


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                 We show that samples from 10 ANLL and ALL patients patients tested for sensitivity to
2 A of leukemia cells from 4 other patients (2 ANLL and 2 ALL).
3                           We investigated 22 ANLL samples and found a high frequency of Nras and Kras
4 T-cell ALL but present in pre-B-cell ALL and ANLL.
5  results, approximately eight to nine excess ANLLs might be expected to occur among 100 NHL patients
6 ian/Pacific Islanders had increased risk for ANLL (OR = 2.00, 95% CI: 1.19, 3.36).
7  and 2 with acute nonlymphoblastic leukemia (ANLL).
8 patients with acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (ANLL) who required therapeutic leukocytopheresis for hyp
9 nts developed acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (ANLL), which represents a relative risk (RR) of 117 (95%
10 ome (MDS) and acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (ANLL).
11 ukemia (ALL) and acute nonlymphoid leukemia (ANLL).
12 al (24 with acute nonlymphoblastic leukemia [ANLL] and 25 with acute lymphoblastic leukemia [ALL]).
13 utrophils and chronic myeloid leukemia, most ANLL samples also expressed the globo-series GSLs, globo
14 was strongly associated with a myeloblastic (ANLL M0-M2) and monoblastic phenotype (M5).
15 ted from patients with acute nonlymphocytic (ANLL) or acute lymphocytic (ALL) leukemias.
16 s in a genetically engineered mouse model of ANLL.
17 ns were observed for birth weight and ALL or ANLL.
18                               Globo-positive ANLL samples bound both shiga toxin and parvovirus B19 o
19 ve risks of all second cancers and secondary ANLL were 37% and 17%, respectively.
20 cell lines and patient samples indicate that ANLL cells are more sensitive than ALL cells to all thre
21 port a working hypothesis that predicts that ANLL cases have one mutation which inhibits differentiat
22 four partial responses [PR] in patients with ANLL and one CR and two PRs in patients with ALL), and a

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