


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              CGA 325'615 in nanomolar concentrations or DCB in microm
2                                              CGA acts as an antioxidant in plants and protects agains
3                                              CGA can be conducted in an outpatient cancer community u
4                                              CGA content varied greatly (27.33-121.25mg/200 ml coffee
5                                              CGA drastically increased the release activity of the In
6                                              CGA has been shown to exist primarily in a tetrameric st
7                                              CGA is shown not a major contributor to CO2 formation, a
8                                              CGA isolates were obtained from diverse locations across
9                                              CGA isomer content was positively correlated (p<0.001) t
10 re randomly assigned (standard arm, n = 251; CGA arm, n = 243).
11                                            3-CGA and caffeine were found at higher concentrations in
12                                            3-CGA concentrations and pH were comparable between cold a
13 ations of caffeine and 3-chlorogenic acid (3-CGA) in cold brew coffee were investigated by brewing fo
14        It was determined that caffeine and 3-CGA concentrations reached equilibrium according to firs
15              The grind size did not impact 3-CGA and caffeine concentrations of cold brew samples sig
16 y of cold brew coffee is likely not due to 3-CGA or caffeine concentrations considering that most aci
17  G of 5' TCG 3' and by extruding the C of 5' CGA 3'.
18  guanine bases, primarily in the sequence 5'-CGA where the damaged nucleobase is flanked by two high-
19 is motif, called loop 6, has the sequence 5'-CGA-3'...5'-GAC-3' flanked on both sides by cis Watson-C
20 n was found in the other context studied, 5'-CGA-3'.
21  missense mutation was detected in codon 82 (CGA to GGA) that would create a non-conservative substit
22                                            A CGA includes an evaluation of an older individual's func
23                              At discharge, a CGA score (range, 0-10) was calculated based on limitati
24 olymerase showed a striking preference for a CGA sequence at positions -12 to -10 rather than the lon
25 emonstrates that the variables examined in a CGA can predict morbidity and mortality in older patient
26 ng data show the benefits of incorporating a CGA in the evaluation of older patients with cancer.
27            Transfection of bovine CGA into a CGA-deficient PC12 clone rescued the regulated secretory
28            Stable transfection of CGA into a CGA-deficient pituitary cell line, 6T3, lacking a regula
29 of the first studies evaluating the use of a CGA in developing interventions to improve the care of o
30 le discusses recent advances on the use of a CGA in older patients with cancer.
31                        However, heating of a CGA moiety, caffeic acid, resulted in high yield of CO2
32 ospective trials evaluating the utility of a CGA to guide interventions to improve the quality of can
33                          Sequencing showed a CGA-->TGA nonsense mutation at codon 306 in exon 8.
34 ence from recent studies demonstrates that a CGA can predict morbidity and mortality in older patient
35 les of neuroendocrine cells, chromogranin A (CGA) and chromogranin B (CGB), have been shown to underg
36  the Ca(2+) storage protein, chromogranin A (CGA), couples with InsP(3)-gated Ca(2+) channels (InsP(3
37 ocrine cells is dependent on chromogranin A (CGA).
38 -associated Escherichia coli clonal group A (CGA), a widespread cause of drug-resistant urinary tract
39 lonephritis isolates were in clonal group A (CGA; responsible for 38-51% of co-trimoxazole resistance
40                    E. coli "clonal group A" (CGA) and the O2:K5/K7:H1 and O75:K+ clonal groups were s
41 oxidants, and among these, chlorogenic acid (CGA) accumulates to high levels in some crop plants.
42 oligosaccharides (FOS) and chlorogenic acid (CGA) contents were also evaluated.
43 wo CO2 formation pathways (chlorogenic acid (CGA) degradation and Maillard reaction) during coffee ro
44 5) affected the content of chlorogenic acid (CGA) isomers, several indices of browning and subsequent
45     Phenolic acids, mainly chlorogenic acid (CGA), represent the major compounds, followed by anthocy
46                            Chlorogenic acid (CGA, caffeoyl quinate) is the major soluble phenolic com
47 caffeoylquinic acids (e.g. chlorogenic acid [CGA]) and the dicaffeoylquinic acids (diCQAs) have been
48                           Chlorogenic acids (CGA) are a class of polyphenols noted for their health b
49                                 In addition, CGA 325'615, but not DCB, also causes accumulation of Ce
50 cer patients to complete a self-administered CGA and then to characterize cancer patients across mult
51                  The charophyte green algae (CGA, Streptophyta, Viridiplantae) occupy a key phylogene
52 sduction, we used comparative gene analysis (CGA) combined with pathway visualization software to ide
53  matrix (i.e., comparative genomic analysis [CGA]) identified a candidate core genome consisting of 1
54 oteins lay between those of purified CGB and CGA, CGB aggregation showing the highest degree of aggre
55 he wobble position which reads CGU, CGC, and CGA bypasses much more frequently from the last codon th
56 esults indicate that the contents of FOS and CGA were maintained in the pulping, enzymatic maceration
57 ult, in addition to higher levels of FOS and CGA, some mineral elements, such as K, Ca and P, and ess
58  compound in switchgrass, and the lignin and CGA biosynthetic pathways potentially share intermediate
59                          In the standard and CGA arms, 35.1% and 45.7% of patients received a carbopl
60                          In the standard and CGA arms, median TFFS times were 3.2 and 3.1 months, res
61 bromatosis 1 (NF1) mRNA changes an arginine (CGA) to a UGA translational stop codon, predicted to res
62      The pause sites map to a rare arginine (CGA) codon and to an adjacent threonine (ACA) codon.
63          Comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) can contribute valuable information to oncologists
64          Comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) has aided the medical community greatly in understa
65 ceived a comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) in our Senior Adult Oncology Program (SAOP).
66 ore on a comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) is associated with worse prognosis during hospitali
67 use of a comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) is one example of this effort.
68          Comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) is recommended to assess the vulnerability of elder
69 plate strand 5'-d(AAC GC-(1) T(-)(2) ACC ATC CGA ATT CGC CC), I (dG = (+)-trans- and (-)-trans-anti-B
70 od of developing central geographic atrophy (CGA) and neovascular (NV) AMD.
71                       Chromogranins A and B (CGA and CGB) are high capacity, low affinity calcium (Ca
72                       Chromogranins A and B (CGA and CGB), the major proteins of the secretory vesicl
73                                         Both CGA and CGB associate with inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate
74 of 5.5, as found in secretory vesicles, both CGA and CGB bind to the InsP3R.
75                       Transfection of bovine CGA into a CGA-deficient PC12 clone rescued the regulate
76 s modulation of InsP(3)R channel activity by CGA appears to be an essential component in the control
77 mulation of non-crystalline glucan caused by CGA 325'615 mimics the phenotype of the cellulose-defici
78 in the cell, the heterotetramer formation by CGA and CGB not only raises the possibility of interacti
79                          Genes identified by CGA were cross-referenced with the published signature-t
80  precisely converting four codons (CAA, CAG, CGA, and TGG) into STOP codons without DSB formation.
81  control vector contained the codon pair CCC CGA in the zero reading frame, raising the possibility t
82 e strong support for the hypothesis that CCC CGA in the zero frame is indeed a weak translational fra
83 ur DNA oligomers, d(*CG*CGT*CG*CG) and d(*CG*CGA*CG*CG) (*C = C or br5C), have been synthesized and a
84 ted for the br5C-d(*CG*CGT*CG*CG)+br5C-d(*CG*CGA*CG*CG) duplex which incorporates a Z-Z junction.
85 ing the br5C-d(*CG*CGT*CG*CG) and br5C-d(*CG*CGA*CG*CG) nonamers together converts a fraction of the
86 nd treatment allocation on the basis of CGA (CGA arm: carboplatin-based doublet for fit patients, doc
87 1 mutations (11/16), all A:T to G:C changes (CGA).
88 mRNA modifies cytidine in an arginine codon (CGA) at nucleotide 2914 to a uridine (UGA), creating an
89  resulting in a premature termination codon (CGA-TGA) on both alleles.
90                                  Unlike DCB, CGA 325'615 also causes concomitant accumulation of non-
91 L(Arg1,2)(ICG) with I(34) was able to decode CGA.
92  30% less likely than their peers to develop CGA and NV AMD.
93                       Tomatoes with elevated CGA levels could be used in foods with specific benefits
94  intraluminal pH is 7.5, as found in the ER, CGA totally dissociates from InsP3R, whereas CGB only pa
95                       Observations of extant CGA species suggest the existence of some of the evoluti
96 uced dense-core granules, immunoreactive for CGA, in nonendocrine fibroblast CV-1 cells.
97 sisted for development of NV AMD but not for CGA.
98 innamoyltransferase (HQT) is responsible for CGA biosynthesis in tobacco, tomato and globe artichoke,
99 elected elderly cancer patients benefit from CGA and geriatric interventions.
100  selection of elderly who would benefit from CGA using screening tools such as the Vulnerable Elders-
101 he rate limiting step for CO2 formation from CGA.
102  to predict a consensus binding site of GTCG/CGA/G for the FruA DNA-binding domain.
103  We also provide evidence that the herbicide CGA 325'615 (Syngenta, Basel), which inhibits synthesis
104 n experimental thiatriazine-based herbicide, CGA 325'615.
105 fessional team assessment approach, however, CGA may be time consuming and costly.
106 yl acceptor, and could therefore function in CGA biosynthesis.
107 nes encoding enzymes potentially involved in CGA biosynthesis in switchgrass.
108 transferases (HCT/HQT) have been involved in CGA production, of which HCT reflects CGA levels.
109 le matrix proteins and the vesicle membrane, CGA and CGB are proposed to play essential roles in the
110                                    Moreover, CGA and CGB, as well as several other secretory vesicle
111 required both AnAflR and at least one TCG(N5)CGA AflR binding site.
112 amining the contribution of the three TCG(N5)CGA elements in the 1.1 kb promoter region of stcU using
113  binds to the palindromic sequence 5'-TCG(N5)CGA-3' found in the promoter regions of several aflatoxi
114                                      The new CGA-specific PCR assay, which exhibited interlaboratory
115 urthermore, the difference in the ability of CGA and CGB to regulate the InsP3R/Ca2+ channel and the
116 r experiments in the presence and absence of CGA.
117 o be the principal route for accumulation of CGA in solanaceous species.
118 rs) and treatment allocation on the basis of CGA (CGA arm: carboplatin-based doublet for fit patients
119  NSCLC, treatment allocation on the basis of CGA failed to improve the TFFS or OS but slightly reduce
120 ith an experimental strategy on the basis of CGA.
121                       High concentrations of CGA and relatively low pH occur in the vacuoles of plant
122 ty and 100% specificity for the detection of CGA among 138 diverse clinical and reference E. coli iso
123 ld allow the rapid and specific detection of CGA by any laboratory equipped for diagnostic PCR.
124                            Downregulation of CGA expression in a neuroendocrine cell line, PC12, by a
125                In addition to the effects of CGA 325'615 on levels of both of these proteins, the lev
126                        The 12-y incidence of CGA and NV AMD in participants at moderate-to-high risk
127                                Incubation of CGA with crude extracts of tomato fruits led to the form
128 ependence of the pH-dependent interaction of CGA and CGB by analytical ultracentrifugation and found
129                               mRNA levels of CGA, CGB, PPARG, CYP19A1, CYP11A1, PTGS2, EREG, and the
130 caused plants to accumulate higher levels of CGA, with no side-effects on the levels of other soluble
131 gh-anthocyanin varieties have high levels of CGA.
132                     However, one molecule of CGA bound to one molecule of CGB at pH 7.5 with DeltaG0
133 ntrifugation and found that two molecules of CGA bound to two molecules of CGB at pH 5.5 with DeltaG0
134                            Overexpression of CGA induced dense-core granules, immunoreactive for CGA,
135   These results highlight the broad range of CGA quantity in commercial coffee and demonstrate that c
136  shown to be a member or a close relative of CGA (by ERIC2 PCR and RAPD analysis, respectively) and y
137 in the remaining four probands, targeting of CGA-->TGA mutations in genomic DNA revealed a premature
138                       Stable transfection of CGA into a CGA-deficient pituitary cell line, 6T3, lacki
139 e InsP3R/Ca2+ channel and the variability of CGA/CGB ratios could influence the pattern of InsP3-medi
140 ount of roasting had a detrimental effect on CGA content).
141 ee choice is important in delivering optimum CGA intake to consumers.
142   In the presence of luminal CGB monomers or CGA/CGB heteromers the InsP3R/Ca2+ channel open probabil
143 ction between the InsP3R and CGB monomers or CGA/CGB heteromers, purified mouse InsP3R type I were fu
144 yl quinate to generate caffeoyl shikimate or CGA.
145                               Using purified CGA and CGB, it recently has been shown that CGA interac
146 hasing might also be exacerbated by the rare CGA Arg codon in the second position due to increased va
147 clonal groups, including recently recognized CGA.
148 ved in CGA production, of which HCT reflects CGA levels.
149 lacking m(7)G and m(5)C, and mature tRNA(Ser(CGA)) in mutants lacking Um and ac(4)C.
150 we used a genetic screen to examine tRNA(Ser(CGA)) variants.
151 onstrate that for the wild-type pre-tRNA(Ser)CGA and other pre-tRNAs, Lhp1p is required for the norma
152 that disrupts the anticodon stem of tRNA(Ser)CGA require Lhp1p for growth.
153 though maturation of the mutant pre-tRNA(Ser)CGA requires Lhp1p, introduction of a second mutation th
154  anticodon loop, only tRNA(Ser)AGA, tRNA(Ser)CGA, tRNA(Ser)UGA, and selenocysteine tRNA with UCA (tRN
155 d show that the mutation lies in a tRNA(Ser)(CGA), which has been modified to translate the nonsense
156                        The score on a simple CGA is associated with long-term mortality in older pati
158  pH optimum and a high Km for its substrate, CGA.
159  clones encoding the enzyme that synthesizes CGA, hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA quinate: hydroxycinnamoyl tran
160 TAC, GAT.ATC, GTT.AAC, CAC.GTG, AGG.CCT, TCG.CGA, and AAG.CTT), and the adjoining paper describes stu
161                  However, long tracts of TCG.CGA showed strong inhibition of DNA synthesis at specifi
162     In view of the interaction of tetrameric CGA with tetrameric inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) r
163                             We conclude that CGA is an "on/off" switch that alone is sufficient to dr
164                        Our results show that CGA-coupled InsP(3)Rs are more sensitive to activation t
165 CGA and CGB, it recently has been shown that CGA interacts with CGB at pH 5.5.
166 in high yield of CO2 (>98%), suggesting that CGA hydrolysis could be the rate limiting step for CO2 f
167 ame starting within the next codon after the CGA, our data also support possible contribution to expr
168  The analysis of the association between the CGA score and 2-year subsequent mortality was performed
169         However, the association between the CGA score and long-term mortality is uncertain.
170 ficant reduction (P = 0.93) was seen for the CGA (OR, 1.02; 95% CI, 0.71-1.45).
171                              Patients in the CGA arm, compared with standard arm patients, experience
172                    A 1-point increase in the CGA score was associated with a 19% higher mortality (ha
173                        All components of the CGA score showed a consistent association with higher de
174                                     Only the CGA content of coffee corresponded to intracellular anti
175 e also observed a strong preference for this CGA sequence by Escherichia coli sigma(28) RNA polymeras
176                                        Thus, CGA is broadly disseminated and contributes to co-trimox
177 not only to the vesicle membrane but also to CGA at pH 5.5, with the exception of a few matrix protei
178               However, perceived barriers to CGA include time, familiarity, cost, and lack of a well-
179 atrix proteins that appeared to bind only to CGA or to vesicle membrane.
180 esponding genes, suggest preferred routes to CGA in switchgrass.
181  highest levels, between 25 and 30% of total CGA; subsequent relative quantities were: 4-CQA>3-CQA>5-
182 recognized by tRNA(GGA)(Ser) and UCG by tRNA(CGA)(Ser).
183 ation of Penium margaritaceum, a unicellular CGA species.
184 s of coffee positively corresponds best with CGA content.
185 Purified CGB was also shown to interact with CGA at pH 5.5.
186 on were reproduced experimentally: MnBP with CGA, MBzP with CYP11A1, and MEHP with PTGS2.

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