


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              AMH can be useful in future studies aiming at improved c
2                                              AMH correlated with non-transferrin-bound iron (NTBI), s
3                                              AMH emerges as an important biomarker for assessment of
4                                              AMH evidence from this period is rare and lacks robust c
5                                              AMH II crystallizes in space-group Pbca with 16 formula
6                                              AMH is produced by ovarian follicles during their early
7                                              AMH values ranged from 0.16-35.84 ng/ml and median AMH w
8                                              AMH was measured in 8507 stored plasma samples.
9                                              AMH, fasting insulin, glucose, HDLc, LDLc, triglycerides
10                                              AMH-3 is composed of silicate layers containing eight-me
11 of the canonical WNT pathway, did not affect AMH signaling activation in the Mullerian duct mesenchym
12 GFbeta (transforming growth factor beta) and AMH (anti-Mullerian hormone) expressions were unchanged
13  in female gonads induces localised SOX9 and AMH expression.
14             Ossicles of both Neandertals and AMHs appear derived compared with the inferred ancestral
15                                        Avian AMH cDNA encodes a 644 amino acid protein that is 42% id
16              Antibodies to recombinant avian AMH cross-react with recombinant human AMH and were used
17 t human AMH and were used to show that avian AMH is glycosylated as has been shown for the human form
18                                    The avian AMH gene is transcribed in both male and female gonads b
19                       No association between AMH and stroke was found.
20 n Asian fossil record, and admixture between AMHs and Neanderthals predating the main Eurasian expans
21 arliest evidence of rainforest occupation by AMH, and underscores the importance of reassessing the t
22 volved in the replacement of Neanderthals by AMHs.
23 ies, the genetic determinants of circulating AMH levels are poorly characterized.
24 we postulate that the decline of circulating AMH levels may be part of the pathophysiology of the inc
25 ith results obtained from the earliest dated AMH sites in Europe, associated with the Uluzzian techno
26 nception were not associated with daughters' AMH levels.
27  with cultural materials attributed to early AMHs in western Asia.
28 ations using the administration of exogenous AMH show that the transfer of non-growing primordial fol
29 and make comparisons with recent and extinct AMHs as well as African apes.
30  suggest that in healthy adolescent females, AMH is not associated with cardiometabolic risk factors.
31      Using these SNPs as a genetic proxy for AMH levels, we found no evidence in additional datasets
32 al datasets to support a biological role for AMH in complex traits and diseases in men.
33  active genome of adult C57BL/6 mouse heart (AMH), we used serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE)
34 before pregnancy were associated with higher AMH levels in daughter during adolescence.
35  exclusion of 3% of females with the highest AMH values, after excluding those that had not started m
36 exhibit a decrease in antimullerian hormone (AMH) and inhibin B and an increase in FSH with age corre
37 -phase serum level of antimullerian hormone (AMH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and inhibin B
38 s explore the use of anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) as a new measurement tool in fecundability studies.
39 by premature loss of anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) in secondary follicles.
40 nstitutively express anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) induced a greater proportion of quiescent primordia
41                      Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) is an essential messenger of sexual differentiation
42                      Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) is responsible for regression of the Mullerian duct
43                      Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) levels are increasingly recognized as a biomarker o
44  for associations of Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) with cardiometabolic risk factors is lacking.
45 olume, but levels of anti-mullerian hormone (AMH), a sensitive marker for ovarian reserve independent
46 cations suggest that anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH), an ovarian reserve marker, plays a physiological r
47 ) signaling molecule anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH; also known as Mullerian inhibiting substance, MIS)
48 g substance (MIS) (or anti-Mullerian hormone/AMH), which is produced by granulosa cells of growing fo
49 avian AMH cross-react with recombinant human AMH and were used to show that avian AMH is glycosylated
50                        Similarities to human AMH include motifs of sequence identity, a conserved put
51  acid protein that is 42% identical to human AMH overall with increased identity at the carboxyl term
52 ce suggests that anatomically modern humans (AMH) and various archaic forms coexisted for much of the
53 tic evidence for anatomically modern humans (AMH) out of Africa before 75 thousand years ago (ka) and
54 the dispersal of anatomically modern humans (AMH) out of Africa is a fundamental question in human ev
55 the emergence of anatomically modern humans (AMH).
56  associated with anatomically modern humans (AMHs) and evidence of a probable Neanderthal-made indust
57 arliest incoming anatomically modern humans (AMHs) in Eurasia are key questions in palaeoanthropology
58 nct expansion of anatomically modern humans (AMHs) out of Africa.
59 nt from those of anatomically modern humans (AMHs), despite the close relationship between both human
60 nd the spread of anatomically modern humans (AMHs).
61 l structure of ammonia monohydrate phase II (AMH II) employing a combination of ab initio computation
62 t, the reported absence of first pain and II-AMH microneurographical responses when heat stimuli are
63 ack of first pain and microneurographical II-AMH responses following glabrous skin stimulation could
64  mediated by type-II A-fibre nociceptors (II-AMHs).
65 nts, with the physiological properties of II-AMHs, mediate first pain to heat stimulation of glabrous
66  the hand palm has led to the notion that II-AMHs are lacking in this primate glabrous skin.
67                                 Mutations in AMH or AMHR2 in humans and mice disrupt signaling, produ
68    Brain size increase evolved separately in AMHs and Neandertals, leading to differences in the tymp
69  848) at the time of assessment median (IQR) AMH was 3.81 ng/ml (2.55, 5.82) compared with 3.25 ng/ml
70 refore, we investigated whether longitudinal AMH decline trajectories are associated with an increase
71 t hormonal contraceptive use, women with low AMH values (<0.7 ng/mL [n = 84]) did not have a signific
72  the distribution) was associated with lower AMH levels in daughters.
73 significantly decreased or unchanged in LTM, AMH, HTM, and CMH units.
74                     Accordingly, in mammals, AMH is produced at much higher levels in male fetuses th
75  mechanoreceptor (LTM) units, A-mechanoheat (AMH) units, high threshold mechanoreceptor (HTM) units,
76 lues ranged from 0.16-35.84 ng/ml and median AMH was 3.57 ng/ml (IQR: 2.41, 5.49).
77                                   The median AMH level was 3.67 ng/mL (interquartile range: 2.46-5.57
78 hese data suggest that beta-catenin mediates AMH signaling for Mullerian duct regression during male
79 rejects the hypothesis that the ancestors of AMH were genetically isolated in Africa, thus providing
80 own archaic population into the ancestors of AMH, likely within the last 30,000 yr.
81  genetic evidence for a pre-60 ka arrival of AMH into ISEA.
82                           The association of AMH trajectories with CVD was quantified with joint mode
83 gression was used to examine associations of AMH with these cardiometabolic outcomes.
84                          After comparison of AMH expression profiles obtained by SAGE and cDNA arrays
85 The group mean total number of discharges of AMH units was significantly decreased during tests of al
86 asting insulin changed by 0% per doubling of AMH (95%CI: -3%,+2%) p = 0.70, with identical results if
87                             Other effects of AMH agonists and antagonists are investigated in the set
88 essing AMH production and mRNA expression of AMH, SOX9, DHH, and COL2A1.
89  around day 40 pc, followed by initiation of AMH and steroidogenic genes required for androgen produc
90 zed recipients, including elevated levels of AMH and estradiol.
91 the first quantitative expression profile of AMH and serve as a reliable transcriptome reference to i
92 re we present the synthesis and structure of AMH-3, a silicate with three-dimensionally microporous l
93 creases in group mean response thresholds of AMH units.
94 , functional properties of the middle ear of AMHs and Neandertals are largely similar.
95 orphological differences between ossicles of AMHs and Neandertals.
96 to the mounting evidence for the presence of AMHs out of Africa earlier than 75,000 years ago.
97 s suggest that the LGM had a major impact on AMH populations in Europe prior to the Neolithic.
98       Mullerian inhibiting substance (MIS or AMH) triggers regression by propagating a BMP-like signa
99 ction data were collected from perdeuterated AMH II using the D2B high-resolution diffractometer at t
100 oth male and female embryonic gonads produce AMH at high levels, although in males it is still respon
101 (306)V(307)P(308) to A(306)M(307)H(308) (RB3-AMH) only partially mimicked the effect of switching the
102 first genome-wide association study of serum AMH levels across a set of approximately 9 m '1000 Genom
103              Unlike time to pregnancy, serum AMH level can be assessed regardless of pregnancy-attemp
104 etermining genes, including SOX9, SF1, SOX8, AMH and DMRT1 in an early embryonic development stage at
105 ression was confirmed by IHC for GAGE, SOX9, AMH, CYP17A1, LIN28, WNT2B, ETV5 and GLI1.
106 en also affected Sertoli cell by suppressing AMH production and mRNA expression of AMH, SOX9, DHH, an
107                                  Claims that AMH arrived in ISEA before 60 ka have been supported onl
108                   This evidence implies that AMH may have been present in South Asia before the Toba
109                  These results indicate that AMH trajectories in women are independently associated w
110                     The authors suggest that AMH measurement can be a valuable addition to traditiona
111                      Genetic variants at the AMH protein-coding gene showed considerable allelic hete
112 entity of downstream events regulated by the AMH signaling pathway remains unclear.
113         We have cloned an avian homologue to AMH.
114 hree SNPs, we highlight mechanistic links to AMH gene function and demonstrate highly significant sex
115 gy, we show that the teeth are unequivocally AMH.
116 mouse Mullerian duct mesenchyme depends upon AMH signaling, implicating the WNT pathway as a downstre
117                              The former were AMH-positive while some of the latter were 3betaHSD-posi
118                   We aimed to assess whether AMH is associated with cardiometabolic risk factors in a
119 ing pregnancy were inversely associated with AMH levels.
120 aternal and paternal prenatal exposures with AMH levels in adolescent (mean age, 15.4 years) female o

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