


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 current called ICRAC (Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ current).
2 rrent called I(CRAC) (Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ current).
3 ange) rather than in systole (via the L-type Ca2+ current).
4 ts revealed that norepinephrine (NE) reduced Ca2+ current.
5 of these two different Ca2+ release sites by Ca2+ current.
6 ted by 50 microM nickel, a blocker of T-type Ca2+ current.
7 mergence of Ca2+ transients triggered by the Ca2+ current.
8  T-type current and a tetrodotoxin-sensitive Ca2+ current.
9 ormal Ca2+ transients despite reduced L-type Ca2+ current.
10 artially Ca2+-dependent inactivation for the Ca2+ current.
11 PKA effects on RyR, phospholamban (PLB), and Ca2+ current.
12 e amplitudes of twitch shortening and L-type Ca2+ current.
13 d by a decrease in Ca2+ entry via the L-type Ca2+ current.
14 feature of which is a much larger underlying Ca2+ current.
15 re positive voltage dependence of the mature Ca2+ current.
16 al is mediated by a high-threshold sustained Ca2+ current.
17  negative voltage dependence of the immature Ca2+ current.
18 the FMRFamide-induced inhibition of the peak Ca2+ current.
19 change was less than the entry on the L-type Ca2+ current.
20 e mediated by a high-threshold, inactivating Ca2+ current.
21 til it equalled the Ca2+ entry on the L-type Ca2+ current.
22  histograms and to the decaying phase of the Ca2+ current.
23       ET1 inhibited L-type voltage-dependent Ca2+ current.
24                  CPA had no effect on inward Ca2+ current.
25 eir abolition by antagonism of inward L-type Ca2+ current.
26  rate of inactivation or facilitation of the Ca2+ current.
27 inhibits RGC firing by decreasing the inward Ca2+ current.
28 racellular Ca2+ release and increased L-type Ca2+ currents.
29 ological properties typical of T- and L-type Ca2+ currents.
30 that differed from dihydropyridine-sensitive Ca2+ currents.
31 eotidases to adenosine, which then inhibited Ca2+ currents.
32 lity in thalamic neurons by potentiating LVA Ca2+ currents.
33 an that obtained by activation of whole-cell Ca2+ currents.
34 ferential expression of voltage-gated K+ and Ca2+ currents.
35 uring stimulus trains, despite inhibition of Ca2+ currents.
36 chronized with measurement of Cd2+-sensitive Ca2+ currents.
37 ytes showed that indomethacin blocked L-type Ca2+ currents.
38 ized by myocytes and had no effect on L-type Ca2+ currents.
39  with the smallest sinusoidal-stimuli-evoked Ca2+ currents.
40 that also expresses a high density of T-type Ca2+ currents.
41 nsistent with the activation kinetics of the Ca2+ current; 3), the voltage dependence of the Ca2+ tra
42                                   The axonal Ca2+ current activated at potentials positive to -20 mV.
43 s reduced the rise in cAMP levels and L-type Ca2(+) current amplitude, and abolished the inotropic ef
44 inhibitory effects on synaptic transmission, Ca2+ current amplitude and gating and G protein modulati
45 gnificantly altered the relationship between Ca2+ current amplitude and inactivation in ways that wer
46                                          The Ca2+ current amplitude increased exponentially with dist
47 CGNs, NT and AID peptides reduced whole-cell Ca2+ current amplitude, modified voltage dependence of C
48 , we found that AngII potentiates the L-type Ca2+ currents, an effect mediated by AT1 receptors and a
49  CA shifted the voltage-sensitivities of the Ca2+ current and [Ca2+]i increases in intact guard cells
50 re electrically tuned by a voltage-dependent Ca2+ current and a Ca2+-dependent K+ current (IBK(Ca)).
51  of secretion mirrored that of both the peak Ca2+ current and Ca2+ entry.
52                          The time courses of Ca2+ current and Ca2+ spark occurrence were determined i
53 ty, current density increased for the L-type Ca2+ current and decreased for the BK current, consisten
54 ain that is affected by the amplitude of the Ca2+ current and differentially modulated by distinct Ca
55  the persistence of immature features of the Ca2+ current and exocytosis into adulthood.
56 l, which leads to a reduction of presynaptic Ca2+ current and glutamate release.
57                         The decreased L-type Ca2+ current and increased Ca2+ efflux on Na+-Ca2+ excha
58 cells was studied at the level of whole-cell Ca2+ current and intramembrane charge movement.
59 receptor agonist decreased voltage-activated Ca2+ current and lowered Ca2+ influx.
60 ue, mimicked the FMRFamide inhibition of the Ca2+ current and occluded any further FMRFamide-induced
61 superimposed upon the relatively slow L-type Ca2+ current and was resistant to conventional Ca2+ chan
62                   Each step activated L-type Ca2+ currents and [Ca2+]i transients, but failed to acce
63 tage dependence of the Ca2+ current; and 4), Ca2+ currents and Ca2+ transients were fully blocked by
64 rch has suggested that the interplay between Ca2+ currents and Ca2+-activated K+ channels (KCa channe
65 av2.1 channels modulate presynaptic P/Q-type Ca2+ currents and contribute to activity-dependent synap
66 iological analyses revealed increased inward Ca2+ currents and decreased outward K+ currents, in conj
67 lgesia and allodynia, upregulation of T-type Ca2+ currents and enhanced Ca2+ entry into these cells c
68 ation of RBCs from -60 mV elicited sustained Ca2+ currents and evoked AMPA receptor (AMPAR)-mediated
69 nhances dihydropyridine-sensitive whole-cell Ca2+ currents and increases depolarization-induced incre
70 IP was 27% and was selective for NCX: L-type Ca2+ currents and plasmalemmal Ca2+ pumps were not affec
71 tly inhibits native rat cardiomyocyte L-type Ca2+ currents and the recombinant alpha1C subunit of the
72 oltage (through its influence on sarcolemmal Ca2+ currents) and, therefore, by all ionic currents tha
73 disease (IHD, n=19) on contractility, L-type Ca2+ current, and Ca2+ transients in continuously perfus
74            Action potential duration, L-type Ca2+ current, and Na+ /Ca2+ -exchange current were unalt
75 ted Ca2+ transients, cell shortening, L-type Ca2+ current, and SR volume were not significantly diffe
76 nd beta2a, the kinetics of activation of the Ca2+ current, and the single channel parameters estimate
77 WIN) reversibly inhibited EPSCs, presynaptic Ca2+ currents, and exocytosis.
78 , alter fluo-3 fluorescent responses to RyR2 Ca2+ currents, and for addressing other current research
79 onsistent with the voltage dependence of the Ca2+ current; and 4), Ca2+ currents and Ca2+ transients
80  allowed us to study how immature and mature Ca2+ currents are optimized to their particular function
81  we found that adenosine inhibited an N-type Ca2+ current as well as a further unidentified HVA curre
82 pidermal growth factor still potentiated the Ca2+ currents as determined by the whole-cell patch conf
83 t rate of rise and the magnitude of entering Ca2+ current at positive potentials.
84 sks a dihydropyridine (DHP)-sensitive L-type Ca2+ current at the motor nerve terminal.
85 ite a 2.4-fold difference in the size of the Ca2+ current at the two positions.
86  and the mean time constant for decay of LVA Ca2+ currents at -50 mV was also prolonged.
87 udy represent the first direct recordings of Ca2+ currents at presumed synaptic sites.
88                     Whole-cell recordings of Ca2+ currents at Xenopus spinal neuron growth cones indi
89 II loop variant using Cd2+ (10(-4) M) as the Ca2+ current blocker.
90 ne (300 nm) completely suppressed the inward Ca2+ current but had no effect on inward Na+ currents.
91 ignificant effect on the amplitude of L-type Ca2+ current, but a significant reduction in the amplitu
92 ify Ca2+ transients in the absence of inward Ca2+ current, but without changing the external solution
93      We also found that EPA inhibited L-type Ca2+ current by 38.7 +/- 3.9% but this increased to 63.3
94 ontrast, inhibition of the voltage-activated Ca2+ current by CCh was antagonized by 100 nM pirenzepin
95 hanced G-protein-dependent modulation of the Ca2+ current by syntaxin 1A cannot explain the large sup
96  to mu+/+ levels, restored the inhibition of Ca2+ currents by DAMGO, and abolished receptor coupling.
97 periments revealed a reversible reduction of Ca2+ currents by DHPG, with no significant modification
98 sites was affected by increasing the trigger Ca2+ current (by increasing extracellular Ca2+ to 10 mM)
99                                       L-type Ca2+ currents, [Ca2+]i transient amplitudes, and fractio
100 a2+ entry is manifest as a non-voltage-gated Ca2+ current called ICRAC (Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ c
101 o fully prevented augmentation of whole-cell Ca2+ currents caused by CH (as monitored using whole-cel
102 e potentials of -60 mV and voltage-dependent Ca2+ currents, characteristic of excitable cells.
103 from five patients inhibited N- and P/Q-type Ca2+ current components to different extents.
104         In most endocardial cells the T-like Ca2+ current comprised two components: a Ni2+-sensitive
105 rtened action potentials, and reduced L-type Ca2+ current contribute to a stunning reduction of intra
106 e presence of a saturating mobile buffer the Ca2+ current cooperativity is greater, and it increases
107  concentration, although vitronectin-induced Ca2+ current could not be detected.
108 ment significantly increased the peak T-type Ca2+ current density by twofold without affecting the ac
109                The developmental increase in Ca2+ current density exactly compensated for decreased s
110 vidual Ca2+ sparks were observed by reducing Ca2+ current density with nifedipine (0.1-8 microM).
111   This compensation was a function purely of Ca2+ current density, not of the transition from immatur
112 hosphorylation, but do show decreased L-type Ca2+ current density.
113 2+-ATPase activity, and a decrease in L-type Ca2+ current density.
114             The density of voltage-activated Ca2+ currents did not change between E8 and E11.
115 to an increased driving force for the L-type Ca2+ current during the action potential, which explains
116                   Fluctuations of the L-type Ca2+ current during the AP plateau lead to variability i
117 a2+ in the pipette solution, inactivation of Ca2+ currents during depolarization was about two times
118 hat there was no cumulative change of K+ and Ca2+ currents during the test train.
119 Ca2+/CaM binding and reduces inactivation of Ca2+ currents during trains of repetitive depolarization
120 y, including a slowed inactivation of L-type Ca2+ current, enhanced Ca2+ spark width, duration, and f
121                                              Ca2+ currents, especially those activated at low voltage
122 % increases in peak current densities of LVA Ca2+ currents evoked at -50 mV from -110 mV in tg, lh, a
123 s by Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release, where L-type Ca2+ current evokes a larger sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)
124 g rats that two kinetically different T-type Ca2+ currents exist in nRT neurones, with a slowly inact
125                                     However, Ca2+ current expression levels remained unaltered in sev
126 xpression system completely inhibits de novo Ca2+ current expression.
127  action potential duration shortened, L-type Ca2+ current fast inactivation was more rapid, and sarco
128 owed the current-voltage relationship of the Ca2+ current found in the ganglion cell.
129                                Low-threshold Ca2+ currents gate the graded component.
130 ad the following characteristics: 1), L-type Ca2+ currents had a wild-type density; 2), Ca2+ transien
131                              Many classes of Ca2+ current have been characterized electrophysiologica
132                However, direct recordings of Ca2+ currents have been limited and the upstream activat
133 luorescence was recorded simultaneously with Ca2+ currents having amplitudes of 0.25-14 pA.
134 ingle-cell level, upregulation of the L-type Ca2+ current I(Ca,L) steepened restitution curves of act
135 itating the activation of the store-operated Ca2+ current I(CRAC).
136 and the underlying calcium release-activated Ca2+ current (I CRAC).
137      Furthermore, feedback inhibition of the Ca2+ current (I(Ca)) by released vesicular protons reduc
138 models of AF implicate a reduction in L-type Ca2+ current (I(Ca)) density in these changes.
139                                       L-type Ca2+ current (I(Ca)) is reduced in myocytes from cardiac
140 which the two sets of RyRs are controlled by Ca2+ current (I(Ca)) or Ca2+ diffusion remains to be det
141                                     We found Ca2+ current (I(Ca))-dependent bursting in 7.5% of inspi
142 cated in Ca2+-dependent regulation of L-type Ca2+ current (I(Ca)).
143                                       L-type Ca2+ current (I(Ca,L)) density measured by whole-cell pa
144  stimulation by phenylephrine (PE) on L-type Ca2+ current (I(Ca,L)) in cat atrial myocytes.
145                                       L-type Ca2+ current (I(Ca,L)) was measured under basal conditio
146  is a direct regulator of the cardiac L-type Ca2+ current (I(Ca,L)).
147 ystolic Ca2+ transient ([Ca2+]iT) and L-type Ca2+ current (I(Ca,L); P<0.05).
148 sured directly as the Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ current (I(CRAC)).
149 and I DRK), calcium (Ca2+) release-activated Ca2+ currents (I CRAC) and Ca2+-activated TRPM4-like cur
150 and a possible increase in voltage-sensitive Ca2+ currents (I(Ca)).
151                            Whole-cell L-type Ca2+ currents (I(Ca,L)) recorded from single, isolated a
152 cytes despite potently inhibiting the L-type Ca2+ current, I(Ca,L).
153 restingly, the presence of the low-threshold Ca2+ current, I(T) in a postsynaptic neuron allows the r
154 he presence and absence of the low-threshold Ca2+ current, I(T), and the hyperpolarization-activated
155  dominant determinant of inactivation of the Ca2+ current (ICa) and termination of release.
156  of 10 nM endothelin-1 (ET-1) increased peak Ca2+ current (ICa) by 28.2 +/- 2.5 % (n = 13) and slowed
157                                       L-type Ca2+ current (ICa) density was increased in TG compared
158                             Increased L-type Ca2+ current (ICa) density, with unaltered characteristi
159                                Activation of Ca2+ current (ICa) failed to produce the typical sarcome
160 nels/ryanodine receptors (RyR) by the inward Ca2+ current (ICa) gives rise to Ca2+-induced Ca2+ relea
161  and isoproterenol (isoprenaline)-stimulated Ca2+ current (ICa) was decreased by 42% and the inactiva
162                                  Peak L-type Ca2+ current (ICa) was reduced by 62% in KO myocytes com
163                                         Peak Ca2+ current (ICa) was slightly increased, and action po
164 The isoproterenol-induced increase in L-type Ca2+ current (ICa) was smaller in females versus in male
165 uscarinic M1 ACh receptor suppression of the Ca2+ current (ICa) was temporally correlated with PIP2 h
166  on beta-adrenergic regulation of the L-type Ca2+ current (ICa) were studied in ventricular myocytes
167 for Ca(2+)-CaM-dependent increases in L-type Ca2+ current (ICa), and a CaM-binding IQ domain mimetic
168  examined the respective roles of the L-type Ca2+ current (ICa), SR Ca2+ uptake, storage and release,
169 , 10 mmol/L), there was a decrease in inward Ca2+ current (ICa), the spatially averaged Ca2+ transien
170 e 2 than males, in-part due to higher L-type Ca2+ current (ICa,L) at the base of the heart.
171 es demonstrate an increase in cardiac L-type Ca2+ current (ICa,L) density on sympathetic innervation
172  (beta1-AR) regulation of the cardiac L-type Ca2+ current (ICa,L) was studied using the whole-cell pa
173 the relationship was broader than the L-type Ca2+ current (ICa,L)-voltage relationship.
174 rgic receptor (beta-AR) regulation of L-type Ca2+ current (ICa,L).
175                                       L-type Ca2+ current (ICa-L) triggers Ca2+ release from the sarc
176 HF, Ca2+ transient amplitude and peak L-type Ca2+ current (ICa-L) were reduced (to 70 +/- 11% and 50
177 ined voltage-clamp recordings of presynaptic Ca2+ currents (ICa(V)) with UV-light flash-induced Ca2+
178 -clamp techniques were used to record L-type Ca2+ currents (ICa) and action potentials, respectively.
179                                              Ca2+ currents (ICa) and changes in membrane capacitance
180 f overexpression of CYP2J2 on cardiac L-type Ca2+ currents (ICa) in adult transgenic mice.
181 n contraction, [Ca2+]i transient, and L-type Ca2+ currents (ICa) in single ventricular myocytes isola
182 polarization of HF cells to potentials where Ca2+ currents (ICa) were maximal resynchronized SR Ca2+
183 rotein (EGFP)-tagged alpha1sDHPR variants on Ca2+ currents (ICa), charge movements (Q) and SR Ca2+ re
184 c hypertrophy, we measured whole-cell L-type Ca2+ currents (ICa,L), whole-cell Ca2+ transients ([Ca2+
185 ), a blocker of low voltage-activated T-type Ca2+ current ((ICa,T), decreased diastolic depolarizatio
186 al for SR Ca2+ release (voltage-gated L-type Ca2+ current, ICa,L) and SR Ca2+ load during alternans.
187     beta-Adrenergic modulation of the L-type Ca2+ current (ICaL) was characterized for different deve
188 timulation robustly increases cardiac L-type Ca2+ current (ICaL); yet the molecular mechanism of this
189 lamp technique to measure the store-operated Ca2+ current ICRAC and the capacitance method to monitor
190  and amplitude of the Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ current ICRAC in rat basophilic leukaemia (RBL-1) c
191 gents to activate the Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ current (ICRAC) in rat basophilic leukaemia (RBL-1)
192  on: (i) the current-voltage relation of the Ca2+ current; (ii) sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ uptake; a
193 hibited high (but not low) voltage-activated Ca2+ current in both DRG and SCG neurons expressing hSNS
194                                         Peak Ca2+ current in control and IGF-1-treated cells was -7.8
195 s via NOX/ROS signaling and augmented T-type Ca2+ current in IH-treated chromaffin cells.
196 range of experimental data, including L-Type Ca2+ current in response to voltage-clamp stimuli, inact
197 elated to the magnitude of the peak measured Ca2+ current in the presence of Cs+-containing pipette s
198 ion of residues in DRPEER altered fractional Ca2+ currents in a manner consistent with its forming a
199 DPDPE and deltorphin II (1 microM) inhibited Ca2+ currents in both cases.
200  However, in contrast to expectation, L-type Ca2+ currents in cardiac myocytes from DCT-/- mice were
201            We investigated voltage-dependent Ca2+ currents in cultured ICC from the murine colon and
202 dole WIN 55,212-2 (WIN) inhibited whole-cell Ca2+ currents in rat sympathetic neurons previously inje
203 ure rapid and efficient regulation of L-type Ca2+ currents in response to beta-adrenergic stimulation
204 ose of the present study was to characterise Ca2+ currents in smooth muscle cells isolated from biops
205 PCR- and PP2B-mediated suppression of L-type Ca2+ currents in striatal neurons.
206 d biophysical properties of both LVA and HVA Ca2+ currents in thalamic cells of tottering (tg; Cav2.1
207 s, and beta-adrenergic stimulation of L-type Ca2+ currents in the heart.
208 nt proper, contribute to the high fractional Ca2+ currents in these channels under physiological cond
209 a2 agonist clonidine inhibited voltage-gated Ca2+ currents in these neurons.
210  Ca2+ levels affect inactivation of Ca(v)2.1 Ca2+ currents in transfected 293T cells.
211 icked by chronic pharmacological blockade of Ca2+ currents in wild-type neurons.
212 t inhibition of high voltage-activated (HVA) Ca2+ currents in Xenopus laevis embryo spinal neurons.
213 acid (AA) on whole cell and unitary calcium (Ca2+) currents in rat neonatal superior cervical ganglio
214 ibuted and best characterised store-operated Ca2+ current, in a model system, the RBL-1 rat basophili
215       We found that inactivation of Ca(v)2.1 Ca2+ currents increased exponentially with current ampli
216 y attenuate the norepinephrine (NE)-mediated Ca2+ current inhibition by sequestration of Gbeta gamma
217                       We find that transient Ca2+ current inhibition is correlated with exocytosis an
218                                              Ca2+ current inhibition is negligible in acutely dissoci
219 icarbonate) buffering conditions, pronounced Ca2+ current inhibition occurs after exocytosis ( approx
220                                The effect of Ca2+ current inhibition on subsequent exocytosis was inv
221                             Agonist-mediated Ca2+ current inhibition was blocked by a selective CB1R
222                                          The Ca2+ current inhibition was concentration dependent and
223      CaV2.1 channels, which conduct P/Q-type Ca2+ currents, initiate synaptic transmission at most sy
224 nhances beta1-AR-induced increases in L-type Ca2+ currents, intracellular Ca2+ transients, and myocyt
225 roximately 2 microm, and that the underlying Ca2+ current is in the range of 10-20 pA.
226  the action-potential threshold, whereas the Ca2+ current is mainly involved, together with the K+ cu
227                                     Only the Ca2+ current is necessary for spontaneous and induced ac
228  activation indicates that the Cav3.1 T-type Ca2+ current is shifted to a positive potential, at whic
229 to -25 mV) but expressed little or no T-type Ca2+ current (IT).
230 on-induced inactivation of the low-threshold Ca2+ current (IT).
231 dow') component of the low threshold, T-type Ca2+current (IT) and an appropriately large ratio of IT
232  reduced ICaL, whereas IZc showed changes in Ca2+ current kinetics with an acceleration of current de
233 tion, epifluorescence microscopy, and L-type Ca2(+) current measurements were performed in myocardial
234 oncentration changes evoked by low-threshold Ca2+ currents modulate spike-mediated synaptic transmiss
235 In addition, ICRAC, a Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ current monitored in Jurkat cells by whole-cell pat
236 types which express no or low-density L-type Ca2+ currents, namely beta1 KO and RyR1 KO, beta2a overe
237               However, neither the transient Ca2+ current nor I(A) shows a change in current density,
238 n 1A cannot explain the large suppression of Ca2+ current observed.
239 irst time that the physiologically important Ca2+ current of the TRPV1 receptor is also dynamic and d
240 32A-RyR1-expressing myotubes elicited L-type Ca2+ currents of approximately normal size and myoplasmi
241 sed in HEK293 cells and on native non-L-type Ca2+ currents of cultured hippocampal neurons.
242 nt could be related to changes in whole-cell Ca2+ current or the Ca2+ transient in identified OT or v
243          In addition, increasing the trigger Ca2+ current or the SR Ca2+ load changed the spatial pat
244 causes no significant changes in presynaptic Ca2+ currents or synaptic vesicle exocytosis as measured
245         The sustained kinetics of the mature Ca2+ current permit high-frequency firing during larval
246 ected with Ca(v)1.2, CaBP1 greatly prolonged Ca2+ currents, prevented Ca2+-dependent inactivation, an
247 2+ (25-50 mM) that result in saturating RyR2 Ca2+ currents, proportional fluo-3 fluorescence was reco
248 ials under biionic conditions and fractional Ca2+ currents recorded under physiological conditions.
249                          The beta2a-mediated Ca2+ current recovered in beta1 KO myotubes lacking the
250                              Concurrent with Ca2+ current recovery, there was a drastic reduction of
251                              After this, the Ca2+ current reduced to about 30 % of its maximum size a
252 tors selectively couple to GIRK currents and Ca2+ currents respectively, with negligible cross-talk.
253                             The reduction in Ca2+ current resulted in smaller exocytotic responses to
254                         Although the rate of Ca2+ current run-down was not affected by 10-15 microM f
255             The inactivation of the immature Ca2+ current serves to limit the frequency and burst dur
256     Maximal Ca2+ influx rates and whole-cell Ca2+ currents showed that both Th1 and Th2 cells express
257 Although the soma of the B cells express two Ca2+ current subtypes, a transient BayK 8644-insensitive
258 there was no detectable voltage-gated inward Ca2+ current, syntilla frequency was increased e-fold pe
259 eshold, fast- and slow-inactivating types of Ca2+ currents, take part in membrane depolarization, and
260 reshold, rapidly activating and inactivating Ca2+ current that resembled the T-type current was prese
261             CaV2.1 channels conduct P/Q-type Ca2+ currents that are modulated by calmodulin (CaM) and
262 an explanation as to why previous whole-cell Ca2+ currents that were recorded in quasi-physiological
263 lished the effect of CaBP4 in prolonging the Ca2+ current through Ca(v)1.3 channel, whereas inactivat
264  kinase A (PKA) greatly increases the L-type Ca2+ current through CaV1.2 channels in isolated cardiac
265 f their NMDA-Rs and the effective fractional Ca2+ current through these receptors.
266 injections proved difficult to quantify, and Ca2+ currents through channels were obscured by K+ curre
267                                     P/Q-type Ca2+ currents through presynaptic CaV2.1 channels initia
268 els of cardiac Ca2+ sparks have assumed that Ca2+ currents through the Ca2+ release units (CRUs) were
269          Complex modulation of voltage-gated Ca2+ currents through the interplay among Ca2+ channels
270 Thus, by enabling macroscopic store-operated Ca2+ current to activate and then by controlling its ext
271 ing Poisson statistics to relate macroscopic Ca2+ current to the opening of single L-type Ca2+ channe
272              The sensitivity of bipolar cell Ca2+ currents to extracellular pH was assessed: channel
273 ed the increases in contractile response and Ca2+ currents to ISO in WT and to forskolin in both WT a
274 e tested the hypothesis that Rem2 attenuates Ca2+ currents to regulate insulin secretion.
275 ot of the transition from immature to mature Ca2+ current types.
276    Ca(v)2.1 channels, which mediate P/Q-type Ca2+ currents, undergo Ca2+/calmodulin (CaM)-dependent i
277 t rate of rise and the magnitude of the peak Ca2+ current was also found when use of Cs+ was avoided
278 t rate of rise and the magnitude of the peak Ca2+ current was found under a variety of pulse protocol
279                            First, the L-type Ca2+ current was larger in endocardial than in epicardia
280    Inhibition of the voltage-gated transient Ca2+ current was lessened after long-term treatment.
281            In voltage clamp, the whole-cell, Ca2+ current was slightly larger during lactation in OT
282 n to TRPV1 responses and discovered that the Ca2+ current was tuned by the mode of activation.
283                                       L-type Ca2+ current was unaffected by acute exposure to T(3).
284 BAPTA was reduced to 0.5 mm, inactivation of Ca2+ currents was significantly greater than with an equ
285                                Inhibition of Ca2+ currents was voltage independent and was largely me
286         In summary, two components of inward Ca2+ current were resolved in ICC of murine small intest
287          The epidermal growth factor-induced Ca2+ currents were completely abolished by a selective p
288            These effects of sorcin on L-type Ca2+ currents were confirmed in Xenopus oocyte expressio
289  voltage-activated (T-type channel-mediated) Ca2+ currents were evident.
290 their somatic counterparts, dendritic N-type Ca2+ currents were hypersensitive to neurotransmitters a
291  found that, in Drosophila cultured neurons, Ca2+ currents were mediated predominantly by the cac cha
292                     Sarcolemma voltage-gated Ca2+ currents were not activated following store depleti
293                                       T-type Ca2+ currents were observed in 47% of distal urethral ne
294 ological properties typical of T- and L-type Ca2+ currents, were present in these cells.
295  CHO-K1 cells reduces native store-activated Ca2+ currents, whereas knock-down of endogenous I-mfa in
296  microM), and baclofen (50 microM) inhibited Ca2+ currents, whereas the -selective ligands [D-Pen2,Pe
297 developed a mathematical model of the L-type Ca2+ current, which is based on data from whole-cell vol
298 tional shortening (video motion), and L-type Ca2+ currents (whole-cell patch clamp) 5 days after tran
299  a wild-type density of nifedipine-sensitive Ca2+ currents with a slow activation kinetics typical of
300 ile lowering extracellular pH suppressed HVA Ca2+ currents, Zn2+ current amplitude was affected oppos

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