


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 lls rescues the defects of BCR signaling and B cell differentiation.
2  first exons of genes that normally regulate B cell differentiation.
3 f CD138 and Blimp-1, markers for plasma-like B cell differentiation.
4 5; ERK; PI3K/Akt, and potently promote human B cell differentiation.
5 in ALL as a novel mechanism interfering with B cell differentiation.
6 ed occupation of the MZ, a niche favoring MZ B cell differentiation.
7 y regulatory loci to transiently suppress GC B cell differentiation.
8 fined age-related reference ranges for human B cell differentiation.
9  developmental defects at multiple stages of B cell differentiation.
10 ) cells and/or directly influence follicular B cell differentiation.
11 nship between virus latency and the stage of B cell differentiation.
12 e checkpoints at the postmutational stage of B cell differentiation.
13  induction of EBF at the Pro-B cell stage of B cell differentiation.
14 ce, is markedly induced during adipocyte and B cell differentiation.
15 l progenitors for subsequent STAT5-dependent B cell differentiation.
16 ceptor (PPAR)gamma/RXRalpha pathway on human B cell differentiation.
17 mperative to identify mediators that control B cell differentiation.
18 ne expression was critical at many stages of B cell differentiation.
19 and acquires features associated with T-bet+ B cell differentiation.
20 erentiation rather than just follicular (FO) B cell differentiation.
21 atment and ATRA had similar effects on human B cell differentiation.
22 d its expression is tightly regulated during B cell differentiation.
23 hat BAFF can also play an inhibitory role in B cell differentiation.
24  transcription factors that are critical for B cell differentiation.
25 n essential component for understanding late B cell differentiation.
26 otes cell cycle progression and inhibits pre-B cell differentiation.
27  all plasma cells, and required for terminal B cell differentiation.
28 omologue of BCL6 that represses IL-2-induced B cell differentiation.
29 long-term, persistent changes that accompany B cell differentiation.
30 h locus are developmentally regulated during B cell differentiation.
31 d antigen recognition is thought to regulate B cell differentiation.
32 eration; and increase Bcl-6, an inhibitor of B cell differentiation.
33 y the contribution of BCR signal strength in B cell differentiation.
34 cells will contribute to an understanding of B cell differentiation.
35 ndent on synthesis of immunoglobulins during B cell differentiation.
36 dant manner are required for antigen-induced B cell differentiation.
37 ne expression patterns that accompany mature B cell differentiation.
38  that DO protein levels are modulated during B cell differentiation.
39 nism responsible for the impaired Fancc(-/-) B cell differentiation.
40 on to express molecules necessary for plasma B cell differentiation.
41  determines the direction of IL-21-dependent B cell differentiation.
42         Here we address the role of Fra-2 in B cell differentiation.
43 undergoing dynamic methylation during normal B cell differentiation.
44 ning, and loss of polarity components during B cell differentiation.
45 rrelated with a subsequent enhancement in MZ B cell differentiation.
46 of Ets1 play an important role in inhibiting B cell differentiation.
47 ce of MCs negatively affects IL-10-competent B cell differentiation.
48 rcised through the effectiveness of terminal B cell differentiation.
49 ate the role of PDK1 in early and peripheral B cell differentiation.
50 there was a disruption in erythropoiesis and B-cell differentiation.
51 II cells constitutes a crucial checkpoint in B-cell differentiation.
52 that impair the IL-21 signaling required for B-cell differentiation.
53 may play an adjunctive role in IL-21-induced B-cell differentiation.
54 The Sox4 transcription factor mediates early B-cell differentiation.
55 icular helper T (TFH) cells support terminal B-cell differentiation.
56      Chromatin remodeling is fundamental for B-cell differentiation.
57 IgH locus activity during the late stages of B-cell differentiation.
58 f wild-type PAX5, resulting in a blockade of B-cell differentiation.
59 oid priming, being selectively skewed toward B-cell differentiation.
60 ent in lyn(-/-) mice induces IL-10-producing B-cell differentiation.
61 ions as a key regulator of hematopoiesis and B-cell differentiation.
62 KDM6B may also have a role in antigen-driven B-cell differentiation.
63 m patients with CVID as a central pathway in B-cell differentiation.
64 10 genes is indeed stably established during B-cell differentiation.
65 c regulatory networks for erythropoiesis and B-cell differentiation.
66  factor regulating isotype-specific terminal B-cell differentiation.
67  withdrew from mitosis and underwent further B-cell differentiation.
68 valuate FcRH1 expression and function during B-cell differentiation.
69 e regulation, nervous system development and B-cell differentiation.
70 tes which are alternatively expressed during B-cell differentiation.
71  cells represents the critical final step in B-cell differentiation.
72  levels is an important step for myeloid and B-cell differentiation.
73 t occur only during the centroblast stage of B-cell differentiation.
74 tion and define a manipulable model of human B-cell differentiation.
75 d general processes throughout all stages of B-cell differentiation.
76 3 after undergoing isotype switch and memory B-cell differentiation.
77 to lymphomagenesis by blocking this terminal B-cell differentiation.
78  UBE2L3 genotype on NF-kappaB activation and B-cell differentiation.
79 receptor clustering, the first checkpoint of B-cell differentiation.
80  as well as in genes involved in myeloid and B-cell differentiation.
81 own about T-cell dysregulations that support B-cell differentiation.
82 ranscriptional program reminiscent of normal B-cell differentiation.
83  a transcription factor important for T- and B-cell differentiation.
84 artly compensate for loss of Btk activity in B cell differentiation, although the underlying mechanis
85 and natural killer cell compartment, whereas B-cell differentiation, although normal in number, was d
86 lts identify Itfg2 as a novel contributor to B cell differentiation and a negative regulator of the a
87 ell-mediated immune response as it regulates B cell differentiation and Ab production.
88  cells are specialized in providing help for B cell differentiation and Ab secretion.
89             The mechanisms that drive normal B cell differentiation and activation are frequently sub
90 terial colonization of the intestine induces B cell differentiation and activation.
91 te that FAIM is a new player on the field of B cell differentiation and acts as a force multiplier fo
92  the importance of this pathway in effecting B cell differentiation and associated molecular events s
93 elays germinal center involution and impedes B cell differentiation and class switch recombination.
94 ete DJ rearrangements can still revert their B cell differentiation and develop along myeloid lineage
95 ular protein and it plays a critical role in B cell differentiation and development of autoimmunity.
96  and the development of GCs, interfered with B cell differentiation and disrupted the development of
97 talk with B cells and affect IL-10-competent B cell differentiation and expansion.
98 l autophagy that is important in controlling B cell differentiation and fate.
99                                 It regulates B cell differentiation and function, promotes T follicul
100 ne protein 2A (LMP2A) interferes with normal B cell differentiation and function, we sought to determ
101 ic cytokine IL-21 has been shown to regulate B cell differentiation and function.
102 mplex, is one of multiple regulators driving B cell differentiation and germinal center (GC) formatio
103 tudies demonstrate that FCMR is required for B cell differentiation and homeostasis, the prevention o
104    The bone marrow provides niches for early B cell differentiation and long-lived plasma cells.
105  the factors that regulate antigen-activated B cell differentiation and memory cell formation has imp
106                                   Successful B cell differentiation and prevention of cell transforma
107        PPARgamma ligands can stimulate human B cell differentiation and promote Ab production.
108 (GCTfh) in lymphatic tissue are critical for B cell differentiation and protective antibody induction
109 entify Zbtb20 as an important player in late B cell differentiation and provide new insights into thi
110 ither BCR or TLR signaling, thereby allowing B cell differentiation and that the maintenance of Ets1
111 e Janus kinase/STAT5 pathway (ii) progenitor B-cell differentiation and (iii) the CDKN2A tumor-suppre
112 cko mice allowed the complete restoration of B-cell differentiation and a normal usage of the IgVkapp
113                             Deletions of key B-cell differentiation and cell cycle control genes are
114 s and their signature cytokines in mediating B-cell differentiation and class switch recombination.
115 B-cell samples that comprise the spectrum of B-cell differentiation and common malignant phenotypes.
116             The ability of TEL-AML1 to block B-cell differentiation and downregulate the IRF3-IFNalph
117 tion factors IRF4 and IRF8, each critical to B-cell differentiation and fate.
118 f the predicted genes, 63.4% have defects in B-cell differentiation and function and 22% have a role
119  ability of ERT and HSC-GT to restore normal B-cell differentiation and function.
120 g enhancer activity, thus causing defects in B-cell differentiation and function.
121 A in hematopoietic progenitor cells promoted B-cell differentiation and induced the expression of B-c
122 ory program in the bone marrow that promotes B-cell differentiation and inhibits the development of B
123 est that the mutant protein has an effect on B-cell differentiation and is likely a monogenic cause o
124  epigenetic regulators such as miRNAs during B-cell differentiation and lymphomagenesis, and recent a
125 fied opposing roles for mTORC1 and mTORC2 in B-cell differentiation and showed that TOR-KIs enhance c
126 r CXCR4 mutations corresponded to diminished B-cell differentiation and suppression of tumor suppress
127 tween epigenetic alterations associated with B-cell differentiation and the acquisition of somatic mu
128  a role with important implications for both B-cell differentiation and the pathogenesis of B-cell ma
129 tion in murine B cells leads to an arrest in B-cell differentiation and the subsequent development of
130 h Rbm15 has been reported to be required for B-cell differentiation and to inhibit myeloid and megaka
131  to ensure the survival of host cells during B cell differentiation, and contribute to the developmen
132 and escape of infectious pathogens, in T and B cell differentiation, and in tumor defense.
133 of a B-cell-specific genetic program and for B-cell differentiation, and also to suppress genes of al
134 T T(FH) cells reconstituted GC formation, GC B-cell differentiation, and LN cell survival.
135 d in BHD syndrome is absolutely required for B-cell differentiation, and that it functions through bo
136  together with severely disturbed peripheral B-cell differentiation, apparently leads to a defective
137 er the physiologic signals that drive normal B-cell differentiation are absent in EBV-transformed cel
138 ivation of the secretory poly(A) site during B-cell differentiation are changes in the binding of cle
139       We demonstrate that TEL-AML1 induces a B cell differentiation arrest, and that leukemia develop
140 uggesting that CTCF levels may contribute to B-cell differentiation as well as EBV latency type deter
141 profiles in B-cell subsets during peripheral B-cell differentiation as well as in diffuse large B-cel
142           Positive selection is required for B cell differentiation, as indicated by the requirement
143  Defects in these genes result in a block in B cell differentiation at the pro-B to pre-B cell transi
144 , it appears that Notch regulates peripheral B cell differentiation, at least in part, through opposi
145  of RA susceptibility with genes involved in B cell differentiation (BACH2) and DNA repair (RAD51B).
146  on sufficient levels of IL-7 than precursor B cell differentiation because the number of B cells and
147 emonstrate distinct regulatory mechanisms in B cell differentiation between adults and children with
148  from these receptors is sufficient to drive B cell differentiation beyond the pre-B and immature B c
149                Hence, aside from its role in B-cell differentiation, Blimp-1 directs restraint among
150 fect the pre-B-cell receptor result in early B-cell differentiation blockades that lead to primary B-
151  not appear to be required for commitment to B cell differentiation but is crucial for B cell differe
152 utoimmunity because a possible modulation of B cell differentiation by basophils could point to new t
153  mice, suggesting that sIgM regulate splenic B cell differentiation by decreasing BCR signaling.
154     Rather, Ras promotes STAT5-dependent pro-B cell differentiation by enhancing IL-7Ralpha levels an
155 these studies suggest that Spi-C may promote B cell differentiation by modulating the activity of PU.
156 eased SP110 protein levels and impaired late B-cell differentiation cause VODI and that the condition
157 tand the function of GON4L, we characterized B cell differentiation, cell cycle control, and mitotic
158 ma and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma with GC B-cell differentiation, confirming previous microarray g
159 ting IgH function during the early phases of B cell differentiation, consistent with the view that co
160 ossibility that redundancies in pathways for B cell differentiation could be further revealed by elim
161                        The terminal stage of B cell differentiation culminates in the formation of pl
162 at confer lupus susceptibility may influence B cell differentiation depending on their Ag specificity
163 y-state or regenerative hematopoiesis and in B-cell differentiation despite the fact that MLL1 is cri
164 y RNAs and upregulated genes associated with B-cell differentiation (e.g., C2TA, HLA-II, IL21R, MIC2,
165 in Xenopus but also suggests another role in B cell differentiation earlier in ontogeny.
166  Although Bach2 has a well-described role in B cell differentiation, emerging data show that Bach2 is
167 ator OCA-B is required for antigen-dependent B cell differentiation events, including germinal center
168          Although originally identified as a B cell differentiation factor, it is now known that mamm
169                       Genomic alterations in B cell differentiation factors such as PAX5, IKZF1, and
170  sequential switching are linked to distinct B cell differentiation fates: direct switching generates
171 monstrates that Treg cells are important for B-cell differentiation from HSCs by maintaining immunolo
172 prevents the myeloid cell fate while driving B-cell differentiation from lymphoid-primed multipotent
173 ects showed increased expression of multiple B cell differentiation genes, and a set of just 3 of the
174          Upon IKAROS loss, expression of pre-B-cell differentiation genes is attenuated, while a grou
175         IKAROS defines superenhancers at pre-B-cell differentiation genes together with B-cell master
176 xo1 as a critical PI3K regulatory target for B cell differentiation has united membrane proximal regu
177 the BLNK protein's precise function in human B-cell differentiation has not been completely specified
178                                        Early B-cell differentiation has not been defined in patients
179 RDM1/Blimp-1, a master regulator in terminal B-cell differentiation, has been recently identified as
180 NF cytokine family, is a prominent factor in B cell differentiation, homeostasis, and selection.
181 H cell and B-cell cocultures, they inhibited B-cell differentiation, impeded immunoglobulin secretion
182  an important role of impairment of terminal B cell differentiation in DLBCL pathogenesis.
183 cells, and greatly increased germinal center B cell differentiation in dLNs compared with a combinati
184  In addition, STAT5 activation also restored B cell differentiation in IL7R(-/-) mice as determined b
185 Z microenvironment as a result of changes in B cell differentiation in mice lacking CD19.
186 d B cells cooperate for optimal T(FH) and GC B cell differentiation in response to both model Ags and
187 ogic DNA damage response signaling, promotes B cell differentiation in response to genotoxic stress.
188                                       During B cell differentiation in the bone marrow, the expressio
189       However, the intrinsic impact of RA on B cell differentiation in the regulation of gut humoral
190   Restoration of Ikaros function rescues pre-B cell differentiation in vitro and in vivo and depends
191 ally expressing vFLIP at different stages of B cell differentiation in vivo.
192 tes Id2 and Id3 mRNA expression and restores B cell differentiation in vivo.
193 n this study we evaluated the late stages of B-cell differentiation in a heterogeneous population of
194 is reduced Myc overexpression fails to block B-cell differentiation in resistant birds, while high My
195                       However, the stages of B-cell differentiation in which disease can initiate and
196 romic enhancers become demethylated later in B-cell differentiation, in B and plasma cells.
197 xpression of known STAT3 targets involved in B-cell differentiation, including BLIMP-1, XBP-1, IL-6,
198 t become tumorigenic and fail to undergo pre-B cell differentiation induced by v-Abl inactivation.
199  BLIMP1, a key player in both epithelial and B-cell differentiation, induces reactivation of the onco
200                                              B cell differentiation into a plasma cell requires expre
201               Thus, human basophils modulate B cell differentiation into Ab-producing PC.
202 an drive B cell activation and contribute to B cell differentiation into Ab-secreting plasma cells.
203                                              B cell differentiation into antibody-secreting cells (AS
204 gnaling on DCs licensed the cells to promote B cell differentiation into class-switched plasmablasts
205                  GLA-SE augments Ag-specific B cell differentiation into germinal center and memory p
206 lls with B cells, the former directly induce B cell differentiation into GraB cells.
207 n B cell maturation, yet its precise role in B cell differentiation into Ig-secreting cells (ISCs) re
208 rkers CD23 and CD40, which are important for B cell differentiation into IgG-producing PC.
209                             Tight control of B cell differentiation into plasma cells (PCs) is critic
210 aintain them and to regulate germinal center B cell differentiation into plasma cells and memory B ce
211 tion factor, which is critical for promoting B cell differentiation into plasma cells, is repressed b
212 t the transcription factor Ets1 can restrain B cell differentiation into plasma cells.
213 /physiologic UPR components are required for B-cell differentiation into antibody-secreting cells, we
214 tor revision and class switching to IgE, and B-cell differentiation into IgE-secreting plasma cells i
215 ession levels of CD86, while only CT induced B-cell differentiation into plasma cells.
216                                       Mature B cell differentiation involves a well-established trans
217                                         When B cell differentiation is carried out ex vivo, CIITA sil
218                                       IgE(+) B cell differentiation is characterized by a transient G
219                                      Further B cell differentiation is dependent upon signals elicite
220 fferentiation of CD19(+) B-lineage cells and B cell differentiation is profoundly blocked beyond the
221 er, the role of A2aR in humoral immunity and B cell differentiation is unknown.
222  Although the importance of PI3K activity in B cell differentiation is well documented, the role of P
223       In addition, a role for osteopontin in B-cell differentiation is becoming clear.
224 We show that IRF4, an essential regulator of B cell differentiation, is critical for EBNA3C binding s
225 f these, CD40, provides critical signals for B cell differentiation, isotype switching, and B cell me
226 thin secondary lymphoid organs that promotes B-cell differentiation leading to antibody class-switch
227 re associated with dysregulation of terminal B-cell differentiation, leading to humoral immune defici
228 A regulation of key transcription factors in B-cell differentiation: LMO2 and PRDM1 (Blimp1).
229 lated by SOX11 including the block of mature B-cell differentiation, modulation of cell cycle, apopto
230          It is well accepted that Ag-induced B cell differentiation often results in the generation o
231 ing bystander T-B interactions can calibrate B cell differentiation outcomes.
232 demonstrate viral exploitation of the normal B cell differentiation pathway to maintain latency.
233 hin single cells at sequential stages in the B cell differentiation pathway.
234 dation of the complex mechanisms involved in B-cell differentiation pathways.
235                                          The B cell differentiation potential of HNF1A(-/-) common ly
236 utlined a novel role of iron in modulating a B cell differentiation process that is critical to the g
237 e for microRNAs at every stage of the mature B-cell differentiation process.
238  binding protein 1) that are critical to the B cell differentiation processes that underpin Ab and au
239 me of ten subpopulations spanning the entire B cell differentiation program by whole-genome bisulfite
240 nd that cognate iNKT cell help resulted in a B cell differentiation program characterized by extrafol
241 rhaps to prevent skewing of the conventional B cell differentiation program.
242 o tumor development by altering the terminal B-cell differentiation program of MCL and provide perspe
243  a role for these events in modifying normal B-cell differentiation programs and impeding germinal ce
244                            In these mice, GC B cell differentiation, proliferation, and class switchi
245 d in vitro assays to routinely analyze human B cell differentiation, proliferation, and Ig production
246   Induction of these important regulators of B cell differentiation provides a possible mechanism for
247                                       Mature B-cell differentiation provides an important mechanism f
248 the likelihood of marginal zone (MZ) and B-1 B cell differentiation rather than just follicular (FO)
249  and downstream effectors of Ras that govern B cell differentiation remain undefined.
250  more specifically in shaping the outcome of B-cell differentiation, remains unclear.
251 d regulatory T cells, as well as intrathecal B-cell differentiation resulting in the generation of an
252 lls, which in turn leads to perturbations of B cell differentiation, resulting in dysregulated antibo
253 strated a block at exactly the same point in B cell differentiation (see the related article beginnin
254 neous B cell lymphoma specimens two specific B cell differentiation stage signatures of germinal cent
255 ociations with SPIB occupancy, signatures of B-cell differentiation stage and potential pathogenetic
256        The level of JAM-C expression defines B-cell differentiation stages and allows the classificat
257 matically modulated by pre-BCR signaling and B cell differentiation status.
258  gradually became demethylated during normal B-cell differentiation, suggesting that MM cells either
259 ed a number of the critical defects in early B cell differentiation that are seen in BLNK-deficient m
260 pression of an inherently mutagenic stage of B cell differentiation that gammaherpesviruses are thoug
261 r reaction, an inherently mutagenic stage of B cell differentiation that is thought to be the primary
262 the ability of CD4 memory T cells to support B-cell differentiation that was impaired in the elderly
263  on IL-7 of B cell precursor survival versus B cell differentiation, the combined effects of lack of
264        Despite enhanced germinal center (GC) B cell differentiation, the formation of GC structures w
265  p100 production emerged during transitional B cell differentiation, the stage at which BCR signals b
266 sion in primary B cells facilitates terminal B cell differentiation to ASCs.
267 ting small molecule can target two stages of B cell differentiation to dampen the pathogenic autoanti
268 ex reduced by approximately 70% human memory B cell differentiation to HPV 16 VLP IgG-secreting cells
269 ant roles for normal Ig production, terminal B cell differentiation to plasma cells, and Th17 differe
270                   M2 has been shown to drive B cell differentiation to plasma cells, as well as inter
271 re differentially used at distinct stages of B cell differentiation to selectively control the abilit
272 to B cell differentiation but is crucial for B cell differentiation to the CD19(+) pro-B cell stage a
273 il the kinetics of CD40 ligand/IL-21-induced B-cell differentiation to define new biomarker sets for
274 IL)-6 is an attractive target as it promotes B-cell differentiation to plasma cells, is important for
275                                              B-cell differentiation to plasmablasts in vitro in respo
276 Ab production by 17-HDHA is due to augmented B cell differentiation toward a CD27(+)CD38(+) Ab-secret
277 boring LMP1 enhanced proliferation and drove B cell differentiation toward a plasmablast-like phenoty
278                         IL-2 drove activated B cell differentiation toward PC independently of its pr
279 ultimers to T cell/B cell cultures redirects B cell differentiation toward plasma cells, indicating t
280  target X-box-binding protein 1 (XBP1) drive B-cell differentiation toward plasma cells and have been
281 al Galpha protein levels and is required for B cell differentiation, trafficking, and Ab responses.
282                                              B cell differentiation transcription factors in memory,
283 investigated the effects of CpG DNA on human B cell differentiation using highly purified B cell subs
284 ion of T cell differentiation, and prevented B cell differentiation via a GATA3-dependent mechanism.
285  RNAs (ncRNAs) deregulates genes involved in B cell differentiation via direct repression and post-tr
286 to the well-documented effect of NK cells on B cell differentiation via their ability to secrete IFN-
287 L-7-rich environments cooperate to drive pre-B cell differentiation via transcriptional programs that
288 TI host defense by acting at a late stage in B cell differentiation, via its regulation of terminal p
289 p-regulation of genetic programs involved in B cell differentiation was only modestly affected.
290 hat NK cells can modulate various aspects of B cell differentiation, we entertained the possibility t
291 ar processes and extrinsic cues required for B cell differentiation, we set up a controlled primary c
292  in primary EBV infection, and their role in B-cell differentiation, we studied the involvement of CD
293       Pro-B cell proliferation and small pre-B cell differentiation were fully rescued by expression
294 ate in the thymus by day 4, but no sites for B cell differentiation were seen until 3 weeks.
295 sistent with TLS organization, all stages of B-cell differentiation were detectable in most tumors.
296 l follicles and undergo germinal center (GC) B-cell differentiation, whereas activated IgG(+) memory
297 poral changes in the miRNA expression during B-cell differentiation with a highly unique miRNA profil
298 ky) mice present with a complete blockade of B-cell differentiation, with a leaky block in T-cell dif
299 functional roles of Notch signaling in human B cell differentiation within the germinal center (GC).
300 lized CD4(+) T cell subset that orchestrates B cell differentiation within the germinal centers and h

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