


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 gs, and these were used as the basis for the Bayesian analysis.
2  to treat and 95% credible intervals for the Bayesian analysis.
3 d by animal breeders for likelihood-based or Bayesian analysis.
4 r clinical accuracy and usefulness by use of Bayesian analysis.
5 4 in the control group (adjusted difference [Bayesian analysis], 2.0 points; 95% credible interval, 1
6                                     By using Bayesian analysis, a mathematical algorithm is proposed
7 spectral analysis of ancestry; and empirical Bayesian analysis along with Gaussian spatial processes
8                                          The Bayesian analysis also provides a highly reliable and bi
9                           Using hierarchical Bayesian analysis and density-dependent population model
10 igers from 14 countries and regions by using Bayesian analysis and diagnostic genetic markers defined
11  will now form the basis for a comprehensive Bayesian analysis and extension of the model considering
12 pean areas (F(CT) =0.155) were identified by Bayesian analysis and supported by regional pairwise F(C
13         This problem can be resolved through Bayesian analysis and tools such as approximate Bayesian
14  It can perform either maximum-likelihood or Bayesian analysis, and accomodates nucleotide sequence,
15                               We developed a Bayesian analysis approach to examine the effects of man
16                                            A Bayesian analysis based on computer simulation allows in
17 s suggests that the posterior probability in Bayesian analysis can be excessively high as an indicati
18 r simulation that posterior probabilities in Bayesian analysis can be excessively liberal when concat
19                      Informative priors in a Bayesian analysis can reduce posterior uncertainty; howe
20                                         With Bayesian analysis, clinical criteria and genotype can be
21 e polymer everolimus-eluting stent was 100% (Bayesian analysis, difference in target lesion failure f
22 lear sequence data using neutrality test and Bayesian analysis (EBSP and ABC).
23                                          The Bayesian analysis estimated a smaller treatment effect t
24 in the surgery group (95% credible interval [Bayesian analysis] for difference, -5.2 to 2.3%; posteri
25                                          The Bayesian analysis found a 98.4% belief for natamycin tre
26             Here we develop and employ a new Bayesian analysis framework that exploits the hierarchic
27 tions were compared to exposures inferred by Bayesian analysis from urine concentrations for 82 chemi
28                           The results of our Bayesian analysis identify targets for interventions aim
29                                              Bayesian analysis in which the trial data were combined
30                                          The Bayesian analysis includes the number of QTLs on a chrom
31                                 A multistate Bayesian analysis indicated that exercise was associated
32                                 By contrast, Bayesian analysis indicated that gambling decisions were
33                             The prespecified Bayesian analysis indicated that this event distribution
34                These examples illustrate how Bayesian analysis integrates new trial information with
35  the remaining doors in "Let's Make A Deal." Bayesian analysis is a key feature of many medical decis
36                                              Bayesian analysis is firmly grounded in the science of p
37 ches as judged by posterior probabilities in Bayesian analysis is generally higher than that as judge
38                                              Bayesian analysis is one of the most popular methods in
39                                              Bayesian analysis (likelihood ratios derived from a lite
40                 Employing these results in a bayesian analysis may provide a novel statistical test t
41 tholog sequences with ClustalX, and applying Bayesian analysis (MrBayes).
42   Population structure was estimated using a Bayesian analysis of 141 simple sequence repeat (SSR) lo
43                                              Bayesian analysis of 328 VP7 genes of G2 viruses isolate
44 imaquine-induced haemolysis using a holistic Bayesian analysis of all published data and was used to
45                  All four follow from joint, Bayesian analysis of all the data at each temperature.
46                                              Bayesian analysis of amino acid variation for all availa
47                                              Bayesian analysis of clinical utility showed only modera
48 ineteen paternal lineages were defined and a Bayesian analysis of coalescent simulations was performe
49  propose a novel Bayesian framework (BAnOCC: Bayesian Analysis of Compositional Covariance) to estima
50 s each kernel's major and minor axis after a Bayesian analysis of contour points identifies the kerne
51 statistically principled in silico approach, Bayesian Analysis of COpy number Mixtures (BACOM), to ac
52  data analysis was performed with the BACUS (Bayesian analysis of coupled unassigned spins) algorithm
53                                              Bayesian analysis of current RVF virus genetic diversity
54                               Furthermore, a bayesian analysis of divergence ages for Malagasy carniv
55 To address this question, we used integrated Bayesian analysis of diverse functional genomic data to
56         Here we use hierarchical approximate Bayesian analysis of DNA sequence data for 12 herbivores
57                  In this study, we perform a Bayesian analysis of five models entailing different hyp
58                              We offer BAGEL (Bayesian Analysis of Gene EssentiaLity), a supervised le
59 ridizations throughout a time course using a Bayesian analysis of gene expression level.
60 ylogenetic analysis of HIV pol sequences and Bayesian analysis of genetic distances between pol seque
61 Statistical Model: We propose an integrative Bayesian analysis of genomics data (iBAG) framework for
62                                 Furthermore, Bayesian analysis of images collected during the photobl
63                   Here, using a hierarchical Bayesian analysis of instrumental, tree-ring, ice-core a
64                                            A Bayesian analysis of intraspecific taxon ages indicates
65 F approach has been implemented in the BALD (Bayesian analysis of LD differences) C++ software, and i
66                                              Bayesian analysis of macroevolutionary mixtures (BAMM) h
67 ing of QTL, built on top of R/qtl, providing Bayesian analysis of multiple interacting quantitative t
68                                      Using a Bayesian analysis of new ultrafiltered bone collagen dat
69                                            A Bayesian analysis of parameter uncertainty based on expe
70                                              Bayesian analysis of prior probability of association ba
71                               A hierarchical Bayesian analysis of protein-coding region evolution wit
72                                      BASiCS (Bayesian Analysis of Single-Cell Sequencing data) is an
73 ropose a hierarchical Bayesian model, BASIS (Bayesian Analysis of Splicing IsoformS), to infer the di
74                         Here, we conducted a Bayesian analysis of stomatal conductance (g) (N=5013) f
75          Sequence alignment and phylogenetic Bayesian analysis of the Arabidopsis GAUT1-related gene
76                                          Our Bayesian analysis of the blinking and bleaching (3B anal
77          The computer program performing the Bayesian analysis of the simulated data is available to
78                          We have developed a Bayesian analysis of variance (ANOVA) model that decompo
79                   We propose a heterogeneous Bayesian analysis of variance model for inferring loci i
80 bability of coronary artery disease (CAD) by Bayesian analysis or who underwent cardiac catheterizati
81                                              Bayesian analysis predicted that 3.8 g would result in a
82                                The presented Bayesian analysis procedure provides an automated and ge
83        Here, we apply a previously developed Bayesian analysis procedure to ITIR-FCS data to resolve
84 ion and periodicity in outcome measurements, Bayesian analysis provides greater precision for small s
85                                              Bayesian analysis represents uncertain knowledge of the
86                                         This Bayesian analysis revealed the 'memory traces' of the ch
87                                            A Bayesian analysis reveals considerable evidential suppor
88                                        Using Bayesian analysis, sensitivity and specificity (87.0% an
89                                            A Bayesian analysis study was performed.
90 lation structure and use of F-statistics and Bayesian analysis suggest that the range expansion of th
91                         For C. intestinalis, Bayesian analysis suggested a natural amphi-North Atlant
92                                              Bayesian analysis suggested a relatively high probabilit
93                                          The Bayesian analysis suggests that natamycin is superior to
94  programming code and data sets, to show how Bayesian analysis takes evidence from randomized clinica
95                                  I present a Bayesian analysis that is appropriate for discriminating
96 D (low likelihood [LLK]) based on sequential Bayesian analysis; these patients were used to generate
97 ervus elaphus nelsoni) and used hierarchical Bayesian analysis to estimate the specificity and sensit
98 his study demonstrates the unique ability of Bayesian analysis to evaluate results that contradict pr
99 h a priori distribution N(0,tau 2)], and use Bayesian analysis to obtain a posteriori distribution of
100                        We use a hierarchical Bayesian analysis to quantify the amount of variation in
101                                       We did Bayesian analysis to show the posterior probability that
102                                            A Bayesian analysis tool was more accurate than significan
103                                              Bayesian analysis using a neutral prior indicated a 76%
104  In this review, we demonstrate the power of Bayesian analysis using examples of visual responses of
105 lled PROC MCMC) is particularly designed for Bayesian analysis using the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MC
106 ighest OBS quartile versus the lowest in the Bayesian analysis was 0.50 (95% confidence interval: 0.4
107 for 48% (12 out of 25) of the data sets, the Bayesian analysis was necessary to reveal the complex ch
108                                              Bayesian analysis was performed to examine the single-nu
109                                            A Bayesian analysis was performed using the questionnaire
110                                            A Bayesian analysis was used to determine probability dist
111                                              Bayesian analysis was used to estimate the human coloniz
112                                    Using the Bayesian analysis, we are able to estimate the latent pe
113  posteriori data-based, and weights based on Bayesian analysis) were created by combining 16 dietary
114 A), the largest to date, and then applying a Bayesian analysis which accommodates feature set uncerta
115 demanding methods are maximum likelihood and Bayesian analysis, which take account of the distributio
116 e predefined primary assessment of efficacy (Bayesian analysis with informative prior), we observed a
117 r regression (LR), linear mixed model (LMM), Bayesian analysis with spike-slab priors (Bayes B) and l
118           The SIT data are interpreted via a Bayesian analysis, yielding local values of T1a, T1b, ka

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