


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nzymatic activity in repair of abasic sites (AP endonuclease).
2 turn corresponds to a decreased abundance of AP endonuclease.
3  the 5' side of the deoxyribose phosphate by AP endonuclease.
4 in from yeast and show that it is a class II AP endonuclease.
5 emove the 5' sugar-phosphate residue left by AP endonuclease.
6 notion that yeast contains only one major 5'-AP endonuclease.
7 itors of a critical DNA repair enzyme, human AP endonuclease.
8 ecognition of bistranded AP lesions by human AP endonuclease.
9 RP residues that remain after cleavage by 5'-AP endonuclease.
10 n of bistranded abasic site lesions by human AP endonuclease.
11 nts following incision of the abasic site by AP endonuclease.
12 ic/apyrimidinic (AP) site intermediate by an AP endonuclease.
13  significantly stimulated by the presence of AP-endonuclease.
14  that are toxic if they are not processed by AP endonucleases.
15  homologous to the exonuclease III family of AP endonucleases.
16 critical elements in targeted recognition by AP endonucleases.
17 n/Escherichia coli exonuclease III family of AP endonucleases.
18 N-terminus show only low homology with other AP endonucleases.
19 stored by addition of apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease.
20 d by reactive oxygen species are repaired by AP-endonucleases.
21 DG) and mitochondrial apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonucleases.
22 ons is carried out by apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonucleases.
23 ons and resembles the apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonucleases.
24 erential oxidative deamination in vitro, and AP endonuclease 1 (APE1) can cleave the resulting ICL DN
25                                              AP endonuclease 1 (APE1) is the predominant enzyme for p
26                                              AP endonuclease 1 (APE1) is the predominant mammalian en
27 dent and that this activity co-purifies with AP endonuclease 1 (APE1) over phosphocellulose and gel f
28                           We find that human AP endonuclease 1 (APE1) physically interacts with flap
29 , we further provide the first evidence that AP endonuclease 1 (APE1) prevented TNR expansions via it
30 ystallographic studies reveal loops in human AP endonuclease 1 (APE1) that interact with the major an
31   The follow-on base excision repair enzyme, AP endonuclease 1 (APE1), stimulates the turnover of TDG
32                                        Human AP endonuclease 1 (APE1, REF1) functions within the base
33  at the appropriate time in development when AP endonuclease 1 (Apex), the upstream protein in BER, i
34                             We conclude that AP endonuclease 1 is involved in both repairing DNA and
35  5'-flanking T:G mispair; this reduces OGG1, AP endonuclease 1, and DNA polymerase beta activities.
36 the substrate specificity of the major human AP endonuclease 1, APE1, toward U in duplex DNA.
37 sic site that was subsequently 5'-incised by AP endonuclease 1, introducing a single-strand breakage
38 P site with either endonuclease III or human AP endonuclease 1, strongly inhibit excision of 8-oxoG b
39 s to AP sites inhibits the activity of human AP endonuclease 1, which is as a valid anticancer drug t
40                                              AP endonuclease 1, which possesses 3'-->5' exonuclease a
41                 Human apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease 1 (APE1) is a central participant in th
42 erexpression of human apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease 1 (APE1/Ref-1), a key enzyme in the DNA
43 glycosylase 1 (OGG1), apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease 1, DNA polymerase beta, and DNA ligases
44 ubstrate specificity, lack of stimulation by AP-endonuclease 1 (APE1) and anomalous DNA binding confo
45 syl DNA phosphodiesterase 1 (TDP1) and human AP-endonuclease 1 (APE1) could not hydrolyze T5PNP.
46                              The major human AP-endonuclease 1 (APE1) is a multifunctional protein th
47         However, we find that purified human AP-endonuclease 1 (APE1) is able to remove 3'-8-oxoG les
48 tect both uracil DNA N-glycosylase (UNG) and AP-endonuclease 1 (APE1) within few nanograms of nuclear
49 re particles using the known repair enzymes, AP-endonuclease 1, DNA polymerase beta and DNA ligase II
50                      Addition of human APE1 (AP endonuclease-1) increased dissociation of hNTH1 from
51 se excision repair (homologs of XPF, XPC and AP-endonuclease-1), and repair of double-stranded DNA br
52                         Finally, deletion of AP endonuclease 2 (APE2) has no effect on CSR in either
53 ision repair protein, Apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease 2 (APE2, APN2, or APEX2), is required f
54                      CRT0044876 inhibits the AP endonuclease, 3'-phosphodiesterase and 3'-phosphatase
55 air enzyme whose nuclease activities include AP-endonuclease, 3'-exonuclease, 3'-phosphodiesterase an
56 omology to the gene encoding the major human AP endonuclease, a component of the highly conserved DNA
57  R.PabI-mediated restriction was promoted by AP endonuclease action in vivo or in vitro.
58 esions or single-strand nicks resulting from AP-endonuclease action.
59 cells to ROS rapidly stimulated increases in AP endonuclease activities and APE1 protein levels.
60 tivity of an E.coli mutant deficient for the AP endonuclease activities associated with exonuclease I
61 eneral 3' phosphodiesterase, exonuclease, or AP endonuclease activities.
62                             Apn2 also has an AP endonuclease activity and functions in the removal of
63 etabolism, decreases the efficiency of human AP endonuclease activity and that this effect is mostly
64 ver, glutathione-agarose was able to deplete AP endonuclease activity from GST-PO fusion protein prep
65          Overexpression of APE1 and enhanced AP endonuclease activity have been linked to increased r
66                  The increased mitochondrial AP endonuclease activity in combination with decreased p
67 uced with Ape1/ref-1 exhibited 2-fold higher AP endonuclease activity in the oligonucleotide cleavage
68 hin NExo that is responsible for its lack of AP endonuclease activity is also important for its 3'-ph
69 n interactions of Ape1, we conclude that the AP endonuclease activity is essential for cellular viabi
70          Thus, in apn1 cells where the major AP endonuclease activity is missing, ETH1 offers an alte
71 ormational change; this in turn enhances the AP endonuclease activity of APE1.
72 tion of Asp-210 by Asn or Ala eliminates the AP endonuclease activity of HAP1, while substitution by
73                                  The lack of AP endonuclease activity of NExo is shown to be attribut
74 titution of alanine for Asn212 abolished the AP endonuclease activity of purified recombinant HAP1 pr
75 of the carboxyl terminus does not affect the AP endonuclease activity of the protein, but this protei
76                                          The AP endonuclease activity of this enzyme and two active s
77 nylated APE1 displayed significantly reduced AP endonuclease activity on abasic-site-containing oligo
78 the base excision repair pathway, exhibiting AP endonuclease activity that incises the DNA backbone 5
79      This AP site is further processed by an AP endonuclease activity that incises the phosphodiester
80  As a means of confirming that the source of AP endonuclease activity was in fact due to PO, glutathi
81  were generally not altered in rho(0) cells, AP endonuclease activity was substantially reduced in nu
82                                    Likewise, AP endonuclease activity was unaffected by the absence o
83 P1 and Ref-1) accounts for >95% of the total AP endonuclease activity, and is essential for the prote
84 ly been shown to be independent of Apn1-like AP endonuclease activity, and the main reason for the MM
85                Of these, only NApe possesses AP endonuclease activity, while the primary function of
86 e enzyme, their kcat values were similar for AP endonuclease activity.
87 product functionally complements the missing AP endonuclease activity.
88 cid-inducible protein repertoire includes an AP endonuclease activity.
89 f its homologues, however, L1 EN exhibits no AP endonuclease activity.
90 A methyltransferase activity but loss of all AP endonuclease activity.
91 ns were subsequently found to have authentic AP endonuclease activity.
92 he S-glutathionylation that leads to reduced AP endonuclease activity.
93 ire of model substrates on which Ape1 exerts AP endonuclease activity.
94 -independent class II apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease activity and represents greater than 90
95 r >/=95% of the total apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease activity in human cells.
96     Ape1 is the major apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease activity in mammalian cells, and a key
97 urified and exhibited apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease activity.
98 me initiating repair of AP sites is the Ape1 AP endonuclease (also called Apex or Hap1), which also f
99 ave weak dRP lyase activity and to stimulate AP endonuclease and FEN1 activities on BER substrates.
100  a molecular weight of 28 kDa and is free of AP endonuclease and phosphatase activities.
101 al lysates with pure uracil DNA glycosylase, AP endonuclease and/or the catalytic subunit of polymera
102 oli strain defective for the major 5'-acting AP endonucleases and the fusions purified using glutathi
103 NA glycosylase (UDG), apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease and DNA ligase I, pol iota can use its
104 e1 is the major human apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease and initiates repair of abasic sites by
105                       Apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease and polymerase gamma activities were mo
106 sms are equipped with apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonucleases and 3'-nucleases that initiate repair.
107 onuclease III and endonuclease IV (prototype AP endonucleases) and S.POMBE: Uve1p.
108  revealed that the expression of RecA, SmnA (AP endonuclease), and Nth (endonuclease) were down-regul
109 he HSV-1 uracil DNA glycosylase (UL2), human AP endonuclease, and the HSV-1 DNA polymerase.
110 in-protein contact between Polbeta and human AP endonuclease (Ape protein).
111 s ability to interact directly both with the AP endonuclease (APE) and with DNA polymerase beta (pol
112 sed on studies in Escherichia coli, in which AP endonuclease (APE) removes all 3' blocking groups (in
113 sites in DNA is through the participation of AP endonuclease (APE), which initiates the removal of ba
114 , human 8-oxoguanine glycosylase (hOGG1) and AP endonuclease (APE).
115 ected to function in this system, a putative AP endonuclease (APE).
116                       Apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease (APE) is a multifunctional protein poss
117                       Apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease (APE; EC plays a central rol
118                                      Abasic (AP)-endonuclease (APE) is responsible for repair of AP s
119   We examined substrate binding by the human AP endonuclease, Ape protein (also called Hap1, Apex or
120 ein-DNA complex formation by the major human AP endonuclease, Ape.
121                                    The human AP endonuclease Ape1 acts on abasic or 3'-blocking DNA l
122                       Apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease Ape1 is a key enzyme in the mammalian b
123                                    The human AP endonuclease (Ape1 or ref-1) DNA base excision repair
124 4 as an N-terminally truncated form of human AP endonuclease (Ape1) lacking residues 1-35 (delta35-Ap
125 vior of PARP1 in the absence and presence of AP endonuclease (APE1) on AP DNA damage arrays.
126 the presence of a comparable amount of human AP endonuclease (APE1) the specific activity of OGG1 was
127 ntaining duplex is a substrate for the human AP endonuclease (APE1), an enzyme that cleaves an apurin
128 t repairs AP sites in mammalian cells is the AP endonuclease (APE1), which functions through the base
129 using murine homolog of MutY (Myh) and human AP endonuclease (Ape1), which shares 94% amino acid iden
130 ines, alkyladenine DNA glycosylase (AAG) and AP endonuclease (APE1).
131         The mammalian apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease (APE1) is a multifunctional protein tha
132                                The mammalian AP-endonuclease (APE1) overexpression is often observed
133                                The mammalian AP-endonuclease (APE1) repairs apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP
134 hosphodeoxyribose (dRP) moiety, generated by AP-endonuclease (APE1), is removed by the lyase activity
135                                    The human AP-endonuclease (APE1), which cleaves the phosphodiester
136                                        Human AP-endonuclease (APE1/Ref-1), a central enzyme involved
137                                    The human AP-endonuclease (APE1/Ref-1), a multifunctional protein
138                                    The human AP-endonuclease (APE1/Ref-1), an essential multifunction
139 epair and between the apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease, Ape1, and the 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosy
140 B and the major human apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease, APE1, physically and functionally inte
141 d bases by DNA glycosylases, are repaired by AP-endonucleases (APEs).
142 myces cerevisiae, the apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonucleases Apn1 and Apn2 act as alternative pathw
143 g, Nth, and NTH1) and apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonucleases (Apn1, APE1, and Nfo), the analysis of
144 oth cases, expression of the unrelated yeast AP endonuclease, Apn1, largely restored resistance.
145 s are removed via the action of two class II AP endonucleases, Apn1 and Apn2.
146 d here suggest that the APE1 exonuclease and AP endonuclease are two distinct activities.
147 R pathway, such as an apurinic-apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease, as turnover-enhancing cofactors.
148 ation of oxidized bases must be processed by AP endonucleases before they compromise cell integrity.
149 ing" of the AP site-containing DNA strand by AP endonuclease, beta-pol performs DNA synthesis prior t
150 using the following purified human proteins: AP endonuclease, beta-pol, and DNA ligase I.
151  study, there is no structure of a bacterial AP endonuclease bound to substrate DNA.
152 the first to demonstrate the inducibility of AP-endonuclease by a human class I carcinogen associated
153  OGG1's activity in vitro in the presence of AP-endonuclease by reducing its affinity for the abasic
154       The major human apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease (class II) is known to cleave DNA 5' ad
155 -stimulated PDE and Mg2+-stimulated class II AP endonuclease copurify during this procedure.
156 ses caused a 7- to 18-fold mutator effect in AP endonuclease-deficient (deltaapn1) yeast, which depen
157                           Here, we show that AP endonuclease-deficient cells can be protected from NO
158 nts that complemented the MMS sensitivity of AP endonuclease-deficient E. coli.
159               The chimeric protein protected AP endonuclease-deficient Escherichia coli cells against
160              However, apyrimidinic/apurinic (AP) endonuclease-deficient cells (xth nfo strain) were v
161                       Apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease-deficient cells are sensitive to NO* to
162                                     Class II AP endonuclease, deoxyribonucleotide phosphate (dRP) lya
163          Pretreatment of the linear DNA with AP endonuclease did not improve repair, indicating that
164              Herein we report that the human AP endonuclease directly catalyzes incision in a defined
165 hese data suggest that following incision by AP endonuclease, DNA Pol beta recognizes and binds to th
166                                        Human AP endonuclease, DNA polymerase beta and a DNA ligase (e
167 sion repair pathway (uracil DNA glycosylase, AP endonuclease, DNA polymerase beta, and an NAD+-depend
168           When human uracil DNA glycosylase, AP endonuclease, DNA polymerase beta, and DNA ligase 1 r
169 the lysate contained uracil DNA glycosylase, AP endonuclease, DNA polymerase, flap endonuclease, and
170 ER proteins required for PCNA-dependent BER (AP endonuclease, DNA polymerases delta, beta and DNA lig
171  that is slower than the respective rates of AP endonuclease, DNA synthesis, and ligation, suggesting
172 III, lambda exonuclease, RNase H, RNase HII, AP endonuclease, duplex-specific nuclease, DNase I, or T
173                     AP sites are repaired by AP endonucleases during the process of base excision rep
174 in and a strain deficient in the known yeast AP endonuclease encoded by APN1.
175             In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the AP endonucleases encoded by the APN1 and APN2 genes prov
176 mutans expresses an inducible, class II-like AP endonuclease, encoded by the smx gene, that exhibits
177                            The effect of the AP endonucleases endonuclease IV (Endo IV), exonuclease
178                           The action of many AP endonuclease enzymes at abasic sites in DNA leaves a
179 re we report that the apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonucleases--Escherichia coli Xth and human APE1--
180 t xth mutant strains (deficient in the major AP endonuclease, exonuclease III) are sensitive.
181 studies are described using Escherichia coli AP endonucleases, exonuclease III and endonuclease IV.
182 bacterial Nfo represent the two conserved 5' AP endonuclease families in the biosphere; they both rec
183 ain homologous to the apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease family and shows nicking in vitro with
184 etype for a conserved apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease family that primes DNA repair synthesis
185 iled structural and biochemical study of the AP endonuclease from Neisseria meningitidis that has all
186           We find that after dissociation of AP endonuclease from the incised abasic site, both DNA p
187 an E.coli mutant lacking the major 5'-acting AP endonucleases from sensitivity to an alkylating agent
188 ies, RPA blocks/inhibits the ss, but not ds, AP endonuclease function of Ape1.
189 an ExoIII-like pocket into Ape2 enhances its AP endonuclease function.
190                            We have cloned an AP endonuclease gene (APEA) from Dictyostelium discoideu
191 cells is a novel function of the major human AP endonuclease (HAP1).
192                 In addition, the major human AP endonuclease, HAP1 (also known as APE1, APEX, Ref-1),
193                 Human apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease (hAPE) initiates the repair of an abasi
194       These data indicate that diminution of AP endonuclease has a significant effect on spontaneous
195 ant frequencies in spermatogenic cell types, AP endonuclease heterozygous (Apex(+/-)) knockout mice w
196                                    The major AP endonuclease in human cells (APE1, also termed HAP1 a
197  DNA ligase in young animals, and limited by AP endonuclease in old animals.
198  and studies using siRNA implicate the major AP endonuclease in the initial cleavage.
199 st that Topo-V most likely acts as a Class I AP endonuclease in vivo.
200  thought to be processed by Apn1p, the major AP endonuclease in yeast.
201 For repair, AP sites must be processed by 5' AP endonucleases in initial stages of base repair.
202 E/Ref-1, is the major apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease in human cells.
203     Apn1 is the major apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease in yeast.
204 ues are eliminated by apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonucleases in the nucleotide incision repair path
205 permutating B cells, whereas APE1, the major AP-endonuclease in faithful base excision repair, does n
206 he DNA repair enzyme, apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP)-endonuclease, in isolated mesothelial cells, the pro
207 lso can excise deoxyribose 5-phosphate after AP endonuclease incision.
208  Smx is likely the primary, if not the sole, AP endonuclease induced during growth at low pH values.
209 3' side following incision at its 5' side by AP endonuclease is a prerequisite to completion of these
210 ial phosphorylation sites, recombinant human AP endonuclease is weakly phosphorylated in vitro (4% at
211 is property of the exonuclease III family of AP endonucleases is remarkably conserved from Archaea to
212                   Furthermore, inhibition of AP endonuclease may be effective in decreasing the dose
213 5 and 2.5 microg/cm2 significantly increased AP-endonuclease mRNA and protein levels as well as enzym
214 g BER in single and multiple glycosylase and AP-endonuclease mutants confirmed that Mag1 is the major
215                              The major human AP-endonuclease (named APE-1) has two unrelated activiti
216 s in DNA repair: one is a typical Neisserial AP endonuclease (NApe), whereas the other is a specialis
217  of Nth can substitute for the meningococcal AP endonuclease, NApe.
218 processing of these noncoding lesions by the AP endonucleases Nfo, ExoA, and Nth contribute to the pr
219 iency similar to Apn1p, the major hydrolytic AP endonuclease of yeast.
220                       APN1 encodes the major AP-endonuclease of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
221           We demonstrate here that these two AP endonuclease paralogues have distinct activities in D
222 and characterised two apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease paralogues in the human pathogen Neisse
223 ocess of damaged bases, apurinic-apyrimidic (AP) endonucleases play an essential role in enabling the
224 se activity on an intact AP site than for an AP endonuclease-preincised site.
225 reviously, we showed that when the zebrafish AP endonuclease protein (ZAP1) level is knocked down, em
226 ble-nucleotide flipping and sharp bending by AP endonucleases provide exquisite damage specificity wh
227 e of action used by both human and bacterial AP endonucleases raises important questions regarding th
228     The magnesium dependence of steady-state AP endonuclease reactions was sigmoidal for both wild-ty
229 redox sensitive signaling molecules, such as AP endonuclease/redox effector factor-1.
230       AP sites are corrected via incision by AP endonucleases, removal of deoxyribose 5-phosphate, re
231 ing agents cause imbalances of base excision/AP endonuclease repair in vivo and in vitro.
232 f AP sites with six purified human proteins: AP endonuclease, replication factor C, PCNA, flap endonu
233 he AP site has been previously 5'-incised by AP endonuclease, resulting in a 5' 2-deoxyribose 5-phosp
234 irectly test whether a genetic diminution of AP endonuclease results in increased spontaneous mutant
235 omer of the carbocyclic abasic site by human AP endonuclease showed that the enzyme recognizes both c
236 sion of the S. mutans apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease, Smx, in Escherichia coli; initial char
237 inic/apyrimidinic (AP) sites is initiated by AP endonucleases, such as the human Ape1 protein (also c
238                     Following 5' incision by AP endonuclease, the pathways diverge as two different e
239  the incision of DNA at an abasic site by an AP endonuclease, they all lack the ability for the subse
240 itochondrial class II apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease to cleave the DNA backbone on the 5' si
241 ycosylase activity by apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease using murine homolog of MutY (Myh) and
242 nfocal scanning laser microscopy showed that AP-endonuclease was primarily localized in the nucleus b
243 ifunctional glycosylase/AP lyases as well as AP endonuclease, were significantly higher in cerebellar
244          Human HAP1 (REF1) encodes the major AP endonuclease which, in addition to its role in DNA re
245 : oxidative Polbeta-DPC depended on the Ape1 AP endonuclease, which generates the Polbeta lyase subst
246  by repair initiated by 'class II' apurinic (AP) endonucleases, which cleave immediately 5'to abasic
247                                 Furthermore, AP-endonuclease, which catalyzes the first damage-genera

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