


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              A fibre neurones exhibiting SP-LI included seven of eigh
2                                              A fibre was accepted for study if it gave a stable, all-
3                                              A fibre was maximally Ca2+-activated in the isometric st
4                                              A fibre with dual cores, p-type and n-type silicon, is d
5                                              A fibre with high water holding capacity, extracted from
6                                              A fibre-optic hydrophone was integrated into a needle to
7                                              A fibre-optic probe that integrates a nitrogen-vacancy (
8                                              A-fibre LTM neurones were divided into Adelta- (D hair u
9                                    Six of 23 A-fibre nociceptive cells were positive including one Aa
10                                  Three of 36 A-fibre LTM units exhibited CGRP-LI; all were Aalpha/bet
11 ty occurred in both A and C fibres, although A fibres showed a greater increase in mechano-sensitivit
12 ly categorized as C fibres (nociceptors) and A fibres (non-nociceptive; rapidly and slowly adapting l
13  Na(v)1.9 is expressed selectively in C- and A-fibre nociceptive-type units and is upregulated by G-p
14 btypes of functionally distinct C-fibres and A-fibres.
15 erived) nociceptive-like fibres include both A-fibres and C-fibres, are insensitive to P2X receptors
16            Repeated stimulation of cutaneous A fibres at 0.5 Hz at twice the threshold level did not
17            Repeated stimulation of cutaneous A fibres at 0.5 Hz at twice the threshold level produced
18                                   The direct A fibre-evoked activity did not increase, but the backgr
19 d the mean threshold intensity for eliciting A fibre-mediated EPSCs in lamina II neurones.
20 ese tension mechanoreceptors are exclusively A-fibres arising from the nodose ganglion.
21 old mechanoreceptor units or the thirty-five A fibre low threshold units (D-hair and other units) sho
22 imilarly distributed between nodose ganglion A-fibres and C-fibres innervating the lung.
23 ere neurofilament-rich, suggesting they have A-fibres; we therefore focussed on A-fibre neurons to de
24  first pain sensation is mediated by type-II A-fibre nociceptors (II-AMHs).
25 te to the longer AP durations (especially in A-fibre neurons) and larger AP overshoots that are typic
26 l (AP) duration (both rise and fall time) in A-fibre neurons and with AP rise time only in positive C
27                                         Like A fibre supernormality, these phenomena were explained b
28                                Of 52 non-MSA A-fibre neurons including nociceptive and cutaneous low-
29  failed to activate stretch-sensitive nodose A-fibres in the lungs.
30     The data indicate that C-fibres, but not A-fibres, conveyed low-threshold mechanoreceptor inputs
31 after injury reinstated hyperexcitability of A-fibre axons and enhanced mechanosensitivity.
32 etween the mechanical encoding properties of A-fibre nociceptors, which provide the dominant inputs t
33 ed (significant), and was similar to that of A-fibre nociceptive neurones.
34 they have A-fibres; we therefore focussed on A-fibre neurons to determine the sensory properties of a
35 possessed little or no immunoreactive orexin A fibres in its core, but had fibres at its periphery.
36  contained a plexus of immunoreactive orexin A fibres throughout its rostro-caudal extent.
37  were found to contain immunoreactive orexin A fibres.
38               Immunoreactive varicose orexin A fibres were found throughout the hypothalamus.
39 h IB4-positive (C-fibre) and NF200-positive (A-fibre) neurons in DRG of CHF rats whereas the immunost
40  to +500 mm Hg) to exposed dentine.Seventeen A-fibres (conduction velocity (CV), 10.6-55.1 m s(-1)) w
41 The mean number of spikes evoked by a single A fibre skin stimulus was remarkably consistent between
42                             Ten of sixty-six A fibre neurones exhibited SP-LI, including eight of six
43                    This result suggests that A-fibre sprouting arise after peripheral nerve injury, b
44                     Latencies of response to A fibre skin stimulation were very long and varied widel
45  and a late subnormal phase (H1), similar to A fibres.
46 ns with respect to being either 'normal' via A-fibres or 'alarm' via TRPV1 expressing C-fibres and, a
47 ade from 25 regenerated nociceptors; 14 were A fibres and the remainder were C fibres.

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