


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 l Z(+) cells in oral hairy leukoplakia being BLIMP1(+).
2 r B lymphocyte-induced maturation protein 1 (Blimp1).
3 r B-lymphocyte-induced maturation protein 1 (BLIMP1).
4 s in B-cell differentiation: LMO2 and PRDM1 (Blimp1).
5 ctional activity of the transcription factor Blimp1.
6 ession of the transcription factors Tbet and Blimp1.
7  of physiological repressors such as BCL6 or BLIMP1.
8 f the microRNA let-7c, which is regulated by BLIMP1.
9 asmacytoid differentiation, notably IRF4 and BLIMP1.
10 essed genes including Chordin, Cerberus, and Blimp1.
11 ied an extended set of promoters occupied by BLIMP1.
12 -7 maturation and consequential induction of BLIMP1.
13 SG and express the transcriptional repressor Blimp1.
14 nd to a region homologous to the location of BLIMP1.
15 ry T cells occurs normally in the absence of Blimp1.
16 tion of the transcription repressor PRD1-BF1/Blimp1.
17 ises results in sustained elevated levels of Blimp1.
18 hen they differentiate and express wild-type BLIMP1.
19 ng electroporation abolished the function of Blimp1.
20 lasma cells due to impaired up-regulation of BLIMP1.
21           BCL6 (26%), CD10 (0%), BCL2 (31%), Blimp1 (0.02%), and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) (20%) showe
22  B cells had elevated TLR9 and PAX5, but not BLIMP1 (a gene-expression pattern associated with mature
23  show that the cellular transcription factor BLIMP1, a key player in both epithelial and B-cell diffe
24 itiated by signals that induce expression of Blimp1, a key regulator of the germ cell, in a few epibl
25 r cell mass (ICM)-generated cells expressing Blimp1, a key transcriptional repressor of the somatic p
26 Ets-1 negatively regulates the expression of Blimp1, a known suppressor of IL-2 expression, ablation
27                                              Blimp1, a transcriptional repressor, has a crucial role
28                                              Blimp1, a zinc-finger containing DNA-binding transcripti
29                                              Blimp1 ablation in E12.5 mouse dermal fibroblasts delaye
30 ranscription factors such as IRF4, XBP1, and BLIMP1 accompanied by a strong inhibition of proliferati
31                                   To explore Blimp1 activities at later stages in the embryo proper,
32                                              BLIMP1 addition was sufficient to induce reactivation in
33                   In all cases studied, both BLIMP1 alleles were inactivated by deletions or mutation
34                    Furthermore, we show that Blimp1 (also called Prdm1), a let-7 target and a master
35 ma cells expressing the transcription factor Blimp1 (also known as Prdm1).
36                                              BLIMP1 alterations included gene truncations, nonsense m
37  zinc finger transcriptional repressor Prdm1/Blimp1, an essential regulator of placenta development,
38 s respond to IL-27 and IL-12 by upregulating Blimp1 and adopt a Tr-1-like phenotype characterized by
39                Let-7c reciprocally inhibited Blimp1 and also blocked LPS-induced suppressor of cytoki
40 tes the transcription factors gatae and krox/blimp1 and both of these transcription factors also feed
41                                              Blimp1 and E2A directly regulated Cxcr5 expression and,
42  confirm and extend the competitive model of BLIMP1 and IRF interaction.
43  transient period of il10 transcription, the blimp1 and irf4 transcription factors were induced in B1
44                               At such sites, BLIMP1 and IRFs can antagonistically regulate promoter a
45 with Foxp3(+) Treg-cell specific deletion of Blimp1 and other approaches, here we show that Foxp3(+)
46  to regulate Blimp1 expression via B108, and Blimp1 and Otx2 were shown to form a negative feedback l
47 creting cells by controlling the activity of Blimp1 and Pax5 and may be required for B cell tolerance
48 ession of IRF8 and Bcl6 which are targets of Blimp1 and potent osteoclastogenic transcriptional repre
49 IRF4 promoted the expression and function of Blimp1 and T-bet, two transcription factors required for
50  important for suppressing the expression of Blimp1 and TH1-associated genes and for positively regul
51 fferentiation possibly through repression of Blimp1 and that Fancc(-/-) B cells are hypersensitive to
52 ls, including altered expression of BCL6 and BLIMP1 and unique expression of chemokine receptors that
53 this circuit generates an expanding torus of blimp1 and wnt8 expression.
54  Thus even-skipped and hox11/13b, along with blimp1 and wnt8, are members of a cohort of torus genes
55 ring the long isoform had significantly less BLIMP1 and XBP1 mRNA and, for human pre-B cells, remaine
56 and CD138 positive, demonstrated upregulated BLIMP1 and XBP1 mRNA, and acquired the morphology of pla
57 , TBX21 (T-bet), NFIL3 (E4BP4), ZEB2, PRDM1 (BLIMP1), and RORA mRNA levels are higher in CD56(dim) ce
58 rectly bound to the promoter region of IRF4, BLIMP1, and BCL2.
59 tion of key osteoclastogenic factors NFATc1, BLIMP1, and c-FOS by inhibiting ITAM-mediated expression
60 ss the zinc finger transcriptional repressor Blimp1, and demonstrate that this subset of highly clono
61 n-regulates the expression of IRF4 and PRDM1/BLIMP1, and memory B cell-enriched hsa-miR-223 down-regu
62 ion factors IFN regulatory factor (IRF)4 and Blimp1, and paradoxically also activation-induced deamin
63 n MHC II and plasma cell markers MUM1, PRDM1/Blimp1, and XBP1s.
64                                              Blimp1 appears to govern cellular input into the gland s
65 RDI-BF1 or BLIMP1 gene and its mouse homolog Blimp1 are members of the recently realized PR domain fa
66 analyzed in transgenic embryos, establishing Blimp1 as a direct Gli target and identifying Gli activa
67           These findings point to a role for BLIMP1 as a tumor suppressor gene, whose inactivation ma
68 re we identify the transcriptional regulator Blimp1 as crucial to induce IL-10 in inflammatory T help
69  colleagues have identified FOXO3 and PRDM1 (Blimp1) as tumor suppressor genes with a potentially cri
70 tory reconstruction experiment revealed that blimp1 autorepression accounts for progressive extinctio
71 ression of the zinc finger repressor protein Blimp1 (B-lymphocyte-induced maturation protein), the cr
72 tiple motif variants are required to capture BLIMP1 binding specificity.
73 in I-binding factor 1 (PRDI-BF1, also called BLIMP1) binds the ISRE sites and competes with ISGF3 bin
74 s, and mice with T cell-specific deletion of Blimp1 (Blimp1CKO mice) spontaneously develop severe int
75 trikingly, Zbtb20 induction does not require Blimp1 but depends directly on Irf4, acting at a newly i
76  more about functional contributions made by Blimp1+ cell lineages here we perform the first single-c
77 Prdm1.Cre-LacZ allele demonstrate that these Blimp1(+) cells give rise to the mature SpA-TGCs, canal
78                             We observed that Blimp1+ cells gave rise to all photoreceptors, but also
79                    Transcriptome analysis of Blimp1 CKO macrophages identified the murine chemokine (
80  the precociously generated bipolar cells in Blimp1 CKO mice co-expressed GFP, suggesting that rods b
81 ed elevated levels of Ccl8, and consequently Blimp1 CKO mice had higher levels of circulating CCL8, r
82          Birthdating analyses in control and Blimp1 CKO mice showed that bipolar cells were birthdate
83 O) of Blimp1 in myeloid cells and found that Blimp1 CKO mice were protected from lethal infection ind
84 r cells were birthdated as early as E13.5 in Blimp1 CKO mice, five days before this cell type was gen
85 oked for transitioning rod photoreceptors in Blimp1 conditional knock-out (CKO) mice carrying the NRL
86                    In addition, we show that Blimp1 controls common and unique aspects of Treg and Te
87                 We demonstrate that KLF4 and BLIMP1 cooperatively induce the expression of LMP1, even
88                               Alternatively, Blimp1 could be expressed broadly in Otx2+ cells and sil
89                                In principle, Blimp1 could be expressed only in Otx2+ cells that are c
90                                      Using a Blimp1-Cre germline conditional knockout, we discovered
91 ed the fate of Blimp1 expressing cells using Blimp1-Cre mice and Lox-Stop-Lox reporter strains.
92                                            A Blimp1-Cre transgenic strain was also exploited to gener
93                                              Blimp1 deficient embryos die at mid-gestation, but surpr
94                                              Blimp1-deficient DCs exhibited elevated expression of MH
95 re we explored further phenotypic changes in Blimp1-deficient DCs, the molecular mechanism underlying
96 ributing to the proinflammatory phenotype of Blimp1-deficient DCs.
97                                 Accordingly, Blimp1-deficient effector T cells fail to produce IL-10,
98                                              BLIMP1-deficient macrophages expressed elevated levels o
99                                              Blimp1 deletion results in excess bipolar cell formation
100 quisition of pluripotency does not require a Blimp1-dependent PGC intermediate state.
101                              We propose that Blimp1-dependent recruitment of Tle4 to the Ifng locus c
102 ew insights into the chromatin landscape and Blimp1-dependent regulatory networks governing trophobla
103  trophoblast stem cells allow us to identify Blimp1-dependent transcripts enriched in SpA-TGCs.
104 ng domain was required for reactivation, but BLIMP1 did not directly bind the nucleotide (nt) -660 Rp
105 y, we identify a population of proliferating Blimp1(+) diploid cells present within the spongiotropho
106                                      Loss of Blimp1 disrupts epithelial architecture and lumen format
107 CpG content, leading to the observation that BLIMP1 DNA-binding is methylation sensitive.
108                       The mechanism by which BLIMP1 does so involves strongly turning on expression o
109 f B lymphocyte-induced maturation protein 1 (Blimp1) does not rescue the expression of IL-2 by Ets-1-
110 regulatory network, established by SOX17 and BLIMP1, drives comprehensive germline DNA demethylation
111 d the secretion of IgM without up-regulating Blimp1, driving the cells towards an intermediate activa
112 e polarization between Bcl6(+) Tfh cells and Blimp1(+) effector Th cell populations developed by 72 h
113     Finally, we used IgM1:eGFP and cd45DsRed;blimp1:eGFP zebrafish to characterize plasma B cells and
114 cers of Prdm1 and Prdm14 in EpiLCs in vitro; BLIMP1 (encoded by Prdm1) then directly induces Tfap2c.
115 t induces expression of transcription factor BLIMP1 (encoded by Prdm1), which regulates plasma cell d
116 r B lymphocyte-induced maturation protein-1 (Blimp1) exhibit a lupus-like phenotype, secondary to enh
117  these alternatives, we followed the fate of Blimp1 expressing cells using Blimp1-Cre mice and Lox-St
118 genetic lineage tracing, we demonstrate that Blimp1-expressing cells are upstream from other cells of
119 was also exploited to generate a fate map of Blimp1-expressing cells.
120       On the molecular level, Fra1 represses Blimp1 expression and interferes with binding of the act
121 ation domains, we propose that Fra1 inhibits Blimp1 expression and negatively controls plasma cell di
122 in culture significantly increased CD138 and Blimp1 expression and PC-specific IgM, but did not affec
123 n of activated B cells is required to foster Blimp1 expression but needs to be terminated to avoid ov
124                                        Thus, Blimp1 expression defines a mammary stem cell subpopulat
125 east cancer models, shows that the increased Blimp1 expression depends on both MAPK activation and mi
126                              Rather, loss of Blimp1 expression disrupts morphogenesis of the caudal b
127 asm that is inherited from the egg; in mice, Blimp1 expression in the epiblast mediates the commitmen
128 ession of VEGF signaling diminishes PRD1-BF1/Blimp1 expression in tumor vasculature and inhibits intr
129         Previous reports showed that ectopic BLIMP1 expression induces reactivation in some EBV-posit
130                       Thus, we conclude that BLIMP1 expression is both necessary and sufficient to in
131 c germ cells that are derived from PGCs when Blimp1 expression is lost.
132                                 Indeed, high Blimp1 expression levels are detected in invasive p130Ca
133                                              Blimp1 expression marks a rare subpopulation of unipoten
134                     Our results suggest that Blimp1 expression stabilizes immature photoreceptors by
135 whereas IL2Ralpha(hi) cells exhibited strong Blimp1 expression that repressed Bcl6 (effector Th cell
136      Otx2 and RORbeta were found to regulate Blimp1 expression via B108, and Blimp1 and Otx2 were sho
137                     Thus, the association of Blimp1 expression with ESC development furthers understa
138  SOX11 silencing downregulates PAX5, induces BLIMP1 expression, and promotes the shift from a mature
139 gous phenotypic changes, including decreased BLIMP1 expression, increased let-7c expression, and incr
140 nt BACH2 and IRF8 downregulation, sustaining BLIMP1 expression, the master regulator for PC different
141 nerate a beta-catenin/Tcf input required for blimp1 expression, while the wnt8 gene in turn requires
142 s-regulatory module (CRM), B108, that mimics Blimp1 expression.
143 ls plasma cell differentiation by repressing Blimp1 expression.
144  RBPJ expression, resulting in a decrease of Blimp1 expression.
145 ivates a feed-forward loop in which KLF4 and BLIMP1 first activate LMP1 expression and then cooperate
146 ory conditions, the intrinsic requirement of Blimp1 for homeostatic maintenance of these T cell subse
147 the first time the defects caused by loss of Blimp1 function in the mouse.
148                        The human PRDI-BF1 or BLIMP1 gene and its mouse homolog Blimp1 are members of
149 ic program and regulated by a balanced SOX17-BLIMP1 gene dosage.
150                      We report here that the BLIMP1 gene is inactivated by structural alterations in
151                                          The blimp1 gene is itself linked into a feedback circuit tha
152                                              BLIMP1 gene transcription was activated by TGF-beta1 via
153 able fraction of ABC-DLBCL carry an inactive BLIMP1 gene, and suggest that the same gene is inactivat
154 ork subcircuit comprising the otx, wnt8, and blimp1 genes accounts for a moving torus of gene express
155  subcircuit that includes the otx, wnt8, and blimp1 genes, the cis-regulatory control systems of whic
156 tal abnormalities, whereas transheterozygous Blimp1(gfp/-) embryos with further reduced expression le
157                           Here, we show that Blimp1 has a novel interaction with Prmt5, an arginine-s
158                                              Blimp1 has been shown to function as a direct activator
159 functional annotation analysis revealed that Blimp1 has broadly shared as well as cell type-specific
160                The transcriptional repressor Blimp1 has now been shown to be required in embryonic sl
161 PGC allocation around 7.25 days post coitum, Blimp1 heterozygous embryos exhibit decreased numbers of
162 akage and tissue apoptosis, and, strikingly, Blimp1 homozygous mutants entirely lack PGCs.
163  inhibited by the transcriptional regulators Blimp1, Id2 and Id3.
164                       To examine the role of BLIMP1 in innate immunity, we used a conditional knockou
165        The specific high-level expression of Blimp1 in late B and plasma cells, its induction during
166 s DC phenotype and confirm the importance of BLIMP1 in maintaining tolerogenic DCs in both mice and h
167 ely, these data reveal an important role for BLIMP1 in modulating host defenses by suppressing expres
168 ity, we used a conditional knockout (CKO) of Blimp1 in myeloid cells and found that Blimp1 CKO mice w
169 ll, our study reveals the functional role of Blimp1 in promoting the dermal papilla inductive signali
170 last by sequential upregulation of SOX17 and BLIMP1 in response to WNT and BMP signalling.
171  inflammation, indicating a crucial role for Blimp1 in T cell homeostasis regulation.
172                  We analyzed the function of Blimp1 in the mouse retina using a conditional deletion
173                       The DNA motif bound by BLIMP1 in vitro overlaps with that of interferon regulat
174 anscription factor Prdm1 (also called Ubo or Blimp1) in response to Hedgehog (Hh) signalling, express
175 dent cellular transcription factors KLF4 and BLIMP1 induce lytic EBV reactivation in epithelial cells
176                           siRNA knockdown of BLIMP1 inhibited 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (
177 consistent with the latter alternative: that Blimp1 inhibits bipolar competence in Otx2+ cells and mu
178 sion, while the wnt8 gene in turn requires a Blimp1 input.
179 to occupied promoters containing overlapping BLIMP1/IRF motifs (e.g. AIM2, SP110, BTN3A3) are shown t
180                     The transcription factor BLIMP1 is a master regulator of primordial germ cell (PG
181 rst time, that the transcriptional repressor Blimp1 is a novel mediator of p130Cas/ErbB2-mediated inv
182                                     Notably, Blimp1 is also dispensable for reprogramming epiSCs to E
183 experimental validation we demonstrated that Blimp1 is both a target and a mediator of key dermal pap
184 sing a genetic approach, we demonstrate that Blimp1 is dispensable for the derivation and maintenance
185                                              Blimp1 is dynamically expressed at diverse tissue sites
186                            Here we show that Blimp1 is dynamically regulated in dermal papilla cells
187  zinc finger transcriptional repressor Prdm1/Blimp1 is essential for specification of spiral artery t
188                                  In T cells, Blimp1 is expressed in both effector (Teff) and regulato
189                   Later in development Prdm1/Blimp1 is expressed in many other tissues, including pha
190                    Although in the epidermis Blimp1 is important for keratinocyte and sebocyte differ
191                  Our study demonstrates that Blimp1 is involved in a novel transcriptional regulatory
192                               Thus, although Blimp1 is obligatory for PGC specification, it is not re
193          Considerable evidence suggests that Blimp1 is required for the establishment of anteroposter
194 t Foxp3(+) Treg cell-intrinsic expression of Blimp1 is required to control Treg and Teff cells homeos
195 Collectively, these results demonstrate that Blimp1 is required to maintain a highly proliferative lu
196 e pluripotent state, it is not known whether Blimp1 is similarly involved.
197                            In mouse embryos, Blimp1 is strongly expressed in axial mesendoderm, the t
198                                              Blimp1 is transiently expressed in Otx2+ cells.
199 r B lymphocyte-induced maturation protein 1 (BLIMP1) is a master regulator of B and T cell differenti
200 )/B lymphocyte-induced maturation protein 1 (BLIMP1) is a transcriptional repressor expressed in a su
201   B-lymphocyte-induced maturation protein 1 (Blimp1) is a transcriptional repressor that regulates ce
202 get set which is preferentially activated by BLIMP1 knock-down.
203 ly, and shown to respond to blockade of both Blimp1/Krox and Tcf1/beta-catenin inputs just as does th
204  We confirmed previously published data that blimp1/krox autoregulates its own expression, but discov
205                   During cleavage stages the blimp1/krox gene is expressed in the large micromeres an
206                                          The blimp1/krox gene of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, forme
207  analysis to be activated by inputs from the blimp1/krox gene, itself expressed zygotically in the en
208                    The Tcf1/beta-catenin and Blimp1/Krox inputs are both necessary for normal endomes
209 The MASO perturbation analysis also revealed blimp1/krox inputs into other genes of the endomesoderm
210                            The expression of blimp1/krox is dynamic, and involves several distinct sp
211                  A different splice variant, blimp1/krox1a, is expressed only from gastrula stage onw
212                This construct closely mimics blimp1/krox1b expression during early stages of sea urch
213  that the SG defects associated with loss of Blimp1 lead to enhanced bulge stem cell activity, sugges
214             Functional studies indicate that Blimp1, like BCL-6, can block IRF-4-transactivating abil
215                                              Blimp1 likely forms a cross-repressive network with pro-
216 ially dependent on the transcription factor, BLIMP1, linking plasma cell commitment and cessation of
217                                          The BLIMP1 locus lies on chromosome 6q21-q22.1, a region fre
218 enhancers and a distal element at the Prdm1 (Blimp1) locus, E-proteins contributed to Igk, Igh, and P
219                                              Blimp1(+) luminal stem cells give rise to Blimp1(-) prog
220                                              Blimp1 may also have a role in the maintenance of early
221              The data led us to suggest that BLIMP1 may be a candidate B-NHL tumor suppressor gene.
222 death into T cell-independent proliferation, Blimp1-mediated plasmablast differentiation, and autoant
223 motif) ligand 8, CCL8, as a direct target of Blimp1-mediated transcriptional repression in these cell
224 nhancer-targeted IRF2 protected LCLs against Blimp1-mediated tumor suppression.
225      In occupied promoters, only a subset of BLIMP1 motifs overlap with IRF motifs.
226  protein expression, despite the presence of BLIMP1 mRNA.
227                                              Blimp1 mutant embryos also show widespread blood leakage
228  its functional role remains unknown because Blimp1 mutant embryos arrest at E10.5 due to placental i
229 tenin was able to override the HF defects in Blimp1 mutant mice, underlining the close reciprocal rel
230  We have now mapped the physical location of BLIMP1 near the marker D6S447 on human chromosome 6q21-q
231                                 Importantly, Blimp1 not only silences TSC gene expression but also pr
232  is unknown, since an unbiased assessment of BLIMP1 occupancy in vivo is lacking.
233                           The GRN centers on Blimp1, one of the transcription factors (TFs) that regu
234        TG resulted in sustained BCL6 but not BLIMP1 or CD138 expression, which is consistent with mai
235 tif selection predicts that only a subset of BLIMP1 or IRF sites is subject to antagonistic regulatio
236                The transcriptional regulator Blimp1 plays crucial roles in controlling terminal diffe
237                                              Blimp1 plays essential roles in multipotent progenitor c
238 entified role that transcriptional repressor Blimp1 plays in the control of breast cancer invasivenes
239 ssion profiling indicated that many of these Blimp1-positive cells coexpress other genes typically as
240 may not entail an obligatory route through a Blimp1-positive PGC-like state.
241 ments revealed that ESCs commonly arise from Blimp1-positive precursors; indeed, prospective sorting
242 ells can become ESCs without first acquiring Blimp1 positivity.
243  zinc finger transcriptional repressor Prdm1/Blimp1 (PR domain containing 1, with ZNF domain; previou
244 sitive regulatory domain I-binding factor 1 (Blimp1/PRD1-BF1), a Kruppel-type zinc finger protein who
245    The zinc-finger transcriptional repressor Blimp1 (Prdm1) controls gene expression patterns during
246 toreceptor fate determination, we found that Blimp1 (Prdm1) is expressed transiently in developing ph
247                                              Blimp1 (Prdm1), the key determinant of primordial germ c
248                        Commensurately higher Blimp1/PRDM1 expression was detected in ERalpha-negative
249 of the zinc finger transcriptional repressor Blimp1/PRDM1 is essential for the establishment of epith
250        In sum, the transcriptional repressor Blimp1/Prdm1 is required for terminal differentiation of
251                      Developmental arrest of Blimp1/Prdm1 mutant embryos at around embryonic day 10.5
252                          Here we investigate Blimp1/Prdm1 requirements in the trophoblast cell lineag
253                                              Blimp1-Prmt5 colocalization results in high levels of H2
254 ubsequently, Dhx38, a putative target of the Blimp1-Prmt5 complex, is upregulated.
255                           However, at E11.5, Blimp1-Prmt5 translocates from the nucleus to the cytopl
256                                         Thus Blimp1 probably acts to turn off the default pathway tha
257    Blimp1(+) luminal stem cells give rise to Blimp1(-) progeny that are invariably Elf5(+)ERalpha(-)P
258  cell differentiation through binding to the Blimp1 promoter.
259 g of the activating AP-1 member c-Fos to the Blimp1 promoter.
260 on-GC type DLBCL cases (n = 20/26, 77%) lack BLIMP1 protein expression, despite the presence of BLIMP
261                                              Blimp1 protein repressed ERalpha (ESR1) gene transcripti
262 rate aberrant transcripts encoding truncated BLIMP1 proteins.
263                                        Thus, Blimp1 regulates proliferation, apoptosis and alveolar c
264                             We conclude that Blimp1 regulates the decision between photoreceptor and
265 r B lymphocyte-induced maturation protein-1 (BLIMP1) regulates gene expression and cell fate.
266                       Thus, the induction of Blimp1 represents a novel mechanism whereby the RelB NF-
267 the key regulator of hPGC-like fate, whereas BLIMP1 represses endodermal and other somatic genes duri
268                                              Blimp1 represses the incipient somatic program in these
269  of the hesC gene, however, is controlled by Blimp1 repression.
270 of c-Fos in Fra1 transgenic B cells releases Blimp1 repression.
271 e include activation by beta-catenin/Tcf and Blimp1, repression within the torus by Hox11/13b, and re
272 ly, the present experiments demonstrate that Blimp1 requirements in diverse cell types are exquisitel
273 e being three or more synergistically acting BLIMP1-responsive elements (BRE) within Rp.
274                                    TGFB1 and BLIMP1 RNA levels were correlated in patient breast tumo
275                                              BLIMP1's DNA-binding domain was required for reactivatio
276                            Here, we examined BLIMP1's role in inducing EBV lytic gene expression in n
277 document previously unappreciated aspects of Blimp1's role in T cell biology and shed light on the in
278                                     DCs from Blimp1 SLE-risk allele carriers exhibited analogous phen
279                                              BLIMP1 strongly induced transcription from Rp as well as
280 ore, cellular transcription factors, such as BLIMP1, that are key mediators of differentiation likely
281 n repressor/differentiation factor, PRDI-BF1/BLIMP1, through a conserved amino-terminal motif, the PR
282                                              Blimp1 thus represses the repressor of delta, thereby pe
283 n chromosome 6q21-q22.1; we have also mapped Blimp1 to mouse Chromosome 10 at 14 cM distal to the Myb
284 nctions with the master germline determinant BLIMP1 to promote primordial germ cell (PGC) specificati
285 r B lymphocyte-induced maturation protein 1 (BLIMP1) to promote MHC-II expression.
286 B, increased IgM secretion, up-regulation of Blimp1 transcription and decreased MHC-II surface expres
287 nactivated in myeloid leukemia, the PRDI-BF1/BLIMP1 transcription repressor of c-myc involved in driv
288                Moreover, we demonstrate that Blimp1 triggers cell invasion and metastasis formation v
289                  We identified Hrd1-mediated BLIMP1 ubiquitination as a previously unknown mechanism
290 ression and dominant-negative studies, Prdm1/Blimp1 was proposed to promote anterior endomesoderm and
291                  The latter gene, coding for BLIMP1, was inactivated by multiple mechanisms, more fre
292 two cellular transcription factors (KLF4 and BLIMP1) which cooperatively activate the two LMP1 promot
293         EZH2 inhibition in NHL cells induced BLIMP1, which impaired tumor growth.
294  Cell Stem Cell, Bao et al. demonstrate that Blimp1, which is required for primordial germ cell (PGC)
295 master regulator of plasma cell development, Blimp1 will in turn suppress AID expression and drive th
296 ontrolled at the cis-regulatory level by the blimp1-wnt8 torus-generating subcircuit now explains the
297 xpression of multiple key factors, including Blimp1, Xbp1, and CXCR4, and is therefore critical for e

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