


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              B. bovis stimulates inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNO
2                                              B. bovis, an intraerythrocytic protozoal parasite, estab
3                                              B. bovis-specific T-helper lymphocyte culture supernatan
4 ase treatment of B. bovis extracts abrogated B. bovis-induced proliferation of peripheral blood monon
5 1), which confers partial protection against B. bovis challenge, is recognized by antibodies and T ly
6  recombinant RAP-1 protein responded against B. bovis, but not B. bigemina, merozoites.
7 mmatory mediators by E. coli, T. brucei, and B. bovis DNA was dependent on the presence of unmethylat
8 esia species, (B. bigemina, B. divergens and B. bovis).
9                       Cocultures of Mphi and B. bovis-infected erythrocytes either in contact or phys
10 tion was used to explore the ability of anti-B. bovis Ig to interfere with IRBC cytoadhesion, and to
11                                    Argentina B. bovis strains R1A and S2P have msa-1 genes with amino
12 hat tick passage of the partially attenuated B. bovis T2Bo derivative strain further decreased virule
13 h attenuation, but when retained, attenuated B. bovis can revert to virulence following tick passage.
14 2 locus was characterized from 12 Australian B. bovis strains and isolates, including two vaccine str
15 udy, sequencing of MSA-1 from two Australian B. bovis vaccine strains and 14 breakthrough isolates fr
16 port that monocyte-derived Mphi activated by B. bovis expressed enhanced levels of inflammatory cytok
17 the antiparasitic activity of NO produced by B. bovis-stimulated Mphi has not been definitively demon
18 isms that were mitogenic for murine B cells, B. bovis DNA is largely nonmethylated and induced a dose
19 ites is completely conserved among different B. bovis strains.
20 rved among otherwise antigenically different B. bovis strains.
21  Th-cell epitopes are conserved in different B. bovis strains but not in B. bigemina RAP-1.
22 ynthase mRNA in bovine macrophages by either B. bovis-parasitized erythrocytes and IFN-gamma or CM wa
23              Both PCR-based and CF tests for B. bovis had high specificity values ranging from 96 to
24 nsitivities of the three PCR-based tests for B. bovis ranged from 58 to 70% for a single determinatio
25 e in vitro effect of intact and fractionated B. bovis merozoites on bovine macrophage nitric oxide (N
26 gly immunogenic for T helper (Th) cells from B. bovis-immune cattle and that like B-cell epitopes, Th
27 for stimulation of T-cell lines derived from B. bovis-immune cattle.
28                                 Furthermore, B. bovis and E. coli DNAs enhanced immunoglobulin secret
29                In the presence of IFN-gamma, B. bovis merozoites stimulated NO production, as indicat
30  order E. coli > or = T. cruzi > T. brucei > B. bovis.
31 acted predominantly with spherical bodies in B. bovis merozoites.
32 een antigenic variation and cytoadherence in B. bovis and suggest that the VESA1 Ag acts as an endoth
33 ro model to study the components involved in B. bovis cytoadherence and sequestration.
34                                   The 60-kDa B. bovis RAP-1 is recognized by antibodies and T lymphoc
35 rotection from disease, an in vitro assay of B. bovis sequestration was used to explore the ability o
36   We recently reported that the NT domain of B. bovis RAP-1 contained immunodominant T-cell epitopes,
37       This study evaluated the efficiency of B. bovis infection within Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) micr
38             Furthermore, a lipid fraction of B. bovis-infected erythrocytes stimulated iNOS expressio
39 rine and human B cells, an 11-kb fragment of B. bovis DNA was analyzed for CG dinucleotide content an
40  chemical donors of NO inhibit the growth of B. bovis in vitro.
41  in surface-specific immunoprecipitations of B. bovis-IRBCs.
42 onal factors contribute to the inhibition of B. bovis replication.
43        The results indicate that isolates of B. bovis capable of evading vaccine-induced immunity con
44 the biologically cloned Mexico Mo7 strain of B. bovis and identified the sequence differences between
45 ttle hyperinfected with the Mexico strain of B. bovis and shown to be clinically immune did not cross
46 mmune to challenge with the Mexico strain of B. bovis proliferated against recombinant B. bovis RAP-1
47 SA-2 proteins in the Argentina R1A strain of B. bovis with the Mexico Mo7 clone revealed a relatively
48 le inoculum of a cloned laboratory strain of B. bovis.
49 riant virulent tick-transmissible strains of B. bovis and that R. microplus ticks could acquire and t
50 ico, Texas, Australia, and Israel strains of B. bovis but neither B. bigemina merozoites nor recombin
51 otherwise antigenically different strains of B. bovis, supports the inclusion of this region in vacci
52 cribed babr 0.8 gene in Australia strains of B. bovis.
53                           DNase treatment of B. bovis extracts abrogated B. bovis-induced proliferati
54 ant erythrocyte surface antigen 1 (VESA1) of B. bovis IRBCs.
55 erythrocytes but not on either uninfected or B. bovis-parasitized erythrocytes.
56 mine whether DNA from the protozan parasites B. bovis, Trypanosoma cruzi, and T. brucei activates mac
57 of B. bovis proliferated against recombinant B. bovis RAP-1 protein derived from the Mexico strain.
58                Sequencing analysis of select B. bovis genes before and after tick passage showed sign
59 sults indicate the potential to use selected B. bovis RAP-1 peptides as immunogens to prime for stron
60 dy the components involved in sequestration, B. bovis parasites that induce adhesion of the infected
61 t B. bovis merozoites and antigen-stimulated B. bovis-immune T cells can induce the production of NO,
62              These findings demonstrate that B. bovis induces an innate immune response that is capab
63   The studies reported here demonstrate that B. bovis RAP-1 is strongly immunogenic for T helper (Th)
64                      These results show that B. bovis merozoites and antigen-stimulated B. bovis-immu
65                 It was previously shown that B. bovis RAP-1 associates with the merozoite surface as
66 Ag acts as an endothelial cell ligand on the B. bovis-IRBC.
67 ns using sera from animals infected with the B. bovis vaccine strains.
68               CD4(+)-T-cell lines from three B. bovis-immune cattle with different DRB3 haplotypes re
69 ive type 1 immune responses upon exposure to B. bovis.
70 tory for T lymphocytes from cattle immune to B. bovis.
71                      The lack of response to B. bovis RAP-1 indicated that a strictly conserved 14-am
72 r, NO produced by bovine Mphi in response to B. bovis-infected erythrocytes was only partially respon
73 nfection rates of 22% to 30% and transmitted B. bovis during transmission feeding.
74 ufficient to protect calves against virulent B. bovis challenge.
75 t both calves and ticks can support virulent B. bovis coinfection through all phases of the hemoparas
76  by repeated stimulation of lymphocytes with B. bovis membrane antigen proliferated strongly against

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