


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 variance in those rates using a hierarchical Bayesian approach.
2 s threshold was estimated using an empirical Bayesian approach.
3 o multiple QTL analysis is developed using a Bayesian approach.
4 vertebrate CYP3 amino acid sequences using a Bayesian approach.
5 ere are now many practical advantages to the Bayesian approach.
6 owth between birth and 1 year of age using a Bayesian approach.
7 tal registration system (1997-2014), using a Bayesian approach.
8             Each network was analyzed with a Bayesian approach.
9 mmended to use data from multiple years or a Bayesian approach.
10 g the positive and negative ion data using a Bayesian approach.
11 nd their uncertainties were analyzed using a Bayesian approach.
12  network meta-analysis was performed using a Bayesian approach.
13 ared; a traditional method and a mixed model Bayesian approach.
14 ing the same RNA-Seq data using an empirical Bayesian approach.
15 netic estimates using maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches.
16 eral criterion is comparable in power to two Bayesian approaches.
17 tify the most significant motifs or by using Bayesian approaches.
18 ife probabilities, based on constraints from Bayesian approaches.
19 et was analyzed using maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches.
20   Analyses were done by both frequentist and Bayesian approaches.
21 sing standard frequentist and random-effects Bayesian approaches.
22                                      Using a Bayesian approach a multi-locus model is fit to quantita
23                                         This Bayesian approach allowed us to determine strategies for
24                                          The Bayesian approach also captures the expected seasonal va
25 (generalized linear model) and multi-marker (Bayesian approach) analyses were applied to the dataset
26 184 informative markers were obtained from a Bayesian approach and 2 maximum likelihood approaches an
27 hese two advantages enable us to revisit the Bayesian approach and incorporate empirical dynamics and
28                                  They took a Bayesian approach and modeled sex- and age-specific remi
29                      Comparisons between the Bayesian approach and the ML approach are facilitated be
30 mony methods using sequence-based encodings, Bayesian approaches, and direct optimization.
31                                      Using a Bayesian approach, Andean and Middle American subpopulat
32 antages and challenges faced by users of the Bayesian approach are also discussed and the readers poi
33 eveloped and experimentally verified a novel Bayesian approach based on a hidden Markov model that pr
34  the progress curve assay, here we propose a Bayesian approach based on an equation derived with the
35      We demonstrate the utility of the fully Bayesian approach by applying our method to a data set o
36          Here we show how the same empirical Bayesian approach can be applied to any parametric distr
37  In this paper, we demonstrate that a simple Bayesian approach can be taken to eliminate this regular
38                    We have developed a novel Bayesian approach (ChIP-BIT) to reliably detect TFBSs an
39                                          The Bayesian approach defined in this study allowed for the
40                      By using an approximate Bayesian approach employing distribution of fragment len
41 n, this study is also the first to apply the Bayesian approach executed with Markov chain Monte Carlo
42 ion in functional genomic data and propose a Bayesian approach for context-sensitive integration and
43 s between the sequences, and develop a fully Bayesian approach for estimation of the model parameters
44 transcripts from sequencing data (BitSeq), a Bayesian approach for estimation of transcript expressio
45                                We describe a Bayesian approach for evaluating the correlation between
46                           We developed a new Bayesian approach for identifying the loci underlying an
47                                We employed a Bayesian approach for predicting routes of contamination
48 y, we outline a hierarchical, non-parametric Bayesian approach for reverse engineering GRNs using mul
49                   This paper gives the first Bayesian approach for testing Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
50                          We have developed a Bayesian approach for the estimation of concentrations f
51 n framework, with a better robustness of the Bayesian approach for the sparsest data sets.
52   Among these developments, the evolution of Bayesian approaches for multiple QTL mapping over the pa
53 for rate-variable trees precludes the use of Bayesian approaches for testing hypotheses regarding the
54                          We have developed a Bayesian approach (GO-Bayes) to measure overrepresentati
55                         Machine learning and Bayesian approaches have been used to identify TF module
56                       Maximum-likelihood and Bayesian approaches identified shifts in diversification
57                             A non-parametric Bayesian approach in the form of a Bayesian neural netwo
58 inements and potential difficulties with the Bayesian approach in this context, when prior informatio
59 As an alternative, we propose a hierarchical Bayesian approach, in which knowledge on the toxicity of
60                                          The Bayesian approach includes a Markov chain Monte Carlo im
61 d processes in order to draw inferences, our Bayesian approach includes the unobserved infection time
62 sing traditional frequentist statistical and Bayesian approaches, including random-effects Bayesian n
63                                          The Bayesian approach incorporates prior knowledge of the pr
64                                      Using a Bayesian approach incorporating ethnographic data and pa
65 ariate analyses, using both conventional and Bayesian approaches, indicated that PBBs had no effect o
66                                          The Bayesian approach is a tool for including information fr
67                                            A Bayesian approach is adopted to investigate how accounti
68                    This novel non-parametric Bayesian approach is demonstrated on a variety of data s
69 ment response between adults and children, a Bayesian approach is described to demonstrate rigorous e
70                                              Bayesian approach is used to estimate parameters of the
71                                   Finally, a Bayesian approach is used to estimate probable inventory
72                             In the second, a Bayesian approach is used to obtain an approximate descr
73                             The hierarchical Bayesian approach is used to understand and forecast the
74                                   Based on a Bayesian approach, it is assumed that probabilities are
75  The significant difference in using a fully Bayesian approach lies in our ability to account for unc
76  The paper includes a discussion of how this Bayesian approach may be useful for the analysis of gene
77                               Here, we apply Bayesian approaches (originally developed for inferring
78 on the gene functional association using the Bayesian approach outperforms predictions using only one
79 ckage allows one to infer parameters using a Bayesian approach, perform forward modelling of the like
80       Despite its inherent subjectivity, the Bayesian approach possesses a number of practical advant
81 ycobacterium tuberculosis, we show that this Bayesian approach predicts essential genes that correspo
82            It has been demonstrated that the Bayesian approach presented in this paper follows the ch
83 elations among gene pairs using an empirical Bayesian approach, producing a false discovery rate cont
84 tric method, such as the mixed model and two Bayesian approaches proved to be more conservative.
85  that model probabilities computed using the Bayesian approach provide a reliability test for the dow
86 k structure and probabilistic framework of a Bayesian approach provide advantages over qualitative ap
87                            Additionally, the Bayesian approach provided full distributions of decay r
88                                         This Bayesian approach provides a more accurate estimate of p
89                        Although simple, this Bayesian approach provides a robust inference framework
90                                          The Bayesian approach provides appropriate and defensible PP
91                                          The Bayesian approach provides confidence intervals for para
92                                 However, the Bayesian approach rejected the generative parameter valu
93                                          The Bayesian approach requires specification of a prior dist
94                          A full hierarchical Bayesian approach requires the use of computationally in
95                                              Bayesian approaches revealed significant spatial structu
96                                          Our Bayesian approach scores Medline abstracts for probabili
97 e noise definitions, we demonstrate that the Bayesian approach selects the simplest hypothesis that d
98                             Accordingly, the Bayesian approach should be employed more widely in the
99 r analyses and those reported from using the Bayesian approach suggest that estimates of the quantita
100                                              Bayesian approaches tend to be computationally demanding
101                             More recently, a bayesian approach termed Posterior Probability Mapping (
102         We address this issue by proposing a Bayesian approach that accounts for age uncertainty inhe
103                            Here we present a Bayesian approach that can utilize single-cell, k-cell,
104 ssion parameters jointly using a constrained Bayesian approach that ensures that one remains within t
105                                 We present a Bayesian approach that exploits prior information on und
106               We have developed an efficient Bayesian approach that exploits the genetical genomics m
107                            Here we develop a Bayesian approach that formally characterizes learning s
108 lenges, we develop a comprehensive empirical Bayesian approach that incorporates data and regularizat
109                            Here we present a bayesian approach that integrates genetic, demographic a
110                                 We applied a Bayesian approach that leverages allelic heterogeneity a
111 ally efficient than a competing hierarchical Bayesian approach that requires MCMC sampling.
112 ing penalized likelihood methods, we adopt a Bayesian approach that utilizes a mixture of non-local p
113                                 We propose a Bayesian approach that utilizes genetic information on a
114 so serve as the basis for the development of Bayesian approaches that incorporate experimental design
115                                        Via a Bayesian approach, the probabilities of the sequential c
116 ver, RR-BLUP B performed equally well as the Bayesian approaches.The genotypic and phenotypic data us
117 , East Asian, and African ancestries using a Bayesian approach to account for heterogeneity in alleli
118                     Here, we present a novel Bayesian approach to align the complete spectra.
119 ical, mechanistic path models fitted using a Bayesian approach to analyse explicitly predicted relati
120 ransversal algorithm to detect AS; anchor, a Bayesian approach to assign modalities; and bonvoyage, a
121                      Finally, we introduce a Bayesian approach to association analysis by weighting t
122 mation from this procedure to help improve a Bayesian approach to automated peak deconvolution by res
123                             Based on a novel Bayesian approach to biotope assessment, we present a st
124                  Here, we use a hierarchical Bayesian approach to calculate tree-specific, species-sp
125           We devised an improved model-based Bayesian approach to cluster microarray gene expression
126                                   In a fully Bayesian approach to clustering problems of this type, o
127                           We propose a fully Bayesian approach to constructing probabilistic gene reg
128                       We took a hierarchical Bayesian approach to determine the expected distribution
129                                 We develop a Bayesian approach to determine the most probable structu
130                  In this paper, we present a Bayesian approach to estimate a chromosome and a disorde
131                                    We used a Bayesian approach to estimate the position and effect of
132                                  We employ a Bayesian approach to estimate the posterior distribution
133                  We present SourceTracker, a Bayesian approach to estimate the proportion of contamin
134                Here we present a model-based Bayesian approach to evaluate molecular cluster assignme
135                  The primary analysis used a Bayesian approach to evaluate the hypothesis that the pr
136                          We next developed a Bayesian approach to evaluate, for each SNP, the overlap
137                  Here we report the use of a Bayesian approach to generate calibration curves for the
138                              We then apply a Bayesian approach to identify particular sites in each g
139 pression profile for each patient and uses a Bayesian approach to infer corresponding upstream regula
140                                    We take a Bayesian approach to integrate gene expression profiling
141                                    We used a Bayesian approach to integrate the phylogenetic profile
142          In this paper, we proposed a simple Bayesian approach to integrate the regularization parame
143 s-derived approach to characterization and a Bayesian approach to laboratory testing.
144                               We also used a Bayesian approach to look at clustering of people who se
145                                    We used a Bayesian approach to meta-analysis.
146                                         This Bayesian approach to monitoring is simple to implement a
147                Here, we present a systematic Bayesian approach to multiple-hypothesis testing of a ge
148                             The contemporary Bayesian approach to perception implies that human perfo
149 MCMC) algorithms play a critical role in the Bayesian approach to phylogenetic inference.
150 published putative cis eQTLs, we developed a Bayesian approach to predict SNP genotypes that is based
151                            We also present a Bayesian approach to predict the number of sorting round
152 ere parameterized using a novel hierarchical Bayesian approach to quantify the effects of leaf traits
153                               By utilizing a Bayesian approach to rank putative miRNAs, our method is
154                          We have developed a Bayesian approach to separately characterize these two l
155                                            A Bayesian approach to source-tracking was used to compare
156               In this paper we develop a new Bayesian approach to the detection of APOBEC3-mediated h
157                                 We present a Bayesian approach to the problem of inferring the number
158 se-positive results is then discussed, and a Bayesian approach to this problem is described.
159     They discuss a recent article in which a Bayesian approach to this problem is developed based on
160 used traditional frequentist statistical and Bayesian approaches to address the following questions:
161 sults demonstrate the ability of integrative Bayesian approaches to identify candidate drivers with b
162 implications for optimal decision theory and Bayesian approaches to learning and behavior in general.
163                          Additionally, using Bayesian approaches to link the estimates of treatment e
164                  Here we develop two related Bayesian approaches to network inference that allow GRNs
165 sent 3CPET, a tool based on a non-parametric Bayesian approach, to infer the set of the most probable
166                 In this primer, we present a Bayesian approach toward treating these data, and we dis
167                         Our system employs a Bayesian approach, updating a protein's probability of b
168                            We tested whether bayesian approaches uphold the new recommendation.
169 P were tested for significant effects with a Bayesian approach using GENSEL software.
170                                            A Bayesian approach using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods
171  pediatric SLIT trials is challenging, but a Bayesian approach using prior adult data can reduce the
172                                            A Bayesian approach was developed to incorporate expert ju
173                                            A Bayesian approach was employed to integrate information
174                                          Our Bayesian approach was integrated into PrePPI, a structur
175                               A hierarchical Bayesian approach was used as the basis for inference, a
176                                 Hierarchical Bayesian approach was used to estimate the pooled glauco
177                            Thus, by taking a Bayesian approach we find that variability in reversal-l
178                                      Using a Bayesian approach, we defined credible sets for the T1D-
179                   Using a rapidly converging Bayesian approach, we precisely measure the splitting in
180                          With a hierarchical Bayesian approach, we quantified the distribution of mor
181                                     Taking a Bayesian approach, we quantify the trade off between dif
182                                      Using a Bayesian approach, we show that Gaussian processes model
183                                      Using a Bayesian approach, we show that, in contrast to earlier
184 oth the classical hypothesis-testing and the Bayesian approaches, we found single and multiple trend
185                                 Hierarchical Bayesian approaches were used to estimate the pooled pre
186                      The method uses a novel Bayesian approach which represents continuous allele fre
187 finable parameters, relying on a model-based Bayesian approach which takes full account of the indivi
188                                 Our flexible Bayesian approach will be especially useful to improve c
189  sampled proportions for each country from a Bayesian approach with 10 000 sampled country estimates
190 e gene expression patterns over time, a full Bayesian approach with proper conjugate priors to make t
191 d using hierarchical models and an empirical bayesian approach with volume-based shrinkage that allow
192          We implemented the model in a fully Bayesian approach, with all parameters of the model cons
193 anobacterial and chloroplast genomes using a Bayesian approach, with the aim of estimating the age fo
194  maximizing the marginal likelihood from the Bayesian approach yields similar results to a profile li

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