


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              ADPase retinal flatmounts were prepared, and morphometri
2 Pase activity, converting the enzyme into an ADPase with relative ADP:ATP hydrolysis rates of 6:1 or
3 mately 2-fold, resulting in equal ATPase and ADPase activities.
4  approximately 66-kD protein with ATPase and ADPase activities.
5 and wheat germ agglutinin, and by ATPase and ADPase enzymatic histochemistry.
6  propose that CD39 uses different ATPase and ADPase mechanisms in different quaternary structure cont
7 creased both the tendency to form dimers and ADPase activity, while double mutation of D228T/K224N la
8 in angiography, funduscopic examination, and ADPase preparations showed dilated and tortuous retinal
9 as assessed using fluorescent microscopy and ADPase staining in a masked manner.
10 was assessed using fluorescein perfusion and ADPase staining techniques.
11                                      The ATP/ADPase apyrase reversibly inhibited the [Ca2+]i rise ind
12 er biochemical characteristics, e.g., ATPase/ADPase ratios, inhibition by azide, and affinity for ATP
13  The D219E/W459A double mutant had an ATPase:ADPase ratio of 11:1 and a UTPase:UDPase ratio of 148:1.
14 o alanine (Y127A) mutant lost 50-60% of both ADPase and ATPase activity.
15             Surprisingly, the membrane-bound ADPase activity of Ynd1p in a vma13Delta mutant was dras
16 nt (P<0.05 and P<0.01, respectively), as did ADPase activity (47% and 61%, P<0.001).
17 ated postmortem for adenosine diphosphatase (ADPase) activity (labels viable retinal blood vessels) a
18 thic changes in the adenosine diphosphatase (ADPase) flat-embedded fellow retinas was sought.
19  were processed for adenosine diphosphatase (ADPase) flat-embedding.
20 ssues examined with adenosine diphosphatase (ADPase) histochemical staining of blood vessels.
21  was assessed using adenosine diphosphatase (ADPase) histochemical staining.
22        Retinas were adenosine diphosphatase (ADPase) stained, and flatmounted to determine peripheral
23 t lamp examination, adenosine diphosphatase (ADPase), and acid phosphatase staining as well as immuno
24 ours in flatmounted adenosine diphosphatase (ADPase)-stained rat retinas is analogous to clinically s
25 uterized imaging of adenosine diphosphatase (ADPase)-stained retinal flatmounts.
26                     Adenosine diphosphatase (ADPase)-stained retinas were analyzed to determine the N
27 ed and stained with adenosine diphosphatase (ADPase).
28 etinas stained with adenosine diphosphatase (ADPase).
29            This inhibition is due to an ecto-ADPase on the surface of endothelial cells which metabol
30 brane protein with both ecto-ATPase and ecto-ADPase activities.
31  cells with human CD39 resulted in both ecto-ADPase activity as well as surface expression of CD39.
32                   Endothelial cell CD39/ecto-ADPase plays a major role in vascular homeostasis.
33                         The endothelial ecto-ADPase is herein identified as CD39, a molecule original
34                               All HUVEC ecto-ADPase activity was immunoprecipitated by monoclonal ant
35 ethod of counting clock hours in flatmounted ADPase-stained retinas is valid for quantifying NV in ra
36 bservers counting clock hours in flatmounted ADPase-stained retinas of both eyes.
37 , and retinas were excised and incubated for ADPase activity, permitting the determination of the num
38 lium of the diabetic animals was stained for ADPase activity in flatmounts, and transverse sections w
39          Retinas were dissected, stained for ADPase, and flat-mounted.
40  retinal vessel diameters were analyzed from ADPase-stained flatmounts.
41 ty indexes (TI(a), TI(v)) were measured from ADPase-stained retinal wholemounts.
42  that glycosylation is not required for full ADPase activity.
43                  The identification of HUVEC ADPase/CD39 as a constitutively expressed potent inhibit
44 man umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) ADPase was biochemically classified as an E-type ATP-dip
45 ld-type, S57A exhibited a 2-fold increase in ADPase activity without change in ATPase activity, while
46  and avascular areas (AVAs) were measured in ADPase stained retinas.
47 ve no effect on ATPase activity and increase ADPase activity approximately 2-fold, resulting in equal
48 esign the human apyrase so as to enhance its ADPase activity by more than 100-fold.
49 A demonstrated the highest calcium/magnesium ADPase activity ratio, 2.8-fold higher than that of wild
50 rthermore, these mutations decreased maximal ADPase activity for both the soluble and membrane-bound
51 ing activity (>90%) and completely devoid of ADPase activity, along with a similar extent of inhibiti
52                      S218A, with 91% loss of ADPase activity, could still reverse platelet aggregatio
53 Ps) were counted in serial cross-sections of ADPase flat-embedded retinas of air-reared control 8-, 1
54      The fellow retinas were prepared by our ADPase flat-embedding technique to determine the degree
55 hibitor, diadenosine pentaphosphate, reduced ADPase activity by more than 70% on both epithelial surf
56                                        Since ADPase activity of the soluble form is crucial for its p
57                                          The ADPase activity of wild-type solCD39 and each mutant, ex
58  restored the ability to form dimers and the ADPase activity, further indicating that the nucleotidas
59 sed both the tendency to form dimers and the ADPase activity.
60                          The kinetics of the ADPase activity exhibit positive cooperativity.
61 the ATPase activity but less than 50% of the ADPase activity, converting the enzyme into an ADPase wi
62 ubstitution has a much smaller effect on the ADPase:ATPase ratio in both cases.
63                      The comparison with the ADPase flat-embedded fellow retinas suggested that incre
64 ction with antisense oligonucleotides, total ADPase activity fell from 26.0 +/- 3.1 in control cultur
65 or SOR-recovered animals were analyzed using ADPase stained or fluorescein-labeled dextran infused re
66 very, retinal vasculature was assessed using ADPase staining and light microscopy.
67 oxygen) and in three room air controls using ADPase flat-embedded retinas and cross-sections.
68   Endothelial cell CD39, an ecto-enzyme with ADPase and ATPase activities, rapidly metabolizes ATP an

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