


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                          T-cadherin could be ADP-ribosylated by a transferase that was also present i
2 osphorylation but that arginine 33, which is ADP-ribosylated by an endogenous ADP-ribosyltransferase,
3                   However, rather than being ADP-ribosylated by an H. pylori toxin, the intrinsic pol
4      Thus, arginines 14 and 24, which can be ADP ribosylated by ART1, are critical to the regulation
5 ecular mass 80-110 kDa were more extensively ADP-ribosylated by ART1-Pro257 than ART1-Leu257, in acco
6 s ADP-ribosylation comigrated with a protein ADP-ribosylated by cholera toxin and was recognized and
7   R140Q dinitrogenase reductase could not be ADP-ribosylated by DRAT, although it still formed a cros
8  subunit of cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE), is ADP-ribosylated by endogenous ADP-ribosyltransferase whe
9 th arginine 33 and arginine 36 are similarly ADP-ribosylated by endogenous ADP-ribosyltransferase, bu
10 mber of the Ras GTPase subfamily that can be ADP ribosylated by ExoS and indicates that ExoS can inhi
11                           The 27-kDa protein ADP-ribosylated by ExoS was determined to be apolipoprot
12 haracterized the mammalian proteins that are ADP-ribosylated by ExoT, using two-dimensional SDS-PAGE
13          Several mammalian cell proteins are ADP-ribosylated by MYPE9110, and the full-length recombi
14 at transcription factor NFAT binds to and is ADP-ribosylated by PARP-1 in an activation-dependent man
15 A-PK, and the catalytic subunit of DNA-PK is ADP-ribosylated by PARP.
16  HT-29 human epithelial cells, where Rac1 is ADP-ribosylated by TTS-ExoS, Rac1 was activated and relo

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