


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              BMP-1 affects morphogenesis, at least partly, via biosyn
2                                              BMP-1 and mTLL-1 are shown to cleave Chordin, at sites s
3                                              BMP-1 is also related to the product of the Drosophila p
4                                              BMP-1 lacking CUB glycosylation was translocated to the
5                                              BMP-1 molecules lacking any one of the CUB-specific glyc
6                                              BMP-1 molecules lacking individual glycosylation sites w
7                                              BMP-1 stimulates the conversion of newly secreted proapo
8                                              BMP-1, however, differed from other BMPs in that it its
9                                              BMP-1-related proteases mammalian Tolloid and mammalian
10                                              BMP-1/tolloid-like proteinases (BTPs) are major enzymes
11                                        BI-1 (BMP-1 isoenzyme inhibitor-1), a selective inhibitor of a
12     Vertebrate bone morphogenetic protein 1 (BMP-1) and Drosophila Tolloid (TLD) are prototypes of a
13                Bone morphogenetic protein 1 (BMP-1) and mammalian Tolloid (mTLD), two proteinases enc
14 C-proteinases: bone morphogenetic protein 1 (BMP-1) and mammalian Tolloid (mTLD).
15 which includes bone morphogenetic protein 1 (BMP-1), mammalian Tolloid (mTLD), mammalian Tolloid-like
16                Bone morphogenetic protein 1 (BMP-1), which is a tolloid member of the astacin-like fa
17  gene encoding bone morphogenetic protein 1 (BMP-1).
18                Bone morphogenetic protein-1 (BMP-1) also plays key roles in regulating vertebrate mat
19 tant proteases bone morphogenetic protein-1 (BMP-1) and Drosophila Tolloid.
20                Bone morphogenetic protein-1 (BMP-1) is a metalloprotease that plays important roles i
21                Bone morphogenetic protein-1 (BMP-1) is a metalloprotease that plays key roles in regu
22                Bone morphogenetic protein-1 (BMP-1) plays key roles in regulating the deposition of v
23                  Bone morphogenic protein-1 (BMP-1) was originally identified as one of several BMPs
24                Bone morphogenetic protein-1 (BMP-1), a metalloprotease isolated from osteogenic extra
25 rocollagens by bone morphogenetic protein-1 (BMP-1), also known as type I procollagen C-proteinase ()
26 alloproteinase bone morphogenetic protein-1 (BMP-1), and for a gene encoding the closely related meta
27 of the family: bone morphogenetic protein-1 (BMP-1), mammalian tolloid (mTLD), tolloid-like (TLL)-1 a
28 loid and human bone morphogenetic protein-1 (BMP-1).
29 endoproteinase/bone morphogenetic protein-1 (BMP-1).
30 nases, such as bone morphogenetic protein-1 (BMP-1).
31 -propeptide by bone morphogenetic protein-1 (BMP-1).
32 enzymes of the bone morphogenetic protein-1 (BMP-1)/Tolloid family of metalloproteases that cleave LG
33                Bone morphogenetic protein-1 (BMP-1)/Tolloid-like metalloproteinases play key roles in
34  The mammalian bone morphogenetic protein-1 (BMP-1)/Tolloid-related metalloproteinases play key roles
35              Studies with recombinant BMP-1, BMP-1 antibody, and BMP-1 siRNA establish this proteinas
36                  In a proteinase survey, all BMP-1 isoenzymes processed human laminin-5 gamma2 and al
37  with recombinant BMP-1, BMP-1 antibody, and BMP-1 siRNA establish this proteinase as the major or on
38                             Both tolloid and BMP-1 encode metalloproteases that might activate TGF-be
39 n) was enhanced by PCPE-1 but not as well as BMP-1 retaining the CUB3 domain.
40 e used these differences in activity between BMP-1 and mTLL-2 to narrow in on the domains in BMP-1 th
41 s null for the Bmp1 gene, which encodes both BMP-1 and mammalian Tolloid, produce predominantly unpro
42 m of the propeptide resistant to cleavage by BMP-1/TLD proteinases can cause significant increases in
43                    alpha3 is also cleaved by BMP-1 in vitro, but the cleavage site is yet to be deter
44 -terminal sequences of products generated by BMP-1 cleavage of DMP1 match those predicted from proces
45 pro-alpha2(V) C-propeptides are processed by BMP-1-like enzymes, and pro-alpha1(V) C-propeptides are
46 sis, and that processing of the prodomain by BMP-1 potentiates the ability of OGN to modulate the for
47 otrimers, the processing of pro-alpha3(V) by BMP-1 occurs at an unexpected site within NH2-terminal g
48 (mTLL)-1 and -2 are two genetically distinct BMP-1-related proteinases, and mTLL-1 has been shown to
49            In the shorter form, pCP-1 (i.e., BMP-1), the sequence ends after the CUB3-domain.
50  many bone morphogenetic proteins-especially BMP-1, -3, and -4-to confer osteoinductivity upon these
51 oinductive because (1) they uniquely express BMP-1, (2) they express an appropriate combination of in
52 s redefining the specificity of cleavage for BMP-1-like enzymes.
53               As previously demonstrated for BMP-1 and mTLD, mTLL-1 is shown to specifically process
54              Saos-2 cells expressed mRNA for BMP-1, -2, -3, -4,-6, and TGF-beta 1.
55                     Thus, a further role for BMP-1-Tolloid-like proteinases in formation of mineraliz
56       However, in vivo evidence of roles for BMP-1 and mTLL-1 in BMP signaling in mammals is lacking.
57 lpha3 and gamma2 chains to be substrates for BMP-1 in vitro.
58 es alternatively spliced RNA transcripts for BMP-1 and for a second longer protein, designated mammal
59 ises a metalloproteinase domain (either from BMP-1 or from mTLL-2) and the CUB1 domain of BMP-1 (the
60 ort the use of a cDNA library, prepared from BMP-1/mTld-null mouse embryos, to isolate cDNA clones fo
61 alian sFRP-1, -2, and -4 do not modify human BMP-1 activity on several of its known substrates includ
62 ppears as a tight binding inhibitor of human BMP-1, with a K(i) of 1.5 +/- 0.5 nM, and is shown to st
63 t the same site as the previously identified BMP-1 cleavage site.
64 ontrast to its action on procollagens I-III, BMP-1 does not cleave the C-propeptide of pro-alpha1(V)
65  with either of the corresponding domains in BMP-1 and mTLL-2 did not result in procollagen cleavage
66 -1 and mTLL-2 to narrow in on the domains in BMP-1 that specify PCP and chordinase activity.
67 part of the innate immune response, inhibits BMP-1 activity and blocks the maturation of proapo A1.
68 Tll1 double null mouse embryos, thus lacking BMP-1/mTLD, mTLL-1, or all three enzymes, respectively,
69 r genes encoding three of the four mammalian BMP-1/Tolloid-like proteinases appear to be deficient in
70 sed to varying extents by all four mammalian BMP-1/Tolloid-like proteinases, to generate a 27-kDa spe
71 d, to varying extents, by all four mammalian BMP-1/Tolloid-like proteinases, to generate fragments si
72 r genes encoding three of the four mammalian BMP-1/Tolloid-related proteinases produce only unprocess
73 pression domains of all four known mammalian BMP-1/TLD-like proteases [BMP-1, mammalian Tolloid (mTLD
74 oids, but truncated forms of TLL-2 mimicking BMP-1 are unable to cleave chordin.
75 n differences in the activities of monomeric BMP-1 and dimers of mTLD and TLL-1.
76                            In addition, mTLD/BMP-1 null mice were shown to have deficient laminin-5 p
77 mp1 gene, which encodes variants of the mTLD/BMP-1 metalloproteases, as a critical regulator of alpha
78 h reduced laminin-gamma2 processing via mTLD/BMP-1.
79  that PCPE-1 had no effect on the ability of BMP-1 to cleave chordin.
80                     Thus, the combination of BMP-1/mTLD and mTLL-1 is shown to be responsible for the
81 BMP-1 or from mTLL-2) and the CUB1 domain of BMP-1 (the CUB1 domain of mTLL-2 cannot substitute for t
82 ollagen, but in addition, the CUB3 domain of BMP-1 appears to augment the interaction.
83 L-2 cannot substitute for the CUB1 domain of BMP-1).
84 ave chordin if coupled to the CUB1 domain of BMP-1.
85  it acts directly on the catalytic domain of BMP-1.
86 1) the metalloproteinase and CUB2 domains of BMP-1 are absolutely required for PCP activity; swaps wi
87 he glycosylation sites in the CUB domains of BMP-1 are important for secretion and stability of the m
88 atal, and adult brain in which expression of BMP-1 and mTld has not been observed.
89 cyte cultures but little or no expression of BMP-1, mTLL-1, or mTLL-2.
90 edundancy obscuring the in vivo functions of BMP-1-related proteases in mammals, we here characterize
91  as well as TGF-beta 1 mRNA, while levels of BMP-1 and BMP-3 mRNA were either not detectable or detec
92 sacrcoma cells, TGF-beta1 elevated levels of BMP-1 mRNA approximately 7-fold and elevated levels of m
93             The unexpectedly large number of BMP-1/TLD-like protease genes (23) results primarily fro
94                              The presence of BMP-1 and -4 protein was confirmed in Saos-2 cells by im
95         To more directly assess the roles of BMP-1 and mTLL-1 in lysyl oxidase activation by connecti
96 of PCPE mRNA is shown to differ from that of BMP-1 and type I procollagen during mouse development, c
97 ur known mammalian BMP-1/TLD-like proteases [BMP-1, mammalian Tolloid (mTLD), mammalian Tolloid-like
98 d that the minimal procollagen C-proteinase (BMP-1 lacking the EGF and CUB3 domain) was enhanced by P
99 e NC2 domain by the procollagen C-proteinase/BMP-1 in dimer assembly.
100                                  Recombinant BMP-1 cleaves gamma2 in vitro, both within intact lamini
101                                  Recombinant BMP-1 molecules lacking all glycosylation sites or the t
102                     Studies with recombinant BMP-1, BMP-1 antibody, and BMP-1 siRNA establish this pr
103 ons and were induced by TGF-beta1 to secrete BMP-1 and mTld predominantly as unprocessed proenzymes.
104                                     Secreted BMP-1 and mTld, induced by TGF-beta1 in MG-63 and other
105  up-regulated by TGF-beta1 and that secreted BMP-1, induced by TGF-beta1, is either processed to an a
106                  In vitro studies have shown BMP-1 and mTLL-1 capable of cleaving Chordin, an extrace
107                          Instead, the single BMP-1-specific cleavage site within pro-alpha1(V) chains
108 ession domains of the four proteases suggest BMP-1 as the major Chordin antagonist in early mammalian
109 strated developmental roles in other systems-BMP-1/TLD (tolloid) (astacins), MMPs (matrix metalloprot
110 e at the correct physiological site but that BMP-1 is 3-, 15-, and 20-fold more efficient than mTLL-1
111                           Here, we show that BMP-1 cleaves probiglycan at a single site, removing the
112                            Here we show that BMP-1 is itself up-regulated by TGF-beta1 and that secre
113                   This further suggests that BMP-1 activity facilitates basement membrane assembly, b
114              Sequence analysis suggests that BMP-1 has six potential N-linked glycosylation sites (i.
115                                          The BMP-1/Tolloid family of metalloproteases is thereby impl
116 ap extensively that previously shown for the BMP-1 and mTld RNA forms.
117       Consistent with possible roles for the BMP-1/Tolloid-like proteinases in the physiological proc
118 rventricular septum, where expression of the BMP-1 gene, Bmp1, was not observed.
119 mmunoblot and quantitative PCR survey of the BMP-1 isoenzymes revealed expression of mTLD in primary
120 ferent chromosomal location than that of the BMP-1/mTld gene.
121 gs raise the possibility that members of the BMP-1/TLD family may be involved in activating latent my
122                                   Therefore, BMP-1 was a member of the "astacin families" of zinc-req
123 hat procollagen C-proteinase is identical to BMP-1.
124 lloid, a putative metalloprotease related to BMP-1, enhances DPP function, while SOG, an ortholog of
125 ditional proteinases structurally similar to BMP-1 and mTLD: the genetically distinct mammalian Tollo
126 of the bone morphogenetic protein-1/tolloid (BMP-1/TLD) family of metalloproteinases can cleave the m
127                              Aplysia tolloid/BMP-1-like protein (apTBL-1) might regulate the morpholo
128 he interactions of Complement C1r/C1s, Uegf, BMP-1 (CUB) domain-containing proteins in diverse biolog
129 related to Drosophila tolloid and vertebrate BMP-1 (Reynolds et al., Development 114, 769-786).
130 ction may be mediated, at least in part, via BMP-1 by this novel mechanism.

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