


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  Units in a large Academic Medical Center in California.
2 entella in the fossil records of continental California.
3 ulation 50 years and older in Monterey Park, California.
4 ssions from 24 oil and gas facilities across California.
5 tudy Area TCE plume in the Silicon Valley of California.
6 t the Salton Sea, a shrinking saline lake in California.
7 ors to racial/ethnic survival disparities in California.
8 monarchs overwinter in trees on the coast of California.
9 ugh all participants subsequently resided in California.
10 ated health care delivery system in northern California.
11 n's Pharmacy, and Kaiser Permanente Southern California.
12 ement the approach in the registry data from California.
13 neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) recipients in California.
14 rse cohort of individuals living in Northern California.
15 om bobcats to mountain lions predominates in California.
16 epartments between 2010 and 2013 in Northern California.
17  short-term increases in firearm injuries in California.
18 cramento-San Joaquin River Delta in Northern California.
19              CLas has recently been found in California.
20  aged 50 or older residing in Monterey Park, California.
21 nt visits, and inpatient hospitalizations in California.
22 ing little regionalization of gastrectomy in California.
23 0 years and older residing in Monterey Park, California.
24 acific, resulting in significant drying over California.
25 st an additional $63,533.46 per 100 cases in California.
26                      Hawaii and Los Angeles, California.
27 ht (67%) children were exposed to measles in California.
28  short triplets were dominant in the Gulf of California.
29 itary system, versus the civilian setting in California.
30 cer clinics in Western New York and Northern California.
31 eighborhoods, compared with 35% elsewhere in California.
32 erral institutional practice in Los Angeles, California.
33 ed survey study was conducted in Georgia and California.
34 thin Kaiser Permanente Northern and Southern California.
35 tion challenges faced by multiple sectors in California.
36 ling over 6800 miles of on-road operation in California.
37  In this report, we used a novel Influenza A/California/04/09 (H1N1) reporter virus that stably expre
38 of A/quail/Hong Kong/G1/1997 (H9N2) in the A/California/04/2009 (pH1N1) backbone could become better
39 ore, using human immune sera from pandemic A/California/04/2009 immune subjects and mAbs specific for
40 ycosylation of Influenza hemagglutinin (H1/A/California/04/2009) using the following steps: PNGaseF t
41 y of immunized mice against a heterologous A/California/07/2009 H1N1 virus.
42  bind vRNA uniformly in the A/WSN/1933 and A/California/07/2009 strains, but instead each vRNA segmen
43 07/2003(H7N2)] or with human A(H1N1)pdm09 (A/California/07/2009-like) or A(H3N2) (A/Perth16/2009) vir
44 with change greater than never-MML states in California (1.0-percentage point more; SE, 0.5; P = .06)
45 exas (3.3%; 95% range, -5.6 to 10.9) than in California (1.7%; 95% range, -3.8 to 7.1), Florida (1.5%
46 .6-percentage point more; SE, 0.6; P = .01), California (1.8-percentage point more; SE, 0.9; P = .04)
47 g treatment and criminal justice records for California (2006 to 2010); published literature.
48 (2009 to 2013), New York (2010 to 2013), and California (2009 to 2011).
49 cer clinics in Western New York and Northern California; 38 medical oncologists (mean age 44.6 years;
50 age points: never-MML states, 3.5 (SE, 0.5); California, 5.3 (SE, 1.0); Colorado, 7.0 (SE, 1.6); othe
51                   Kaiser Permanente Northern California, a healthcare delivery system serving 3.9 mil
52 as established in Kaiser Permanente Northern California, a large integrated health care delivery syst
53  births of non-Hispanic white individuals in California, according to individual demographics, neighb
54                                          The California Air Resources Board (ARB) and the City of Sac
55 ironmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and the California Air Resources Board (CARB) through their resp
56  most heavily used agricultural pesticide in California and Europe.
57 om data collected from 2000-2012 in Southern California and from 2004-2010 in the Gulf of California
58                                 Gun shows in California and Nevada between 2005 and 2013 (n = 915 sho
59 identified from mandatory state databases in California and New York State between January 1, 1998, a
60                                           In California and New York State, the overall standardized
61 ngs in regions with high demand charges like California and New York, even without subsidies.
62 with NBS-identified SCID and leaky SCID from California and other states were treated, and 42 patient
63 arly valid in the Klamath Region of northern California and southwestern Oregon, where severe fire in
64 cal slowing down in the data at the level of California and the United States in the years before and
65 d (San Francisco, Tomales and Bodega Bays in California and the Virginia coastal bays) represent a ra
66 pecimens from the Kaiser Permanente Northern California and U.S. National Cancer Institute Persistenc
67 ollowing spray applications in the states of California and Washington.
68  implantation (Abbott Vascular, Santa Clara, California) and determine the independent predictors of
69  registries (Georgia and Los Angeles County, California) and surveyed about their experiences with me
70 re gradient in the northern Channel Islands, California, and (ii) investigating how the feeding rate
71        We enrolled 654 surfers in San Diego, California, and followed them longitudinally during the
72 ears) from 9 pediatric clinics in San Diego, California, and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, recruited from
73 hquake recurrence in a wide area of southern California, and sensitive habitat already threatened by
74      The study was conducted in Los Angeles, California, and St Petersburg, Florida, between January
75 ability of groundwater in northwest Iran and California, and the need for more careful assessment and
76 AT), and regulations for admission to OAT in California are more stringent than federal regulations.
77                      MedClim regions, except California, are expected to dry via decreased frequency
78 York law on racial/ethnic disparities, using California as a comparator.
79                            Using the Gulf of California as case study, we assess the benefits and cos
80 analysis of monthly food waste generation in California at a county level, and its potential contribu
81 sease from 1990 to 2015 at the University of California at San Francisco Medical Center, to determine
82 istance traveled to destination hospitals in California averaged 17.04 miles.
83 L) stipulations remained unmet at a southern California beach despite a suite of management actions c
84 ed museum-based program at the University of California, Berkeley as a model for engaging undergradua
85 nes who entered basic training in San Diego, California, between June 2001 and October 2010.
86 enomic island genes in cultures and Southern California Bight populations, while the Clade IV represe
87 tion-based case-control study among Southern California births, including children with ASD (n = 545)
88 ous Associates Medical Group, Beverly Hills, California; Blanton Eye Institute, Houston Methodist Hos
89 nducing winter storms were steered away from California by a persistent atmospheric ridging system in
90                                       Future California (CA) precipitation projections, including tho
91 projected electricity needs for the state of California can be met therein.
92 = 25,032) were identified with data from the California Cancer Registry (CCR).
93 f a contemporary cohort merged data from the California Cancer Registry (January 1, 2004, through Dec
94                        Materials and Methods California Cancer Registry data were used to estimate po
95                                  We used the California Cancer Registry to calculate age-adjusted inc
96                                  We reviewed California cases from 1998-2015 to understand risk facto
97                                           In California, CCA provide cues for seven species of harves
98 d in the counties surrounding San Francisco, California, central Colorado, northern Nebraska, central
99 study of hospital admissions for delivery in California, CHD was associated with incident CHF, atrial
100 d in 559 pretreatment tumor samples from the California Childhood Leukemia Study.
101                            Participants were California children born from 2000-2007 who were enrolle
102 s of age at study enrollment in the Southern California Children's Health Study (CHS) and were follow
103  in precipitation and infiltration along the California coast during the Holocene.
104   A fast-growing stalagmite from the central California coast provides a high-resolution record of cl
105 pentine soil depth profiles derived from the California Coast Range serpentinite belt and (ii) in loc
106 ely operated vehicles during surveys off the California Coast, from the surface down to 3,900 m depth
107 mes, particularly along the sediment-starved California coast.
108   Paleoenvironmental records from a southern California coastal saltmarsh reveal evidence for repeate
109 om New York (treatment group) and 22982 from California (comparison group).
110  of persons with type 2 diabetes living in 9 California counties.
111  Total larval concentrations in the northern California Current (NCC) during winter (January-March) 2
112                We collected pteropods in the California Current Ecosystem (CCE) that differed in the
113 nt nearshore habitats across 1,000 km of the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem.
114 shellfish over the past 20 y in the Northern California Current regime is shown.
115 y with those in adjacent shelf waters of the California Current System (CCS) that are strongly respon
116 ions on ecosystem regulation in the Southern California Current System (SCCS) using a generalized foo
117 es off Oregon and Washington in the northern California Current to identify such refugia.
118 xperiences inherently low pH conditions, the California Current.
119 hile Christopher Polage of the University of California Davis and Mark Wilcox of Leeds University, Le
120  for blunt torso trauma at the University of California, Davis Medical Center, a level I trauma cente
121 D (n=545) and ID (n=181) identified from the California Department of Developmental Services and gene
122 tion in CSF was performed by serology at the California Department of Public Health or at clinical la
123 species with photosynthetic stems from three California desert locations.
124 patients from the Kaiser Permanente Northern California Diabetes Registry (n = 434,806 person-years;
125 aused climate change could exacerbate future California droughts.
126  surveys conducted throughout the forests of California during a 4-year statewide extreme drought las
127 e, the disease re-emerged in Sonora and Baja California during the early 21st century, driven by the
128 measurements on junipers growing in southern California during the last glacial, when the ambient atm
129 299.9 recorded in Kaiser Permanente Northern California electronic medical records on at least 2 occa
130 0 field-level observations from Kern County, California, encompassing the years 2005-2013 to test if
131 living in the agricultural Salinas Valley of California enrolled in the Center for the Health Assessm
132                  Disparities were evident in California, especially among those without private insur
133                           From 2012 to 2016, California experienced one of the worst droughts since t
134 and State Inpatient Database of 3 US states (California, Florida, and Nebraska) from 2005 through 201
135                      Acute care hospitals in California, Florida, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.
136 ates that bear half the country's TB burden: California, Florida, New York, and Texas.
137 dynamics of a grassland ecosystem in central California from 2007 to 2013.
138 trends in NAC use and surgical procedures in California from January 1, 1998 to December 31, 2012 usi
139  children born at Kaiser Permanente Northern California from January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2010, at
140 nto Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Mather, California, from March 5, 2015, to May 17, 2016.
141 ns in distribution models for species from a California grassland community results in better range p
142 , glaucous-winged gull (L. glaucescens), and California gull (L. californicus)) from nesting sites ac
143 injury rates remained stable in regions near California gun shows but increased from 0.67 injuries (9
144 2.7% and 2.4%, respectively), while Ohio and California had the greatest average annual number of peo
145                                              California has proposed limiting agricultural pesticide
146 ) emissions from energy and other sectors in California have shown varying capacities to meet the emi
147  practitioners at Kern Medical (Bakersfield, California) have >60 years of experience in the utilizat
148 study within the Kaiser Permanente, Northern California health system cohort.
149 us and particle emission measurements on two California heavy-duty vehicle fleets.
150 ethane emissions from livestock in Texas and California (highest contributors to the national total)
151 GBD cases were identified using Medicare and California hospital discharge files (1993-2012) and self
152 ion or later at a Kaiser Permanente Northern California hospital from January 1, 2010, through Decemb
153 ether with a collection of CRE from a single California hospital, to define the frequency and charact
154 lonoscopy complications using databases from California hospital-owned and nonhospital-owned ambulato
155 012, at one of 21 Kaiser Permanente Northern California hospitals.
156                                           In California, however, projections of changes in annual pr
157 n of detailing policies at AMCs in 5 states (California, Illinois, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and N
158 ken into consideration when declaring death: California, Illinois, New Jersey, New York) to those fro
159 documented Tdap vaccination histories in the California Immunization Registry to determine whether in
160                  State-specific datasets for California in 2011 available through the Healthcare Cost
161  drinking water standard for CrVI adopted by California in 2014 (distal outcome).
162 on and reinfection during a 5-year period in California in an cohort vaccinated exclusively with acel
163  with a mechanical or biologic prosthesis in California in the period from 1996 through 2013.
164 ht-duty gasoline vehicles recruited from the California in-use fleet tested on a chassis dynamometer
165 wn, Connecticut, in 2012 and San Bernardino, California, in 2015.
166 te, obtained from Kaiser Permanente Northern California inpatient and outpatient databases.
167 itute Professor of Chemistry Emeritus at the California Institute of Technology died on October 29, 2
168 enters within the Kaiser Permanente Northern California integrated health care delivery system.
169  biomedical data sets from the University of California, Irvine (UCI) Machine Learning Repository, an
170 y estimate future precipitation changes over California is also linked to the fidelity with which fut
171               Second arterial conduit use in California is low and declining, but arterial grafts wer
172 y funded treatment of opioid use disorder in California is maximized when OAT is delivered to all pat
173 696) enrollees of Kaiser Permanente Northern California (KPNC) diagnosed with primary invasive breast
174 em members of the Kaiser Permanente Northern California (KPNC) health care plan, diagnosed with at le
175 d 7423 members of Kaiser Permanente Northern California (KPNC), an integrated health care delivery sy
176 y Wu Lab (School of Dentistry, University of California, Los Angeles) to measure the diffusion flux a
177 e Stein Eye Institute at UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles).
178 trial at a single institution (University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA).
179 duals from 2015 to 2016 at the University of California, Los Angeles.
180 s before and after the 2014-2015 Disneyland, California measles outbreak.
181 dy of adult white Kaiser Permanente Northern California members (n = 2,213,848) from 1997-2012 to exa
182                   Kaiser Permanente Northern California members who underwent noncomplex bilateral ca
183 nts from 10 high schools in the Los Angeles, California, metropolitan area, surveys were administered
184 68,899 on social behavior in male and female California mice exposed to social defeat.
185 , two circular ACP mitogenome sequences from California (mt-CApsy, 15,027 bp) and Florida (mt-FLpsy,
186  by exposing populations of adult and larval California newts (Taricha torosa) to sustained stressful
187                      Our prior assessment in California non-Hispanic whites showed substantial increa
188 although N-nitrosodimethylamine exceeded the California Notification Level in one case.
189 e this argument with case studies drawn from California oak woodland ecosystems.
190                                SSPE cases in California occurred at a high rate among unvaccinated ch
191                              Analysis of the California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Devel
192 ty-specific survey of methane emissions from California oil and natural gas infrastructure with obser
193 egative control and were not associated with California or Nevada gun shows.
194  were enrolled in Kaiser Permanente Northern California or Tennessee Medicaid and eligible to receive
195  This report presents health alert data from California over a 14-y period, compares data before and
196 mains a major threat to almond production in California, particularly with the recent rapid expansion
197                                     As well, California passed legislation in 2006 for the Food and D
198  total of 108 093 Kaiser Permanente Southern California patients underwent cataract surgery and 89 73
199 he neritic east Pacific region near the Baja California Peninsula (BCP) (42.7 +/- 7.2 vs. 68.3 +/- 3.
200                                Data from the California Pesticide Use Reporting System were used to e
201 ed infants in the Kaiser Permanente Northern California population born between Jan 1, 1997, and Marc
202 iles in coastal T. truncatus from Brazil and California revealed a distinct difference, with a higher
203 s were associated with increased injuries in California (RR, 1.69 [CI, 1.16 to 2.45]).
204 ng for technology efficiencies, this exceeds California's 2025 projected electricity demands up to 13
205 carpal tunnel; or cataract; 2.02 million) in California's Ambulatory Services Databases.
206 m effects of the largest-scale policy shift, California's Assembly Bill 60 (AB60), under which more t
207 se in Fresno County, a key farming region in California's Central Valley.
208 nformation system, residential location, and California's comprehensive agricultural Pesticide Use Re
209 ese events, through patient-level linkage to California's Emergency Department and Inpatient Database
210                                              California's more nuanced hydrological future reflects a
211  the next decades could substantially impact California's precipitation, thus highlighting another me
212 ients presenting with opioid use disorder to California's publicly funded treatment facilities.
213 aerosols of the U.S., the Owens Lake area in California's southwest.
214 fornia versus Nevada gun shows may be due to California's stricter firearm regulations.
215 vity pneumonitis, one from the University of California San Francisco, CA, USA (UCSF), and one from t
216 at an academic medical center, University of California, San Diego, between July 2011 and July 2015.
217                                University of California, San Diego.
218 Visual Performance Laboratory, University of California, San Diego.
219 ) from the San Francisco-based University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Memory and Aging Center
220 ncial threats, research at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), has undergone 3 substa
221  SCID who received care at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF).
222 ive Surveillance Study (PASS); University of California, San Francisco (UCSF); and University of Toro
223 ics He is also a member of the University of California, San Francisco Cardiovascular Research Instit
224 y Studies and Co-leader of the University of California, San Francisco Comprehensive Cancer Center To
225 and cardiology training at the University of California, San Francisco Medical Center.
226  Research and Education at the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine.
227 s Point Animal Facility at the University of California, San Francisco, and all experiments were perf
228 d from glaucoma clinics at the University of California, San Francisco, from January 2012 to July 201
229                              3 University of California, San Francisco, hospitals.
230 Eye Hospital in Nepal, and the University of California, San Francisco, who had culture-positive fung
231 wed Chair in Cardiology at the University of California, San Francisco.
232  the Mission Bay Campus of the University of California, San Francisco.
233 3 academic transplant centers (University of California-San Francisco; Mayo Clinic, Rochester; and Ma
234 available data tracks from the University of California Santa Cruz Genome Browser to investigate the
235      Since its 2001 debut, the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) Genome Browser team has pr
236  elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris) and California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) are members
237          Both the northern elephant seal and California sea lion spend most of their lives at sea, bu
238  of Leptospira interrogans serovar Pomona in California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) as a case
239                             Hundreds of wild California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) exposed to
240                                We infer that California seismicity rates are modestly modulated by na
241 erimentally manipulated plant diversity in a California serpentine grassland and found that many plan
242 s significantly higher for Nevada shows than California shows (ratio of RRs, 1.70 [CI, 1.17 to 2.47])
243 r adjustment for seasonality and clustering, California shows were not associated with increases in l
244 ts from chaparral species native to Southern California, shows that apparently similar transpiration
245 rticles influenced by wildfires at a coastal California site in the summers of 2013 and 2016.
246         We used all live singleton births in California spanning 2005 to 2010 and estimated PTBs and
247 he Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project's California State Inpatient Database compared maternal an
248  of all nonfederally funded hospitals in the California state inpatient database that performed appen
249            Survival analysis of 2007 to 2011 California State Inpatient Database using Cox proportion
250 of dust deposition across our Sierra Nevada, California study sites.
251 oth and well-defined borders of the coast of California subtype tend to have poor response.
252  than those of the smooth-bordered "coast of California" subtype.
253                                              California surveillance data were reviewed to identify a
254 ied from the Georgia and Los Angeles County, California, Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results
255 esidential histories for participants in the California Teachers Study (CTS), a prospective cohort st
256 1253 women (ages 40-94) participating in the California Teachers Study.
257 11-2015 from a subset of participants in the California Teachers Study.
258                                           In California, the annual number of children under age 6 y
259 , through December 31, 2011, in New York and California to evaluate a final sample of 42346 women age
260 te-supported regional climate simulations in California to show that broad implementation of cool roo
261 algae, Peyssonnelia (collectively CCRA) from California to three pCO2 levels ranging from 419-2,013 m
262            We obtained patient data from the California Tuberculosis Registry and calculated traffic
263 icity and natural gas demand in Los Angeles, California under multiple climate change projections and
264 lder, residing in the city of Monterey Park, California, underwent an interview and comprehensive eye
265 ch the urban form of Indio - Cathedral City, California, United States (a city at the 25th percentile
266 ed three sources of conventional chenpi from California (USA), Guangxi, Zhejiang, and two sources of
267 n of a Visian ICL (STAAR Surgical, Monrovia, California, USA) under general anesthesia.
268 ent (XEN 45 Gel Stent, Allergan plc, Irvine, California, USA), a minimally invasive glaucoma surgery
269 000 HD-OCT; Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc, Dublin, California, USA), prototype PlexElite (Carl Zeiss Medite
270 ovue RTVue XR Avanti (Optovue, Inc, Fremont, California, USA), prototype Spectralis OCT-A (Spectralis
271  MF ZMB00 (160 eyes) (J&J Vision, Santa Ana, California, USA).
272 Cirrus OCT; Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc, Dublin, California, USA).
273 rom amphibian hosts sampled from wetlands of California, USA, we quantified the effects of spatial st
274 Neotoma fuscipes and N. macrotis) in central California, USA.
275 California and from 2004-2010 in the Gulf of California using autonomous acoustic recorders.
276  algal production in the Eel River, northern California, varied over eight decades, we quantified sil
277  Visuospatial Memory Test-Revised (BVMT) and California Verbal Learning Test II (CVLT).
278  Letter Number Span test and scales from the California Verbal Learning Test-Second Edition, the Wech
279                   Differing associations for California versus Nevada gun shows may be due to Califor
280                                The States of California, Virginia, New Jersey, and Georgia had some o
281                      We proposed that ACP in California was likely not introduced from China based on
282 ry including all 126 nonfederal hospitals in California, we compared all-cause mortality and rates of
283  birth records and cancer registry data from California, we conducted a population-based case-control
284  birth records and cancer registry data from California, we conducted a population-based study with 2
285               In a population-based study in California, we found that following S-colo, rates of ser
286         Through a case study of Los Angeles, California, we illustrate how delivering recycled water
287 agriculturally dominated San Joaquin Valley, California, we statistically investigate if residential
288  at the Cottonwood weigh station in northern California were collected.
289 black, lived in urban counties, and lived in California were exposed to more than 1 smoke wave (high-
290                 Gun shows in Nevada, but not California, were associated with local, short-term incre
291 decreased similarly in non-MML states and in California (where prevalence was much higher to start wi
292 me precipitation is particularly robust over California, where it is only partially offset by project
293 doublets were the dominant songs in Southern California, while long and short triplets were dominant
294 wide random sample of 221 hospital nurses in California who had patient handling duties.
295                         African Americans in California who were uninsured or on Medicaid had signifi
296 om 2000-2012, we enrolled 32,875 patients in California with active TB and followed them throughout t
297 xcise tax in the United States, in Berkeley, California, with beverage prices, sales, store revenue/c
298                                   Persons in California within driving distance of gun shows.
299 PFAS levels among 1257 middle-aged and older California women (ages 40-94) during a four year period,
300 BDE serum levels among a population of older California women during a four-year period, beginning ap

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