


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 er the control of its own promoter, which is B cell specific.
2                 Here, we show that mice with B cell-specific ablation of both Cbl and Cbl-b (Cbl-/-Cb
3                            Here we show that B cell-specific ablation of Nfat2 leads to the loss of t
4                                              B cell-specific ablation of TBK1 in mice resulted in unc
5                                        Here, B-cell-specific ablation of ST6Gal1 in mice revealed tha
6  expression was accompanied by corresponding bs cell-specific accumulation of the constitutively tran
7                                    While the B cell-specific Act1 knockout mice displayed a similar p
8 ta gene encodes for the transcription factor B cell-specific activating protein that, in turn, direct
9 tein-1 transcripts, and increased binding of B cell-specific activation protein to the Ig 3' enhancer
10        The recombination is initiated by the B cell-specific activation-induced cytidine deaminase (A
11 matic hypermutation and CSR both require the B-cell-specific activation-induced cytidine deaminase pr
12    We encountered an unidentified isoform of B cell-specific activator protein (BSAP, or Pax5) in MM
13                                       Pax-5a/B cell-specific activator protein and an alternatively s
14 so show that Cp, like Wp, interacts with the B cell-specific activator protein BSAP/Pax5.
15 -kappaB, octamer binding proteins, and Pax5 (B cell-specific activator protein).
16 ve shown that the transcription factor BSAP (B-cell-specific activator protein) directly interacts wi
17 l catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, shows strong B cell-specific activity and differs from the mammalian
18 eir role in B cell development, we generated B cell-specific ADAM10 knockout mice.
19 bances in naive lymph node architecture from B cell-specific ADAM10-deficient mice (ADAM10(B-/-)) inc
20                            We have developed B cell-specific ADAM10-deficient mice (ADAM10(B-/-)).
21                              We propose that B-cell-specific AID-RPA complexes preferentially bind to
22 x class II (MHC-II) genes are regulated in a B-cell-specific and gamma interferon-inducible manner.
23 nsus muE5 site and two octamer sites, (b) is B cell-specific, and (c) is active across species.
24 suggest that LMP2A enhances, not diminishes, B-cell-specific antibody responses in vivo and in vitro
25  B-cell lymphoma through coengagement of the B cell-specific antigen CD19 and the TCR/CD3 complex on
26                                    CD19 is a B cell-specific antigen expressed on chronic lymphocytic
27 ated with CAR-modified T cells targeting the B-cell-specific antigen CD19.
28  a chimeric monoclonal antibody that targets B-cell-specific antigen CD20 and an effective treatment
29  generation of therapeutics directed against B-cell-specific antigens (CD20, CD22) are being applied
30 therapeutic antibodies targeting alternative B-cell-specific antigens in CLL has been less successful
31 several conserved binding sites, general and B cell-specific, as well as key differences between fami
32                                              B cell-specific ATM deficiency attenuated the establishm
33   Thus, our study defines a proviral role of B cell-specific ATM expression during chronic gammaherpe
34 ct gammaherpesvirus tropism for B-1 B cells, B cell-specific ATM expression was necessary to support
35                                              B cell-specific B29 (Igbeta, CD79b) genes in rat, mouse,
36                                          The B cell-specific B29 (Igbeta/CD79b) gene is silenced in P
37                   In this study, we show the B cell-specific B29 gene promoter is transactivated in B
38 indicates that Bob1 plays a critical role in B cell-specific B29 promoter expression.
39 ral 2'-F-modified RNA aptamers targeting the B-cell-specific BAFF-R with nanomolar affinity using in
40   In summary, we identified a novel role for B cell-specific, BAFF-dependent transmembrane activator
41                        Socs2 induction seems B cell-specific, because no induction was observed in TC
42 esearch in the past few years has identified B cell-specific biomarkers able to predict optimal Ab re
43 F-1b, NERF-2 acts as a transactivator of the B cell-specific blk promoter.
44               Transgenic CD19-hBtk mice with B cell-specific BTK overexpression show spontaneous germ
45  variable region promoters are predominantly B-cell specific, but the molecular basis for this specif
46                               However, using B cell-specific c-/N-myc double-knockout mice and E(mu)-
47 cell proliferation, we generated mice with a B cell-specific Casp8 deficiency.
48 rinitrophenol-LPS was selectively reduced in B cell-specific Casp8-deficient mice.
49 xpressed p53 protein only in the presence of B cell-specific CD19-Cre.
50 ltransferase produces Siglec ligands for the B-cell-specific CD22 lectin and sustains humoral immune
51                     To address this issue, a B cell-specific CD40L transgene (CD40LBTg) was introduce
52  evidence suggests that they may recognize a B cell-specific CD45 isoform.
53 ned a model of specific antibody deficiency, B cell-specific CD79a-Cre x XBP1 (X-box binding protein-
54 erefore, in the present study we generated a B cell-specific CD83 conditional knockout (CD83 B-cKO) m
55  Our study establishes a central role for GC B cell-specific CD84 and Ly108 expression in maintaining
56 -specific transcription factor PAX5, and the B-cell-specific cell surface protein CD19.
57       In addition, immunization of mice with B cell-specific cFLIP deletion resulted in selective rec
58                                The resulting B cell-specific cFLIP-deficient mice were found to have
59                                     To study B cell-specific changes that occur during the aging proc
60  element does not support recruitment of the B cell-specific co-activator OBF-1 and that CD36 express
61                                              B cell-specific coactivator OCA-B, together with Oct-1/2
62 A-B (alternately called Bob1 and OBF-1) is a B cell-specific coactivator that interacts with the ubiq
63             It acts synergistically with the B-cell-specific coactivator Bob1 (OCA-B, OBF-1) to stimu
64 ence) or inaccessible (MORE sequence) to the B-cell-specific cofactor OBF1 (OcaB, Bob1).
65 l mobility shift assays show that DICE forms B cell-specific complexes that were also sensitive to DI
66 ted two mouse models of Pol zeta function: a B cell-specific conditional knockout and a knock-in stra
67                                    Employing B cell-specific conditional knockout mice, we have demon
68  Using transgenic mouse models, we show that B-cell-specific constitutive activation of HH/GLI signal
69        Switch recombination depends upon the B cell-specific cytidine deaminase, AID, and conserved D
70                                              B-cell-specific deficiency in FcmuR enhanced the spontan
71         To test this idea, we used mice with B cell-specific deletion of a floxed cFLIP allele.
72                                          The B cell-specific deletion of ATF2 and ATF7 in mice result
73                                    Mice with B cell-specific deletion of Atg7 (B/Atg7(-/-) mice) show
74    In this report, we show that mice bearing B cell-specific deletion of beta-catenin have normal B c
75 y reduced peripheral T cell numbers, whereas B cell-specific deletion of FADD led to increased periph
76                          Moreover, mice with B cell-specific deletion of Fra1 show enhanced plasma ce
77                                 Furthermore, B cell-specific deletion of Glut1 led to reduced B cell
78                  We have created mice with a B cell-specific deletion of prdm1, the gene encoding Bli
79                 We in this study report that B cell-specific deletion of relb led to only a slight de
80                                              B cell-specific deletion of T-bet was also associated wi
81                          We report here that B cell-specific deletion of the heavy chain of CD98 (CD9
82                            We report that GC B cell-specific deletion of the NF-kappaB subunits c-REL
83                          Panhematopoietic or B cell-specific deletion of Zfx in the bone marrow block
84 in plasma cell development, later studies of B cell-specific deletion reported a much milder conseque
85                                              B-cell-specific deletion of AP4 resulted in reduced GC s
86                            Here we show that B-cell-specific deletion of TAK1 impaired the transition
87      We generated mice with an inducible and B-cell-specific deletion of the Syk gene and found that
88  documented an important therapeutic role of B cell-specific depletion.
89                                              B-cell-specific depletion of pVHL leads to constitutive
90 e complex, and are not mediated by errors in B cell specific DNA modification mechanisms.
91  stages of MM progression and do not involve B cell-specific DNA modification mechanisms.
92                                          The B cell-specific ELL2 conditional knockouts (cKOs; ell2(l
93 bination of transcription factors results in B cell-specific enhancer activation.
94  the large multiprotein complex required for B cell-specific enhancer activation.
95 enome wide, KAP1 binding sites lacked active B cell-specific enhancers and were enriched in repressiv
96        SHM is dependent on the action of the B cell specific enzyme, activation-induced cytidine deam
97                                          The B cell-specific enzyme activation-induced cytidine deami
98 vation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) is a B-cell-specific enzyme that targets immunoglobulin genes
99                            LigA (LK90) based B-cell specific epitopes were predicted and synthesised
100  Direct binding of Gfi1b to a site 5' of the B cell-specific Erag enhancer results in epigenetic chan
101 Igbeta) and mb-1 (Igalpha) gene products are B cell-specific essential components of the B cell recep
102                                 However, the B-cell-specific events that activate CD79b do not trigge
103 targets for the use of ADCs because they are B-cell-specific, expressed in non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL
104                                          Its B cell-specific expression makes it an attractive target
105 cription factor, Oct-2, is essential for the B cell-specific expression of CD36 in mouse B cells.
106 s provide evidence that HSS1 is required for B cell-specific expression of CIITA and that HSS1 functi
107                                              B cell-specific expression of immunoglobulin heavy chain
108 or in combination with anti-IgM, resulted in B cell-specific expression of this ligand.
109 small subunit), in themselves, confer strong bs cell-specific expression to gfpA reporter gene transc
110 ates CSR by transcriptionally activating the B cell-specific factor activation-induced cytidine deami
111  is induced by targeted DNA deamination by a B cell-specific factor, activation induced cytidine deam
112 ing B cell commitment, the expression of the B-cell-specific factor Pax5 sharply alters the temporal
113 ress activation-induced deaminase (AID), the B-cell-specific factor that deaminates DNA to initiate i
114  metabolism, and decreases the expression of B-cell-specific factors and genes associated with immuni
115                 In this report, we generated B cell-specific FADD-deficient mice and showed that dele
116 nd immature B cells are reduced by 30-40% in B cell-specific FAK knockout mice.
117 ers, full FcgammaRIIb knockout (KO), but not B cell-specific FcgammaRIIb KO, mice showed a significan
118                                              B cell-specific Fcmr(-/-) mice lacked robust clonal expa
119 nsion and activation of transitional splenic B cells specific for 2F5's nominal gp41 MPER-binding epi
120 expressing this Ag, even though autoreactive B cells specific for alpha345NC1 hexamers are not purged
121 munization regimens, or it may indicate that B cells specific for broadly neutralizing Env determinan
122                                              B cells specific for DENV precursor membrane protein, en
123                                              B cells specific for DEX enrich in the marginal zone (MZ
124 contains a high frequency of "dual reactive" B cells specific for DNA-based autoantigens such as chro
125  predominantly derived from activated memory B cells specific for epitopes conserved in several influ
126                      The mean frequencies of B cells specific for HLA-B7 were the same in rituximab-t
127 s have shown that the Ag receptors (BCRs) on B cells specific for nuclear autoantigens can facilitate
128 nerated a variable light chain library using B cells specific for PPS4 and PPS14 from each vaccinated
129 nsion of a pre-existing population of memory B cells specific for stem epitopes.
130                                              B cells specific for TG2 and modified gluten peptides ar
131 g, kynureninase, and that the development of B cells specific for the 2F5 epitope is constrained by i
132 , despite the presence of circulating memory B cells specific for the corresponding Ags.
133 ve B cell repertoire of DBA/2 mice has fewer B cells specific for the DNA mimetope.
134                                              B cells specific for the major bee venom allergen phosph
135                                              B cells specific for the major bee venom allergen PLA is
136               To determine the regulation of B cells specific for the ribonucleoprotein Sm, a target
137 tudy, we describe regulation of autoreactive B cells specific for the ribonucleoprotein Smith (Sm) at
138                        2-12H Tg mice produce B cells specific for the Sm that remain tolerant due to
139 tematic changes in the frequencies of memory B cells specific for the two other PfEMP1 proteins were
140                                Self-reactive B cells specific for ubiquitous membrane-bound autoantig
141 FSE staining in combination with T-cell- and B-cell-specific gating allowed discriminating between al
142 scriptional regulator that antagonizes T and B cell-specific gene expression programs.
143 he cytidine deaminase AID) and thus silenced B cell-specific gene expression, antigen presentation an
144 +/-)Runx1(+/-) (ER(het)) mice, activation of B cell-specific gene transcription was depressed in thes
145                                Surprisingly, B-cell-specific gene expression was negatively correlate
146 arches, to date, only Bright (a regulator of B-cell-specific gene expression), dead ringer (a Drosoph
147                             In this context, B cell-specific genes and mTOR signaling were associated
148 essing Cbfbeta-SMMHC also show inhibition of B cell-specific genes Cd79a, Igll1, VpreB1, and Blk.
149 lymphopoiesis and activates transcription of B cell-specific genes in the absence of upstream regulat
150  plasmacytoma cells activated multiple early B cell-specific genes synergistically.
151                                      Several B cell-specific genes were either not expressed or were
152 progenitors, with a concurrent repression of B cell-specific genes.
153 e E-box site, found in regulatory regions of B cell-specific genes; promote cell survival of early pr
154        It activates transcription of several B-cell-specific genes, including the lambda5 gene, which
155                            The activation of B-cell-specific genes, such as CD19 and PAX5, is a hallm
156 we established a mouse model of CLL in which B-cell-specific genetic ablation of ILK resulted in dece
157 5 (BSAP) is required for the expression of a B-cell-specific genetic program and for B-cell different
158          In transformed leaf regions, strong bs cell-specific GFP expression was accompanied by corre
159                                              B cell-specific gilz KO mice confirmed that the effect o
160 s of HSP90b1 in B-cell biology in vivo using B-cell-specific HSP90b1-null mice.
161 ndidate Igh regulatory region defined by pro-B cell-specific hypersensitivity and interaction with fa
162 n 3 (Id3) in the regulation of B-1b cells as B-cell-specific Id3 knockout mice (Id3(BKO)Apoe(-/-)) ha
163 ld type MZP B cells but not other subsets to B cell-specific IL-10 deficient mice prevented graft rej
164  flow cytometry, IL-10 reporter (Vert-X) and B cell-specific IL-10 knockout mice, migration assays, a
165                               Use of a novel B cell-specific IL-10 knockout mouse revealed that B cel
166 B cells from naive controls, and mice with a B cell-specific IL-6 deficiency showed less severe disea
167 in ST2(-/-) , IL-4(-/-) , IL-4Ralpha(-/-) or B-cell-specific IL-4Ralpha(-/-) mice, demonstrating IL-3
168 2(-/-) , IL-4(-/-) , IL4Ralpha(-/-) and T-or B-cell-specific IL-4Ralpha(-/-) mice.
169                    To further understand how B-cell-specific immunoglobulin promoter expression is me
170                               The results of B cell-specific immunotoxin therapy may have clinical im
171 esults show that (1) the immunoconjugate has B-cell-specific in vitro and in vivo cytotoxicity; (2) B
172 cific increases were seen in RNA for RGS1, a B-cell specific inhibitor of G-protein signaling implica
173 ue eosinophilia-regulating function for the "B cell-specific" inhibitory molecule CD22 on GI eosinoph
174                        Wild type C57BL/6, or B cell-specific interleukin (IL)-10 (CD19-Cre::IL-10) mi
175 matin occupancy at sites in the Igh locus is B cell specific, is correlated with histone H4 lysine 20
176 cinoma cells is primarily mediated by IL-8, (b) cell-specific isoforms of IL-8 with distinct osteocla
177                 Igbeta protein is considered B-cell specific; its only known role is in B-cell recept
178  cells by establishing a mouse strain with a B cell-specific JAB1 deletion.
179 n a B cell line and generating a conditional B cell-specific Kidins220 knockout (B-KO) mouse strain,
180                               We report that B cell-specific KLF2 deficiency leads to decreased expre
181 pe B cells are present in neonatal mice with B cell-specific KLF2 deficiency, suggesting that B1 diff
182                                        Using B cell-specific knockdown strategies, we confirmed the r
183  CSR, were lower in B cells from both KI and B cell-specific KO mice, concomitant with increases in p
184 oid and full FcgammaRIIb KO mice, but not in B cell-specific KO mice, whereas disease severity was on
185  RP105 is a TLR homolog thought to be mostly B cell specific, lacking a signaling domain.
186 in mp cells) plays a key role in determining bs cell-specific localization of the rubisco enzyme.
187                          We demonstrate that B cell-specific loss of T-bet prevents control of persis
188                            Introduction of a B cell specific LTalpha transgene on to the LTalpha-defi
189 nic architecture resembling that observed in B-cell-specific lymphotoxin-beta-deficient mice, includi
190                                              B cell-specific Lyn mutant mice also develop myeloprolif
191                         Within 8 mo of life, B cell-specific Lyn mutant mice develop high titers of I
192 eversed the autoimmune phenotype observed in B cell-specific Lyn-deficient mice by blocking productio
193                                          The B cell-specific Lyn-deficient mice have no defects in ea
194                               The anti-CD20, B-cell-specific mAb rituximab (RTX) has been approved fo
195 and established disease, we screened several B cell-specific mAbs and found that a combination of ant
196 ic mouse that expresses inducible ABF-1 in a B cell-specific manner was generated to demonstrate that
197 ain but retains the DNA-binding domain, in a B cell-specific manner.
198 activation of BATF is mediated by EBNA2 in a B-cell-specific manner and is duplicated in non-EBV-infe
199 ntegrations at Ebfaz or Evi3 express the pre-B-cell-specific marker immunoglobulin lambda chain 5, an
200 (B cell regulator of IgH transcription) is a B cell-specific, matrix associating region-binding prote
201                     Bright/Dril1/ARID3a is a B cell-specific, matrix association (or attachment) regi
202 D complexes greatly reduce activation of the B cell-specific mb-1 (Cd79a) gene by the transcription f
203 s ternary complexes with Ets proteins on the B cell-specific mb-1 promoter through interactions betwe
204                                    The early B cell-specific mb-1 promoter was hypermethylated at CpG
205 sed Pax-5 protein activates endogenous early B-cell-specific mb-1 genes in plasmacytoma cells, but on
206           Fc receptor homolog 4 (FcRH4) is a B cell-specific member of the recently identified family
207 inical target for B-cell lymphoma is CD22, a B-cell-specific member of the sialic acid binding Ig-lik
208         Despite the leakiness in the system, B cell-specific MHCII deletion resulted in substantially
209                            Here we show that B cell-specific miR-17~92 transgenic mice developed lymp
210 omolog expressed in B cells (FREB), a unique B cell-specific molecule that is distantly related to Fc
211                                    CD19 is a B cell-specific molecule that serves as a major costimul
212  It is clear that antibodies targeting other B-cell-specific molecules, such as CD22, also offer pote
213                                              B-cell-specific Moloney murine leukemia virus integratio
214 In this study, we examine the role of Bmi-1 (B-cell-specific Moloney murine leukemia virus integratio
215 rs, 5 of the next 10 patients were given the B cell-specific monoclonal antibody, rituximab.
216                                            A B-cell-specific monoclonal antibody, rituximab, may be a
217 he role of Mule in B lymphocyte homeostasis, B cell-specific Mule knockout (BMKO) mice were generated
218 stasis and activation, which in concert with B cell-specific MyD88 signaling pathways can drive the d
219                                              B-cell-specific N-WASP gene deletion causes enhanced and
220  antibody production is severely impaired in B-cell-specific Notch2-deficient mice that lack marginal
221 B and non-B cells by cotransfection with the B cell-specific octamer cofactor gene, Bob1 (OCA-B/OBF-1
222                       Co-transfection of the B cell-specific octamer transcriptional co-activator Bob
223                                  Concomitant B cell-specific overexpression of the antiapoptotic prot
224 on-B cell lines, and also selectively by the B cell-specific pathway involving B cell receptor cross-
225                                          The B-cell-specific Pax5 also promotes the transcription of
226                                  Blockage of B cell-specific PD-L1 restored Th1 responses.
227 t mouse models its mutation has a relatively B cell-specific phenotype.
228 x with the TLR adaptor protein MyD88 and the B cell-specific positive regulator of TLR signaling TAB2
229                           We developed a new B cell-specific PPARgamma (B-PPARgamma) knockout mouse a
230 cific molecules and also by interfering with B-cell-specific pro-survival signals.
231 SR DSBs could be promoted by IgH-specific or B-cell-specific processes or by general aspects of chrom
232 of Ets factors with AML1 in the context of a B cell-specific promoter might help to determine the fun
233                        BLIMP-I represses the B cell-specific promoter of the human gene that encodes
234 erent immunoglobulin promoters and two other B-cell-specific promoters have higher activities in the
235 in B cells and which were conserved in other B-cell-specific promoters.
236 wn-regulation in the expression of HLA-DO, a B cell-specific protein known to interfere with HLA-DM f
237 re ablated in mice and humans lacking AID, a B cell-specific protein of unknown molecular activity.
238 fied and validated, revealing a role for the B cell-specific protein Pax5 in viral gene regulation an
239                                    The human B cell-specific protein, CD79b (also known as Igbeta and
240 tivation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID), a B-cell-specific protein that has been proposed (because
241                          We show that mature B cell-specific PTEN overexpression enhances CSR.
242                                  Mice with a B cell-specific PTP1B deficiency show increased T cell-d
243 se of the severe osteopetrosis--we generated B cell-specific RANK knockout mice.
244 hat NOTCH1 transactivates MYC via binding to B-cell-specific regulatory elements, thus implicating th
245 ation, we performed systematic analysis of a B-cell-specific regulatory model exhibiting follicular l
246 a are consistent with the silencing of a pre-B cell-specific replication program in the fusion hybrid
247  perhaps because of the presence of a strong B-cell-specific repressed chromatin conformation on the
248 ce of Chlamydia infection, consistent with a B cell-specific role of Rab7.
249 in the bone marrow was largely normal in the B cell-specific S1pr1 knockout (B-S1pr1KO) mice, their n
250                                 We generated B cell-specific Shp-1 and Syk double-knockout (DKO) mice
251 block at the pro/pre-B cell stage, whereas a B cell-specific Shp-1 deficiency promoted B-1a cell deve
252                                    CD22 is a B cell-specific sialic acid-binding immunoglobulin-like
253            CD22 is currently recognized as a B cell-specific Siglec and has been exploited therapeuti
254      By recapitulating two basic features of B-cell-specific somatic hypermutation, G/C mutations tar
255 l bone loss (p < 0.001), whereas T cell- and B cell-specific Stat3 mice were resistant, suggesting th
256 multiple complex isoforms, including several B cell-specific surface receptors.
257                                              B cell-specific survival ligand concentrations were meas
258                  CD20 is a widely validated, B cell-specific target for therapy in B cell malignancie
259                             This promoter is B-cell specific, though it is a weak promoter.
260                In conclusion, E1E2 can prime B cells specific to conserved neutralizing epitopes, but
261 s, spontaneous Ab secreting cells and memory B cells specific to influenza hemagglutinin were primari
262                                      Second, B cells specific to the peptidic B cell epitope in pCol(
263              To understand the regulation of B cells specific to the Sm Ag in normal mice, we have ge
264 al tolerogenic effects of these HEL forms on B cells specific to this Ag.
265      Induction of immune tolerance on memory B cells specific to transplantation carbohydrate antigen
266                                              B cell-specific TRAF3 deficiency results in enhanced via
267                                   B cells of B-cell-specific TRAF3(-/-) mice (B-Traf3(-/-)) display r
268                                              B-cell-specific Traf3(-/-) mice displayed severe periphe
269                   Additionally, we observe a B cell-specific trans association of rs11171739 at 12q13
270                  Because it is possible that B cell-specific transacting factors bind to and recruit
271                                          The B cell-specific transcription factor BACH2 is required f
272 TCR targeting a peptide of the intracellular B cell-specific transcription factor BOB1 presented in t
273                 Here we demonstrate that the B cell-specific transcription factor BSAP/Pax5 binds to
274  stage due to insufficient expression of the B cell-specific transcription factor EBF and its target
275  of numerous genes via the regulation of the B cell-specific transcription factor PAX5.
276       Previous observations suggest that the B cell-specific transcription factor Pax5A (paired box 5
277 the prior binding of the macrophage- and the B cell-specific transcription factor PU.1 and exhibit hi
278 ells by epigenetic mechanisms, the lack of a B cell-specific transcription factor, and likely by the
279                                      PAX5, a B cell-specific transcription factor, is overexpressed t
280 cer regions overlapped with binding sites of B cell-specific transcription factors (TFs) and the degr
281 ulations were defined based on expression of B cell-specific transcription factors Pax-5 and B lympho
282 quires the Notch1 pathway to alter levels of B cell-specific transcription factors, E2A and EBF.
283 e stages of B-cell development by regulating B-cell specific transcription.
284                                    Since the B-cell-specific transcription factor Oct-2 also directly
285 o be determined by at least two factors: the B-cell-specific transcription factor Pax5 and linker his
286             In this report, we show that the B-cell-specific transcription factor Pax5 helps to promo
287         These cells consistently express the B-cell-specific transcription factor PAX5, and the B-cel
288 ome 9p13 result in reduced expression of the B-cell-specific transcription factor PAX5.
289 nf complex), increased transcription via the B-cell-specific transcription factor Pax5/BSAP.
290                                     BACH2, a B-cell-specific transcription factor, plays a critical r
291                                   OCA-B is a B cell-specific transcriptional coactivator for OCT fact
292                    These HSs exhibit pro/pre-B cell-specific transcriptional silencing of a Vkappa ge
293 ed positively by STAT5 and negatively by the B-cell-specific transcriptional repressors BACH2 and BCL
294                          When expressed as a B cell-specific transgene in mice, LMP2A drives B cell d
295 antiapoptotic protein Bcl-x(L) or Bcl-2 as a B cell-specific transgene.
296 mphomagenesis/leukemogenesis, we generated a B-cell-specific transgenic mouse model with targeted ove
297                                  Strikingly, B-cell-specific transgenic overexpression of spry2 in mi
298 mechanism of histone exchange, thus allowing B cell-specific V(H)-to-DJ(H) recombination.
299 body VDR KO, T cell-specific VDR (T-VDR) KO, B cell-specific VDR (B-VDR) KO, and vitamin D deficient
300 estricted LANA gene expression could explain B-cell-specific viral persistence.

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