


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              Chl b and pheophytin b were present in isolated PS II re
2                                              Chl b-containing PS II had a lower rate of charge recomb
3                                              Chl is a maternal factor that is also zygotically expres
4                                              Chl, like Chd, dorsalizes embryos upon overexpression an
5 in intramolecular electron transfer from (1*)Chl to PI to form Chl(+*)-PI(-*)-NDI and Chl(+*)-PI(-*)-
6                                            1-Chl inhibited mammalian cell growth, genomic DNA replica
7                 Polyamide 1-Chl conjugate (1-Chl) alkylates and interstrand crosslinks DNA in cell-fr
8 ed on DNA treated for 1 h with 0.1 micro M 1-Chl, indicating that the conjugate is at least 100-fold
9                     The conjugate molecule 1-Chl possesses the sequence-selectivity of a polyamide an
10                                  Polyamide 1-Chl conjugate (1-Chl) alkylates and interstrand crosslin
11                             Treatment with 1-Chl decreased DNA template activity in simian virus 40 (
12 rovides two anthocyanin indices: ANTHR=log(1/Chl-fluorescence_R) and ANTHRG=log(Chl-fluorescence_R/Ch
13  (C) transmembrane (TM) helices that binds 6 Chl molecules and two carotenoids is conserved structura
14  the tla3 mutant than in the wild type and a Chl antenna size of the photosystems that was only about
15               We found that isiA, encoding a Chl protein that is induced under low-iron conditions, w
16  a quite unexpected expression pattern for a Chl binding protein and accumulated to high levels in th
17  Chl a-b light-harvesting complex, and had a Chl antenna size of the photosystems that was only about
18      Immediately preceding each quinone is a Chl (ec3), which receives a H-bond from a nearby tyrosin
19 n center, indicating that P(700) was still a Chl a/a' heterodimer in the mutant.
20 rome b(6)f complex unambiguously show that a Chl a molecule is an intrinsic component of the cytochro
21 ation capacity of canopies with wild type, a Chl-deficient mutant (Y11y11), and 67 other mutants span
22 rical approach for estimating chlorophyll a (Chl) from satellites can be in error by a factor of 5 or
23 3) enclosures with equivalent chlorophyll a (Chl-a) under present and higher partial pressures of atm
24 poral measures of SeaWiFS OC4 chlorophyll-a (Chl(RS)-a, mg m(-3)) were resolved across Florida's coas
25  of a 10-year high resolution Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) dataset, along with remotely-sensed sea surface t
26 ry, the two satellite-derived chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) eras are linked to assess concurrent changes in p
27 nto zinc methyl 3-ethylpyrochlorophyllide a (Chl) and then further modified at its 20-position to cov
28 ent yield of Fe(2+)Q(A) (or Fe(3+)Q(A)(-))...Chl(+)/Car(+)/Y(D)(*) charge separations.
29 D1 core subunit of photosystem II, abolished Chl f synthesis in two cyanobacteria that grow in far-re
30 kly coupled, spatially fixed, donor-acceptor Chl a molecules.
31 size BChl c but still synthesized BChl a and Chl a.
32 ed the kinetics of the labeling of Chl a and Chl f from H. hongdechloris grown in 50% D2O-seawater me
33  this strain synthesized BChl c, BChl a, and Chl a in amounts similar to wild-type C. tepidum cells.
34 he relaxation enhancements of the Car(+) and Chl(+) by the non-heme Fe(II) are smaller than the relax
35 eration of PS II, yields resolved Car(+) and Chl(+) EPR signals.
36          The relative location of Car(+) and Chl(+) radicals determined in this study provides valuab
37                               The Car(+) and Chl(+) radicals exhibit dipolar-enhanced relaxation rate
38 struction of negatively stained apo-ChlH and Chl-porphyrin proteins was used to reconstitute three-di
39                  The synthesis of Chl f (and Chl d) is part of an extensive acclimation process, far-
40 ively, indicating that the Car(+)-Fe(II) and Chl(+)-Fe(II) distances are greater than the known Tyr(D
41 orophyll (Chl) d in Acaryochloris marina and Chl f in Halomicronema hongdechloris showed that some cy
42 hanges of leaf traits, especially leaf N and Chl, but these responses followed qualitatively differen
43 (1*)Chl to PI to form Chl(+*)-PI(-*)-NDI and Chl(+*)-PI(-*)-NDI(2).
44 ry electron acceptors to give Chl-PI-NDI and Chl-PI-NDI(2).
45 arge recombination of Chl(+*)-PI-NDI(-*) and Chl(+*)-PI-(NDI)NDI(-*) on a 5-30 ns time scale.
46  with enhanced organic carbon production and Chl-a concentrations under high CO2 treatments.
47 ronic interactions between carotenoid S1 and Chl states, Phi(Coupling)(CarS1-Chl), that correlated di
48  phosphorus (TP), stoichiometry (TN:TP), and Chl.
49 rate of 1.1% year(-1) , while TP, TN:TP, and Chl did not change.
50 rs associated with climate and land use; and Chl trends were found in regions with high air temperatu
51 lta)(+)P(D1)(delta)(-)Chl(D1)) (673 nm) and (Chl(D1)(delta)(+)Phe(D1)(delta)(-)) (681 nm) (where the
52 egulatory 4VR genes is to screen Arabidopsis Chl mutants for DV Chl(ide) a accumulation.
53 ignificant quantities from readily available Chl a.
54 zes three types of (bacterio)chlorophyll ((B)Chl): BChl a(P), Chl a(PD), and BChl c(F).
55         Analyses of gene neighborhoods of (B)Chl biosynthesis genes and distribution patterns in orga
56 s of SGR1 and SGR2 in Arabidopsis to balance Chl catabolism in chloroplasts with the dismantling and
57 arises primarily from the connection between Chl and leaf reflectance and secondarily from the mismat
58 nts was characterized by (i) a loss of bound Chl and b heme, (ii) a shift in the absorbance peak and
59 otein biosynthesis models: a single-branched Chl biosynthetic pathway (SBP)-single location model, a
60 nd PORC persist and are responsible for bulk Chl synthesis throughout plant development.
61 ersely, intrastrand cross-links generated by Chl are efficiently repaired by a dedicated Nucleotide E
62 onic C:P and N:P ratios and increased C:N, C:Chl and cell-bound Ag stoichiometry.
63 ynthesis of chlorophylls (Chl), carotenoids, Chl-binding proteins and other components of the photosy
64 enoid S1 and Chl states, Phi(Coupling)(CarS1-Chl), that correlated directly with Chl fluorescence que
65 ubunit (PB7) or Mg-protoporphyrin chelatase (Chl H) encoding genes in Nicotiana benthamiana and in ec
66 nd characterize zebrafish, Danio rerio, CHL (Chl).
67 es the DNA crosslinking moiety chlorambucil (Chl) with a sequence-selective hairpin pyrrole-imidazole
68           The nitrogen mustard Chlorambucil (Chl) generates covalent adducts with double-helical DNA
69  oxygen produced by the sensitizers chlorin (Chl) and 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(N-methyl-4-pyridyl)-21H,23H
70                                 Chlorophyll (Chl) degradation causes leaf yellowing during senescence
71 cytochrome b(559) (Cyt b(559)), chlorophyll (Chl), and beta-carotene (Car) that are active under cond
72 d in the related bc1 complex: a chlorophyll (Chl) a, a beta-carotene, and a structurally unique coval
73 itrogen per unit mass (Nm ) and chlorophyll (Chl) decreased with home-climate temperature.
74 n 2913 lakes using nutrient and chlorophyll (Chl) observations from the Lake Multi-Scaled Geospatial
75 al standing stock [estimated by chlorophyll (Chl) a concentrations] in sea ice from six locations in
76 cyanobacteria is accompanied by chlorophyll (Chl) depletion.
77 e (gs), intercellular CO2 (Ci), chlorophyll (Chl) content in WT plants as compared to the transgenics
78  trimeric excitonically coupled chlorophyll (Chl) cluster, comprising Chls a610-a611-a612.
79  assess species identification, chlorophyll (Chl) concentration, and differences in photosynthetic ef
80 aliana) mutants with defects in chlorophyll (Chl) b biosynthesis or in the chloroplast signal recogni
81             The cyclase step in chlorophyll (Chl) biosynthesis has not been characterized biochemical
82 esulted in a 9-fold increase in chlorophyll (Chl) concentration and a 5-fold increase in integrated p
83 ighter green phenotype, a lower chlorophyll (Chl) per cell content, and higher Chl a/b ratio than cor
84 er-green phenotype, had a lower chlorophyll (Chl) per-cell content, and higher Chl a/b ratio than cor
85                     We measured chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence kinetics, oxygen exchange, the concent
86 onse curves, leaf nitrogen (N), chlorophyll (Chl) concentration and specific leaf area (SLA) of 25 gr
87 led P(700), is a heterodimer of chlorophyll (Chl) a and a'.
88       However, the discovery of chlorophyll (Chl) d in Acaryochloris marina and Chl f in Halomicronem
89  complexes bind the majority of chlorophyll (Chl) in cyanobacterial cells, it is accepted that the me
90 l phyla with members capable of chlorophyll (Chl)-based phototrophy are presently known.
91 st that are essentially free of chlorophyll (Chl).
92         During leaf senescence, chlorophyll (Chl) is broken down to nonfluorescent chlorophyll catabo
93 tem (PS) I and that synthesizes chlorophyll (Chl) b, a pigment that is not naturally present in the w
94                             The chlorophyll (Chl) a/b ratio of the PS I-LHC II membranes was 3.2 +/-
95 rdination and regulation of the chlorophyll (Chl) and thylakoid apoprotein biosynthetic pathways.
96 l-fluorescence_G), based on the chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence excited with red (R) and green (G) lig
97 xcitonic coupling between their chlorophyll (Chl) a's, despite a high pigment density.
98 ns of PSII complexes and Zea to chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence quenching in a membrane environment.
99 ch is subsequently converted to chlorophyll (Chl).
100 ntains eight peridinins and two chlorophyll (Chl) a molecules, whereas HSPCP has six peridinins and t
101 ntains eight peridinins and two chlorophyll (Chl) a, whereas the HSPCP has six peridinins and two Chl
102 itute a small family of unusual chlorophyll (Chl)-binding proteins that possess a Kunitz-type proteas
103 e DV chlorophyllide a and/or DV chlorophyll [Chl(ide)] a are likely to provide an appropriate resourc
104  of the redox-active accessory chlorophylls (Chl) and beta-carotenes (Car) in oxygen-evolving PS II c
105 n identified, only 12 types of chlorophylls (Chl a, b, d; divinyl-Chl a and b; and 8(1)-hydroxy-Chl a
106 ronization of the synthesis of chlorophylls (Chl), carotenoids, Chl-binding proteins and other compon
107 ed a novel cross-linking agent that combines Chl with the G-quadruplex (G4) ligand PDS (PDS-Chl).
108 , inferred from chlorophyll a concentration (Chl a), has significantly changed along the WAP shelf.
109 ypothesis that reducing chlorophyll content (Chl) can increase canopy photosynthesis in soybeans was
110 involved in charge separation (P(D1), P(D2), Chl(D1), and Phe(D1)).
111 oncentrations of the same ([H2O2]/[2,4-DCP]/[Chl]=1:3:0.02) is crucial to explaining inhibition effec
112 gs in leaf nitrogen resulting from decreased Chl.
113 of chlorophyllide released from the degraded Chl proteins.
114 CT character: (P(D2)(delta)(+)P(D1)(delta)(-)Chl(D1)) (673 nm) and (Chl(D1)(delta)(+)Phe(D1)(delta)(-
115 in Arabidopsis and specifically demethylates Chl catabolites at the level of FCCs in the cytosol.
116 are in agreement with a carotenoid-dependent Chl fluorescence quenching by direct interactions of LHC
117  is warranted when using empirically derived Chl to infer climate-related changes in ocean biology.
118 hows substantial errors in satellite-derived Chl for different phytoplankton assemblages.
119 is we have recently proposed three different Chl-thylakoid apoprotein biosynthesis models: a single-b
120  tla mutants with a substantially diminished Chl antenna size.
121               It was found that, upon direct Chl excitation, the Chl-to-Chl energy transfer rate cons
122  types of chlorophylls (Chl a, b, d; divinyl-Chl a and b; and 8(1)-hydroxy-Chl a) and bacteriochlorop
123 ever in Chl mutants lacking 4VR activity, DV Chl(ide) a may accumulate in addition to MV Chl(ide) a.
124  is to screen Arabidopsis Chl mutants for DV Chl(ide) a accumulation.
125  In the current work, an in situ assay of DV Chl(ide) a accumulation, suitable for screening a large
126 f the excitonically coupled terminal emitter Chl trimer results in an increased sensitivity of the ex
127 he psbA4 gene, which we rename chlF, enables Chl f biosynthesis in Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002.
128  this Chl a is presently unclear, an excited Chl a molecule is known to produce toxic singlet oxygen
129 it originated from dephytylation of existing Chl and not from the block in the Chl biosynthesis.
130 TM helix, a potential binding site for extra Chl in close proximity to Chls a5 and b5 (labeling by Ku
131                               Chlorophyll f (Chl f) permits some cyanobacteria to expand the spectral
132 escence_R) and ANTHRG=log(Chl-fluorescence_R/Chl-fluorescence_G), based on the chlorophyll (Chl) fluo
133                                          For Chl breakdown, STAY-GREEN1 (SGR1) interacts with Chl cat
134 logous expression to identify the enzyme for Chl f synthesis.
135 electron transfer from (1*)Chl to PI to form Chl(+*)-PI(-*)-NDI and Chl(+*)-PI(-*)-NDI(2).
136  concentrations of different dEPS fractions, Chl a, and DOC.
137               In contrast, most of the fresh Chl is utilized for synthesis of PSI complexes likely to
138 istances separating tetrapyrrole donors from Chl-protein acceptors in green plants by using readily a
139  to verify whether Chl f is synthesized from Chl a in the cyanobacterial species Halomicronema hongde
140 his method can accurately reproduce the full Chl emission spectra - capturing the spectral dynamics a
141 ) (NDI) secondary electron acceptors to give Chl-PI-NDI and Chl-PI-NDI(2).
142 he natural forms because individually a high Chl:C is beneficial in low light environments.
143 n of a trait benefiting the individual (high Chl:C(max), i.e., high antennae size) conflicts with art
144 lorophyll (Chl) per cell content, and higher Chl a/b ratio than corresponding wild-type strains.
145 lorophyll (Chl) per-cell content, and higher Chl a/b ratio than corresponding wild-type strains.
146          Nonnatives had significantly higher Chl, carotene, and anthocyanin concentrations than nativ
147                                 However, how Chl is distributed to photosystems under different light
148  b, d; divinyl-Chl a and b; and 8(1)-hydroxy-Chl a) and bacteriochlorophylls (BChl a, b, c, d, e, and
149         Intriguingly, we found that impaired Chl b biosynthesis in chlorina1-2 (ch1-2) led to prefere
150 seawater medium, the observed deuteration in Chl f indicated that Chl(ide) a is the precursor of Chl
151 lls and the formation of the formyl group in Chl f.
152                                   However in Chl mutants lacking 4VR activity, DV Chl(ide) a may accu
153  degrees S and with substantial increases in Chl a occurring farther south.
154 e oxidized by P680(+) and may have a role in Chl fluorescence quenching.
155      The broader climate plays a key role in Chl-a variability as the ocean colour anomalies parallel
156                 The latitudinal variation in Chl a trends reflects shifting patterns of ice cover, cl
157 m space using passive methods (solar-induced Chl fluorescence, SIF) promise improved mapping of plant
158 by total organic matter, spectrally inferred Chl-a, diatom abundance, and carbon stable isotopic sign
159 l a approximately 63% of annually integrated Chl a) declined by 12% along the WAP over the past 30 ye
160  Summertime surface Chl a (summer integrated Chl a approximately 63% of annually integrated Chl a) de
161 n each ambident triad enables intermolecular Chl metal-ligand coordination in dry toluene, which resu
162  mutant accumulated chlorophyllide, the last Chl precursor, we showed that it originated from dephyty
163                  The relationship among leaf Chl, leaf optical properties, and photosynthetic biochem
164 2 function counteracts SGR1 activity in leaf Chl degradation; SGR2-overexpressing plants stayed green
165 ) accessions showing large variation in leaf Chl.
166 antify the impact of variation in leaf-level Chl on canopy-scale photosynthetic assimilation and iden
167         Because the reaction requires light, Chl f synthase is probably a photo-oxidoreductase that e
168 ic sample is transferred from dark to light, Chl a fluorescence (ChlF) intensity shows characteristic
169 ith the operation of the SBP-single location Chl-protein biosynthesis model.
170 THR=log(1/Chl-fluorescence_R) and ANTHRG=log(Chl-fluorescence_R/Chl-fluorescence_G), based on the chl
171 ts with artificial selection of a trait (low Chl:C(max)) of most benefit to production at the populat
172                           P(max)(b), maximum Chl normalized productivity, was 1.34 mg C.mg Chl(-1).h(
173  C.mg Chl(-1).h(-1) outside and 1.49 mg C.mg Chl(-1).h(-1) inside the iron-enriched patch.
174 hl normalized productivity, was 1.34 mg C.mg Chl(-1).h(-1) outside and 1.49 mg C.mg Chl(-1).h(-1) ins
175 ch faster and synthesized significantly more Chl, as well as both photosystems.
176 SBP-multilocation model, and a multibranched Chl biosynthetic pathway (MBP)-sublocation model.
177 oulder became undetectable at DV Chlide a/MV Chl a ratios less than 0.049, that is, at a DV Chlide a
178 t 459 nm over a wide range of DV Chlide a/MV Chl a ratios.
179  Chl(ide) a may accumulate in addition to MV Chl(ide) a.
180  high irradiance, almost all labeled de novo Chl was localized in the trimeric PSI, whereas only a we
181 e bchJ mutant produces detectable amounts of Chl a(PD), BChl a(P), and BChl c(F), all of which have r
182                       A detailed analysis of Chl precursors in the ycf54 mutant revealed accumulation
183 nsfer reactions in PS II reaction centers of Chl b-containing mutant of Synechocystis without signifi
184 trate that MES16 is an integral component of Chl breakdown in Arabidopsis and specifically demethylat
185                 Statistical distributions of Chl(RS)-a were evaluated to determine a quantitative ref
186                                Excitation of Chl a in both the CP43'-PSI antenna supercomplex and the
187 nd 67 other mutants spanning the extremes of Chl to quantify the impact of variation in leaf-level Ch
188 mine the origin of the C2(1)-formyl group of Chl f and to verify whether Chl f is synthesized from Ch
189 e simulations indicate that the inability of Chl reductions to increase photosynthesis arises primari
190 e to synthesize PG, proved the inhibition of Chl biosynthesis caused by restriction on the formation
191 e absence of PG results in the inhibition of Chl biosynthetic pathway, which impairs synthesis of PSI
192 on of pheophorbide, an early intermediate of Chl breakdown, in vitro, but MES16 also demethylated an
193                              Introduction of Chl f biosynthesis into crop plants could expand their a
194  we examined the kinetics of the labeling of Chl a and Chl f from H. hongdechloris grown in 50% D2O-s
195                       Potential locations of Chl(+) and Car(+) species, and the pathways of secondary
196 alysis reflect a clear increasing pattern of Chl-a, a merging of the two seasonal phytoplankton bloom
197  shows that the selective photoexcitation of Chl results in intramolecular electron transfer from (1*
198 ndicated that Chl(ide) a is the precursor of Chl f Taken together, our results advance our understand
199  transfer between tetrapyrrole precursors of Chl, and several Chl-protein complexes, has made it poss
200 velopment disrupts the normal programming of Chl degradation, resulting in green seed at harvest and
201 t as polarizable units enhancing the rate of Chl-to-Chl energy transfer.
202                                 The ratio of Chl(+)/Car(+) is higher in the mutant core complexes, co
203 polyamide and the enhanced DNA reactivity of Chl.
204 o NDI and subsequent charge recombination of Chl(+*)-PI-NDI(-*) and Chl(+*)-PI-(NDI)NDI(-*) on a 5-30
205 in substrate channeling and/or regulation of Chl biosynthesis but show that it is not a vinyl reducta
206 y control point in the overall regulation of Chl degradation, was affected by freezing.
207          Recent advances in the retrieval of Chl fluorescence from space using passive methods (solar
208 ethyl group present at the isocyclic ring of Chl.
209 ed charge transfer properties of a series of Chl-based donor-acceptor triad building blocks that self
210 on by summing the individual 10 K spectra of Chl a and peridinin recorded in 2-MTHF.
211 ause of a C2(1)-formyl group substitution of Chl f However, the biochemical provenance of this formyl
212 ryotes, we hypothesize that the synthesis of Chl and PSI complexes are colocated in a membrane microd
213                             The synthesis of Chl f (and Chl d) is part of an extensive acclimation pr
214  complexes in parallel with the synthesis of Chl in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 cells acclimated to di
215 0 ps component of fluorescence decay in open Chl b-containing PS II centers.
216 ti-cyclonic eddies transfer nutrients and/or Chl-a to the open waters of the central Red Sea.
217 es had changing nutrients, stoichiometry, or Chl.
218 rmation of reduced pheophytin b and oxidized Chl b in some PS II reaction centers.
219 dary electron transfer pathway that oxidizes Chl(Z) and cytochrome b(559) in Photosystem II (PS II) w
220 f (bacterio)chlorophyll ((B)Chl): BChl a(P), Chl a(PD), and BChl c(F).
221 l with the G-quadruplex (G4) ligand PDS (PDS-Chl).
222                     We demonstrated that PDS-Chl alkylates G4 structures at low muM concentrations, w
223                         We observed that PDS-Chl selectively impairs growth in cells genetically defi
224 tabolic channeling of potentially phototoxic Chl breakdown intermediates.
225                 The lack of de novo-produced Chl under PG depletion was accompanied by a significantl
226 ossible to test the validity of the proposed Chl-thylakoid apoprotein biosynthesis models by resonanc
227 th the monomeric chlorophyll cation radical (Chl(z)(+)(*)) in photosystem II, and with recent theoret
228  these bands to chlorophyll cation radicals (Chl(+)).
229 bunits are mostly synthesized using recycled Chl molecules previously released during PSII repair-dri
230  strain that exhibited significantly reduced Chl levels.
231 uld explore the possibility of using reduced Chl to improve canopy performance by adapting the distri
232 ing a role for SGR2 in negatively regulating Chl degradation by possibly interfering with the propose
233                                  The Red Sea Chl-a depicts a distinct seasonality with maximum concen
234  tetrapyrrole precursors of Chl, and several Chl-protein complexes, has made it possible to test the
235                                  Significant Chl fluorescence quenching of reconstituted LHC-II was o
236 ization of the excitation energy on a single Chl a pigment in the terminal emitter domain due to very
237                            Because only some Chl-synthesizing organisms possess homologs of bciA, at
238  (HxCDD), and (vi) chlorine-related sources (Chl), all of which were still represented in the surface
239  to decrease the redox potential of specific Chl and Car cofactors.
240                           Summertime surface Chl a (summer integrated Chl a approximately 63% of annu
241  an earlier electron donor to P(680)(+) than Chl.
242 jugate is at least 100-fold more potent than Chl.
243 oss-of-function experiments demonstrate that Chl serves as a BMP antagonist with functions that overl
244 -sensed synoptic observations highlight that Chl-a does not increase regularly from north to south as
245 observed deuteration in Chl f indicated that Chl(ide) a is the precursor of Chl f Taken together, our
246        Taken together, the data suggest that Chl b and pheophytin b participate in electron-transfer
247 ing to the mammalian CHL1 gene suggests that Chl may serve roles in zebrafish distributed between CHL
248                                          The Chl-to-Chl energy transfer rate constant for both comple
249 els of the cyclase component Sll1214 and the Chl biosynthesis enzymes Mg-protoporphyrin IX methyltran
250 tWSCP, that forms complexes with Chl and the Chl precursor chlorophyllide (Chlide) in vitro.
251  found that, upon direct Chl excitation, the Chl-to-Chl energy transfer rate constant for MFPCP was a
252 ene is too far (> or =14 Angstroms) from the Chl a for effective quenching of the Chl a triplet excit
253  energy transfer processes that occur in the Chl a network of the PSI trimer antenna.
254 ed that the tla2 strain was deficient in the Chl a-b light-harvesting complex, and had a Chl antenna
255 ed that the tla3 strain was deficient in the Chl a/b light-harvesting complex.
256 f existing Chl and not from the block in the Chl biosynthesis.
257 d replacement of magnesium (Mg) by Cd in the Chl molecules.
258                  Charge recombination in the Chl-PI-NDI(2) cyclic tetramer (tau(CR) = 30 +/- 1 ns in
259 esidue niche influences the stability of the Chl a and one or both b hemes in the monomer of the b 6
260 ns the singlet excited state lifetime of the Chl a by a factor of 20-25 and thus significantly reduce
261 y positioned within approximately 4 A of the Chl a molecule, effectively quenching the triplet excite
262 ctrochromic shift of absorption bands of the Chl a pigments in the vicinity of the secondary electron
263 ant in maintaining the short lifetime of the Chl a singlet excited state, thereby decreasing the prob
264 ansfer from the excited triplet state of the Chl a to oxygen molecules.
265 rom the Chl a for effective quenching of the Chl a triplet excited state.
266 s significantly reduces the formation of the Chl a triplet state.
267 assembly of the peripheral components of the Chl a-b light-harvesting antenna.
268 y quenching the triplet excited state of the Chl a.
269 a result of the structural adaptation of the Chl a/b binding LHCI peripheral antenna that not only ex
270 assembly of the peripheral components of the Chl a/b light-harvesting antenna.
271 resolved absorbance anisotropy values of the Chl Q y band.
272 er relaxation enhancement by Fe(II) than the Chl(+) radical, consistent with Car being an earlier ele
273                 It is also reported that the Chl a molecule in the cytochrome b(6)f complex does not
274 -based calculations, it is proposed that the Chl a singlet excited state lifetime is shortened due to
275 vel/synthesis is tightly associated with the Chl biosynthetic pathway.
276                                  Among these Chl catabolic components, SGR1 acts as a key regulator o
277         Although the functional role of this Chl a is presently unclear, an excited Chl a molecule is
278  for improving canopy photosynthesis through Chl reduction.
279 from the peridinin excited singlet states to Chl.
280                                   The Chl-to-Chl energy transfer rate constant for both complexes was
281 that, upon direct Chl excitation, the Chl-to-Chl energy transfer rate constant for MFPCP was a factor
282 larizable units enhancing the rate of Chl-to-Chl energy transfer.
283 ctroscopy has revealed that the peridinin-to-Chl a energy transfer efficiency is high (>95%).
284 acclimated PSII activity PhiPSII , and total Chl).
285 es, whereas HSPCP has six peridinins and two Chl a molecules.
286 whereas the HSPCP has six peridinins and two Chl a, but both have very similar pigment orientations.
287 either of the parent compounds, unconjugated Chl or polyamide 1, demonstrated any cellular activity i
288 esolved fluorescence decay measurements upon Chl excitation showed a significant reduction in the amp
289 oreductase that employs catalytically useful Chl a molecules, tyrosine YZ, and plastoquinone (as does
290 zed in the trimeric PSI, whereas only a weak Chl labeling in photosystem II (PSII) was accompanied by
291                              However, weekly Chl-a seasonal succession data revealed that during the
292                                         When Chl a data were included a higher level of prediction wa
293 later phases of canola seed development when Chl should be cleared from the seed.
294  quenching by added NaN(3) depend on whether Chl or TMPyP was the photosensitizer.
295 -formyl group of Chl f and to verify whether Chl f is synthesized from Chl a in the cyanobacterial sp
296 ied, named AtWSCP, that forms complexes with Chl and the Chl precursor chlorophyllide (Chlide) in vit
297 s of Chls have been identified to date, with Chl f having the most red-shifted absorption maximum bec
298 g)(CarS1-Chl), that correlated directly with Chl fluorescence quenching.
299 nopy photosynthesis should not increase with Chl reduction due to increases in leaf reflectance and n
300 breakdown, STAY-GREEN1 (SGR1) interacts with Chl catabolic enzymes (CCEs) and light-harvesting comple

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