


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              CMP is a slightly better substrate but again with a high
2                                              CMP waste streams were tested for total solids, cerium,
3                                              CMP-Kdo synthetase inhibition and competition assays sho
4                                              CMP-N-acetylneuraminic acid hydroxylase (CMAH) loss occu
5                                              CMP-N-acetylneuraminic acid is a critical metabolite in
6                                              CMP-Neu5Ac is the obligate nucleotide sugar donor for al
7                                              CMP-Neu5Gc is synthesized from CMP-Neu5Ac, with Neu5Gc r
8                                              CMP-NeuAc produced in situ is utilized by the same enzym
9                                              CMP-pseudaminic acid is a precursor required for the O-g
10                                              CMP-sialic acid is transported into the lumen of the Gol
11 nity column, and addition of synthesized 13C-CMP-NeuAc to the desialylated ST6Gal-I.
12 ikewise, binding of the product analogue, 3'-CMP, to RNase A(ECP) results in only minor chemical shif
13 ate (5'AMP) and cytosine 5'-monophosphate (5'CMP), with the affinity constant for AMP in the physiolo
14 s well as the formation of CMP-NeuAc from 5'-CMP had a wide optimum range (pH 5.2-7.2 and 4.8-6.4, re
15 or ST3Gal-II, inhibited the conversion of 5'-CMP to CMP-NeuAc.
16 ibitor, did not inhibit the conversion of 5'-CMP to CMP-NeuAc; and (iii) the mucin core 2 compound 3-
17 olipids, and sialylated macromolecules to 5'-CMP.
18 nts, containing the AmCYAN1 gene driven by a CMP promoter and the E. coli PMI gene driven by either a
19 se compounds are subsequently activated by a CMP-sialic acid synthetase and transferred to a wide ran
20  and the E. coli PMI gene driven by either a CMP or Ubi promoter, were used to monitor T-DNA insert s
21 rmined structure of pig ST3GAL1, including a CMP-sialic acid-binding site assembled from conserved si
22                                    MilB is a CMP hydrolase involved in the early steps of biosynthesi
23 ering strategy that is based on the use of a CMP-Neu5Ac derivative that is modified at C-5 by a bifun
24 cytidinemonophospho-N-acetylneuraminic acid (CMP-NANA) to increase LPS sialylation, convalescent-phas
25 ytidine monophospho-N-acetylneuraminic acid (CMP-Neu5Ac) are considered a limiting factor in the sial
26 dine 5'-monophospho-N-acetylneuraminic acid (CMP-NeuAc) to an acceptor molecule.
27 n its lipooligosaccharide (LOS) by acquiring CMP-N-acetyl-5-neuraminic acid upon entering human cells
28              Te(4+)3d peaks are absent after CMP induced by the developed CMP slurry, indicating the
29 e achieved, respectively on MCT wafers after CMP.
30 years; 78% male) who underwent a stand-alone CMP from 1992 through 2010.
31 cumulating high amounts of cytidine but also CMP, cytosine, and some uridine in seeds.
32 MI in solution with the mononucleotides AMP, CMP, GMP, and TMP.
33 d Ig light chain amyloidoses and amyloidotic CMP.
34 ht chain from nine patients with amyloidotic CMP were examined for the presence of CLU using immunohi
35 centrations were associated with amyloidotic CMP.
36 y in vivo than its noncleavable (NC) analog, CMP-NCL-CA4.
37 tein in complex with CMP or a donor analogue CMP-3F(a)Neu5Ac and an acceptor lactose have been determ
38 sferase (Delta24PmST1) with a donor analogue CMP-3F(a)Neu5Ac or CMP-3F(e)Neu5Ac were determined at 2.
39 3(-/Y) mice occurs more rapidly than CLP and CMP recovery.
40 g, with the nucleotide CTP binding first and CMP released last.
41 e present crystal structures of the free and CMP-bound forms of WaaA from Aquifex aeolicus, an ancien
42  including UDP-Gal, UDP-GalNAc, GDP-Fuc, and CMP-Neu5Ac.
43 neous and independent binding of UDP-Gal and CMP-Sia was seen in the absence of an acceptor as well a
44 cating BCOR gene mutation affecting HSPC and CMP was beneath the threshold of detection in GMP or MEP
45 e detected regions in alpha-La, beta-Lg, and CMP enabled specific cleavage points to be associated wi
46 sphate (CMP) is a poor ligand of ODCase, and CMP binds to the active site of ODCase with an unusual o
47 ino]piperid in-1-yl]-3-oxopropionitrile) and CMP-6 (tetracyclic pyridone 2-t-butyl-9-fluoro-3,6-dihyd
48 all four N>p's (2',3'-cyclic A-, G-, U-, and CMP) to the 5'-hydroxyl termini of RNA strands with 5' n
49 action between small molecules like urea and CMP can significantly contribute to cytoplasmic nonideal
50 t of high levels of apoptosis in B cells and CMPs and induced a compensatory mechanism in which HSCs
51  correlates with gene expression in HSCs and CMPs.
52      F(ab')(2) fragments generated from anti-CMP EBA autoantibodies did not induce disease.
53                       Affinity-purified anti-CMP EBA antibodies injected into hairless mice produced
54                       Structures in the apo, CMP-bound, CDP-bound and CDP-glycerol-bound states defin
55 cut-and-sew CMP-III to the ablation-assisted CMP-IV, which uses bipolar radiofrequency and cryoenergy
56 on and its interactions with REST-associated CMPs, and the resulting regulation of REST-downstream ge
57 uld rescue PAC formation from TGF-beta1(+/-) CMPs and GMPs.
58 implications for the design of biofunctional CMPs.
59 back inhibition of GNE-epimerase activity by CMP-sialic acid causes excessive production of free sial
60 back inhibition of GNE-epimerase activity by CMP-sialic acid recovered after silencing demonstrating
61            Direct sensing of TLR agonists by CMP induced rapid proliferation and induction of myeloid
62 etabolic activation to CMP-Sia, catalyzed by CMP-Sia synthetase (CMAS).
63  de-O-acetylation of Neu5,9Ac(2) followed by CMP activation of Neu5Ac or activation of Neu5,9Ac(2) fo
64 lis and is subject to feedback regulation by CMP-Kdo.
65 to 70% of the host rat liver was replaced by CMP-FLEC derived DPPIV+ hepatocytes.
66 with and without amyloidotic cardiomyopathy (CMP).
67  in children with nondilated cardiomyopathy (CMP) listed for heart transplant compared with children
68  breakdown of alpha-La, caseinomacropeptide (CMP), beta-Lg A and beta-Lg B were observed as hydrolysi
69                             It also connects CMP self-assembly with a broad range of biomolecular int
70 he GSI MK-0752 was administered to conscious CMP rhesus monkeys in conjunction with in vivo stable-is
71    While both arginine and lysine containing CMP sequences can favor triple-helix folding, only argin
72 se data indicated that both test and control CMP grafts showed a good degree of bone formation.
73 y-d-manno-octulosonate cytidylyltransferase (CMP-KDO synthetase, KdsB, EC, a key enzyme in
74                            ANGPTL4-deficient CMPs have higher lipid raft content, are more proliferat
75       Here we report that previously defined CMPs possess T-lineage potential, and that this is exclu
76 ents demonstrate that systemically delivered CMPs can bind to collagens in bones, as well as prominen
77       A chain-terminating inhibitor, 3'deoxy-CMP, could also be excised through this mechanism, sugge
78 ne CG3362, also efficiently dephosphorylates CMP, although with lower apparent affinity; UMP and the
79 re absent after CMP induced by the developed CMP slurry, indicating the removing of oxidized films on
80  MCT wafers are polished using the developed CMP slurry.
81 36 children analyzed, 1197 (83%) had dilated CMP and 239 (17%) had nondilated CMP (167 restrictive CM
82 zard ratio, 1.8; CI, 1.2-2.7) versus dilated CMP.
83  94%, respectively, in children with dilated CMP versus 95% and 89%, respectively, in children with n
84 ansplant compared with children with dilated CMP.
85 ed by serum-localized nucleotide sugar donor CMP-sialic acid that is at least partially derived from
86 y PST(Nm) requires the presence of the donor CMP-Neu5Ac, and the product could be degraded by the PSA
87 s that hydrophobic aromatic groups can drive CMP self-assembly.
88 transferases; LOS derived from an H. ducreyi CMP-Neu5Ac synthetase (neuA) mutant has no detectable Ne
89 mical reaction equations are proposed during CMP according to the XPS and electrochemical measurement
90   RNA-seq analyses of telomere dysfunctional CMP identified aberrantly spliced transcripts linked to
91           This privileged linker can enhance CMP-based biomaterials and enable previously inaccessibl
92  Humans have a unique mutation of the enzyme CMP-N-acetylneuraminic acid hydroxylase (CMAH), causing
93 onstituting cells, and, to a greater extent, CMP and megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitor development,
94 n efficiently and effectively substitute for CMP-sialic acid in extracellular ST6Gal-1-mediated sialy
95 lation of expression of the transporters for CMP-sialic acid, GDP-fucose, or both unexpectedly result
96 ant conformer are similar to those of a free CMP, but those of the minor apo species are comparable t
97 2 catalyzes the transfer of sialic acid from CMP-sialic acid to a growing chain of polysialic acid at
98 vel mechanism for lineage determination from CMP.
99 tion was increased, but differentiation from CMP to granulocyte/macrophage progenitor was decreased,
100            In contrast, differentiation from CMP to megakaryocyte/erythrocyte progenitor was increase
101 We observed that the transfer of neuNAc from CMP-neuNAc to a polysialic acid acceptor is catalyzed by
102 -fold reversal of substrate specificity from CMP to dCMP.
103               CMP-Neu5Gc is synthesized from CMP-Neu5Ac, with Neu5Gc representing a highly variable f
104 r, we demonstrate that mouse MDPs arose from CMPs independently of GMPs, and that GMPs and MDPs produ
105 f Mysm1 in lineage determination of DCs from CMPs: the selective expression of Mysm1 in a subset of C
106 y regulators of functional PACs derived from CMPs and GMPs and may provide a therapeutic target durin
107 , is strongly expressed in PACs derived from CMPs and GMPs, approximately 60-fold higher than in prog
108 s uniquely associated with PACs derived from CMPs and GMPs.
109 -factor, respectively, of the N-terminal GBS CMP-Sia synthetase domain.
110 esterase operates cooperatively with the GBS CMP-Sia synthetase, both part of a single polypeptide en
111 yltransferase that condenses CTP to generate CMP-pseudaminic acid.
112 id progenitors without affecting RAG2/GFP(+) CMPs or the developmental kinetics, RAG-mediated recombi
113 of the presence of casein glycomacropeptide (CMP) on the in vitro digestibility and potential allerge
114 of mitogen-activated CD4+ T cells and higher CMP-induced CXCL10 and IL-10 production in 24-hour cultu
115 r preservation of T-cell function and higher CMP-induced IL-10 and CXCL10 production before cART are
116 FN-gamma production pre-cART, but not higher CMP-specific T-cell responses after cART, were risk fact
117        C-IRIS was not associated with higher CMP-specific T-cell responses before or during cART.
118 ed CMP (167 restrictive CMP, 72 hypertrophic CMP).
119  Taken together, these observations identify CMPs and GMPs as key bone marrow progenitors for optimal
120 itutions at C-5 or C-9 of the sialic acid in CMP-sialic acid, while its acceptor substrate specificit
121 st, we did not detect B-lineage potential in CMP subsets.
122 e-like enzymes Pen and Pal and their role in CMP-pseudaminic acid biosynthesis in Gram-positive bacte
123              Lack of type I IFN signaling in CMP abrogated macrophage differentiation in response to
124 K/mammalian target of rapamycin signaling in CMP, which was enhanced by type I IFN, and this pathway
125 ccompanied by increased cell cycle arrest in CMPs.
126 st abundant in HSCs, with a 40% reduction in CMPs, and a 67% reduction in ERYs.
127  growth factor receptor (PDGFR) signaling in CMPs.
128                 Biochemical assays indicated CMP-NeuAc:GalNAc-IgA1 alpha2,6-sialyltransferase activit
129 involving the protein RNase A, its inhibitor CMP, the osmolyte urea, and water.
130 nversion of CMP-N-acetylneuraminic acid into CMP-Neu5Gc, which is catalyzed by the CMP-Neu5Ac hydroxy
131  CMP-Neu5Ac resulting in the conversion into CMP-Neu5Gc is the only known enzymatic reaction in mamma
132 that by reducing the amount of intracellular CMP-Neu5Ac consumed for glycosphingolipid (GSL) biosynth
133 ls can be improved by shunting intracellular CMP-Neu5Ac away from GSL biosynthesis and toward glycopr
134                            The less invasive CMP-IV had significantly shorter cross-clamp times (41+/
135 llergenicity of beta-lactoglobulin (beta-lg)-CMP mixtures.
136                                        Lower CMP-induced IFN-gamma production pre-cART, but not highe
137 P = .0437 and .0257, respectively) and lower CMP-activated CD4+ T-cell counts pre-cART (P = .0178).
138 cal deterioration (no ND; n = 63), had lower CMP-induced IFN-gamma production in 24-hour cultures pre
139      Mitogen- and cryptococcal mannoprotein (CMP)-activated (CD25+CD134+) CD4+ T cells and -induced p
140 roups on the ends of a representative 30-mer CMP, (GPO)(10), as with l-phenylalanine and l-pentafluor
141  to a newly developed calcium metaphosphate (CMP) bone graft, with and without bone-stimulating growt
142              Using cartilage microparticles (CMPs) coated with anti-collagen mAb and serum from MASP-
143              The 1.6 A structure of the MilB-CMP complex reveals an active site feature that is not o
144 T6Gal I sialyltransferase and azide-modified CMP-Neu5Ac.
145              We designed N3- and N4-modified CMP derivatives as novel ligands to ODCase.
146             These findings with the modified CMP nucleotides underscored the potential of transformat
147 iple-helical hybridization between monomeric CMPs of high triple-helical propensity and denatured col
148                   Cytidine-5'-monophosphate (CMP) is a poor ligand of ODCase, and CMP binds to the ac
149 dification, which are also enriched in mouse CMP haploinsufficient for SRSF2 and in CD34(+) CMML pati
150 had dilated CMP and 239 (17%) had nondilated CMP (167 restrictive CMP, 72 hypertrophic CMP).
151 ansplant graft loss was higher in nondilated CMP (hazard ratio, 1.8; CI, 1.2-2.7) versus dilated CMP.
152 %, respectively, in children with nondilated CMP (P=0.17, log-rank test).
153 t-list mortality in children with nondilated CMP is limited to those on ventilator support at listing
154  adjusted analysis, children with nondilated CMP were at higher risk of wait-list mortality only if t
155                                  These novel CMP derivatives and their corresponding nucleosides were
156  Neu5,9Ac(2) followed by de-O-acetylation of CMP-Neu5,9Ac(2).
157                        The novel approach of CMP is environment-friendly.
158                               The binding of CMP to the protein causes a large closure movement of th
159                    Most pDCs and all cDCs of CMP origin lacked these signs of a lymphoid past.
160                           The combination of CMP was observed to be effective in elderly patients wit
161 thway generating Neu5Gc is the conversion of CMP-N-acetylneuraminic acid into CMP-Neu5Gc, which is ca
162 imiting toxicities during the first cycle of CMP treatment to define the maximal tolerated dose (MTD)
163          Patients received up to 9 cycles of CMP.
164 hildren <18 years of age with a diagnosis of CMP listed for heart transplant in the United States bet
165 nce pattern and catalyse the displacement of CMP from a CDP-alcohol by a second alcohol.
166 sistent with the supramolecular diversity of CMP morphologies observed throughout the literature.
167 n with CMP-NeuAc as well as the formation of CMP-NeuAc from 5'-CMP had a wide optimum range (pH 5.2-7
168  higher in children with nondilated forms of CMP, their short-term transplant outcomes are good.
169  The CMAH enzyme catalyzes the generation of CMP-Neu5Gc by the transfer of a single oxygen atom to th
170 of a single oxygen atom to the acyl group of CMP-Neu5Ac.
171                    To date, hydroxylation of CMP-Neu5Ac resulting in the conversion into CMP-Neu5Gc i
172 lecule to another without the involvement of CMP-NeuAc.
173 ned during differentiation and maturation of CMP-FLEC, indicating that the acquisition of ductal morp
174                The fundamental mechanisms of CMP are proposed according to the X-ray photoelectron sp
175  evaluate the overall response rate (ORR) of CMP.
176 en-bonds to the terminal phosphate oxygen of CMP.
177     However, in these cultures, some pDCs of CMP origin showed evidence of past RAG1 expression and h
178     It can be concluded that the presence of CMP in products containing beta-lg may modify the digest
179 elta24PmST1), in the absence and presence of CMP, have been determined by X-ray crystallography at 1.
180 on of beta-lg IgE binding in the presence of CMP.
181 re reaction comprising in situ production of CMP-NeuAc and sialylation of acceptor had a sharp optimu
182                In this study a wide range of CMP-NMR interaction and editing-based experiments are co
183                          Porous scaffolds of CMP were developed and extensively tested in vitro.
184 ans including kidney, a critical shortage of CMP-sialic acid prevented sialylation of nephrin and pod
185                    The symmetric assembly of CMPs provides an enabling platform for the development o
186 lling role for ROS in the differentiation of CMPs in mammalian haematopoietic development and oxidati
187                   Experimental evaluation of CMPs that host alternative thiols validates this design:
188 inor apo species are comparable to shifts of CMPs in helical RNA regions.
189 ents; most of these derived from a subset of CMPs already expressing RAG1.
190 selective expression of Mysm1 in a subset of CMPs and the different requirement of Mysm1 for PU.1 rec
191 ively found in the Flt3(+)CD150(-) subset of CMPs at the clonal level.
192 sincorporation of UTP, ATP, and CTP opposite CMP in the template, respectively.
193 T1) with a donor analogue CMP-3F(a)Neu5Ac or CMP-3F(e)Neu5Ac were determined at 2.0 and 1.9 A resolut
194 the mucin-like repeats when we overexpressed CMP-Neu5Ac:GalNAc-Ralpha2,6-sialyltransferase-1 to block
195 assembly of short collagen-mimetic peptides (CMPs) can enable the fabrication of synthetic collagen t
196  we present caged collagen mimetic peptides (CMPs) that can be photo-triggered to fold into triple he
197 n of two distinct collagen mimetic peptides (CMPs).
198 ociations between collagen-mimetic peptides (CMPs).
199  sought to discover collagen model peptides (CMPs) that would form triple helices and self-assemble i
200 udy employs novel comprehensive multi-phase (CMP) NMR technology that permits the application of solu
201 l approach of chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) is developed for cadmium zinc telluride (CdZnTe or
202 l approach of chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) is developed for mercury cadmium telluride (HgCdTe
203 uent from the chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) of silicon dioxide using ceria slurry and ceria fix
204 od to a rhesus monkey cisterna magna ported (CMP) nonhuman primate model, and use the model to test t
205                   Common myeloid precursors (CMPs) produced both conventional DCs (cDCs) and pDCs via
206 ne marrow (BM) of common myeloid precursors (CMPs) to monocytes.
207 f carfilzomib with melphalan and prednisone (CMP) in patients aged >65 years with newly diagnosed mul
208 ug of combretastatin A-4 (CA4) was prepared, CMP-L-CA4, where CMP is dithiaporphyrin, a photosensitiz
209 01 abolished esterase activity but preserved CMP-Sia synthetase activity, as evidenced by hyper-O-ace
210 ric acids, which are different from previous CMP slurries, in which corrosive and toxic chemical reag
211                      The Cox-Maze procedure (CMP) has achieved high success rates in the therapy of a
212 zes the hydrolysis of CDP-choline to produce CMP and phosphocholine.
213 es and numbers of common myeloid progenitor (CMP) and granulocyte/macrophage progenitor (GMP) populat
214 r patterns by the common myeloid progenitor (CMP) and is dependent on type I IFN for monocyte/macroph
215 otypes and alters common myeloid progenitor (CMP) differentiation by repressing the expression of mRN
216 efect of DCs from common myeloid progenitor (CMP) in Mysm1(-/-) mice is associated with decreased Flt
217  bone marrow, the common myeloid progenitor (CMP) population was increased, but differentiation from
218 n increase in the common myeloid progenitor (CMP) population.
219 progenitor (CLP), common myeloid progenitor (CMP), megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitor (MEP), and gran
220  cells, including common myeloid progenitor (CMP)-Flk2(+).
221 enitors (CLP) or common myeloid progenitors (CMP) during this process remains elusive.
222 fferentiation of common myeloid progenitors (CMP) to megakaryocytes.
223 mphoid (CLP) and common myeloid progenitors (CMP).
224 (+)Flt3(hi)) and common myeloid progenitors (CMPs) (Lin(-)Sca-1(+)c-Kit(+)CD34(+)CD41(hi)) establish
225 itor stem cells, common myeloid progenitors (CMPs) and granulocyte-macrophage progenitor cells (GMPs)
226 n, we found that common myeloid progenitors (CMPs) and granulocyte-macrophage progenitors (GMPs) pref
227 or compartments [common myeloid progenitors (CMPs) and granulocyte/monocyte progenitors (GMPs)], whic
228  function in the common myeloid progenitors (CMPs) by deletion of Atmin in the entire hematopoietic s
229  KLF4 in primary common myeloid progenitors (CMPs) or hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) induced exclusi
230 nexpectedly, the common myeloid progenitors (CMPs) produce significantly increased levels of ROS(2).
231                  Common myeloid progenitors (CMPs) were first identified as progenitors that were res
232 t to derive from common myeloid progenitors (CMPs), and a hierarchical relationship (CMP-GMP-MDP-mono
233 em cells (HSCs), common myeloid progenitors (CMPs), and erythroblasts (ERYs).
234 short-term HSCs, common myeloid progenitors (CMPs), erythroid burst-forming units, colony-forming uni
235 genitors (CLPs), common myeloid progenitors (CMPs), granulocyte/macrophage progenitors (GMPs), and th
236 y differ between common myeloid progenitors (CMPs), granulomonocytic progenitors (GMPs), and megakary
237 ells, but not by common myeloid progenitors (CMPs), was severely reduced in the presence of MEK/ERK i
238 ains homology with cartilage matrix protein (CMP).
239 en had positive APTs to cow's milk proteins (CMP).
240 sDT binding to chromatin-modifying proteins (CMPs) Sin3a and coREST (corepressors of the transcriptio
241 this otherwise soluble substrate, putatively CMP-sialic acid, within platelet microparticles.
242 1 portion of the study, 24 patients received CMP at carfilzomib dosing levels of 20 mg/m(2), 27 mg/m(
243  extracts from livers of host rats receiving CMP-FLEC.
244 ors (CMPs), and a hierarchical relationship (CMP-GMP-MDP-monocyte) is presumed to underlie monocyte d
245 termost structures of animal cells, requires CMP-sialic acid, which is a product of the nuclear enzym
246 39 (17%) had nondilated CMP (167 restrictive CMP, 72 hypertrophic CMP).
247 ecades and compares the original cut-and-sew CMP-III to the ablation-assisted CMP-IV, which uses bipo
248                          Most significantly, CMP-L-CA4 had better antitumor efficacy in vivo than its
249 ns, we derive rules for the design of single CMPs that self-assemble into long triple helices with pe
250                                Subsequently, CMP grafts with osteogenic protein-1 (OP-1) (test) and w
251      In the presence of its donor substrate (CMP-Neu5Ac), PST(Nm) synthesized PSA directly on surface
252                      This enzyme synthesizes CMP-NeuAc by transferring NeuAc from the NeuAcalpha2,3Ga
253 or CTP could mediate excision of 3'-terminal CMP to generate the dinucleoside tetraphosphate products
254 uced greater bone formation (P = 0.018) than CMP alone, based on histomorphometric evaluation (percen
255    Using the mammalian RNAPII, we found that CMP is exclusively incorporated opposite the N(2)-Et-dG
256                         We further show that CMP-based probes can detect abnormal bone growth activit
257                                          The CMP binding site is located in the deep cleft between th
258                                          The CMP slurry consists of mainly SiO2 nanospheres, H2O2, an
259                                          The CMP, although simplified and shortened by alternative en
260 inate the first passivating process, and the CMP slurry governs the second process.
261 s covariates for the CMP-III (n=112) and the CMP-IV (n=100) was performed.
262 d into CMP-Neu5Gc, which is catalyzed by the CMP-Neu5Ac hydroxylase enzyme.
263 dominates the passivating process during the CMP of CZT wafers, indicating by the lowest passivation
264 s were performed to predict and evaluate the CMP-sialic acid donor and glycan acceptor interactions,
265 erative variables used as covariates for the CMP-III (n=112) and the CMP-IV (n=100) was performed.
266            The mature FD was eluted from the CMP, and was not present in the supernatants from the in
267                             Furthermore, the CMP materials showed signs of resorption from 4 weeks, a
268                                       In the CMP group, cocaine use significantly increased during we
269 eu5Gc due to an inactivating mutation in the CMP-Neu5Ac hydroxylase (CMAH) gene.
270       These structures reveal details of the CMP-binding site and implicate a unique sequence motif (
271 reduction in the specificity constant of the CMP-Kdo synthetase KdsB with Kdo-N3 compared with Kdo.
272 of the ST6-GalNAcII gene and activity of the CMP-NeuAc:GalNAc-IgA1 alpha2,6-sialyltransferase were hi
273 -FD into mature FD by MASP-1 occurred on the CMP.
274 , it stimulates the polymerase to remove the CMP incorporated opposite the lesion by mammalian RNAPII
275 o the lumen of the Golgi complex through the CMP-sialic acid transporter, an antiporter that also fun
276 irst evidence that EBA autoantibodies to the CMP subdomain of NC1 are pathogenic and induce blister f
277 ic lupus erythematosus sera reacted with the CMP domain, whereas none of the control sera did.
278 he phosphopantothenate is recovered with the CMP formed during the reaction, indicative of the format
279 his report evaluates our experience with the CMP in the treatment of lone AF over 2 decades and compa
280 oconjugates requires metabolic activation to CMP-Sia, catalyzed by CMP-Sia synthetase (CMAS).
281 al-II, inhibited the conversion of 5'-CMP to CMP-NeuAc.
282  did not inhibit the conversion of 5'-CMP to CMP-NeuAc; and (iii) the mucin core 2 compound 3-O-sulfo
283 sm involving its intracellular conversion to CMP-3F-NeuAc, a competitive inhibitor of all sialyltrans
284 UDP-4-keto-6-deoxy-L-AltNAc, is converted to CMP-pseudaminic acid by the sequential activities of a C
285  by HPLC in the mixtures hydrolysates due to CMP-beta-lg interactions.
286  enzymes that together convert UDP-GlcNAc to CMP-pseudaminic acid.
287 pmental block in the progression of HSPCs to CMP-Flk2(+) and subsequently APCs.
288 ynthesis, respectively, prior to transfer to CMP to form the activated sugar nucleotide.
289  for the specificity of MilB and BcmB toward CMP, and mutation of this phenylalanine residue to tyros
290  antiporter that also functions to transport CMP into the cytosol.
291 enzyme that transfers two Kdo units from two CMP-Kdo molecules to lipid IV(A).
292 ve triphosphate metabolite, PSI-7409, by UMP-CMP kinase and nucleoside diphosphate kinase, respective
293 V protease and the unfolding kinetics of UMP/CMP kinase, a globular protein from Dictyostelium discoi
294 tin A-4 (CA4) was prepared, CMP-L-CA4, where CMP is dithiaporphyrin, a photosensitizer, and L is an a
295 ay structures of the protein in complex with CMP or a donor analogue CMP-3F(a)Neu5Ac and an acceptor
296 in the supernatants from the incubation with CMP, indicating that cleavage of pro-FD into mature FD b
297 ched healthy controls and with patients with CMP unrelated to amyloid disease.
298                      Direct sialylation with CMP-NeuAc as well as the formation of CMP-NeuAc from 5'-
299 e (MM) differentiation, one originating with CMPs and the other from more committed precursors, we ch
300 s apoptotic compared with the wild-type (WT) CMPs.

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