


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              CYP8B1 expression could contribute to the decreased toxi
2 male-specific liver target genes, Cyp2d9 and CYP8B1.
3 inding to the native promoters of CYP7A1 and CYP8B1 but resulted in dissociation of PGC-1 and concomi
4 pool with cholestyramine enhanced CYP7A1 and CYP8B1 expression.
5  to derepression of rate-limiting CYP7A1 and CYP8B1 hydroxylase enzymes in the biosynthetic pathway.
6  of CYP7B1 and down-regulated the CYP7A1 and CYP8B1, shifting bile acid synthesis toward the acidic p
7 s (e.g., cytochrome P450 [CYP]7A1/Cyp7a1 and CYP8B1/Cyp8b1).
8 d MDR3 in parallel to a decrease of NTCP and CYP8B1 and an increase of MRP4.
9 sociated protein 4 (MRP4) overexpression and CYP8B1 inhibition that are involved in BA uptake, basola
10 me P450 (CYP) isoform 7A1 (CYP7A1), CYP27A1, CYP8B1, uridine 5'-diphospho-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1
11  4alpha (HNF4alpha) strongly activated human CYP8B1 promoter activities, whereas cholesterol 7alpha-h
12                     Bile acids repress human CYP8B1 transcription by reducing the transactivation act
13                                    The human CYP8B1 promoter activities were strongly repressed by bi
14 '-upstream nucleotide sequences of the human CYP8B1.
15 art by regulating the BA 12alpha-hydroxylase CYP8B1.
16                  Sterol 12alpha-hydroxylase (CYP8B1) is required for cholic acid synthesis and plays
17 is, notably cholesterol 12alpha-hydroxylase (CYP8B1), which was strongly reexpressed in the SHP null
18 lase (CYP7A1) or sterol 12alpha-hydroxylase (CYP8B1).
19 se (CYP7A1) and sterol 12-alpha hydroxylase (CYP8B1) genes.
20               The sterol 12alpha-hydroxylase/CYP8B1 (12alpha-hydroxylase) promoter is also down-regul
21  these enzymes is sterol 12alpha-hydroxylase/CYP8B1 (12alpha-hydroxylase), the specific enzyme requir
22 -hydroxylase) and sterol 12alpha-hydroxylase/CYP8B1 (12alpha-hydroxylase).
23 duction of RORalpha to mice strongly induced CYP8B1 expression, and increased liver cholesterol and 1
24                         Deletion analysis of CYP8B1/luciferase reporter activity in HepG2 cells revea
25 eas restricted-feeding reduced expression of CYP8B1 mRNA and protein.
26 r of diurnal rhythm and fasting induction of CYP8B1, which regulates bile acid composition and serum
27                    To study the mechanism of CYP8B1 transcription by bile acids, we have cloned and d
28 This contrasts with the strong repression of CYP8B1 observed with short term bile acid feeding, as we
29 of fasting induction and circadian rhythm of CYP8B1 by a cholesterol-activated nuclear receptor and c
30 artner markedly inhibited transactivation of CYP8B1 by HNF4alpha.
31                             Transcription of CYP8B1 is inhibited by bile acids, cholesterol, and insu
32 evealed the critical roles HNF4alpha play on CYP8B1 transcription and its repression by bile acids.
33  functional RORalpha response element in the CYP8B1 promoter.
34 CBP) to stimulate histone acetylation on the CYP8B1 gene promoter.
35 transcriptional activity of HNF4alpha toward CYP8B1 but not toward CYP2A2.

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