


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 , and floral morphogenesis (leafy, apetala1, agamous).
2 rences of a complex formed by SEPALLATA3 and AGAMOUS.
3 LEUNIG, a previously identified repressor of AGAMOUS.
4 nhanced ectopic and precocious expression of AGAMOUS.
5 at is required in the negative regulation of AGAMOUS.
6 d as well as the floral regulators LEAFY and AGAMOUS.
7 ator of the Arabidopsis floral homeotic gene AGAMOUS.
8 scribe methylation effects at a second gene, AGAMOUS.
9 ta double mutants is not mediated by ectopic AGAMOUS.
10 duced mutation in ZAG1, the maize homolog of AGAMOUS.
11 wo floral organ identity genes, APETALA3 and AGAMOUS.
12 FY and WUSCHEL, but requires the function of AGAMOUS.
13 ose of mutations in the floral homeotic gene AGAMOUS.
14 ut similar clonal analyses in apetala3-3 and agamous-1 mutant plants.
15 velop anthers and/or functional pollen (i.e. agamous-1, apetala1-3 and dad1) were significantly less
16                                  In pAP3::AG agamous-3 mutants, the flowers are indeterminate and con
17                                              AGAMOUS, a key player in floral morphogenesis, specifies
18 e showed that HEN1, like the C function gene AGAMOUS, acts to specify reproductive organ identities a
19  (AP1), APETALA3 (AP3), PISTILLATA (PI), and AGAMOUS (AG) act in a combinatorial manner to specify th
20 (CLF) is required to repress targets such as AGAMOUS (AG) and SHOOTMERISTEMLESS (STM).
21 c genes APETALA3 (AP3), PISTILLATA (PI), and AGAMOUS (AG) are immediately upregulated in young flower
22 latory sequences of the floral homeotic gene AGAMOUS (AG) are located in the second intron.
23 s B gene APETALA3 (AP3) and the class C gene AGAMOUS (AG) causes reduced reproductive fitness and is
24  (AP1), APETALA3 (AP3), PISTILLATA (PI), and AGAMOUS (AG) combinatorially specify the identity of Ara
25                The Arabidopsis MADS box gene AGAMOUS (AG) controls reproductive organ identity and fl
26             The MADS box organ identity gene AGAMOUS (AG) controls several steps during Arabidopsis t
27 g the repression of the flower homeotic gene AGAMOUS (AG) during vegetative development in Arabidopsi
28 ty genes PISTILLATA (PI), APETALA3 (AP3) and AGAMOUS (AG) from T. dioicum and the hermaphroditic spec
29 restricts the expression of the C-class gene AGAMOUS (AG) from whorls 1 and 2.
30  and this process requires the activation of AGAMOUS (AG) gene expression.
31                                          The AGAMOUS (AG) gene is necessary for plant sexual reproduc
32 re eudicot, the floral homeotic C-class gene AGAMOUS (AG) has a dual role specifying reproductive org
33                            The homeotic gene AGAMOUS (AG) has dual roles in specifying organ fate and
34  flower development, including repression of AGAMOUS (AG) in second whorl cells, promotion of petal e
35 WUSCHEL (WUS) by the floral homeotic protein AGAMOUS (AG) is a key part of this process.
36             The floral organ identity factor AGAMOUS (AG) is a key regulator of Arabidopsis thaliana
37                The Arabidopsis homeotic gene AGAMOUS (AG) is necessary for the specification of repro
38            Genetic analyses demonstrate that AGAMOUS (AG) is required for the novel phenotypes observ
39 scription of the Arabidopsis C-function gene AGAMOUS (AG) is tightly controlled by factors that inter
40    We show that these rbe defects are due to AGAMOUS (AG) misexpression in the second whorl.
41         In vivo studies with the Arabidopsis AGAMOUS (AG) protein have indicated that the K domain is
42 two floral homeotic genes APETALA2 (AP2) and AGAMOUS (AG) specify the identities of perianth and repr
43  (AP1), APETALA3 (AP3), PISTILLATA (PI), and AGAMOUS (AG) specify the identity of Arabidopsis floral
44            Both C- and D-genes belong to the AGAMOUS (AG) subfamily of MADS box transcription factors
45                               Members of the AGAMOUS (AG) subfamily of MIKC-type MADS-box genes appea
46            In Arabidopsis, the homeotic gene AGAMOUS (AG) terminates meristem activity and promotes d
47  and petals by restricting the expression of AGAMOUS (AG) to the inner two whorls in Arabidopsis thal
48 tive co-repressor complex to prevent ectopic AGAMOUS (AG) transcription in flowers.
49 the pathway is dispensable in the absence of AGAMOUS (AG), a known inhibitor of petal development.
50                                              AGAMOUS (AG), a MADS domain transcription factor essenti
51 es APETALA3 (AP3) and PISTILLATA, the C gene AGAMOUS (AG), and the E genes SEPALLATA1 (SEP1) to SEP4.
52          AP3, PI, and another homeotic gene, AGAMOUS (AG), are further required for SUP expression in
53 sing constructs corresponding to four genes, AGAMOUS (AG), CLAVATA3, APETALA1, and PERIANTHIA, caused
54 floral homeotic genes, APETALA3, PISTILLATA, AGAMOUS (AG), SEPALLATA1 (SEP1), SEPALLATA2 (SEP2), and
55 ional repression of the floral homeotic gene AGAMOUS (AG), we identified two mutations in the BELLRIN
56  that enhanced the FM determinacy defects of agamous (ag)-10, a weak ag allele.
57 gous to the Arabidopsis floral homeotic gene AGAMOUS (AG).
58 s the function of the floral regulatory gene AGAMOUS (AG).
59 wo floral homeotic genes, APETALA2 (AP2) and AGAMOUS (AG).
60 l the expression of the flower homeotic gene AGAMOUS (AG).
61 nteractions with TERMINAL FLOWER1 (TFL1) and AGAMOUS (AG).
62 xpression of LEAFY (LFY), APETALA1 (AP1) and AGAMOUS (AG).
63            A recent study has now shown that AGAMOUS also plays more specific roles in the regional a
64            A second floral development gene, AGAMOUS, also became hypermethylated and silenced in an
65 , which is known to repress the C-class gene AGAMOUS, also regulates the expression borders of the B-
66  of the function of the organ identity genes AGAMOUS and APETALA2, and it is required for the formati
67 we propose that SEUSS encodes a regulator of AGAMOUS and functions together with LEUNIG.
68 g photo-period in the floral homeotic mutant agamous and in plants heterozygous for the meristem iden
69 meotic mutants apetala1, apetala3, pistilla, agamous and superman, novel floral phenotypes result.
70 TILLATA (PI), SEPALLATAI (SEPI), SEP2, SEP3, AGAMOUS, and APETALA are required for proper floral orga
71 hat a regulatory loop involving the WUSCHEL, AGAMOUS, and LEAFY genes controls the switch from contin
72 ral organ identity genes APETALA3, APETALA1, AGAMOUS, and PISTILLATA are expressed only in a subset o
73 ns floral meristem identity independently of AGAMOUS, and that the primary role of LEAFY is either di
74 rget genes such as the flower MADS box genes AGAMOUS, APETALA3, and PISTILLATA.
75 d positions; correct spatial activity of the AGAMOUS, APETALA3, PISTILLATA and SUPERMAN genes; and fl
76                        In addition, FON1 and AGAMOUS both seem to affect the domain of APETALA3 funct
77  members of the euAG and PLE lineages of the AGAMOUS clade.
78       The zinc fingers of ZIC3 and the mcm1, agamous deficiens SRF (MADS) box motif of SRF were found
79 2 is an evolutionarily conserved MADS (MCM1, Agamous, Deficiens, and serum response factor) box-type
80         Here we report that the MADS (MCM-1, agamous, deficiens, serum response factor) box transcrip
81 hancer factor-2 (MEF2) family of MADS (MCM1, agamous, deficiens, serum response factor)-box transcrip
82 cyte enhancer factor-2 (MEF2) family of MCM1-agamous-deficiens-serum response factor (MADS)-box trans
83     They share the conserved N-terminal MCM1-agamous-deficiens-serum response factor and MEF2 domains
84                     FLC encodes a MADS (MCM1/AGAMOUS/DEFICIENS/SRF1) domain transcription factor that
85 sty is not suppressed by leafy, apetala1 and agamous, demonstrating that this phenotype does not resu
86                        PFS2 activity altered AGAMOUS expression, which accounts for some of the gain-
87 redicted to transcriptionally co-repress the AGAMOUS floral organ identity gene.
88 tructed a transgenic line that expresses the AGAMOUS gene under the control of the APETALA3 promotor
89  35S-promoter-NAG1 (NAG1 = Nicotiana tabacum Agamous gene) transgene.
90 henotype does not require the product of the AGAMOUS gene, indicating that the phenotype is either in
91     We examined the expression of the tomato AGAMOUS gene, TAG1, in ripening, in vitro sepal cultures
92 fication of stamens and carpels requires the AGAMOUS gene.
93 ts of the APETALA1, APETALA3, PISTILLATA and AGAMOUS genes bind to several conserved sequence motifs
94 o the identification and cloning of a second AGAMOUS homolog, ZMM2, that has a pattern of expression
95 S (SEU), and to repress the transcription of AGAMOUS in floral organ identity specification.
96 topic expression of the floral homeotic gene AGAMOUS in flowers.
97        Contrary to reports on the absence of AGAMOUS in sepals, TAG1 RNA levels in green sepals from
98 AFY-responsive enhancer in the homeotic gene AGAMOUS indicates that direct interaction of LEAFY with
99 ates directly with the master homeotic locus AGAMOUS, inducing its expression by regulating its histo
100                        In wild-type flowers, AGAMOUS is expressed in the third and fourth floral whor
101  Under the control of the APETALA3 promotor, AGAMOUS is misexpressed in the second whorl of the flowe
102 hanism ensures that the floral homeotic gene AGAMOUS is only expressed in the center of an Arabidopsi
103                         The Arabidopsis gene AGAMOUS is required for male and female reproductive org
104                            We also show that AGAMOUS is required to maintain the layered structure of
105  floral homeotic A, B, and C function genes; AGAMOUS is the only known C function gene.
106 rrelate negatively with expression levels of AGAMOUS-LIKE (AGL) genes in endosperm of interploidy cro
107                                              AGAMOUS-like 15 (AGL15) encodes a MADS-domain transcript
108                            Here, we identify AGAMOUS-like 15 (AGL15; a MADS-domain transcription fact
109               The MADS domain protein AGL15 (AGAMOUS-Like 15) has been found to preferentially accumu
110                                   AGL15 (for AGAMOUS-Like 15) is a member of the MADS domain family o
111                                   AGL15 (for AGAMOUS-like 15) is currently the only reported member o
112                                       AGL15 (AGAMOUS-like 15), a member of the MADS domain family of
113                                       AGL15 (AGAMOUS-like 15), a member of the MADS-domain family of
114 genes (FLOWERING LOCUS C, FLOWERING LOCUS M, AGAMOUS-LIKE 15, and AGAMOUS-LIKE 18) using reporter con
115 S C, FLOWERING LOCUS M, AGAMOUS-LIKE 15, and AGAMOUS-LIKE 18) using reporter constructs encoding tran
116                                              AGAMOUS-LIKE 20/SUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CONSTANS
118                          Here we report that AGAMOUS-LIKE 24 (AGL24) also plays a role in the regulat
119 e in large part to the ectopic expression of AGAMOUS-LIKE 24 (AGL24), a central regulator of floral m
120 SOCIATED MADS-BOX (DAM) genes are related to AGAMOUS-LIKE 24 and SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE genes of arab
121                                          The AGAMOUS-LIKE 42 (AGL42) gene, which encodes a MADS box t
122 e gene for the MADS-box transcription factor AGAMOUS-LIKE 50 (AGL50), which we show directly to alter
123  box transcription factors, particularly the AGAMOUS-like family, play important roles in controlling
124 gulation 5 to 8 d after pollination (DAP) of agamous-like genes and retroelements.
125 R BINDING PROTEIN LIKE (SPL), NAC, YUCCA and AGAMOUS-LIKE genes associated with increases in age, lea
126  failing seed transcriptome encoded putative AGAMOUS-LIKE MADS domain transcription factors (AGL) tha
127               Finally, sid1 and ids1 repress AGAMOUS-like MADS-box transcription factors within the l
128           The MADS domain protein AGL15 (for AGAMOUS-like) is expressed preferentially during embryog
129 om DNA binding studies of AGL1 and AGL2 (for AGAMOUS-like), two Arabidopsis MADS domain proteins that
130                                              AGAMOUS-like-15 (AGL15) is a member of the MADS-domain f
131 , TOMATO AGAMOUS1 (TAG1) and ARLEQUIN/TOMATO AGAMOUS LIKE1 (hereafter referred to as TAGL1) are, resp
132            The MADS box gene Arlequin/tomato Agamous-like1 (hereafter referred to as TAGL1) was repor
133 interference repression, we show that Tomato AGAMOUS-LIKE1 (TAGL1), the tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)
134 ose of others suggest that FUL1/2 and TOMATO AGAMOUS-LIKE1 regulate different subsets of the known RI
135 on factor Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) AGAMOUS-LIKE15 (AGL15) and a putative ortholog from soyb
136         Finally, to test the hypothesis that AGAMOUS-LIKE15 (AGL15) and AGAMOUS-LIKE18 (AGL18) play e
137  factors, including the MADS-domain proteins AGAMOUS-LIKE15 (AGL15) and AGL18, contribute to the regu
138 e demonstrated that the transcription factor AGAMOUS-LIKE15 (AGL15) binds to the PRX17 promoter and r
139    The MADS-domain transcriptional regulator AGAMOUS-LIKE15 (AGL15) has been reported to enhance soma
140 abidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) MADS factor AGAMOUS-Like15 (AGL15) in the promotion of somatic embry
141                                              AGAMOUS-Like15 (AGL15) is a MADS domain transcriptional
142 dopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) MADS box genes Agamous-like15 (GmAGL15) and GmAGL18 increased embryogen
143                           Here, we show that AGAMOUS-LIKE16 (AGL16) and its negative regulator microR
144 e hypothesis that AGAMOUS-LIKE15 (AGL15) and AGAMOUS-LIKE18 (AGL18) play essential roles during the e
145 f the vernalization pathway, most notably by AGAMOUS LIKE19 (AGL19), FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT), and FLC.
146                     This approach identified AGAMOUS-LIKE22 (AGL22), as key hub gene in a TF GRN.
148                                              AGAMOUS-like6 (AGL6) genes encode MIKC-type MADS box tra
149 5 genes, including the transcription factors AGAMOUS-Like6 and MYB36, was overexpressed in the stem t
150 DS box transcription factor in the conserved AGAMOUS-LIKE6 clade.
151 ine-mapping showed that a specific allele of AGAMOUS-Like6 from accession C24 conferred reduced branc
152   A signal initiated in the endosperm by the AGAMOUS-LIKE62 MADS box transcription factor relieves th
153 -of-function alleles of the S-class proteins AGAMOUS-LIKE66 (AGL66) and AGL104.
154  or far-red-enriched light induced LEAFY and AGAMOUS-LIKE8 expression within 4 hours.
155                      Expression of LEAFY and AGAMOUS-LIKE8 in the shoot apex at the time of floral de
156 of the floral regulators LEAFY, APETALA1 and AGAMOUS-LIKE8 was examined during light treatments that
157                     In contrast to LEAFY and AGAMOUS-LIKE8, APETALA1 expression was first observed 16
158         fem111 contains a T-DNA insertion in AGAMOUS-LIKE80 (AGL80).
159 th duplications in the DEFICIENS/GLOBOSA and AGAMOUS MADS-box subfamilies, which may have resulted fr
160            Mutations in LEUNIG cause ectopic AGAMOUS mRNA expression in the outer two whorls of a flo
161 S cause ectopic and precocious expression of AGAMOUS mRNA, leading to partial homeotic transformation
162 periments with leafy heterozygous plants and agamous mutants grown in conditions that reduce the flor
163 , exhibit floral defects similar to those in agamous mutants: reproductive-to-perianth organ transfor
164 iated silencing of the flower homeotic genes AGAMOUS, PISTILLATA, and APETALA3.
165                      We show that HUA1 binds AGAMOUS pre-mRNA in vitro and that HEN4, HUA1, and HUA2
166  by specifically promoting the processing of AGAMOUS pre-mRNA.
167                   We found that APETALA1 and AGAMOUS promoters were activated in germinating emf seed
168 emains uncharacterized, and the mechanism of AGAMOUS repression remains unknown.
169 orter gene by enhancers contained within the AGAMOUS second intron (AGI) and the Cauliflower Mosaic V
170 er that sepals and petals, as is observed in agamous single mutants; the indeterminacy demonstrates t
171  of the methylated sequences in SUPERMAN and AGAMOUS suggests that hypermethylation could involve DNA
172 identity genes LEAFY, APETELA1, APETELA2 and AGAMOUS, the functioning of these genes is necessary for
173 EAFY acts upstream of homeotic genes such as AGAMOUS to confer floral identity on meristems that aris
174 petala1, apetala2, apetala3, pistillata, and agamous with that of wild-type plants using a flower-spe
175              Mutants in the maize homolog of AGAMOUS, zag1, have a subset of bde floral defects.

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