


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1 ferential regulation of Kiss1 in the Arc and AVPV by E(2) is unknown.
2 ized males evokes Fos activation in LHRH and AVPV neurons as it does in females.
3 rge in response to E + P treatment, LHRH and AVPV neurons in males failed to show increased Fos activ
4 ipt (CART)-expressing neurons in the PVH and AVPV.
5  the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and AVPV.
6 steroid responsive neurons within the caudal AVPV (where activation of Fos is maximal in females) com
7 le essentially all the neurons of the caudal AVPV in males and females are steroid responsive, the ma
8  the presence of E and P and activate either AVPV or LHRH neurons.
9 y is active in postnatal day 2 (PND2) female AVPV and repressed in male counterparts.
10 irth, as similar numbers of appositions from AVPV projections onto the GnRH-immunoreactive cells were
11                                     However, AVPV neurons do not seem to express detectable levels of
12                          GABA hyperpolarized AVPV kisspeptin neurons, except in the OVX PM group in w
13 ptor in the kisspeptin enriched hypothalamic AVPV and ARC respectively, which are essential for proge
14  of the preoptic region of the hypothalamus (AVPV) develops postnatally under the influence of testos
15 periventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (AVPV) is a sexually dimorphic nucleus in the preoptic re
16 periventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (AVPV) mediate a variety of autonomic functions.
17 periventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (AVPV) to test the dependence of sexual differentiation o
18 to the regulation of overall cell density in AVPV, the sex difference in TH cell number apparently is
19           In contrast, the sex difference in AVPV dopaminergic cell number, as measured by tyrosine h
20 a) and progesterone receptor (PR) neurons in AVPV neurons indicated that, while essentially all the n
21 did not alter the number of TH-ir neurons in AVPV of males or females.
22  on levels of phosphorylated CREB (pCREB) in AVPV neurons by using an antibody that differentiates be
23 naptic connections with Kiss1(ARH) and Kiss1(AVPV) neurons.
24 oventral periventricular hypothalamus, Kiss1(AVPV), and arcuate hypothalamus, Kiss1(ARH)), which driv
25                                      Labeled AVPV fibers reached the PVH during the first postnatal w
26                                      Labeled AVPV fibers were not seen in the ARH of animals at any a
27                                     The male AVPV also had higher levels of bax and bad mRNA, but nei
28 d with tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) in the male AVPV than the female, and sex steroids determine this se
29                          In arcuate, but not AVPV, kisspeptin neurons, estradiol reduced miniature po
30 ricular and anterior periventricular nuclei (AVPV/PeN) of males and females exhibit a bimodal resting
31 n the anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV) are either absent or disabled.
32 f the anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV) derived from male but not female rats.
33   The anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV) is a nodal point in neural circuits regulating sec
34 n the anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV) is linked to the induction of the preovulatory lut
35 lamic anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV) is sexually differentiated as a result of postnata
36 n the anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV) is sexually dimorphic, and Kiss1 neurons in the AV
37 d the anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV) of the hypothalamus, in which both overall cell de
38   The anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV) of the preoptic region is an essential part of neu
39 n the anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV), a nucleus that is larger in females and critical
40 n the anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV), but it is unclear how these signals differentiall
41  the anterioventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV), medial preoptic area (MPOA), ventromedial nucleus
42 : the anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV), medial preoptic nucleus (MPN), arcuate nucleus (A
43 on in anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV), median preoptic nucleus, and VMH.
44 d the anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV), where females have more neurons overall and many
45 , and anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV).
46 n the anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV).
47 eroventral periventricular preoptic nucleus (AVPV) and the central and medial divisions of the medial
48 rats (anteroventral periventricular nucleus [AVPV], median preoptic area [MePO], and medial preoptic
49 pacitance and spontaneous IPSCs amplitude of AVPV/PeN and Arc Kiss1 populations in an opposite manner
50 l number in females, overall cell density of AVPV in males, and RDLN cell number in both sexes.
51 ales, estradiol shifts the firing pattern of AVPV/PeN Kiss1 neurons and alters cell capacitance and s
52 RH neurons is by altering the sensitivity of AVPV neurons to glutamatergic activation.
53 secretion via its receptor in the ARC and/or AVPV nuclei.
54  hypothalamic anteroventral periventricular (AVPV) and arcuate (ARC) nuclei, while the region-specifi
55 eurons in the anteroventral periventricular (AVPV) and arcuate nuclei, providing homeostatic feedback
56  substantial population of steroid receptive AVPV neurons and is unable to respond to the presence of
57 higher inhibitory influence and all recorded AVPV/PeN Kiss1 neurons were spontaneously active.
58 us and anteroventral-periventricular region (AVPV) may differentially regulate GnRH neurons during ne
59 iventricular nucleus of the preoptic region (AVPV), which in contrast to most sexually dimorphic nucl
60                                          The AVPV sends few projections to the caudal brainstem, but
61 R1, GluR2, and GluR3 but not GluR4), and the AVPV appears to contain a dense plexus of NMDAR1-immunor
62 p explants were derived from females and the AVPV explants were derived from males or androgen-treate
63                             In contrast, the AVPV contains the same number of TH-immunoreactive neuro
64               Ascending projections from the AVPV also provide inputs to the ventrolateral septum (LS
65 mone secretion, rostral projections from the AVPV contact gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neuro
66 esults demonstrate that projections from the AVPV develop with both spatial and temporal specificity,
67 us, the organization of projections from the AVPV in female rats suggests that neurons in this nucleu
68         The majority of projections from the AVPV pass caudally through the periventricular zone of t
69 lly, we found that most Kiss1 neurons in the AVPV and Arc express estrogen receptor alpha mRNA, sugge
70 imulation of Kiss1 expression by E(2) in the AVPV and inhibition of Dyn in the Arc required an ERE-de
71  cells increased in number with aging in the AVPV and MePO, and in density in the AVPV.
72                                       In the AVPV and VMN, significant age-related increases in the n
73 l differentiation of dopamine neurons in the AVPV appears to be receptor specific and dependent on th
74  significantly more ERbeta expression in the AVPV at birth, but this sex difference was lost and then
75 strating that Kiss1 mRNA is increased in the AVPV at the time of an estrogen (E)- and progesterone-in
76 ird, we found that most Kiss1 neurons in the AVPV coexpress the immediate early gene Fos coincidently
77 oids in the mammalian nervous system, in the AVPV estrogen regulates dopaminergic neuron number throu
78 strate terminals derived from neurons in the AVPV in close apposition to GnRH-containing neurons in t
79 and development of kisspeptin neurons in the AVPV is mediated by developmental estradiol signaling.
80 fying numbers of dopaminergic neurons in the AVPV is unknown.
81 sexually dimorphic, and Kiss1 neurons in the AVPV may participate in the generation of the preovulato
82 -immunoreactive neurons were detected in the AVPV of ERKOalpha mice, and the number of TH-immunoreact
83 e number of TH-immunoreactive neurons in the AVPV of female ERKOalpha mice remained higher than that
84 We now report that nearly all neurons in the AVPV of female rats express both vesicular glutamate tra
85  higher levels of these neuropeptides in the AVPV of females.
86 lation of glutamate receptor subtypes in the AVPV of juvenile female rats.
87 ied, and the density of labeled axons in the AVPV of P10 males was 20-fold greater than that of P10 f
88 droxylase (TH)-immunoreactive neurons in the AVPV of wild-type (WT) mice with that of mice in which t
89  determined that levels of Kiss1 mRNA in the AVPV peaked during the evening of proestrus, whereas Kis
90 se results suggest that Kiss1 neurons in the AVPV play an active role in mediating the effects of E o
91  NMDAR1 receptor subtype are abundant in the AVPV, as are cells that express AMPA receptor subtypes (
92 significantly lower Kiss1 mRNA levels in the AVPV, compared with Lepr(lox/lox) mice.
93 munoreactive cell numbers and density in the AVPV, MePO, and MPN were significantly higher in old com
94                                       In the AVPV, Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin-labeled fibers
95 entiate specific neuronal populations in the AVPV, such as kisspeptin or dopaminergic neurons.
96 localized with PDYN, PENK, or TH mRNA in the AVPV, suggesting that pCREB may mediate the effect of st
97 ars to suppress levels of NMDAR1 mRNA in the AVPV, which remained unchanged after progesterone treatm
98 but did not alter CREB immunostaining in the AVPV.
99 sponse element-binding protein (CREB) in the AVPV.
100 oth TUNEL and Hoechst labeled nuclei, in the AVPV.
101  in the AVPV and MePO, and in density in the AVPV.
102 eoptic nucleus but reduced expression in the AVPV.
103     Moreover, Kiss1 neuronal activity in the AVPV/PeN, but not in the Arc, is sexually dimorphic.
104 he lipophilic tracers DiI and CMDiI into the AVPV of female rats ranging in age from embryonic day 19
105 sterone receptor antagonist, RU486, into the AVPV reversed the prolonged cycle length and rescued the
106  differences in the size and function of the AVPV result from apoptosis that occurs preferentially in
107 a new model of sexual differentiation of the AVPV that may also apply to the development of other sex
108                   Estradiol treatment of the AVPV, in vivo and in vitro, was used to manipulate TH-ir
109 esponsible for sexual differentiation of the AVPV, we used targeted apoptosis microarrays and in vivo
110 rade transport experiments indicate that the AVPV sends ascending projections to the ventral part of
111 y of neurites extending from the BSTp to the AVPV explant, as was the case when the BSTp explants wer
112          The projection from the BSTp to the AVPV is established between postnatal day 9 (P9) and P10
113  to demonstrate the strong projection to the AVPV observed previously in males.
114 pment of the projection from the BSTp to the AVPV, producing a sexually dimorphic architecture in pat
115 t was much more substantial than that to the AVPV.
116 male neonates, a similar connection with the AVPV was not apparent in female rats at any of the ages
117                                     Of these AVPV populations, the recently identified kisspeptin sys
118 back decreased glutamatergic transmission to AVPV and increased it to arcuate kisspeptin neurons; pos
119 in cells decreased glutamate transmission to AVPV neurons and markedly increased it to arcuate kisspe
120 ed of firing and quiescent cells, but unlike AVPV/PeN neurons, the range of RMPs did not follow a bim
121 culture of BSTp explants from male rats with AVPV explants derived from females treated in vivo with

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