


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              BVDV and related flaviviruses use the host ER as the pri
2                                              BVDV NS5A was found to coordinate a single zinc atom per
3                                              BVDV NS5B protein was active in an in vitro RNA polymera
4                                              BVDV rescued from the infectious cDNA clone has an in vi
5                                              BVDV was found to remain viable for 7 days in serum samp
6  pestiviruses, including isolates of BVDV-1, BVDV-2, border disease virus, and classical swine fever
7  represents the first expression of a type 2 BVDV E2 protein from a mammalian virus vector and raises
8 d responses was also observed with the Huh-7-BVDV replicon but was independent of NS3/4A protease act
9                                We isolated a BVDV-nonpermissive MDBK cell clone that harbored a 1.2-k
10  these cysteine residues in the context of a BVDV replicon system indicated that these residues were
11 d a membrane-based assay that consisted of a BVDV RNA replicase complex isolated from virus-infected
12  replicon inhibition and selectivity against BVDV and cytotoxicity.
13 ul prevention and treatment strategy against BVDV infection.
14 icant potential as a subunit vaccine against BVDV infection.
15 ent study, the relationship between HO-1 and BVDV was investigated.
16 of de novo-initiated products by the HCV and BVDV RdRps.
17 ells demonstrated that a decrease in HO-1 as BVDV replication increased.
18 nstrate that mutations in NS4B can attenuate BVDV cytopathogenicity despite NS3 production.
19 although the lack of differentiation between BVDV and HoBi-like viruses would make these tests of lim
20                                A bicistronic BVDV (cp strain NADL) was created that expressed puromyc
21 pro region near the N terminus (L8P) in both BVDV biotypes did not antagonize IFN-alpha/beta producti
22  (AZA) and mycophenolate acid (MPA), on both BVDV replication by plaque assay and host-cell replicati
23 ty of the chimeric virus, an Npro-null BVDV (BVDV-Npro in which the entire Npro coding region was del
24 us (HCV) NS3 protease inhibitors, a chimeric BVDV in which the coding region of Npro was replaced by
25 etics between the wild-type and the chimeric BVDVs.
26                               The commercial BVDV RT-qPCRs and IHC detected 100% of the ear notch sam
27                 Using a set of engineered cp BVDVs expressing mutant Npro and appropriate controls, w
28  bovine cells indicated that cytopathic (cp) BVDV induces IFN-alpha/beta very inefficiently.
29  LDL receptor-deficient cells or a cytolytic BVDV system indicated that the LDL receptor may be the m
30 ction of NS3, a characteristic of cytopathic BVDV strains, is believed to be a consequence of an in-f
31 ation by conferring resistance to cytopathic BVDV-induced cell death.
32                         Although cytopathic, BVDV-Npro was highly defective in viral replication and
33 achieved similar cytotoxicity, AZA decreased BVDV replication 10 times more than MPA.
34 major target of neutralizing antibody during BVDV infection.
35 he possibility of a linkage between enhanced BVDV NADL RNA replication and virus-induced cytopathogen
36 kdown of TRIM56 expression greatly enhanced, BVDV replication in cell culture.
37                                          For BVDV NADL, the production of NS3, a characteristic of cy
38                                          For BVDV, this effect has been attributed to the reduction o
39  engineered back into an infectious cDNA for BVDV (NADL strain), point mutations in either the GKT or
40  characterize essential factors required for BVDV replication, a library expressing random fragments
41 mples were subjected to diagnostic tests for BVDV--two reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) assays, two
42 and that this block occurred downstream from BVDV interaction with the cellular receptor CD46 and vir
43      Finally, using a full-length functional BVDV cDNA clone, we demonstrate that a catalytically act
44                                 Furthermore, BVDV RdRp was found to utilize a circular single-strande
45 of a single codon in the full-length genomic BVDV cDNA clone, encoding glutamic acid at position 1600
46  protected from superinfection by homologous BVDV but not with heterologous vesicular stomatitis viru
47             However, the function of HO-1 in BVDV infection is unclear.
48      In vitro analysis of HO-1 expression in BVDV-infected MDBK cells demonstrated that a decrease in
49         In contrast, HO-1 siRNA knockdown in BVDV-infected cells increased BVDV replication.
50 -NP) and a commercial adjuvanted inactivated BVDV vaccine (IAV), all inoculated subcutaneously and bo
51 A knockdown in BVDV-infected cells increased BVDV replication.
52 structural protein E2 from primary infecting BVDV abolished this exclusion.
53      Subsequently, we showed that infectious BVDV was produced by cells transfected with uncapped RNA
54          Since compound-1453 did not inhibit BVDV polymerase activity in vitro (50% inhibitory concen
55 re- and postinfection, effectively inhibited BVDV replication.
56 r initial attempt to produce the full-length BVDV NS5B with a C-terminal hexahistidine tag in Escheri
57 ictions of the region surrounding the mapped BVDV zinc-binding region, indicates that the BVDV zinc-b
58 missive to both cytopathic and noncytopathic BVDV infection compared to parental MDBK cells, although
59  (IFN-alpha/beta), whereas noncytopathogenic BVDV (ncpBVDV) isolates have been shown not to induce IF
60                The C-terminal domain of NS3 (BVDV amino acids 1854 to 2362) of these mutants and wild
61 tability of the chimeric virus, an Npro-null BVDV (BVDV-Npro in which the entire Npro coding region w
62 ein derived from an infectious cDNA clone of BVDV (NADL strain).
63        Suitability of the molecular clone of BVDV for genomic manipulations was shown by substitution
64 onstructed a stable full-length cDNA copy of BVDV NADL in a low-copy-number plasmid vector.
65 tion could be overcome by electroporation of BVDV RNA, indicating a block at one or more steps in vir
66 ed a plasmid containing the entire genome of BVDV cloned as cDNA.
67                            The inhibition of BVDV by AZA occurred at lower doses than the cellular cy
68 topathic pestiviruses, including isolates of BVDV-1, BVDV-2, border disease virus, and classical swin
69                           Phosphorylation of BVDV NS5A and YF NS5 was observed in infected cells, tra
70 e amino-terminal cysteine protease N(pro) of BVDV appears to be, at least partly, responsible for sup
71            Similarities in the properties of BVDV NS5A, YF NS5, and HCV NS5A phosphorylation in vitro
72 n was linked in frame to the core protein of BVDV through an HCV NS5A-NS5B junction site and mimicked
73 r the expression and partial purification of BVDV NS5A was developed, and the partially purified prot
74 oteolytic function of Npro in the release of BVDV core for capsid assembly.
75          We are using a cytopathic strain of BVDV (cpBVDV) that causes cellular apoptosis as a model
76 National Animal Disease Laboratory strain of BVDV.
77                             The structure of BVDV polymerase complexed with GTP, which is required fo
78                             The structure of BVDV polymerase, determined to 2.9-A resolution, contain
79 etion of 24 amino acids at the C terminus of BVDV NS5B.
80  we isolated drug-resistant (DR) variants of BVDV-1 in cell culture.
81 hibitor molecules specific for either HCV or BVDV can be easily distinguished by using the parallel r
82  polymerase assay using homopolymeric RNA or BVDV minigenomic RNA templates.
83                                 The parallel BVDV and HCV replicon systems provide robust counterscre
84  bovine viral diarrhea virus RNA polymerase (BVDV RdRp) and RdRps from related positive-strand RNA vi
85 versely correlated with the level of primary BVDV RNA replication.
86                             We have purified BVDV core protein and characterized it biochemically.
87 utative binding sites of previously reported BVDV inhibitors are also discussed.
88          Here we show that a subgenomic (sg) BVDV RNA in which the NS3 ORF is preceded only by the 5'
89 ress the E2 protein from type 2 (890 strain) BVDV in a bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV1) vector, we observe
90                                 A subgenomic BVDV reporter replicon (rNS3-5B) was used to analyze the
91                               Superinfecting BVDV failed to deliver a translatable genome into acutel
92                                We found that BVDV core protein was able to functionally replace the n
93                                          The BVDV replicon showed similar sensitivity as the HCV repl
94                                          The BVDV RT-qPCR, ACE, and IHC yielded higher levels of dete
95                           In comparison, the BVDV RT-PCR test had a higher rate of false negatives in
96 ion marker and reporter (Luc-Ubi-Neo) in the BVDV replicon was fused with the amino-terminal protease
97 a library expressing random fragments of the BVDV genome was screened for sequences that act as trans
98 cribe the expression and purification of the BVDV NS5B protein derived from an infectious cDNA clone
99                       While ACE based on the BVDV glycoprotein E(rns) detected infection in at least
100  the unprocessed fusion protein rendered the BVDV core protein defective in capsid assembly.
101 BVDV zinc-binding region, indicates that the BVDV zinc-binding motif fits the general template Cx(22)
102 ein processing, and cytopathogenicity to the BVDV NADL parent.
103 ther Mn(2+) was present or absent, while the BVDV RdRp efficiently used GDP and GMP for initiation of
104 l transferase activity was observed with the BVDV NS5B preparation.
105                                         This BVDV replicon allows us to compare RNA replication of th
106 domain was responsible for the inhibition to BVDV entry and that this block occurred downstream from
107 oculated subcutaneously and boosted prior to BVDV-1 challenge.
108 epatitis C virus, a virus closely related to BVDV.
109 L receptor on cells known to be resistant to BVDV infection.
110 itic cells (DCs) produced IFN in response to BVDV in vitro.
111                           Like the wild-type BVDV (NADL), the chimeric virus was cytopathic and forme
112 gesting interference with a yet-unidentified BVDV entry factor.
113                We evaluated this model using BVDV E2 and NS3 proteins formulated in poly-(D, L-lactic
114 (PI) with bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) virus (BVDV) constitute the mechanism by which BVDV persists in
115                 Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) (genus Pestivirus) was reported to trigger interfe
116  the pestivirus bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) (NADL strain) is required for processing at nonstr
117 e motifs of the bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) (NADL strain) NS3 protein designed to abolish eith
118 uses, including bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) and the emerging HoBi-like viruses.
119 espectively, of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) and yellow fever virus (YF), members of the other
120 s noncytopathic bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) can suppress IFN production in the majority of cel
121 in 5B (NS5B) of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) contains sequence motifs that are predictive of an
122 gainst selected bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) genes has gained widespread interest.
123  encoded by the bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) genome is a cysteine protease (Npro) responsible f
124  replication of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) in cell culture at a 50% inhibitory concentration
125 ic replicon for bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) in Huh-7 cells, similar to that established for he
126 he detection of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) in pooled bovine serum samples.
127                 Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is a positive-strand RNA virus and a member of the
128                 Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is a positive-stranded RNA virus of the Flavivirid
129  the pestivirus bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is a zinc-binding protein.
130                 Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is in the Flaviviridae family and is closely relat
131                 Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is the most insidious and devastating viral pathog
132     Recombinant bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) nonstructural protein 5B (NS5B) produced in insect
133             The bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) RNA-dependent RNA polymerase can initiate RNA repl
134 n initiation of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) RNA.
135 a noncytopathic bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) strain, Kyle.
136 the function of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) uncleaved NS2-3.
137 novel mutant of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) was found with a virion assembly phenotype attribu
138 ase (N(pro)) of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), a pestiviral interferon antagonist which degrades
139 on exclusion of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), a positive-sense RNA pestivirus.
140  C virus (HCV), bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), and GB virus-B all can initiate RNA synthesis by
141  virus-B (GBV), bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), and hepatitis C virus (HCV), with emphasis on the
142 uses, including bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), are important animal pathogens and close relative
143 virus (HCV) and bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), lipid droplets, and secreted lipoproteins.
144                 Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), strain NADL, was originally isolated from an anim
145     Isolates of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), the prototype pestivirus, are divided into cytopa
146 ruses including Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV).
147  amplified from bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV).
148 e E2 protein of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV).
149 ic inhibitor of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV).
150 s G virus, and bovine viral diarrheal virus (BVDV) was shown to be mediated by low density lipoprotei
151 is is true for bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV), the causative agent of BVD that is a worldwide th
152 rus (BVDV) constitute the mechanism by which BVDV persists in cattle herds.
153  available bovine sera are contaminated with BVDV and, although there is no evidence that the virus i
154  7 bovine sera tested were contaminated with BVDV.
155                  Cells acutely infected with BVDV were protected from superinfection by homologous BV
156 esence of animals persistently infected with BVDV.
157 lasmacytoid DCs harvested postinfection with BVDV or recombinant bovine IFN-alpha or human IL-28B sig
158 tious clone of drug-sensitive wild-type (WT) BVDV-1, replication of the resulting virus was resistant

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