


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1 amples from 22 U.S. states, resulting in 229 B. canis isolates.
2 genotype groups were identified from the 229 B. canis isolates.
3                    During 2010 and 2016, 377 B. canis PCR-positives were identified from 6,844 canine
4 the source of contamination in an event of a B. canis outbreak.
5 is subsp. vogeli, B. canis subsp. canis, and B. canis subsp. rossi DNA in blood samples from infected
6 is subsp. vogeli, B. canis subsp. canis, and B. canis subsp. rossi DNA in canine blood samples.
7  B. neotomae are nonpathogenic to humans and B. canis human infections are rare.
8 is subsp. vogeli, B. canis subsp. rossi, and B. canis subsp. canis but not mammalian DNA.
9                             Only B. suis and B. canis isolates clustered together and could not be di
10      B. abortus, B. melitensis, B. suis, and B. canis produced identical PCR interspace profiles.
11 ed with clinical illness and with concurrent B. canis infection (by PCR).
12         Carbohydrate profiles differentiated B. canis from the other three Brucella species due to th
13 rate profiling is capable of differentiating B. canis from the other Brucella species.
14 d MLVA methods are limited in discriminating B. canis strains.
15 c assay is a highly discriminatory assay for B. canis genotyping, and can serve as a useful molecular
16                   A new MLVA-13Bc method for B. canis genotyping was established by combining eight n
17 hesion process, the structure of Bc28.1 from B. canis appears unrelated to the previously published s
18 ferentiate Babesia gibsoni (Asian genotype), B. canis subsp. vogeli, B. canis subsp. canis, and B. ca
19 nd discriminate B. gibsoni (Asian genotype), B. canis subsp. vogeli, B. canis subsp. canis, and B. ca
20 rRNA genes from B. gibsoni (Asian genotype), B. canis subsp. vogeli, B. canis subsp. rossi, and B. ca
21 equences of Brucella abortus, B. melitensis, B. canis, and B. suis.
22 e, marine mammal isolates (no species name), B. canis, and B. suis, confirmed that all but the latter
23 es-Brucella abortus, B. melitensis, B. suis, B. canis, and B. ovis-using whole-genome comparisons.
24 , only forming a monophyletic clade when the B. canis genome was included.
25 more closely related to B. divergens than to B. canis (a canine parasite).
26 ni (Asian genotype), B. canis subsp. vogeli, B. canis subsp. canis, and B. canis subsp. rossi DNA in
27 ni (Asian genotype), B. canis subsp. vogeli, B. canis subsp. canis, and B. canis subsp. rossi DNA in
28 ni (Asian genotype), B. canis subsp. vogeli, B. canis subsp. rossi, and B. canis subsp. canis but not
29 es, 16 with a Bartonella species, and 7 with B. canis.

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