


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 X5C and the import machinery was shown to be ATP-dependent.
2           Assays of cell lysates showed that ATP-dependent 5-oxoprolinase activity disappeared when p
3              Eukaryotes metabolize OP via an ATP-dependent 5-oxoprolinase; most prokaryotes lack homo
4 brane-bounded cytoplasmic structures bearing ATP-dependent ABCG2 transporters.
5 nnel in the inner membrane is coupled to the ATP-dependent action of an Hsp70-based import motor at t
6 as the enzyme responsible for catalyzing the ATP-dependent activation of MIA and MIA's attachment to
7 e cytoskeleton, intracellular membranes, and ATP-dependent active forces to intracellular mechanics a
8                                 We find that ATP-dependent activities enhance the nanoscale z fluctua
9 removing Rad51 from hDNA, consolidating both ATP-dependent activities of Rad54 into a single mechanis
10            In this study, we investigate the ATP-dependent activity of CHD2 and show that CHD2 cataly
11 and implicate CHD5 in tumor suppression, the ATP-dependent activity of CHD5 is currently unknown.
12 ily nucleotide exchange factor (NEF) provide ATP-dependent activity that disassembles amyloids within
13                                              ATP-dependent activity was rescued by introducing a seco
14  cassette (ABC) transporters have evolved an ATP-dependent alternating-access mechanism to transport
15 actual diphthamide synthetase catalyzing the ATP-dependent amidation reaction.
16                Furthermore, DDX21 is both an ATP-dependent and ATP-independent helicase, and both ATP
17 utation that was previously shown to promote ATP-dependent and ATP-independent opening (K978C).
18 he latest advances in understanding how both ATP-dependent and ATP-independent proteasome-regulated p
19                             These forces are ATP-dependent and drive enhanced flickering motions in h
20            Our results have implications for ATP-dependent and mechanosensitive intracellular process
21 DNA capping precludes end joining by classic ATP-dependent and NAD(+)-dependent DNA ligases, prevents
22 mple, reliable, and versatile method for the ATP-dependent assembly of evenly spaced nucleosome array
23                  Chromatin undergoes a rapid ATP-dependent, ATM and H2AX-independent decondensation w
24                                  Rx1 induces ATP-dependent bending and melting of DNA in vitro, depen
25 dependent binding cassette transporter gene (ATP-dependent binding cassette transporter G family memb
26                       Our conclusion is that ATP-dependent binding cassette transporter G family memb
27 nome-wide association mapping to identify an ATP-dependent binding cassette transporter gene (ATP-dep
28  of the first examples, to our knowledge, of ATP-dependent binding cassette transporter involvement i
29                                The following ATP-dependent binding of multiple DnaK molecules, howeve
30 e or a chaperone and reveal that some of its ATP-dependent biological activities do not require trans
31 50a, a key regulatory subunit of the ES cell ATP-dependent Brahma-associated factor (BAF) chromatin r
32 quently used to study cross-presentation, is ATP-dependent but substantially TAP-independent.
33                Transport of ochratoxin A was ATP-dependent but was neither mediated by MRP2 nor stimu
34 n eIF3j affinity for the 43S PIC requires an ATP-dependent, but unwinding-independent, activity of eI
35 echanism in beige fat that involves enhanced ATP-dependent Ca(2+) cycling by sarco/endoplasmic reticu
36       We observed that phospholamban altered ATP-dependent calcium translocation by SERCA within the
37 es through a mechanism involving processive, ATP-dependent Cas3 translocation along foreign DNA.
38 plicated in the regulation of a multitude of ATP-dependent cellular processes, exactly how these proc
39  Cl(-) channel with enhanced conductance and ATP-dependent channel gating.
40  these two positions substantially inhibited ATP-dependent channel opening.
41                           Hsp90 is a dimeric ATP-dependent chaperone involved in the folding, maturat
42     This energy depletion negatively affects ATP-dependent chaperone systems, making ROS-mediated pro
43 a hetero-oligomeric ClpPRT proteolytic core, ATP-dependent chaperones ClpC and ClpD, and an adaptor p
44 n which they are released and transferred to ATP-dependent chaperones for refolding.
45  sHsps have been proposed to coordinate with ATP-dependent chaperones, including heat shock protein 7
46  landscape shaped by adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-dependent chromatin remodeling and transcription.
47                   Adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP)-dependent chromatin remodeling enzymes play essenti
48                                          The ATP-dependent chromatin assembly factor (ACF) spaces nuc
49 ayer in the fast kinetics of the NAD(+)- and ATP-dependent chromatin relaxation upon DNA damage in vi
50 ated with mutations in the gene encoding the ATP-dependent chromatin remodeler CHD7.
51 ayne syndrome cases contain mutations in the ATP-dependent chromatin remodeler CSB; however, how CSB
52 omatin remodeler family, and CSB is the only ATP-dependent chromatin remodeler essential for transcri
53 ome protein B (CSB) belongs to the SWI2/SNF2 ATP-dependent chromatin remodeler family, and CSB is the
54  helicase DNA-binding protein 4 (CHD4) is an ATP-dependent chromatin remodeler involved in epigenetic
55 licase DNA Binding Protein 1) is a conserved ATP-dependent chromatin remodeler that maintains the nuc
56 in helicase DNA binding protein 4 (CHD4), an ATP-dependent chromatin remodeler, acts as crucial coreg
57       We show that haploinsufficiency of the ATP-dependent chromatin remodeler, BAZ1B, which is delet
58 scription, and forms a complex with Brg1, an ATP-dependent chromatin remodeler, on the proximal promo
59                The SWI/SNF and RSC family of ATP-dependent chromatin remodelers disassembles nucleoso
60                                              ATP-dependent chromatin remodelers regulate chromatin dy
61                                              ATP-dependent chromatin remodelers regulate chromatin st
62 ecture of chromatin is governed, in part, by ATP-dependent chromatin remodelers.
63             We investigate how DNA sequence, ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling and nucleosome-deplet
64 ivity, the N-terminal region is required for ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling by CHD2.
65 and RPL24, and with components of B-WICH, an ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complex associated wi
66                     Here, we report that the ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complex INO80 is requ
67                                              ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes alter chrom
68 ndings establish a direct connection between ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes and checkpo
69                                              ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes are essenti
70                                 Accordingly, ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes are importa
71 tor of Mec1 kinase activity and suggest that ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes can regulat
72                              Among them, the ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes control the
73 (Smarca5) are catalytic subunits of distinct ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes implicated
74                                              ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes such as INO
75 ibose to ATP, which supports the activity of ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling enzymes during hormon
76 odomain-helicase-DNA-binding (CHD) family of ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling enzymes, comprising C
77 ing is due to gene-specific requirements for ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling enzymes.
78  chromodomain helicase DNA-binding family of ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling factors play essentia
79       Additionally, NAP1 histone chaperones, ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling factors, and some his
80                  RSC and SWI/SNF are related ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling machines that move nu
81                                              ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling proteins are being im
82                    SWI/SNF complexes mediate ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling to regulate gene expr
83 o transcription that can be relieved through ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling via complexes such as
84                                              ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling, which repositions an
85 p63 directly regulates the expression of the ATP-dependent chromatin remodeller Brg1, which binds to
86 se DNA binding protein 7 (CHD7), which is an ATP-dependent chromatin remodeller, have been identified
87 mutations in the gene CHD7, which encodes an ATP-dependent chromatin remodeller, the pathways underly
88                                              ATP-dependent chromatin remodellers allow access to DNA
89 may act as a tunable interaction hotspot for ATP-dependent chromatin remodellers and, by extension, m
90       Recent observations suggest a role for ATP-dependent chromatin remodellers in modulating this p
91                                              ATP-dependent chromatin remodellers modulate nucleosome
92                                        These ATP-dependent chromatin remodellers promote heterochroma
93                                              ATP-dependent chromatin remodellers regulate access to g
94 pressor that couples histone deacetylase and ATP-dependent chromatin remodelling activities.
95 WR-C are conserved members of a subfamily of ATP-dependent chromatin remodelling enzymes that functio
96 ng chromatin assembly and remodeling factor) ATP-dependent chromatin-remodeling complex, occurring in
97                                              ATP-dependent chromatin-remodeling complexes utilize the
98    Significantly, our data identify that the ATP-dependent chromatin-remodeling enzyme Snf2 plays a f
99 lncRNA, define a new targeting mechanism for ATP-dependent chromatin-remodelling factors, and establi
100                  Mutations in CHD7, encoding ATP-dependent chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein
101 dently and as the regulatory partner for the ATP-dependent Clp protease, and yet this and many other
102                       Here, we show that the ATP-dependent complex of Pex1 and Pex6 from Saccharomyce
103 ligase-like enzyme Ind3 catalyzes an unusual ATP-dependent condensation of indolmycenic acid and dehy
104  regulate MRX activity at DSBs by modulating ATP-dependent conformational changes of Rad50.
105 binding site near loop5, where it blocks the ATP-dependent conformational changes that we characteriz
106 one its clientele, Hsp90 proceeds through an ATP-dependent conformational cycle influenced by posttra
107        Release of this direct interaction is ATP dependent, consistent with a transient eviction mech
108  isolated from myo2-E1-Sup1 are defective in ATP-dependent contraction in vitro.
109          Diacylglycerol kinase catalyses the ATP-dependent conversion of diacylglycerol to phosphatid
110 is consistent with the increased activity of ATP-dependent copper transport into tonoplast vesicles i
111                                              ATP-dependent COR catalysis requires interaction of the
112 mes may be used as a substrate for EutT, the ATP-dependent corrinoid adenosyltransferase and for the
113          Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases catalyze ATP-dependent covalent coupling of cognate amino acids a
114 proteins, BmbD and BmbE, responsible for the ATP-dependent cyclodehydration reactions that yield thia
115  eukaryotic initiation factor 4A (eIF4A), an ATP-dependent DEAD-box RNA helicase; its messenger RNA s
116 previously known mevalonate pathways involve ATP dependent decarboxylation of either mevalonate 5-pho
117               This complex is susceptible to ATP-dependent degradation by a Clp protease, a finding t
118 ow YME1L recognizes substrates and catalyses ATP-dependent degradation has been hampered by the prese
119 proteasome is responsible for the selective, ATP-dependent degradation of polyubiquitinated cellular
120                                          The ATP-dependent degradation of polyubiquitylated proteins
121 asome is the end point of the ubiquitin- and ATP-dependent degradation pathway.
122  repaired by the tandem action of an ADP- or ATP-dependent dehydratase that converts (S)-NAD(P)HX to
123                                   DHX9 is an ATP-dependent DEXH box helicase with a multitude of cell
124 approved chemotherapeutic that stabilizes an ATP-dependent dimerization interface in topo II to block
125                            ClpB/Hsp100 is an ATP-dependent disaggregase that solubilizes and reactiva
126 protein; alpha-SNAP] and Sec18 (NSF) perform ATP-dependent disassembly of cis-SNARE complexes, libera
127                                 We show that ATP-dependent DNA cleavage by R-proteins occurs at fixed
128                                              ATP-dependent DNA end recognition and nucleolytic proces
129 subpathways exist in Arabidopsis, defined by ATP-dependent DNA Helicase RECQ4A, MMS and UV-sensitive
130  bases, whereas it acts independently of the ATP-dependent DNA helicase RECQ4A.
131 LigD has three autonomous enzymatic modules: ATP-dependent DNA ligase (LIG), DNA/RNA polymerase (POL)
132 in Mycobacterium smegmatis that requires the ATP-dependent DNA ligase LigC1 and the POL domain of Lig
133 by three-step DNA ligation reactions used by ATP-dependent DNA ligases.
134                                              ATP-dependent DNA unwinding activity has been demonstrat
135                    It catalyzes the peculiar ATP-dependent DNA-positive supercoiling reaction and mig
136                                  RECQ1 is an ATP-dependent DNA-unwinding enzyme (helicase) [8, 9] wit
137                                              ATP-dependent drug efflux involves changes between the o
138  replication without significantly affecting ATP-dependent duplex unwinding.
139 ves a broader role than simply mediating the ATP-dependent efflux of drugs from cells.
140 nin GroEL assists protein folding through an ATP-dependent encapsulation mechanism.
141 sis of pre-existing membrane (in addition to ATP-dependent endocytosis) to efficiently retrieve membr
142 ed in the replication stress response is the ATP-dependent endonuclease ZRANB3.
143                     Chromatin remodelers are ATP-dependent enzymes that are critical for reorganizing
144 which we find that BAF opposes PRC by rapid, ATP-dependent eviction, leading to the formation of acce
145 t mutant M41L/D67N/K70R/S215Y HIV-2 RT lacks ATP-dependent excision activity, and recombinant virus c
146          Thus, in addition to the long known ATP-dependent extraction of ERAD substrates during retro
147 s both necessary and sufficient to drive the ATP-dependent extraction of TA proteins from the membran
148 have isolated from extracts of HeLa cells an ATP-dependent factor that releases Cdc20 from MCC and id
149 demonstrate that Srs2 disrupts D-loops in an ATP-dependent fashion and with a distinct polarity.
150 by CBP of H2A K5 and K8 in nucleosomes in an ATP-dependent fashion.
151 bility to unwind nucleic acid duplexes in an ATP-dependent fashion.
152 ellular components can be produced by random ATP-dependent fluctuations within the cytoplasm.
153 tide binding activities, turning BiP from an ATP-dependent foldase into an ATP-independent holdase.
154 eine becomes oxidized, changing Kar2 from an ATP-dependent foldase to an ATP-independent holdase.
155   A detailed structural understanding of its ATP-dependent folding mechanism and substrate recognitio
156 he first step of the replicase reaction: the ATP-dependent formation of an initiation complex between
157 ociated herpesvirus (KSHV), by targeting the ATP-dependent formation of viral ribonucleoprotein parti
158  enzymology" approach, we (i) assigned novel ATP-dependent four-carbon acid sugar kinase functions to
159 sis has been generally recognized as a major ATP-dependent function, which efficiently retrieves more
160 ble for a wide variety of microtubule-based, ATP-dependent functions.
161 the potency of ATP at stimulating current or ATP-dependent gating when ATP was the only nucleotide pr
162 TP-independent helicase, and both ATPase and ATP-dependent helicase activities are inhibited by Rev i
163 6, also known as RHAU or G4R1, is a DEAH-box ATP-dependent helicase highly specific for DNA and RNA G
164 a pigmentosum group D (XPD/ERCC2) encodes an ATP-dependent helicase that plays essential roles in bot
165 hat the 4Fe-4S cluster of DNA-bound DinG, an ATP-dependent helicase that repairs R-loops, is redox-ac
166         Here, we describe a new role for the ATP-dependent helicase UPF1 and its interaction with the
167 s granules and human diseases and identifies ATP-dependent helicases and protein remodelers as conser
168                                We discovered ATP-dependent histone H2A acetylation activity in Drosop
169 hannel entrance and promoting its subsequent ATP-dependent insertion.
170                      Muscle contracts due to ATP-dependent interactions of myosin motors with thin fi
171 ous action potentials even in the absence of ATP-dependent intercellular Ca(2+) signaling in the nons
172  fire spontaneous APs even in the absence of ATP-dependent intercellular Ca(2+) signalling in the non
173 formations and dynamic behaviors of multiple ATP-dependent intermediates.
174 tood, it has recently been demonstrated that ATP dependent intracellular calcium release leads to an
175  the members of the DUF1537 family are novel ATP-dependent kinases that participate in catabolic path
176                    Carnosine synthase is the ATP-dependent ligase responsible for carnosine (beta-ala
177 and outer leaflets of the plasma membrane by ATP-dependent lipid transporters.
178 plexes, the RNAP-sigma(54) holoenzyme, in an ATP dependent manner.
179 nally remodel specific target proteins in an ATP-dependent manner is not well understood.
180 ty is imported into phagosomes in a TAP- and ATP-dependent manner, as expected.
181 ), repeatedly associate and dissociate in an ATP-dependent manner, where one electron is transferred
182  form clusters that condense DNA in a weakly ATP-dependent manner.
183 sylates (thus removing -SNO) from Prx2 in an ATP-dependent manner.
184 presses replication of certain viruses in an ATP-dependent manner.
185 eir folding within an isolated chamber in an ATP-dependent manner.
186  intramolecular DNA triplex substrates in an ATP-dependent manner.
187 nction and reels in the ssDNA overhang in an ATP-dependent manner.
188 nfirmed that DnaK forms specific dimer in an ATP-dependent manner.
189  remodel RNA and RNA-protein complexes in an ATP-dependent manner.
190 e to reconvert (S)-NAD(P)HX to NAD(P)H in an ATP-dependent manner.
191  CFTR intraburst gating is distinct from the ATP-dependent mechanism that controls channel opening an
192  understanding of the proteasome's multistep ATP-dependent mechanism, its biochemical and structural
193 en Staphylococcus aureus, the membrane-bound ATP-dependent metalloprotease FtsH plays a critical role
194  FTSH4 is one of the inner membrane-embedded ATP-dependent metalloproteases in mitochondria of Arabid
195                       Hsp90 is a homodimeric ATP-dependent molecular chaperone that remodels its subs
196                                              ATP-dependent molecular machines of the AAA+ superfamily
197  attachment sites were observed: the typical ATP-dependent motor domain attachment and a novel ATP-in
198  reorganization is for an ssDNA translocase (ATP-dependent motor) to push the SSB along ssDNA.
199 Q helicases are a widely conserved family of ATP-dependent motors with diverse roles in nearly every
200 litate protein folding by undergoing energy (ATP)-dependent movements that are coordinated in time an
201 f the recombinant proteins, we show that the ATP-dependent NNRD and NNRE act concomitantly to restore
202 end joining was promoted by both ATM and the ATP-dependent nucleosome remodeler INO80.
203  SIN mutation that bypasses the need for the ATP-dependent nucleosome remodeler SWI/SNF) leads to mit
204 otal role in transcriptional regulation, and ATP-dependent nucleosome remodeling activity is required
205              Haploinsufficiency for CHD7, an ATP-dependent nucleosome remodeling factor, is the leadi
206                     Our results suggest that ATP-dependent nucleosome remodeling is the primary molec
207 n, organization of chromosome structure, and ATP-dependent nucleosome sliding.
208 We have investigated the role of the SWI/SNF ATP-dependent nucleosome-remodeling complex in the repai
209 sociation of substrates from HtpG was either ATP-dependent or -independent depending on the substrate
210                             Antagonizing the ATP-dependent P2X7 receptor pathway of inflammasome acti
211  which resulted in partial inhibition of its ATP-dependent phosphatase activity and inhibited subsequ
212                        Here we show that the ATP-dependent phospholipid flippase Drs2 is required for
213 es cleavage of the 1,6-anhydro ring to allow ATP-dependent phosphorylation of the sugar O6 atom.
214               The Kif18A motor domain drives ATP-dependent plus-end microtubule gliding, and undergoe
215 esence of glibenclamide, an inhibitor of the ATP-dependent potassium (KATP)-channels, thus suggesting
216 decreasing the conductance of either outward ATP-dependent potassium channels (K(ATP)) or an inward s
217 ng extracellular potassium and activation of ATP-dependent potassium channels from these measurements
218 of potassium and continued activation of the ATP-dependent potassium channels.
219   Within this shape, mobility is enhanced by ATP-dependent processes and individual loci can undergo
220 rganelles and proteins is driven by multiple ATP-dependent processes.
221 ptor protein ClpS, an essential regulator of ATP-dependent protease ClpAP, directly interacted with P
222 ytic control exerted by the adaptor YjbH and ATP-dependent protease ClpXP in Bacillus subtilis.
223 d by proteolysis, mediated by the ubiquitous ATP-dependent protease ClpXP.
224 l et al. (2015) report that proteasomes, the ATP-dependent protease complexes that execute ubiquitin-
225                                              ATP-dependent proteases maintain protein quality control
226                                              ATP-dependent proteases translocate proteins through a n
227 emoved in an efficient and timely fashion by ATP-dependent proteases.
228 es, ClpX or ClpC1, thus inhibiting essential ATP-dependent protein degradation.
229 iverse activities (AAA+) partners to execute ATP-dependent protein degradation.
230 anced ATPase activity, peptide cleavage, and ATP-dependent protein degradation.
231 li comprises GroEL and GroES and facilitates ATP-dependent protein folding in vivo and in vitro Prote
232                                              ATP-dependent protein remodeling and unfolding enzymes a
233 ous molecular chaperone that participates in ATP-dependent protein remodeling in both eukaryotes and
234 ospholipids allosterically activate SecA for ATP-dependent protein translocation.
235 and archaeal branches.Chaperonins (CPNs) are ATP-dependent protein-folding machines.
236 ent small heat shock proteins and the larger ATP-dependent proteins, Hsp70, Hsp90, and Hsp60.
237 wn to participate in adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-dependent proteolysis in bacteria.
238  proteins show substrate-specific defects in ATP-dependent proteolysis.
239 rbonylated proteins in ftsh4 was the limited ATP-dependent proteolytic capacity of ftsh4 mitochondria
240    The vacuolar H(+)-ATPase (V-ATPase) is an ATP-dependent proton pump composed of a peripheral ATPas
241                                          The ATP-dependent proton pump V-ATPase ensures low intralyso
242   V-ATPases (H(+) ATPases) are multisubunit, ATP-dependent proton pumps that regulate pH homeostasis
243 ansporter P-glycoprotein (P-gp, ABCB1) is an ATP-dependent pump that mediates the efflux of structura
244 active KCC2-mediated chloride extrusion, and ATP-dependent pumps.
245                                      Similar ATP-dependent pushing events, but in the opposite (3' to
246        These collective results suggest that ATP-dependent Rad50 conformations switch the Mre11-Rad50
247 omponent of nitrogenase to reduce C2H2 in an ATP-dependent reaction.
248 ntroduces negative supercoils into DNA in an ATP-dependent reaction.
249  glutamine to asparagine and glutamate in an ATP-dependent reaction.
250 f Hsp70 and ClpB/Hsp104 chaperones, which in ATP-dependent reactions disentangle individual proteins
251            The presence of GroES doubled the ATP-dependent reactivation rate of bound MSG by preventi
252                    Nitrogenase catalyzes the ATP-dependent reduction of dinitrogen (N2) to two ammoni
253 hannel elements that control the kinetics of ATP-dependent regulation of KATP (Kir6.2 + SUR1) channel
254 -modified macromolecules efficiently inhibit ATP-dependent release of interleukin-1beta from human an
255 involvement of Alc1, a poly(ADP-ribose)- and ATP-dependent remodeler, in the chromatin-relaxation pro
256 , but detailed structural information on the ATP-dependent remodeling reactions is largely absent.
257 ay contribute to chromatin regulation beyond ATP-dependent remodeling.
258 ntained by an active mechanism involving the ATP-dependent removal of nucleosomes rather than a passi
259 nserved from yeast to mammals, catalyzes the ATP-dependent replacement of histone H2A in canonical nu
260 I action that is distinct from that of other ATP-dependent restriction-modification enzymes.
261 de duplex annealing, adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-dependent RNA binding, and RNA-protein complex remo
262 iochemical assays demonstrated that it is an ATP-dependent RNA and DNA helicase.
263           The enzyme possesses an intrinsic, ATP-dependent RNA helicase activity that is essential in
264                               The ubiquitous ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX3X is involved in many cel
265 associated with AU-rich element (RHAU) is an ATP-dependent RNA helicase that demonstrates high affini
266 e or AGO2-loaded miRNAs does not require the ATP-dependent RNA helicase UPF1 in vitro, we report here
267                  A central NMD factor is the ATP-dependent RNA helicase upframeshift 1 (UPF1).
268  eIF4G (a scaffolding subunit) and eIF4A (an ATP-dependent RNA helicase) leads to assembly of active
269 al structures of the founding members of the ATP-dependent RNA ligase family (T4 RNA ligase 1; Rnl1)
270                                           An ATP-dependent RNA ligase from Methanobacterium thermoaut
271                  These findings suggest that ATP-dependent RNA ligase may act on a specific set of 3'
272 d Glu285, which are conserved among archaeal ATP-dependent RNA ligases and are situated on the surfac
273                                              ATP-dependent RNA ligases are agents of RNA repair that
274                  p97 is a ubiquitin-targeted ATP-dependent segregase that extracts ubiquitylated clie
275 urons in the developing cochlea and prevents ATP-dependent shrinkage of supporting cells.
276 complexes that in general comprise a central ATP-dependent Snf2 family helicase that is decorated wit
277 oter, and O-GlcNAc removal from pol II is an ATP-dependent step during initiation.
278 needs to be revised to include an additional ATP-dependent step.
279          We identify this rotary step as the ATP-dependent substep, and find that the associated free
280 e removed by the deubiquitinase Rpn11 during ATP-dependent substrate degradation.
281 cleotide (Nt)-free and -bound states without ATP-dependent subunit remodeling.
282 tion-repair coupling factor Mfd, which is an ATP-dependent superfamily 2 helicase that binds to RNAP,
283 er/tetramer transitions in the regulation of ATP-dependent SV clustering.
284 ional specificity to adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-dependent SWI/SNF-like Brg/Brm-associated factor (B
285 e activity, the latter being regulated by an ATP-dependent switch.
286 ects of TRF are mediated by circadian clock, ATP-dependent TCP/TRiC/CCT chaperonin and mitochondrial
287 lism and pyruvate dehydrogenase activity for ATP-dependent thermogenesis through the SERCA2b pathway;
288 molog recognizes a mismatch and undergoes an ATP-dependent transformation to an elusive sliding clamp
289 al temporal autocorrelation functions reveal ATP-dependent transient short-range (<2 mum) heterogenei
290 single-molecule imaging to determine how the ATP-dependent translocase RecBCD travels along DNA occup
291 esent in the peroxisomal membrane catalyzing ATP-dependent transport of substrates for metabolic path
292                            The dependence of ATP-dependent transport on proton coupling, and the stim
293                                          The ATP-dependent transporter gene abcA in Staphylococcus au
294      P-glycoprotein (P-gp) is a polyspecific ATP-dependent transporter linked to multidrug resistance
295                              Deletion of the ATP-dependent transporter, CbpD partially alleviated xyl
296                 Both ClpX and ClpC1 catalyse ATP-dependent unfolding and degradation of native protei
297     Most important, PcalRG is able to induce ATP-dependent unwinding of synthetic Holliday junctions
298                            Brr2 catalyzes an ATP-dependent unwinding of the U4/U6 RNA duplex, which i
299 ing in vitro and show that its activation is ATP-dependent, with the cochaperone Cdc37 increasing the
300 -kD PSII subunit P-like proteins and a 70-kD ATP-dependent zinc metalloprotease, FtsH.

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