


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              AFLP analysis also disclosed that the same AFLP restrict
2                                              AFLP analysis provided higher resolution and could be us
3                                              AFLP analysis revealed a high degree of genomic polymorp
4                                              AFLP analysis using a selective primer delineated five p
5                                              AFLP and PFGE showed that the isolates from humans and c
6                                              AFLP fingerprinting revealed a similar pattern, with mos
7                                              AFLP identified a large cluster of 31 indistinguishable
8                                              AFLP is a reliable molecular technique that has provided
9                                              AFLP marker analyses revealed the pattern and extent of
10                                              AFLP marker genotyping, using the EcoRI and TaqI restric
11                                              AFLP markers are extremely sensitive to even small seque
12                                              AFLP revealed significant intraspecific genetic variatio
13                                              AFLP tradeoffs may differ among studies, but our results
14                                              AFLP was rapid, fairly inexpensive, and reproducible and
15                                              AFLP-, RAPD-, and RFLP-derived markers were used to satu
16 ns in their chloroplast haplotype and for 10 AFLP markers.
17                                A total of 11 AFLP-derived SCAR markers, previously tagged to the Vf l
18  an F(2) mapping population (N = 539) at 154 AFLP, microsatellite, and gene-based markers.
19 er size classes were also genotyped with 155 AFLP loci.
20                    The map was made with 172 AFLP and 10 anonymous codominant markers segregating amo
21                     Allele frequencies of 18 AFLP markers (64.3%) for Mbita and of 26 markers (92.9%)
22 imer combination generated an average of 8.2 AFLP markers eligible for linkage mapping.
23 sis and the method and a case study with 201 AFLP and SSR markers scored on 228 full-sib individuals
24                             Sequencing of 24 AFLP-cDNA fragments revealed genes with a variety of fun
25  an F(2) mapping population (N = 526) at 255 AFLP, microsatellite, and gene-based markers and derived
26 rised of 972 molecular markers (538 Bin, 258 AFLPs, 175 SSRs, and an EST).
27 ere, we genotype 23 pinniped species for 310 AFLP markers and find a strong phylogenetic signal, with
28            A molecular map with 102 RFLP, 34 AFLP and six microsatellite markers has been used to map
29             This genome-wide analysis of 357 AFLP characters (polymorphic fragments) indicates that B
30 (DHLs) that were genotyped for 368 RFLP, 358 AFLP, and 3 isozyme markers.
31 neybee genome were constructed from over 400 AFLP markers.
32                               A total of 418 AFLP markers were assigned to 44 linkage groups.
33                                      The 418 AFLP markers covered 1593 cM Kosambi.
34 lysis resulted in a dense linkage map of 541 AFLP and 111 SSR markers distributed across 19 linkage g
35                               A total of 607 AFLP markers were analyzed using 65 primer combinations
36 imates of f, along with genetic data from 94 AFLP markers and 12 microsatellites.
37   Based on the presence/absence of amplified AFLP fragments and pairwise similarity values, all the S
38         To further test that possibility, an AFLP-based genetic map of the Hessian fly genome was con
39 etraploid cotton, of genotype AAGG, using an AFLP-cDNA display screen.
40 predominant MPIL genotype (genotype A18) and AFLP genotypes (genotypes Z1 and Z2) of M. paratuberculo
41  Thus, the combination of fingerprinting and AFLP-based contig assembly and mapping provides a reliab
42 REA, PFGE, slpAST, PCR-ribotyping, MLST, and AFLP.
43  each of these 11 pairs by both RAPD-PCR and AFLP analyses.
44                             Both rep-PCR and AFLP assays were rapid and reproducible, with high indic
45         The changes detected by RAPD-PCR and AFLP indicate that genetic drift occurs within H. pylori
46 s of our study indicate that the rep-PCR and AFLP techniques enable rapid fingerprinting of P. multoc
47          Concordance analyses of rep-PCR and AFLP with somatic serotyping indicate that, in general,
48                                     PFGE and AFLP were less discriminatory than ribotyping and RAPD.
49 n, noninbred parents was scored for RAPD and AFLP markers, in order to develop a linkage map.
50                     We propose that RAPD and AFLP provide valuable tools for molecular typing of M. b
51  chosen and characterized by PFGE, RAPD, and AFLP.
52 and subjected to analysis by PFGE, RAPD, and AFLP.
53 es were undertaken using plastid regions and AFLP fragments.
54  be expected to complement existing RFLP and AFLP maps, increasing the power and resolution of genome
55 -83 (low-ABA) which was mapped with RFLP and AFLP markers.
56 lated data set and to a small set of SSR and AFLP markers scored in a full-sib population of tetraplo
57                     Integrating the SSR- and AFLP-based maps generated 31 linkage groups comprising 1
58 sing data from GIS, morphological traits and AFLP markers.
59               Molecular markers Xbarc113 and AFLP AGCTCG-347 on chromosome 6A, Xbarc121 and Xbarc49 o
60                  Dominant markers (DArTs and AFLPs) are commonly used for genetic analysis in the fie
61 n ten linkage groups; 2454 of those loci are AFLP products generated from either the EcoRI/MseI or Ps
62  to DNA fingerprinting applications, such as AFLP.
63 g DNA polymorphisms (primarily identified as AFLPs) as molecular genetic markers.
64                      The association between AFLP and the E474Q mutation in the fetus is significant.
65                                         Both AFLP and RAPD separated the isolates into two distinct g
66           Inbreeding estimates based on both AFLP and microsatellite markers were found to correlate
67  approximately 65% of the contigs aligned by AFLP analysis had sufficient overlap to be confirmed by
68 tion, 30% of the overlapping BACs aligned by AFLP analysis provided information for merging contigs a
69  this mutation in pregnancies complicated by AFLP could allow early diagnosis and treatment in newbor
70 n phylogenetic tree with clusters defined by AFLP.
71 argely agreed with other clusters defined by AFLP.
72 ina, microsatellite markers were obtained by AFLP of sequences containing repeats (FIASCO).
73  provided only 77% of the detail provided by AFLP analysis.
74 tuberculosis-polymorphic regions revealed by AFLP were cloned and sequenced.
75  in latex, we analyzed more than 20,000 cDNA-AFLP-based TDFs (transcription-derived fragments) and 11
76 o VPE was found to be up-regulated in a cDNA-AFLP analysis of host responses of a wild peanut, Arachi
77 ntal stressors, we used microarrays and cDNA-AFLP to identify Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) fragments
78 differential display techniques such as cDNA-AFLP (Amplification Fragment Length Polymorphism).
79 at are used extensively by the authors, cDNA-AFLP and cDNA microarraying.
80            Expression was determined by cDNA-AFLP coupled with silver staining of the gels.
81 and tetraploid (T. turgidum) parents by cDNA-AFLP display.
82 mplified fragment length polymorphisms (cDNA-AFLP), to systematically characterize hundreds of the ge
83 procal formation, comprised 0.6% of the cDNA-AFLP bands.
84                             Most of the cDNA-AFLP polymorphisms apparently resulted from loss of pare
85 carried out with seven to confirm their cDNA-AFLP differential pattern.
86  protein to follow infection over time, cDNA-AFLP to find genes up-regulated during virus infection i
87                                   Using cDNA-AFLPs followed by genomic and cDNA cleaved amplified pol
88                       Data from 32 different AFLP primer combinations identified approximately 2400 B
89  methods such as SAGE, Differential Display, AFLP, etc. which rely on PCR.
90 Analysis using Taxotron revealed 10 distinct AFLP profiles among 57 isolates.
91                                 Thirty-eight AFLP primer combinations provided 585 informative marker
92                                     Eighteen AFLP primer combinations were used to genotype two recip
93                                        Every AFLP study initially generates markers with a range of l
94 lymyxa, and B. stearothermophilus shared few AFLP markers with B. anthracis and were used as outgroup
95 satellites and 200 individuals, 100 loci for AFLPs.
96 satellites and 150 individuals, 100 loci for AFLPs.
97 lolly pine (Pinus taeda L.), using data from AFLP markers from an essentially complete genome map.
98  Together with DNA fingerprints derived from AFLP markers, we evaluated variation in fruit and plant
99 mated from mitochondrial DNA with those from AFLPs and contrast traditional PAUP(*) Nei-Li AFLP genet
100  EcoRI/PstI-digested genomic DNA to generate AFLP bands and identified 309 markers that segregated am
101      Nine primer pairs were used to generate AFLP patterns, with a total number of amplified fragment
102 murium var. Copenhagen strains) but that had AFLP DNA fingerprints similar or identical to those of s
103                       Twenty-seven women had AFLP and 81 had HELLP syndrome.
104                                        Here, AFLP bulk segregant analysis using H. melpomene crosses
105                                     However, AFLP markers did establish the presence or absence of th
106   However, Clustal DNA alignments identified AFLP restriction enzyme sites that were undigested in th
107                                           In AFLP analysis, bacterial genomic DNA is digested with re
108 xperimental climate treatments at individual AFLP loci in P. lanceolata, but not in F. ovina.
109 FLPs and contrast traditional PAUP(*) Nei-Li AFLP genetic distances with a recently proposed method u
110 regating for api and have generated X-linked AFLP markers.
111 (BAC) clones identified with the ASGR-linked AFLPs or previously mapped markers, when mapped by fluor
112 R, we have identified eight new ASGR-linked, AFLP-based molecular markers, only one of which showed r
113                         A total of 347 loci (AFLPs, RAPDs, and protein-coding loci) were mapped using
114 oci are scored (eg 250 loci, typical of many AFLP studies).
115    Chromosome numbers and molecular markers (AFLPs) document the inheritance of the maternal genome t
116 , 4x-2) F1s, three lack a subset of maternal AFLP markers.
117                             Using a modified AFLP technique called transposon display, 215 elements w
118 sm (AFLP) and methylation sensitive-AFLP (MS-AFLP) markers, we tested the hypothesis that differentia
119 er, crowding for a day resulted in neural MS-AFLP fingerprints that were clearly distinct from both c
120 ed locusts show markedly different neural MS-AFLP fingerprints.
121  amplified fragment length polymorphisms (MS-AFLP) to compare the effect of acute and chronic crowdin
122            Some clustering of the EcoRI/MseI AFLP markers was observed, possibly in centromeric regio
123 ground differentiation at putatively neutral AFLP loci was close to zero, and genomewide genetic stru
124                                Among the non-AFLP markers, 136 are SSRs previously mapped in sorghum,
125                          Cluster analysis of AFLP marker scores identified 10 groups of animals with
126                               Application of AFLP highlighted the genetic homogeneity of Brucella.
127           Using a linkage map constructed of AFLP and microsatellite markers, three QTL controlling b
128            In spite of this determination of AFLP profiles of large numbers of isolates of human and
129 in 5 families (19%) with maternal history of AFLP (95% confidence interval, 9%-54%).
130                                  Homology of AFLP patterns of 35% or less was used as a cutoff value
131 oroplast haplotype but showed high levels of AFLP genotypic diversity consistent with sexual reproduc
132 tantially add to the discriminatory power of AFLP when applied to Brucella and enhance the value of t
133 ers coupled with computational prediction of AFLP loci has enabled its correspondence with the newly
134 i isolates compared well with the results of AFLP.
135 genetic loci and the pan-genomic sampling of AFLP appears to offer a well-supported assessment of B.
136                      On average, each set of AFLP primers amplified 28 single-copy DNA markers that w
137 FLP) markers revealed that a small subset of AFLP markers showed 'outlier' genetic differentiation am
138  These data further emphasize the utility of AFLP markers as general tools for phylogenetic reconstru
139 lone (P = 0.320), demonstrating the value of AFLP and RAPD analyses in the characterization of diseas
140                                     Based on AFLP marker similarity, the ongoing anthrax epidemic in
141 ch less informative markers, such as SNPs or AFLPs, can reach the same power for parentage and sibshi
142 and the population genetic structure (in our AFLP dataset) was partly explained by isolation by envir
143   In addition, we confirmed X linkage of our AFLP markers and api by using one X-linked marker develo
144                                        PFGE, AFLP, and MLVA grouped two, one, and two different non-A
145                                     Plotting AFLP divergence time estimates against those based on bo
146 d gametophytes, genotyped at 121 polymorphic AFLP loci, three gene-based nuclear loci, one chloroplas
147 d in 46 linkage groups, and 1574 polymorphic AFLP markers were identified.
148  per line were genotyped for 239 polymorphic AFLP markers.
149       Amplified fragment length polymorphic (AFLP) markers were used to discriminate between lines of
150 Amplified restriction fragment polymorphism (AFLP) is a PCR-based DNA fingerprinting technique.
151  and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analyses were used to fingerprint M. avium subsp.
152 d by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis and by sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene an
153 cDNA-amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis of leaves from mature plants revealed tha
154      Amplified fragment-length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis of the isolates was combined with epidemi
155 s by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis, which revealed DNA fingerprint similarit
156 d by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis.
157  and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis; and ELISA, to determine Lewis phenotypes
158 s of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and bulk segregant analysis were used to map the D
159 sing Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) and methylation sensitive-AFLP (MS-AFLP) markers,
160 with amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and microsatellite markers) were correlated with t
161  148 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and six single-strand conformation polymorphism (S
162  use amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) data to assess genetic divergence and test for sig
163  and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) fingerprinting.
164 d by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) genomic fingerprinting to each other and to strain
165      Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) is a whole-genome fingerprinting method that relie
166 , an amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) is heterozygous in males and homozygous recessive
167 With amplified fragment-length polymorphism (AFLP) markers and controlled crosses we constructed link
168 sing amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RA
169 phic Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) markers as a means to assess small-scale genetic h
170 sing amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers revealed that a small subset of AFLP marke
171 sing amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers revealed three QTL for beetle resistance t
172 1498 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers, the papaya ringspot virus coat protein ma
173 sing amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers.
174  the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) method.
175 cDNA-amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) pattern of Agrobacterium- and mock-inoculated Ager
176 ible amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) profiles, but was unsuccessful with 13 other speci
177 sing amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technology, resolved on a LI-COR dual-dye DNA sequ
178  for amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) to characterize the genomes of 20 Mycobacterium av
179 e of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) to develop a linkage map of Laupala.
180 ) or amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) types.
181      Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) was employed as a genetic analysis tool for the st
182      Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) was investigated for the differentiation of Coryne
183      Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) was used for typing avian mycoplasma species.
184  and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) were used to characterize a sample of 43 field iso
185 nes, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE).
186 GE), amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analy
187 VA), amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), surface layer protein A gene sequence typing (slp
188  amplification fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), these strains were grouped into three different c
189 e of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), whereby we visually assessed the agreement of the
190 pply amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP)-cDNA display to perform a genome-wide screen for o
191 sing amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP).
192  and amplified fragment length polymorphism [AFLP]) for the characterization of C. diphtheriae strain
193  by amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) and multilocus sequence typing (MLST).
194 rs [amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) and simple sequence repeats (SSR)] we have generat
195 ied amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) cosegregating with fusibility, used these markers
196  on amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) and genes, consists of 31 linkage groups (LGs; co
197 ith amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) and microsatellite markers.
198  as amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPDs), t
199     Amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) are widely used for phylogenetic reconstruction i
200  of amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) for resolving deep evolutionary relationships.
201  of amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) in G. laevigata, focusing on individuals from the
202     Amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) provide a rapid and inexpensive source of multilo
203 ing Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms (AFLPs) revealed no genetic differences between the two s
204 112 anonymous fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) was studied in 41 haploid embryos derived from a
205 and amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs).
206 for amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs).
207 ing amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs).
208              Acute fatty liver of pregnancy (AFLP) and hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low pla
209              Acute fatty liver of pregnancy (AFLP) and the syndrome of hemolysis, elevated liver enzy
210 lectrophoretic karyotypes) and PCR products (AFLP procedures) were determined for Microbotryum lineag
211 trast to the variation among taxa, only rare AFLP marker variation was observed within B. anthracis,
212        A BAC identified with the recombinant AFLP marker mapped most proximal to the centromere of th
213                              Data from RFLP, AFLP, and microsatellite analysis were used to create a
214 mission ratio distortion (TRD) of 729 RFLPs, AFLPs, and isozyme markers distributed across the genome
215 ust/soil, honey) usually located to the same AFLP clade as the patient's isolate, thereby identifying
216   AFLP analysis also disclosed that the same AFLP restriction sites were digested in all of the fecal
217  and environmental strains that had the same AFLP/MLST genotypes.
218       We used 34 pairs of two-base selective AFLP primers and identified 1048 polymorphic markers tha
219 olymorphism (AFLP) and methylation sensitive-AFLP (MS-AFLP) markers, we tested the hypothesis that di
220 omosomal region encompassing api using seven AFLP markers.
221 ble maternal and perinatal outcome in severe AFLP and HELLP syndrome.
222  their ease of amplification in any species, AFLP markers may prove to be a valuable new tool for est
223                        We used male-specific AFLP markers to characterize the extent of deletions in
224   A genetic linkage map composed of 841 SSR, AFLP, and RAPD markers and phenotypic data from 310 prog
225 g apple scab resistance gene(s) by targeting AFLP-derived SCAR markers to this specific genomic regio
226                    A total of 1354 testcross AFLP marker loci were evaluated in the three parental ma
227 t by the RFLP/SSR markers demonstrating that AFLP technology is effective in providing excellent geno
228 ha and DH5 alpha F'IQ strains indicated that AFLP is able to resolve differences in F' episomal DNA (
229                            Here we show that AFLPs provide resolution of deep relationships within th
230                                          The AFLP data reveal unprecedented resolution, clustering sa
231                                          The AFLP dendrogram, the largest to date, contained 154 clad
232                                          The AFLP markers showed a high level of clustering that appe
233                     In general, however, the AFLP markers filled most of the gaps left by the RFLP/SS
234 alysis identified linear combinations of the AFLP marker scores that grouped animals by selection lin
235 apping deletions to predict the order of the AFLP markers and to locate the mutated sex-determining g
236           To this end, a modification of the AFLP procedure called transposon display was used to gen
237  sufficient to overcome this obstacle of the AFLP technique for deep divergences.
238    95% of the microsatellites and 92% of the AFLPs were linked in the final map.
239        Statistical tests indicate that these AFLP markers tend to cluster over the map, with the coef
240                                         This AFLP map provides a framework for locating genes on the
241 mic differences were detected, and thus this AFLP approach is likely to prove most useful for identif
242 eight distribution pattern was compatible to AFLP-based clustering analysis for the collection.
243 (n = 131) and VNTRs (n = 31), in addition to AFLPs (n = 66) and 7 other markers.
244 e effect of crossing parental lines from two AFLP-based groups on carotenoid accumulation and agronom
245                   One hundred and twenty-two AFLP markers were mapped using an IR64 x Azucena rice do
246                                 We have used AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) DNA marker
247                                Here, we used AFLPs to compare population structure in co-distributed
248                                        Using AFLP markers, we constructed the first linkage map of Co
249                                        Using AFLP technology and a recombinant inbred line population
250  a detailed genetic linkage map of ECB using AFLP and microsatellite markers and map the factors resp
251 e bands in a denaturing sequencing gel using AFLP.
252              Molecular marker analysis using AFLPs and isoenzymes did not identify any clear major ge
253 minal bleeding occurred in 12 women (10 with AFLP), 9 of whom required laparotomies for clot evacuati
254 atures and laboratory values consistent with AFLP, and 7 (15%) had HELLP syndrome.
255                           Four patients with AFLP (12.5%) had a fatal outcome, with a corresponding p
256 ications occurred in 17 of the patients with AFLP (53%) and in 2 of those with HELLP syndrome (29%).
257 ing a linkage map constructed primarily with AFLP markers, QTL mapping was performed, including MCE c

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