


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              Am umbilical vein blood sample at 22 weeks gestation sho
2                                              Am) SIV were developed and implemented at CDC for rapid
3 ic complex, [PtCl(Am)2(ACRAMTU)](NO3)2 (1) ((Am)2 = ethane-1,2-diamine, en; ACRAMTU = 1-[2-(acridin-9
4 gnetotransport measurements, is 1.0 x 10(11) Am(-2), almost an order of magnitude lower than in a fer
5 ty increases approximately to a value of 2.2 Am M(-1) cm(-2) in the range of 0.01 to 20 muM and to 0.
6 reomeric form of the complexes cis-[Pt(NH3)2(Am)(R-Gua)](2+), where R-Gua is 9-methyl- or 9-ethylguan
7  presence of phenanthriplatin, cis-[Pt(NH3)2(Am)Cl](+) where Am is phenanthridine.
8 ual axial dipole moment > 160 ZAm(2) (10(21) Am(2))] is further constrained by the new data, which in
9  (241)Am alpha particles (5.49 MeV) and (241)Am gamma-rays (59.5 keV), with full widths at half-maxim
10 oscopic resolution is achieved for both (241)Am alpha particles (5.49 MeV) and (241)Am gamma-rays (59
11  series of radiation sources, including (241)Am and (57)Co radiation.
12 en found to be linear over the range of (241)Am activity studied.
13 )Pu, 9.4 GBq of (240)Pu and 29.7 GBq of (241)Am were released from both fire events corresponding to
14 rement of neutron capture properties of (241)Am.
15  CFM samples most probably representing (241)Am and (244)Pu employed in a previous tracer test demons
16 on efficiency has been obtained for the (241)Am-loaded poly(ethersulfone)-based grafted membrane comp
17 50% was found for (237)Np, (242)Pu, and (243)Am concentrations determined with the two analytical met
18 havior of (233)U, (237)Np, (242)Pu, and (243)Am was investigated in a water conductive shear zone und
19    (236)U, (237)Np, and Pu isotopes and (243)Am were determined in ground- and seawater samples at le
20 ow for the determination of (237)Np and (243)Am, for which isotopic tracers either are rarely availab
21 ofunctional platinum complex cis-[Pt(NH3)2Cl(Am)](+), also known as phenanthriplatin, where Am is the
22 and Pu(2)[B(13)O(19)(OH)(5)Cl(2)(H(2)O)(3)], Am[B(9)O(13)(OH)(4)].H(2)O, or Cm(2)[B(14)O(20)(OH)(7)(H
23 exes were synthesized: 4a (Am2 = en) and 4b (Am = NH3), in which N-[2-(acridin-9-ylamino)ethyl]-N-met
24 1); 25 mM) from CO2 at a fixed current of -5 Am(-2) in fed-batch bioelectrochemical reactors at high
25 ings show that the methylation status of m(6)Am in the 5' cap is a dynamic and reversible epitranscri
26                   Moreover, we find that m(6)Am is selectively demethylated by fat mass and obesity-a
27 ne (m(6)A), and reduces the stability of m(6)Am mRNAs.
28          FTO preferentially demethylates m(6)Am rather than N(6)-methyladenosine (m(6)A), and reduces
29        Using a transcriptome-wide map of m(6)Am we find that m(6)Am-initiated transcripts are markedl
30 (m(6)A) and N(6),2'-O-dimethyladenosine (m(6)Am) modifications (m(6)A/m) of messenger RNA mediate div
31 nucleotide, N(6),2'-O-dimethyladenosine (m(6)Am), is a reversible modification that influences cellul
32 criptome-wide map of m(6)Am we find that m(6)Am-initiated transcripts are markedly more stable than m
33   We show that the enhanced stability of m(6)Am-initiated transcripts is due to resistance to the mRN
34 ge proportions of both actinides (Pu, 97.7%; Am, 86.8%) were associated with mobile colloids in the s
35         The complexes of trivalent actinide (Am(III) and Cm(III)) and lanthanide (Nd(III) and Sm(III)
36 selectivities for trivalent minor actinides (Am and Cm) in the presence of trivalent lanthanides.
37 ng our understanding of the minor actinides (Am, Cm) versus lanthanides is key for developing advance
38  determined on the 317th and 674th day after Am separation, and the residual amount of Am in the solu
39  This Note of Concern relates to Ezzat et al Am J Pathol 163:1177-1184.
40 s Note of Concern relates to Al-Gayyar et al Am J Pathol 177:1187-1197 and Correction 185:1795-1796.
41  this issue of the Journal, Chiolero et al. (Am J Epidemiol.
42  Women's Health Initiative, Prentice et al. (Am J Epidemiol.
43 series analysis proposed by Flanders et al. (Am J Epidemiol.
44   In this issue of the Journal, Chen et al. (Am J Epidemiol.
45 In this issue of the Journal, Reeves et al. (Am J Epidemiol.
46 all amounts of plutonium (Pu) and americium (Am) was disposed in shallow trenches at the Little Fores
47 2009 after chemical separation of americium (Am) on October 27, 2009.
48                   Plutonium (Pu), americium (Am), and curium (Cm) activities were measured in sedimen
49  Selective oxidation of trivalent americium (Am) could facilitate its separation from lanthanides in
50                                The amygdala (Am), one of the most sensitive structures from which to
51 oms at 2.44(1) A, and can be explained by an Am incorporation at Fe structural sites at the magnetite
52  results include the first measurement of an Am-S bond length, with a mean value of 2.921(9) A, by si
53 owed that the distributions of m(5)C, Cm and Am are tissue-specific.
54  the 2'-O-methylated ribonucleosides (Cm and Am) are present at higher levels than the corresponding
55 also found that the levels of m(5)C, Cm, and Am are significantly lower (by 6.5-43-fold) in mRNA than
56 spectroscopy comparisons between Ac(III) and Am(III) in HCl solutions indicate Ac(III) coordinates mo
57 u and Am species were found to be Pu(IV) and Am(III), and large proportions of both actinides (Pu, 97
58 wing of the former disposal trenches, Pu and Am have been transferred from the buried wastes into the
59 yed for the sequential measurement of Pu and Am in environmental surveillance programs, potentially r
60 nvestigate the chemical speciation of Pu and Am in the trench water by combining fluoride coprecipita
61 esence of readily detected amounts of Pu and Am in the trench waters provides a unique opportunity to
62 , simple rocksalt compounds formed by Pu and Am lie on the boundary between metals and insulators.
63 ominant oxidation states of dissolved Pu and Am species were found to be Pu(IV) and Am(III), and larg
64 uclide interferences (Ra, Th, U, Np, Pu, and Am) for long-lived polonium isotopes ((208)Po, (209)Po,
65 and to the oxidation of Am(III) to Am(V) and Am(VI) in nitric acid.
66 chistriatum (AAv), the medial archistriatum (Am) and the medial HV.
67                 In the accompanying article (Am J Epidemiol.
68 the presence of a trivalent actinide such as Am(III), and (iii) preferential sorption of Pu(IV) in th
69 ting the growth of either T4 motA(Am)or asiA(Am) and for impairing transcription from MotA/AsiA-activ
70             T4 motA amber [motA(Am)] or asiA(Am) phage grows poorly in wild-type E. coli.
71                           The patient asks, "Am I going to fall apart?" She had numerous fractures in
72                                          Att/Am hybrids were created for each Am strain and then back
73 m (met(lab)) results in metamorphosis in Att/Am hybrids, and met(Att)/met(lab) and met(lab)/met(lab)
74  forms a secondary structure while EKEKEKE-C-Am has a random structure.
75 ling peptide EKEKEKE-PPPPC-Am with EKEKEKE-C-Am.
76 iation while protein adsorption on EKEKEKE-C-Am/gold is high with large variation.
77    Cell viability was measured using calcein Am and ethidium homodimer-1.
78        In all significantly different cases, Am workers were 4.5- to 6.2-fold more strongly attracted
79 raints on Epidemiology in an Age of Change" (Am J Epidemiol.
80 graphic, the measured analyte concentration (Am) approaches the accurate value (A0) when matrix effec
81 effects, the measured analyte concentration (Am) was inaccurate at high matrix concentrations, but ac
82 ypropylenimine dendrimers (DAB-Am-16 and DAB-Am-64) were modified at the exterior to impart different
83 on 3 and 5 polypropylenimine dendrimers (DAB-Am-16 and DAB-Am-64) were modified at the exterior to im
84 imine) dendrimers coordinated to Cu(II), DAB-Am(n)-Cu(II)x (n = 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, x = n/2), was studi
85 FS and XANES measurements on the reduced DAB-Am(n)-Cu(0)(cluster) corroborate the TEM data, and provi
86 rs is a function of the n/x ratio of the DAB-Am(n)-Cu(II)x precursor, with highly monodisperse, extre
87 I)-dendrimer complexes with NaBH4 yields DAB-Am(n)-Cu(0)(cluster) species.
88         Att/Am hybrids were created for each Am strain and then backcrossed to their respective Am li
89           Upon contact with preformed Fe3O4, Am(III) forms surface complexes with cosorbed Fe at the
90                   Although the genome of FLE-Am is almost the same size as the genomes of pathogenic
91 e sequenced the genome of an FLE, termed FLE-Am, present in the Gulf Coast tick, Amblyomma maculatum.
92                             We show that FLE-Am likely evolved from a pathogenic strain of Francisell
93 ive metabolic capabilities indicate that FLE-Am transitioned recently to its current endosymbiotic li
94 of 2D amorphous FePO4 nanosheets on Ni foam (Am FePO4 /NF).
95 rs that are isomorphous with those found for Am(III), Cf(III), and with lanthanides that possess simi
96 RNA(His(GUG)) for Um, and tRNA(Pro(GGG)) for Am. tRNA(Ser(UGA)), previously observed as a TrmJ substr
97  well as excellent chemical separations, for Am, Pu, U, and Th through the entire procedure for sever
98 tion 32 was confirmed as the TrmJ target for Am in tRNA(Pro(GGG)) and Um in tRNA(Gln(UUG)) by mass sp
99   These compounds adopt the general formula [Am]Mn(H2POO)3, where Am = guanidinium (GUA), formamidini
100 idia, whether the cultures were derived from Am- or Am+ isolates.
101 f the common methylated nucleo-sides Cm, Gm, Am or Um or for specific cases in which the base or suga
102 eneral formula RS(CH2CH2)nH (R = Et, t-Bu, i-Am; n = 1-3) and thiodiethanol monomethyl ether (9) have
103  extraordinary sensitivity of the amide III (Am III) vibration and the C(alpha)H bending vibration to
104                Inhibition of hepatic mTOR in Am mice increased hepatic lipid deposition and HIRI.
105 he lanthanides and minor actinides (that is, Am, Cm), with limited success.
106 hall and Galea in this issue of the Journal (Am J Epidemiol.
107 t (met(Att)) and a recessive allele from lab Am (met(lab)) results in metamorphosis in Att/Am hybrids
108 . mexicanum (Am; paedomorph), and laboratory Am (paedomorph).
109 metries ranging from bent to close to linear Am-O-Fe bonds.
110 ight-saturated photosynthetic rate per mass (Am ) was related negatively to leaf mass per area and po
111    Both Apis cerana (Ac) and Apis mellifera (Am) share an evolutionarily conserved set of QMP compoun
112 have identified a honey bee [Apis mellifera (Am)] odorant receptor (Or) for the queen substance 9-oxo
113 adenosine (m(6)A), and 2'-O-methyladenosine (Am) in RNA isolated from mammalian cells and tissues.
114  (Att; metamorph), wild-caught A. mexicanum (Am; paedomorph), and laboratory Am (paedomorph).
115 ined using Rothman's sufficient cause model (Am J Epidemiol.
116 were related to the risk of early mortality (Am J Epidemiol.
117                          T4 motA amber [motA(Am)] or asiA(Am) phage grows poorly in wild-type E. coli
118 owever, previous work has found that T4 motA(Am)does not grow in the E. coli mutant strain TabG.
119 for restricting the growth of either T4 motA(Am)or asiA(Am) and for impairing transcription from MotA
120  using Alb-TSC1(-/-) (AT) and Alb-mTOR(-/-) (Am) transgenic mice.
121         When the black-grass A. myosuroides (Am) AmGSTF1 was expressed in Arabidopsis thaliana, the t
122         Black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides; Am) populations, displaying no overt disease symptoms, c
123 t became the ancestors of North American (N. Am.) cultivars, and 25 Elite Cultivars from N. Am.
124 .) cultivars, and 25 Elite Cultivars from N. Am.
125 erein, we describe the preparation of (NBu4 )Am[S2 P((t) Bu2 C12 H6 )]4 and two isomorphous lanthanid
126 arating heat generating minor actinides (Np, Am, Cm) from spent nuclear fuel solution to reduce the r
127  rats, and in the medial amygdaloid nucleus (Am), GAD(67) mRNA was higher in male rats.
128 er Am separation, and the residual amount of Am in the solution was estimated.
129 tion of Pu and uranium (U) and the amount of Am were estimated by thermal ionization mass spectrometr
130 ctronic differences between the complexes of Am(III) and the lanthanides.
131 een studied with regard to the extraction of Am(III) from Eu(III) and Cm(III) from 0.1-3 M HNO3.
132 thod for analysis of sub-femtogram levels of Am and Cm in large-volume urine samples was developed.
133  formation pathway dictates the magnitude of Am(III) incorporation within this solid.
134                   A neuroanatomical model of Am-induced seizure propagation is proposed suggesting th
135             Here, we report the oxidation of Am in two systems, perchloric acid and nitric acid and t
136 .6 V potential for one-electron oxidation of Am(III) to Am(IV) in 1 molar acid.
137 ith a terpyridine ligand to the oxidation of Am(III) to Am(V) and Am(VI) in nitric acid.
138 rust (GR) was synthesized in the presence of Am(III), and subsequently converted to Fe(OH)2(s) interm
139 ation were correlated with the proportion of Am+ conidia, whether the cultures were derived from Am-
140 rine samples spiked with known quantities of Am and Cm isotopes in the range of attogram to femtogram
141                       The elemental ratio of Am to Pu in the produced particles was determined on the
142                             The retention of Am(III) by coprecipitation with or adsorption onto prefo
143  pyridyl-based ligands for the separation of Am(III) from lanthanide(III) ions is considered, as well
144 hod to access the higher oxidation states of Am in noncomplexing media for the study of the associate
145 n environment markedly distinct from that of Am(III) in Fe3O4.
146 hether the cultures were derived from Am- or Am+ isolates.
147  contrasting magnetism in two of the phases, Am = GUA and FA, that arises from structural distortions
148 r dynamics results showed that EKEKEKE-PPPPC-Am forms a secondary structure while EKEKEKE-C-Am has a
149 tion of the nonfouling peptide EKEKEKE-PPPPC-Am with EKEKEKE-C-Am.
150           Finally, we extended EKEKEKE-PPPPC-Am with the cell-binding sequence RGD and demonstrated c
151 wed that protein adsorption on EKEKEKE-PPPPC-Am/gold is very low with small variation while protein a
152                                As predicted, Am was more sensitive than Ac in all cases (1.3- to 2.7-
153                A heteromeric nuclear protein Am Alpha Binding protein (AAB) binds specifically to a C
154 ss of platinum(IV) complexes of the type [Pt(Am)(R(COO)2)2], where Am is a chelating diamine or two m
155                 The cytotoxic complex, [PtCl(Am)2(ACRAMTU)](NO3)2 (1) ((Am)2 = ethane-1,2-diamine, en
156           The reactions of AnCl(3) (An = Pu, Am, Cm) with molten boric acid under the same conditions
157       Kuller and Reisler's 1971 publication (Am J Epidemiol.
158 DPA by ozonation or use of Fenton's reagent, Am, Pu, U, and Th are separated from each other and the
159 ain and then backcrossed to their respective Am line.
160 C, but aggregated extensively in an rpoH165 (Am) mutant.
161 e according to phenotype: RGC, Ho, CPr, RPr, Am, BP, MG.
162                         The ligand separates Am(III) and Cm(III) from the lanthanides with remarkably
163 n increase in structural order around sorbed Am.
164 ty and Estimation in Case-Referent Studies" (Am J Epidemiol.
165 inner-sphere Cl(1-) ligands (3.2+/-1.1) than Am(III) (0.8+/-0.3).
166 ave higher levels of ovarian activation than Am workers.
167  workers responded less strongly to QMP than Am workers, and 9-HDA and 10-HDA consistently elicited s
168 lts confirmed Seaborg's 1954 hypothesis that Am(III) 5f-orbital covalency was more substantial than 4
169 e were detected at distances suggesting that Am and Fe polyhedra share corners in geometries ranging
170 ensity on basal oxygen atoms contrasting the Am(III) and Cm(III) borates, where a basal O 2p orbital
171                      Our results explain the Am III frequency dependence on conformation as well as t
172                             Isolation of the Am and Pu is then achieved using a combination of extrac
173 ich results in a psi dependent mixing of the Am III and the (C)C(alpha)H bending motions.
174  of the most difficult systems to study, the Am-Cl interaction within AmCl6(3-).
175 bitals was similar to that observed with the Am(III) 6d-orbitals.
176 ons at higher HNO3 concentration compared to Am(3+).
177 ial for one-electron oxidation of Am(III) to Am(IV) in 1 molar acid.
178 ridine ligand to the oxidation of Am(III) to Am(V) and Am(VI) in nitric acid.
179 ve larger Pu 5f atomic occupancy relative to Am and Cm 5f, as well as unique involvement and occupanc
180 molecular orbitals for Bk and Cf relative to Am and Cm.
181                  We report that reversion to Am+ depends on DNA methylation within and upstream of Ta
182                                 Reversion to Am+ did not occur when conidia were plated on 5-azacytid
183 DNA methylation, also prevented reversion to Am+.
184      Both TraK and TraV accumulated in traB2[Am] cells; however, the TraB2 amber fragment could be de
185 ion factor activation was assayed with Trans-Am kits.
186 simultaneous determination of Pu, Np, Th, U, Am, Cm, Pm, Y, and Sr isotopes, as well as iron-55, by i
187 yzes formation of Cm, Um, and, unexpectedly, Am.
188 a two-electrode electrolyzer assembled using Am FePO4 /NF as an electrocatalyst at both electrodes gi
189 plexes of the type [Pt(Am)(R(COO)2)2], where Am is a chelating diamine or two monodentate am(m)ine li
190 pt the general formula [Am]Mn(H2POO)3, where Am = guanidinium (GUA), formamidinium (FA), imidazolium,
191 nanthriplatin, cis-[Pt(NH3)2(Am)Cl](+) where Am is phenanthridine.
192 )](+), also known as phenanthriplatin, where Am is the N-heterocyclic base phenanthridine, has promis

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