


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              BMV encodes RNA replication factors 1a, with domains imp
2                                              BMV genomic RNA1 encodes protein 1a, which contains a me
3                                              BMV genomic RNAs and subgenomic RNA lacking the TLS fail
4                                              BMV mutants with decreased positive charges encapsidated
5                                              BMV purified from barley, wheat, and tobacco have distin
6                                              BMV replicase proteins 1a did not affect the accumulatio
7                                              BMV RNA replication compartments are not released from t
8                                              BMV RNA replication compartments show parallels with mem
9                                              BMV RNA1 and RNA2 could also traffic throughout the plan
10                                              BMV RNA3 was found to traffic from the initial site of e
11                                              BMV RNA3s with mutations in SLC were transfected into ba
12                                              BMV was distributed throughout the film but was more con
13                                              BMVs were isolated from male C57BL/6 and PPARalpha null
14 uperimposable upon those of the original T=3 BMV particles.
15 rmed to express BMV replicase proteins and a BMV RNA replication template with the capsid gene replac
16 ense RNA3 templates was copied with either a BMV replicase (RdRp) preparation or recombinant BMV prot
17   Pus4 also prevented the encapsidation of a BMV RNA in plants and the reassembly of BMV virions in v
18 ll-length RNAs, the same mutations abolished BMV RNA synthesis in transfected barley protoplasts.
19 for the replication and transcription of all BMV RNAs.
20  involving the CCA 3' sequence in one or all BMV RNAs still allowed RNA accumulation in barley protop
21 ition of the Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) and BMV SLCs indicates that the requirements in the BMV SLC
22  We have observed previously that in FHV and BMV, unlike ectopically expressed capsid protein (CP), p
23                However, Mga2p processing and BMV RNA replication are restored by supplementing free u
24 hile higher levels inhibited translation and BMV RNA replication.
25  same transformations were shown by TYMV and BMV RNA, and with heating, the RNA from STMV.
26 termine if 1a had similar effects on another BMV RNA replication template, we constructed a plasmid e
27 ding frames were precisely exchanged between BMV RNA 3 (B3) and FHV RNA 2 (F2), creating chimeric RNA
28 s in this work demonstrate a linkage between BMV RNA1 translation and replication.
29 idence that homologous recombination between BMV RNAs more likely occurs during positive- rather than
30 t in the tripartite brome mosaic bromovirus (BMV) RNA genome.
31 c promoter (sgp) in brome mosaic bromovirus (BMV) RNA3 supports frequent homologous recombination eve
32 stranded trisegment Brome mosaic bromovirus (BMV) was used to analyze the mechanism of homologous RNA
33 first described for Brome mosaic bromovirus (BMV), a model tripartite positive-sense RNA virus.
34                     Brome mosaic bromovirus (BMV), a tripartite plus-sense RNA virus, has been used a
35 the RNA3 segment of brome mosaic bromovirus (BMV), a tripartite plus-strand RNA virus.
36 nst MuV might be protected from infection by BMV.
37  UTR due to end-to-end template switching by BMV replicase during (-)-strand synthesis.
38 been identified that function in controlling BMV translation, selecting BMV RNAs as replication templ
39  was previously shown to severely debilitate BMV RNA replication in plants.
40 amiana leaves expressing replication-derived BMV CP as a green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion, in c
41  from ER accumulated in the cytoplasm during BMV infection.
42 o replicate in yeast, we show that efficient BMV RNA replication requires Lsm1p, a yeast protein rela
43 e stability of the virions that encapsidated BMV RNA2 and RNA3/4.
44     These results show that the encapsidated BMV RNAs reflect a combination of host effects on the ph
45 entify such host factors, we used engineered BMV derivatives to assay viral RNA replication in each s
46  constructed and tested for binding enriched BMV replicase in a template competition assay.
47                              Highly enriched BMV present in lysates had a surprising range of sizes,
48 h deletion strain was transformed to express BMV replicase proteins and a BMV RNA replication templat
49 bacterium tumefaciens to transiently express BMV RNAs in Nicotiana benthamiana.
50 emplate, we constructed a plasmid expressing BMV genomic RNA2 in vivo.
51                     Yeast strains expressing BMV RNA replication proteins 1a and 2a(pol) were enginee
52 nfect plants and provide material to extract BMV replicase that can perform template-dependent RNA-de
53 step in RNA replication complex assembly for BMV, and possibly for other positive-strand RNA viruses.
54 desaturase gene OLE1, which is essential for BMV RNA replication.
55 d that significant differences can exist for BMV RNA replication in different hosts.
56 d susceptibility and restriction factors for BMV and TBSV have been identified using yeast as a model
57 sequences that contain regulatory motifs for BMV RNA gene expression and replication.
58  sequence near the initiation nucleotide for BMV RNA accumulation in plant cells.
59  is, 2a exhibits a strong cis preference for BMV RNA2.
60                A portion of the promoter for BMV minus-strand RNA synthesis could substitute for the
61 eadenylated mRNA decapping were required for BMV RNA translation.
62 y the cis- and trans-acting requirements for BMV RNA replication in plants and that significant diffe
63 d for 1a to function in cis and in trans for BMV RNA accumulation.
64                   We also expressed the four BMV-encoded proteins from nonreplicating RNAs and analyz
65 t carries the AU-rich hot spot sequence from BMV.
66 r constructs, repression of translation from BMV RNA1 and RNA2 was observed, suggesting that the effe
67 esting that 1a may regulate translation from BMV RNAs.
68  steps that lead to assembly of a functional BMV RNA replication complex.
69 d peptides to select a human antibody, 5H/I1-BMV-D5 (D5), that binds to HR1 and inhibits the assembly
70                                           In BMV and FHV, genome packaging is coupled to replication,
71 To better understand the role of P bodies in BMV replication, we examined the subcellular locations o
72 rt here that involvement of DOA4 and BRO1 in BMV RNA replication is not dependent on the MVB pathway'
73 nternal termination and that encapsidates in BMV virions.
74 tion and characterization of host factors in BMV RNA replication.
75 e genes were shown previously to function in BMV replication, validating the approach.
76 t that in addition to its known functions in BMV RNA synthesis, 1a also regulates viral gene expressi
77   The previously unexpected heterogeneity in BMV should influence the timing of the infection and als
78  of ultrastructural modifications induced in BMV-infected N. benthamiana leaves revealed a reticulove
79  three isoforms of SOD and activity level in BMV on D-0, but these effects were not detected on D-3.
80 or RNA recruitment by 1a have been mapped in BMV genomic RNA2 and RNA3.
81 ought to examine the role of RNA polarity in BMV recombination by expressing a series of replication-
82  induce vesicles similar to those present in BMV infections.
83  we have studied homologous recombination in BMV RNA1 and RNA2 components during infection.
84  through an intergenic replication signal in BMV genomic RNA3 to stabilize RNA3 and induce RNA3 to as
85 indings suggest that fibrates elevate SOD in BMV through PPARalpha, which contributes to the infarct
86 the intercistronic recombination hot spot in BMV RNA3.
87  RNA synthesis are not identical to those in BMV, suggesting that the subgenomic core promoter can in
88            Deletion of the oligo(A) tract in BMV RNA3 inhibited synthesis of sgRNA3a during infection
89  flexible N-terminal arm of the CP increased BMV RNA replication and virion production.
90 rt and expand the conclusion that 1a-induced BMV RNA stabilization and membrane association reflect e
91 RNA accumulation, but dramatically inhibited BMV systemic spread in plants.
92  a defective Lsm1p-7p/Pat1p complex inhibits BMV RNA translation primarily by stalling or slowing the
93                 Efficient incorporation into BMV virions of nonviral RNA chimeras containing NE and t
94 urprisingly, virions assembled from TLS-less BMV RNA in the presence of tRNAs or TLS-containing short
95 tase (SOD) levels in the brain microvessels (BMVs).
96 that phosphorylation of the capsid modulates BMV infection.
97                                    Moreover, BMV RNA replication templates were still recovered from
98 ane invaginations induced by multifunctional BMV protein 1a.
99 plasts transfected with wild-type and mutant BMV transcripts.
100       Mass spectrometry shows that in native BMV virions, a significant fraction of the amino-termina
101                         Using the ability of BMV to replicate in yeast, we show that efficient BMV RN
102 ate's initiation site on the accumulation of BMV RNA3 genomic minus-strand, genomic plus-strand, and
103 bservations suggest that the accumulation of BMV RNAs in P bodies may be an important step in RNA rep
104  the known pH-dependent swelling behavior of BMV virions.
105  to the perinuclear ER, or colocalization of BMV 2a polymerase, nor did it block spherule formation.
106 , overlapping, nonreplicating derivatives of BMV genomic RNA3.
107 g residues severely reduced encapsidation of BMV RNA1 without affecting the encapsidation of RNA2.
108 ted defects in the specific encapsidation of BMV RNA4.
109 dditional restraints in the encapsidation of BMV RNAs, which could be applicable to other viruses.
110 nt MuV bearing the F and HN glycoproteins of BMV (rMuVJL5-F/HNBMV) virus and rMuVJL5 were demonstrate
111  virus bearing the F and HN glycoproteins of BMV in the background of a recombinant JL5 genome (rMuVJ
112                                Inhibition of BMV RNA translation was selective, with no effect on gen
113 rom peripheral ER tubules to the interior of BMV-induced RNA replication compartments on perinuclear
114 on, we examined the subcellular locations of BMV RNAs in yeast cells.
115 ement the defective cell-to-cell movement of BMV.
116 a series of replication-defective mutants of BMV RNA3 in (+) or (-) polarity.
117 nsequence of the nonpolyadenylated nature of BMV RNAs but also involved the combined effects of the v
118                                     Pairs of BMV RNA3 variants carrying marker mutations at different
119 e determined by coinoculations with pairs of BMV RNA3 variants that carried a duplicated sgp region f
120 expressed from the nontranslated portions of BMV RNA1 and RNA2, suggesting that 1a may regulate trans
121 encapsidation was due to the purification of BMV particles to homogeneity.
122 of a BMV RNA in plants and the reassembly of BMV virions in vitro.
123 ulate BMV RNA translation and recruitment of BMV RNAs from translation to viral RNA replication compl
124 ion, and both translation and recruitment of BMV RNAs to viral RNA replication are regulated by a cel
125 rted at the modified 3' noncoding regions of BMV RNA3 and RNA2 in either positive or negative orienta
126     All eight mapped to noncoding regions of BMV RNAs, and the positions of seven localized to sequen
127 he mechanism for the differential release of BMV RNAs from virions is unknown, since 180 copies of th
128 nts in the 3' untranslated region of RNA1 of BMV purified from barley and wheat, but not from tobacco
129                                  The role of BMV RNA1 in increased repair was examined.
130 n this work, we describe a novel 5' sgRNA of BMV (sgRNA3a) that we propose arises by premature intern
131 busvirus can use the recombination signal of BMV.
132 lthough the subcellular localization site of BMV replication has been identified, that of the capsid
133 ated replication complex that is the site of BMV-specific RNA-dependent RNA synthesis in plant and ye
134 orce microscopy showed that the stiffness of BMV virions with different RNAs varied by a range that i
135 ombinants generated by template switching of BMV replicase with a nascent UTR from WT RNA1 or RNA2 du
136 e in Fny-CMV plays a role similar to that of BMV SLC in interacting with the CMV replicase.
137 ovement protein increased the trafficking of BMV RNAs.
138 on the pH-dependent structural transition of BMV has also been investigated.
139 tion studies clearly revealed that uptake of BMV was higher from hydrophobic FFS than that from the m
140 n the presence of MCT, the overall uptake of BMV was increased and provides the basis for further opt
141 -strand synthesis had only modest effects on BMV replication in barley protoplasts.
142 plicating RNAs and analyzed their effects on BMV RNA accumulation.
143 ve sites of 1a and analyzed their effects on BMV RNA3 replication in yeast.
144            Alterations of CCA to GGA in only BMV RNA3 also allowed RNA accumulation at wild-type leve
145 inserts through modification of the original BMV vector RNA sequence.
146 d sequencing revealed that, unlike any other BMV RNA segment, sgRNA3a carries a 3' oligo(A) tail, in
147 the BMV 2a polymerase does not require other BMV proteins to initiate RNA synthesis but that the 1a h
148 ding regions, most likely due to error-prone BMV RNA replication.
149 le into virions when incubated with purified BMV coat protein.
150  replicase (RdRp) preparation or recombinant BMV protein 2a.
151 e yeast LSM1 gene is required for recruiting BMV RNA from translation to replication.
152                             1a also recruits BMV replication templates such as genomic RNA3.
153 to endoplasmic reticulum membranes, recruits BMV 2a polymerase and viral RNA templates, and forms mem
154 ctin Patch Protein 1 (App1) modestly reduced BMV genomic plus-strand RNA accumulation, but dramatical
155             Others are needed to co-regulate BMV RNA translation and recruitment of BMV RNAs from tra
156 d, membrane-associated compartments, require BMV replication factors 1a and 2a, and use negative-stra
157 on in controlling BMV translation, selecting BMV RNAs as replication templates, activating the replic
158  genes whose absence inhibited or stimulated BMV RNA replication and/or gene expression by 3- to >25-
159 ng a functional GFP-2a fusion that supported BMV RNA replication and subgenomic mRNA transcription.
160  RNA replication proteins 1a and 2a supports BMV RNA replication and mRNA synthesis.
161 osaic virus (BMV) replication, also supports BMV RNA recombination.
162               These results demonstrate that BMV RNAs can use a replication-independent mechanism to
163 tive-strand promoters and demonstrating that BMV can give rise to subgenomic RNA replicons.
164 found by ectopic expression experiments that BMV CP itself has the intrinsic property of modifying ER
165                In protoplasts, we found that BMV RNA3s with their SLCs replaced with two different CM
166                             We observed that BMV genomic RNA2 and RNA3 accumulated in P bodies in a m
167                   Our results also show that BMV RNA replication depends on additional Mga2p-regulate
168                                 We show that BMV RNA replication is inhibited 80-90% by deleting the
169                                 We show that BMV RNA replication is severely inhibited by a mutation
170                      Prior results show that BMV RNA replication is severely inhibited by deletion of
171 eletion and medium supplementation show that BMV RNA replication requires unsaturated fatty acids, no
172                    We previously showed that BMV RNA replication in yeast is severely inhibited prior
173                                          The BMV CP has also been shown to preferentially bind to an
174                                          The BMV model contains amino acid residues 41-189 for the pe
175                                          The BMV particle, with a maximum diameter of 195 A, is made
176                                          The BMV replicase enzyme supported a lower recombination fre
177 inct interactions between the capsid and the BMV genomic RNAs.
178 RNA into a template for RNA synthesis by the BMV replicase in vitro.
179 ition of the subgenomic core promoter by the BMV replicase.
180  In transiently transfected human cells, the BMV polymerase 2a activated signaling by the innate immu
181 n RNA3 trafficked into leaves containing the BMV replication enzymes, RNA replication, transcription,
182 d by addition of a 201-nt RNA containing the BMV TLS.
183                         Yeast expressing the BMV RNA replication proteins 1a and 2a supports BMV RNA
184 e Virus (CCMV) could also substitute for the BMV subgenomic core promoter.
185      Consistent with a critical role for the BMV TLS in virion assembly, mutations in the BMV genomic
186          These results better define how the BMV CP can interact with RNA and regulate different vira
187 ge number of modified lysine residues in the BMV capsid protein increases from 6 to 12, correlating w
188 BMV TLS in virion assembly, mutations in the BMV genomic RNAs that were designed to disrupt the foldi
189                 Moreover, when copied in the BMV replicase in vitro reaction, the minus-strand RNA3 t
190              The only viral component in the BMV RNA replication complex that localizes independently
191  SLCs indicates that the requirements in the BMV SLC are highly specific.
192 results indicate that key nucleotides in the BMV subgenomic core promoter direct replicase recognitio
193  germ and yeast were similarly active in the BMV virion assembly reaction, but ribosomal RNA and poly
194 that distinct capsid-RNA interactions in the BMV virions allow different rates of viral RNA release.
195  the subgenomic core promoter can induce the BMV replicase in interactions needed for subgenomic RNA
196 esponding with the process of infection, the BMV replicases extracted from plants at different times
197 ed RIG-I activation, and coexpression of the BMV 1a protein stimulated 2a activity.
198  deletion of the first eight residues of the BMV coat protein (CP) resulted in the RNA1-containing pa
199 periments showed that phosphorylation of the BMV CP can impact binding to RNAs in the virions, includ
200 entical to those from the 5' sequence of the BMV genomic RNA2 and RNA3.
201 me coat protein (CP) encapsidate each of the BMV genomic RNAs.
202                       Second, subsets of the BMV particles separated by density gradients into a pool
203                                  None of the BMV proteins or RNA could efficiently suppress posttrans
204 esting that the effect on translation of the BMV RNA replication proteins is responsible for the decr
205                          Modification of the BMV RNA3 sequence yielded a vector, BMVCP5, that better
206 fy the replicase-binding sites in all of the BMV RNAs and suggest that the recognition of RNA3 is dif
207 ns 1a did not affect the accumulation of the BMV RNAs in the absence of RNA replication, unlike the s
208         However, the relative amounts of the BMV RNAs that accumulated in barley and wheat are simila
209 ements, nested fragments of all three of the BMV RNAs, both plus- and minus-sense fragments, were con
210 psidated RNA and the release of three of the BMV RNAs.
211                          A comparison of the BMV T=1 particles was made with the reassembled T=1 part
212 ural classes identified by inspection of the BMV virion crystal structure.
213           Knowledge of the structures of the BMV wild-type and T=1 particles now permit us to propose
214 o perinuclear ER membranes and recruited the BMV 2a(pol) polymerase.
215 al fluorescence microscopy revealed that the BMV 1a and 2a colocalized to perinuclear region in human
216                  These results show that the BMV 2a polymerase does not require other BMV proteins to
217   Using mass spectrometry, we found that the BMV CP contains a complex pattern of posttranslational m
218 ance of CP-mediated vesicle induction to the BMV infection cycle in planta.
219 ion in trans to replicate and transcribe the BMV RNAs.
220          In vitro results generated with the BMV replicase and minimal-length RNAs generally agreed w
221   In plant protoplasts replicating all three BMV genomic RNAs, mutations blocking sgRNA transcription
222          However, substitutions in all three BMV RNAs severely reduced RNA accumulation, demonstratin
223                                    All three BMV RNAs trafficked bidirectionally to sink leaves near
224                                        Thus, BMV replication vesicle formation and RNA replication de
225                                        Thus, BMV subgenomic and genomic RNA syntheses mutually interf
226 ned whether these requirements also apply to BMV replication in barley protoplasts.
227 ver, topical NF-kappaB Decoy, in contrast to BMV, restores compromised stratum corneum integrity and
228 g complex were also required for translating BMV RNAs.
229   However, the extra RNAs included truncated BMV RNAs, an additional copy of RNA4, potential cellular
230       Synchronized coexpression of wild-type BMV and FHV genome components in plant cells resulted in
231                       Furthermore, wild-type BMV RNA1 was required for the repair and replication of
232                              However, unlike BMV or retroviruses, where recombination usually occurre
233  3' poly(A) to the normally unpolyadenylated BMV RNA.
234 d transcription, in the present work we used BMV RNA3 constructs that carried altered sgp repeats.
235  box in the 5'-untranslated region (5' UTR); BMV RNA3 that lacks a B box in its 5' UTR is not subject
236  vitro release of betamethasone-17-valerate (BMV), a representative dermatological drug, was determin
237               Unlike betamethasone valerate (BMV), long-term NF-kappaB Decoy treatment does not induc
238 at overexpression of the brome mosaic virus (BMV) 1a protein can repress viral RNA replication in a d
239 combination hot spots in Brome mosaic virus (BMV) and retroviruses.
240 th plant viruses such as brome mosaic virus (BMV) and tomato bushy stunt virus (TBSV).
241 -level expression of the brome mosaic virus (BMV) CP was found to stimulate viral RNA accumulation, w
242                          Brome mosaic virus (BMV) encodes two RNA replication factors: 1a has a C-ter
243 ation of the plant virus brome mosaic virus (BMV) genomic RNAs when replication is reproduced in yeas
244 ) capsid protein (CP) of Brome mosaic virus (BMV) has an intrinsic property of modifying the endoplas
245          The plant virus brome mosaic virus (BMV) has served as a model for positive-strand RNA virus
246                          Brome mosaic virus (BMV) is a model positive-strand RNA virus whose replicat
247                          Brome mosaic virus (BMV) is a representative positive-strand RNA virus whose
248                          Brome mosaic virus (BMV) is a tripartite positive-strand RNA virus used to s
249                          Brome mosaic virus (BMV) is an RNA virus, and its three genomic RNAs are enc
250 the heterologous RNA1 of brome mosaic virus (BMV) is packaged three times more efficiently by CCMV CP
251                          Brome mosaic virus (BMV) packages its genomic and subgenomic RNAs into three
252 ino terminally truncated brome mosaic virus (BMV) protein were created by treatment of the wild-type
253 ana leaves, we show that brome mosaic virus (BMV) replicase is competent to initiate positive-strand
254                          Brome mosaic virus (BMV) replicates its RNA in endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-as
255 revisiae, which supports brome mosaic virus (BMV) replication, also supports BMV RNA recombination.
256 and RNA synthesis by the brome mosaic virus (BMV) RNA replicase is more efficient if the template con
257                          Brome mosaic virus (BMV) RNA replication has been examined in a number of sy
258 tive-strand RNA viruses, brome mosaic virus (BMV) RNA replication occurs in membrane-invaginated vesi
259                          Brome mosaic virus (BMV) RNA replication occurs on the perinuclear region of
260  cis-acting elements for Brome mosaic virus (BMV) RNA synthesis have been characterized primarily for
261                          Brome mosaic virus (BMV) RNA synthesis occurs in approximately 70 nm, negati
262                          Brome mosaic virus (BMV) RNA synthesis occurs in vesicular endoplasmic retic
263 , we used the ability of brome mosaic virus (BMV) RNA to replicate in yeast.
264 promoter (sgp) region in brome mosaic virus (BMV) RNA3.
265                 The four brome mosaic virus (BMV) RNAs (RNA1 to RNA4) are encapsidated in three disti
266  portions of plus-strand brome mosaic virus (BMV) RNAs mimic cellular tRNAs.
267 r the recognition of the brome mosaic virus (BMV) subgenomic core promoter by the replicase.
268 ositive-strand RNA virus brome mosaic virus (BMV) to replicate in yeast to show that the yeast LSM1 g
269 irions that comprise the Brome mosaic virus (BMV) were previously thought to be indistinguishable.
270 ents from the tripartite Brome mosaic virus (BMV) were transiently expressed in leaves of Nicotiana b
271 g in the plant-infecting Brome mosaic virus (BMV), a member of the alphavirus-like superfamily, as we
272 d for the replication of Brome Mosaic Virus (BMV), a plant-infecting RNA virus that can replicate in
273 eplication protein 1a of brome mosaic virus (BMV), a positive-strand RNA virus in the alphavirus-like
274                          Brome mosaic virus (BMV), a positive-strand RNA virus in the alphavirus-like
275                          Brome mosaic virus (BMV), a positive-strand RNA virus in the alphavirus-like
276 eplication protein 1a of brome mosaic virus (BMV), a positive-strand RNA virus, localizes to the cyto
277 single subgenomic RNA of brome mosaic virus (BMV), an RNA virus infecting plants, are packaged by a s
278 ures with the tripartite brome mosaic virus (BMV), an RNA virus that infects plants and is a member o
279 ibed role for the TLS of brome mosaic virus (BMV), and potentially for cellular tRNA, in mediating th
280 low mosaic virus (TYMV), brome mosaic virus (BMV), and satellite tobacco mosaic virus (STMV)) along w
281                      For brome mosaic virus (BMV), both processes occur in virus-induced, membrane-as
282                       In Brome mosaic virus (BMV), genomic RNA1 (gB1) and RNA2 (gB2), encoding the re
283         The structure of brome mosaic virus (BMV), the type member of the bromoviridae family, has be
284  replication of TBSV and brome mosaic virus (BMV), which belongs to a different supergroup among plus
285 ort the development of a Brome mosaic virus (BMV)-based vector that better maintains inserts through
286  enriched replicase from brome mosaic virus (BMV)-infected plants and variants of the promoter templa
287 replicase extracted from Brome mosaic virus (BMV)-infected plants has been used to characterize the c
288 ckaged in the tripartite Brome Mosaic Virus (BMV).
289 tructural transitions of brome mosaic virus (BMV).
290 our encapsidated RNAs of brome mosaic virus (BMV; B1, B2, B3, and B4) contain a highly conserved 3' 2
291 igenic relationship between bat mumps virus (BMV) and the JL5 vaccine strain of mumps virus (MuVJL5),
292 irus [FHV]), and plants (Brome mosaic virus [BMV]).
293  RNAs generally agreed with those of in vivo BMV RNA replication.
294 onse in rats, returning bone mineral volume (BMV) [corrected], to intact levels in the distal femur i
295  cowpea chlorotic mottle virus (CCMV), which BMV closely resembles.
296                           Furthermore, while BMV dissolved better into the hydrophobic films, it was
297 localized UFA depletion helps to explain why BMV RNA replication is more sensitive than cell growth t
298                Similar to the situation with BMV, most of the recombination junction sites in the DI
299 nthamiana and N. clevelandii coexpressing wt BMV and Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) showed that despite
300 duce vesicles similar to those present in wt BMV infection.

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