


コーパス検索結果 ( left1)

1                                   Based on our prior studies, which indicated that carcinogen-induced DNA mutations enhan
2                Readers pursued polyps in 97% of observations, which indicated that errors during interpretation of 3D thr
3                This finding contrasts with the original data, which indicated that cycle 2 values were lower for all age
4          The viruses were compared in vitro by growth curves, which indicated that rMV(EZ)EGFP(1) was overattenuated.
5      Neither precursors nor AsOs affected CYP2C8 mRNA levels, which indicated that the effect was post-transcriptional.
6      Over 60% of detected miRNAs had no discernible activity, which indicated that the functional 'miRNome' of a cell is
7  between serum from saline-treated and morphine-treated mice, which indicated that reduced proteolytic ability mediated t
8  breakfast condition (P = 0.04) on total daily energy intake, which indicated that on the day when the subjects did not e
9  characterization of phenolic acids and flavonoids of pawpaw, which indicated that the predominant polyphenolic compounds
10  in the liver immunostained for CCR1, CCR2, CXCR1, and CXCR2, which indicated that up-regulated messenger RNA was appropr
11  of basic amino acids that form a common ligand binding site, which indicated that these interactions are predominantly e
12  these data, we simulated nucleic acid replication in silico, which indicated that a primer suffering an initial error wo
13  was severely compromised under conditions of FtsZ depletion, which indicated that CrgA localizes to the midcell region a
14 % and a decomposition temperature of 320.16+/-0.35 degrees C, which indicated that there was good thermal stability of th
15 Acetaldehyde and acrolein coeluted with other wine compounds, which indicated that difficulties could arise if only one-d
16 alidated by direct myristoylation and palmitoylation studies, which indicated that the residue at position 5 regulates th
17 assette gene-trap reporter driven from the STOML1 gene locus, which indicated that STOML1 is expressed in at least 50% of
18 atients and had substantial agreement with clinical outcomes, which indicated that this quantitative measure has the pote
19 between Met/Met, Met/Val, and Val/Val carriers in each group, which indicated that the BDNF Val66Met SNP did not affect p
20 bsurface temperatures showed seasonal and diurnal variations, which indicated that the submillimeter radiation originated
21 c model was developed to describe the predominant mechanisms, which indicated that both the undissociated and monodissoci
22 ce of GAPDH-overexpressing cells to DNA damage and apoptosis, which indicated that Ape1 is indispensable for GAPDH-depend
23 d quadratic (gamma20 = 0.43; P < .01) terms were significant, which indicated that depressive symptoms were highest in yo
24 e confirmed by chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) analysis, which indicated that the agonist-bound receptor was recruit
25 e outside the right boundaries of 95% CIs in the >50-y group, which indicated that Elia's study overestimated K(i) values
26 ectrogenic bacteria that were fully acclimated within 3 days, which indicated that this self-powered sensor can be quickl
27 een populations, sexes, body size or among release locations, which indicated that intrapopulation variability in migrato
28 erved among human, simian, feline, and ungulate lentiviruses, which indicated that these epitopes are evolutionarily cons
29 f the ILC program, including genes that are targets of Notch, which indicated that TOX is a key determinant of early spec
30 he presence of UVM-7-SH suggested non-competitive inhibition, which indicated that the material interacted with the enzym
31 ic carbon correlations by principal components analysis (PCA), which indicated that four components explain 90% of the va
32 ion of 8 to give 9 was studied by online NMR and chiral HPLC, which indicated that one of the enantiomers of 8 was reduci
33 ite different within the three exhaustively aerated attempts, which indicated that gaseous composition was not the only f
34 m European countries and selected metropolitan areas in 2004, which indicated that the dilution capacity was likely excee
35 morphology of avenaciolide-treated cells was protoplast-like, which indicated that cell wall biosynthesis was interrupted
36 n FF and liking for both vegetables (-0.65) and fruit (-0.43), which indicated that a substantial proportion of the genes
37 nhibited binding of both full-length C2 and its C2b fragment, which indicated that Eap disrupts formation of the CP/LP C3
38 of genotype for any cellular markers of endothelial function, which indicated that effects of fish-oil supplementation we
39 R for children in the CSB group was 0.85 (95% CI: 0.73, 0.99), which indicated that they had 15% lower recovery (P = 0.03
40 rgely retained in the absence of cytoplasmic polyadenylation, which indicated that selective poly(A)-tail shortening prim
41 rs of myeloid progenitor cells were present in Nr4a1-/- mice, which indicated that the defect occurred during later stage
42 t, and transferrin and transferrin receptors decreased later, which indicated that early increases in body iron stores oc
43 tion of the common, rare and private LoF variants identified, which indicated that most of the private and rare variants
44 tivity and with results from limited proteolysis experiments, which indicated that the mutants' substrate binding domains
45 tochondrial deubiquitinases, yeast ScUBP16 and human HsUSP30, which indicated that these proteins are functional ortholog
46 unctional region of IL27 and CAD in a Chinese Han population, which indicated that IL-27 might only be an inflammatory ma
47 ver, remained sensitive to both channel opener and inhibitor, which indicated that Cys(176) is not a general gating site
48 vitro by using EPR and surface plasmon resonance experiments, which indicated that interaction with DNA is mediated exclu
49 with MOBKL1B siRNA was actually due to off-target inhibition, which indicated that the initial finding of virus replicati
50 xpression or TGF-beta receptor kinase activity, respectively, which indicated that 2.2.15 cells responded appropriately t

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