


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 he anti, anti glycosyl conformation found in B form DNA.
2 nsient grip-and-release structural change in B form DNA.
3 rgoes a structural transition from A-like to B-form DNA.
4 of bases showed CD spectra characteristic of B-form DNA.
5 t 1-2 nm, which can accommodate the width of B-form DNA.
6 l an enzyme that "clamps" around essentially B-form DNA.
7 use its sugar puckers are primarily those of B-form DNA.
8 in the primary solvation of the minor groove B-form DNA.
9 DNA section assumes a conformation closer to B-form DNA.
10  original isolation report and does not bind B-form DNA.
11 termining stacking geometries in RNA than in B-form DNA.
12 lical conformations different from canonical B-form DNA.
13 d moderate structural distortion relative to B-form DNA.
14  transcription factors NF-kappaB and IRF3 by B-form DNA.
15 tial distribution of counterions relative to B-form DNA.
16 ed conformation of adjacent T and A bases in B-form DNA.
17 in conformation incompatible with binding to B-form DNA.
18 -T19) are closer to each other than those in B-form DNA.
19 CSA magnitude is considerably larger than in B-form DNA.
20 dent modifications in helix conformation for B-form DNA.
21 size, shape, and electrostatic similarity to B-form DNA.
22 oteins or any DNA-protein complex containing B-form DNA.
23 rcular dichroism spectra are consistent with B-form DNA.
24 odel based on the geometry and energetics of B-form DNA.
25 disrupt base stacking in RAED-THA adducts on B-form DNA.
26 ainder of the spectrum is similar to that of B-form DNA.
27 tructural mimic of the phosphate backbone of B-form DNA.
28 ontacts approaching into the minor groove of B-form DNA.
29  into the minor groove spine of hydration in B-form DNA.
30  coil containing as little as 360-370 bp of 'B'-form DNA.
31  intermediate between that of A-form RNA and B-form DNA, a feature that may be exploited by the enzym
32 a indicate that the ITR structure is largely B form DNA, although there is a slight blue shift compar
33 starting from both A- and B-form structures, B-form DNA and A-form RNA.
34 ckdown blocks both cytosolic double-stranded B-form DNA and double-stranded RNA-induced IRF3 activati
35  the conformational pathway connecting A and B-form DNA and illustrate how both proteins and drugs ta
36                      hUPF1 unwinds non-B and B-form DNA and RNA substrates in vitro.
37 ese domains bind A-form DNA in preference to B-form DNA and that the -59 to -31 region of the GATA-2
38 resembles a midpoint in a trajectory between B-form DNA and the kinked DNA observed in UDG:DNA produc
39  by solution conditions known to destabilize B-form DNA and to stabilize A-form structures.
40 s with the stacking arrangement (e.g., A- or B-form DNA) and with the identity of the nucleobase with
41 city of ~10 base pairs, the helical pitch of B-form DNA, and a decay length of ~15 base pairs.
42 re much wider and more shallow than those of B-form DNA, and the helix turn is slower, with ca. 12 ba
43 iation in the ethyl cross-linked duplex from B-form DNA, are consistent with this expectation.
44 ation abrogated the ability of intracellular B-form DNA, as well as members of the herpesvirus family
45                       An extended stretch of B-form DNA asymmetrically runs across the whole dimer, w
46 endent configuration-space free energies for B-form DNA at the coarse-grain level of rigid bases.
47 ix, can invade mixed-sequence double-helical B-form DNA (B-DNA).
48  DNA (xDNA) retains many features of natural B-form DNA, but with a few structural alterations due to
49 o optimize the deoxyribose-based cleavage of B-form DNA by Ni(II) x Xaa-Xaa-His metallopeptides.
50 ctural requirement for unwinding of standard B-form DNA by these helicases.
51 te DNA structures other than double-stranded B-form DNA can potentially impede cellular processes suc
52                                     However, B-form DNA can support only 1 bit of sequence conservati
53 ng of Mg(2+) to a double-helical sequence of B-form DNA (CGCGAATTCGCG) but the technique is readily a
54 revealed that the structural features of non-B form DNA co-factors are important for PARP-1 catalysis
55  in the promoter, perhaps by stabilizing non-B-form DNA conformations.
56 shed through contacts in the major groove of B-form DNA, contacts in the minor groove cannot easily d
57                                      Rods of B-form DNA could be envisioned as protected from digesti
58  that DNA binding proteins generally use non-B-form DNA distortion such as base flipping to initiate
59 ative studies on A-form DNA-RNA duplexes and B-form DNA-DNA duplexes with a single-stranded tail iden
60 or sequences that resist transformation from B-form DNA.DNA structures.
61 ponding bases in A-form (RNA/DNA duplex) and B-form (DNA/DNA duplex) DNA.
62 hed helical A-form RNA segment and a helical B-form DNA dodecamer at natural (13)C abundance.
63 , we determined four crystal structures of a B-form DNA dodecamer duplex containing ClU:A or ClU:G ba
64  aggregates in a conformation similar to the B-form DNA double helix.
65 e atomic-resolution crystal structure of the B-form DNA duplex [d(CGCGAA)Td(TCGCG)](2) containing a s
66 d T-A pair and other mismatched pairs in the B-form DNA duplex context, which is consistent with the
67 gle molecular dynamics, shows an undisturbed B-form DNA duplex with dangling 3'-termini.
68 ANA residues in crystal structures of A- and B-form DNA duplexes at atomic resolution, we demonstrate
69 ids than through the d(A)-d(T) bridge of the B-form DNA duplexes.
70 e-base inclinations for A- (DNA and RNA) and B-form (DNA) duplexes differ considerably.
71 ously including local structural failure and B-form DNA for both underwinding and extreme overwinding
72  Twist agree well with experimental data for B-form DNA from the Nucleic Acids Database, even though
73 duplex DNA does not require large changes in B-form DNA geometry.
74                        Crystal structures of B-form DNA have provided insights into the global and lo
75 or groove does not significantly disrupt the B-form DNA helix.
76 an be accommodated within the major grove of B-form DNA in a manner that positions nearly all of the
77  spontaneous conversion of the A-form DNA to B-form DNA in unconstrained simulations.
78 ) selectively binds to stretches of A.T-rich B-form DNA in vitro by recognition of substrate structur
79 t evolution, suggesting the existence of non-B-form DNA in vivo.
80 condary structures in addition to the normal B-form DNA, including hairpins and quadruplexes.
81 escently labeled proteins, whereas remaining B-form DNA is accounted for by using specific fluorescen
82 kbone atoms (suggesting that the backbone in B-form DNA is compatible with having the bases adopt the
83     Although the right-handed double helical B-form DNA is most common under physiological conditions
84 re Distance (RMSD) from canonical A-form and B-form DNA is used as an order parameter to characterize
85 ole protein mimics a 42-base pair stretch of B-form DNA making ArdA by far the largest DNA mimic know
86 s simulations starting from canonical A- and B-form DNA models.
87 CoHexCl3 (cobalt hexamine chloride) around a B-form DNA molecule.
88 free form of both classes approximates ideal B-form DNA more closely.
89                          Short complementary B-form DNA oligomers, 6 to 20 base pairs in length, are
90 e the solution structure and fluctuations of B-form DNA on a length scale comparable to a protein-bin
91 t tool for studying structural variations in B-form DNA over a wide range of sequences.
92 ne (G), and buried in the structure of naked B-form DNA, oxoG and G are practically indistinguishable
93 FN induction was mediated by double-stranded B form DNA, regardless of its sequence, CpG content, or
94 ve to S1 nuclease and likely to assume a non-B-form DNA secondary structure within the supercoiled pl
95 e complex, which is too small to span a 6 bp B-form DNA sequence, nonetheless makes major groove cont
96 lly recognizes the A form RNA strand and the B form DNA strand.
97  DNA superhelicity can destabilize the local B-form DNA structure and can drive transitions to other
98           Rather the Bcl-2 Mbr assumes a non-B-form DNA structure within the chromosomes of human cel
99 thus revealing an important link between non-B form DNA structures and Hop1 in meiotic chromosome syn
100 traction due to their propensity to form non-B-form DNA structures, which hinder DNA polymerases and
101 GC-rich regulatory elements that possess non-B-form DNA structures.
102 been held to discuss other noncanonical (non-B-form) DNA structures, their properties, and their biol
103 LM and WRN proteins on both G-quadruplex and B-form DNA substrates.
104 ty, BLM catalyzes both the disruption of non-B-form DNA, such as G-quadruplexes, and the branch migra
105 /DNA helix and that the ensuing synthesis of B-form DNA terminates primer synthesis.
106 s a major groove that more closely resembles B-form DNA than RNA.
107  the initial nonspecific binding of BamHI to B-form DNA that differs from that seen in the crystal st
108 nd dendritic cells (exposed to intracellular B-form DNA, the DNA virus herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1)
109 lts indicate that, with respect to canonical B-form DNA, the extreme bending of the DNA in the comple
110 h the quaternary structure resembles that of B-form DNA, there is a base-pair step to the 5' side of
111 ex adducts changes its position from that in B form DNA to avoid steric clashes with the 5'-G* and th
112 r Esigma(70) and show how an ncRNA can mimic B-form DNA to directly regulate transcription by the DNA
113 alf the mean minor groove width of canonical B-form DNA to fit onto the protein surface.
114 erence to the conformational transition from B-form DNA to Z-form DNA for (dm(5)C-dG)(4), a transitio
115 D spectra of the modified duplexes indicated B-form DNA topology.
116  exhibit the most intrinsic deformation from B-form DNA turn are also the most dynamically deformable
117 odel of the 1,4 GG interstrand cross-link on B-form DNA, which shows that the NH(2) protons have no c
118 at can be templated spatially by A-tracts of B-form DNA while retaining coherent energy transfer.
119 cture reveals that two p53DBD dimers bind to B form DNA with no relative twist and that a p53 tetrame
120 les of <1 degrees ), more rigid than generic B-form DNA, with slight base-pair inclination, high prop
121 ts a regular conformation similar to that of B-form DNA, with small dihedral adjustments due to the l
122  C residues at the site of the cross-link in B-form DNA without causing distortion of the helix, wher
123  Each unnatural self-pair is accommodated in B-form DNA without detectable structural perturbation, a

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