


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nd IX collagen and cytochemical staining for Alcian blue.
2 components that strain with PAS but not with Alcian blue.
3 cid-Schiff/alcian blue and high-iron diamine/alcian blue.
4  75 to 250 kDa that do not stain with PAS or Alcian blue.
5  and stained with haematoxylin and eosin and alcian blue.
6            GAG shedding was quantified using Alcian Blue.
7                    In this experimental work Alcian Blue 8GX, a positively charged phthalocyanine dye
8                                        Using Alcian Blue, a histochemical stain that detects sulfated
9 ormal prenatal skeletal patterning, based on Alcian blue/Alizarin red S staining.
10 born CypA-deficient pups double stained with alcian blue and alizarin red exhibited generalized, pron
11                                              Alcian Blue and Alizarin Red staining of the cranium exh
12                 X-ray, microCT, alizarin red/alcian blue and calcein staining revealed severe skeleta
13         These nodules stained intensely with Alcian blue and collagen type II antibodies.
14 , Ihh(-/-) growth plates stained poorly with Alcian blue and contained low aggrecan transcript levels
15  typed by staining with periodic acid-Schiff/alcian blue and high-iron diamine/alcian blue.
16 cian blue granules in young animals to mixed alcian blue and safranin granules in older animals, and
17 while proteoglycan content was determined by alcian blue and Safranin O staining, CD44 protein expres
18 ion, as demonstrated by reduced affinity for Alcian blue and sensitivity to hygromycin B.
19 can (sGAG) levels in the SF were measured by Alcian blue binding assay.
20 onal screens (carboxypeptidase secretion and Alcian Blue binding) revealed a common set of genes rela
21  nonchondrogenic cells which exhibit loss of Alcian blue cartilage matrix and downregulation of carti
22 eterogeneity and binding of the cationic dye alcian blue compared with those in normal corneas.
23                             It is a modified Alcian blue dye precipitation assay in which the dye bin
24 rmal staining of the colonic epithelium with Alcian Blue for acidic mucins, and lack normal goblet ce
25 he intensity of metachromasia, a switch from alcian blue granules in young animals to mixed alcian bl
26                                 Although the Alcian Blue-modified CPLL incremented the total protein
27           Sections of lung were stained with Alcian Blue/PAS and examined microscopically.
28 glycoconjugates that stained positively with Alcian blue/PAS were also increased in asthmatic airways
29 let cells exhibited positive reactivity with alcian blue-periodic acid Schiff (PAS) reagent, goblet c
30 igands increased the number of goblet cells, Alcian blue-periodic acid-Schiff staining (reflecting mu
31 he following criteria: positive staining for alcian blue/periodic acid Schiff reagent, cytokeratin (C
32 nd rats, we stained airway goblet cells with Alcian blue/periodic acid-Schiff and determined the numb
33 eadout for ocular surface epitheliopathy and Alcian blue/periodic acid-Schiff histochemical analysis
34 e airways of control mouse lungs contain few alcian blue/periodic acid-Schiff's (AB/PAS)+ staining 'g
35  (250 ng) increased MUC5 gene expression and Alcian blue/periodic acid-Schiff-positive staining at 24
36 ugate expression, sections were stained with Alcian blue/periodic acid-Schiffs reagent (AB/PAS) and w
37                                              Alcian blue positive (sulfatide) storage cells were foun
38 ion resulted in decreased accumulation of an Alcian Blue positive matrix by chondrocytes and decrease
39 th significantly reduced BAL lymphocytes and alcian blue-positive cells (presumably basophils) compar
40 grown gonococci were surrounded by a coat of alcian blue-positive material, probably representing acc
41                 Homozygous uxs1 mutants lack Alcian blue-positive, proteoglycan-rich extracellular ma
42 timannoprotein antibody and the cationic dye alcian blue protect cells against osmotin cytotoxicity.
43  using three markers: acidic toluidine blue, alcian blue/safranin, and an antiserum to gonadotropin-r
44 r two bands were also directly visualized by alcian blue/silver staining of a purified placenta extra
45 velopment and bone formation was measured by Alcian blue stain and Alizarin red stain.
46                 A periodic acid-Schiff stain-alcian blue stain revealed mucous gland metaplasia of th
47  at PDL-bone and PDL-cementum entheses using alcian blue stain.
48 Cells in alginate culture deposited abundant alcian blue-stainable matrix and continued to proliferat
49 cted increase in the number and intensity of Alcian blue stained chondrogenic nodules in micromass cu
50                                Alizarin red-/Alcian blue-stained skeletons were prepared from embryos
51       Proteoglycan depletion was assessed by Alcian blue staining and chondrocyte cell death, with th
52 oth muscle cells was observed as assessed by Alcian blue staining and expression of the chondrocyte m
53 d goblet cell differentiation as assessed by alcian blue staining and expression of the Muc2 gene, es
54 l integrity was assessed in cecal tissue via Alcian blue staining and histologic analysis.
55 00 column resulted in isolation of the major Alcian blue staining band (630 kDa) which eluted first,
56  almost all cranial sites and a reduction in alcian blue staining in alveolar bone.
57                                              Alcian blue staining of SGs demonstrated that these incl
58  and sulphated glycosaminoglycan levels with alcian blue staining were measured by microdensitometry.
59  glycosaminoglycan deposition as assessed by Alcian blue staining, and gene expression of key anaboli
60 ically preserve GAGs, GAG-degrading enzymes, Alcian blue staining, and real color discrimination to e
61 ndicative of IEC proliferation, was more and alcian blue staining, indicative of IEC differentiation,
62            Mucin expression, as indicated by Alcian blue staining, was increased in the airways of Sf
63                                Compared with Alcian blue staining, we found that calcein staining ind
64 and collagen types II, IX, X, and XI, and by Alcian blue staining.
65    This conversion is accompanied by loss of Alcian blue-staining cartilage matrix and downregulation
66 eased [35S]sulfate incorporation, and larger Alcian blue-staining cartilage nodules; (3) Cyr61 enhanc
67 nic differentiation, including production of Alcian blue-staining matrix and expression of the collag
68 contain three high-molecular-weight, acidic, Alcian blue-straining components (450, 630, and 900 kDa)
69 s, all skeletal elements visualized by using Alcian blue were smaller.
70                             Alizarin red and Alcian blue whole mount analysis of the skeletons from w

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