


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1 ere markedly ameliorated by treatment with a CysLT1 receptor antagonist.
2 ) (1.3 log(10)-fold shift), without altering CysLT1 receptor mRNA or surface protein expression, impl
3 efit of leukotriene synthesis inhibitors and CysLT1 receptor antagonists in animal models of fibrosis
4  receptors regulate immune-cell function and CysLT1 receptors are an established therapeutic target f
5 ulated by corticosteroids, are reversible by CysLT1 receptor blockade therapy.
6 s, each of which is blocked by a competitive CysLT1 receptor antagonist, MK571.
7                                  We detected CysLT1-receptor messenger RNA in spleen, peripheral bloo
8 logical characterization of the cloned human CysLT1 receptor.
9                 Finally, we mapped the human CysLT1-receptor gene to the X chromosome.
10 rotein-coupled cysteinyl leukotriene type I (CysLT1) receptors regulate immune-cell function and CysL
11                      By immunocytochemistry, CysLT1 receptor expression was significantly increased i
12 ukotrienes (80% mean decrease) that mediated CysLT1 receptor-dependent vascular permeability changes;
13 constrictive and antiinflammatory actions of CysLT1 receptor antagonists.
14             We also report the expression of CysLT1 receptor mRNA and protein in most peripheral bloo
15 ed by in situ hybridization, the presence of CysLT1 receptor messenger RNA (mRNA) in human lung smoot
16                           Desensitization of CysLT1 receptors arises predominantly from protein-kinas
17 s and three structurally distinct classes of CysLT1-receptor antagonists.
18                 Consistent with this result, CysLT1 receptor antagonists are able to block the mitoge
19 aracterization of CysLT1 antagonists and the CysLT1 receptor has been in membrane preparations from t
20 trienes or prevention of their action at the CysLT1 receptor is associated with an improvement in the
21 r PGD(2) generation and was inhibited by the CysLT1 receptor antagonist MK571.
22                        hMCs thus express the CysLT1 receptor, and possibly a closely related IL-4-ind
23 an cord-blood-derived MCs (hMCs) express the CysLT1 receptor, which responds not only to inflammation
24 d Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing the CysLT1 receptor also exhibit MK571-sensitive calcium flu
25 these in situ hybridization analyses for the CysLT1 receptor, and produced the first immunohistochemi
26  greater extent than equivalent doses of the CysLT1 receptor antagonist montelukast.
27                    The identification of the CysLT1 receptor in the lung is consistent with the antib
28  immunohistochemical characterization of the CysLT1 receptor protein in human lung.
29 he initial molecular characterization of the CysLT1 receptor showed by in situ hybridization, the pre
30 rane domain, G-protein-coupled receptor, the CysLT1 receptor.
31      In normal human lung, expression of the CysLT1-receptor mRNA was confined to smooth muscle cells

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