


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              COOH-terminal activating region 2 only activates p52/p65
2                                              COOH-terminal mutants are recognized for destruction by
3                                              COOH-terminal peptides of either Rpt2 or Rpt5 bind to th
4  plus end-binding proteins Kar3p, a class 14 COOH-terminal kinesin, and Bik1p, the CLIP-170 orthologu
5 acetate) are still dependent on the AR NH(2)/COOH-terminal interaction and are enhanced by steroid re
6 ganded AR did not undergo a detectable NH(2)/COOH-terminal interaction and was not coactivated by SRC
7  PKCtheta (but not with PKCalpha) via its 99 COOH-terminal residues.
8                                            A COOH terminal truncation mutant (FILIP1LDeltaC103) was m
9 ated to ribosome-inactivating proteins and a COOH-terminal domain, which displays similarity to eukar
10 l domain, two separate kinase domains, and a COOH-terminal domain.
11 l domain, two separate kinase domains, and a COOH-terminal domain.
12 al sequence, an immunoglobulin domain, and a COOH-terminal hydrophobic transmembrane domain.
13 ype SK, carboxypeptidase B-treated SK, and a COOH-terminal Lys414 deletion mutant (SKDeltaK414) demon
14 onents C1r/C1s, Uegf, and Bmp1) domain and a COOH-terminal PDGF/vascular endothelial growth factor do
15 DZ-binding motif) contains a WW domain and a COOH-terminal PDZ-binding motif that are proposed to med
16 f an NH(2)-terminal portion from PMCA4 and a COOH-terminal tail from PMCA2b was targeted to the basol
17  be overexpressed in HNSCC cells and to be a COOH-terminal IKK, but its relationship to NF-kappaB act
18            Biochemical interaction between a COOH-terminal Xorbit fragment and the kinetochore-associ
19 -A*0201 with a strong affinity and contain a COOH-terminal proteasomal cleavage site.
20 guanine nucleotide exchange factor domain, a COOH-terminal Src homology 3 domain, two spectrin-like r
21 ow that human Nup133 contains two domains: a COOH-terminal domain responsible for its interaction wit
22 charomyces cerevisiae Cks protein Cks1 has a COOH-terminal glutamine-rich sequence not present in oth
23    From 37K fragments, two peptides lacked a COOH-terminal lysine or arginine; instead they ended at
24 ization of Net1 as well as the presence of a COOH-terminal PDZ binding site.
25 e promoted efficient surface expression of a COOH-terminal Tir fragment.
26 ese proangiogenic effects are dependent on a COOH-terminal PDZ-binding motif of plexin-B1, which bind
27 nd endoplasmic reticulum of SMCs, but only a COOH-terminal PKGI fragment containing the catalytic reg
28                         Here, we show that a COOH-terminal region in yeast Sac1p is crucial for ER ta
29     In the same model system, we show that a COOH-terminal truncation mutant of ING4 found in human c
30 d that Rud3p is localized to the Golgi via a COOH-terminal domain that is distantly related to the GR
31 ivity due to the presence of a 37 amino acid COOH-terminal region and that this region is capable of
32 to the structural contribution of the acidic COOH-terminal region of factor Va heavy chain to factor
33 P1 encompassing both the PI3K/Akt-activating COOH-terminal activation region (CTAR) 1 and the nonredu
34                                    The alpha COOH-terminal region was more important than that of bet
35  resulting in enhanced cleavage of the alpha-COOH-terminal fragment (alpha-CTF) of APP and correspond
36 protein (APP), beta-secretase, beta-amyloid, COOH-terminal fragment (CTF), insulin receptor, IGF-1 re
37 containing) were fused to NH(2) terminal and COOH terminal fragments of the firefly luciferase.
38                    Intramolecular NH(2)- and COOH-terminal binding, which occurs when merlin transiti
39 teolytic cleavage to generate the NH(2)- and COOH-terminal cleavage fragments containing at least one
40                               The NH(2)- and COOH-terminal domains both exhibited relatively high H-D
41     We further show that both the NH(2)- and COOH-terminal domains of E1B are required for the repres
42                               The NH(2)- and COOH-terminal domains remain membrane bound owing to the
43 wn enzymatic activity to generate NH(2)- and COOH-terminal fragments, a process that is required for
44 oprotein (DSPP) is processed into NH(2)- and COOH-terminal fragments, but its key cleavage site has n
45 (a) [apo(a)] component of lipoprotein(a) and COOH-terminal Lys residues generated by partial degradat
46 he cysteine, proteolytic removal of aaX, and COOH-terminal methylation.
47 sequently losing its membrane attachment and COOH-terminal domains.
48 -binding protein EWS and the DNA-binding and COOH-terminal regions of the Ets transcription factor FL
49                    The conserved central and COOH-terminal regions of troponin T (TnT) interact with
50 , whereas antibodies recognizing central and COOH-terminal regions recognized both LAP polypeptides.
51 ge conformational changes in the central and COOH-terminal regions to alter troponin I and tropomyosi
52 sphorylation of the juxtamembrane domain and COOH-terminal docking site of c-Met, and its downstream
53  its NH(2)-terminal actin-binding domain and COOH-terminal EF-hand-GAS2 domain.
54 ribosyltransferase active center (E112K) and COOH-terminal KDEL (E112K/KDEV or E112K/KDGL).
55 s representing the NH2-terminal (37 kDa) and COOH-terminal (57 kDa) portions of the cDNA-deduced amin
56 elical domain leads into the neck linker and COOH-terminal motor domain.
57 ed via both STAT NH2-terminal modulatory and COOH-terminal transactivation domains.
58 uction of IgG Abs that recognize both N- and COOH-terminal epitopes of the human Dsg3 ectodomain.
59                          Thus, both NH2- and COOH-terminal CaM-binding sites in CNGB3 are functionall
60 potential CaM-binding sites in both NH2- and COOH-terminal cytoplasmic domains of CNGB3 using gel-ove
61 TKs are folded into two main lobes, NH2- and COOH-terminal lobes.
62                                Both NH2- and COOH-terminal mutants are conformationally abnormal, as
63                         Strikingly, NH2- and COOH-terminal Pma1 mutants are differentially recognized
64 aling motif) sequences found in the NH2- and COOH-terminal regions of PHAS-I, respectively, are requi
65 ations in their long, unstructured, NH2- and COOH-terminal tails.
66  of apoptosis repeat) domain of survivin and COOH-terminal alpha helix may be the key to separating i
67 eted in liver cancer 1 (DLC1) by tensin3 and COOH-terminal tensin-like protein (cten) controls EGF-dr
68 tated by co-expression of NH(2)-terminal and COOH-terminal CFTR half channels each containing one NBD
69                    Serial NH(2)-terminal and COOH-terminal deletion mutants were constructed and func
70 nd FEN-1 mapped to the TRF2 NH2-terminal and COOH-terminal domains.
71 y exists as the processed NH(2)-terminal and COOH-terminal fragments in the extracellular matrix of t
72 on, is processed into the NH(2)-terminal and COOH-terminal fragments.
73 to the culture medium by SubA treatment, and COOH-terminal domain signal transduction is abrogated, w
74  p56lck is rapidly phosphorylated (Y505) and COOH-terminal Src kinase is recruited to the contact sit
75                             Furthermore, APP COOH-terminal fragments generated by BACE1 are preferent
76  increased levels of T668-phosphorylated APP COOH-terminal fragments in hippocampal lysates from many
77        Pull-down assays showed that the AQP9 COOH-terminal SVIM motif is essential for interaction wi
78 tions, one at the activation loop and two at COOH-terminal sites, the turn motif and the hydrophobic
79                            The actin-binding COOH-terminal region, the "tentacle," of the CP beta sub
80                          The claudin-binding COOH-terminal domain is not toxic and is currently under
81                      The PDZ protein-binding COOH-terminal tail of PMCA2b was not responsible for its
82                              CP lacking both COOH-terminal regions did not bind actin.
83                 Simultaneous binding of both COOH-terminal peptides had additive effects on peptide s
84             Microcephalin (MCPH1) is a BRCA1 COOH terminal (BRCT) domain containing protein involved
85  classify all missense variants in the BRCA1 COOH-terminal region.
86 is interaction is mediated through the BRCA1 COOH-terminal repeats of BRCA1.
87  Rad3-related (ATR), and proteins with BRCA1 COOH-terminal (BRCT) domains.
88 chanism in lung epithelial cells mediated by COOH-terminal Src kinase (Csk) that negatively regulates
89 , through the loss of negative regulation by COOH-terminal Src kinase (Csk) and the adaptor, Csk-bind
90 and intracellular distribution of Lyn, CD45, COOH-terminal Src kinase (Csk), and c-Cbl were studied b
91 terized by a long, highly positively charged COOH-terminal region, absent in most other chemokines.
92 rovide direct evidence orienting the charged COOH-terminal region of the amelogenin protein on the HA
93 ere primarily found in the highly conserved, COOH-terminal pore-region domain.
94     These proteins undergo three coordinated COOH-terminal events: isoprenylation of the cysteine, pr
95                                    The CXCR4 COOH-terminal domain (CTD) seems to play a major role in
96  placed as an extra stretch in the cytosolic COOH-terminal region, contributed per se to cold adaptat
97  mutant GFP::DAT-1 fusions identify a distal COOH terminal segment of the transporter as essential fo
98 ring mutations depriving NKCC2 of its distal COOH-terminal tail and interfering with the (1081)LLV(10
99 kL was strongly reduced by deletion of DOCK5 COOH-terminal amino acids 1832-1870.
100                      Expression of the DOCK5 COOH-terminal region (Met1738-Gln1870), containing poten
101 , we solved the crystal structure of the EB1 COOH-terminal domain.
102 phosphorylating activity on a subset of EGFR COOH-terminal tyrosines and the consequent engagement of
103 sphorylation and is dependent on the extreme COOH-terminal tail of MCAK.
104                                 We generated COOH-terminal-truncated soluble forms of CR-1 based on t
105                            Conversely, GRP78 COOH-terminal domain ligation is pro-apoptotic and anti-
106                   The predicted 28-kDa GRP78 COOH-terminal fragment is released into the culture medi
107 ted phosphorylation of the RNA polymerase II COOH-terminal domain, specifically reduced RNA polymeras
108 a decrease in RNA polymerase II (RNA Pol II) COOH-terminal domain Ser(2) phosphorylation.
109 was dependent on a short peptide immediately COOH-terminal to the DNA-binding domain (the C-terminal
110 reduction of cleavage seen of transcripts in COOH-terminal domain-less polymerase elongation complexe
111 educed Csk phosphorylation of the inhibitory COOH-terminal tyrosine.
112                          Moreover, an intact COOH-terminal PDZ recognition motif (EAKL) in SR-BI is n
113                          Likewise, an intact COOH-terminal PDZ recognition motif in PTH1R is needed.
114 ate expression levels of the intramembranous COOH-terminal fragment of cleaved PC1 required an intact
115                  However, deletion of the IP COOH-terminal region prevented internalization suggestin
116 f a conserved thrombin cleavage site that is COOH-terminal from a well-characterized RGD domain.
117                            Ser-106, which is COOH-terminal to the ubiquitination sites, retards the d
118 s, liver, and peripheral leukocytes, and its COOH-terminal portion contains a putative PDZ binding mo
119 n also contains a regulatory element for its COOH-terminal RhoGAP domain.
120 ain another binding site for clathrin in its COOH-terminal region.
121 g during complex formation between SK or its COOH-terminal Lys(414) deletion mutant (SKDeltaK414) and
122  Wnt responsive reporter plasmid through its COOH-terminal domain.
123 Shot binds along the microtubule through its COOH-terminal GAS2 domain and binds to actin with its NH
124 NH2-terminal half and with Dnm1p through its COOH-terminal WD40 domain.
125 on on collagen alpha 3(VI) was mapped to its COOH-terminal C5 domain.
126  analysis showed that WOX1 bound Tau via its COOH-terminal short-chain alcohol dehydrogenase/reductas
127 ions, Fib-2, located at the disulfide-linked COOH-terminal ends of fibronectin, we prepared by limite
128 tracellular signal-regulated kinase-mediated COOH-terminal kinase domain (CTD).
129                            In contrast, MSK1 COOH terminal or NH(2) terminal dead dominant negative m
130                                     The MUC1 COOH-terminal subunit (MUC1-C) cytoplasmic domain binds
131                                     The MUC1 COOH-terminal subunit (MUC1-C) is targeted to the nucleu
132 disease is not clear due to loss of multiple COOH-terminal AR protein domains, including the canonica
133 re prepared with substitution or deletion of COOH-terminal IP(3) receptor (IP(3)R) binding domains.
134 COOH terminus, suggesting the involvement of COOH-terminal residues in PfR4-PfR1 interaction.
135 n, we show that the stable overexpression of COOH-terminal Src kinase, the physiologic negative regul
136 unction for the thrombin-cleaved osteopontin COOH-terminal fragment.
137 etion analysis, we have identified the PELP1 COOH-terminal region as the histone 1 binding site.
138 main (the I domain) of meprin alpha prevents COOH-terminal proteolytic processing and results in the
139         Rab11-GTP associates with the Rabin8 COOH-terminal region and is required for Rabin8 precilia
140 MKII directly phosphorylated the recombinant COOH-terminal region of FAK at a residue equivalent to S
141               Interestingly, disease-related COOH-terminal menin mutants that do not interact with AS
142 he CH2 domain competes with the proline-rich COOH-terminal region of sos1 for the C-SH3 domain of grb
143 heavily O-glycosylated serine-threonine-rich COOH-terminal domain reduced binding.
144                                Rpt2 and Rpt5 COOH-terminal peptides cross-linked to different but spe
145 ous polyposis coli (APC) that binds to EB1's COOH-terminal domain and identified a similar sequence i
146 essing in vivo, as a result of which JIP60's COOH-terminal eIF4E domain is released and functions in
147 n that p53R2 bound to hRRM1 through the same COOH-terminal heptapeptide as hRRM2.
148 f the COOH-terminal region of CXCL9, several COOH-terminal peptides were chemically synthesized.
149 in cleavage of osteopontin to generate short COOH-terminal osteopontin in the presence of cyclophilin
150 5 is modified with sulfenic acid on a single COOH-terminal cysteine (C581), and the level of sulfenic
151                                       The SK COOH-terminal Lys(414) residue and residues Arg253-Leu26
152 eractions between a Pg/Pm kringle and the SK COOH-terminal Lys(414).
153 ta-induced transcription downstream of Smad3 COOH-terminal phosphorylation and nuclear translocation.
154 AMPK did not reduce TGFbeta-stimulated Smad3 COOH-terminal phosphorylation and nuclear translocation,
155 at neither the Dsc1a- nor the Dsc1b-specific COOH-terminal cytoplasmic domain is required for establi
156  lesser contributions from the alpha subunit COOH-terminal region and the body of the protein.
157 fected by inflammatory cytokines that target COOH-terminal serine residues to activate ubiquitination
158 R-1 has a significantly higher activity than COOH-terminal-truncated soluble forms to induce Nodal si
159                               We report that COOH-terminal binding protein (CtBP), a physiologically
160               In this report, we showed that COOH-terminal Src kinase (CSK) binds with and phosphoryl
161  through the NH(2) terminus of BRCA2 and the COOH terminal BRCT domains of MCPH1.
162 xon 3 and two truncated versions lacking the COOH terminal domain (CTD).
163 ch were truncated on either the NH(2) or the COOH terminal, as well as on both ends, were expressed f
164                                          The COOH-terminal domain of ZO-1 was required for its associ
165                                          The COOH-terminal end of TIMP-3 was involved in the interact
166                                          The COOH-terminal four-helix bundle domain has been shown to
167                                          The COOH-terminal fragment retained antibacterial activity w
168                                          The COOH-terminal half channel lacked all native cysteines.
169                                          The COOH-terminal lobe of vascular endothelial growth factor
170                                          The COOH-terminal NP domain comprises a conserved highly aci
171                                          The COOH-terminal peptide CXCL9(74-103) does not signal thro
172                                          The COOH-terminal polybasic region (PBR) of Rac1, a Rho fami
173                                          The COOH-terminal region of the heavy chain contains acidic
174                                          The COOH-terminal UCS domain of Rng3p alone restored motilit
175 ce CD44 receptors, little is known about the COOH-terminal osteopontin fragment.
176 ed that NH2-terminal modifications alter the COOH-terminal conformation of TnT and thin filament Ca2+
177                                 Although the COOH-terminal fragment may bind to cell surface CD44 rec
178 no acids direct CBF1 to target genes and the COOH-terminal 98 amino acids function in trans-activatio
179 the NH(2)-terminal ADAMTS-1 fragment and the COOH-terminal ADAMTS-1 fragment can inhibit pulmonary tu
180 rapidly as viral polysomes assembled and the COOH-terminal portion of eIF4GI cofractionated with vira
181 removal of the NH(2)-terminal domain and the COOH-terminal, putative leucine zipper tetramerization d
182 ydroxylation at an asparagine residue at the COOH-terminal activation domain of hypoxia-inducible fac
183     However, deletions and insertions at the COOH-terminal of sag were observed.
184 tatin intermediates requires cleavage at the COOH-terminal sides of paired basic residues, which is c
185 nant-negative Smad1, in which serines at the COOH-terminal SSVS motif are converted to alanines, supp
186 y a complete blockade of synergy between the COOH-terminal SAA1 fragments and CXCL8 or CCL3 in neutro
187 through the use of antagonists that bind the COOH-terminal ligand-binding domain.
188 0), is known to be on the cis-Golgi, but the COOH-terminal region that contains the GRAB domain has b
189  CD36-mediated phagocytosis triggered by the COOH-terminal cytoplasmic domain, which initiates TLR2/6
190 crotubule lattice binding is mediated by the COOH-terminal region of the CLASP microtubule-binding do
191 and a dissociation mechanism mediated by the COOH-terminal region.
192 telomere elongation activity mediated by the COOH-terminal TPP1-interacting domain was telomere prote
193 -amidating monooxygenase (PAM) catalyzes the COOH-terminal amidation of peptide hormones.
194 f BCR/ABL genes with deletions of either the COOH-terminal actin binding or proline-rich domains resu
195  FGFR3 Delta8-10, lacking exons encoding the COOH-terminal half of immunoglobulin-like domain III and
196                            Endorepellin, the COOH-terminal domain of the heparan sulfate proteoglycan
197       This conformational change exposes the COOH-terminal tail of Syk, which has three conserved Tyr
198  the existing hypothesis, in fibrinogen, the COOH-terminal portions of two Aalpha chains are folded i
199  in the 450-nucleotide region coding for the COOH-terminal 150 amino acids of the nucleoprotein (N).
200 tudies suggest an essential function for the COOH-terminal leucine repeats/death domain of Par-4 in m
201 d the amino acid sequence homologous for the COOH-terminal portion of prostate-specific antigen (PSA)
202 he underlying mechanisms responsible for the COOH-terminal tail region in modulating PTEN biological
203  deletion of 26 amino acid residues from the COOH-terminal end (length 1010 aa) resulted in retargeti
204  deletion of 26 amino acid residues from the COOH-terminal end is functional.
205 the deletion of 3 or 20 amino acids from the COOH-terminal end of NBC1 (lengths 1032 and 1015 aa, res
206             Additional interactions from the COOH-terminal half of vWbp(1-474) strengthened the initi
207  region, and the 57K fragments were from the COOH-terminal part of DMP1.
208 s a result, MMP-26 proteolysis generates the COOH-terminal fragments of ERbeta.
209 he highest degree of identity resides in the COOH-terminal 20% of these proteins, the putative cataly
210 n the central domain (cp(C3)) and one in the COOH-terminal domain (cp(C2)).
211 ues and a tryptophan-containing motif in the COOH-terminal domain of NOD2.
212 ion induces an alpha-to-pi transition in the COOH-terminal end of the F-helix that shifts the beta-ca
213 mon interacts with the Cys-190 region in the COOH-terminal half of tropomyosin, resulting in the move
214 n the NH(2)-terminal NBD1 and another in the COOH-terminal NBD2.
215 N is acetylated on Lys(402), which is in the COOH-terminal PDZ domain-binding motif.
216 that CRS2 binds a 22 amino acid motif in the COOH-terminal region of CAF2 that is conserved in CAF1.
217 thermore, mutation of these tyrosines in the COOH-terminal region of Syk transforms it to an enzyme,
218 utant, in which Leu(499) and Leu(500) in the COOH-terminal sequence (DDISLLK) were replaced by alanin
219  required for high catalytic activity in the COOH-terminal Src kinase (Csk).
220  fragment in the E1a gene and interrupts the COOH-terminal region of both the E1A 12S and 13S protein
221 ctivation gate of K(v) channels involves the COOH-terminal section of the S6 segment (S6-b) and the S
222 f the p53-independent activity of ARF is the COOH-terminal binding protein (CtBP) family of metabolic
223 e truncated proteins, some of which lack the COOH-terminal catalytic domain.
224                  Mutant BRCA1 that lacks the COOH-terminal BRCT domain also promotes ssDNA but fails
225 LXLX(6)LLX(5)LX(2)L) was identified near the COOH-terminal MYND domain at amino acids 454-476.
226                            Nevertheless, the COOH-terminal peptide of Rpt2 greatly enhanced this effe
227 se results indicate that the FG helix of the COOH-terminal A1 cupredoxin-like subdomain of fVIII may
228 eraction between Q316 in the FG helix of the COOH-terminal A1 subdomain and M539 in the FG helix of t
229                          Substitution of the COOH-terminal A1 subdomain of porcine fVIIIa, which deca
230  active by itself, although inclusion of the COOH-terminal domain speeds up the process approximately
231 d acts as transcriptional coactivator of the COOH-terminal fragment (CTF) of ErbB-4.
232 is terminated by transient expression of the COOH-terminal fragment of phospholipase C (PLC-beta1ct),
233                              Elements of the COOH-terminal half of the core recognize a hydrophobic g
234 a2 analogue peptides by substitutions of the COOH-terminal isoleucine (I) for valine (V) and the NH(2
235                     Partial deletions of the COOH-terminal region (114-250) of the human Gal-3 signif
236               To investigate the role of the COOH-terminal region of CXCL9, several COOH-terminal pep
237 ch could be rescued by overexpression of the COOH-terminal region of ELF.
238                 Furthermore, deletion of the COOH-terminal RING finger domain of HdmX completely reve
239                              Deletion of the COOH-terminal SkzL Lys(415) residue reduces affinity for
240 ion activity, stimulates the activity of the COOH-terminal TAD of p300 (p300C-TAD).
241 onserved residue Phe at position 1013 on the COOH-terminal end demonstrated retargeting to the apical
242 ant cluster of amino acids is located on the COOH-terminal portion of the heavy chain of factor Va, b
243                         Deletion of only the COOH-terminal transcription activation domain dramatical
244 in binding sites, but we found that only the COOH-terminal USH-I/LWEQ module showed pH-dependent acti
245  lacking ankyrin binding activity and/or the COOH-terminal pleckstrin homology (PH) domain for their
246  vivo analyses show that calpain removes the COOH-terminal ligand binding domain generating a constit
247 its component lipoteichoic acid requires the COOH-terminal cytoplasmic portion of CD36, specifically
248                    This binding requires the COOH-terminal thrombospondin type 1 repeats of the prote
249 rily related meprin beta subunit retains the COOH-terminal domains during biosynthesis and travels to
250    Interestingly, our data indicate that the COOH-terminal domain alone is sufficient to rescue JIL-1
251 face GRP78 topology and demonstrate that the COOH-terminal domain is necessary for pro-apoptotic sign
252 s of both STAT3 and HDAC1 and found that the COOH-terminal domain of HDAC1 is necessary for IL-6-indu
253             Our results demonstrate that the COOH-terminal domain of JIL-1 is necessary and sufficien
254  basis of these findings we propose that the COOH-terminal domain of Megator functions as a targeting
255  resonance energy transfer, we show that the COOH-terminal fragment of osteopontin binds with another
256 evel of regular structure, implying that the COOH-terminal half of the alphaC-domain adopts an ordere
257 ruct analysis in S2 cells indicates that the COOH-terminal part of Megator without the coiled-coil re
258                Our data demonstrate that the COOH-terminal region of factor Va heavy chain is indeed
259   The CP crystal structure suggests that the COOH-terminal regions of the CP alpha and beta subunits
260              Thus, our data suggest that the COOH-terminal tail can act as an autoinhibitory domain t
261 trates that arrestin-2 directly binds to the COOH-terminal domain of p105, whereas GRK5 binds to and
262 )-terminal domains of unrelated genes to the COOH-terminal fragment of RET.
263  helices 1-6, including Loop 1) binds to the COOH-terminal portion (containing TM helices 7-8 and Loo
264       This site was further localized to the COOH-terminal portion of the alphaC-domain including res
265               Furthermore, Pg binding to the COOH-terminal region of GRP78 stimulates cell proliferat
266                                    Using the COOH-terminal region of IP as bait we identified the del
267  The effect of TNF-alpha is mediated via the COOH-terminal domain of NKX3.1 where phosphorylation of
268 iates with full-length grb2 in vitro via the COOH-terminal src homology 3 (C-SH3) domain of grb2.
269 f bacterial response regulators, whereas the COOH-terminal four-helix bundle domain is novel and form
270 onucleotide-binding motifs, but not with the COOH-terminal domain.
271                   Cell interactions with the COOH-terminal sequence are not through the elastin-bindi
272 ucleating sites via its interaction with the COOH-terminal sequence of CNN.
273 ted Y783 residue (pY783) associates with the COOH-terminal SH2 domain [SH2(C)] within the same molecu
274 that a small 53-amino acid region within the COOH-terminal domain can interact with the tail region o
275 an internal peptide motif located within the COOH-terminal regulatory domain of EGFR.
276 cysteines (Cys(227) and Cys(240)) within the COOH-terminal zinc finger of ERalpha DNA-binding domain
277 runcated JIL-1 protein which was without the COOH-terminal domain but retained histone H3S10 kinase a
278 tions of laminin alpha1 and alpha5 and their COOH-terminal LG domains, we have produced a collection
279 , and we identify binding proteins for their COOH-terminal SH3 domains.
280 CAM1(b)-4S, differing in the length of their COOH-terminal cytoplasmic tail.
281  sites by regulating interactions with their COOH-terminal guanylate kinase-like domains (GKs).
282                                      A third COOH-terminal serine at position 195 has a modulating ef
283 st, Rud3p binds to the GTPase Arf1p via this COOH-terminal "GRIP-related Arf-binding" (GRAB) domain.
284                                        Three COOH-terminal residues (aa 758-760) were essential for b
285 ng affinity and the ligand-induced NH(2)- to COOH-terminal intramolecular interaction is enhanced whe
286 ins NH2-terminal sequences from Bcr fused to COOH-terminal sequences from Abl.
287 g-tagged TrkBT1 but not a Flag-tagged TrkBT1 COOH-terminal deletion mutant (Flag-TrkBT1DeltaC) in non
288 ding to the actin filament, in which the two COOH-terminal regions of CP bind independently to the ac
289  out by cystein proteases known as ubiquitin COOH-terminal hydrolases.
290 ue microarrays showed that reduced ubiquitin COOH-terminal esterase L1 in primary melanoma is associa
291 -associated RGMc frame-shift mutants undergo COOH-terminal cleavage only if this site is present.
292 cript variant of TrkB (TrkBT1) with a unique COOH-terminal 12-amino acid sequence and is mainly local
293 otyrosine binding domains linked to a unique COOH-terminal region.
294 of nuclear import can be augmented by unique COOH-terminal sequences that reconstitute classical AR N
295 apoptotic signal transduction occurring upon COOH-terminal antibody ligation.
296 1 new-onset type 1 diabetic Caucasians using COOH-terminal constructs incorporating the known human a
297 n of cysteine residues within the vulnerable COOH-terminal zinc finger of ERalpha DBD, resulting in f
298 ion 2 only activates p52/p65 dimers, whereas COOH-terminal activating region 1 activates p50/p50, p50
299                              alphaDB1, whose COOH-terminal extension can be tyrosine phosphorylated,
300                         Binding studies with COOH-terminal deletion mutants of TFIIIA and 5S nucleoso

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