


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e SERA5 gene, or replace Ser596 with a bulky Arg residue.
2  except near a conserved, positively charged Arg residue.
3  terminus, causing release of the C-terminal Arg residue.
4 eaks indicates that they arise from a single Arg residue.
5 nts from cleavage at the C terminus of the L-Arg residue.
6 nd with the side chain of the C-terminal Lys/Arg residue.
7 short amino acids motifs enriched in Lys and Arg residues.
8 est by a high degree of alignment of Lys and Arg residues.
9 omains, which together in bull P1 contain 19 Arg residues.
10 intermediates that contain C-terminal Lys or Arg residues.
11 al aromatic residues with positively charged Arg residues.
12 mide substrates with N-terminal Leu, Met and Arg residues.
13 yzed substrates with N-terminal Leu, Met and Arg residues.
14  which resides in a stretch of Lys, His, and Arg residues.
15  enzyme is specific for COOH-terminal Lys or Arg residues.
16 r access pathway for the transport of the S4 Arg residues.
17 llination of proteins via the deimination of Arg residues.
18 xyl terminus, to include an area rich in Ser-Arg residues.
19 lation and asymmetric dimethylation at three Arg residues.
20 riants were detected, with 6 (19%) involving Arg residues.
21 ightly held charge of a protonated arginine (Arg) residue.
22 channel blocked by the hydrocarbon chains of Arg+ residues.
23  IgG reduced this binding significantly, the Arg residues (162-163) of the C1q-A chain, which are tho
24 ve scanned the sequence -Gln-Ala-His-Ser-Asn-Arg- (residues 30-35 of [DPhe12,Nle21,38]Ac-hCRF4-41) wi
25                            Mutation of three Arg residues, 93, 97, and 101, to Ala in thrombin (throm
26  were separately replaced with Ala, Ser, and Arg residues; all six mutants displayed no detectable ca
27                               Therefore, the Arg residues allow D1 to take on a specific conformation
28 ned the relative impact of mutation of these Arg residues alone and in combination on the above react
29 -triphosphatase identified the motif Cys and Arg residues and an upstream Asp as required for activit
30 ariety of new fluorogenic peptides with a P3 Arg residue, and we demonstrated their superiority compa
31 ptide contains uniformly (13)C/(15)N-labeled Arg residues, and the RNA samples were unlabeled.
32 cally inactive because the essential Cys and Arg residues are absent.
33                             Because cationic Arg residues are determinants of Crp4 bactericidal pepti
34                                    These two Arg residues are essential for autophagy, suggesting tha
35 f the native enzyme, suggesting that the two Arg residues are involved in substrate binding.
36 tereochemical interactions of catalytic site Arg residues are paramount.
37                         Furthermore, Trp and Arg residues are required for the ability of PMX53 to ac
38 ractions individually with two transmembrane Arg residues (Arg-183(5.39) and Arg-258(7.35)) to create
39 SK1/PKARIalpha association requires all four Arg residues (Arg-93-96) in the pseudosubstrate site of
40 VIII) occurs through proteolysis at three P1 Arg residues: Arg(372) and Arg(740) in the FVIII heavy c
41 tatic/H-bonding interactions involving three Arg residues (Arg48, Arg51, and Arg53) projecting from t
42 -R(10)18A-NH(2)) had only positively charged Arg residues as the receptor binding domain.
43 endent on the presence of the highly charged Arg residue at 3056, and viruses with this phenotype and
44       Instead, we show that burying a single Arg residue at an interior position is sufficient to spe
45 age of a chromogenic substrate with a single Arg residue at P1 was NS2B-independent.
46  but their GPA contained the Gly rather than Arg residue at position 61.
47                           Replacement of the Arg residue at position 82 in bacteriorhodopsin by Gln o
48  between the beta4 and beta5 strands, and an Arg residue at the beginning of the catalytic domain.
49 showed that mutation of a positively charged Arg residue at the beta-dimer interface and high NaCl co
50 sidue donated by the rasGAP protein, and the Arg residue at the core of the GTP or GDP sensing switch
51 th a Bowman-Birk inhibitor reported here, an Arg residue at the P1 position of the inhibitor is bound
52  Lys23 and Arg9, each containing an upstream Arg residue at the P6 and P5 position, respectively.
53  OmpT cleave peptides with three consecutive Arg residues at different sites, a difference in specifi
54                     We found that both these Arg residues at positions 104 and 106 were required for
55                                              Arg residues at positions 295, 141, and 363 are involved
56 sidues to Ala, we demonstrated that only the Arg residues at positions 331 and 332 were required for
57    The peptide that was identified contained Arg residues at positions 331 and 332.
58                   We found that mutating two Arg residues at positions 36 and 37 in the C-domain of I
59 e results indicate that the highly conserved Arg residues at positions 365 and 375 may play a role in
60 On the basis of exon sequences, there are no Arg residues at the predicted C-terminus of the mature g
61              Here we show that, in contrast, Arg residues at the same internal positions exhibit no d
62 utation of an absolutely conserved arginine (Arg) residue at position 50 to alanine (R50A) of the sim
63     Single mutations of the Asp (or Glu) and Arg residues blocked kinase function both in yeast cells
64 antigen possessed a P7-Leu instead of the P7-Arg residue, but nevertheless was accommodated within th
65                               Four conserved Arg residues can function in the activation of the phosp
66                 Replacement of Trp 185 by an Arg residue caused displacement of TM2 toward the outsid
67 s of the hD4R are substituted with arginine (Arg) residues, cellular hD4R protein levels increase.
68                          Mutation of the two Arg residues close to the nonannular binding sites had n
69 contrast, mutation of lysines 66-68 to basic Arg residues did not decrease (and in some cases enhance
70 close to the PtdIns(3)P-binding pocket or an Arg residue directly involved in PtdIns(3)P binding abro
71    This catalytic cation is analogous to the Arg residue donated by the rasGAP protein, and the Arg r
72 m-phosphate complexation, where the cationic Arg residues drag the anionic phosphate groups along as
73 lix alpha2 in recognizing a constellation of Arg residues embedded in a hydrophobic patch on the surf
74 OVA with Arg to Ser replacements of all four Arg residues enhancing binding to this Ag.
75                              In Arp K3(1) an Arg residue fills site 72, replacing the key aromatic re
76 utagenesis was used to investigate the seven Arg residues for activity (74, 75, 160, 162, 266, 306 an
77            The side chain of the active-site Arg residue forms a bidentate hydrogen bond with two of
78 H104 in HsPNP with the corresponding Glu and Arg residues found in BtPNP.
79 lytic effect by releasing C-terminal Lys and Arg residues from partially degraded fibrin.
80 dues from both proteins, including a pair of Arg residues from PriC and the C terminus of SSB.
81                                        Thus, Arg residues function as determinants of Crp4 bactericid
82 1 was extended at the C-terminus by a single Arg residue giving rise to analog 90 (BMS-200261) which
83 D4 to catalyze the deimination of methylated Arg residues has also been evaluated, and the results in
84               We hypothesize that these four Arg residues have developed as a result of somatic mutat
85                                      Several Arg residues have very downfield-shifted proton NMR resp
86                              The role of the Arg residues, however, was surprisingly independent of t
87                    Mutations were made to an Arg residue in a conserved SRC motif in the delta' and g
88      In contrast, mutation of the equivalent Arg residue in an extender AT domain resulted in a prote
89  an essential requirement for this conserved Arg residue in determining Hib PS-binding affinity.
90                                   A critical Arg residue in each SH2 domain was mutated to Ala.
91                           Mutation of the P1 Arg residue in factor X to Gln prevented activation by t
92 f ISD with MALDI FTICR, the influence of the Arg residue in ISD fragmentation is less straightforward
93                                Modifying the Arg residue in kalata with a keto aldehyde significantly
94 me high binding affinity, confirmed that the Arg residue in position 7, which is known to be crucial
95                       Mutation of a critical Arg residue in the basic-leucine zipper domain of either
96               We conclude that, although the Arg residue in the FLVRES motif is invariant in most if
97 attributed to a conformational change of the Arg residue in the stromal loop region.
98 n has a short cytoplasmic tail and a charged Arg residue in the transmembrane region that, by analogy
99        These enzymes have a highly conserved Arg residue in their catalytic loop which is present two
100 talyze the post-translational methylation of Arg residues in a variety of different proteins involved
101 tic enzymes that catalyze the methylation of Arg residues in a variety of proteins (e.g., histones H3
102 s, Drp1-x01 required oligomeric assembly and Arg residues in alternative exon 3 for microtubule targe
103          These results illustrate that these Arg residues in anion binding exosite 2 contribute very
104 position, a strong nonpreference for Lys and Arg residues in any position, and the first evidence tha
105 mutagenesis was applied to the corresponding Arg residues in both the small and large subunits of mai
106 e derived from IS4 by altering the number of Arg residues in CDR3.
107   These results indicate a role for V(H)CDR3 Arg residues in chromatin specificity of lupus-derived a
108     Because of the reported role of V(H)CDR3 Arg residues in dsDNA binding and the near identity of t
109            In contrast, there are only three Arg residues in each of the alpha and beta chains.
110                                      Of four Arg residues in IS4VH CDR3 substituted to Ser, two at po
111 second finger-like structure and a number of Arg residues in L1 that form a positively charged, shelf
112 sed to identify three phenylglyoxal-modified Arg residues in monomeric rabbit muscle CK.
113 role of high alpha-defensin Arg content, all Arg residues in mouse Paneth cell alpha-defensin cryptdi
114 mblies and cellular dispositions, homologous Arg residues in neuroligin-3 (Arg-451), in butyrylcholin
115                     We also identified three Arg residues in nsP4, R545, R546, and R547, that are nee
116 ionic interactions between Asp-19 (P(6)) and Arg residues in plasmin (Arg-644, Arg-719, and Arg-767),
117 P. gingivalis among bacteria, which converts Arg residues in polypeptide chains into citrulline.
118 Taken together, our results demonstrate that Arg residues in S1-S4 voltage-sensing domains reside in
119 d the important functional roles of internal Arg residues in situations where a charge is needed in t
120  we tested the contributions of two V(H)CDR3 Arg residues in SN5-18 to chromatin specificity.
121                                          All Arg residues in the 5-base specific (UACAU) mRNA interfe
122 irected mutagenesis were used for studies of Arg residues in the active site of SULT1A1.
123 y neurotransmitter receptors often relies on Arg residues in the binding site, leading to the assumpt
124 series of melanotropin analogues with His or Arg residues in the core pharmacophores of MTII, SHU9119
125 resent study, we show that altering specific Arg residues in the H chain of a human pathogenic beta2G
126   The single substitution of any of the four Arg residues in the helical segments did not affect impo
127 e within the phosphate-binding loop, and two Arg residues in the LID domain are proposed as substitut
128 eas substitutions for the individual Lys and Arg residues in the N-terminal region were tolerated.
129                         Substitution of both Arg residues in the N-terminal segment (R3Q/R10Q) caused
130 cking Arg-NLS-Gln ING4 mutant, which has all Arg residues in the NLS mutated to Gln, loses its affini
131 channels are controlled by several conserved Arg residues in the S4 helix of the voltage-sensing doma
132 these results demonstrate that the conserved Arg residues in the SRH of both D1 and D2 play critical
133                                          The Arg residues in these two mutants are restricted to a hi
134 e exceptions (e.g., Lys and Arg) to the twin Arg residues in this motif have been noted.
135 structure mapping identified several Lys and Arg residues in this region that form salt bridges with
136  residues, in contrast to the larger Lys and Arg residues in yeast and plant orthologs.
137  C:G base pairs H-bond with conserved His or Arg residues in ZnF8, ZnF9, and ZnF11, and the consensus
138  first time the replacement of all arginine (Arg) residues in a protein with canavanine (Can), a toxi
139                         Serpin-1A, with a P1 Arg residue, inhibited both trypsin and plasmin.
140         Cationic peptides containing Lys and Arg residues interact with DNA via charge-charge interac
141 hat only the side chains of specific Lys and Arg residues interact with the surface.
142 eta 2GPI was achieved by the introduction of Arg residues into the 3H9 H chain variable region at pos
143 analyses of Sdh1 implicate C-terminal region Arg residues involvement in covalent flavinylation and S
144                                   One of the Arg residues is in the region corresponding to the "safe
145 the invariant Lys residue as well as the two Arg residues, its phosphate-binding loop is examined and
146                            Such targeting of Arg residues, leading to significant changes in coding a
147  demonstrate that citrullination of selected Arg residues leads to progressive disruption of HSP90 te
148 ement, in the Pro3 analogue, with additional Arg residues led to analogues with improved kappa affini
149                 In addition, one His and two Arg residues lie in close vicinity of the binuclear meta
150 in-tyrosine kinases contain a catalytic loop Arg residue located either two or four positions downstr
151 ively spliced AT-hook indicated that Lys and Arg residues made essential DNA contacts, whereas Gly an
152                                          The Arg residues may be important not only for Sdh5 associat
153 586A/R588A/R591A (all three of the indicated Arg residues mutated to Ala), had wild-type activity and
154        We show that (i) substitutions of the Arg residue of TL contacted by Tgt confer resistance to
155       The (15)Nepsilon resonances of all six Arg residues of 4-OT were assigned, and the assignments
156 eport that alterations in the 0-layer Gln or Arg residues of Vam7p or Nyv1p, respectively, strongly i
157                    Mutation of the arginine (Arg) residue of the highly conserved LNDR motif has been
158 We have demonstrated that a highly conserved Arg residue on loop 1 of RHBDL2 plays a critical role in
159 open conformation, two of the four conserved Arg residues on S4 are on a lipid-facing surface and two
160               To investigate the role of the Arg residues, one or two arginines were replaced by Ala.
161 Gly207, and is further stabilized by the two Arg residues opposing the pSer202/pThr205.
162 hanced by N-terminal addition of four Lys or Arg residues or a second Tat peptide.
163 and demonstrated that its positively charged Arg residues, particularly Arg6 and Arg7, were crucial f
164 , alpha-defensins contain an average of nine Arg residues per Lys residue.
165   In this pathway for peptide translocation, Arg residues play a fundamental role not only in the bin
166 than for binding, while Arg-65 and two other Arg residues play a greater role in binding than in resi
167 d concentration-dependent manner, suggesting Arg residues play an important role in the catalytic act
168 e bacterial species tested regardless of the Arg residue position.
169 nspires via interaction of the quencher with Arg residues positioned on the peptide substrate.
170   Within these domains, a strictly conserved Arg residue present in both activating cofactors, but no
171    In this arrangement, the highly conserved Arg residue present in either cofactor comes into close
172 d a key epitope corresponding to an internal Arg residue (R502 [HSP90beta]/R510 [HSP90alpha]) that is
173 ecific missense mutation of the codon for an Arg residue required for sialic acid recognition.
174  with a neutral (Met, Gln, or Ala) or basic (Arg) residue results in an approximately 10(4)- or 250-f
175                  The repeated motif contains Arg residues spaced by a hydrophobic segment that may be
176 d included those having the alpha-subunit 96(Arg) residue substituted by Gln, Leu, or Ala, the alpha-
177 N9PP orthologs share a stringently conserved Arg residue that forms a salt bridge with the substrate
178 a much longer surface loop, and the critical Arg residue that is required for ascorbate binding in AP
179 on of Trp-222 in the loading AT domain to an Arg residue that is universally conserved in all extende
180 hydrophobic pocket near a cluster of Asp and Arg residues that are essential for catalysis, with the
181  HORMA structure reveals a pair of conserved Arg residues that constitute a putative phosphate sensor
182                     The conformations of the Arg residues that interlock helix A and B appear to be p
183 ced affinity for hydrolysis after Lys versus Arg residues; therefore, the ability to autolytically ac
184 els, suggesting that movements of protonated Arg residues through the membrane will be prohibited.
185                    Mutation of this critical Arg residue to Ala in either of the hexameric enzymes pr
186               Mutation of a single conserved Arg residue to Ala in the cJun spacer region (R285A) led
187 orption, leading to proton mobilization from Arg residues to a less favored protonation site.
188                      By changing each of the Arg residues to Ala, we demonstrated that only the Arg r
189 PAD4 catalyzes the hydrolytic deimination of Arg residues to produce Cit and ammonia.
190 sical basis behind the remarkable ability of Arg residues to remain protonated in environments otherw
191  experiments, surface accessibility maps for Arg residues were compared for the free fPollambda versu
192             However, for both mZP2 and mZP3, Arg residues were released by carboxypeptidase B, consis
193  (HNP1) and several HNP1 analogs where three Arg residues were replaced by each of the following six
194 ass spectrometry analysis confirmed that all Arg residues were replaced with Can.
195 nhibitor is principally determined by the P1 Arg residue, whereas exosites outside the loop which are
196 re active than KSHV-GPCR, suggesting that an Arg residue, which is constrained outside the bundle by
197 ss-II myosins begins with a highly conserved Arg residue (whose mutation in human beta-cardiac myosin
198  The interaction of these positively charged Arg residues with the lipid membrane has been of intense
199 jacent C residues of the CCA sequence and an Arg residue within a highly conserved sequence motif in
200                              Substitution of Arg residues within alpha-26 with Glu, or substitution o
201                                              Arg residues within S1-S4 domains are well hydrated and
202 thin the effector binding region (EF) or two Arg residues within the C-terminal tail (TL).
203  which contained Arg-->Ala mutations at four Arg residues within the effector binding region (EF) or
204                       The roles of all three Arg residues within the PlcH RRRTFLK consensus motif wer
205                     Conserved twin arginine (Arg) residues within the Tat signal sequence consensus m
206 minimal 9-mer peptide, R6A-1, do not contain Arg residues yet retain high affinity (K(D) = 60 and 200

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