, supporting the likely involvement of an upstream epige
230 his boron reagent found second-order kinetics, supporting the likely relevancy of intermediates in th
231 ct in rodents of different genetic background, supporting the merit of anti-GRP78 drugs in treatment
232 hip of Remipedia, Cephalocarida, and Hexapoda, supporting the Miracrustacea hypothesis.
233 ks high affinity IMPalpha/beta1:C interaction, supporting the mode of its antiviral action to be thro
234 these factors to the liability for depression, supporting the multiplicative diathesis-stress model f
235 uggests a systematic bias in GOM measurements, supporting the need for further investigation of measu
236 reater than in the general working population, supporting the need to address the surgeons' physical
237 ery rates varied considerably among hospitals, supporting the need to better determine which care pro
238 ly a tiny proportion successfully metastasize, supporting the notion of metastasis-specific immune su
239 es maladaptive decision making in psychopathy, supporting the notion that reward system dysfunction c
240  to influence the expression of several genes, supporting the notion that risk haplotypes may harbour
241 steine residues of VKORL affects its activity, supporting the notion that the conserved loop cysteine
242 preconceptions about 'antimicrobial' peptides, supporting the notion that their role in biotic intera
243 od reveals a large number of unknown proteins, supporting the notion that there are major gaps in our
244 itory interface resulted in GSDMD aggregation, supporting the oligomerizing activity of these mutatio
245 ost recent common ancestor with Q. tomentella, supporting the paraphyly of Q. chrysolepis.
246 ociated protomer was also observed in neurons, supporting the physiological relevance of 5-HT2 recept
247 ized by a specific pattern of gene expression, supporting the physiological relevance of the concept
248 at RBK1 directly phosphorylates ROP4 and ROP6, supporting the possibility that RBK1 effects on auxin-
249 tients with MPNs are at increased risk of AMD, supporting the possibility that systemic inflammation
250 inc uptake by paddy rice in field experiments, supporting the possible involvement of DMA in zinc upt
251 h to ameliorate all hallmarks of AD pathology, supporting the potential clinical applicability of CpG
252 ed by positive selection for dim-light vision, supporting the predominate nocturnality of the ancestr
253 ntifies very homogeneous clusters of patients, supporting the presence of medulloblastoma subtypes.
254 odifies cold defence thermoeffector responses, supporting the presence of visceral thermoreceptors in
255 rs, active during early MTI, and WRKY factors, supporting the previously hypothesized existence of a
256 correlated with decreased translocation rates, supporting the proposal that base-stacking interaction
257 in African Americans with HIV or hypertension, supporting the proposal that genetic factors enhance F
258 erns of stem inclination in field experiments, supporting the proposition of self-organization of sta
259 grade flow of dorsal perinuclear actin cables, supporting the recently proposed function for the nucl
260 expression and endothelial hyperproliferation, supporting the relevance of this mechanism in vivo.
261 rolonged care during periods of prey scarcity, supporting the resource limitation hypothesis.
262 at a higher rate than effector T cell subsets, supporting the role of FA metabolism for Treg function
263 ce of non-specific electrostatic interactions, supporting the role of XRCC1 in nuclear cotransport of
264 improved antibiotic usage and appropriateness, supporting the routine incorporation of AAT into AMS p
265 ed laboratory and clinical parameters in APDS, supporting the specific inhibition of PI3Kdelta as a p
266 of nociception in the anaesthetised rat brain, supporting the specificity of this approach in the stu
267 PhzM and PhzS) necessary to produce pyocyanin, supporting the specificity of this biomarker.
268 ropoietic effect for RBPMS but not for GTF2E2, supporting the statistical fine-mapping at this locus
269 er 5 years was only 3.6% without chemotherapy, supporting the study of adjuvant endocrine monotherapy
270  augmented the intracellular level of miR-150, supporting the theory of sponging effects of FOXD3-AS1
271 ional, mathematical, and statistical thinking, supporting the training and education of the workforce
272 or have stability or batch variability issues, supporting the use of alternative binding proteins as
273 ded the daily risk of bleeding beyond 30 days, supporting the use of intensified platelet inhibition
274 the developing mouse and human lacrimal gland, supporting the use of mice to understand human develop
275 hip between amygdala anatomical substructures, supporting the use of network analysis techniques to g
276 mals, which are all larger than 35 kilometers, supporting the view of asteroids being born big.
277 cessing network, particularly anterior insula, supporting the view that pain empathy partly relies on
278 ms in the TAMs and their link to EAIS history, supporting the view that parts of the EAIS are vulnera
279 d RV5 are effective against rotavirus disease, supporting the World Health Organization recommendatio
280 iorly (details unobservable in modern insects), supporting their overall origin from the thoracic not
281 regulates tensins, which bind beta1-integrins, supporting their activity and promoting fibrillar adhe
282 ances in tumor versus adjacent normal samples, supporting their association with these cancers.
283 cal adhesion processes in tumors with high TF, supporting their increased invasive potential.
284 and determined that virus abundance increased, supporting their involvement in antiviral defense.
285  different receptors and alter their function, supporting their potential role in HHV-8 pathogenesis
286 er infective events, but not in severe sepsis, supporting their potential utility as an early interve
287 ells express the respective cognate receptors, supporting their role in directional induction of vasc
288 ant protein partners in the WNT5A interactome, supporting their role in skeletal development.
289 ed significantly lower intelligence quotients, supporting their strong functional impact.
290 whereas CXCL10 alone correlates with severity, supporting them as potential biomarkers for following
291 a yields a dissociation fraction of 65 +/- 15%, supporting theoretical models that LMH is an atomic m
292 of evidence ( in vivo , in vitro or in silico ) supporting these influence the predictions.
293 h is prevented with mTOR plus IGFR inhibitors, supporting this combination as a therapeutic approach
294  presence of glycine, rather than thioglycine, supporting this hypothesis.
295  end of DNA in RNase H2-deficient yeast cells, supporting this model.
296 cision analysis into alternatives analysis; c) supporting transdisciplinary research; and d) supporti
297 ibition of glycolysis via phosphofructokinase, supporting viability.
298 OR does not function as an authentic TM helix; supporting VKOR is a 3-TM protein, which is different
299 RHGEF3 also displays clear temporal stability, supporting widespread trans effects at this locus.
300  receiving natalizumab for multiple sclerosis, supporting yearly benefit-risk re-evaluation in clinic

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