


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              B-DNA becomes unstable under superhelical stress and is
2  exhibit sequence-induced curvature, adopt a B-DNA conformation as a function of increasing temperatu
3  stretched globally, but locally it adopts a B-DNA-like conformation that restricts the homology sear
4  for the study of this CG-rich sequence as a B-DNA duplex, mimicking the form that would be present i
5 er molecules within the hydration shell of a B-DNA dodecamer, which are of interest for many of its b
6 -44 mus) molecular dynamics simulations of a B-DNA duplex structure that addresses this hypothesis us
7 amics and ab initio quantum simulations on a B-DNA tetradecamer reveal activated reaction pathways th
8 ystal structures of CATGGGCCCATG and other A/B-DNA intermediates support a 'slide first, roll later'
9 ctra, all of the hairpins investigated adopt B-DNA structures, except for a hairpin with a short poly
10 to those previously derived for Family A and B DNA polymerases, parameters for analog incorporation r
11 ontinuum along the transition between A- and B-DNA.
12                                    A-DNA and B-DNA represent different conformations of the DNA molec
13 cal properties of low-linking number DNA and B-DNA respectively, suggest that removal of guanine meth
14                 The interplay between H- and B-DNA and the fact that the process of transcription aff
15 s result in condensation of superhelical and B-DNA, displacement of intercalated ethidium bromide and
16 nate conformation to standard B-DNA known as B'-DNA.
17 orm double helix, Dsx(A) was crystallized as B-DNA and thus provides a model for the prebound conform
18 (CCGCTAGCGG), which has been crystallized as B-DNA, is seen to adopt only the double-helical form at
19  between different DNA conformations such as B-DNA, Z-DNA and S-DNA.
20  of molecular dynamics simulations of Ascona B-DNA consortium, we extracted hydrogen bonding, stackin
21  involving nine research groups, the "Ascona B-DNA Consortium" (ABC).
22 or deletions, reflecting differences between B DNA in BL21(DE3) and integrated restriction fragments
23 A, suggesting there is a correlation between B-DNA stacking and coaxial stacking in DNA junctions.
24  the creation of distorted junctions between B-DNA and Z-DNA.
25 ndergoes a conformational transition between B-DNA, single-stranded DNA, and atypical secondary DNA s
26  sugar puckering are indicative of canonical B DNA throughout the stem.
27 hin an H-palindrome, the H-DNA and canonical B-DNA are in a dynamic equilibrium that shifts toward H-
28 sient Hoogsteen (HG) base pairs in canonical B-DNA based on NMR carbon relaxation dispersion.
29 ing a static vector model based on canonical B-DNA are in good agreement with the experimental spectr
30 ert into adjacent major grooves on canonical B-DNA, implying that conformational changes within the F
31 ed state fully relaxes back to the canonical B-DNA form depends on the cation; however, for all catio
32 turally more rigid compared to the canonical B-DNA without crossover.
33  178-bp satellite sequence containing a CENP-B DNA binding domain (CENP-B box) shown herein to select
34                                        Clade B DNA and recombinant modified vaccinia Ankara (MVA) vac
35 lution structures of G-T mismatch-containing B-DNA, suggesting a dependence of G-T mismatch-induced s
36                    Class B-type CpG DNA (CpG-B DNA) induced activation of PKD1 via a pathway that is
37 t expression of cytokines in response to CpG-B DNA.
38                                     Upon CpG-B DNA stimulation, PKD1 interacted with the TLR9/MyD88/I
39                             Within crystals, B-DNA forms either right-handed crossovers by groove-bac
40 nding of the spatial differences that define B-DNA binding.
41 d to better represent the sequence-dependent B-DNA intrinsic mechanics, in particular with respect to
42 de mixed-sequence double-helical B-form DNA (B-DNA).
43 epresenting three structural classes of DNA (B-DNA, A-DNA, and four-stranded Holliday junctions).
44 lar surface upon Nkx2.5(C56S) binding duplex B-DNA.
45 binds to the AT-tract-containing DNA duplex (B* DNA, d[5'-G(3)A(5)T(5)C(3)-3']) with 1 order of magni
46 hst 33258 conjugates developed for exploring B-DNA groove recognition.
47                                       Family B DNA polymerases from archaea such as Pyrococcus furios
48                              Archaeal family B DNA polymerases bind tightly to template-strand uracil
49 asis of ddNTP selectivity in archaeal family B DNA polymerases by randomly mutagenizing the gene enco
50                              Archaeal family B DNA polymerases contain a specialised pocket that bind
51           The interaction of archaeal family B DNA polymerases with deaminated bases has been examine
52 on and inhibition of DNA synthesis by family B DNA polymerases.
53                              Instead, Family B DNA polymerase (polB) was observed to rapidly fill the
54 ion factor C (the PCNA clamp loader), family B DNA polymerase, and flap endonuclease.
55 e [but not the exonuclease] domain of family B DNA polymerases, and this ORF has been tentatively ide
56 his paper, we describe mutants of the family B DNA polymerase from Pyrococcus furiosus (Pfu-Pol), wit
57 illustrates the modular nature of the Family B DNA polymerase structure.
58                                   The family B DNA polymerases replicate the genomes of archaea, one
59  we demonstrate that the thermostable family B DNA polymerase from Pyrococcus furiosus (Pfu Pol) cont
60 d in motif A of any of the four yeast family B DNA polymerases, DNA polymerase alpha, delta, epsilon
61  error prone variants of the archaeal family-B DNA polymerase from Pyrococcus furiosus have been inve
62                              Archaeal family-B DNA polymerases bind tightly to deaminated bases and s
63                              Archaeal family-B DNA polymerases bind tightly to uracil and hypoxanthin
64                              Archaeal family-B DNA polymerases stall replication on encountering the
65         A mutant of the high fidelity family-B DNA polymerase from the archaeon Thermococcus gorgonar
66 /hypoxanthine is addressed, using the family-B DNA polymerase from Pyrococcus furiosus.
67 ochemistry, in contrast to the more flexible B-DNA duplexes.
68                                          For B-DNA in aqueous solution, the low-energy tail of the CT
69 rization of the structural couplings in free B-DNA in solution has been elusive, because of subtle ef
70 otions of phosphate groups and bases in free B-DNA in solution.
71                                Contacts from B-DNA to UDG are mimicked by residues of the p56 helix,
72 a transition of the noncontacted region from B-DNA to B'-DNA.
73 A molecule undergoes a phase transition from B-DNA into an overstretched state at high forces.
74 er conditions that favor the transition from B-DNA to non-B-DNA conformations.
75 chers for decades is how the transition from B-DNA, the prevalent right-handed form of DNA, to Z-DNA
76 he dynamics involved in the transitions from B-DNA and A-RNA to Pauling (P) forms and to denatured st
77 ocking of the Ru-complex onto a rich guanine B-DNA decamer, where a Ru-N7(guanine) interaction is det
78 t no topological changes on the right-handed B-DNA to which they are bound.
79 in the molecular mechanism of double-helical B DNA formation.
80  be applied to various nucleic acid helices: B-DNA, A-DNA, RNA, DNA-PNA, or others.
81 cted by copy number variations and hepatitis B DNA insertions, and it can be found mutated in preneop
82 tion of BALB/c mice indicated that hepatitis B DNA vaccine/Man-CS-Phe polyplexes not only induced mul
83 om a range of -95 degrees to -120 degrees in B DNA, and -77 degrees in the WT M.HhaI complex.
84 d by Raman spectroscopy to assess changes in B-DNA secondary structure induced by superhelical stress
85 quivalent to the mean rise per base found in B-DNA.
86 cs simulations in solution for the lesion in B-DNA duplexes, with four partner bases opposite the NI.
87 e (TG) and 5-methylcytosine guanine (mCG) in B-DNA, we predict that the cross-link lesion, which was
88 oups show distinctive stacking properties in B-DNA, suggesting there is a correlation between B-DNA s
89 -CGCGCGCGCGCG-3')2 dodecamers in solution in B-DNA, A-RNA, Z-DNA and Z-RNA forms.
90 h desolvated ion bridges in the GpC steps in B-DNA and A-RNA; direct binding to backbone oxygens; bin
91                     Our results show that in B-DNA, cytosine amino groups are totally inaccessible fo
92  inter- and intrastrand reactions, while, in B-DNA, a more shallow distance dependence is evident wit
93 nition of homology between chemically intact B-DNA molecules should be possible in vivo.
94 ctural analog of H-DNA that cannot flip into B-DNA, and studied the effects of this structure on tran
95 ave sufficient binding free energy to invade B-DNA.
96              The advantages of investigating B-DNA in the hydrated state, as opposed to A-DNA in the
97 or of NF kappa B (IKK) activity and NF kappa B DNA binding potential but not by blocking TNF-induced
98 tor, MG-132, blocked BBS-stimulated NF kappa B DNA binding, and IL-8 and VEGF expression and secretio
99 L-1/TNF-stimulated nuclear factor (NF)-kappa B DNA binding activity and inhibitor of kappa B (I kappa
100 demonstrated that IL-1 beta induced NF-kappa B DNA binding activity in HT-29 cells, and the activated
101      Soon after infection, AP-1 and NF-kappa B DNA binding activity was increased.
102 posure of HASMC to CXCL16 increased NF-kappa B DNA binding activity, induced kappa B-driven luciferas
103 f I kappa B alpha and inhibition of NF-kappa B DNA binding activity.
104 in both cell types without altering NF-kappa B DNA binding activity.
105 eam of NF-kappa B and regulates the NF-kappa B DNA binding activity.
106 and Akt phosphorylation, as well as NF-kappa B DNA binding and NF-kappa B transcriptional activity in
107  with lithium induced both enhanced NF-kappa B DNA binding and NF-kappa B-dependent transcriptional a
108 tion and time dependently activated NF-kappa B DNA binding and suppressed cell contraction to acetylc
109 capacity of the inhibitors to block NF-kappa B DNA binding in 293 cells.
110 , inhibitors of PI 3-kinase blocked NF-kappa B DNA binding in Ikk beta-/- but not Ikk alpha-/- or wil
111  of PI 3-kinase blocked TNF-induced NF-kappa B DNA binding in the 293 line of embryonic kidney cells,
112 tated receptor was unable to induce NF-kappa B DNA binding or transactivation, as demonstrated by ele
113                                 The NF-kappa B DNA binding was approximately 6-fold greater in cells
114  have observed that a specific type of kappa B DNA sequence motif supports both NF-kappaB p65 homodim
115 her preferentially and assume the well-known B-DNA structure when they do so; the helically repeating
116  produces no substantial change in the local B-DNA conformation.
117 utside the minor groove of the duplex 10-mer B-DNA sequence d(CTACTACTGG).d(CCAGTAGTAG), using densit
118 rse-grained representation designed to mimic B-DNA, to predict the properties of DNA Holliday junctio
119 ng of this transcription activator to a more B-DNA-like conformation.
120 e-fields to predict the structure of two new B-DNA dodecamers, determined herein by means of 1H nucle
121                                          Non-B DNA structural elements (hairpins and slipped structur
122                                          Non-B DNA structures (slipped structures with loops, crucifo
123  single-stranded character and, hence, a non-B DNA conformation both in vivo and in vitro.
124 8 is a fragile site, because it adopts a non-B DNA conformation that can be cleaved by the RAG comple
125                  The bcl-2 Mbr assumes a non-B DNA conformation, thus explaining its distinctive frag
126 as single-stranded character and hence a non-B DNA conformation.
127 y of the MOR gene promoter by adopting a non-B DNA conformation.
128 ropensity of origins to unwind and adopt non-B DNA structure, rather than the ability to form G4, is
129 uence inserts that do, and do not, adopt non-B DNA structures in vitro.
130 y dynamic and to have potential to adopt non-B DNA structures.
131 d with Friedreich's ataxia (FRDA) adopts non-B DNA structures, (triplexes and sticky DNA).
132 A or CSB leads to polymerase stalling at non-B DNA in a neuroblastoma cell line, in particular at G-q
133                            Although both non-B DNA and WRN-KD served to increase the mutation frequen
134 analyzed, breakpoints were explicable by non-B DNA structure formation.
135                            We determined non-B DNA-induced mutation frequencies and spectra in human
136 d show high incidence at repetitive DNA, non-B DNA structures, DNA-protein barriers, and highly trans
137 hensive study of the occurrence of B DNA-non-B DNA transition-susceptible sites (non-B DNA motifs) wi
138 ion process invoke an important role for non-B DNA conformations which may be adopted by these repeat
139 the TRs are G rich and predicted to form non-B DNA structures (including G-quadruplex) in vivo.
140  from the human PKD1 gene, known to form non-B DNA structures, induced long deletions and other insta
141 ic kidney disease (PKD1) intron 21 forms non-B DNA secondary structures in vitro.
142  human and mouse genomic features (e.g., non-B DNA structure, recombination rates, and histone modifi
143                                   Hence, non-B DNA conformations are critical for these mutagenesis m
144                         While individual non-B DNA structures have been shown to impact gene expressi
145 f the expansion process the formation of non-B DNA conformations by the repeat sequence has previousl
146         We compared the distributions of non-B DNA motifs in the regulatory regions of operons with t
147 criptional silencing by the formation of non-B DNA structures (triplexes or sticky DNA), the formatio
148                     However, the role of non-B DNA structures in many lower organisms, in particular
149 proteins are active in the resolution of non-B DNA structures including interstrand crosslinks, G qua
150 which allows reconciling mutagenicity of non-B DNA structures with their location in functionally imp
151 ming mechanical unfolding experiments of non-B DNA structures.
152  integrating annotations and analysis of non-B DNA-forming sequence motifs.
153 ng sequences that may form more than one non-B DNA structure.
154 uplex-single-strand transitions of other non-B DNA structures, resulting in double-strand breaks in v
155 ese elements, we identified in potential non-B DNA regions a signature of negative selection.
156 wide variation propensities of potential non-B DNA regions and their relation to gene expression.
157 erved that genes downstream of potential non-B DNA regions showed higher expression variation between
158 of eQTL-associated variants in potential non-B DNA regions, opposite to what might be expected from t
159 old into secondary structures [potential non-B DNA structures (PONDS); e.g. triplexes, quadruplexes,
160    The breakpoints occurred at predicted non-B DNA structures.
161 onb.abcc.ncifcrf.gov, catalogs predicted non-B DNA-forming sequence motifs, including Z-DNA, G-quadru
162 rid KIR genes, facilitated by protrusive non-B DNA structures at transposon recombination sites.
163 n stress and could efficiently replicate non-B DNA sequences within CFSs.
164  showed that the distribution of several non-B DNA motifs within intergenic regions separating diverg
165 -non-B DNA transition-susceptible sites (non-B DNA motifs) within the context of the operon structure
166           We found an enrichment of some non-B DNA motifs in regulatory regions, and we show that thi
167           Finally, a preference for some non-B DNA motifs was observed near transcription factor-bind
168        Higher levels of -sigma stabilize non-B DNA conformations (i.e. triplexes, sticky DNA, flexibl
169 gh alternative DNA secondary structures (non-B DNA) can induce genomic rearrangements, their associat
170  of adopting alternative DNA structures (non-B DNA, e.g. H-DNA and G4-DNA), which have been identifie
171 pecific regulatory regions suggests that non-B DNA structures may have roles in the transcriptional r
172 cluding circular dichroism to detect the non-B DNA at the bcl-2 Mbr.
173 he repeating sequences per se, or of the non-B DNA conformations formed by these sequences, in the mu
174                                      The non-B DNA structure and the chromosomal translocation can be
175 d breaks in vitro, and this requires the non-B DNA structure at the bcl-2 Mbr.
176           Although we could document the non-B DNA structure formation at the bcl-2 Mbr, the structur
177  minichromosomal assay, we show that the non-B DNA structure formation is critical for the breakage a
178  analogue incorporation to show that the non-B DNA structure formation requires Hoogsteen pairing.
179      Bisulfite reactivity shows that the non-B DNA structure is favored by, but not dependent upon, s
180 d that the single-stranded region in the non-B DNA structure observed is stable for days and is asymm
181 ions which promoted the formation of the non-B DNA structures enhanced the genetic instabilities, bot
182                                      The non-B DNA structures formed by short tandem repeats on the n
183 s and thresholds for motifs, expands the non-B DNA-forming motifs coverage by including short tandem
184 efore, it has been speculated that these non-B DNA motifs can play regulatory roles in gene transcrip
185                       Unexpectedly, this non-B DNA conformation elicited the formation of a TRS-lengt
186                                     This non-B DNA structure is a target of the RAG complex in vivo,
187 suggest a link between PARP-1 binding to non-B DNA structures in genome and its function in the dynam
188                 PARP-1 interactions with non-B DNA structures are functional and lead to its catalyti
189  the capacity to adopt alternative (i.e. non-B) DNA structures in the human genome have been implicat
190  adopt multiple inter and intramolecular non-B-DNA conformations that may play an important role in b
191 mismatch and highest affinity for larger non-B-DNA structures.
192 scopy, we characterized the formation of non-B-DNA structures in the Friedreich ataxia-associated (GA
193                          Hence, a stable non-B-DNA structure in the human genome appears to be the ba
194 ts that the transition from the B-DNA to non-B-DNA conformation may play an important role in bcl-2 t
195  that favor the transition from B-DNA to non-B-DNA conformations.
196 al parameters close to the values for normal B-DNA of similar length and sequence.
197  structure is more tightly wound than normal B-DNA.
198                       With dG* in the normal B-DNA anti conformation, BP seriously disturbs the polym
199                           Relative to normal B-DNA, the duplex containing the present tetrahydroepoxi
200 aters were restrained in the major groove of B DNA shows a rapid, spontaneous change from B to A at r
201 rst comprehensive study of the occurrence of B DNA-non-B DNA transition-susceptible sites (non-B DNA
202 emonstrate for the first time the ability of B-DNA to serve as a helical ruler for the study of elect
203                            The anisotropy of B-DNA groove bending was quantified for eight DNA sequen
204 n the base pair region are characteristic of B-DNA duplex structures, whereas CD spectra at longer wa
205 mains in the native C2'-endo/C3'-exo form of B-DNA, the deoxyribose of the 5'-nucleoside always adopt
206 ng of small molecules to the minor groove of B-DNA is examined.
207  radius complementary to the major groove of B-DNA.
208 s 26 A, consistent with the close packing of B-DNA.
209 ent among the HUBst-induced perturbations of B-DNA are a conversion of approximately one-third of the
210 s an inadequate model of the photophysics of B-DNA.
211 nding to the length of the helical repeat of B-DNA.
212 ards a coherent, realistic representation of B-DNA in solution, despite residual shortcomings.
213 by the ABC group of laboratories on a set of B-DNA oligomers containing the 136 distinct tetranucleot
214 e metal ions affect the folding stability of B-DNA helices.
215 enzimidazoles showed varied stabilization of B-DNA duplex (1.2-23.4 degrees C), and cytotoxicity stud
216 idinum moiety into the base pair stacking of B-DNA.
217 e we describe an accurate X-ray structure of B-DNA, painstakingly fit to a multistate model that cont
218  first high-resolution experimental study of B-DNA structure at high pressure, using NMR data acquire
219 o that of A-DNA (20 degrees) than to that of B-DNA (6 degrees).
220  between intercalation sites remains that of B-DNA.
221                               Transitions of B-DNA to alternative DNA structures (ADS) can be trigger
222 FRET-measurements over more than one turn of B-DNA.
223 ector plot and inclination values typical of B-DNA, but has the crystal packing, helical twist, groov
224 ally significant, and the model was based on B-DNA helices and thus cannot directly treat RNA helices
225 mulations including water and counterions on B-DNA oligomers containing all 136 unique tetranucleotid
226 mulations including water and counterions on B-DNA oligomers containing all 136 unique tetranucleotid
227 extension is close to 1.7 times the original B-DNA length, we find l ?
228  fdG adduct revealed that though the overall B-DNA structure is maintained, this lesion can disrupt W
229 a DNA duplex with alternating AT base pairs (B DNA, d[5'-G(3)(AT)(5)C(3)-3']) and with almost 3 order
230 ver, in cells stably expressing a PR-A or PR-B DNA-binding domain mutant (PRmDBD), P4-mediated transr
231 by PR/c-Src interactions and required the PR-B DNA-binding domain (DBD).
232 A-form DNA, whereas AA steps strongly prefer B-DNA and inhibit A-structures.
233  the octamer and similar to that in previous B-DNA structures (its inverse sixth root is about 2.40 A
234 ith structural variability observed in prior B-DNA structures.
235 camer (DDD: d(CGCGAATTGCGC)2) a prototypical B-DNA duplex.
236 nodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) PENNVAX(R)-B DNA vaccine (PV) is a mixture of 3 expression plasmids
237 s to date been crystallized only as resolved B-DNA duplexes.
238  at the C-terminus can invade mixed-sequence B-DNA in a sequence-specific manner.
239 l properties that extend features of shorter B-DNA fragments with respect to double helical parameter
240 in the backbone, we observed that the simple B-DNA structure was able to insert into the water-chloro
241 ealed a functionally important Spi-1 and Spi-B DNA binding element located in the downstream promoter
242                                   In the SRY.B/DNA complex, both HMG boxes bind in the minor groove a
243 ked-X form junction with two sets of stacked B-DNA-type arms that coaxially stack to form semicontinu
244 d of a CCCC/GGGG sequence within the stacked B-DNA arms of this 1.9 A resolution structure.
245 multiple domains of half-turn-long, standard B-DNA duplexes.
246 at were predicted to stabilize this standard B-DNA, had the unexpected effect of causing a conformati
247 ion of an alternate conformation to standard B-DNA known as B'-DNA.
248 es in local structure compared with standard B-DNA, including pinching of the minor groove at the 3'
249 ems representing single- and double-stranded B-DNA are characterized using electronic structure theor
250 a 1.2 A X-ray structure of a double-stranded B-DNA dodecamer (the Dickerson Dodecamer, DDD, [d(CGCGAA
251 A and RNA that can recognize double-stranded B-DNA through direct Watson-Crick base-pairing.
252 d RNA can also be applied to double-stranded B-DNA.
253 form right-handed double helical structures (B-DNA) in standard phosphate buffer with 115 mM Na(+) at
254  tendency of the central bases to assume the B'-DNA state.
255 ctures suggests that the transition from the B-DNA to non-B-DNA conformation may play an important ro
256 omers energetically favor positioning in the B-DNA major groove, with minor groove conformers also lo
257  to the damaged cytosine, are located in the B-DNA major or minor groove, with the modified cytosine
258 P]-N(2)-dG adduct (G*), which resides in the B-DNA minor groove 5'-oriented along the modified strand
259 5'-directed along the modified strand in the B-DNA minor groove in both sequence contexts.
260 P-dG) in which the B[a]P rings reside in the B-DNA minor groove on the 3'-side of the modifed deoxygu
261           While the BP ring system is in the B-DNA minor groove, 5' directed along the modified stran
262 ons generally agreed with the results of the B-DNA (Bayer) viral load assays.
263     The 1.7 A X-ray crystal structure of the B-DNA dodecamer, [d(CGCGAATTCGCG)] (DDD)-bound non-coval
264 nce-dependent conformational features of the B-DNA duplexes and the associated patterns of hydration
265 ding small molecules in the AT region of the B-DNA minor groove.
266          This concerns both the ratio of the B-DNA substates B(I) and B(II) associated with the backb
267 hat although each duplex structure is of the B-DNA type, there are subtle conformational dissimilarit
268    Finally, the importance of preserving the B-DNA conformation for the diagnosis of cancer is put fo
269 luated first on its ability to reproduce the B-DNA decamer d(CGATTAATCG)(2) in solution with simulati
270 y supercoiling of pUC19, indicating that the B-DNA structure is largely conserved under moderate supe
271 unction can accommodate perturbations to the B-DNA conformation of the stacked duplex arms associated
272  energy for the PX molecules compared to the B-DNA molecules of the same length and sequence.
273 ibrium, which is essential to understand the B-DNA properties.
274 ycin, an aminoglycoside antibiotic, with the B-DNA minor groove binding ligand Hoechst 33258.
275 ycin, an aminoglycoside antibiotic, with the B-DNA minor groove binding ligand Hoechst 33258.
276 ing of the aminofluorene rings: B is in the "B-DNA" major groove, S is "stacked" into the helix with
277 The free energy of the transition from B- to B'-DNA is known to depend on the sequence.
278 ion of the noncontacted region from B-DNA to B'-DNA.
279 mpled the conformational space accessible to B-DNA at room temperature.
280 , both isomers bind with similar affinity to B-DNA and have enhanced luminescence.
281 buted to a conformational change from B'- to B-DNA.
282 i DNA topoisomerase I inhibition, binding to B-DNA duplex, and antibacterial activity has been evalua
283 and the utility of aminoglycoside binding to B-DNA structures by conjugating neomycin, an aminoglycos
284 and the utility of aminoglycoside binding to B-DNA structures by conjugating neomycin, an aminoglycos
285 inhibits the complete relaxation of A-DNA to B-DNA within the time scale of the simulations.
286 n is essential for the low-linking number to B-DNA transition and hence for the deactivation of repli
287       The subtle structural perturbations to B-DNA induced by moderate supercoiling are consistent wi
288 tion of the adjacent duplex arms relative to B-DNA, and this is discussed in terms of the conserved i
289 ooperative structural transitions similar to B-DNA, although less torque is required to disrupt stran
290                  Docking these structures to B-DNA followed by unrestrained MD simulations led to a s
291 gth, we observe that almost all DNA tends to B-DNA and becomes less flexible.
292 at TBK1 rescued IFN responses to transfected B-DNA to a much stronger degree than IKK-i.
293    Likewise, the force required to transform B-DNA into the overstretched form is also similar for al
294 e endonuclease, encode a protein-primed type B DNA polymerase (PolB) and hence break this pattern.
295 e helicoidal parameters similar to a typical B-DNA of similar length and base sequence.
296 nt manner associated with direct ultraviolet B DNA damage.
297 pair embedded within undistorted, unmodified B-DNA.
298 ticipates in programmed cell death in the UV-B DNA damage response.
299 pecificity of HIV-1 integrase (IN) and viral B-DNA forms through ligand-receptor docking studies by m
300 for exploring the recognition potential with B-DNA.

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