


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              13C and 15N MAS spectra of both nanocrystals and fibrils
2                                              13C detected 2D 13C-13C spectroscopy is performed in the
3                                              13C flux analysis studies have become an essential compo
4                                              13C isotropic chemical shifts and backbone (phi, psi) to
5                                              13C labeling has been shown to greatly minimize matrix e
6                                              13C labeling studies performed in G. sulfurreducens indi
7                                              13C metabolic flux analysis (13C-MFA) has been widely us
8                                              13C NMR and stopped-flow kinetic experiments reveal that
9                                              13C relaxivity in C60 induced by nitroxide has also been
10                                              13C steady-state metabolic flux analysis showed that oxi
11                                              13C-13C Spin-spin coupling constants (JCC) have been mea
12                                              13C-Based metabolic flux analysis provides valuable info
13                                              13C-Glucose was dissolved in the test meal and 13CO2 det
14                                              13C-Isotopologue compositions of amino acids from bacter
15 sotope effects (AKIEs) of 1.0070 +/- 0.0002 (13C-AKIE, oxidation), 1.068 +/- 0.001 (13C-AKIE, S(N)2),
16 0002 (13C-AKIE, oxidation), 1.068 +/- 0.001 (13C-AKIE, S(N)2), and 1.0087 +/- 0.0002 (37Cl-AKIE, S(N)
17  amines directly in aqueous medium with 1,1'-13C(2) acetic anhydride is a simple method that creates
18 isotopic enrichment is higher than 99% for 1-13C (Phe), 2-2H (Phe), and 3,4-15N2 (cytidine), 93% for
19 ization of approximately 20% in seconds in 1-13C-succinic-d2 acid.
20 m the (13)C incorporation from of infused [1-13C] glucose into glutamate [4-13C] relative to alanine
21 S, SPS, respectively) by incorporation of [1-13C]proline (using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry)
22 intermediates formed with the substrates, [1-13C]ethanolamine, [2-13C]ethanolamine, and unlabeled eth
23 e and exchange interactions as well as the 1-13C hyperfine splitting tensor were analyzed via spectra
24  the molecular addition of parahydrogen to 1-13C-fumaric acid-d2 and the subsequent transfer of spin
25                 Feeding experiments using (1-13C)Glc followed by analysis of labeling patterns by 13C
26 ps were performed on separate days, using [1-13C]glucose infusion to increase plasma 13C enrichment.
27 g in EPR spectra of samples prepared with [1-13C]ethanolamine and the absence of such splitting in sp
28 ning, leveraging data from approximately 100 13C-MFA papers on heterotrophic bacterial metabolisms.
29                           Approximately 100% 13C-labeled graphite was made and converted to 13C-label
30 r correlation experiments involving 1H, 11B, 13C, 19F, 29Si, and 31P nuclei.
31                                  A large 12C/13C (k(12C)/k(13C)) isotope effect of approximately equa
32 n of cyclohexenone, while a much smaller 12C/13C isotope effect of 1.010 was observed at the C2 (alph
33                                   Carbon-13 (13C) solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (SSNMR) spec
34 in-spin couplings 13Calpha-1Halpha, 13Calpha-13C', 15N-13C', and 15N-1HNu.
35 uplings 13Calpha-1Halpha, 13Calpha-13C', 15N-13C', and 15N-1HNu.
36 equence and exploiting differences in 1J 15N-13C coupling patterns to filter selected 15N resonances
37              Two-dimensional 13C-13C and 15N-13C solid state NMR spectra of a uniformly 15N- and 13C-
38 ed at specific sites and two-dimensional 15N-13C and 13C-13C NMR spectra of samples that are uniforml
39 that allowed only the fungus access to a 15N/13C-labeled organic patch; in some cases, one plant was
40           The experiments are applied to 15N/13C/2H/[Leu,Val]-methyl-protonated IIBMannose, a protein
41 o acids in the B chain were labeled with 15N/13C.
42 ide chain, including isotope reporters (19F, 13C) that can be used in biophysical experiments such as
43                                          1H, 13C, and 15N resonance assignments revealed very similar
44  region of two-dimensional heteronuclear 1H, 13C NMR spectra of natural organic matter and related ma
45 ches the data reported for neopeltolide (1H, 13C, HRMS, IR, NOESY, [alpha]), thereby establishing the
46 mbines the experimental determination of 1H, 13C, and 15N chemical shifts by magic-angle spinning (MA
47 conductor nanocrystals was studied using 1H, 13C, and 31P NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry.
48                                           1H-13C correlations of target analytes at < or = 25 microg/
49 n example we measured a natural abundance 1H-13C HSQC spectrum of metabolites from granulocyte cell e
50 oved to be superior for detecting analyte 1H-13C correlations.
51                           Two-dimensional 1H-13C HSQC (heteronuclear single quantum correlation) and
52 es, we have recorded ultrahigh-resolution 1H-13C HSQC NMR spectra of cell extracts, which exhibit spe
53  allows recording of ultrahigh resolution 1H-13C HSQC spectra in a fraction of the time needed for re
54            We show that a high-resolution 1H-13C HSQC spectrum with 4k complex increments recorded li
55  the hydroxyphenyl ring determined by the 1H-13C DIPSHIFT experiment indicate that the bond between t
56 ned in the medium and cell extract using 1H-{13C}-NMR.
57            The subjects were administered [2-13C]acetate for 2 hours and scanned throughout that time
58 with the substrates, [1-13C]ethanolamine, [2-13C]ethanolamine, and unlabeled ethanolamine were acquir
59 ability and fractional absorption of R-(+)[2-13C]equol were higher than those of S-(-)[2-13C]equol or
60      The pharmacokinetics of racemic (+/-)[2-13C]equol were different from those of the individual en
61 -13C]equol were higher than those of S-(-)[2-13C]equol or the racemate.
62 tting in spectra of samples prepared with [2-13C]ethanolamine show that the unpaired electron is loca
63                              13C detected 2D 13C-13C spectroscopy is performed in the usual manner.
64 temperature-jump methods to develop a new 2D 13C-13C NMR experiment that yields a factor of 100-170 i
65              Detection using either 1D or 2D 13C NMR experiments produces highly resolved spectra wit
66                       In this study, 1H, 2H, 13C, 15N NMR and liquid/liquid intermolecular transfer d
67 tivity, the presence of isotopic excess (2H, 13C, 15N, 18O) is readily determined within 1%.
68 bisphosphonate drugs to human bone using 2H, 13C, 15N, and 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscop
69 present, Envelope supports labeling with 2H, 13C, and 15N, and supports adjustments for baseline corr
70 nto glutamate [4-13C] relative to alanine [3-13C] assessed by LC-tandem MS in muscle biopsies.
71                Analysis of the 5J(HH) and 3J(13C-H) coupling constants in the NMR spectra showed an a
72 of infused [1-13C] glucose into glutamate [4-13C] relative to alanine [3-13C] assessed by LC-tandem M
73                                           [6-13C], [6-15N], and [1-15N]adenosines reported intrinsic
74     Adenines labeled at [6-13C], [6-15N], [6-13C, 6-15N], and [1-15N] were synthesized and enzymatica
75                       Adenines labeled at [6-13C], [6-15N], [6-13C, 6-15N], and [1-15N] were synthesi
76  PurE (AaPurE) and the active site ligand [6-13C]citrate probed a single ionization equilibrium assoc
77 of BACUS to the structure determination of a 13C unenriched protein for which no prior experimental 3
78 sign strategy that entails introduction of a 13C-atom (*) at specific sites of the porphyrins where t
79 alues when multiple protons are coupled to a 13C nucleus.
80                                      Using a 13C-labeled inhibitor, NMR analysis of the 1-flavin conj
81  (SSNMR) spectra of GO for natural abundance 13C have poor signal-to-noise ratios.
82   In these 2D experiments, natural abundance 13C was observed from bicelles containing DMPC and DHPC
83                                 Accordingly, 13C-labeled glutamine was incorporated into 2HG in cells
84 nhanced nuclear alignment) method to achieve 13C polarization of approximately 20% in seconds in 1-13
85 ltransferase (ST6Gal-I) to enzymatically add 13C-N-acetylneuraminic acid (NeuAc or sialic acid) to gl
86 ntration (cumulative percent of administered 13C dose recovered) in expiratory breath samples taken a
87 led by NMR coupling constants between alkyne 13C and 1H nuclei as well as between alkyne 13C and pyri
88  13C and 1H nuclei as well as between alkyne 13C and pyridine 15N (2hJCN).
89 e found through 13C Metabolic Flux Analysis (13C MFA) for central carbon metabolism but, additionally
90 ellular fluxes, 13C Metabolic Flux Analysis (13C MFA), uses the labeling pattern obtained from metabo
91 uring fluxes by 13C metabolic flux analysis (13C-MFA) has become a key activity in chemical and pharm
92                 13C metabolic flux analysis (13C-MFA) has been widely used to measure in vivo enzyme
93 ecific sites and two-dimensional 15N-13C and 13C-13C NMR spectra of samples that are uniformly 15N- a
94 y with 15N, species B uniformly with 15N and 13C, and species C uniformly with 15N but selectively wi
95 nd RNA with the NMR-active isotopes, 15N and 13C, opened the door to detailed analyses of macromolecu
96 was achieved by low-temperature 1H, 15N, and 13C NMR from FSO3H-SbF5-SO2ClF solutions.
97 timized experiment correlating 1HN, 15N, and 13C' resonances, referred to as c-TROSY-HNCO is presente
98 -15N HSQC spectra were recorded for 15N- and 13C-labeled murine amelogenin as a function of increasin
99 id state NMR spectra of a uniformly 15N- and 13C-labeled sample indicate that a relatively small frac
100 ectra of samples that are uniformly 15N- and 13C-labeled.
101 opy was essentially eliminated, while 1H and 13C chemical shift information could be derived quickly
102 c matter and related materials (e.g., 1H and 13C chemical shifts ranging from approximately 5 to 10 a
103                     Specifically, the 1H and 13C NMR assignments are inconsistent with an N-terminal
104 uctural investigations in solution by 1H and 13C NMR clearly showed scalar coupling of fluorine with
105 ons were found at low temperatures by 1H and 13C NMR for both formic acid and an adduct with hexafluo
106                       Low-temperature 1H and 13C NMR spectra of formic acid (1) showed separate signa
107 tural elucidation by multidimensional 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy revealed the accumulated metabolite
108 gnment to 35, undergirded by detailed 1H and 13C NMR studies, is consistent with proper transannular
109 ison of predicted chemical shifts for 1H and 13C with experimental values and with predictions of com
110                                      31P and 13C NMR studies using isotopically labeled substrates as
111 roups in the 6 position are shown by 6Li and 13C NMR spectroscopic studies to be monomers in THF.
112 xic or hypoxic (120 min only) conditions and 13C enrichment determined in the medium and cell extract
113 in the 1960s between pi-electron density and 13C shifts for classical 4n + 2 (n=0, 1, 2) pi-electron
114     The use of metabolite derivatization and 13C NMR spectroscopy produces data suitable for metaboli
115  the integration of extracellular fluxes and 13C enrichment measurements, HepatoDyn predicted that th
116 ion, with input of the molecular formula and 13C NMR spectrum of the isolated compound.
117 as made and converted to 13C-labeled GO, and 13C SSNMR was used to reveal details of the chemical bon
118 monomer to ligand was confirmed by GC/MS and 13C NMR after quenching.
119 simultaneously because the observed NOEs and 13C(alpha) chemical shifts correspond to a dynamic ensem
120 knot structure, dynamics analyzed by RDC and 13C relaxation measurements, and base pair stability.
121 nt-infusion protocol with [15N]arginine and [13C]- and [2H]citrulline.
122         Plasma and urinary [13C]R-equol and [13C]S-equol concentrations were measured by tandem mass
123 e chemistry was slowed for both [2H]PNP and [13C, 15N]PNP in proportion to their altered protein mass
124  dipole-dipole couplings in samples that are 13C-labeled at specific sites and two-dimensional 15N-13
125 in a form that exploits heteronuclei such as 13C.
126 way as through the standard amino acid based 13C MFA, and quantify the amount of information lost as
127 hemical shift and that of the directly bound 13C or 15N, is subsequently mapped to specific atoms in
128                                In vivo brain 13C magnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to measure
129 n of E-1 in this solvent mixture was 4.3% by 13C NMR.
130 sured extracellular fluxes as constrained by 13C labeling data.
131 plex mixture and enhances their detection by 13C NMR.
132 ment of lactate production, as determined by 13C magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) of hyperpolari
133                          Measuring fluxes by 13C metabolic flux analysis (13C-MFA) has become a key a
134 ard to both real-time noninvasive imaging by 13C MRS as well as therapeutic response.
135 d maritime Antarctic regions, as informed by 13C and 18O signals in organic material.
136 ne containing peptides that were modified by 13C iodoacetic acid showed a molecular weight that was 2
137 bile sites, most of which can be observed by 13C solid-state NMR even without magic-angle spinning.
138 followed by analysis of labeling patterns by 13C-NMR, confirmed an MVA-dependent biosynthesis; howeve
139 e inhibitor cyanide (CN-) was also probed by 13C NMR.
140  complex, the citrate central carboxylate C6 13C peak moves upfield, indicating diminution of negativ
141               Stable-isotope-labeled carbon (13C) or nitrogen (15N) sources are assimilated into micr
142 ens TC1 (i) delivered highly characteristic (13C/12C, 15N/14N) fractionation trends for pathway ident
143 straints together with observed and computed 13C(alpha) chemical shifts, is applied to determine the
144                                Consecutively 13C urea breath tests results were extracted from the fi
145  sites of mechanistic interest also contains 13C at all carbon positions, whereas the 16 O-labeled nu
146 ar couplings, C-H and N-H dipolar couplings, 13C chemical shift anisotropies, and 1H T1rho relaxation
147 ne cysteine of a double-cysteine mutant cTnC(13C/51C) as a FRET donor and attaching DDPM to the other
148  which usually requires a combination of 2-D 13C NMR spectroscopy and GC/MS.
149  are manifested in the temperature-dependent 13C and 15N spectra, 13C-1H and 15N-1H dipolar couplings
150                                  We describe 13C NMR studies demonstrating a CODH-catalyzed steady-st
151 rect dimensions, while the directly detected 13C' is doubly TROSY-optimized with respect to 1HN and 1
152                              Two-dimensional 13C-13C and 15N-13C solid state NMR spectra of a uniform
153 y 3 and 4 times, respectively, versus direct 13C and 15N detection.
154 ar magnitude but opposite sign for the donor 13C and acceptor 15N nuclei.
155 allinity of all salts was documented by DSC, 13C CP-MAS NMR, and XRPD.
156 m metabolites (typically amino acids) during 13C labeling experiments to derive intracellular fluxes.
157                                      Dynamic 13C labeling experiments indicate the presence of distin
158  or sham operation (sham; n=8) using dynamic 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance.
159  were perfused with buffer containing either 13C-palmitate plus glucose or (13)C glucose plus palmita
160                               The high-field 13C multiplets are observed as a function of pH, and the
161 ve method of measuring intracellular fluxes, 13C Metabolic Flux Analysis (13C MFA), uses the labeling
162 to prepare chemically modified graphenes for 13C SSNMR analysis with enhanced sensitivity and for fun
163                The resulting value of R1 for 13C is substantially smaller relative to the 1H relaxati
164 lF2/CHCl2F/(CH3)2O) was larger than that for 13C-labeled methyl formate in the same solvent (0.2%), w
165                                         From 13C NMR spectroscopy, it was apparent that the C3'-signa
166 lic engineering, that incorporates data from 13C labeling experiments and genome-scale models.
167                                The data from 13C labeling experiments provide strong flux constraints
168 ing HepatoDyn to integrate data derived from 13C based experiments.
169  we use NMR distance restraints derived from 13C dipolar recoupling measurements to guide the simulat
170  unassigned distance restraints derived from 13C- and 15N-edited NOESY spectra.
171 hin several amino acid types determined from 13C chemical shifts is consistent with the ligand-free X
172            The 13C line widths measured from 13C-13C 2D chemical shift correlation spectra are approx
173  experimental order parameters obtained from 13C relaxation measurements.
174 here there is a spin-active X-nucleus (e.g., 13C, 15N, 31P) label present.
175     However, shorter tail ADs (G2-15C and G2-13C) and lower generation (G0 and G1) dendrimers failed
176 measurements of R1, R1rho, and heteronuclear 13C{1H} NOEs for protonated base (C2, C5, C6, and C8) an
177 rientation and dynamics of A-form helices in 13C/15N isotopically enriched RNA samples using NMR resi
178 ate the presence of an anionic intermediate, 13C isotope effect studies have been performed using the
179               Measurements of intermolecular 13C-13C dipole-dipole couplings in selectively carbonyl-
180                     Using the stable isotope 13C-labeling technique, we analyzed the carbon fluxes th
181 contain synthetically incorporated isotopes (13C, 15N, etc) generating a distinct isotope pattern.
182        Recently, the use of stable isotopes (13C) to trace carbon from specific substrates into micro
183 d (188)Os) and three unique 13C isotopomers (13C in ethylene, axial, and equatorial positions) were o
184                    A large 12C/13C (k(12C)/k(13C)) isotope effect of approximately equal to 1.032 was
185 gment following helix E, experiences a large 13C shift corresponding to a conformational change of Il
186 nsion of this approach to accurately measure 13C-31P and 1H-31P couplings from phospholipids, which a
187                 The introduction of the meso-13C label provides a "clock" (via the hyperfine interact
188 on, we have performed NMR studies on [methyl-13C]methionine-labeled UvrB from Bacillus caldotenax (mo
189     Critically, the dispersion is at natural 13C abundance; this matches typical pharmaceutical resea
190 spectroscopy of the brain to observe natural 13C abundance of N-acetylaspartate (NAA) and the appeara
191 bed including X-ray crystallography, 1H NMR, 13C NMR, HMQC, UV-visible, HPLC, MALDI-MS, and electroch
192 luble and have been characterized by 1H NMR, 13C NMR, MALDI-TOF, and UV-vis spectroscopy.
193 omposition products, because hyphae were not 13C-enriched.
194                     The complex .Cr(13CO)2(O=13C=CHSiMe3)(C5Me5) has been studied by electron spin re
195 ; A(53Cr) = 125 MHz; A(13CO) = 22.5 MHz; A(O=13C=CHSiMe3) = 12.0 MHz.
196 /NF1(333)-catalyzed hydrolysis of [beta18 O3,13C]GTP were determined by change in the isotope ratio o
197 the agreement between predicted and observed 13C(beta) chemical shifts, and some stereochemical quali
198                            After addition of 13C or deuterated analogues to a sediment sample, the is
199 -acetylaspartate (NAA) and the appearance of 13C-labeled glutamate, glutamine, and acetate.
200  been derived that allows the calculation of 13C/12C ratios from the whole isotopic distributions, gi
201 scopy was used to measure the time course of 13C label incorporation into different metabolites and t
202 s the 16 O-labeled nucleotide is depleted of 13C.
203  sensitivity, for which inverse detection of 13C and 15N signals with 1H is one promising approach.
204 4-bromostyrene) (PS/P4BrS), the diffusion of 13C-labeled PS has been investigated near the respective
205  the basis of the smaller magnetic moment of 13C.
206                         Correlation plots of 13C and 18O values show that species (Chorisodontium aci
207 surements did not fully utilize the power of 13C-MFA.
208 ches can dramatically improve the quality of 13C-MFA results with important applications in metabolic
209 f fluxes using only relative quantitation of 13C-labeled metabolites.
210 on from a protein offer a better sampling of 13C' CSA for different amino acid types in a complex het
211                                  The site of 13C substitution is at a meso-position, either the site
212 d sensitivity and for fundamental studies of 13C-labeled graphite and graphene.
213        Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of 13C-labeled RH as a function of experimental conditions
214                Here we propose a new type of 13C MFA that infers fluxes based on peptide labeling, in
215                    The approach makes use of 13C(alpha) chemical shifts, computed at the density func
216 rms and extends recognition determinants of -13C.
217 rient containing 3-O-methylglucose (3-OMG), [13C]triolein, and [(99m)Tc]sulfur colloid was administer
218 problem can be resolved after more papers on 13C-MFA are published for non-model species.
219  modification by iodoacetic acid with 12C or 13C.
220 onradioactive but NMR-active isotope (15N or 13C).
221                                          Our 13C- and 1H-chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST)
222 (13C) = 25.8 +/- 5.1% (when produced) and %P(13C) = 14.2 +/- 0.7% (when imaged), T1 = 74 +/- 3 s), an
223 zed 1-(13)C-succinate-d2 (30 mM in water, %P(13C) = 25.8 +/- 5.1% (when produced) and %P(13C) = 14.2
224               Investigations of dual pathway 13C-13C couplings, 3+3JC1,C4 and 3+3JC2,C5, revealed an
225 directed isotope labeling scheme that places 13C with high efficiency and specificity at the nucleoti
226 g [1-13C]glucose infusion to increase plasma 13C enrichment.
227                                      Plasma [13C]equol concentration appearance and disappearance cur
228  site chemistry in isotopically labeled PNP (13C, 15N, and 2H).
229 ulse to yield a sample with highly polarized 13C spins.
230 ts is reflected in the carbon isotope ratio (13C/12C) in GTP or GDP, which is determined by the use o
231 re we extend to the protein-bound RNA recent 13C relaxation studies of motions in the RNA recognized
232 on predicted by our model agrees with recent 13C fluxomics experiments, and that our model largely re
233                                     Resolved 13C hyperfine splitting in EPR spectra of samples prepar
234 d by the experiments of TOCSY, NOESY, ROESY, 13C HSQC 2D NMR, and ESI-MS and GC.
235 cating mutations in vacuolar protein sorting 13C (VPS13C).
236                         The residue-specific 13C' CSA tensor principal components, sigma(11), sigma(2
237   However, the analysis of the site-specific 13C IR signals reveals distinct unfolding thermodynamics
238 rared spectroscopy (FTIR) with site-specific 13C isotopic labeling.
239 e temperature-dependent 13C and 15N spectra, 13C-1H and 15N-1H dipolar couplings and 1H rotating-fram
240 onetheless, two-dimensional (2D) solid state 13C-13C NMR spectra of Rev filament and Rev-RNA coassemb
241                 A combination of solid-state 13C CPMAS NMR, 2H NMR, X-ray-determined anisotropic disp
242 nance assignment that combines new strategic 13C labeling technologies with filter/edit type NOESY ex
243 affinity column, and addition of synthesized 13C-CMP-NeuAc to the desialylated ST6Gal-I.
244  previously measured by variable-temperature 13C CPMAS NMR and quadrupolar echo 2H NMR line-shape ana
245                            We also show that 13C' CSA tensors are sensitive to hydrogen-bond length b
246                                          The 13C chemical shifts of the primary visual photointermedi
247                                          The 13C line widths measured from 13C-13C 2D chemical shift
248                                          The 13C splitting from C1 persists from 10 ms throughout the
249                                          The 13C' CSA principal components cluster about the average
250                                          The 13C-enriched ketone substrate, dihydroxyacetone phosphat
251                                          The 13C=18O isotopic label shifted the carbonyl stretching f
252 relation between experimental shifts and the 13C NMR shifts calculated with density functional theory
253                               Changes in the 13C NMR line shapes show that the diphenyl compound 8 un
254 MR and quantum chemical investigation of the 13C gamma NMR chemical shifts in phenylalanine and tyros
255 0 ns), remains fast on the time scale of the 13C hyperfine clock ( approximately 50 ns).
256 The orientation of the principal axes of the 13C hyperfine splitting tensor shows that the long axis
257               The unique IR signature of the 13C=18O label was exploited to probe the equilibrium the
258                       The comparisons to the 13C study showed improvement upon inclusion of the corre
259 statics, and other long-range factors to the 13C' CSA tensor.
260 tric emptying of solids was analysed by the [13C]octanoic acid breath test.
261                          Subsequently, these 13C-prelabeled amoebae were infected with L. pneumophila
262                                      Through 13C-labeled isotope labeling experiments we elucidate th
263 ew method are similar to those found through 13C Metabolic Flux Analysis (13C MFA) for central carbon
264 C-labeled graphite was made and converted to 13C-labeled GO, and 13C SSNMR was used to reveal details
265 ling experiments is of central importance to 13C-MFA as it determines the precision with which fluxes
266                        We then apply rKFP to 13C-labeled glucose time series data collected from cell
267          Our results show that as few as two 13C labeled residues can be detected in a 40 residue pro
268          Furthermore, the observation of two 13C peaks in solid-state NMR indicates very stable dicho
269 ng the conversion of hyperpolarized [U-2H, U-13C]glucose to lactate using 13C magnetic resonance spec
270 ributions at each position for the uncoupled 13C=O modes.
271 tic coupling among ring carbons in uniformly 13C-labeled samples.
272 g frame spin relaxation (R1rho) in uniformly 13C/15N labeled RNA samples.
273 -to-nanosecond internal motions in uniformly 13C/15N-labeled RNAs that combines measurements of R1, R
274      NMR spectra were collected on uniformly 13C and 15N isotopically enriched, polyethylene glycol p
275 chemes using the fully protonated, uniformly 13C,15N-labeled protein GB1 at 40 kHz MAS rate with 1.6-
276 mall-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with uniformly 13C-labeled glucose before tissue resection and determin
277 ine global secondary structure in uniformly (13C,15N)-enriched systems by simultaneously measuring di
278 2)Os, (190)Os, and (188)Os) and three unique 13C isotopomers (13C in ethylene, axial, and equatorial
279                          Plasma and urinary [13C]R-equol and [13C]S-equol concentrations were measure
280                              This study used 13C magnetic resonance spectroscopy to test whether chro
281                                Here, we used 13C NMR spectroscopy to examine the metabolism of gliobl
282                                        Using 13C tracer labeling and two model systems, polystyrene/p
283                                        Using 13C,15N-labeled PSA, we applied a combination of heteron
284 arized [U-2H, U-13C]glucose to lactate using 13C magnetic resonance spectroscopy and spectroscopic im
285 amics at the level of a single residue using 13C=18O isotope-edited infrared spectroscopy.
286 a gastric emptying test by breath test using 13C octanoic acid coupled to a solid meal and answered a
287 ng mosquitoes was investigated in vivo using 13C solid-state NMR.
288 etics of S-(-)equol and R-(+)equol by using [13C] stable-isotope-labeled tracers to facilitate the op
289 Chemical shift dispersion due to the various 13C-NeuAc adducts on ST6Gal-I was observed in a 3D exper
290 epatic metabolism was analyzed using in vivo 13C/31P/1H and ex vivo 2H magnetic resonance spectroscop
291                The line shape analysis of VT 13C CPMAS and broad-band 2H NMR data were in remarkable
292         For this purpose, A. castellanii was 13C-labeled by incubation in buffer containing [U-(13)C(
293  of disulfide bonds, was then alkylated with 13C iodoacetic acid.
294 thynylbiphenyl at natural abundance and with 13C[triple bond]13CH and 15N[triple bond]C labeling is d
295 d methyl aldopyranosides singly labeled with 13C at different sites to confirm and extend prior corre
296 d melanotic melanoma cells were labeled with 13C precursors and changes in their metabolism was analy
297  and Ala residues are uniformly labeled with 13C, are nearly indistinguishable, indicating that the p
298 tyl groups in isolated native oligomers with 13C labeled acetyl groups and the extraction of orientat
299 es C uniformly with 15N but selectively with 13C' or 13Calpha.
300 Nuclear magnetic resonance experiments with [13C]formate, as well as 14C-labeling experiments, demons

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