


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                              By contrast, >/=98% RVP trended toward a lower risk of a
2                                              By contrast, a baseline diastolic blood pressure (DBP) l
3                                              By contrast, a moving panorama elicited robust smooth mo
4                                              By contrast, a number of other antagonists with high aff
5                                              By contrast, a pathway from pOFC to IM exceeded all othe
6                                              By contrast, a preoperative HbA1c of more than 6.5% was
7                                              By contrast, a reference-based correction method perform
8                                              By contrast, a significant association was observed betw
9                                              By contrast, a single, previously identified haplotype w
10                                              By contrast, a static or 'average' network (lower blocks
11                                              By contrast, a taste for fairness, in the sense of (i) u
12                                              By contrast, a third, slower component of exocytosis was
13                                              By contrast, AcrIIC3 blocks activity of a single Cas9 or
14                                              By contrast, actinorhizal trees peaked in abundance at 5
15                                              By contrast, activation of LC(:PFC) exacerbated spontane
16                                              By contrast, activation of mTORC1 signaling in tendons i
17                                              By contrast, activation of parvalbumin+ (PV+) cells, the
18                                              By contrast, activation of the Eomes target genes Foxa2
19                                              By contrast, activity of the diverse gamma-interferon-ac
20                                              By contrast, administration of precocene-I (a JH inhibit
21                                              By contrast, adults whose childhood inattentive symptoms
22                                              By contrast, African-descendant populations in Brazil an
23                                              By contrast, among the 255 patients with cysts >1.5 cm,
24                                              By contrast, an additional inverse cascade characterized
25                                              By contrast, an aldehyde mixture at the same ratio relea
26                                              By contrast, an intradermal S. aureus challenge promoted
27                                              By contrast, and over the same time period, the organs t
28                                              By contrast, appressorium repolarization involves a nove
29                                              By contrast, approximately 3/4 of unlabelled neighbourin
30 function of NMDARs in pancreatic beta-cells, by contrast, are poorly understood.
31                                              By contrast, arsenic-exposed mice had significantly redu
32                                              By contrast, at a high RNA:protein ratio (>/=1:8), the a
33                                              By contrast, at later stages of clone growth, clones cha
34                                              By contrast, atherosclerosis and cerebral amyloid angiop
35                                              By contrast, autosomal genes encoding major agonist ILPs
36                                              By contrast, banded iron formations formed when Fe-conce
37                                              By contrast, bats did not show sonar call-frequency adju
38                                              By contrast, Bayesian computational modeling revealed th
39                                              By contrast, blood samples collected in heparin tubes we
40                                              By contrast, calbindin was not co-expressed with aromata
41                                              By contrast, cannabidiol, which is a non-intoxicating an
42                                              By contrast, cathepsin B3 protein and activity were upre
43                                              By contrast, CD8(+) T cell depletion had no apparent imp
44                                              By contrast, CD81 and SR-BI fulfil redundant functions d
45                                              By contrast, changes in the supply chain of liquid fuels
46                                              By contrast, children with CIs demonstrated reduced ITD-
47                                              By contrast, Chn1KO/KO mice did not have DRS, and embryo
48                                              By contrast, compared with infants with untreated infect
49                                              By contrast, compartmental segregation is preserved and
50                                              By contrast, complex congenital heart defects continue t
51                                              By contrast, continuous breathing is rare, and detailed
52                                              By contrast, control rate was universally low across all
53                                              By contrast, cornification-associated DNA breakdown was
54                                              By contrast, cortical thickness similarity and distance
55                                              By contrast, corticothalamic neurons gradually develop n
56                     Responses to FE stimuli, by contrast, could not be masked from the AE.
57                                              By contrast, cTnIS200A was functionally normal both at b
58                                              By contrast, cyclobutylidenecarbene only needs to surmou
59                                              By contrast, deep and long exploratory dives are promote
60                                              By contrast, deficiency of TUT4 and TUT7 does not alter
61                                              By contrast, DFT computations support a direct pirouette
62                                              By contrast, differences related to adult outcome emerge
63                                              By contrast, disrupting the interaction between PIF3 and
64                                              By contrast, driving differentiation by ectopically expr
65                                              By contrast, dual-pass CRD-NRG1 and NRG3 are constitutiv
66                                              By contrast, during asynchronous cortical states, the fi
67                                              By contrast, during FG, the arm became actively involved
68                                              By contrast, during the non-blinded non-randomised phase
69                                              By contrast, during times of stress, BiP is deAMPylated.
70                                              By contrast, E2F3 repression has minimal impact on tissu
71                                              By contrast, eight (53%) of the 15 domains in the invest
72                                              By contrast, emulsions prepared under conditions where d
73                                              By contrast, endemic diseases, such as HIV in 2017 and t
74                                              By contrast, enstrophy decreases from the unburned to th
75                                              By contrast, ER/Golgi defects in Tango1-depleted cells p
76                                              By contrast, exaggerated expression of mst reduced intes
77                                              By contrast, expression of either the N- or C-lobe of Ca
78                                              By contrast, F. nucleatum strains contain genomic expans
79                                              By contrast, farnesylation of K-Ras was required for its
80                                              By contrast, films with 30% glycerol lost the most moist
81                                              By contrast, five anaesthetic-sensitive subunits are req
82                                              By contrast, for patients taking mood stabilizers, the r
83                                              By contrast, frequent interictal spikes during non-rapid
84                                              By contrast, genes conferring risk for narcolepsy functi
85                                              By contrast, genome-wide analyses demonstrate that KDM5A
86                                              By contrast, hair cells lose contact with the basement m
87                                              By contrast, heterochiral sequences that lack such persi
88                                              By contrast, heterozygous mpk6 mutant plants completely
89                                              By contrast, high HKT1 expression in the root repressed
90                                              By contrast, higher-order circuit adaptations are not ap
91                                      A3A is, by contrast, highly proficient at C/mC deamination.
92                                              By contrast, homogenates from brains of APPSwePSEN1dE9 m
93                                              By contrast, homozygous Ptch1 ablation decreased prolife
94                                              By contrast, humans have a low propensity for reactive a
95                                              By contrast, if female and male partners are both infect
96                                              By contrast, Ilk(fl/+) ;Pkhd1-Cre mice had normal renal
97                                              By contrast, in 17 other cases there was no decrease in
98                                              By contrast, in a situation where M(p) and M(m) compete
99                                              By contrast, in catalytic cross-coupling, substrates are
100                                              By contrast, in cereals, the vernalization response is m
101                                              By contrast, in female mice, in which UVR does produce D
102                                              By contrast, in HBV replicating cells RNA polymerase II
103                                              By contrast, IN inputs to the RNm targeted a region that
104                                              By contrast, in lung and colorectal cancers with class 3
105                                              By contrast, in microenvironments with complex, irregula
106                                              By contrast, in older subjects, TL was significantly lon
107                                              By contrast, in patients without these features, colorec
108                                              By contrast, in REDD1-deficient R28 cells, neither hyper
109                                              By contrast, in regions that will likely experience incr
110                                              By contrast, in sedentary individuals, lipid infusion on
111                                              By contrast, in seep samples with methane as the princip
112                                              By contrast, in the ADP-bound state, exemplified by the
113                                              By contrast, in the Chinese primary care setting, this r
114                                              By contrast, in the presence of an SD sequence all three
115                                              By contrast, in the subgroup of secondary progressive pa
116                                              By contrast, in thin glassy films, we find that particle
117                                              By contrast, in vitro cytokine responses to pathogen-ass
118                                              By contrast, infants with the lowest 3 LL-37 quartiles w
119                                              By contrast, inhibition of CaMKII attenuated persistent
120                                              By contrast, inhibition of DARPP-32 neurons in IM by hig
121                                              By contrast, inhibition of Galphai signaling with pertus
122                                              By contrast, inhibitory Gi-DREADDs in the basolateral am
123                                              By contrast, injection of the antagonist GR127935 did no
124                                              By contrast, intensive antiplatelet therapy was associat
125                                              By contrast, interaction with the amino-terminal longin
126                                              By contrast, IRF8 deficiency promotes the expression of
127        Transpiration of the leaf and canopy, by contrast, is described by quasilinear, empirical rela
128                                        DNER, by contrast, is present in ganglion and amacrine cells o
129                                              By contrast, it is essentially unknown whether cognitive
130 gh this new adaptive mechanism can be driven by contrast, it is not a contrast adaptation mechanism i
131                                              By contrast, ivacaftor further destabilized full-length
132                                              By contrast, knockdown of polyamine oxidase (ZmPAO) sign
133                                              By contrast, lamotrigine exacerbated the seizure phenoty
134                                              By contrast, lanthanide complexes with DOTAM derivatives
135                                              By contrast, large and irregular 3D islands are distribu
136                                              By contrast, leader males pose no threat to each other a
137                                              By contrast, less is known about quantitative resistance
138                                              By contrast, light-activated molecules called photoantim
139 o the deep and cortical pallial nuclei, but, by contrast, lightly to the subpallial nuclei.
140                                              By contrast, little is known about the shared and unique
141                                              By contrast, liver-specific overexpression of human ZIP8
142                                              By contrast, loss of Pten or Nf1 increases growth rate i
143                                              By contrast, loss-of-function transgenic mice overexpres
144                                              By contrast, LS-4DCHIm forms an adduct with 4-NO2-phenol
145                                              By contrast, LTD-induced spine removal of AKAP79/150 req
146                                              By contrast, maize NPF6.4 was a low-affinity nitrate tra
147                                              By contrast, manganese evoked weak Fe deficiency respons
148                                              By contrast, many salamanders are highly regenerative an
149                                              By contrast, mating-induced death, which is characterize
150                                              By contrast, mice lacking ACVR2A had significantly incre
151                                              By contrast, minerals bearing many other elements (e.g.,
152                                              By contrast, mOFC/vmPFC-lesioned patients made more stoc
153                                              By contrast, monomethylated H4K31 is enriched in the cor
154                                              By contrast, more than 92.0% of common Gram-positive pat
155                                              By contrast, mRNA isoforms with 3' ends that lie within
156                                              By contrast, MS32 is constitutive and independently regu
157                                              By contrast, MSC cultured on a stiff matrix secreted pro
158                                              By contrast, negligible N2 O was produced following nitr
159                                              By contrast, neither the duration nor the cumulative dos
160                                              By contrast, nifedipine and nimodipine only partially re
161                                              By contrast, no group differences or oxygenation associa
162                                              By contrast, NTR(35), which harbors the R21G mutation, w
163                                              By contrast, observers that experience the consequences
164                                              By contrast, occipital-to-global amyloid-PET uptake rati
165                                              By contrast, Oct4 and the three neural class III POU fac
166                                              By contrast, on rigid substrates, cells develop extensiv
167                                              By contrast, on subsecond (delta frequency) timescales,
168                                              By contrast, only 2 individuals, both asymptomatic adult
169                                              By contrast, our results do not provide clear evidence t
170                                              By contrast, our results suggest that with the higher re
171                                              By contrast, over 100 TEs are transcriptionally de-repre
172                                              By contrast, overexpression of miR172 was sufficient to
173                                              By contrast, overexpression of MoGSK1 produced deformed
174 uction of 3.46%, 95% CI 0.21-6.73%, p=0.038) By contrast, participants with HbA1c less than 6.8% and
175                                              By contrast, Pdcd4(157-469)(D253A,D418A), a mutant that
176                                              By contrast, permissive or "plastic" states may allow st
177 renia and social communication difficulties, by contrast, persisted across age, as observed within tw
178                                              By contrast, Pex15 molecules at peroxisomes are rapidly
179                                              By contrast, PGRP-induced thiol stress (depletion of thi
180                                              By contrast, phosphotransfer systems, and single and dou
181                                              By contrast, Pi04314 secretion was insensitive to BFA tr
182                                              By contrast, PINK1 p.G411S heterozygotes showed no decre
183                                              By contrast, plants overexpressing ELENA1 show elevated
184                                              By contrast, Pol V exhibits high fidelity transcription,
185                                              By contrast, polarized mitochondria in dermal papillar f
186                                              By contrast, potentiation of endogenous compensatory vas
187                                              By contrast, Pou5f1-null mouse embryos maintained the ex
188                                              By contrast, PRC2 targets that remain repressed in Eed (
189                                              By contrast, predictive coding theories provide a unifie
190                                              By contrast, premature mortality decreased substantially
191                                              By contrast, primary cultures of invasive breast cancer
192                                              By contrast, production of vocalizations by humans and a
193                                              By contrast, proteins kept in the folded state and probe
194                                              By contrast, QFT conversion at very high interferon-gamm
195                                              By contrast, quartz crystal microbalance-dissipation (QC
196                                              By contrast, regional gray matter (GM) thickness and vol
197                                              By contrast, replacement with 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-phosp
198 w that higher-order auditory cortical areas, by contrast, represent an attended speech stream separat
199 w that higher-order auditory cortical areas, by contrast, represent the attended stream separately an
200                                              By contrast, REST overexpression in cultured cardiomyocy
201 ing melanogaster Deadlock to simulans Rhino, by contrast, restores localization to clusters.
202                                              By contrast, retinal astrocytic differentiation was acce
203                                              By contrast, rigid filament bundles slide without bendin
204                                              By contrast, Romanian adoptees exposed to more than 6 mo
205                                              By contrast, RT received only approximately 45% from MGv
206                                              By contrast, self-rated emotional symptoms showed a late
207                                              By contrast, similar regulation of LTP is absent in vent
208                                              By contrast, single-base bulges 6'U7' and 6'A7' on the t
209                                              By contrast, single-molecule fluorescence in situ hybrid
210                                              By contrast, six pathogenesis-related (PR) genes were up
211                                              By contrast, small farms (</=20 ha) produce more than 75
212                                              By contrast, social isolation was not explained by the i
213                                              By contrast, some previous studies have raised the intri
214                                              By contrast, SOV of FAs reflects the local production of
215                                              By contrast, spatial screening with less flexible, self-
216                                              By contrast, speciation rate decelerated with time, with
217                      In diverse communities, by contrast, species interactions may reduce intraspecif
218                                              By contrast, species-specific BSs usually lacked the CAr
219                                              By contrast, stress-induced ribosome accumulation on the
220                                              By contrast, studies of NaV1.9 mutations have not reveal
221                                              By contrast, SurA is unable to release tOmpA from Skp, p
222                                              By contrast, sustained therapeutic drug concentrations i
223                                              By contrast, systemic infection with a murine cytomegalo
224                                              By contrast, TBS delivered over the rpSTS did not signif
225                                              By contrast, teleost fish functionally regenerate their
226                                Here we show, by contrast, that 2-mm isotropic voxels in a small patch
227                                              By contrast, that of invasive pneumococcal disease cause
228                                              By contrast, the 1.55-A LigA*NAD(+)*Mg(2+) structure rev
229                                              By contrast, the [Pyr(1) ]apelin-13 induced pressor and
230                                              By contrast, the absence of TLR2, STING, or the addition
231                                              By contrast, the adsorbed Fe(II) intermediate is unresol
232                                              By contrast, the adverse effect of RAS pathway mutations
233                                              By contrast, the amino acids associated with binding gua
234                                              By contrast, the amount of available N was positively re
235                                              By contrast, the antibiotics that attenuate T-box transc
236                                              By contrast, the biosynthesis of cellulose is controlled
237                                              By contrast, the bulkier phosphine (t)Bu2PCl does not re
238                                              By contrast, the chemoreflex stimulation increases the p
239                                              By contrast, the conserved loop sequence tolerated minim
240                                              By contrast, the Detarioideae is much more diverse in Af
241                                              By contrast, the earliest material assigned to the polyp
242                                              By contrast, the ESC-derived trophoblasts possess a wide
243                                              By contrast, the fast closed-time constant (taucf ), whi
244                                              By contrast, the Fe distribution is smeared along an arc
245                                              By contrast, the gene networks coordinated by CREB in as
246                                              By contrast, the glossopharyngeal nerve, which is not hi
247                                              By contrast, the Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus cel
248                                              By contrast, the hexapeptide motif in repeat R3, a cruci
249                                              By contrast, the higher Tg microsphere structures exhibi
250                                              By contrast, the immune sera raised to monomeric Delta12
251                                              By contrast, the intention-to-treat analysis, which incl
252                                              By contrast, the interrater reliability for erythema was
253                                              By contrast, the lightest vertebrates are most threatene
254                                              By contrast, the LRP1 ligand, receptor-associated protei
255                                              By contrast, the majority of sugar (73%) and oil crops (
256                                              By contrast, the mlo2 mlo6 mlo12 triple mutants exhibite
257                                              By contrast, the multi-targeted tyrosine kinase inhibito
258                                              By contrast, the negatively acting factors (e.g. phytoch
259                                              By contrast, the nonfasting state predominates most of a
260                                              By contrast, the OTUD7B deubiquitinase removes polyubiqu
261                                              By contrast, the patient's peripheral blood mononuclear
262                                              By contrast, the prevalence of high-risk HPV genotypes o
263                                              By contrast, the probability of pore dilation increased
264                                              By contrast, the recognition of apoptotic cells was disp
265                                              By contrast, the ribose 2'-OH of A32 seems crucial for t
266                                              By contrast, the rise of the modern pharmaceutical indus
267                                              By contrast, the risk increased significantly in the 0-
268                                              By contrast, the semidominant MED5b mutation reduced epi
269                                              By contrast, the site of delivery of the anti-IL-17A and
270                                              By contrast, the Tyr140 residue is shown to guide the re
271                                              By contrast, the women acting as healthy controls can ac
272                                              By contrast, there is no general method for the de novo
273                                              By contrast, there was no association between SBP and ri
274                                              By contrast, these beneficial responses were attenuated
275                                              By contrast, these neurons cannot elicit aggression in s
276                                              By contrast, those handled by tunnel explored readily an
277                                              By contrast, TMS measures of cortical excitability and p
278                                              By contrast, to date, only a single case of naturally ac
279                                              By contrast, topological metals have not been experiment
280                                              By contrast, transient chimerism-based tolerance is devo
281                                              By contrast, translocation of optoGEF-RhoA to mitochondr
282                                              By contrast, treatment of PCOS mice with an ER stress in
283                                              By contrast, trends in climate and nitrogen deposition d
284                                              By contrast, "uncertain" converters were not at higher r
285                                              By contrast, under inflammatory conditions, estrogen eff
286                                              By contrast, upon amputation, tph1b(+) joint cells give
287                                              By contrast, using comparative somatic behavioural model
288                                              By contrast, using label-free quantitative mass-spectrom
289                                              By contrast, ventral CA1 neurons can integrate temporall
290                                              By contrast, ventral stream areas exhibited strong respo
291                                              By contrast, we found that immature CD66b(+)CD10(-) neut
292                                              By contrast, we identify a pull-push inhibitory circuit
293                                              By contrast, we observe protection from all symptomatic
294                                              By contrast, we show general network conditions under wh
295                                              By contrast, we show here that there is a large portion
296                                              By contrast, we show that a broad set of electrical syna
297                                              By contrast, we show that the electrostatic environment
298                                              By contrast, when endogenous Pcdh diversity is overridde
299                                              By contrast, when the infection became stronger an incre
300                                              By contrast, when the repump is switched off, the PL dec

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