


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              ABP monitoring was performed at baseline and after 4 and
2  were 260 and 375 kJ/kg for category 1 and 3 ABP respectively.
3                                            4-ABP-Hb adducts were quantitatively measured on 230 contr
4                                            4-ABP-hemoglobin (Hb) adducts are established biomarkers o
5 he carcinogenic arylamine 4-aminobiphenyl (4-ABP) using high-performance liquid chromatography with u
6 of the tobacco carcinogen 4-aminobiphenyl (4-ABP) were detected in human hepatocytes treated with 4-A
7 prominent point source of 4-aminobiphenyl (4-ABP), a recognized human bladder carcinogen.
8 ]PDE); the aromatic amine 4-aminobiphenyl (4-ABP), N-(deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-4-aminobiphenyl (dG-C8-4-AB
9 nzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P), and 4-aminobiphenyl (4-ABP).
10        The sulfonamide adducts of PhIP and 4-ABP were identified, by liquid chromatography/mass spect
11 hereas N-(deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-4-ABP (dG-C8-4-ABP) was identified in one subject (30 adducts per 10 (9
12 deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-4-aminobiphenyl (dG-C8-4-ABP); the HAA 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyr
13                  The calibration curve for 4-ABP-G was linear from 50 to 5000 pmol/200 microl with R2
14 hemically synthesized 4-ABP-N-glucuronide (4-ABP-G) as a standard for method validation.
15 n liver microsomes were the most active in 4-ABP glucuronidation (344.1 pmol/min/mg) followed by rats
16  of carcinogens in tobacco smoke including 4-ABP, 2-amino-9H-pyrido[2,3-b]indole (AalphaC), and benzo
17 iated with neither bladder cancer risk nor 4-ABP-Hb adduct levels in male lifelong nonsmokers.
18 (Hb) adducts are established biomarkers of 4-ABP exposure in humans.
19                                  Levels of 4-ABP-Hb adducts varied by ETS exposure status among femal
20     The method uses chemically synthesized 4-ABP-N-glucuronide (4-ABP-G) as a standard for method val
21 detected in human hepatocytes treated with 4-ABP, and three DNA adducts of the cooked-meat carcinogen
22 y specimen, whereas N-(deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-4-ABP (dG-C8-4-ABP) was identified in one subject (30 addu
23              The high prevalence of abnormal ABP, including masked hypertension, and its association
24 BP), assess factors associated with abnormal ABP, and examine whether ambulatory hypertension is asso
25 ted cocaine induces a restructuring of actin-ABP complexes, which increases actin cycling and may mod
26  determining the role and mechanism of actin-ABP interactions in these processes.
27                                 In addition, ABP-PEG-HCBP1 can protect biological activity of Ad agai
28  Nrf2(+/+) mice than in Nrf2(-/-) mice after ABP exposure.
29 otably, Nrf2 protected bladder cells against ABP in vitro.
30  Although Nrf2 protected mouse liver against ABP (which is metabolically activated in liver), the bla
31 r UGT activity may protect the liver against ABP, it increases bladder exposure to ABP.
32 y an arginine-grafted poly(disulfide amine) (ABP) polymer in infarcted rats preserves cardiac geometr
33 grafted bio-reducible poly(disulfide amine) (ABP) was incorporated into the poly(amido amine) (PAMAM)
34  defined by a central aminobenzylpiperidine (ABP) moiety, X-ray crystal structures of BACE mutant-dis
35  dilemma in defense against 4-aminobiphenyl (ABP), a major human bladder carcinogen from tobacco smok
36 tin, both of which are unique features among ABPs.
37 GSTABP-G) to target the "G site", and (2) an ABP designed to mimic a substrate molecule and have "H s
38  the rupture force of a complex formed by an ABP linking two quasiparallel actin filaments.
39                         We directly analyzed ABP-labeled and unlabeled global MS data, revealing ABP
40 dult male Wistar rats were anaesthetized and ABP was monitored via a femoral arterial catheter.
41 erosclerosis measures in men and for AWT and ABP in women (p interaction <0.05 each).
42 the augmented CO2 chemoreflex (breathing and ABP) in SHRs, which indicates an important role for the
43  chemoreflex that affects both breathing and ABP.
44 ntly greater increases in OVLT discharge and ABP than icv infusion of equi-osmotic sorbitol.
45                                    PICK1 and ABP/GRIP bind to the AMPA receptor (AMPAR) GluR2 subunit
46 thetic nerve activity (SNA), adrenal SNA and ABP than equi-osmotic sorbitol (2.0 osmol l(-1) ).
47 rease in OVLT cell discharge, lumbar SNA and ABP.
48 ificantly raised lumbar SNA, adrenal SNA and ABP.
49 TSTA exendin-4 expression system with SP and ABP polymer has a potential gene therapy for the treatme
50                         Thus, the actins and ABPs appear to have evolved class-specific, protein-prot
51 ctions among the major classes of actins and ABPs, we ectopically coexpressed reproductive profilin (
52                 We believe the inhibitor and ABPs will be useful for future investigation of calpains
53 The Absence of the nucleophile abolishes any ABP labeling.
54 e not been experimentally determined for any ABP.
55                          The amounts of APAP-ABP adducts formed in vivo were greater, whereas the amo
56 tin-binding protein filamin-A (also known as ABP-280) cross-links actin into a dynamic three-dimensio
57 tagenized enzyme, as only the beta-aziridine ABP can bind in its absence.
58  retaining beta-glucosidases, beta-aziridine ABPs do not.
59 lophellitol beta-epoxide- and beta-aziridine ABPs.
60 of the wavelet transform phase-shift between ABP and ICP.
61 ng of how the molecular interactions between ABPs and F-actin regulate the dynamic properties of the
62                 The MT5-MMP C terminus binds ABP PDZ5 and the two proteins coimmunoprecipitated and c
63 EPO gene therapy delivered by a bioreducible ABP polymer provide insight into the lack of phEPO gene
64                                         Both ABP unfolding and conformational transition events were
65 by 19.5 +/- 3.8-fold through binding to both ABPs.
66 erences between clinic BP and ambulatory BP (ABP) in a community sample of employed adults in the New
67 or-to-liver ratio of the Ad DNA delivered by ABP or ABP5k was significantly elevated at 229- or 419-f
68                           Animal byproducts (ABP) are unavoidable byproduct of meat production that a
69                          The levels of dG-C8-ABP adducts in the cells, ranging from 18 to 500 adducts
70 )-thione (CPDT) significantly inhibits dG-C8-ABP formation in bladder cells and tissues but does not
71 o correspond to approximately 27 fg of dG-C8-ABP injected on-column.
72 -(deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-4-aminobiphenyl (dG-C8-ABP), the predominant ABP-DNA adduct formed in bladder c
73 -(deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-4-aminobiphenyl (dG-C8-ABP), the principal DNA adduct of 4-aminobiphenyl.
74  processes that are independent of canonical ABPs.
75 ages shows that activated bee pollen carbon (ABP) is comprised of spiky, brain-like, and tiny spheres
76                                      Caspase ABPs provided direct readouts of the kinetics of apoptos
77 n more accurate when applied to the cleanest ABP waveforms.
78 ide amine)polymer (ABP) and PEG5k-conjugated ABP (ABP5k) in expectation of oncolytic effect caused by
79 ng a diuretic agent or >/=4 drugs): control (ABP <125/75 mm Hg without RH); pseudoresistance (ABP <12
80 ndothelial NOS in 1 and 3CH rats to decrease ABP and increase FVC, the remaining NO-dependent tonic v
81                                  We describe ABP design principles and use case studies to illustrate
82  poly(cystaminebisacrylamide-diaminohexane) (ABP) and polyamidoamine (PAMAM) was used to deliver anti
83 poly (cystaminebisacrylamide-diaminohexane) (ABP)-conjugated poly (amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimer (PAM
84  this assay by testing it with two different ABPs: filamin and alpha-actinin.
85 ther, our data indicate a possible Rac-DOCK4-ABP harmonin-activated signaling pathway in regulating a
86                                         Each ABP is a heterodimer assembled as an ABPA subunit encode
87 reactivity and selectivity profiles for each ABP, we demonstrate our ability to widely profile the fu
88 ing a bioreducible polymeric carrier, either ABP or ABP-PEG 10, merits further testing as a potential
89 young kidney transplant recipients, elevated ABP is frequently unrecognized and undertreated.
90 extensively, the contribution of endothelial ABPs to the regulation of leukocyte adhesion and transen
91 recently published evidence that endothelial ABPs, such as cortactin, myosin, or alpha-actinin, regul
92 orescent beta-aziridine but not beta-epoxide ABPs identifies the acid/base residue in mutagenized enz
93                         Whereas beta-epoxide ABPs require a protonated acid/base for irreversible inh
94 ne trafficking of MT5-MMP, whereas exogenous ABP splice forms that are associated either with the pla
95 solated fifth repeat of the gelation factor (ABP-120) from Dictyostelium discoideum (ddFLN5) by NMR s
96 se in femoral vascular conductance (FVC, FBF/ABP) from baseline, respectively.
97 e (SVR) decreased (Spinotrapezius blood flow/ABP), indicating muscle vasodilatation.
98 ith any of the growing number of fluorescent ABPs to provide data for more effective disease monitori
99 Myosin II (zipper) activity is necessary for ABP placement and shaping as well.
100                Transfer of the receptor from ABP/GRIP to PICK1, facilitated by GluR2 S880 phosphoryla
101 lable, and developers and vendors of CO-from-ABP algorithms are invited to test their methods using t
102 O estimated by eight investigational CO-from-ABP algorithms, and CO(TD) as a reference.
103 meaningful comparison of alternative CO-from-ABP algorithms.
104  whereas the second approach affords a gate (ABP-F(4)) that we can close with UV light and open with
105            The first approach led to a gate (ABP-Me(4)) that remains closed all the time, whereas the
106 tion incompetent GFP-expressing ad, (Ad/GFP)-ABP-PEG-HCBP1, showed a hepatoma cancer specific uptake
107  Competition assays demonstrated that Ad/GFP-ABP-PEG-HCBP1-mediated transduction was specifically inh
108 on compared to either naked Ad/GFP or Ad/GFP-ABP.
109 ressure 146 +/- 19/82 +/- 12 mm Hg, and 24-h ABP 129 +/- 17/72 +/- 10 mm Hg.
110 25 mg daily, significantly reduced mean 24-h ABP as well as daytime and nighttime BP.
111 hort duration of action, no significant 24-h ABP reduction was seen with HCTZ, 12.5 mg daily, which m
112 ur groups were constituted by combining 24-h ABP with diagnosis of RH (office blood pressure >/=130/8
113 d a significant (p < 0.01) reduction in 24-h ABP.
114 spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs), high ABP is associated with enhanced sympathetic nerve activi
115   The augmented CO2 chemoreflex and the high ABP are measureable in young SHRs (postnatal day 30-58)
116 chemoreflex and significantly lower the high ABP in adult SHRs.
117 e the augmented CO2 chemoreflex and the high ABP in young SHRs and normalize the augmented CO2 chemor
118 oreflex in young and adult SHRs and the high ABP in young SHRs and significantly lowers ABP in adult
119 veractive orexin system are linked with high ABP in both young (postnatal day 30-58) and adult SHRs (
120  (i) An augmented CO2 chemoreflex and higher ABP in SHRs are measureable at a young age and increase
121 5/75 mm Hg with RH); sustained hypertension (ABP >/=125/75 mm Hg without RH); and true resistance (AB
122 h as palm oil and soya bean meal because (i) ABP were considered wastes that do not incur the environ
123 urvey, we used multiple imputation to impute ABP-defined hypertension status for NHANES participants
124 ive 2K1C rats showed a profound elevation in ABP (Wistar: 98 +/- 4 mmHg vs. 2K1C: 147 +/- 8 mmHg; P <
125        During 8% O2 for 10 min, the falls in ABP and SVR were maintained, but RF, HR and MSNA waned t
126 revented the further progressive increase in ABP seen in 2K1C+sham CSD rats, with a between-group dif
127                                  The rise in ABP was associated with an increase in the low frequency
128  The NO synthesis inhibitor L-NAME increased ABP, decreased HR and greatly reduced FVC, and attenuate
129 f [Pyr(1) ]apelin-13 significantly increased ABP (9 +/- 1 mmHg) compared to saline (-1 +/- 2mmHg; P <
130 ce of sympathoexcitatory neurones, increases ABP and sympathetic nerve activity.
131           A surprising feature of the linked ABP motifs is that a set of six similar compounds has th
132 h ABP in young SHRs and significantly lowers ABP in adult SHRs.
133 rally hypothesized that the activity of many ABPs are temporally and spatially regulated by PIP(2); h
134 tely switched to breathing 21% O2 for 5 min, ABP increased and FVC decreased, consistent with removal
135  but does not seem to significantly modulate ABP-catalyzing UGT in liver.
136 ains 1 and 3, a common binding site for most ABPs.
137               The 13 genes include seven new ABP-like OBPs as well as the previously identified PBPs
138                                           No ABPs or inhibitors have been discovered that specificall
139                           The cadherin-NPRAP-ABP complexes also bound GluR2.
140 icating that interaction with cadherin-NPRAP-ABP complexes stabilized GluR2 at the neuronal plasma me
141  ABP from the cytosol to form cadherin-NPRAP-ABP complexes, dependent on NPRAP interaction with the A
142                 The resulting cadherin-NPRAP-ABP/GRIP complexes serve as anchorages for AMPARs.
143                                      The oAd/ABP-PEG-HCBP1 demonstrated enhanced cancer cell killing
144 r cell killing efficacy in comparison to oAd/ABP complex.
145                            The affinities of ABP fragments were improved by structure-guided chemistr
146 X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis of ABP and ACP confirmed that both samples contain high lev
147                 Nrf2 promoted conjugation of ABP with glucuronic acid in the liver, increasing urinar
148 IV were evaluated in vitro after delivery of ABP/TSTA-SP-exendin-4.
149 s suggest that the structure and dynamics of ABP may be adapted to exploit dynamic changes to reduce
150 etion from the LNG) and 2) the expression of ABP, which can quench reactive APAP metabolites and ther
151                  Although glucuronidation of ABP and its metabolites is a detoxification process, the
152 ve, requiring only femtomoles (nanograms) of ABP-labeled enzymes.
153 ular, single-molecule assay, a wide range of ABP/actin interactions can be studied to better understa
154 he delta, epsilon, zeta, and eta subunits of ABP.
155 ts of NPRAP designed to disrupt tethering of ABP to NPRAP-cadherin complexes reduced surface levels o
156 ase studies to illustrate the application of ABPs to protease enzymology, discovery and development o
157 rate that membrane-interaction mechanisms of ABPs evolved to precisely fulfill their specific functio
158 sary effector for high fidelity placement of ABPs and show that Myosin II (zipper) activity is necess
159                                     Based on ABP data recorded during routine intensive care unit (IC
160                           Compounds with one ABP bind independently to two separated AT sites.
161 ioreducible polymeric carrier, either ABP or ABP-PEG 10, merits further testing as a potential therap
162 Kv7 targeting (ankyrin G-binding peptide, or ABP) and other pharmacological tools, we show that axona
163 GRIP, also known as AMPAR binding protein or ABP) and protein interacting with C-kinase-1 (PICK) regu
164                                          PAM-ABP and siRNA formed polyplexes with average diameter of
165                                          PAM-ABP formed compact nanosized polyplexes and showed low c
166 ted poly (amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimer (PAM-ABP) in hMSCs.
167 d on these results, this newly developed PAM-ABP polyplex is a promising delivery system for clinical
168 ection efficiency and VEGF expression of PAM-ABP using gWiz-Luc and pbeta-VEGF were higher than those
169        VEGF gene silencing efficiency of PAM-ABP/siRNA polyplexes was shown to be more effective than
170 y, dendrimer type bio-reducible polymer (PAM-ABP) which was synthesized using arginine grafted bio-re
171  molecular weight bio-reducible polymer, PAM-ABP, to overcome the limitations of the low molecular we
172  cell lines using bio-reducible polymer, PAM-ABP.
173                    The newly synthesized PAM-ABP was studied to determine its efficacy as a gene deli
174                 Our results suggest that PAM-ABP has the ability to deliver a therapeutic gene in hMS
175                                      The PAM-ABP demonstrated superior condensing ability for plasmid
176                         The siRNA in the PAM-ABP/siRNA polyplex was released by 5mM DTT and heparin.
177 nes in the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway (ABP).
178 0 to 100 and abnormal birefringence pattern (ABP) as TSS <or= 79.
179 er (ABP)-PEG-HCBP1, by conjugating PEGylated ABP with HCBP1 peptides which has high affinity and sele
180 ompeting peptide, ankyrin G binding peptide (ABP) that disrupts axonal K(V)7/M-channel function, had
181 ed, one or two amidine-benzimidazole-phenyl (ABP) motifs were designed, synthesized, and evaluated fo
182                           Furthermore, phEPO/ABP delivery induced prominent suppression on Ang II and
183 arct support the beneficial effects of phEPO/ABP administration.
184            The reduced infarct size of phEPO/ABP delivery was followed by decrease in fibrosis, prote
185 onate [APP](2-), and aminobutyl phosphonate [ABP](2-).
186                  Interference with the PICK1-ABP/GRIP interaction impairs S880 phosphorylation of Glu
187 figuration, forming two ATP binding pockets (ABP) with the ATP molecules buried at the dimer interfac
188 d bioreducible poly(disulfide amine)polymer (ABP) and PEG5k-conjugated ABP (ABP5k) in expectation of
189   The arginine grafted bioreducible polymer (ABP) and its PEGylated version, ABP-PEG10, were utilized
190 ng an arginine-grafted bioreducible polymer (ABP), microbubbles (MBs), and ultrasound technology (US)
191 yctaminebisacrylamide-diaminohexane polymer (ABP) was used as a gene carrier.
192 , an arginine grafted bio-reducible polymer (ABP)-PEG-HCBP1, by conjugating PEGylated ABP with HCBP1
193 4-aminobiphenyl (dG-C8-ABP), the predominant ABP-DNA adduct formed in bladder cells and tissues, was
194 ed the decreased baseline arterial pressure (ABP) and increased femoral vascular conductance (FVC) of
195            Concomitantly, arterial pressure (ABP), fell and heart rate (HR) and respiratory frequency
196 rve activity (SNA), arterial blood pressure (ABP) and breathing.
197 anaesthetized rats, arterial blood pressure (ABP) and femoral blood flow (FBF) were recorded allowing
198 ted the decrease in arterial blood pressure (ABP) and increase in FVC evoked by acute hypoxia in N an
199 nuous monitoring of arterial blood pressure (ABP) and intracranial pressure (ICP), were retrospective
200 ation (CSD) reduces arterial blood pressure (ABP) in SHR.
201 mg daily, by 24-h ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) monitoring and evaluated efficacy.
202 greater increase in arterial blood pressure (ABP) than equi-osmotic mannitol/sorbitol.
203 ) was unchanged and arterial blood pressure (ABP) was lowered.
204 sis of a peripheral arterial blood pressure (ABP) waveform has not been definitively identified.
205 de that can elevate arterial blood pressure (ABP) yet understanding of the mechanisms involved remain
206 lence of abnormal ambulatory blood pressure (ABP), assess factors associated with abnormal ABP, and e
207 anaesthetized rats, arterial blood pressure (ABP), femoral blood flow (FBF) and tension in the extens
208 er heart rate (HR), arterial blood pressure (ABP), muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA), femoral
209 rs by CO2 increases arterial blood pressure (ABP), sympathetic nerve activity and breathing.
210 .e., confirmed by ambulatory blood pressure [ABP] monitoring).
211                       Activity-based probes (ABPs) and peptide-based inhibitors are instrumental in t
212 nthesis of a suite of activity-based probes (ABPs) based on the general MAP inhibitor scaffold, besta
213 , we demonstrate that activity-based probes (ABPs) targeting cysteine cathepsins can be used in murin
214 We have developed two activity-based probes (ABPs) that characterize active GSTs in mammalian tissues
215 fluorescently labeled activity-based probes (ABPs) that covalently label active caspases in vivo.
216 t cyclophellitol-type activity-based probes (ABPs) that exploit this mechanism to covalently modify t
217 mphasis on the use of activity-based probes (ABPs) to detect protease activity.
218                 These activity-based probes (ABPs) were synthesized with alkynes to harness the utili
219 rsible calpain family activity-based probes (ABPs), which retained the specificity of the stabilized
220 s traits and aboveground biomass production (ABP) were considered.
221 MMP) binds to AMPA receptor binding protein (ABP) and GRIP (glutamate receptor interaction protein),
222 on to AMPA receptor (AMPAR)-binding protein (ABP) and the related glutamate receptor (GluR)-interacti
223 ode complex actin and actin binding protein (ABP) gene families, most of which are phylogenetically g
224 erone and salivary androgen-binding protein (ABP) in the LNG.
225 oxofilin, a monomeric actin-binding protein (ABP) involved in invasion.
226 nteraction of the arabinose-binding protein (ABP) with its ligand, d-galactose, using NMR relaxation
227      The salivary androgen-binding proteins (ABPs) are members of the secretoglobin gene family prese
228 ive and -insensitive actin-binding proteins (ABPs) on PC2(iv) channel function in a lipid bilayer sys
229                      Actin-binding proteins (ABPs) regulate the assembly of actin filaments (F-actin)
230 phorylation state of actin binding proteins (ABPs) that cosediment with F-actin.
231  cells have multiple actin binding proteins (ABPs) that exist simultaneously to maintain the structur
232 actions with various actin-binding proteins (ABPs), actin plays an active role in many cellular proce
233 e activities of many actin-binding proteins (ABPs), including profilin, cofilin, Dia2, N-WASP, ezrin,
234 iscrete locations by actin-binding proteins (ABPs), including the formins and tropomyosins (Tms).
235 o lack all canonical actin-binding proteins (ABPs).
236 teins (GOBPs) and antennal-binding proteins (ABPs).
237 ctin cytoskeleton by actin-binding proteins (ABPs).
238 nd is facilitated by actin-binding proteins (ABPs).
239 tin cytoskeleton via actin-binding proteins (ABPs).
240 uely position their actin-based protrusions (ABPs; which comprise each denticle) at their posterior e
241 <125/75 mm Hg without RH); pseudoresistance (ABP <125/75 mm Hg with RH); sustained hypertension (ABP
242 data set containing a large number of radial ABP waveform segments and contemporaneous reference CO b
243 dult Wistar rats were instrumented to record ABP via telemetry, and then underwent CSD (n = 9) or sha
244 of Madin-Darby canine kidney cells recruited ABP from the cytosol to form cadherin-NPRAP-ABP complexe
245                                  CSD reduced ABP in 2K1C+CSD rats and prevented the further progressi
246 change in the filament's ability to regulate ABPs and myosin motor activity.
247 ies compared to those of previously reported ABPs.
248 5/75 mm Hg without RH); and true resistance (ABP >/=125/75 mm Hg with RH).
249                                  The resting ABP is higher in young SHRs (122 +/- 5 mmHg) than in age
250 eled and unlabeled global MS data, revealing ABP selectivity for glycoside hydrolase (GH) enzymes, in
251      The putative role of the mouse salivary ABPs is that of pheromones mediating mate selection resu
252 d HT1080 cancer cells treated with oAd/shMet-ABP-PEG-HCBP1 complex had significantly decreased Met an
253 dividually, and created our innovative siRNA-ABP-MB (SAM) complexes.
254            These data indicate that specific ABP-PC2 complexes would confer distinct Ca(2+)-sensitive
255 se studies demonstrate that caspase-specific ABPs have the potential to be used for noninvasive imagi
256 or scaffold, bestatin, we generated specific ABPs for these two enzymes.
257 .015) and 12 (p = 0.020), nighttime systolic ABP was significantly lower in the chlorthalidone group
258 n cytoskeleton independently of known target ABPs.
259 to its lower charge transfer resistance than ABP.
260                   Furthermore, we found that ABP was able to compete with GSH and cellular proteins f
261                   These results suggest that ABP directs MT5-MMP proteolytic activity to growth cones
262 nonymous substitution rates, suggesting that ABP might play a similar biological role in both systems
263                          We demonstrate that ABPs targeting the cysteine cathepsins can be used in mu
264                                          The ABP dimers are secreted into the saliva of mice and then
265                                          The ABP ligands represent a new type of nonpeptidic BACE-1 i
266                                          The ABP, palladin, is essential for the maintenance of cell
267                                          The ABP-AID interaction positions one end of the Ca(V)beta n
268                                          The ABP-PEG-HCBP1-conjugated replication incompetent GFP-exp
269                         Both the ABP and the ABP-PEG10 carriers demonstrated efficient transfection a
270                                     Both the ABP and the ABP-PEG10 carriers demonstrated efficient tr
271 sition had a larger predictive power for the ABP than species diversity and FDQ, indicating a primary
272 effect of exendin-4 was also observed in the ABP/TSTA/SP-exendin-4-treated mice groups, compared with
273 the other, at the 3,5,3',5'-positions of the ABP units to curtail binding by the CBPQT(4+) ring if no
274 y(ethylene glycol) (PEG) modification of the ABP was employed to inhibit the particle aggregation res
275 e the effects of functional diversity on the ABP in the Northern Tibetan alpine grasslands.
276 nal diversity were positively related to the ABP.
277 xes, dependent on NPRAP interaction with the ABP PDZ domain 2.
278 R domain interacts intermolecularly with the ABP/GRIP linker II region and intramolecularly with the
279                The distinct effect(s) of the ABPs on PC2(iv) channel function demonstrate that Ca(2+)
280                        Derivatization of the ABPs, including reactive groups, acetylation of the glyc
281                                   Therefore, ABPs targeting the cysteine cathepsins are potentially v
282                                 Two of these ABPs, filamin and alpha-actinin, have been extensively u
283                                        Thus, ABP could be involved with mate recognition and species
284                                        Thus, ABPs may serve as targets for novel treatment strategies
285  greater transfection efficiency compared to ABP alone.
286 ventive agents are used in humans exposed to ABP, especially in smokers.
287 gainst ABP, it increases bladder exposure to ABP.
288             Unexpectedly, compounds with two ABP motifs can bind strongly either as monomers or as co
289 xploitation of the 4,4'-azobiphenyloxy unit (ABP) as a light-operated gate, we decided to introduce (
290 riate interaction with endogenous vegetative ABPs.
291 n of these reproductive, but not vegetative, ABP isovariants suppressed the ectopic ACT1 expression p
292 ble polymer (ABP) and its PEGylated version, ABP-PEG10, were utilized to study the expression efficie
293  the limitations of the low molecular weight ABP.
294 to uncover the molecular principles by which ABPs interact with phosphoinositide-rich membranes.
295 after single intravenous administration with ABP/TSTA-SP-exendin-4.
296 itates the PICK1 BAR domain association with ABP/GRIP.
297 oncolytic Ad (oAd; RdB/shMet) complexed with ABP-PEG-HCBP1 delivered oAd efficiently into hepatoma ca
298                                 In eyes with ABP, SLP-ECC had a significantly greater (all P <or= 0.0
299   We suggest that the PICK1 interaction with ABP/GRIP is a critical step in controlling GluR2 traffic
300 iques to visualize the binding of actin with ABPs.

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