


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1 und that aspects of the interleukin-2 (IL-2)-sensitive effector gene program in CD4(+) and CD8(+) T c
2 a an NO-dependent mechanism, whereas Ca(2+) -sensitive K(+) channels mediate FIV via an NO-independen
3                                      Ca(2+) -sensitive K(+) currents promote negative intracellular C
4          We investigated whether the Ca(2+) -sensitive nature of SK channels could explain arrhythmic
5  cardiac myocytes, there are several Ca(2+) -sensitive potassium (K(+) ) currents such as the slowly
6 ephosphorylation of eNOS in 5% O2 was Ca(2+)-sensitive and reversed by okadaic acid or PP2A-C siRNA.
7  been shown to require recruitment of Ca(2+)-sensitive enzymes to a nanodomain in the immediate vicin
8  cleave egress and invasion factors in a 49c-sensitive manner.
9 in m(6)A-facilitated mRNA translation, ABCF1-sensitive transcripts largely overlap with METTL3-depend
10  paper points is time-consuming and accident-sensitive.
11 s leaving groups, polyunsaturation, and acid-sensitive moieties, particularly polyenes prone to cycli
12 nsform aerolysin into a highly nucleic acids-sensitive nanopore.
13 he effects of JNK inhibition as an acyclovir-sensitive VZV isolate in neurons.
14 g recent efforts to start new Np-capable air-sensitive inorganic chemistry laboratories, the importan
15 ling of the OFC synaptome identified alcohol-sensitive proteins that control glutamate release (e.g.,
16  the subfornical organ (SFO) and aldosterone-sensitive neurons in the nucleus of the solitary tract (
17  thick ascending limb and in the aldosterone-sensitive distal nephron.
18                            IL-2- and alphaKG-sensitive CTCF sites in T cells were also associated wit
19 from developmental pathways that had alphaKG-sensitive expression in embryonic stem cells.
20 ism wherein CTCF serves to translate alphaKG-sensitive metabolic changes into context-dependent diffe
21 1 causes a significant decrease in amiloride-sensitive current.
22 ed in similar twofold increases in amiloride-sensitive ENaC current.
23 gnificantly increased responses of amiloride-sensitive but not amiloride-insensitive cells.
24 ogether, AR increased responses of amiloride-sensitive cells required ENaCalpha and ENaCdelta.
25 ate that, in the pentamer, three anaesthetic-sensitive rho1 subunits are needed to impart full effica
26 y laboratory (CML) provide more-precise and -sensitive tests, altering HAI detection in ways that may
27 5a caused a decrease in the load of antimony-sensitive and -resistant parasites, thus confirming that
28 issible than their contemporaneous antiviral-sensitive (AVS) counterpart.
29 t a reduction in SK channel-mediated, apamin-sensitive AHP is a critical contributing mechanism.
30 otential magnitude and the underlying apamin-sensitive IAHP are blunted in MNCs from HF rats.
31  a train of spikes and the underlying apamin-sensitive IAHP were blunted in MNCs from HF rats.
32 at is MOR stimulation-independent and APETx2-sensitive.
33 moting PP1alpha-MEK1/2 interaction in an ATP-sensitive manner.
34  of the bee antiviral immune response by ATP-sensitive inwardly rectifying potassium (KATP) channels.
35 se cotransporter SGLT1, or by closure of ATP-sensitive potassium channels after glucose metabolism.
36                              Sarcolemmal ATP-sensitive potassium channels (KATP channels) in cardiac
37               The Aux/IAA proteins are auxin-sensitive repressors that mediate diverse physiological
38 t spectrum imaging, low-dose mapping of beam-sensitive specimens, trace element analysis, and time-re
39 pound of Fe1+ySe1-xTex superconductors, bulk-sensitive neutron diffraction revealed an in-plane orien
40 ic hospitalization rates for ambulatory care-sensitive conditions (ACSCs) and whether income inequali
41 d 30-day postacute costs for ambulatory care-sensitive conditions (ACSCs).
42 graft model and in a patient with castration-sensitive prostate cancer.
43 natural history and transmission of cefixime-sensitive and cefixime-resistant strains of Neisseria go
44 uximab-resistant cells, we exposed cetuximab-sensitive colorectal cancer cells to cetuximab in three-
45 ctroscopy when coupled to a low-noise charge-sensitive preamplifier.
46 ssed TGS1 in the mutant plants, the chilling-sensitive phenotype was relieved, demonstrating that TGS
47 cid nanoparticles and delivered to cisplatin-sensitive and cisplatin-resistant A549-lung adenocarcino
48 th and well-being via its effects on climate-sensitive infectious diseases, potentially changing thei
49 stis sp. PCC 6803 leads to a unique high-CO2-sensitive phenotype.
50 exploitable mechanism that distinguishes CoB-sensitive and CoB-resistant T cell populations to reduce
51 o both an increase in the proportion of cold-sensitive neurons (CSNs) in DRGs contributing to the sci
52 arged substitutions resulted in null or cold-sensitive/small-plaque phenotypes.
53 d interactions, competitions between colicin-sensitive and producer cells were simulated using a nume
54 in structure to gain access to concentration-sensitive targets at high concentrations, while concentr
55         Here, we used several conformational-sensitive antibodies targeting G-protein coupled recepto
56  must be open-ended, systematic, and context-sensitive-that is, capable of interpreting numerous brai
57                    To this purpose, the cost-sensitive hybrid model (CSHM) and five conventional mach
58 hanisms: a fast, capacity-limited, and delay-sensitive WM process together with slower RL.
59 54-3p, shows conserved preference for dosage-sensitive genes on the Z Chromosome, based on computatio
60 ALS) in mouse it is clear that FUS is dosage-sensitive and effects arise from overexpression per se i
61 oided being overrun with genes encoding dose-sensitive subunits of multiprotein complexes.
62 t aggressively, effectively eliminating drug-sensitive target cells as quickly as possible.
63 h Africa, improvements in treatment for drug-sensitive and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis could red
64 entified about 58% of the estimated new drug-sensitive (DS) TB patients in 2016.
65 ighly effective against blood stages of drug-sensitive and -resistant P. falciparum strains, inhibits
66  In order to reach the remaining 42% of drug-sensitive patients and 83% of drug-resistant patients, i
67 ention scenarios: improved treatment of drug-sensitive tuberculosis; improved treatment of multidrug-
68 coprotein drug efflux pumps compared to drug-sensitive parent cells, demonstrating the ability of MEA
69                       A unique pH/redox dual-sensitive cationic unimolecular nanoparticle (NP) enabli
70  coating increased proliferation of estrogen-sensitive MCF7 cells.
71 karyotic cells, the soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor (NSF) attachment protein receptor (SNAR
72 main and the SNARE (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor activating protein receptor) protein sy
73                     Soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) pro
74 aves syntaxin 17, a soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) pro
75 n proteins [such as soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors (SNAREs)].
76 cytosis is a SNARE (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion attachment protein receptor)-dependent
77     Adiabatically prepared chemical exchange-sensitive spin-lock imaging was performed with a 7.0-T w
78 ntified mostly RNase H-resistant but exosome-sensitive RNAs that mapped to both DNA strands and resem
79 monstrate a dissociation between this FFR-f0-sensitive response in the right and an area in left audi
80 acteristics of GdPd3 are appealing for field-sensitive device applications, especially if the MR osci
81 uent and severe in the future, growing flood-sensitive plants in higher-diversity communities and in
82               Piezo1 is responsible for flow-sensitive non-inactivating non-selective cationic channe
83 genetic susceptibility interacts with folate-sensitive metabolic processes at the time of neural tube
84                     This pathway has a force-sensitive activation barrier and is significantly accele
85 pe II IFN, and the use of chimeric IFN-gamma-sensitive/resistant viruses indicates that interferon re
86                                    A glucose-sensitive signal transduction circuit involving the mTOR
87 e absent and violet-sensitive cone and green-sensitive cone opsin positive cells were present.
88 membrane properties that characterize CO2/H+-sensitive neurons from the locus coeruleus.
89 upled with accumulation of endoglycosidase H-sensitive IgM intracellularly, resembling the traffickin
90 g conditions changes the microbiome for heat-sensitive corals, but not for heat-tolerant corals growi
91       We show that tableting stabilizes heat-sensitive reagents and simplifies a broad range of assay
92 ed technicians, and facilities to store heat-sensitive reagents.
93  activation increases expression of the heat-sensitive TRPV1 ion channel and reduces expression of th
94 ed considerable attention in developing high-sensitive biosensors.
95 may be used as a versatile platform for high-sensitive label-free optical biosensing.
96 ment of ultrasensitive tests to measure high-sensitive troponin T (hs-TnT) serum levels revealed the
97 , and biomarker measurement (NT-proBNP, high-sensitive troponin-T, and growth-differentiation factor
98           Elevated levels of NT-proBNP, high-sensitive troponin-T, and growth-differentiation factor
99 ical detection system for a rapid and highly-sensitive quantification of salivary cortisol.
100 althy women (n = 7) decreased MCF-7 (hormone-sensitive) and MDA-MB-231 (hormone-insensitive) breast c
101 -site has antitumor activity against hormone-sensitive prostate cancer.
102 ipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL) and hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL).
103 res the phosphorylation of cytosolic hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) and perilipin 1 (Plin1) in the li
104 health efforts to reduce the risk of hormone-sensitive cancers and other non-communicable diseases.
105 cated by elevated phosphorylation of hormone-sensitive lipase and increased lipolysis.
106      Conversely, in models of CD133(neg), HT-sensitive cancer cells, both murine and human CAFs promo
107 ch are neural crest-derived, and the hypoxia-sensitive 'neuroepithelial cells' (NECs) of fish gills,
108      The evolutionary origins of the hypoxia-sensitive cells that trigger amniote respiratory reflexe
109 r K(+) conductance is both Ca(2+)- and pH i -sensitive.
110                                Both imatinib-sensitive and imatinib-resistant Kit (Kit(mut)) become f
111 istic intracellular accumulation of imatinib-sensitive and -resistant Kit protein is well documented,
112 e have demonstrated that these JAK inhibitor-sensitive cells are dependent on both JAK1 and STAT3 for
113 induced cell death in selected JAK inhibitor-sensitive cells.
114 iants that represent neuraminidase inhibitor-sensitive and -resistant subpopulations detected within
115 f, g, diabetes-associated protein in insulin-sensitive tissues (DAPIT), and the 6.8-kDa proteolipid.
116 nces insulin-mediated GU in multiple insulin-sensitive tissues and may explain, at least in part, the
117  portion had lower CO activity and fewer ITD-sensitive neurons.
118 t strain G19, and complemented the low-K(+) -sensitive phenotype of Arabidopsis akt1 mutant, indicati
119                              Currently, K(+)-sensitive electrodes and electrical measurements are the
120 orded SAM resulted in the production of a KI-sensitive sensor.
121 his regard, we discovered a novel blue light-sensitive current in human scWAT that is mediated by mel
122 on is to allow longitudinal imaging of light-sensitive cells with no phototoxicity and no photobleach
123  neural pathways relies on delivery of light-sensitive opsins into tissue and subsequent optical illu
124          A new member of the family of light-sensitive proteins called opsins has stirred up our view
125  a novel strategy, based on the use of light-sensitive, conjugated polymers.
126 for activating myosin VI by fusing the light-sensitive Avena sativa phototropin1 LOV2 domain to a pep
127    Enteric neural cells expressing the light-sensitive ion channel, channelrhodopsin, were isolated f
128 nism through rational insertion of the light-sensitive LOV2 domain that expands upon illumination.
129 structural changes that occur when the light-sensitive model histidine kinase YF1 is activated by blu
130 hotoconversion of a previously unknown light-sensitive, blue-shifted photocycle intermediate L (lambd
131 d PDE11A4 expression may represent a lithium-sensitive pathophysiology, because both C57BL/6J and Pde
132  computer science algorithm (called locality-sensitive hashing).
133 conditions are required to maximize malonate-sensitive ROS production by complex II in isolated mitoc
134  mRNA and protein, as well as a mechanically-sensitive inward non-selective cation current characteri
135 l and reduces expression of the mechanically-sensitive Piezo2 channel; thermal threshold is lower and
136           Thus, circadian clocks are mechano-sensitive, providing a potential mechanism to explain ho
137 ecifically, here we identify strata of MEcPP-sensitive stress-response cascades, among which we focus
138  (MRSA) over sensitive isolates (methicillin-sensitive S. aureus: MSSA).
139 hat PACE4 pre-mRNA undergoes DNA methylation-sensitive alternative splicing of its terminal exon 3' u
140 toxicity as its expression can rescue the Mn-sensitive phenotype of the Arabidopsis mtp11-3 knockout
141                           We do detect MNase-sensitive nucleosomes elsewhere in the genome, including
142 e have required the use of air- and moisture-sensitive catalysts and reagents, limiting both adoption
143 on induces functional mobilization of motion-sensitive visual cortex, resulting in enhanced perceptio
144                              Only the motion-sensitive area V5/PMLS shows no decrease, and even a sig
145  Consistent with the prevailing view, motion-sensitive regions and adjacent lateral occipitotemporal
146 s are rapidly converted from an initial Msp1-sensitive to an Msp1-resistant state.
147  consistent with suppression of a muscarinic-sensitive K(+)-current, or M-current.
148 strength diffusion and T1/T2-weighted myelin-sensitive magnetic resonance imaging to characterize mic
149 trient source supporting eutrophication in N-sensitive estuarine ecosystems.
150  respiratory droplets, and the neuraminidase-sensitive variant killed several of the infected and exp
151 oost vaccines protect against neutralization-sensitive but not neutralization-resistant virus variant
152 he Ad/Env vaccine blocks both neutralization-sensitive and neutralization-resistant SIVsmE660 variant
153           Nitric oxide (NO) activates the NO-sensitive soluble guanylate cyclase (NO-GC, sGC) and tri
154 r function of mice lacking one of the two NO-sensitive guanylate cyclase isoforms [NO-GC1 knockout (K
155 pathways between drug sensitive and drug non-sensitive cell lines, and the results are presented as a
156                           Using a novobiocin-sensitive Escherichia coli strain with a leaky outer mem
157 the syntheses of these base- and nucleophile-sensitive natural products, we conduct carefully orchest
158 novel regulatory connection between nutrient-sensitive glycosylation and NRF2 signaling and provide a
159                      In developing nutrition-sensitive agriculture, the nutritional quality of cereal
160 ygenic phototrophic bacteria use BchE, an O2-sensitive [4Fe-4S] cluster protein, whereas plants, cyan
161 n the membrane directly from the orientation-sensitive (19)F-NMR signal.
162 luenza A viruses, including both oseltamivir-sensitive and -resistant strains.
163 -30) less transmissible than its oseltamivir-sensitive counterpart.
164 3-5) more transmissible than its oseltamivir-sensitive predecessor and the oseltamivir-resistant pand
165 er continuous EGFR inhibition in osimertinib-sensitive cells.
166                      TonEBP/NFAT5 is an osmo-sensitive transcription factor that controls expression
167  60 s), activity-dependent, TTX- and ouabain-sensitive, hyperpolarization ( approximately 5 mV), whic
168  between heme-free, ferric, and nitric oxide-sensitive ferrous sGC in cells and tissues, we propose t
169 llow beneficial effects of both nitric oxide-sensitive guanylyl cyclase activation and inhibition of
170 vels of ROS and increased survival of oxygen-sensitive commensal bacteria (Faecalibacterium prausnitz
171 understood mechanisms mediated by the oxygen-sensitive transcription factor hypoxia-inducible factor
172 ntly described class of NAADP- and PI(3,5)P2-sensitive Ca(2+)-permeable cation channels in the endoly
173 ining conformist social learning with payoff-sensitive individual reinforcement (updating of experien
174 from the stable native state to perturbation-sensitive forms and modulate their stability to bestow t
175 eable tags in the extracellular domain; a pH-sensitive pHlourin tag or a HaloTag to facilitate dye at
176 noparticle (NP) formulation coated with a pH-sensitive polymer to enable the controlled generation of
177             In this study, a storage- and pH-sensitive hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) p
178 ta1 integrins containing an extracellular pH-sensitive pHluorin tag allow direct visualization of int
179  Glu-61) in these domains may be sites of pH-sensitive interactions, and variants E31A and E61A show
180          Here we describe "semisynthetic" pH-sensitive protein conjugates with organic fluorophores,
181                           In one species, pH-sensitive triplex DNA bonds enable parent-daughter templ
182 les and that this selectivity is strongly pH-sensitive, with maximal activity at pH 5 and little acti
183 of the MVB, not the vacuole, by targeting pH-sensitive machinery downstream of the Rab-GTPase Ypt7 ne
184 osan derivative called ZWC (Z) to trigger pH-sensitive drug release.
185 istration of cGAMP, delivered by an ultra-pH-sensitive nanoparticle (NP; PC7A), in human PBMCs induce
186 utrophils are required to control both phage-sensitive and emergent phage-resistant variants to clear
187 redicts that colonies formed solely by phage-sensitive bacteria can survive because the growth of bac
188 s and, importantly, colonies of mostly phage-sensitive members.
189  activity, LARP1 serves as a phosphorylation-sensitive molecular switch for turning off or on RP mRNA
190 lation likely accrues from a phosphorylation-sensitive nuclear localization sequence located in the P
191                               However, photo-sensitive molecules inside cells and in standard cell cu
192 etween piperaquine-resistant and piperaquine-sensitive parasite lines.
193 or samples containing both proteinase K (PK)-sensitive and PK-resistant PrP(Sc) and samples containin
194  were aged 18 years or older, had a platinum-sensitive, high-grade serous or endometrioid ovarian, pr
195 ll death in primary patient-derived platinum-sensitive and platinum- resistant ovarian cancer cells a
196  an NPBC in patients with partially platinum-sensitive OC.
197 atients with high-grade, recurrent, platinum-sensitive ovarian carcinoma.
198 entify patients with BRCA wild-type platinum-sensitive ovarian cancers who might benefit from rucapar
199 cal efficacy trial in patients with platinum-sensitive or platinum-resistant relapsed SCLC.
200 new standard of care for women with platinum-sensitive ovarian cancer following a complete or partial
201 sion-free survival in patients with platinum-sensitive ovarian cancer who had achieved a response to
202 mulation to all-comer patients with platinum-sensitive, relapsed high-grade serous ovarian cancer.
203               Spectral imaging with polarity-sensitive fluorescent probes enables the quantification
204                The first paper-based polyion-sensitive optodes are reported.
205 strain of the biotype Classical is polymyxin-sensitive.
206 een lateral prefrontal cortex and the profit-sensitive region of dorsal striatum.
207 with that of rASIC3 did not produce a proton-sensitive ion channel.
208 and ASIC4, nmrASIC3 forms functional, proton-sensitive heteromers with other ASIC subunits.
209 ithelial cell numbers with age was radiation-sensitive only in males, and other characteristics inclu
210  reversibly switchable between blue- and red-sensitive, and green- and NIR-responsive.
211 ythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) is a redox-sensitive transcription factor that is the key regulator
212 oline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 (PYK2), a redox-sensitive tyrosine kinase, directly phosphorylates and i
213 actide-co-glycolide) polymeric core by redox-sensitive disulfide bond, while TET was physically capsu
214  activation was dependent on essential redox-sensitive cysteine and lysine residues within N-terminus
215 oxazoles is compatible with a range of redox-sensitive functional groups.
216                  Two-photon imaging of redox-sensitive GFP corroborated the finding that mitochondria
217  production resulted in disturbance of redox-sensitive signaling including Akt and MAPKs pathways.
218 thionylation have fueled discussion of redox-sensitive signaling.
219           Here, we present a record of redox-sensitive uranium from the central equatorial Pacific Oc
220       Here we present iron-speciation, redox-sensitive trace element, and nitrogen isotope data from
221                          Magnetic relaxation-sensitive nanoparticles (MRNPs) are used in a novel fash
222 rtical areas via the projections from reward-sensitive dopaminergic neurons of the midbrain ventral t
223 aking processes, resulting in a novel reward-sensitive hyperflexible phenotype, which might reflect v
224    Patients with newly diagnosed, rifampicin-sensitive, previously untreated pulmonary tuberculosis w
225 ontribute to renal sodium retention and salt-sensitive hypertension is unknown.
226 vant for kidney sodium reabsorption and salt-sensitive hypertension.
227 Z8 locus in salt-tolerant Nonabokra and salt-sensitive IR64 rice varieties.
228 ential therapeutic target to counteract salt-sensitive conditions.
229 sodium handling and the pathogenesis of salt-sensitive hypertension.
230 e of yeast strain CY162, suppressed the salt-sensitive phenotype of yeast strain G19, and complemente
231                              Vulnerable salt-sensitive populations may have in common underlying endo
232                    We identify the screening-sensitive bandgap renormalization for MoS2 monolayer/gra
233                                Semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase (SSAO) catalyses oxidative deami
234 ectrically excitable, and modulate serotonin-sensitive primary afferent nerve fibers via synaptic con
235  for rationalizing previous reports on shape-sensitive catalytic properties.Redox processes in metal
236 d methamphetamine taking in some rats (shock-sensitive, SS) but not in others (shock-resistant, SR).
237 ion into the lamina densa of the GBM is size-sensitive.
238  silenced TYRO3 expression in both sorafenib-sensitive and sorafenib-resistant Huh-7 cells, inhibitin
239                 In summary, JB12 is a stress-sensitive Hsp40 whose degradation during severe ER stres
240 xperience-dependent re-programming of stress-sensitive hypothalamic neurons, which takes place throug
241 We provide an RNA-seq roadmap for the stress-sensitive vDG.
242         Second, cation effects are structure-sensitive, as the onset potential for C2H4 formation dep
243         Thus, potential-dependent, structure-sensitive cation effects help steer the selectivity towa
244  back nevi, presence of many freckles, a sun-sensitive phenotypic index, and prior amelanotic melanom
245                     Using UV-vis and surface-sensitive IR spectroelectrochemical techniques, two diff
246            The development of highly surface-sensitive measurement approaches to monitor protein adso
247        Tamoxifen-resistant but not tamoxifen-sensitive patient ER(+) breast cancer specimens also dem
248  defined by increased expression of tartrate-sensitive prostatic acid phosphatase as a broadly acting
249                                         A TB-sensitive cash transfer approach to increase all poor ho
250 then their economic resilience (termed a "TB-sensitive" approach).
251  transfers, and estimated TB-specific and TB-sensitive target populations.
252 with SQ22536 and incubation of a temperature-sensitive ACA mutant at the restrictive temperature prev
253  for extragenic suppressors of a temperature-sensitive fission yeast strain mutated in the exocyst su
254 of highly transcribed genes in a temperature-sensitive mutant of Clp1 at elevated temperature.
255 NS1-V194I protein demonstrated a temperature-sensitive phenotype, further attenuating the virus in vi
256 rosophila suzukii, by creating a temperature-sensitive point mutation in the sex-determination gene,
257              Here, we isolated a temperature-sensitive virescent (tsv) mutant that is extremely sensi
258     The mutant phenotype is also temperature-sensitive.
259 tudy reports that metastable and temperature-sensitive chemically exfoliated MoS2 (ce-MoS2 ) can be m
260 Further, doxorubicin delivery by temperature-sensitive liposomes can reliably cure local cancer in mo
261 ly tolerated, conferring extreme temperature-sensitive and lethal phenotypes.
262 egulate their volume in a highly temperature-sensitive manner.
263 y, we find that previously known temperature-sensitive splicing mutants become lethal in the presence
264 riptome analysis reveals a major temperature-sensitive node of SA signalling, impacting 60% of benzo
265 been previously described in non-temperature-sensitive forms of congenital ichthyosis (Arg143Cys, Gly
266  understanding the phenotypes of temperature-sensitive Sgt1 mutants and for linking Skp1-associated p
267 the generation of a recombinant, temperature-sensitive H3N8 CIV as a live-attenuated influenza vaccin
268 e functional conformation of the temperature-sensitive mutant cystic fibrosis channel (F508-CFTR) at
269 kely to increase the rate of the temperature-sensitive processes that decompose stored organic carbon
270             Rhodopsin (RH1), the temperature-sensitive visual pigment mediating dim-light vision, off
271 le except for P2(Min), a variant temperature-sensitive at 33 and 39.5 degrees C.
272  enhanced in tumors treated with temperature-sensitive liposomal doxorubicin and ultrasound hyperther
273           These results suggest that texture-sensitive activity in the primary somatosensory cortex a
274 control tumour burden by maintaining therapy-sensitive cells to exploit their competition with resist
275 cally translatable for patients with therapy-sensitive and therapy-resistant breast cancers.
276                                 The thiazide-sensitive Na(+)/Cl(-) cotransporter (NCC) is activated b
277 he view that hyperactivation of the thiazide-sensitive sodium-chloride cotransporter (NCC) in the dis
278  in the intensive care unit could alter time-sensitive decisions about withholding life-sustaining th
279   A selection of metabolites, including time-sensitive metabolites involved in energy regulation in t
280 ansports after a fall and the number of time-sensitive conditions in nontransported patients.
281  stages of the polio end game and other time-sensitive vaccine introduction programs.
282               Overexpressing HOTAIR in TRAIL-sensitive cells attenuated TRAIL-induced apoptosis, and
283 wed that compared to untreated and treatment-sensitive tumors, treatment sensitive tumors yield a dis
284                 Here we demonstrate an ultra-sensitive microfabricated platform that achieves (129)Xe
285 quency (BF) QEPAS that can be used for ultra-sensitive calibration-free trace-gas detection and fast
286 ear spin applications benefitting from ultra-sensitive detection, long coherences, and simple instrum
287          We had previously found that upward-sensitive T4 cells implement both preferred direction en
288 ize well the responsive behavior of the urea-sensitive hydrogel subject to the urea stimulus, includi
289 of tier 2 autologous titers versus tier 1 V3-sensitive titers than BG505 SOSIP.664.
290 s with respect to characterizations of value-sensitive, spatially selective activity found in sensori
291  opsin positive cells were absent and violet-sensitive cone and green-sensitive cone opsin positive c
292                                      Voltage-sensitive dye imaging experiments in primary visual cort
293                                      Voltage-sensitive dye optical imaging verified functional, bilat
294    Rhodol VoltageFluor-5 (RVF5) is a voltage-sensitive dye with improved 2P cross-section for use in
295 nish the fluorescence of a PeT-based voltage-sensitive dye, or VoltageFluor.
296 icator is based on the Gallus gallus voltage-sensitive phosphatase with the phosphatase domain remove
297 age sensor of the Ciona intestinalis voltage-sensitive phosphatase, against experimental data.
298 ic signal transduction itself is not voltage-sensitive, but that depolarization facilitates rapid cyc
299                              We used voltage-sensitive dye optical imaging and somatosensory and moto
300  (L)-, middle (M)-, and short (S)-wavelength-sensitive cones in the human parafovea (1.5 degrees ecce

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