


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              ARF1 also regulates signals arising from the niche and d
2                                              ARF1 and ARF5 homodimers, however, differ in spacing tol
3                                              ARF1 and CAP60 are also required for capsule production,
4                                              ARF1 controls the clathrin coat adaptor AP-1 and the non
5                                              ARF1 degradation is proteasome-dependent and rates are n
6                                              ARF1 is a small GTPase that is required for COPI vesicle
7                                              ARF1 is associated with Golgi vesicles generated in vitr
8                                              ARF1 is expressed in the larval lymph gland and in circu
9                                              ARF1 perturbation also leads to aberrant Notch trafficki
10                                              ARF1 residues 28-50 are also important in the interactio
11                                              ARF1 SMD depends on translation and recruitment of the n
12                                              ARF1-depleted lymph glands show loss of niche cells and
13                                              ARF1-depleted mitotic cytosol failed to fragment Golgi m
14 te (GDP) bound to ADP ribosylation factor 1 (ARF1) aligned in a liquid crystalline medium.
15 ntially activates ADP-ribosylation factor 1 (ARF1) and ARF3.
16 proteins such as ADP- ribosylation factor 1 (ARF1) and Sar1p regulate the membrane association of coa
17 tly stimulated by ADP-ribosylation factor 1 (ARF1) but not by the GDP-bound ARF1 T31N mutant.
18 dominant-negative ADP ribosylation factor 1 (ARF1) caused dissociation of GGAs from membranes.
19  that deactivates ADP-ribosylation factor 1 (ARF1) during the formation of coat protein I (COPI) vesi
20 fragment of human ADP-ribosylation factor 1 (ARF1) in a membranelike environment is described.
21  by myristoylated ADP-ribosylation factor 1 (ARF1) in the presence of the poorly hydrolyzable GTP ana
22 igate the role of ADP-ribosylation factor 1 (ARF1) in this process, a cDNA encoding T. gondii ARF1 (T
23                   ADP-ribosylation factor 1 (ARF1) is a 20-kDa guanine nucleotide-binding protein inv
24  The small GTPase ADP-ribosylation factor 1 (ARF1) is a key regulator of intracellular membrane traff
25                   ADP-ribosylation factor 1 (ARF1) is a key regulator of transport in the secretory s
26 d that the GTPase ADP-ribosylation factor 1 (ARF1) is overexpressed in highly invasive breast cancer
27 ine diphosphate (ADP) ribosylation factor 1 (ARF1) is proposed to be involved in the guanosine tripho
28 nding site within ADP-ribosylation factor 1 (ARF1) mRNA as a 19-base-pair stem with a 100-nucleotide
29  the small GTPase ADP-ribosylation factor 1 (ARF1) recruits a cytosolic coat protein complex named CO
30 R) interacts with ADP-ribosylation factor 1 (ARF1), a small GTPase involved in vesicle-mediated traff
31 lpha (PKC-alpha), ADP-ribosylation factor 1 (ARF1), and Rho family members.
32 n kinase C-alpha, ADP-ribosylation factor 1 (ARF1), and Rho family members.
33 protein (GAP) for ADP-ribosylation factor 1 (ARF1), couples to either BARS or endophilin B for vesicl
34 ophila homolog of ADP ribosylation factor 1 (ARF1), essential for clathrin coat assembly, Golgi archi
35 e for the role of ADP-ribosylation factor 1 (ARF1)-GTPase and its effector ARF-guanine-exchange facto
36 nd a small GTPase ADP-ribosylation factor 1 (ARF1).
37 d the role of the ADP-ribosylation factor-1 (ARF1) in this process to determine whether Golgi fragmen
38                                    The NCS-1-ARF1 interaction and its specificity have been demonstra
39                                    The NCS-1-ARF1 interaction provides evidence for functional cross-
40                                    Activated ARF1 regulates Asrij levels in blood cells thereby media
41                      Concurrently, activated ARF1-GTP was significantly decreased.
42 EP activity and thereby amounts of activated ARF1-GTP.
43  overexpression; and interact with activated ARF1.
44 sm via which the EGFR recruits and activates ARF1 and ARF6 to transmit signals has yet to be fully el
45 P1 to PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 in membranes activates ARF1 and -5, known regulators of intracellular membrane
46 ition, microinjection of constitutive active ARF1 did not affect mitotic Golgi fragmentation or cell
47 Finally, expression of constitutively active ARF1 in fibroblasts induced formation of putative podoso
48 ARF1 by overexpressing constitutively active ARF1(Q71L) or dominant inactive ARF1(T31N) altered the d
49 At the TGN, where PKD2 interacts with active ARF1, PKD2, and ARL1 are required for the assembly of a
50           An incubation performed with added ARF1, GTP, and AlFn, used to block ARF GTPase-activating
51      These observations establish AP-4 as an ARF1 effector and suggest a novel mode of interaction be
52                   In infected HeLa cells, an ARF1-enhanced green fluorescent protein fusion redistrib
53  previously to bind to Golgi membranes in an ARF1-dependent manner in vitro.
54 from human vascular endothelial cells via an ARF1- and ARF3-dependent mechanism.
55 elease of TNFR1 exosome-like vesicles via an ARF1- and ARF3-dependent mechanism.
56 sical interaction of the Sec7 domain with an ARF1 mutant was demonstrated, but it was much weaker tha
57 NASEH1, LDLR, and ACP1 and of mouse ACP1 and ARF1 were increased up to 2.7-fold in different cell typ
58 AMP is sorted into small vesicles by AP3 and ARF1 at endosomes and by AP2 and clathrin at the plasma
59 th ATP and two cytoplasmic proteins, AP3 and ARF1.
60 sed to study the presence of active ARF6 and ARF1 in all myometrial extracts.
61                   BIGs together with ECH and ARF1 mediate the secretion of AUX1 influx carrier to the
62  capsule production, a virulence factor, and ARF1 confers resistance to the antifungal fluconazole.
63 e molecular mechanisms of the PtdIns(4)P and ARF1 recognition.
64 with IAA3/SHY2, another Aux/IAA protein, and ARF1 or ARF5/MP proteins is affected only by changes in
65 osyltransferase, GntB, requires the Sar1 and ARF1 GTPases in intact cells.
66                         The GTPases Sar1 and ARF1 regulate the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) export of p
67 bited complex, nucleotide-free ARF1*Sec7 and ARF1*GDP, we suggest that, in addition to forcing nucleo
68 ssential for ARF-dependent PLD signaling and ARF1 coimmunoprecipitation.
69                                        ARF6, ARF1 and CYTH3 but not CYTH1, CYTH2 and CYTH4 were expre
70                      The expression of ARF6, ARF1, and CYTH1-4 was investigated by measuring mRNA (us
71 n contrast, the NH2 termini of Group I ARFs (ARF1 and ARF3), although fully deformylated, undergo onl
72                                   Thus, ARNO-ARF1 regulates formation of podosomes by inhibition of R
73 nce in the amount of either Golgi-associated ARF1 or the integral Golgi membrane protein giantin, ind
74  suggest a novel mode of interaction between ARF1 and an AP complex involving both constitutive and r
75 were well tolerated at the interface between ARF1 and its guanine nucleotide exchange factor ARNO.
76 erential activation of class I ARFs by BIG2, ARF1 and ARF3 participated in the extracellular release
77 ut 350 amino acids is sufficient for binding ARF1 to TGTCTC AuxREs, this domain is not sufficient for
78                            In addition, both ARF1 and ARF6 but not ARF5 interacted directly with the
79 , and ARFGAP1, were able to function on both ARF1 and ARF6.
80 NO can stimulate nucleotide exchange on both ARF1 and ARF6.
81 ion factor 1 (ARF1) but not by the GDP-bound ARF1 T31N mutant.
82  level of guanosine triphosphate (GTP)-bound ARF1.
83  active, GTP-bound ARF6 as well as GTP-bound ARF1 were elevated when these ARF proteins were co-expre
84 es enriched in both PtdIns(4)P and GTP-bound ARF1.
85  of the GAT domain stabilizes membrane-bound ARF1.GTP due to interference with the action of GTPase-a
86 activation of PLD1 but not for activation by ARF1 and RhoA.
87 beta on its own or inhibit the activation by ARF1.
88  membrane recruitment of AP-3 is promoted by ARF1-GTP.
89                        The AP-1 recruited by ARF1.GTP is released from the Golgi membrane by treatmen
90 ently described AP-3 adaptor is regulated by ARF1.
91 m p3, functional interaction of the chimeric ARF1 with p5 was increased.
92 the prototypical XFast-1/Smad2/Smad4 complex ARF1 is induced at the Mix.2 ARE by activin overexpressi
93                We propose that the conserved ARF1-Asrij endocytic axis modulates signals that govern
94                        Instead, they contain ARF1 along their entire length at a density estimated to
95 ereby regulates the recruitment of cytosolic ARF1 GAP to membranes.
96                       The coexpression of DN ARF1 had relatively small effects on hERG trafficking.
97 s altered through overexpression of dominant ARF1 mutants or ARF1- GTPase-activating protein (GAP).
98 coatomer complex I or its upstream effectors ARF1 or GBF1 led to detection of reduced levels of VSV R
99 TPgammaS suggested that GTP loading enhances ARF1 binding to the receptor.
100                     ADP-ribosylation factor, ARF1, triggers vesicle coat assembly and, in concert wit
101      An auxin response transcription factor, ARF1, bound with specificity to the DR5 AuxRE in vitro a
102  T-DNA insertions in AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR1 (ARF1) and ARF2 genes.
103  activates class I ADP-ribosylation factors (ARF1-3) by catalyzing the replacement of bound GDP by GT
104  to have the membrane-associated factors for ARF1 recruitment that are not present on artificial lipo
105 rst evidence indicating a novel function for ARF1 in regulating the MAPK signaling pathway.
106 emonstrate that DEF-1 functions as a GAP for ARF1 and not ARF6 in vivo.
107     Structure-function analysis of a GAP for ARF1 revealed that its activity in vivo requires not onl
108 ec7 homology domain of Arno, a human GEF for ARF1, determined at 2.2 angstroms resolution.
109 receptor and a GTPase-activating protein for ARF1.
110 are active as GTPase-activating proteins for ARF1, and both also interact with G protein-coupled rece
111                            A requirement for ARF1 was confirmed by its selective depletion with siRNA
112 ically, we demonstrate an important role for ARF1 and ARF2 in early Xenopus embryos in controlling th
113 underscore for the first time a key role for ARF1 in invasion of breast cancer cells and suggest that
114 the Sec7 domain GEF bound to nucleotide-free ARF1 GTPase has been determined at 2.8 A resolution and
115 is of the inhibited complex, nucleotide-free ARF1*Sec7 and ARF1*GDP, we suggest that, in addition to
116  activity of Bars50 to be distinguished from ARF1 activity in the control of Golgi tubulation.
117 d guanosine 5'-(gamma-thio)triphosphate from ARF1, but only C-1Sec7 displaced the nonhydrolyzable GTP
118 ment of the exons for the class I ARF genes (ARF1, ARF2, and ARF3) and class II ARF genes (ARF4 and A
119 romyces cerevisiae are encoded by two genes, ARF1 and ARF2.
120 ) in this process, a cDNA encoding T. gondii ARF1 (TgARF1) was isolated.
121 its ability to block the recruitment of Grb2/ARF1 to the EGFR.
122 arfophilin in CHO-K1 cell lysates, while GTP-ARF1 did not bind.
123 opy, we explore the role of the small GTPase ARF1 in mediating transport steps at the Golgi.
124                        When the small GTPase ARF1 is prevented from hydrolyzing GTP, we can reconstit
125 a strongly demonstrate that the small GTPase ARF1 modulates ERK1/2 activation by alpha(2B)-AR and pro
126  consisting of coatomer and the small GTPase ARF1, is an integral component of some intracellular tra
127 wn mediators of COPI recruitment, the GTPase ARF1 and its guanine nucleotide exchange factor GBF1.
128 id droplets (LDs) in the liver by the GTPase ARF1, which is a key activator of lipolysis.
129 onal calcium sensor-1 (NCS-1) and the GTPase ARF1.
130 ntly, we demonstrated that the small GTPases ARF1 and ARF6 were shown to be activated downstream of t
131 of ARF1 to the EGFR, whereas p66Shc hindered ARF1 receptor recruitment.
132             Although much is known about how ARF1 regulates transport in the secretory pathways, regu
133 e 5'-3-O-(thio)triphosphate binding by human ARF1 and ARF5 but not ARF6.
134 th previously determined structures of human ARF1 and ARF6.
135 toylated glycine-2 and asparagine-3 of human ARF1, thereby providing a new mechanism for host secreto
136 o)triphosphate) binding to recombinant human ARF1 (rARF1), yeast ARF3, and ARD1 (a 64-kDa guanine nuc
137 inding by nonmyristoylated recombinant human ARF1 (rhARF1), rhARF5, and rhARF6, although the effect o
138 terface to inhibit conformational changes in ARF1 required for Sec7 to dislodge the GDP molecule.
139 have defined multiple structural elements in ARF1, including switch 1 and the N and C termini, that p
140   Our data suggest a novel role for Rab1b in ARF1- and GBF1-mediated COPI recruitment pathway.
141 tein is recruited to membranes to inactivate ARF1.
142 ively active ARF1(Q71L) or dominant inactive ARF1(T31N) altered the distribution of BIG1 as well as i
143                      In contrast, increasing ARF1-GTP levels prevented redistribution of AP-3 to the
144                                   Inhibiting ARF1 activation by knocking down its guanine nucleotide
145 ated with a combination of purified kinases, ARF1 and coatomer, the Golgi membranes were completely f
146 fied clathrin-coated vesicles contain little ARF1 supports the concept that ARF1 functions in the coa
147  the deactivation in vivo of Golgi-localized ARF1.
148                                     Lowering ARF1-GTP levels resulted in redistribution of AP-3 from
149 on is mediated by the COPI budding machinery ARF1 and the coatomer complex.
150 dicate that the M3 receptor displays a major ARF1-dependent route of PLD1 activation with an addition
151                                 BFA-mediated ARF1 inhibition resulted in reduced cathepsin B activity
152       Optimal recruitment occurs at 4 microM ARF1 and with 1 mM GTP.
153  or by a constitutively active point mutant, ARF1(Q71L), remains membrane bound after either treatmen
154       In addition, recombinant myristoylated ARF1 promoted association of AP-3 with membranes.
155           Purified recombinant myristoylated ARF1 restores inhibition by GTPgammaS, indicating that t
156                   However, dominant-negative ARF1 and ARF6 mutants blocked the stimulation of PLD by
157              However, ARF6 and CYTH3 but not ARF1 levels were significantly reduced in complicated pr
158           The data suggest that ARF6 but not ARF1 modulates receptor-mediated NADPH oxidase activatio
159 Synthetic N-terminal inhibitory ARF6 but not ARF1 peptide blocks LH/CG R-stimulated ARF activity.
160 PLD activity and RhoA translocation, but not ARF1, ARF6, PKC alpha, or PKC beta translocation.
161 anced activation of endogenous ARF6, but not ARF1, using a novel pulldown assay.
162 ase ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) 6, but not ARF1.
163 vation of the LH/CG R promotes activation of ARF1 and/or ARF6.
164  suppressors of a loss of function allele of ARF1 (arf1-3).
165                           The association of ARF1 with the ct domain of the receptor was stronger tha
166 its divergent paralog ARF1, and a complex of ARF1 and a generic auxin response DNA element (AuxRE).
167      The crystal structure of the complex of ARF1 GTPase bound to GDP and the catalytic domain of ARF
168           With chimeric proteins composed of ARF1 (F) and ARL1 (L) sequences we identified three stru
169  for the assembly of a complex comprising of ARF1 and Arfaptin2 leading to secretion of matrix metall
170        Experiments with mutant constructs of ARF1/6 and PLD1/2 indicate that the M3 receptor displays
171 r these regulators drive the GTPase cycle of ARF1 autonomously or whether their activities can be reg
172            In particular, whereas cycling of ARF1 between membrane and cytosol represents a major mec
173      Like all small GTPases, deactivation of ARF1 requires a GTPase-activating protein (GAP) that pro
174 rs cell motility through the deactivation of ARF1.
175 etic acid does not affect the degradation of ARF1.
176 le Trp motif and siRNA-mediated depletion of ARF1 attenuate alpha(2B)-AR-mediated activation of extra
177 and Thr45 in the putative effector domain of ARF1 were replaced with the equivalent Asp and Pro, resp
178 d to catalyze guanine nucleotide exchange of ARF1 and -5 but not ARF6.
179 1Q71L and ARNO, a GDP-GTP exchange factor of ARF1, markedly enhances the activation of Raf1, MEK1, an
180           Experiments using a mutant form of ARF1 affecting GTP hydrolysis suggest that ARF1[GTP] is
181 ane-restricted target, the GTP-bound form of ARF1.
182 ally well to the GTP- and GDP-bound forms of ARF1 and is less dependent on switch I and switch II res
183 negative, and constitutively active forms of ARF1, -5, and -6 and with ARF1/ARF6 chimeras confirmed t
184  of the myristoylated N-terminal fragment of ARF1 to include a comparison to a nonmyristoylated analo
185      The 1-6 chimera (with the amino half of ARF1 and the carboxyl half of ARF6) localized like ARF6
186                          Thus, hydrolysis of ARF1.GTP at the priming sites can occur even before AP-1
187 g with cyclic activation and inactivation of ARF1 by overexpressing constitutively active ARF1(Q71L)
188                                Inhibition of ARF1 led to an increase in RhoA-GTP levels and triggered
189 ibited by brefeldin A (BFA), an inhibitor of ARF1 guanine nucleotide exchange.
190 localization when the intracellular level of ARF1-GTP was altered through overexpression of dominant
191             We show that the localization of ARF1 and BIG4 at the trans-Golgi network (TGN) depends o
192          It activated native ARF (mixture of ARF1 and ARF3) more effectively than it did any of the n
193            Here we report that modulation of ARF1 expression and activity markedly impaired the abili
194 h wild-type and dominant-negative mutants of ARF1 and ARF6.
195 eceptor-lacking membranes in the presence of ARF1.GTP is consistently more resistant to extraction wi
196 amined the behavior of a chimeric protein of ARF1 and ARF6.
197 hat Grb2 is essential for the recruitment of ARF1 to the EGFR, whereas p66Shc hindered ARF1 receptor
198 IIA rescued podosome formation regardless of ARF1 inhibition.
199 t interaction between the switch 1 region of ARF1 and the N-terminal trunk domains of gamma- and beta
200 e Sec7 domain binds to the switch regions of ARF1 and inserts residues directly into the GTPase activ
201 ues in the switch I and switch II regions of ARF1.
202 roteins p66Shc and Grb2 in the regulation of ARF1 and ARF6 activation in invasive breast cancer cells
203                                Regulators of ARF1, its GTPase-activating protein (GAP) and its guanin
204                                  The role of ARF1 in vivo was examined by assessing AP-3 subcellular
205                             The structure of ARF1 in the GTP-analog form closely resembles Ras, revea
206 ned at 2.8 A resolution and the structure of ARF1 in the GTP-analog form determined at 1.6 A resoluti
207 ction of ARF5 and ARF6 was less than that of ARF1 and ARF3; its effects were less on nonmyristoylated
208 ively active mutant of ARF6, but not that of ARF1, reverses the inhibition of cortical actin formatio
209 7 binding energy is used to open a cavity on ARF1 to facilitate the rearrangement of hydrophobic core
210  to catalyze in vitro nucleotide exchange on ARF1 and ARF3, respectively, raising the possibility tha
211 P) that promotes hydrolysis of GTP to GDP on ARF1.
212 a domain that catalyzes hydrolysis of GTP on ARF1 but also a non-catalytic domain.
213      The sites of Sec7 domain interaction on ARF1 have subsequently been mapped, by protein footprint
214 ecognition to the GTP hydrolysis reaction on ARF1.
215 uring hook development and defects in BIG or ARF1 result in insensitivity to ethylene.
216                    The levels of ARF6-GTP or ARF1-GTP did not change with pregnancy or labour but ARF
217 h overexpression of dominant ARF1 mutants or ARF1- GTPase-activating protein (GAP).
218 binds to switch 2 and helix alpha3 to orient ARF1 residues for catalysis, but it supplies neither arg
219     Endogenous ARF2 efficiently competes out ARF1 at early gastrulation, due to the ability of XFast-
220  ARF5/MONOPTEROS (MP), its divergent paralog ARF1, and a complex of ARF1 and a generic auxin response
221  activation differently, with Grb2 promoting ARF1 activation and p66Shc blocking this response.
222 s regulated by the small GTP-binding protein ARF1.
223  podosomes, down-regulation of the G-protein ARF1 or the ARF1 guanine nucleotide exchange factor, ARN
224 tic than, that reported previously for [Q71L]ARF1.
225 onstituted with purified AP3 and recombinant ARF1.
226 -O-(thio)triphosphate binding by recombinant ARF1, ARF5, and ARF6.
227 ation of Asn376 to Asp also markedly reduced ARF1-HA binding, although additional motifs in the Asn37
228 nes and results in a phenotype that reflects ARF1 inactivation, our findings suggest that ERD2 regula
229 , we report that these two adaptors regulate ARF1 activation differently, with Grb2 promoting ARF1 ac
230 on, our findings suggest that ERD2 regulates ARF1 GAP, and thus regulates ARF1-mediated transport.
231  ERD2 regulates ARF1 GAP, and thus regulates ARF1-mediated transport.
232   Upon fasting, insulin is lowered to remove ARF1 and kinesin from LDs, thus down-regulating LD trans
233 , contain coatomer, and functionally require ARF1 and coatomer for transport.
234                        Second, it stabilizes ARF1 and ARF9 in inactive complexes.
235                                In fed state, ARF1 and kinesin appear on LDs, consequently transportin
236 hat the half-lives of N-terminally HA-tagged ARF1 and C-terminally luciferase-tagged ARF1 are both ap
237 gged ARF1 and C-terminally luciferase-tagged ARF1 are both approximately 3-4 h.
238  factor (ARF)1 mRNA has been shown to target ARF1 mRNA for Stau1-mediated mRNA decay (SMD).
239  one ARF family member, Arabidopsis thaliana ARF1, and find that the half-lives of N-terminally HA-ta
240 ontain little ARF1 supports the concept that ARF1 functions in the coat assembly process rather than
241                             We conclude that ARF1 is a limiting factor in the GTP-stimulated recruitm
242                          We demonstrate that ARF1 and ARF2 are activated by distinct TGFbeta family m
243                          We demonstrate that ARF1 can be found in complex with Grb2 and p66Shc upon E
244               These results demonstrate that ARF1 is required for sporulation, and the mitotic and me
245 tructure-based mutagenesis demonstrates that ARF1-GTP binding by GGAs is exclusively governed by the
246 ST)-fusion proteins of receptor domains that ARF1 and ARF6 bind to the third intracellular loop (i3)
247 le in generating COPI vesicles, we find that ARF1 is also involved in the formation of long ( approxi
248                                We found that ARF1, ARF5, and ARF6 interacted directly with the beta1-
249 ious biochemical studies that indicated that ARF1 is a transcriptional repressor.
250 hanced many arf2 phenotypes, indicating that ARF1 acts in a partially redundant manner with ARF2.
251 ns in auxin signalling mutants revealed that ARF1 and ARF9 negatively regulate glucosinolate accumula
252 ich ARF1 controls invasiveness, we show that ARF1 acts to modulate RhoA and RhoC activity, which in t
253     These results are the first to show that ARF1 can augment release of constitutively secreted vesi
254                        Our results show that ARF1 is active during mitosis and that this activity is
255 ng its GTPAse-activating protein showed that ARF1-GTP is essential for regulating niche size and main
256 ulated emission depletion imaging shows that ARF1-rich tubular compartments fall into two distinct cl
257 f ARF1 affecting GTP hydrolysis suggest that ARF1[GTP] is functionally required for the tubules to fo
258 R-induced PLD activation here suggested that ARF1 may play a greater role than ARF6 in the function o
259                   This finding suggests that ARF1 is not a regulator of specific coat proteins, but r
260                                          The ARF1 mutants had no effect on fMLP responses, and none o
261                                          The ARF1-binding site is located on the outer side of the be
262                    We have characterized the ARF1-dependent assembly of actin on the Golgi apparatus.
263  mutagenesis screen identified roles for the ARF1, CAP60, NDH1, KIC1, CBK1, SOG2, and TAO3 genes in e
264 his drug acts by specifically inhibiting the ARF1 GTPase, which is known to regulate assembly of COPI
265  finger motif near the amino terminus of the ARF1 GAP was required for stimulation of GTP hydrolysis.
266                 The crystal structure of the ARF1*GDP*Sec7*BFA complex shows that BFA binds at the pr
267 revealed from crystallography studies on the ARF1 and ARF5 DNA binding domains.
268 down-regulation of the G-protein ARF1 or the ARF1 guanine nucleotide exchange factor, ARNO, by small,
269 cating that the priming stage has passed the ARF1.GTP hydrolysis point.
270  addition to forcing nucleotide release, the ARF1-Sec7 binding energy is used to open a cavity on ARF
271 sense-mediated mRNA decay factor Upf1 to the ARF1 3'-UTR by Stau1.
272 FA) is a fungal metabolite that binds to the ARF1*GDP*Sec7 complex and blocks GEF activity at an earl
273 tau1 binds to a complex structure within the ARF1 3'-UTR.
274                                   Therefore, ARF1-dependent trafficking of procathepsin B and the mat
275                                        Thus, ARF1 can regulate Drosophila blood cell homeostasis by r
276                                        Thus, ARF1.GTP hydrolysis results in lower-affinity binding of
277 100) accelerated [(35)S]GTPgammaS binding to ARF1 (class I) and ARF5 (class II) 2- to 3-fold, and to
278                        epsilon binds only to ARF1-GTP and requires residues in the switch I and switc
279 dent manner that is fundamentally similar to ARF1.
280 veal that the small guanosine triphosphatase ARF1, a well-known orchestrator of membrane traffic at t
281                                          Two ARF1 mutants that activated the toxin, one lacking 13 N-
282 th purified coatomer together with wild type ARF1 or its constitutive active form, but not the inacti
283 een fluorescent fusion proteins of wild-type ARF1 or ARF6, or their mutant counterparts.
284                              However, unlike ARF1, release of membrane-bound ARF6 to the cytosol requ
285 ith the adhesive rings of podosomes, whereas ARF1 was localized to vesicular structures transiently c
286 her define the molecular mechanisms by which ARF1 controls invasiveness, we show that ARF1 acts to mo
287              Using two-stage assays in which ARF1.GTP first primes the Golgi membrane at 37 degreesC,
288  ARFGAP could stimulate GTP hydrolysis while ARF1 maintains an interaction with its effector, the coa
289 three forms of ARF bound to arfaptin 2, with ARF1 showing the strongest binding.
290 of the epsilon and mu4 subunits of AP-4 with ARF1.
291 ne nucleotide exchange protein activity with ARF1 but not ARF-like protein 1 (ARL1), which is 57% ide
292 ions between members of this family and with ARF1 are consistent with each sharing a common cellular
293 ly active forms of ARF1, -5, and -6 and with ARF1/ARF6 chimeras confirmed these results, except that
294 GTPase is necessary for the interaction with ARF1.
295 , ERD2, self-oligomerizes and interacts with ARF1 GAP, and thereby regulates the recruitment of cytos
296                                 Studies with ARF1/ARF6 chimeras further showed that the amino acid se
297 nce of GTP when cytosol is supplemented with ARF1.
298                                   Neither wt-ARF1 nor wt-ARF6 had any effects on agonist-dependent PL
299 ading enzymes: XYL1, XYL2, XYL3, XYL4, XYP1, ARF1, MLG1, EXG1, PGN1, and PGX1.
300 or (ARF) family of regulatory GTPases, yeast ARF1 and ARL1, and were compared with previously determi
301 -[35S]thio]triphosphate by recombinant yeast ARF1 (ryARF1) and ryARF2 but not by ryARF3.

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