


コーパス検索結果 ( left1)

1 mpared to the GFP group, cells from BMP group showed >1,000-fold higher BMP-2 release, and the majority of them stained i
2   However, bacterial lysis typically requires at least a 10-fold higher electric field ( approximately 10 kV/cm), resulti
3     The increased Th17 induction and the correspondingly 10-fold higher CT B subunit-specific serum IgG response in IgA(-
4  values from less than 0.2 to greater than 0.7 IU/ml had 10-fold higher tuberculosis incidence rates than those who maint
5                               These values are 5-fold to 10-fold higher than previously reported values in population stu
6 the ephrin (EPH) family of tyrosine kinase receptors was 10-fold higher in primary tumors of metastatic colorectal than i
7 lacked this inhibitor, and its affinity for legumain is 100-fold higher than that of cystatin C.
8 n in plasma, while THC concentrations in the lymph were 100-fold higher than in plasma.
9             Notably, concentrations of PARP inhibitor >1000-fold higher than the IC50 were required to ablate both ADP-ri
10 the hybrid construct after perforation was approximately 15-fold higher than before, and light transmittance increased gr
11 n 30 days, CABG patients had a 25-fold, a 26-fold, and a 18-fold higher risk of dying from myocardial infarction, heart f
12  converge in indicating a stabilization energy at pH 5.0, 2-fold higher than that observed at pH 8.0.
13                                         Risk of IBS was 4.2-fold higher in patients who had infectious enteritis in the p
14        Insects injected with Diap1 dsRNA have approx. 1.5-2-fold higher levels of caspase activity than controls 24 hours
15 fold higher risk of cardiac or sudden cardiac death and a 2-fold higher risk of any-cause death.
16 th a 1.4-fold higher risk of occupational accidents and a 2-fold higher risk of termination of employment compared with t
17 s gordonii and Streptococcus sanguinis, which were 5- and 2-fold higher, respectively, in the caries-free group.
18 LT2i initiation was also associated with an approximately 2-fold higher risk of below-knee lower extremity amputation (0.
19 least 4-fold higher than that of Pol mu and approximately 2-fold higher than that of Pol lambda.
20            Biochemically, Rrh(-/-) mice had approximately 2-fold higher vitamin A (all-trans-retinol (all-trans-ROL)) in
21 MT4 released malate from the roots constitutively and had 2-fold higher malate concentrations in the xylem sap than nulls
22 tals in the highest quartile of delayed fixation suffered 2-fold higher rates of pulmonary embolism (2.6% versus 1.3%; ra
23 lthough not statistically significant, rates of BPAR were 2-fold higher in patients administered belatacept every 8 weeks
24 c73(+/-) mice had increased proliferation rates that were 2-fold higher than in Cdc73(+/+) mice (P<0.05).
25                    CBD concentrations in the lymph were 250-fold higher than in plasma, while THC concentrations in the l
26 ghest increase was found in brain, which contained about 26-fold higher genomic 5-hydroxymethyluracil levels than the wil
27                      The risk of all second cancers was 1.3-fold higher for HL survivors with a first-degree relative wit
28 in those who had not (95% CI, 3.1-5.7); risk of IBS was 2.3-fold higher in individuals who had infectious enteritis more
29           The expression of AT1 Rb mRNA is approximately 30-fold higher than AT1 Ra in whole cerebral arteries and approx
30 n this nationwide cohort, syncope was associated with a 1.4-fold higher risk of occupational accidents and a 2-fold highe
31 hites in the highest quintile for TMAO (>/=135 muM) had a 4-fold higher risk of cardiac or sudden cardiac death and a 2-f
32  intramolecular searching ability of Pol beta is at least 4-fold higher than that of Pol mu and approximately 2-fold high
33 than AT1 Ra in whole cerebral arteries and approximately 45-fold higher in isolated cerebral artery smooth muscle cells.
34          Muscle alpha-tocopherol concentration was over 3.5-fold higher in supplemented samples than in control lambs.
35 aller amplicon assay result was 2.6-fold, 3.4-fold, and 6.5-fold higher than the longer amplicion result (P < .001).
36  of bound non-conductive enzymes, the EAPC anode showed 1.7-fold higher electron transfer rate than the CA anode.
37 inhibitory concentration 50% (IC50) of NSC319726 was 35-800-fold higher than the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration 50% (MI
38 e-enriched compared to those from IL5tg mice, including 800-fold higher levels of eotaxin-1.
39 in the highest versus lowest TMAO quartile had a crude 1.86-fold higher mortality risk (Ptrend < 0.001).
40 la HOT 780 and Porphyromonas HOT 284, which were 4.6- and 9-fold higher, respectively, in the S-ECC group, and Streptococ
41 erved elevated 12-oxo phytodienoic acid (OPDA), which was 9-fold higher in VMW than VMG.
42 elenate uptake rate for S. pinnata (1 h) was three- to four-fold higher than for nonhyperaccumulators, and not significan
43 ne production peaked in the oxic layers and was up to seven-fold higher in smooth than pustular mats.
44 that are comparable to those of known oncogenes and are ten-fold higher than those of random genes.
45 igh level of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) due to their thousands-fold higher cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression than immune c
46 ts nucleotide diversity is moderate (pi = 0.3%), only three-fold higher than in human.
47 ge of skin vaccination over intramuscular delivery of a two-fold higher vaccine dose.
48 us excitatory postsynaptic currents (sEPSCs) three- and two-fold higher, respectively, than those of adapting neurons.
49                       Use of neuropsychiatric drugs was two-fold higher at baseline in the RYGB cohort (22.8% vs 10.9%) a
50                      The 28-day all-cause mortality was two-fold higher when procalcitonin did not show a decrease of mor

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