


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              CCAP activated pyloric rhythms in most silent preparatio
2                                              CCAP affected each of the four functional groups of moto
3                                              CCAP exposure also actively terminated pre-ecdysis burst
4                                              CCAP KO animals showed specific defects at ecdysis, yet
5                                              CCAP seems to activate slow intrinsic oscillations in th
6                                              CCAP, the largest European protistan culture collection,
7 even after targeted ablation of all other 42 CCAP neurons.
8                                We isolated a CCAP-related peptide (conoCAP-a, for cone snail CardioAc
9 rsor of conoCAP-a encodes for two additional CCAP-like peptides: conoCAP-b and conoCAP-c.
10                                     Although CCAP KO populations exhibited circadian eclosion rhythms
11                       Consequently, although CCAP neither changes retraction duration nor alters GPR
12 ila larvae, demonstrating that conoCAP-a and CCAP have opposite effects.
13 contrasting cardiac effects of conoCAP-a and CCAP indicate that molluscan CCAP-like peptides have fun
14  activated during pre-ecdysis; EH, CCAP, and CCAP/MIP neurons are active prior to and during ecdysis;
15 ating to neuropeptide surges of both CHH and CCAP were seen during larval hatching, when compared to
16           Preliminary analyses using PCR and CCAP immunohistochemistry suggested that, whereas the DN
17                                Proctolin and CCAP both act on the lateral pyloric neuron and the infe
18 The motor patterns produced in proctolin and CCAP differed quantitatively in a number of ways.
19 the motor patterns produced by proctolin and CCAP.
20                                 Bath-applied CCAP also excites both LG and Int1, but selectively prol
21 d pharmacologically by sequentially applying CCAP and glutamate to the heart.
22                                   All 12 are CCAP efferents that exit the central nervous system.
23                              While arthropod CCAP is a cardio-accelerator, we found that conoCAP-a de
24 se ecdysis motor bursts persisted as long as CCAP was present and could be reinduced by successive ap
25              Furthermore, flies lacking both CCAP and bursicon show much more severe defects at ecdys
26 (MI) in LG, the parallel G(MI) activation by CCAP reduces the impact of GPR regulation of this conduc
27       The changes in motor pattern evoked by CCAP produced significant changes in LP-innervated muscl
28 e movements were additionally potentiated by CCAP applications to isolated nerve-muscle preparations.
29 hat the functions thought to be subserved by CCAP are partially effected by bursicon, and that bursic
30 Neurons IN704 in abdominal ganglia coexpress CCAP and MIPs, whose joint actions initiate the ecdysis
31 xcitability of a group of neurons containing CCAP.
32 e for carbohydrates, and Cyclotella cryptica CCAP 1070/2, with utility for EPA production and N-assim
33                       A subset of the doomed CCAP neurons in the ventral nerve cord also expressed th
34 eurons are activated during pre-ecdysis; EH, CCAP, and CCAP/MIP neurons are active prior to and durin
35  a pivotal downstream circuit neuron enables CCAP to weaken or eliminate sensory regulation of motor
36                            The threshold for CCAP action was approximately 10(-10) M, with increasing
37 ed expression but no IMI responses, we found CCAP modulation of synaptic currents.
38                                         High CCAP concentrations sometimes resulted in modification o
39 10(-10) M, with increasing effects at higher CCAP concentrations.
40                                           In CCAP, the pyloric rhythms were characterized by long lat
41 hose release of EH increases excitability in CCAP/MIP neurons.
42                 We show that null mutants in CCAP express no apparent defects in ecdysis and postecdy
43 ed that both domains are necessary to induce CCAP cell death.
44 ts non-fruiting relatives Rosculus 'ithacus' CCAP 1571/3, R. terrestris n. sp. and R. elongata n. sp.
45                   Transgenic flies that lack CCAP neurons also lacked bursicon bioactivity.
46 n additional cluster composed of four large, CCAP-positive neurons innervates the terminal chamber.
47 re pupal ecdysis by the emergence of 12 late CCAP neurons.
48             Our evidence indicates that late CCAP neurons are derived from early, likely embryonic, l
49                      Importantly, these late CCAP neurons were found to be entirely sufficient for wi
50            It also was more sensitive to low CCAP concentrations and showed saturation at lower conce
51           This distinction results from I(MI-CCAP) being regulated only by postsynaptic voltage, wher
52                                    With I(MI-CCAP) continually present, the impact of the feedback in
53    However, the CCAP-activated current (I(MI-CCAP)) and MCN1-activated current (I(MI-MCN1)) exhibit d
54                                    Molluscan CCAP-like peptides sequences, while homologous, differ b
55 is analogous to recently predicted molluscan CCAP-like preprohormones, and suggests a mechanism for t
56 f conoCAP-a and CCAP indicate that molluscan CCAP-like peptides have functions that differ from those
57                       In dfmr1 null mutants, CCAP/bursicon neurons also exhibit significantly delayed
58                                    Because N(CCAP) mediates environmentally insensitive ecdysis-relat
59 atterns can be initiated by stimulation of N(CCAP), a small network of central neurons that regulates
60  bearing targeted ablations of CCAP neurons (CCAP KO animals) to investigate the role of CCAP in the
61 ance within a defined group of neuropeptide (CCAP) -containing neurons of the ventral nervous system
62 e screen identified Nannochloropsis oceanica CCAP 849/10 and a marine isolate of Chlorella vulgaris C
63 sed Drosophila bearing targeted ablations of CCAP neurons (CCAP KO animals) to investigate the role o
64 prior to and during ecdysis; and activity of CCAP/MIP/bursicon neurons coincides with postecdysis.
65 MI, showed that saturating concentrations of CCAP activated all available IMI in LP, but only approxi
66 rsicon is believed to then act downstream of CCAP to inflate, pigment, and harden the exoskeleton of
67             The cardioacceleratory effect of CCAP release at this location may modulate the propertie
68  believed to be critical for the function of CCAP efferent neurons in ecdysis.
69 tic approach to investigate the functions of CCAP and bursicon in Drosophila ecdysis.
70 f this work is that the primary functions of CCAP as well as its importance in the control of ecdysis
71 , may also regulate ecdysis independently of CCAP.
72 ood pressure in contrast to the injection of CCAP, which did not elicit any cardiac effect.
73                              The majority of CCAP KO animals died at the pupal stage from the failure
74                       The primary mission of CCAP is to maintain and distribute defined cultures and
75 ic-clamp manipulations, that the presence of CCAP weakens or eliminates the GPR effect on the gastric
76 to the PD and PY neurons, in the presence of CCAP, and converted the CCAP rhythm into a rhythm that w
77  nervous system, consistent with the role of CCAP in a range of different behaviors.
78 (CCAP KO animals) to investigate the role of CCAP in the execution and circadian regulation of ecdysi
79  actions have always been placed upstream of CCAP, may also regulate ecdysis independently of CCAP.
80 s bearing targeted ablations of either EH or CCAP neurons, or ablations of both together, to reevalua
81 uggest that crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP) activates the ecdysis motor program; the hormone b
82 y examining crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP) and bursicon circuits, which are similarly develop
83 rmone (EH), Crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP) and Bursicon.
84             Crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP) and related peptides are multifunctional regulator
85 the hormone crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP) and the gastropyloric receptor (GPR) proprioceptor
86 e (ETH) and crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP) elicit the first two motor behaviors, the pre-ecdy
87             Crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP) elicited expression of the motor pattern that driv
88 t expresses crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP) has been shown previously to make the hormone burs
89 orealis, by crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP) is described.
90             Crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP) neurons and the peptide hormones they secrete are
91  peripheral crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP) neurons, which potentiate the anterograde beat.
92 europeptide Crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP) plays a key role in the initiation of the ecdysis
93 milarity to crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP) receptors in insects and mammalian neuropeptide S
94 atostatins, crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP), calcitonin-like diuretic hormone, CRF-like diuret
95  respond to crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP), corazonin, or adipokinetic hormone (AKH), none of
96 de hormone, crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP), modulates the biphasic (protraction/retraction) g
97 rmone (EH), crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP), myoinhibitory peptides (MIP), and bursicon.
98 peptide Ia, crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP), red pigment-concentrating hormone, TNRNFLRFamide,
99 ulting; and crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP), which is involved in stereotyped ecdysis behaviou
100             Crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP)-expressing neurons undergo programmed cell death (
101 ositive for crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP).
102 europeptide crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP).
103 ressed with crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP).
104 e (EH), and crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP).
105 rossed to a crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP)/bursicon neuron-specific Gal4 driver.
106 ical applications e.g. Dunaliella polymorpha CCAP 19/14, significantly the most productive for carboh
107 response of peptidergic neurons that produce CCAP (crustacean cardioactive peptide), which are key ta
108 y Map, Cancer Chromosome Aberration Project (CCAP) pages, Entrez Genomes, Clusters of Orthologous Gro
109 dbSNP, Cancer Chromosome Aberration Project (CCAP), Entrez Genomes and related tools, the Map Viewer,
110 y Map, Cancer Chromosome Aberration Project (CCAP), Entrez Genomes and related tools, the Map Viewer,
111 y Map, Cancer Chromosome Aberration Project (CCAP), Entrez Genomes, Clusters of Orthologous Groups (C
112 y Map, Cancer Chromosome Aberration Project (CCAP), Entrez Genomes, Clusters of Orthologous Groups (C
113 rdinately in response to hormonally released CCAP.
114 e formation or maintenance of adult-specific CCAP/bursicon cell projections during metamorphosis.
115           In the absence of GPR stimulation, CCAP does not alter retraction duration and modestly pro
116 ynamic-clamp manipulations to establish that CCAP prolongs the gastric mill protractor (LG) phase and
117              These results are evidence that CCAP acts at two levels: activation of local premotor ci
118                Here we present evidence that CCAP-expressing neurons (NCCAP) consist of two functiona
119                           We also found that CCAP immunoreactivity decreases centrally during normal
120 s and its circadian regulation indicate that CCAP is a key regulator of the behavior.
121                                          The CCAP-activated G(MI) thus counteracts the GPR-mediated d
122 , in the presence of CCAP, and converted the CCAP rhythm into a rhythm that was statistically similar
123 in the CNS; by autocrine influences from the CCAP neurons themselves; and by inhibitory actions media
124                                 However, the CCAP-activated current (I(MI-CCAP)) and MCN1-activated c
125 sing number of fully sequenced protists, the CCAP is striving to provide targeted services and suppor
126       In this study, we demonstrate that the CCAP neuron network is remodeled immediately before pupa
127  to their cGMP response at ecdysis and their CCAP-IR.
128 th a rise in intracellular cGMP within these CCAP neurons.
129                                         This CCAP action results from its ability to activate the sam
130 bset had previously been shown to respond to CCAP with the activation of a modulator-activated inward
131 d, desheathed abdominal ganglia responded to CCAP by generating rhythmical ecdysis bursts.
132 concentration dependence of IMI responses to CCAP application in two identified neurons, the lateral
133 0 and a marine isolate of Chlorella vulgaris CCAP 211/21A as the best lipid producers.
134  flies, in which most of the 50 neurons were CCAP-IR, although none showed increases in cGMP at ecdys
135 GMP-IR at ecdysis, although the neurons were CCAP-IR.
136                                         When CCAP was superfused in a low Ca2+ saline that blocked ch
137                                         When CCAP was superfused, the membrane potentials of these ne
138                          Conversely, whereas CCAP-IR was severely reduced in the thoracic and subesop
139 ion that innervates swimmerets, neurons with CCAP-like immunoreactivity sent processes to the lateral
140                               Hence, without CCAP, retraction and protraction duration are determined

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