


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              CTD function in transcription of protein-coding RNAs has
2 4 independently regulates CDK9/phospho-Ser 2 CTD RNA Pol II recruitment to the IRF3-dependent IFN-sti
3 e Pediatric Cardiac Genomics Consortium: 355 CTD trios and 192 LVOTD trios.
4 ct defect (LVOTD) case-parent trios, and 406 CTD cases (n=406) and 2976 pediatric controls.
5 ting a significant enrichment from over 7000 CTD compounds, and achieved specificity similar to other
6              The P1-P2 heterodimer missing a CTD on P2 was able to bind RTA.
7                    Many eukaryotes possess a CTD devoid of repeats, appropriately called a non-canoni
8 menon, the catalytic domain of APOBEC3G (A3G-CTD), an ssDNA-specific cytosine deaminase, was expresse
9 n decreased the NTD:CTD interaction and also CTD's interaction with MPS1.
10                        We find that although CTD-CM binding is conserved across protein families, Rb
11             Furthermore, whereas the ATD and CTD contribute positively to tetramerization, the LBD pr
12  HIV-1 integrase, including both the CCD and CTD.
13 ntly from reconfiguration of the NTD-CTD and CTD trimer interfaces.
14                            The CTD dimer and CTD trimer interfaces are also intrinsically variable.
15 clear connection between DNA instability and CTD repeat number in Saccharomyces cerevisiae First, ana
16 bly associated only with C-MAD2, the NTD and CTD in MAD1 surprisingly bound both O- and C-MAD2, sugge
17 IM), both N- and C-terminal domains (NTD and CTD) of MAD1 also contribute to mitotic checkpoint signa
18 rminal and C-terminal domains of CA (NTD and CTD, respectively) engage in both homotypic and heteroty
19 in kinase, which phosphorylated both NTD and CTD.
20 id-binding proteins ancestral to the NTD and CTD.
21 icant differences between the B-subunits and CTDs, as well as their interaction interfaces.
22  cytoplasmic and extracellular domains (AREG-CTD and AREG-ECD), as well as full-length AREG precursor
23 lation and dephosphorylation, the associated CTD specific kinase(s) and its role in transcription rem
24 x with phospho-Thr4- or phospho-Ser2-bearing CTD peptides.
25 sis confirmed a positive interaction between CTD and African-American race and a negative interaction
26 ican race and a negative interaction between CTD and age.
27 t common new-onset ILD in India, followed by CTD-ILD and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; diagnoses var
28 teins with a chimeric HIV-1 CA NTD/HTLV-1 CA CTD did not result in Gag oligomerization regardless of
29 CA NTD can functionally replace the HIV-1 CA CTD, but the HIV-1 CA NTD cannot replace the HTLV-1 CA C
30 he HIV-1 CA NTD cannot replace the HTLV-1 CA CTD, indicating that the HTLV-1 CA subdomains provide di
31 HTLV-1 CA amino-terminal domain (NTD) and CA CTD in particle biogenesis, we generated and analyzed a
32  is essential for CA-CA interactions, the CA CTD has been suggested to be largely dispensable for hum
33 ver of virus particle biogenesis, and the CA CTD is the primary determinant of Gag-Gag interactions f
34  this report, we show that the non-canonical CTD of T. brucei RNA pol II is important for normal prot
35  an RNA pol II that contains a non-canonical CTD to accomplish an unusual transcriptional program; al
36 epeats, appropriately called a non-canonical CTD, which performs completely unknown functions.
37  7-amino-acid sequence, called the canonical CTD, which orchestrates various steps in mRNA synthesis.
38 N-SR2 molecule can specifically bind one CCD-CTD dimer.
39 ts, the LVOTD cohorts, and from the combined CTD and LVOTD cohorts.
40 7.3% (n = 513; exposure, 48.1% air coolers), CTD-ILD in 13.9%, and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in 1
41                                         Core CTD content (chemical-gene, chemical-disease and gene-di
42                                  Today, core CTD includes more than 30.5 million toxicogenomic connec
43  Philadelphia: 670 conotruncal heart defect (CTD) case-parent trios, 317 left ventricular obstructive
44 y, phospho-mimetic substitutions in the DHBV CTD did not block the secretion of DNA-containing virion
45  hepadnavirus duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV), CTD is dephosphorylated subsequently to facilitate the l
46 s of protein-coding genes but with different CTD phosphorylation patterns, and we have also detected
47 rocessing that are associated with different CTD phosphorylation states.
48           All had connective tissue disease (CTD) serologies, spirometry, and high-resolution compute
49     Inflammatory connective tissue diseases (CTD) like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis associate with
50 To elucidate how Rtt103 engages two distinct CTD modifications that are differentially enriched at no
51 el (BacNa(V)) C-terminal cytoplasmic domain (CTD) affects function.
52 comprised of a C-terminal regulatory domain (CTD), an N-terminal effector domain (NTD) and a ketocaro
53 on with RNA Polymerase II C-terminal domain (CTD) and affecting the expression level of CTD phosphata
54 virus uses its S1 subunit C-terminal domain (CTD) and not the N-terminal domain like other lineage A
55 cations on the RNA pol II C-terminal domain (CTD) and the chromatin template.
56 at both the intracellular C-terminal domain (CTD) and the loop region between the M1 and M2 helices m
57 d loop of Tim23, with the C-terminal domain (CTD) binding Tim17 as well.
58 intrinsically disordered, C-terminal domain (CTD) composed of heptads of the consensus sequence YSPTS
59  dimers with a conserved C- terminal domain (CTD) critical for the interaction with external factors.
60                       The C-terminal domain (CTD) is deemed dispensable for capsid assembly although
61 s type 1 (HIV-1) CA carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) is essential for CA-CA interactions, the CA CTD has
62                    The H1 C-terminal domain (CTD) localizes primarily to a single linker, while the H
63 terminal domain (NTD) and C-terminal domain (CTD) of AhpF suggests that the enzyme adopts a large-sca
64 n helix 9 segments of the C-terminal domain (CTD) of CA.
65 ding contacts between the C-terminal domain (CTD) of EF-4 and the acceptor helical stem of the tRNA.
66 f these proteins bind the C-terminal domain (CTD) of FtsZ, which serves as a hub for FtsZ regulation.
67                       The C-terminal domain (CTD) of hepadnavirus core protein is involved in multipl
68 sphorylation state of the C-terminal domain (CTD) of hepatitis B virus (HBV) core or capsid protein i
69 erase are provided by the C-terminal domain (CTD) of P.
70 horylation pattern on the C-terminal domain (CTD) of polymerase subunit Rpb1 during different stages
71                       The C-terminal domain (CTD) of RNA polymerase II in eukaryotes is comprised of
72 y ATP, which binds to the C-terminal domain (CTD) of Sirt1.
73 core domain (CCD) and the C-terminal domain (CTD) of the integrase.
74                The carboxyl-terminal domain (CTD) of the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II (Pol II
75 ional modification of the C-terminal domain (CTD) of the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II.
76                 The carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of the RNA polymerase II (Pol II) large subunit cyc
77 rugs is influenced by the C-terminal domain (CTD) of the topo II isoforms and by a conserved non-cata
78 t the enzymatically inert C-terminal domain (CTD) of TOP2 and its posttranslational modification are
79                  The Ska1 C-terminal domain (CTD) recruits protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) to kinetochore
80 NA polymerase II (Pol II) C-terminal domain (CTD) regulates transcription of protein-coding mRNAs and
81    The GluN2B cytoplasmic C-terminal domain (CTD) represents an alternative therapeutic target since
82 t and phospho-Ser 2 carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) RNA polymerase (Pol) II formation on the promoters
83 ers and decreased RNAP II C-terminal domain (CTD) Ser2 phosphorylation during VHSV infection.
84 eracts with the conserved C-terminal domain (CTD) that is connected to the FtsZ core by a long, flexi
85  intrinsically disordered C-terminal domain (CTD) that may tune the function of the Sm domain in diff
86 merase II contains a long C-terminal domain (CTD) that regulates interactions at the site of transcri
87 teracts with LASR via its C-terminal domain (CTD), and this domain is essential for its splicing acti
88  the non-conserved carboxyl-terminal domain (CTD), which is necessary for relaxation reactions of sup
89 NA polymerase II (Pol II) C-terminal domain (CTD)-interacting domain (CID).
90 NA polymerase II (RNAPII) C-terminal domain (CTD)-Ser7 phosphorylation at the WNT3 gene.
91 nce of a novel ('-12-40') C-terminal domain (CTD)-variant in the SCN.
92 tension, called the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD).
93 gh dynamic effects on the C-terminal domain (CTD).
94 ough a peptide within its C-terminal domain (CTD).
95 negatively regulated by a C-terminal domain (CTD).
96 tate of its large subunit C-terminal domain (CTD).
97 e activity and remove its C-terminal domain (CTD).
98 e fragments, including its catalytic domain, CTD, and a 20 amino acid peptide within the CTD (SR20),
99 s in how the Rb and p107 C-terminal domains (CTDs) associate with the coiled-coil and marked-box doma
100 onuclease/polymerase and C-terminal domains (CTDs) of catalytic subunits bound to indispensable B-sub
101 ee mouse lines where the C-terminal domains (CTDs) of endogenous AMPA receptors (AMPARs), the princip
102  9 (IntS9) through their C-terminal domains (CTDs).
103 t sets of genes with differentially enriched CTD marks.
104 ssion of genes during mitosis with entailing CTD phosphorylation and dephosphorylation, the associate
105                                         FtsZ CTD residue Phe-377 inserts into the ZapD pocket, anchor
106 molecular basis for the unique SlmA-DNA-FtsZ CTD regulatory interaction and provide insight into FtsZ
107 lera, and Klebsiella pneumonia SlmA-DNA-FtsZ CTD ternary complexes.
108 a showed ZapD binds specifically to the FtsZ CTD.
109 we determined the Escherichia coli ZapD-FtsZ CTD structure to 2.67 A resolution.
110 tivation of Cdc15 causes reduction of global CTD phosphorylation during mitosis and affects the expre
111                               The key GluN2B CTD-centred event in excitotoxicity is proposed to invol
112 sts a regular spatial arrangement for the H1 CTD within the 30 nm chromatin fiber.
113 e of helium charge transfer dissociation (He-CTD) tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) in negative polari
114                         Negative polarity He-CTD provided a full set of structurally informative frag
115 able characteristics of negative polarity He-CTD.
116  show that the acidic tip of the E. coli Hfq CTD transiently binds the basic Sm core residues necessa
117                      We propose that the Hfq CTD displaces sRNAs and annealed sRNAmRNA complexes from
118                 In Escherichia coli, the Hfq CTD increases kinetic competition between sRNAs and recy
119 ere we present the crystal structure of HKU1 CTD at 1.9 A resolution.
120 ort the solution NMR structure of the hLARP7 CTD and show that this domain contains an xRRM, a class
121     Additionally, we reveal that homodimeric CTD can bind carotenoid in the absence of NTD, and name
122 h factors is still not fully defined and how CTD modifications affect related families of genes or re
123              Additionally, we show the human CTD is also structurally heterogeneous and able to subst
124 T-seq patterns specific for different Pol II CTD phosphorylation states reveal weak co-transcriptiona
125 e serine-5-phosphorylated form of the Pol II CTD, both in the presence and in the absence of viral RN
126 SYDN-1, which inhibits the RNA polymerase II CTD phosphatase SSUP-72.
127 ith the phosphorylated C-terminus of Pol II (CTD-interacting domain, CID).
128 ch was associated with alterations of Pol II-CTD phosphorylation at the target loci.
129 e reading frame that imparts a 50% change in CTD protein sequence, and functional impairment of exon
130 IIbeta function may be due to differences in CTD charge distribution and differential alignment of th
131 ns how the protein tetramer uses independent CTDs to bind multiple partners to orchestrate replicatio
132     To understand the role of the individual CTD of human P1/P2 proteins, we examined the interaction
133 rt the crystal structure of the IntS9-IntS11 CTD complex at 2.1-A resolution and detailed, structure-
134 oth DnaA and DnaN, we found that an isolated CTD can bind to either DnaA or DnaN, individually.
135                             Ska1 lacking its CTD fused to a PP1-binding peptide or fused directly to
136 e via T9SS as a full-length protein with its CTD intact, independently of the presence or activity of
137 recruits poised RNAPII PIC lacking the Kin28 CTD kinase.
138 rogation of the structure of the full length CTD of Drosophila melanogaster, which we conclude is a c
139                           MAD1(NTD) and MAD1(CTD) also interacted with each other and with the MPS1 p
140 s have uncovered that the MAD1(NTD) and MAD1(CTD) directly interact with each other and with MAD2 con
141 tating the phosphorylation sites in the MAD1(CTD), including Thr-716, compromised MAD2 binding and th
142 may play a role in regulating or maintaining CTD repeat number.
143   Structural analyses of yeast and mammalian CTD are hampered by their repetitive sequences.
144 d able to substitute for the D. melanogaster CTD in supporting fly development to adulthood.
145 tify a region of the Drosophila melanogaster CTD that is essential for Pol II function in vivo and ca
146 matomyositis/polymyositis; unspecified/mixed CTD; other inflammatory arthropathy), increased ASCVD ra
147               To determine whether the MMP12 CTD contributes to its antitumor activity in lung cancer
148                                    The MMP12 CTD initiates TRAIL-mediated tumor cell death through it
149 o its interaction with phospho-Ser2-modified CTD.
150 D)], and the C-terminal domain of MotA [MotA(CTD)]), molecular modeling, and extensive biochemical ob
151  from the same organism, we show that an NTD-CTD heterodimer forms when the domains are expressed as
152 redominantly from reconfiguration of the NTD-CTD and CTD trimer interfaces.
153       This phosphorylation decreased the NTD:CTD interaction and also CTD's interaction with MPS1.
154 al kinase phosphorylating Ser-2 and Ser-5 of CTD for transcription during mitosis in the budding yeas
155 her phosphorylation nor dephosphorylation of CTD is required for virion secretion.
156 he existence of genes coding for homologs of CTD.
157 iption also evoked a hyperphosphorylation of CTD Ser2 residues at 5' ends of genes that is conserved
158  (CTD) and affecting the expression level of CTD phosphatase-like 3 (CPL3), AtCPSF100 is shown to pot
159 sis revealed that there is a higher level of CTD Ser2P modified RNA Pol II near CTCF peaks relative t
160                             The mechanism of CTD auto-inhibition predicts the chaperone function of H
161           Interestingly, the total number of CTD repeats was relatively static (24-26 repeats in all
162                       The phosphorylation of CTD by Cdc15 is independent of any prior Ser phosphoryla
163 tial role of the state of phosphorylation of CTD in virion secretion, we have analyzed the CTD phosph
164                        The potential role of CTD dephosphorylation in virion secretion was analyzed t
165                                  The role of CTD phosphorylation in virion secretion, if any, has rem
166 D, which is templated by a particular set of CTD-binding proteins.
167                      When different types of CTD were analyzed individually (rheumatoid arthritis; lu
168 nt Ig-like domains dictate the processing of CTDs by the T9SS secretion pathway.
169 etected phosphorylation at serine 5 (Ser5-P) CTD-specific splicing intermediates and Pol II accumulat
170                               Deletion of P1 CTD, but not P2 CTD reduced the affinity of the pentamer
171              A crystal structure of the p107 CTD bound to E2F5 and its dimer partner DP1 reveals the
172 nserved across protein families, Rb and p107 CTDs show clear preferences for different E2Fs.
173               Deletion of P1 CTD, but not P2 CTD reduced the affinity of the pentamer for RTA.
174 complexes are isolated with specific phospho-CTD antibodies from chromatin solubilized by micrococcal
175 he repetitive sequence of the phosphorylated CTD via its N-terminal CTD-interacting domain.
176 ur work reveals the presence of a primordial CTD code within eukarya and indicates that proper recogn
177  non-equivalence of the individual P-protein CTDs in the interaction with RTA.
178 gregates, we find that assembly of the Rbfox CTD plays an essential role in its normal splicing funct
179             Few structures of FtsZ regulator-CTD complexes are available, but all reveal the CTD boun
180    Surprisingly, we find that the repetitive CTD is structurally heterogeneous.
181 tion during transcription by removing RNAPII CTD serine 5 phosphorylation (Ser5-P) at a selection of
182                                         RopB-CTD has the TPR motif, a signature motif involved in pro
183 e present the crystal structures of the Seb1 CTD- and RNA-binding modules.
184                                           TD/CTD are associated with substantial risk of suicide.
185 d 2007, we identified 30 082 OCD and 7279 TD/CTD cases in the National Patient Register and followed
186 a validated algorithm, we identified 7736 TD/CTD cases in the Swedish National Patient Register durin
187 ected from the Medical Birth Register and TD/CTD diagnoses were collected from the National Patient R
188                  Individuals with OCD and TD/CTD had increased comorbidity with any AD (43% and 36%,
189 nd- and third-degree relatives of OCD and TD/CTD probands.
190 ccus-related conditions) and both OCD and TD/CTD.
191 CD) and Tourette's/chronic tic disorders (TD/CTD) with autoimmune diseases (ADs) is uncertain.
192  of Tourette's and chronic tic disorders (TD/CTD), but previous studies have been unable to control f
193 ing Tourette's and chronic tic disorders (TD/CTD).
194 e perinatal events and increased risk for TD/CTD was also observed, with hazard ratios ranging from 1
195 gate potential perinatal risk factors for TD/CTD, taking unmeasured factors shared between full sibli
196 ncluded siblings that were discordant for TD/CTD.
197 rongest predictors of death by suicide in TD/CTD patients (hazard ratio: 11.39; 95% CI: 3.71-35.02, a
198 ent interaction and epigenetic studies in TD/CTD.
199 annot be fully ruled out, particularly in TD/CTD.
200                     In unadjusted models, TD/CTD patients, compared with control subjects, had an inc
201 ing pregnancy was associated with risk of TD/CTD in a dose-response manner but the association was no
202 ed to be higher in mothers and fathers of TD/CTD probands (compared with siblings).
203 ion were associated with a higher risk of TD/CTD, largely independent from shared family confounders
204 dentified, 5597 of which had a registered TD/CTD diagnosis.
205    Predictors of suicidal behavior in the TD/CTD cohort were studied using Cox regression models.
206 in individuals with OCD, individuals with TD/CTD and their biological relatives.
207 in individuals with OCD, individuals with TD/CTD and their first- (siblings, mothers, fathers), secon
208  large nationwide cohort of patients with TD/CTD, establish the contribution of psychiatric comorbidi
209 of the phosphorylated CTD via its N-terminal CTD-interacting domain.
210             Here, using Arabidopsis thaliana CTD PHOSPHATASE-LIKE4 knockdown lines (CPL4RNAi ), we sh
211                  These results indicate that CTD dephosphorylation, though associated with NC maturat
212                                          The CTD architecture remains poorly understood due to its lo
213                                          The CTD comprises the repeated Tyr-Ser-Pro-Thr-Ser-Pro-Ser m
214                                          The CTD dimer and CTD trimer interfaces are also intrinsical
215                                          The CTD is heavily phosphorylated and serves as a scaffold,
216                                          The CTD likely facilitated assembly under these conditions v
217                                          The CTD mutations did not affect pre-mRNA splicing or snRNA
218                                          The CTD tip competes against non-specific RNA binding, facil
219                                          The CTD was found to possess a typical Ig-like fold encompas
220                                          The CTD-expressing strain presented a similar phenotype to t
221                                          The CTD-Rtt103 association opens the compact random coil str
222 TD in virion secretion, we have analyzed the CTD phosphorylation state in complete (containing the ge
223  inserts into the ZapD pocket, anchoring the CTD in place and permitting hydrophobic contacts between
224 ns between the catalytic core domain and the CTD and that understanding the interface involved offers
225 nd M2 helices move during activation and the CTD is detached from the membrane.
226 n to secrete DNA-containing virions, and the CTD state of phosphorylation also does not play an essen
227 was insufficient for capsid assembly and the CTD was also required.
228 hich the oligomerization domain (OD) and the CTD were replaced by those of VSV P stimulated RABV RdRP
229                     The porU mutants and the CTD-expressing strain showed intracellular accumulation
230 t interactions occur between the NTD and the CTD.
231 haped hexamer in which the cup comprises the CTD and an ensuing type II beta-turn, and the stem compr
232                             In contrast, the CTD in empty HBV virions (i.e., enveloped capsids with n
233 nts within the DNA sequence that encodes the CTD.
234 nome-wide association study results from the CTD cohorts, the LVOTD cohorts, and from the combined CT
235 nd open states to shuttle electrons from the CTD via the NTD to AhpC.
236                                    Here, the CTD from the human hepatitis B virus (HBV) was found to
237 P suppresses Sirt1 activity by impairing the CTD's ability to bind to the deacetylase domain as well
238 DNA synthesis, multiple substitutions in the CTD to mimic either phosphorylation or dephosphorylation
239 ure data can be accessed and analyzed in the CTD, and shown how this integration provides a broad bio
240 s well as the short 310 helix initiating the CTD.
241                           Interestingly, the CTD can be attached to other proteins, thereby convertin
242  contrast, the P1-P2 heterodimer missing the CTD of P1 protein displayed almost no binding toward RTA
243 ryotic gene regulation, the structure of the CTD and the structural implications of phosphorylation a
244 actors and region-specific modulation of the CTD code that may augment gene regulation in development
245 f Y1S2P3T4S5P6S7 heptapeptide repeats of the CTD engage specific "readers." Whereas phospho-Ser5 and
246 biology to visualize the architecture of the CTD in complex with Rtt103, a 3'-end RNA-processing and
247  Here, we solved the atomic structure of the CTD of gingipain B (RgpB) from P. gingivalis, alone and
248 his study, we assessed the importance of the CTD of human papillomavirus 11 (HPV11) E1 in vivo, using
249                      Deletion of most of the CTD of topo IIalpha, while preserving the nuclear locali
250         In contrast, deletion of most of the CTD of topo IIbeta, while preserving the NLS, and mutati
251  suggest that the differential impact of the CTD on topo IIalpha and topo IIbeta function may be due
252 stribution and differential alignment of the CTD with reference to transport DNA.
253  (SAXS) revealed no fixed orientation of the CTD with respect to the IgSF.
254 ens the compact random coil structure of the CTD, leading to a beads-on-a-string topology in which th
255 portance of the structural plasticity of the CTD, which is templated by a particular set of CTD-bindi
256                 The crystal structure of the CTD-SP1 Gag fragment is a goblet-shaped hexamer in which
257 mination by dephosphorylation of Ser2 on the CTD.
258                           In particular, the CTD is initially phosphorylated at multiple sites to fac
259 t the former but not the latter requires the CTD, indicating that topoisomerases have developed disti
260  complexes are available, but all reveal the CTD bound as a helix.
261                         To our surprise, the CTD was also found to contain a novel and intrinsic abil
262 on is associated with HBV DNA synthesis, the CTD state of phosphorylation may not regulate virion sec
263                  Moreover, we found that the CTD can associate with itself.
264                 The structure shows that the CTD docks within a hydrophobic cleft in the ZapD helical
265 ibonucleoprotein (vRNP) complex binds to the CTD of transcriptionally engaged Pol II.
266  and the movement of the NTD relative to the CTD.
267 tions, UL16 binding is enabled only when the CTD is absent or altered.
268        Our data suggest a model in which the CTD serves primarily to anchor Tim44 to the translocon,
269 h linkers, associating more closely with the CTD-distal linker.
270  CTD, and a 20 amino acid peptide within the CTD (SR20), in an in vitro system to delineate their eff
271 tified evidence of rearrangements within the CTD coding region, suggesting that DNA instability may p
272 t, a low-complexity (LC) sequence within the CTD contains repeated tyrosines that mediate higher-orde
273 esults from the variable displacement of the CTDs that surround each hexameric turret.
274                   Our study reveals that the CTDs of GluA1 and GluA2, the key subunits of AMPARs, are
275 nstrate that YabA is a tetramer in which the CTDs are independent and connected to the N-terminal fou
276 scular disease (ASCVD) associated with their CTD.
277 , which may be distinctly modulated by their CTDs.
278 ferentially regulate pocket proteins through CTD phosphorylation.
279 cise array of heptad motifs, as important to CTD function.
280          Zinc ribbon motifs in E. coli TopoI-CTD are involved in the interaction with RNA polymerase.
281 ively different structural elements of TopoI-CTD utilized for this protein-protein interaction.
282          Overexpression of recombinant TopoI-CTD in M. smegmatis competed with the endogenous topoiso
283                       For M. smegmatis TopoI-CTD, a 27-amino-acid tail that is rich in basic residues
284 and three-dimensional structure to the TopoI-CTD found in the majority of bacterial species outside A
285                                    The TopoI-CTD overexpression resulted in decreased survival follow
286 C-terminal domains of topoisomerase I (TopoI-CTDs) and the beta' subunit of RNA polymerase of M. smeg
287                                    The TopoI-CTDs in mycobacteria are evolutionarily unrelated in ami
288 d in the extensive interface between the two CTDs.
289 ric human PrpF39 directly interacts with U1C-CTD, mirroring yeast Prp42/Prp39, supports yeast U1 snRN
290  SET acts as a 'reader' for the unacetylated CTD of p53 and this mechanism of acetylation-dependent r
291                                      Whereas CTD is unphosphorylated in complete virions, it is phosp
292         These results demonstrate that while CTD dephosphorylation is associated with HBV DNA synthes
293 ith suggestive evidence for association with CTD and LVOTD.
294 he human Pol B-subunit (p59) in complex with CTD of the catalytic subunit (p261C).
295 and integration of exposure information with CTD core data.
296 mer within the primosome and separately with CTD and the latter with the N-terminal domain of the C-s
297               ASCVD prevalence in those with CTD was 29.7% for African Americans and 14.7% for white
298 prevalence ratios, compared to those without CTD, of 3.1 and 1.8, respectively.
299 fied DnaA and DnaN binding sites on the YabA CTD that partially overlap and point to a mutually exclu
300        Thus, to obtain insight into the ZapD-CTD interaction and how it may mediate FtsZ protofilamen

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