


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              Aurora B directly phosphorylated Ska1 and Ska3 in vitro,
2                                              Aurora B facilitates KT-MT dynamics by phosphorylating k
3                                              Aurora B functions to correct improper kinetochore-micro
4                                              Aurora B is a mitotic checkpoint kinase that plays a piv
5                                              Aurora B is an essential mitotic kinase, which is involv
6                                              Aurora B is overexpressed in human tumors although wheth
7                                              Aurora B kinase phosphorylates kinetochore proteins duri
8                                              Aurora B kinase regulates the proper biorientation of si
9                                              Aurora B kinase was more commonly overexpressed than AAK
10                                              Aurora B kinase, a key regulator of cell division, local
11                                              Aurora B knockdown inhibited Mad2 phosphorylation in mit
12                                              Aurora B phosphorylates both Ska1 and Ska3 to inhibit th
13                                              Aurora B phosphorylates histone H3S28 at active promoter
14                                              Aurora B phosphorylates PLK1 on Thr210 to activate its k
15                                              Aurora B phosphorylation at S196 in the neck opens MCAK
16                                              Aurora B phosphorylation of Dam1p C terminus weakens dir
17                                              Aurora B promotes this process in a manner that is codep
18                                              Aurora B regulates cytokinesis timing and plays a centra
19                                              Aurora B therefore ensures that suppression of microtubu
20                                              Aurora B-orchestrated PLK1 kinase activity was examined
21 elay key events in anaphase, including AIR-2/Aurora B relocalization to the microtubules, in response
22                             Analysis of AAK, Aurora B kinase, MYC, BCL-2, phosphatidylinositol 3-kina
23 cts in CPC centromere targeting and aberrant Aurora B activity.
24             Chromatin obstructions activated Aurora B(AIR-2) at the spindle midzone, which is needed
25 NP is responsible for binding and activating Aurora B kinase.
26 ription and that the cell cycle arrest after Aurora B inhibition depends on p53 and pRB tumor suppres
27 on the new H3 is significantly reduced after Aurora B inhibition, suggesting a cross-talk between H3S
28 ould act as a flexible "dog leash," allowing Aurora B to phosphorylate dynamic substrates localized i
29                                     Although Aurora B is regarded as the "master regulator" of kineto
30 h appropriate kinetochore orientation and an Aurora B-like activity.
31 ic spindle in early mitosis is guarded by an Aurora B kinase-dependent error correction mechanism [1,
32 chore orientation effect and corrected by an Aurora B-like activity, whereas in anaphase, it is corre
33 re, we describe a novel pathway involving an Aurora B-PLK1 axis for regulation of MCAK activity in mi
34 in SCCRO-deficient cells with addition of an Aurora B inhibitor at the midbody stage suggests that Au
35 EB proteins and explain the importance of an Aurora B phosphorylation gradient for the spatiotemporal
36            We propose that bistability of an Aurora B-phosphatase system underlies formation of spati
37                                     Thus, an Aurora B gradient appears to mediate a surveillance mech
38 und that kinetochore protein NUF2/HIM-10 and Aurora B/AIR-2 kinase are less abundant on mitotic chrom
39 , with Polo promoting stable attachments and Aurora B promoting detachment.
40 s exhibit overexpression of Mad2, BubR1, and Aurora B, but only overexpression of Aurora B phenocopie
41 er, depletion of the ESCRT-III component and Aurora B substrate CHMP4C enables abscission, bypassing
42 omere triggers dissociation of condensin and Aurora B from the centromere, thereby stabilizing the bi
43 metaphase and controlled dynein/dynactin and Aurora B activities in kinetochores, chromosome segregat
44  MPS1 localization further required HEC1 and Aurora B activity.
45 tromere-associated kinesin localization, and Aurora B T-loop phosphorylation at kinetochores.
46 Bub3, and the kinases Bub1, Mph1 (Mps1), and Aurora B.
47                 We added probes for NUMA and Aurora B to reveal microtubule polarity.
48 horylation in Xenopus egg extracts, Plk1 and Aurora B both promote this modification in human cells.
49 tubules) requires the activities of Polo and Aurora B kinases, with Polo promoting stable attachments
50           This crosstalk may enable Polo and Aurora B to achieve a balance wherein microtubule mis-at
51 eres of two key cell cycle kinases, Polo and Aurora B, are critical for ensuring that the two sister
52 both phosphorylated histone H3-positive, and Aurora B-positive cardiomyocytes in the post-LVAD hearts
53                                   Ring1B and Aurora B bind to a wide range of active promoters in res
54 ver of regulatory phosphorylation on another Aurora B substrate MKlp1 was observed, suggesting that P
55 1)-protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) antagonizes Aurora B and Cdk1 partly by dephosphorylating Sororin an
56 onserved proteins known in mammals/yeasts as Aurora B/Ipl1, INCENP/Sli15, Survivin/Bir1, and Borealin
57             During mitotic spindle assembly, Aurora B kinase is part of an error correction mechanism
58                         A midzone-associated Aurora B gradient was found to monitor chromosome positi
59 ora kinases, which include Aurora A (AURKA), Aurora B (AURKB) and Aurora C (AURKC), are serine/threon
60 romeric histone H2A, attenuation of KT-based Aurora B kinase activity, and lethal chromosome congress
61  in line with an inverse correlation between Aurora B and p21(Cip1) expression in human leukemias.
62 lization contributes to CPC functions beyond Aurora B activation.
63  for efficient complex formation with Bim1p, Aurora B/Ipl1p-dependent phosphorylation of Bim1p down-r
64              Haspin inhibitors did not block Aurora B localization to the spindle midzone in anaphase
65 ates of EB3 phosphorylation on serine 176 by Aurora B.
66 uploidy and the stress pathways activated by Aurora B inhibition and also support the use of Aurora B
67 is dynamic regulation of Mad1 association by Aurora B is only uncovered when CENP-I is depleted, cons
68  The duration of this block is controlled by Aurora B kinase.
69 bule and kinetochore binding is curtailed by Aurora B is the spindle and kinetochore-associated (Ska)
70 the inner centromere and are destabilized by Aurora B phosphorylation, whereas kinetochores under ten
71                  Biorientation is ensured by Aurora B kinase (Ipl1), a member of the four-subunit chr
72 tion of histone H3 at serine-10 (H3S10ph) by Aurora B on chromosome arms but, in Aurora B reactivatio
73 le depolymerization activity is inhibited by Aurora B-dependent phosphorylation, but the mechanism of
74 d Ndc80, independently of phosphorylation by Aurora B kinase, and this regulation was required for ac
75  on force and kinetochore phosphorylation by Aurora B kinase.
76                     KIF4A phosphorylation by Aurora B stimulates the maximal microtubule-dependent AT
77  inhibits abscission upon phosphorylation by Aurora B.
78 ntly, the antagonistic regulation of Polo by Aurora B and Map205 in cytokinesis reveals that interdom
79 Here we show that phosphorylation of Polo by Aurora B is required for cytokinesis.
80 e postulate that condensin I is recruited by Aurora B(AIR-2) to aid in the resolution of chromatin ob
81 two holoenzymes are dynamically regulated by Aurora B kinase during mitosis.
82 ion, each component of which is regulated by Aurora B kinase.
83 ore-microtubule coupling and is regulated by Aurora B kinase.
84 's affinity for microtubules is regulated by Aurora B phosphorylation on its N-terminal tail [12-15],
85 ted that these interactions are regulated by Aurora B.
86 ty of kinetochore attachment is regulated by Aurora B/Ipl1 kinase and this regulation is conserved fr
87 tion with microtubules and its regulation by Aurora B.
88 , the delayed fission kinetics is rescued by Aurora-B inhibition.
89  Ska complex regulates, and is regulated by, Aurora B [13].
90 ctivity that accompanies anaphase and causes Aurora B translocation away from centromeres [7-12] and
91 sed H3T3ph, resulting in loss of centromeric Aurora B and reduced phosphorylation of centromere and k
92 The chromosomal passenger complex containing Aurora B can be found on a subset of spindle microtubule
93 l passenger protein complex (CPC) containing Aurora B kinase, borealin, INCENP, and survivin, which o
94 tricted negative feedback loop counteracting Aurora B in anaphase.
95  show that protein phosphatase 1 counteracts Aurora B activity to enable Ska kinetochore accumulation
96 uld be recognized as erroneous, would elicit Aurora B-dependent destabilization of kinetochore-microt
97 g chemically induced dimerization to enhance Aurora B activity at metaphase kinetochores.
98  end-tracking protein, is required to enrich Aurora B at inner centromeres in a microtubule-dependent
99 ediated primarily by the centromere-enriched Aurora B kinase (ABK), typically occurs near spindle pol
100 s, whereas two key midzone assembly factors, Aurora B and Kif4, act as they do in midzones.
101 d trans-phosphorylation that is critical for Aurora B activation.
102 te that the KNL1 N terminus is essential for Aurora B activity at kinetochores.
103  elucidated the antineoplastic mechanism for Aurora B kinase inhibitors in cancer cells with WT p53.
104             Moreover, ULP-4 is necessary for Aurora B(AIR-2) extraction from chromatin and relocation
105 strate of Aurora B, but is also required for Aurora B activity.
106 zes to kinetochores and is also required for Aurora B-serine 331 phosphorylation in nocodazole or unp
107 findings establish KNL1 as a requirement for Aurora B activity at kinetochores and for wild-type kine
108             Here, we describe a new role for Aurora B in telomere dispersion and disjunction during f
109 atus, we reveal a spatially defined role for Aurora-B kinase in retarding the end-on conversion proce
110         Finally, we uncover a novel role for Aurora-B regulated Astrin-SKAP complex in ensuring the c
111                        Aurora-A differs from Aurora-B/C at three positions in the ATP-binding pocket
112 an essential CPC component required for full Aurora B activity.
113                                 Furthermore, Aurora B transiently interacts with HDAC3 at the kinetoc
114                                 Furthermore, Aurora B/Ipl1 directly phosphorylates She1, and this mod
115 ger complex (CPC), without abolishing global Aurora B function.
116 B at the central spindle, rather than global Aurora B activity, regulates KIF4A accumulation at the c
117                            To understand how Aurora-B activity is counteracted, we compare the roles
118        We present the structure of the human Aurora B kinase domain in complex with the C-terminal Au
119 n distinguishing human Aurora A versus human Aurora B kinase in vivo.
120 n anti-acetyl lysine antibody, we identified Aurora B as an acetylated protein in PC3 prostate cancer
121                            Thus, we identify Aurora-B as a key upstream regulator of end-on conversio
122 nsient but significant reduction (P=0.02) in Aurora B acetylation during early mitosis.
123 10ph) by Aurora B on chromosome arms but, in Aurora B reactivation assays, recovery of H3S10ph was de
124                             This decrease in Aurora B results in diminished binding of the chromokine
125  with corresponding significant decreases in Aurora B phosphorylation of Ndc80/Hec1.
126 aining foci on the outside, and plus ends in Aurora B-containing foci on the inside.
127 ad in cancers, which causes an impairment in Aurora B activity.
128 inally, we demonstrate that this increase in Aurora B activity causes premature collapse of the mitot
129 about the mechanisms by which an increase in Aurora B kinase activity can impair mitotic progression
130 ncrease (P<0.01 and P<0.05, respectively) in Aurora B acetylation as compared to siLuc or vehicle-tre
131     This phosphorylation invokes a switch in Aurora B specificity, with increased phosphorylation of
132                     Interestingly, increased Aurora B activity also leads to problems with chromosome
133 a yeast model, we demonstrate that increased Aurora B activity as a result of the overexpression of t
134    The inhibitor furthermore does not induce Aurora B specific effects in cells.
135 1-depleted cells, suggesting KNL1 influences Aurora B activity through an additional pathway.
136 Aurora dependency in SCLC primarily involved Aurora B, required its kinase activity, and was independ
137 fore anaphase onset by a mechanism involving Aurora B kinase, a key regulator of mitosis in a wide ra
138 dle association is important for active Ipl1/Aurora B complexes to preferentially destabilize misatta
139          The conserved kinases Mps1 and Ipl1/Aurora B are critical for enabling chromosomes to attach
140 show that this activity is regulated by Ipl1/Aurora B phosphorylation during cell cycle progression.
141                 Dsn1 phosphorylation by Ipl1/Aurora B relieves this autoinhibition, enabling MIND to
142 determine that evolutionarily conserved Ipl1/Aurora B contributes to phosphorylation of Cse4, as leve
143 omere and provides the binding site for Ipl1/Aurora B.
144 itment of the tension checkpoint kinase Ipl1/Aurora B to inner centromeres in metaphase but is not re
145 CENP scaffold and the catalytic subunit Ipl1/Aurora B.
146 gulated by the conserved protein kinase Ipl1/Aurora-B and promotes the subsequent assembly of a kinet
147                Central to this regulation is Aurora B kinase, which phosphorylates kinetochore substr
148 er complex (CPC), whose enzymatic subunit is Aurora B kinase, promotes chromosome biorientation by de
149     In one mechanism, the centromeric kinase Aurora B phosphorylates Mis12C and strengthens its bindi
150                         The conserved kinase Aurora B phosphorylates the major microtubule-binding ki
151 ger complex (CPC), containing mitotic kinase Aurora B as a catalytic subunit, ensures faithful chromo
152                           The mitotic kinase Aurora B is concentrated at the anaphase central spindle
153  functional properties of the mitotic kinase Aurora B.
154 ntribute to activation of the mitotic kinase Aurora B.
155  by a mechanism involving the protein kinase Aurora B, which destabilizes kinetochore microtubules (k
156                     Inhibition of the kinase Aurora B does not change the distribution despite signif
157 (INCENP), Survivin, Borealin, and the kinase Aurora B, contributes to the activation of the mitotic c
158 i15 is required for activation of the kinase Aurora B/Ipl1 and can occur in trans.
159        Here we show that the mitotic kinases Aurora B and Cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (Cdk1) destabiliz
160 ssembly depends on multiple mitotic kinases (Aurora B, Mps1, and Plx1) and is suppressed by protein p
161 hosphorylation of centromere and kinetochore Aurora B substrates.
162 icantly from that seen in the Xenopus laevis Aurora B:INCENP complex currently used as a model for st
163 0 and histone H3 phospho-Thr3) that localize Aurora B.
164 n this pathway and is sufficient to localize Aurora B to microtubules prior to anaphase.
165 reveal co-existence of distinct high and low Aurora B activity states, sustained by a two-component k
166 , the budding yeast homolog of the mammalian Aurora B kinase, triggers shedding of a kinetochore prot
167 otes Aurora B activity through Bub1-mediated Aurora B targeting.
168  expression of a phosphomimetic S331E mutant Aurora B rescued chromosome alignment or segregation in
169                       Although Plx1, and not Aurora B, is critical for H3T3 phosphorylation in Xenopu
170 endent manner by overwhelming the ability of Aurora B to mediate error correction.
171     These results suggest that activation of Aurora B kinase by clustering either on chromatin or on
172  the centromere and governs an activation of Aurora B kinase judged by phosphorylation of Ser-7 in CE
173      We conclude that the dual activities of Aurora B and CENP-I generate a molecular switch that mai
174 er is diminished recruitment and activity of Aurora B kinase on chromosome arms.
175 controlling the localization and activity of Aurora B kinase through phosphorylation of histone H2A a
176 the centromeric localization and activity of Aurora B kinase, a known regulator of k-MT attachment st
177 ation also depends on the kinase activity of Aurora B, the catalytic subunit of the chromosomal passe
178  regulation and the first molecular basis of Aurora B regulation in melanoma cells.
179 ion of the CPC without affecting the bulk of Aurora B activity in HeLa cells.
180 nger complex (CPC) in animals, consisting of Aurora B kinase and three evolutionarily conserved prote
181 se chromosome misalignment and a decrease of Aurora B-mediated Ndc80 phosphorylation at kinetochores.
182 ine 3 (H3T3ph) promotes proper deposition of Aurora B at the inner centromere to ensure faithful chro
183 o PFI-1 showed significant downregulation of Aurora B kinase, thus attenuating phosphorylation of the
184    Moreover, knocking down the expression of Aurora B effectively reduced the sensitivity of cancer c
185  RZZ dissociation functions independently of Aurora B, which regulates their association.
186 ension are pulled away from the influence of Aurora B, stabilizing their microtubule attachments.
187                  Pharmacologic inhibition of Aurora B in cancer cells with WT p53 increased p53 prote
188 t that activation of p21 after inhibition of Aurora B is correlated with increased chromosome missegr
189  induction of p21 by p53 after inhibition of Aurora B is dependent on the p38 MAPK, which promotes tr
190       We also demonstrate that inhibition of Aurora B results in down-regulation of E2F-mediated tran
191                                Inhibition of Aurora B results in stabilization of p53 and induction o
192 avior (caused by, for example, inhibition of Aurora B).
193 in a p38-dependent manner upon inhibition of Aurora B.
194 eated with Hesperadin, a potent inhibitor of Aurora B/C kinases.
195 aneuploid cells synergize with inhibitors of Aurora B to inhibit colony formation and oncogenic trans
196                                      Lack of Aurora B kinase function results in the inability to cor
197 esults provide insight into the mechanism of Aurora B regulation and the first molecular basis of Aur
198  the TPR domain was the critical mediator of Aurora B control over MPS1 localization, as its deletion
199                           Mislocalization of Aurora B correlated with dephosphorylation of CENP-A and
200  on the spindle, indicating misregulation of Aurora B.
201                            Overexpression of Aurora B also results in a reduced DNA damage response a
202                            Overexpression of Aurora B in cultured cells induces defective chromosome
203                  Long-term overexpression of Aurora B in vivo results in aneuploidy and the developme
204 cogenic hyperactivation or overexpression of Aurora B may compromise the tumor suppressor function of
205                      Thus, overexpression of Aurora B may contribute to tumor formation not only by i
206 R1, and Aurora B, but only overexpression of Aurora B phenocopies mitotic defects observed in ARF(-/-
207      We show that an MKlp2-dependent pool of Aurora B at the central spindle, rather than global Auro
208                                 This pool of Aurora B phosphorylates substrates including the kinesin
209 re independently dictates the recruitment of Aurora B kinase, kinase activity on a kinetochore substr
210 s following mitotic exit, and recruitment of Aurora B kinase, male germ cell Rac GTPase-activating pr
211  explanation for the common up-regulation of Aurora B in human cancers.
212  theoretical model for spatial regulation of Aurora B phosphorylation.
213                                Regulation of Aurora B/Ipl1 kinase activity and localization is critic
214         These studies reveal a novel role of Aurora B in maintaining genomic integrity by promoting t
215 aspin inhibitors reveal centromeric roles of Aurora B in chromosome movement and spindle checkpoint s
216  we show that Ska is not only a substrate of Aurora B, but is also required for Aurora B activity.
217 orylation of Ser-7 in CENP-A, a substrate of Aurora B.
218                         A critical target of Aurora B is the N-terminal "tail" domain of Hec1, which
219                        It is a key target of Aurora B kinase, which destabilizes erroneous attachment
220                However, ectopic targeting of Aurora B to kinetochores does not fully rescue Aurora B
221          Ubiquitination-promoted turnover of Aurora B at the midbody was deficient in SCCRO- and KLHL
222 ucidated, yet signaling pathways upstream of Aurora B in this context remain poorly understood.
223 ntegrates this and other signals upstream of Aurora B to regulate when the final step in the physical
224 ora B inhibition and also support the use of Aurora B inhibitors in combination therapy for treatment
225 rotubule attachment in a manner dependent on Aurora B.
226 1, yet the consequences of KNL1 depletion on Aurora B phospho-regulation remain unknown.
227  calponin homology domain of HEC1 but not on Aurora B-dependent phosphorylation of the HEC1 tail.
228 a genome protection mechanism that relies on Aurora B and the ESCRT-III subunit CHMP4C to delay absci
229 le for BubR1-associated PP2A-B56 in opposing Aurora B and suggest that BubR1-bound PP2A-B56 integrate
230 ma and -epsilon play a general role opposing Aurora B at the central spindle.
231 zation to the spindle midzone in anaphase or Aurora B function in cytokinesis.
232                              The 'NoCut', or Aurora B abscission checkpoint can be activated if DNA i
233 tors, such as compound 28c, of Aurora-A over Aurora-B.
234 he expression of phospho-histone H3, phospho-Aurora B, and Ki-67 was also suppressed in the HOI-07 tr
235 as does expression of a non-phosphorylatable Aurora B S227A mutant.
236 that Chk2 stabilizes Mps1 and phosphorylates Aurora B-serine 331 to prevent mitotic exit when most ki
237 ent abscission checkpoint by phosphorylating Aurora B at S227.
238 bles abscission, bypassing the PKCvarepsilon-Aurora B exit pathway.
239 d to explore the novel scaffold of potential Aurora B inhibitors.
240 ts microtubule-binding capability to promote Aurora B activity in cells and stimulates Aurora B catal
241  kinetochores, suggesting that KNL1 promotes Aurora B activity through Bub1-mediated Aurora B targeti
242                 We propose that Ska promotes Aurora B activity to limit its own microtubule and kinet
243 role in chromosome segregation by recruiting Aurora B.
244        The kinetochore protein KNL1 recruits Aurora B-counteracting phosphatases and the Aurora B-tar
245                        In cells with reduced Aurora B activity, there is a decrease in the frequency
246 elays of nuclear envelope reassembly require Aurora B kinase activity.
247 rora B to kinetochores does not fully rescue Aurora B activity in KNL1-depleted cells, suggesting KNL
248                                    Restoring Aurora B to near-normal levels rescues mitotic phenotype
249 together, we identified HOI-07 as a specific Aurora B inhibitor, which deserves further investigation
250 addition to regulating attachment stability, Aurora B controls microtubule dynamics through phosphory
251 te Aurora B activity in cells and stimulates Aurora B catalytic activity in vitro.
252 R is activated at centromeres, it stimulates Aurora B through Chk1, preventing formation of lagging c
253 res in early mitosis to activate its subunit Aurora B kinase.
254                     This compound suppressed Aurora B kinase activity in lung cancer cells, evidenced
255 t PP2A-B56gamma can dephosphorylate the T799 Aurora B site on KIF4A and thereby counteract the Aurora
256                       Importantly, targeting Aurora B to microtubules by UBASH3B is necessary for the
257                 Our results demonstrate that Aurora B inhibits both direct interaction with the micro
258                          Here, we found that Aurora B phosphorylates PKM2, but not PKM1, at T45; this
259                                We found that Aurora B phosphorylation of Dsn1 promotes the interactio
260                            We show here that Aurora B kinase phosphorylates Polo on its activation lo
261        Together, these results indicate that Aurora B is more active in its deacetylated state and fu
262                              We propose that Aurora B phosphorylation antagonizes the interaction bet
263     Collectively, our findings, showing that Aurora B is a potential target in melanoma cells, partic
264 inhibitor at the midbody stage suggests that Aurora B is the target of SCCRO-promoted Cul3(KLHL21) ac
265                   Here the authors show that Aurora-B regulates end-on conversion in human cells and
266                                          The Aurora B kinase coordinates kinetochore-microtubule atta
267 e compound library were screened against the Aurora B structure and one compound, (E)-3-((E)-4-(benzo
268 nd stress-activated kinases (MSK1/2) and the Aurora B kinase.
269  Aurora B-counteracting phosphatases and the Aurora B-targeting factor Bub1, yet the consequences of
270 ochore assembly and is phosphorylated by the Aurora B kinase.
271 n the Ndc80 complex is phosphorylated by the Aurora B kinase.
272 l of shugoshin-2 from chromosome arms by the Aurora B/C kinase, an event crucial for the efficient re
273 a B site on KIF4A and thereby counteract the Aurora B- and microtubule-stimulated ATPase activity of
274  is more complicated than predicted from the Aurora B phosphorylation gradient model.
275        Accordingly, CHMP4C functioned in the Aurora B-dependent abscission checkpoint to prevent both
276 ssing only mutant forms of KIF4A lacking the Aurora B phosphorylation site overextended the anaphase
277 ow that PKCvarepsilon directly modulates the Aurora B-dependent abscission checkpoint by phosphorylat
278 ity as a result of the overexpression of the Aurora B and inner centromere protein homologs triggers
279  cells remain sensitive to the effect of the Aurora B inhibitor.
280 n of kinetochores through recruitment of the Aurora B kinase.
281 ectedly reveals a dimeric arrangement of the Aurora B:INCENP complex, which was confirmed to exist in
282                             We show that the Aurora B kinase and the polycomb protein Ring1B have ess
283                           We reason that the Aurora B-PLK1 signaling at the kinetochore orchestrates
284 monstrate that PKCvarepsilon signals through Aurora B to exit the abscission checkpoint and complete
285 bule attachments (K fibers) epistatically to Aurora B, the other major error-correcting kinase.
286 on rendered MPS1 localization insensitive to Aurora B inhibition.
287 eacetylation acts as a rheostat to fine-tune Aurora B activity during mitotic progression.
288         UBASH3B interacts with ubiquitylated Aurora B, one of the main kinases regulating chromosome
289 romosome segregation depends critically upon Aurora B phosphorylation of Ndc80/Hec1.
290           HOI-07 potently inhibited in vitro Aurora B kinase activity in a dose-dependent manner, wit
291 together, our results suggest that, in vivo, Aurora B releases kinetochores via at least two mechanis
292  the CPC becomes particularly important when Aurora B phosphorylates kinetochore targets to eliminate
293 yeast and human cells under conditions where Aurora B activity is compromised.
294                                      Whether Aurora B and p53 are coordinately regulated during the c
295                             However, whether Aurora B is regulated by acetylation is not known.
296                        It is unknown whether Aurora B phosphorylation promotes release directly, by i
297 se data are consistent with a model in which Aurora B activity relieves a TPR-dependent inhibitory co
298 y exchanging centromere Borealin pool, while Aurora B and Mps1 play minimal roles in maintaining CPC
299          We find that the Ndc80 complex with Aurora B phosphomimetic mutations is defective at promot
300 control the assembly of these pathways, with Aurora B kinase promoting KMN network recruitment to CEN

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