


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 0 Genomes database (which includes data from Africa).
2  savannas (e.g., -18% in sub-Saharan western Africa).
3 th stunting continues to rise in sub-Saharan Africa.
4 ollowing childhood PCV immunization in South Africa.
5 pical lowlands in south Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.
6 tis in adults living with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa.
7 itical for guiding treatment and policies in Africa.
8 cs throughout sub-Saharan, central, and West Africa.
9 among isolates of the same serotype in South Africa.
10 s the main area of maize production in South Africa.
11 lobite Cambrian euarthropod known from North Africa.
12 rom countries and regions within sub-Saharan Africa.
13 erging economies of Asia, Latin America, and Africa.
14 lysis of the urban areas of Brazil and South Africa.
15  in wild-captured vectors from West and East Africa.
16 26 harzburgitic diamonds from Venetia, South Africa.
17 al disease worldwide and invasive disease in Africa.
18 5% CI 93 900-163 900]) deaths in sub-Saharan Africa.
19  Child Hospital (RMMCH), Johannesburg, South Africa.
20 riginating from the 1976 outbreak in Central Africa.
21  CM comparable to pre-ART era rates in South Africa.
22 f onchocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis in Africa.
23  to 2015 across endemic areas in sub-Saharan Africa.
24  woodlands and savannas of southern tropical Africa.
25  little systematic evidence for this link in Africa.
26 of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma in Africa.
27 kers (FSWs) at 2 urban clinic sites in South Africa.
28  traits from both Southeast Asia and Eastern Africa.
29 ranged from 0.3% in Asia to 1.8% in southern Africa.
30 tory HIV testing for EID programmes in South Africa.
31 mproving HIV services for men in sub-Saharan Africa.
32 re common in the Americas and Europe than in Africa.
33 partner services are not widely available in Africa.
34 of the current status of its epidemiology in Africa.
35 East, south Asia, China, southeast Asia, and Africa.
36 ation in field collected An. funestus across Africa.
37 tory syndrome (TB-IRIS), in Cape Town, South Africa.
38  deployable to multiple sites across Western Africa.
39 85.4% from the Americas and 14.6% from South Africa.
40 alth of bereaved female adolescents in South Africa.
41 Kenya, yet it appears to be absent from west Africa.
42 3.9% (22.9-25.0) to 28.5% (26.8-30.2) across Africa.
43 ble-blind, placebo-controlled part B in East Africa.
44 ess of new tuberculosis diagnostics in South Africa.
45 FV or remain on LPV/r in Johannesburg, South Africa.
46 ion strategies of hepatitis B in sub-Saharan Africa.
47 22 communities in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
48 ance the effect of climate change in Central Africa.
49 in India, the Philippines, Russia, and South Africa.
50 the development of programmes in sub-Saharan Africa.
51 nts is a major health problem in sub-Saharan Africa.
52 by the end of the 21st century over Southern Africa.
53 stance observed in Anopheles funestus across Africa.
54 years after Bt maize was introduced in South Africa.
55 gmatism from the Kaapvaal Craton of southern Africa.
56 e devastating yield losses to upland rice in Africa.
57 ng HBsAg-positive populations in sub-Saharan Africa.
58 iversity of their cultural traditions across Africa.
59 andemics, including epidemics in sub-Saharan Africa.
60 ts in Zambia and 18 941 respondents in South Africa.
61 tion after rotavirus vaccine introduction in Africa.
62 eopards in the Sabi Sand Game Reserve, South Africa.
63 travelers returning from rural subequatorial Africa.
64 important cause of stillbirth, especially in Africa.
65  a nationally representative survey in South Africa.
66 atitis D virus endemicity across sub-Saharan Africa.
67 o their more efficient spread in sub-Saharan Africa.
68 d territories in the Americas and 41 more in Africa.
69 nges driven by geological rifting in Eastern Africa.
70 of WHIV, and almost all with ICCs, were from Africa.
71 nce values for schoolchildren in sub-Saharan Africa.
72 RTI; nevirapine or efavirenz) in sub-Saharan Africa.
73 tterns of malaria transmission in regions of Africa.
74 sis of pyrethroid resistance across southern Africa.
75 re for the AIDS Program of Research in South Africa) 004 trial.
76  interval [CI], .43-.56), and was highest in Africa (1.12) and lowest in Asia (0.30).
77 ce in 2016 were 11.0% (7.5-15.9) in southern Africa, 10.1% (5.1-19.4) in eastern Africa, 7.2% (2.9-16
78 rn Africa, 17% (6-29) in western and central Africa, 11% (5-18) in Latin America and the Caribbean, a
79 sistance were 23% (95% CI 16-29) in southern Africa, 17% (5-30) in eastern Africa, 17% (6-29) in west
80 9) in southern Africa, 17% (5-30) in eastern Africa, 17% (6-29) in western and central Africa, 11% (5
81 scribes a regional Ebola outbreak in Western Africa (2014-2015).
82 US and Canada) and large declines in western Africa (-46% in sub-Saharan western Africa) and Australi
83                                  Across west Africa, 5430 (62%) of 8741 adolescents had four or more
84 southern Africa, 10.1% (5.1-19.4) in eastern Africa, 7.2% (2.9-16.5) in western and central Africa, a
85                                  Sub-Saharan Africa accounted for 73% of the estimated cryptococcal m
86 evelopment Goal (MDG) era, many countries in Africa achieved marked reductions in under-5 and neonata
87                    In September, 2016, South Africa adopted a policy of providing antiretroviral trea
88     For migrant populations from sub-Saharan Africa, adverse cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factor
89 ricas, West Africa, Central Africa, and East Africa against peptides derived from 10 of these protein
90             The last five introductions into Africa, all from Asia, involved multidrug-resistant subl
91 VD) epidemic strained health systems in west Africa already overburdened with other diseases, includi
92                               In sub-Saharan Africa, among patients with advanced human immunodeficie
93  independent colonization of Madagascar from Africa and Asia rather than settlement by an already adm
94 ollecting 439 samples across 11 countries in Africa and Asia to investigate the origin and genepool c
95 ide and 95% of RV-associated deaths occur in Africa and Asia where RV vaccines (RVVs) have lower effi
96 t to sorghum production in semiarid tropical Africa and Asia.
97 frastructure and provide medical supplies to Africa and Asia.
98 trol in several parts of the world including Africa and Asia.
99 rs across 9 research sites in 7 countries in Africa and Asia.
100 outh America in 2010, have been confirmed in Africa and Asia.
101  are appropriate for children in sub-Saharan Africa and assess the impact of malnutrition on lung fun
102                                           In Africa and Australia, rising atmospheric CO2 , changing
103 s in malaria-related research in sub-Saharan Africa and compare investment with national disease burd
104 ing scenarios mimicking those in sub-Saharan Africa and considered the prevalence of pretreatment NNR
105 e associated with increased rainfall in East Africa and decreased rainfall in southern Africa, West A
106 that a Pinatubo-like eruption cools tropical Africa and drives westerly wind anomalies in the Pacific
107 imes since 1970, into two main regions, West Africa and East/Southern Africa, causing epidemics that
108 e data from over a thousand human genomes in Africa and Eurasia, hundreds of genomes from a Drosophil
109 variety of thermal environments across Asia, Africa and Europe.
110 nic domain is present at high frequencies in Africa and has been associated with alternative invasion
111 d security of many small farmers in Asia and Africa and is a model system for other millets.
112 ed was CRF01_AE, which originated in Central Africa and is now most prevalent in Southeast and East A
113 o reduce malaria transmission in sub-Saharan Africa and keep areas malaria-free after elimination.
114 ines in KS incidence, men and women in South Africa and men who have sex with men remain at increased
115 d Asia (adjusted R(2) within 2%) but not for Africa and Oceania (adjusted R(2) within 11%) where NO2
116 inform onchocerciasis elimination efforts in Africa and residual foci in Latin America.
117 uggests migration of the VNB lineage between Africa and South America prior to its diversification, s
118  Crantz) is an important staple food crop in Africa and South America; however, ubiquitous deleteriou
119                  Long known to be endemic in Africa and Southeast Asia and a rare cause of acute febr
120 viduals sampled in Korea, New Zealand, South Africa and Spain showed significant genetic differentiat
121   The trial was done in seven sites in South Africa and Tanzania, including hospitals, health centres
122 e challenges faced are unique to sub-Saharan Africa and the development of strategies is complicated
123  wheat stem rust, have been detected in East Africa and the Middle East, where they lead to substanti
124 rease of 31 countries (mostly in sub-Saharan Africa and the Pacific Islands) since a review in 2008.
125  low-shear velocity provinces (LLSVPs) under Africa and the Pacific, but is much smaller.
126 ow Shear Velocity Provinces (LLSVPs) beneath Africa and the Pacific.
127 al security in developing countries in Asia, Africa and the tropical Americas.
128 ease inhibitor-based regimens in sub-Saharan Africa and underscore the need to accelerate the study a
129  western Africa (-46% in sub-Saharan western Africa) and Australia (-17%).
130 rica, 7.2% (2.9-16.5) in western and central Africa, and 9.4% (6.6-13.2) in Latin America and the Car
131               In Europe, west Asia and north Africa, and central America, medium-size farms (20-50 ha
132 itis B virus (HBV) is endemic in sub-Saharan Africa, and despite the introduction of universal hepati
133 152) from the Americas, West Africa, Central Africa, and East Africa against peptides derived from 10
134 cial associations with 65 countries in Asia, Africa, and Europe.
135 gical data are needed from southern and east Africa, and from patients with established liver disease
136  decreased rainfall in southern Africa, West Africa, and parts of the Sahel.
137 ntion HSV/HIV Transmission Study) in the US, Africa, and Peru with 2 genital specimens each containin
138 s a supranational perspective of sub-Saharan Africa, and recommends several priority elimination stra
139 from a Drosophila melanogaster population in Africa, and tens of genomes from zebra finch and long-ta
140 ralia, the dispersal of modern humans out of Africa, and the subsequent interactions of modern humans
141 t services were concentrated in Kenya, South Africa, and Uganda, and 14 (26%) countries showed an inc
142  auris infection from Pakistan, India, South Africa, and Venezuela during 2012-2015 and the type spec
143 issues related to hepatitis C in sub-Saharan Africa are addressed, including prevalence, risk factors
144 0 stillbirths in malaria-endemic sub-Saharan Africa are attributed to P falciparum malaria in pregnan
145 titutional testing activities in sub-Saharan Africa are currently limited.
146 r invasive salmonella disease in sub-Saharan Africa are scarce.
147 quality of malaria surveillance is vital for Africa as she marches on towards elimination.
148 that the contribution of developing regions (Africa, Asia and Latin America) to the total CH4 emissio
149 de, especially the large mammals of tropical Africa, Asia and South America.
150 virus has caused major epidemic outbreaks in Africa, Asia, the Indian Ocean, and more recently the Ca
151 eopards in the Sabi Sand Game Reserve, South Africa, associated with four not mutually exclusive hypo
152 he onset of more humid conditions in central Africa at the beginning of the Holocene.
153 hould be mobilized for EVD survivors in West Africa because of the frequency of this spectrum of dise
154 hatic filariasis has been delayed in Central Africa because of the occurrence of serious adverse even
155 ajority (79%) of tea accessions collected in Africa belong to Indian Assam tea which have likely orig
156 ndicator Cluster Surveys) across sub-Saharan Africa between 2003 and 2015.
157 sive outbreak of Ebola virus disease in west Africa between 2013 and 2016 resulted in intense efforts
158 e assemblages come from eastern and southern Africa but date much earlier.
159 is endemic in regions of western and central Africa but was introduced into the United States in 2003
160 ble populations reduces malaria morbidity in Africa, but resistance mutations in the parasite dhps ge
161 s a leading cause of cancer-related death in Africa, but there is still no comprehensive description
162                  Modern humans originated in Africa, but where exactly?
163  main regions, West Africa and East/Southern Africa, causing epidemics that lasted up to 28 years.
164 tient sera (n = 152) from the Americas, West Africa, Central Africa, and East Africa against peptides
165  at 1 year in patients with heart failure in Africa, China, India, the Middle East, southeast Asia an
166 hes to antibiotic stewardship-the USA, South Africa, Colombia, Australia, and the UK.
167 population of C. neoformans from sub-Saharan Africa, commonly isolated from mopane trees, to determin
168                  This multicenter (India and Africa), comparative, parallel-group trial enrolled 859
169 of springs currently distributed across East Africa could function as persistent groundwater hydro-re
170 IPTp-SP to all women with >/=3 ANC visits in Africa could prevent an additional 215,000 (128,000-318,
171 uded subject-level data from one sub-Saharan Africa country.
172 asing share of under-5 deaths in sub-Saharan Africa: currently 10.7% of under-5 mortality and 15.1% o
173 e recent Ebola virus (EBOV) epidemic in West Africa demonstrates the potential for a significant publ
174 hoogte and Timeball Hill formations in South Africa, deposited during the early stages of the first r
175 e oldest public-sector ART programs in South Africa, disengaged from care at least once in a contempo
176 eas intervention against Ebola virus in west Africa, dispatching 1200 workers, including Chinese mili
177 ss (SARI) hospitalization conducted in South Africa during February 2009-December 2013.
178 ical change and hominin evolution in eastern Africa during the Plio-Pleistocene; however, this hypoth
179 f C4 grass and grazing herbivores in eastern Africa during the Pliocene and Pleistocene may have been
180                                     The west Africa Ebola virus disease (EVD) epidemic was extraordin
181                                           In Africa, El Nino conditions are associated with increased
182 ary health facilities (20 clusters) in South Africa enrolled between June 8, and Nov 16, 2012, to est
183                          In contrast to East Africa, environmental drivers did not trigger the epidem
184 (GP) acquired an A82V change during the West Africa epidemic and that this change altered the capacit
185 -oriented research completed during the west Africa epidemic, identify ongoing knowledge gaps, and su
186 f Palaeolithic bone percussion technology in Africa, Eurasia and North America.
187                             In 2014, Western Africa experienced an unanticipated explosion of Ebola v
188  to support the Human Heredity and Health in Africa (H3Africa) program, has developed node-assessment
189  status and continent of origin, people from Africa had a higher risk for dual-strain infection (risk
190 years that might have been achieved if South Africa had moved swiftly to implement WHO guidelines (20
191  societies including tribes from Sub-Saharan Africa (Hadza, Datoga, and Isanzu), Western Siberia (Ob
192 HIV incidence, but its uptake in sub-Saharan Africa has been below targets.
193 g Data" to estimate socioeconomic factors in Africa has been proven.
194                                  Sub-Saharan Africa has the world's highest under-5 and neonatal mort
195 blems in preschool children from sub-Saharan Africa have been published.
196  everywhere, but forest elephants in Central Africa have sustained alarming losses in the last decade
197 llanblackia floribunda, a tree from tropical Africa, have traditionally been used in food preparation
198 lth surveillance (which is maintained by the Africa Health Research Institute) with patient records f
199 elays during the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa highlighted the need for a global, centralized da
200                                           In Africa, HPV 16 accounted for 13% of HPV-positive WHIV wi
201                                     In South Africa, HRQoL scores were lower in HIV-positive individu
202                           In India and South Africa, improvements in treatment for drug-sensitive and
203            Zika virus was discovered in East Africa in 1947 by the Rockefeller Foundation during inve
204 parum infection increased across sub-Saharan Africa in 2003-15, but even in 2015, only 19.7% (95% CI
205 4.2) in Russia, and 8.5% (2.5-14.7) in South Africa in 2040.
206 tor drugs has been identified in sub-Saharan Africa in patients with virological failure of first-lin
207 sity of HIV-1 CRF01_AE originated in Central Africa in the mid-1970s, was introduced into Thailand be
208 in arid and semi-arid regions of sub-Saharan Africa, India and South Asia.
209 rveys (DHS) conducted throughout sub-Saharan Africa indicate there is widespread acceptance of intima
210 ed a cohort of 523 women in Cape Town, South Africa, initiating ART in pregnancy (once-daily tenofovi
211 e in SCD patients living in West and Central Africa is associated with elevated TRV, microalbuminuria
212 RPRETATION: The fate of twins in sub-Saharan Africa is lagging behind that of singletons.
213                                              Africa is not unique in its need for basic bioinformatic
214                     The average exposure for Africa is over 118 times greater than it has been histor
215  yet its spatiotemporal availability in East Africa is poorly understood.
216 ur results suggest that forage production in Africa is sensitive to changes in climate, which will ha
217 earch in infectious and tropical diseases in Africa is urgently needed to better describe the distrib
218 aria is gradually declining in many parts of Africa, it is characterized by spatial and temporal vari
219 ntimicrobial susceptibility, but sub-Saharan Africa lacks diagnostic capacity and antimicrobial resis
220  approximately 400 km from the east coast of Africa, Madagascar exhibits cultural, linguistic, and ge
221                      The traditional "out of Africa" model, which posits a dispersal of modern Homo s
222 t to population-level recorded death data in Africa; models that are not calibrated to population-lev
223 V emerged from a common ancestor in southern Africa more than 4000 years ago.
224 ip (population 500,000) in Cape Town, South Africa, more than 50,000 patients have received antiretr
225 nancies were included; four from sub-Saharan Africa (n = 6,666 pregnancies, six sites) and one from T
226 tomography of primitive achondrite Northwest Africa (NWA) 2993.
227 pulations and specific source populations in Africa on the basis of haplotype sharing patterns.
228 sector ART programme in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, one of the populations with the most severe HIV
229 care through intensified case finding (South Africa only).
230 nder-5 mortality has declined in sub-Saharan Africa over the last decades.
231 ANCE African swine fever (ASF) is endemic in Africa, parts of the Trans Caucasus, the Russian Federat
232 n dropped in ICCs, with ICC:normal ratios in Africa ranging from 0.79 for HPV 33 down to 0.38 for HPV
233                                       In the Africa Region, the rotavirus AF declined from 54.8% (95%
234  with 31 000 (36%, 19 000-59 000) in the WHO Africa region.
235 t optimal dosing and monitoring regimens for Africa remain undefined.
236                                        South Africa replaced PCV7 with PCV13 in 2011 using a 2 + 1 sc
237 ticles in English or French from sub-Saharan Africa reporting dialysis outcomes in patients with ESKD
238                         The Sustainable East Africa Research in Community Health (SEARCH) study is a
239                         In east and southern Africa, seroprevalence was 0.05% (0.00-1.78) in general
240                Overall, studies conducted in Africa showed a relatively smaller occurrence of disease
241 ind and solar potential for large regions of Africa shows how economically competitive and low-enviro
242 duction in the malaria burden in sub-Saharan Africa since 2000.
243  adult mortality have been observed in South Africa since the mid-2000s, but there has been no formal
244                          In West and Central Africa some of the most rapid urbanization globally is e
245 r the 300 million people currently living in Africa south of the Equator.
246 a primary forest (terra firme) originated in Africa-South America, in the early Palaeocene, after whi
247  75% of most food commodities in sub-Saharan Africa, southeast Asia, south Asia, and China.
248  40 sites in Belgium, Canada, Germany, South Africa, Spain, and the USA.
249 ny, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, and the UK.
250 mpared to traditional housing in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).
251 e, India and intensively cultivated areas in Africa, such as Ethiopia, is highlighted.
252 enya, Madagascar (two sites), Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, and Tanzania (two sites).
253 st storms from three distinct origins (North Africa, Syria and Saudi Arabia) and compare them with lo
254 at was conducted as part of the Zambia-South Africa TB and AIDS Reduction Study (2006-2010).
255 st, the Detarioideae is much more diverse in Africa than in South America and Asia.
256 ittle experimental evidence from sub-Saharan Africa that can be brought to bear on this issue.
257 ally distinct genepools of fat-tail sheep in Africa that differ from the European genepool, suggestin
258 y 200-1,000 mm/y) in North America and South Africa that differ in the relative representation and ab
259 rnal, neonatal, and child health programs in Africa that have benefitted from the polio eradication i
260 r from Cape Verde, an island nation off West Africa that is home to individuals with a broad range of
261 which is endemic to the same regions of West Africa that were recently devastated by Ebola.
262 clusions of Archean quartz (Barberton, South Africa) that reveal the isotopic composition of the pale
263          Search strings included sub-Saharan Africa, the countries therein, and permutations of hepat
264 ituations in India (primary analysis), South Africa, the Philippines, and Brazil.
265 d the recent public health emergency in West Africa, there are still no approved vaccines or therapeu
266             Amid improving child survival in Africa, there was substantial heterogeneity in absolute
267                                           In Africa this issue is of primary importance, but the agre
268 th nearly 50% of forest elephants in Central Africa thought to reside in Gabon [1], their loss from t
269 thiopia, Madagascar (Isotry site), and South Africa to 237 (178-316) at the second site in Burkina Fa
270  pediatric primary healthcare in sub-Saharan Africa to improve nutritional status and appetite withou
271 rstood, despite its vast distribution - from Africa to Polynesia.
272 o coastal and freshwater habitats from North Africa to Scandinavia [6, 7].
273 eat from long-distance dispersal out of East Africa to the large wheat producing areas in Pakistan an
274 y, human demography, and mobility in central Africa to understand and predict the spread of yellow fe
275 house design in rural northeastern Tanzania, Africa, to decrease mosquito density and regulate indoor
276 alliative care are available in Kenya, South Africa, Uganda, and Tanzania.
277 ican countries (Mozambique, Swaziland, South Africa, Uganda, and Zimbabwe) between 2011 and 2014 foll
278  its arrival in the Western hemisphere, from Africa via Asia, it has become a serious threat to pregn
279 2013-16 Ebola virus disease outbreak in west Africa was associated with unprecedented challenges in t
280 ance for IPD from 2005 through 2014 in South Africa was reviewed.
281 ve in Morocco challenge the notion that East Africa was the birthplace of modern humans.
282                 In this study in sub-Saharan Africa, we found that HIV burden and stigma differed bet
283  including 1269 individuals from sub-Saharan Africa, we identify a diverse array of large copy-number
284 eveloped countries and 4% (95% CI, 2%-6%) in Africa were associated with GBS.
285                  Case fatality rates in west Africa were initially greater than 70%, but decreased wi
286 st Africa and decreased rainfall in southern Africa, West Africa, and parts of the Sahel.
287 casting could be used to notify countries in Africa when they are likely to see a major shift in thei
288 far more common in the Middle East and North Africa, where consanguinity is common often resulting in
289                               In sub-Saharan Africa, where HBsAg prevalence is higher than 8%, hepati
290  and this might be particularly important in Africa, where the incidence of perinatal and early risk
291 ntly encountered in malaria-endemic areas of Africa, where they protect children from severe and unco
292 nya, as is the case elsewhere in sub-Saharan Africa, while measures for control and prevention are we
293 men aged 18-23 years in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, who were HIV uninfected and sexually active cons
294  estimate that the population of sub-Saharan Africa will probably lose 2.3 million disability-adjuste
295  high polymorphism level of this gene across Africa with no evidence of directional selection suggest
296 articipants in KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa, with a diagnosis of XDR tuberculosis between 201
297 ne of the oldest continuous cultures outside Africa, with evidence indicating that their ancestors ar
298  were segregated by wetland salinity in West Africa, with females mostly occupying freshwater wetland
299 se of morbidity and mortality in sub-Saharan Africa, yet few facilities are able to maintain long-ter
300  north-eastern Tanzania, north-eastern South Africa, Yunnan province in China, and mountain chains in

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