


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 that control expression of a gene encoding a B7 costimulatory molecule.
2 complex class I but not class II antigens or B7 costimulatory molecules.
3 es are poor APCs that only minimally express B7 costimulatory molecules.
4 processing machinery, many contain MHC I and B7 costimulatory molecules.
5 i through the differential regulation of the B7 costimulatory molecules.
6  induction was associated with expression of B7 costimulatory molecules.
7 ycoprotein related to the extended family of B7 costimulatory molecules.
8 tumors genetically engineered to express the B7 costimulatory molecules amplifies the antitumor immun
9     These results identify a unique role for B7 costimulatory molecules and CD28 in the activation of
10 s expressing high levels of MHC class II and B7 costimulatory molecules and ingested myelin debris ch
11  known as CD274 or PD-L1) is a member of the B7 costimulatory molecules and plays a critical immunore
12  displayed significant up-regulation of both B7 costimulatory molecules, and B7.2 up-regulation was m
13                           In psoriasis, CD28/B7 costimulatory molecules are well characterized.
14 ese results suggest that B cells, expressing B7 costimulatory molecules, are required in the absence
15                                          The B7 costimulatory molecules B7-1 and B7-2 provide the "se
16                     We evaluated the role of B7 costimulatory molecules (B7-1 and B7-2) in the immune
17                                              B7 costimulatory molecules (B7-1 and B7-2) provide signa
18 at have been transfected with genes encoding B7 costimulatory molecules become effective cellular vac
19 ke receptor (TLR)-mediated expression of the B7 costimulatory molecules CD80 and CD86, is critical fo
20            CTLA4 (CD152), a receptor for the B7 costimulatory molecules (CD80 and CD86), is considere
21  levels of MHC class II molecules, CD40, and B7 costimulatory molecules (CD86, B7-H1, and B7-DC) on D
22 s by down-regulating MHC class II as well as B7 costimulatory molecule expression on accessory cells.
23 controls, indicating that MRP-8/14 regulates B7-costimulatory molecule expression.
24                        Moreover, blockade of B7 costimulatory molecules fails to prevent tumor reject
25                                          The B7 costimulatory molecules govern many aspects of T cell
26 TLA-4 (CD152), through interactions with the B7 costimulatory molecules, has been shown to be a negat
27     This study underscores the importance of B7 costimulatory molecules in controlling the amplitude
28       We examined the temporal expression of B7 costimulatory molecules in the CNS and in various lym
29                   To investigate the role of B7 costimulatory molecules in this autoimmune disease, w
30 of dendritic cells expressing high levels of B7 costimulatory molecules into the lymph nodes, which i
31 ity to express the required MHC class II and B7 costimulatory molecules necessary for efficient activ
32 ctions between CD28 or CTLA-4 on T cells and B7 costimulatory molecules on APCs.
33 e of this study was to determine the role of B7 costimulatory molecules on T-helper-cell differentiat
34 yrophilin family member with homology to the B7 costimulatory molecules, polymorphisms of which have
35                                Expression of B7 costimulatory molecules represents an important compa
36 nal (signal 1) in the presence or absence of B7 costimulatory molecules (signal 2).
37 d the ability of antibodies directed against B7 costimulatory molecules to regulate this chronic viru
38  and B cells prevents the down-modulation of B7 costimulatory molecules usually observed in the absen

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