


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 stability of the replisome once assembled on DNA.
2 erated by release of single-stranded product DNA.
3 organisms that lack large amounts of genomic DNA.
4  radical cations at defined positions within DNA.
5 s through specific hybridization with target DNA.
6 he binding and ATPase-driven unwinding of G4 DNA.
7 d as an intermediate in electron transfer in DNA.
8                One system (type I-F) targets DNA.
9 merization of Dnmt3a/Dnmt3L complexes on the DNA.
10 uld detect a minimum concentration of 0.4 fM DNA.
11 were assayed for the presence of phytoplasma DNA.
12 y solvent-exposed in the major groove of the DNA.
13  or a ribose 8oxoG (r8oxoG) site embedded in DNA.
14 F60, represses seedling growth by modulating DNA accessibility of hypocotyl cell size regulatory gene
15 GA motifs in the stem region of TGGAA repeat DNA act as hot spots to facilitate the transition betwee
16                                              DNA adducts reflect the internal exposure to genotoxican
17                                      A novel DNA adenine modification, N(6)-methyladenine (6mA), has
18       Compared with temozolomide, a clinical DNA-alkylating agent against glioma, 6OTD required lower
19  excess cytosolic extrusion of mitochondrial DNA along with increased reactive oxygen species and red
20 ediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) is a DNA amplification approach characterized by high sensiti
21                 Previously published ancient DNA analyses of uniparental genetic markers have shown t
22 ed with full width half maxima of 417 fs for DNA and 323 fs for DNA-CTMA thin-solid-film SAs.
23      Herein, we describe a mechanism whereby DNA and associated DNABII proteins transit from the bact
24 DNA-binding domain that abrogates binding to DNA and leads to complete loss of canonical TH action.
25 gation to daughter nuclei by linking mitotic DNA and NPC segregation via the mitotic specific chromat
26  the interactions between negatively charged DNA and positively charged amino acid residues, the tran
27 oncentrates (VCs), containing bioinformative DNA and proteins, have been used to study viral diversit
28 h an emphasis on the enzymes that synthesize DNA and repair discontinuities on the lagging strand of
29 tion of clean DSBs by cleaving the 5' strand DNA approximately 10-20 nucleotides away from the ends.
30 y permits very efficient use of the template DNA as well as sequence reads, which are nearly all conf
31     MRN-mediated endonucleolytic cleavage of DNA at sites of protein adducts requires ATP hydrolysis
32 pendent degradation of the newly synthesized DNA at stalled forks.
33 double-stranded (ds) DNA-gold nanoparticles (DNA-AuNPs).
34 n photoactivation, the conjugate cleaves the DNA backbone specifically near the mismatch site on a 27
35 Cys99 properly oriented to interact with the DNA backbone.
36         The sophisticated tail structures of DNA bacteriophages play essential roles in life cycles.
37 fied 265 specimens to species or genus using DNA barcodes.
38 ve in neutralizing negatively charged linker DNA because it has a reduced net charge, and in DNA bind
39 hese metal-induced alterations decrease RcnR-DNA binding affinity, leading to rcnAB expression.
40  because it has a reduced net charge, and in DNA binding and protein-protein interactions because key
41                                              DNA binding and transcription assays demonstrated that t
42          We show here that while the central DNA binding domain is essential for anchoring at parS, t
43 t least six (35%) alter transcription factor-DNA binding in neuroblastoma cells.
44                                        While DNA binding is not essential for H3-H4 tetrasome deposit
45 tingly, 5hmC colocalized with the methylated DNA binding protein MeCP2 and with the active chromatin
46 tation of Arg60 (R60Q) significantly reduced DNA binding, but retained a preference for the 5caC modi
47 R36W) or Arg35 (R35H/L) completely abolished DNA binding, mutation of Arg60 (R60Q) significantly redu
48 esidues in the C-terminal helix to engage in DNA binding, triggering a major reprogramming of gene ex
49 has been well studied for over a decade, the DNA-binding activities and the biological functions of t
50 rated knockin mice with a mutation in the TR DNA-binding domain that abrogates binding to DNA and lea
51 dapter-inducing interferon-beta (TRIF) and Z-DNA-binding protein 1 (ZBP1)/DNA-dependent activator of
52    Analysis of enriched transcription factor DNA-binding sites in the promoters of differentially exp
53                                     Further, DNA-bound RecA protein increases the rate of ATP hydroly
54 further improve our understanding of ancient DNA breakdown dynamics.
55 fragments that subsequently reintegrate into DNA breaks induced on a heterologous chromosome.
56 signaling and accumulation of protein-linked DNA breaks.
57 e when free in solution or with well matched DNA but exhibits a significant luminescence increase in
58        N3-Methyladenine (3-MeA) is formed in DNA by reaction with S-adenosylmethionine, the reactive
59 table strategy to robustly re-identify human DNA called 'MinION sketching'.
60 no acid residues, the translocation speed of DNA can be manipulated by deliberate charge decorations
61 sequences by proximity ligation, forming RNA-DNA chimeric sequences, which are converted to a sequenc
62 erials that target DNA gyrase by stabilizing DNA-cleavage complexes, but their clinical utility has b
63 l comparison of holo-ScNsrR with an apo-IscR-DNA complex shows that the [4Fe-4S] cluster stabilizes a
64 t parS, this interaction is not required for DNA condensation.
65 ates, leading to reversible switching of the DNA conductance between two discrete levels.
66 of DNA positioning on the nucleosome and the DNA conformation can provide key regulatory signals.
67 ion DNA probe used in the preparation of FCN-DNA conjugates, the amount of FCN-DNA dispensed on the c
68 estabilized Miz1-4(A86K) mutant bound to the DNA consensus with a 30-fold increase in affinity (100 n
69 half maxima of 417 fs for DNA and 323 fs for DNA-CTMA thin-solid-film SAs.
70 d breaks (DSBs) represent highly deleterious DNA damage and need to be accurately repaired.
71 PDH down-regulation potentiated H2O2-induced DNA damage and SMC apoptosis.
72                     Importantly, HDM-induced DNA damage can be prevented by the antioxidants glutathi
73  production in the spinal cord and oxidative DNA damage in dorsal horn neurons.
74 acterize the SOS transcriptional response to DNA damage in the Patescibacteria superphylum.
75                                              DNA damage induced by reactive carbonyls (mainly methylg
76                   Accumulation of endogenous DNA damage is concomitant with defective ATM-mediated DN
77 f gene silencing, while H2AX is important in DNA damage repair.
78 o apoptosis or senescence as outcomes of the DNA damage response (DDR).
79 modification coincides with the ATM-mediated DNA damage response that occurs on functional telomeres
80 y p53-dependent enhancer activity during the DNA damage response.
81 y, radiation therapy and chemotherapy induce DNA damage to drive cells into apoptosis or senescence a
82 he dynamic phosphorylation of DNA-PKcs after DNA damage to mediate NHEJ.
83  key factor mediating androgen protection of DNA damage via Ku70/Ku80 in prostate cancer cells.
84 T1AM), on cell proliferation, cell death and DNA damage was studied in two ovarian cancer cell lines
85  promotes survival by suppressing endogenous DNA damage, and may control cell fate through the regula
86                                         Upon DNA damage, p53 mRNA is released from stress granules an
87 s on transcription recovery after UV-induced DNA damage.
88 on of [4Fe-4S] clusters of dehydratases, and DNA damage.
89 ween ATM and histone H2AX without triggering DNA damage.
90 MJD2B silencing led to an enhancement of the DNA-damage driven induction of p21 and PIG3.
91 tins) are unsaturated imines that are potent DNA damaging agents, thereby confirming an earlier mecha
92 were randomized to receive 4 mg of PENNVAX-G DNA delivered intramuscularly by Biojector or electropor
93 apeutics for additional infectious pathogens.DNA-delivered monoclonal antibodies (DMAbs) can be produ
94                        These studies support DNA-delivered monoclonal antibodies delivery as a potent
95 5i), either alone or in combination with the DNA-demethylating agent 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine (DAC).
96  an exogenous source of alphaKG restored the DNA demethylation cycle by promoting TDG function, TET1
97 vels of TET enzyme, which is responsible for DNA demethylation in UVB-exposed skin.
98 ear HCR, forming a chain-branching growth of DNA dendrimer by self-assembly.
99 ivation of MutLalpha endonuclease, PCNA- and DNA-dependent activation of MutLalpha ATPase, and MutLal
100 ta (TRIF) and Z-DNA-binding protein 1 (ZBP1)/DNA-dependent activator of IFN-regulatory factors (DAI)
101  for simple, rapid, sensitive, and selective DNA detection.
102  confidence interval [CI], 6.3-21.9%) of HPV DNA detections in genital samples were attributable to v
103 ion of FCN-DNA conjugates, the amount of FCN-DNA dispensed on the conjugate pad and the dispensing cy
104           Homologous recombination (HR) is a DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair pathway that protec
105                                     Improper DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair results in complex
106 tively induced clustered DNA lesions (OCDL), DNA double-strand breaks (DSB), apoptosis, and the local
107 eiotic recombination, a subset of programmed DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are repaired as crossove
108 e disorders (eg, ataxia-telangiectasia), and DNA double-strand breaks are crucial to the modulation o
109                                Thus, genomic DNA DSBs act as signaling intermediates in murine macrop
110 ny of the three major pathways known to mend DNA DSBs, namely homologous recombination (HR), nonhomol
111 leoprotein filament (NPF) on double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) that is capable of unwrapping the nucleosoma
112 escence increase in the presence of a 27-mer DNA duplex containing a central CC mismatch.
113  the antibody gene deaminase AID and the RNA/DNA editing enzyme APOBEC1 (A1).
114                                Extracellular DNA (eDNA) has been identified in the matrix of many dif
115 bility to rewrite large stretches of genomic DNA enables the creation of new organisms with customize
116 ed via freeze drying and loaded with plasmid DNA encoding perlecan domain I and VEGF189 and analyzed
117 t that chitosan scaffolds containing plasmid DNA encoding VEGF189 and perlecan domain I have the pote
118 a, Vietnam and Cambodia and after successful DNA extraction fragment of the nuclear rhodopsin gene (R
119 ew class of site-specifically metal-modified DNA films was characterized by UV, circular dichroism (C
120        UV-Vis spectrophotometry reveals that DNA films with surface densities up to 0.031 mg/mm(2) ca
121     The local sequence-dependent features of DNA found in high-resolution structures introduce irregu
122 ge model, but we find no correlation between DNA fragmentation and sample age over the timespans anal
123           We sequenced exons of this gene in DNA from a total of 134 nonsyndromic cases.
124 assembled a compartment that separated viral DNA from the cytoplasm.
125 hat is capable of unwrapping the nucleosomal DNA from the histone octamer (HO).
126 plex virus type 1 (HSV-1), which has a large DNA genome, using synthetic genomics tools.
127 e enveloped viruses with reverse-transcribed DNA genomes, constitute the family Hepadnaviridae.
128 s (mainly methylglyoxal and glyoxal), called DNA glycation, is quantitatively as important as oxidati
129 d cytidine deaminase are processed by uracil-DNA glycosylase (UNG) and mismatch repair (MMR) pathways
130 hree distinct monolayer double-stranded (ds) DNA-gold nanoparticles (DNA-AuNPs).
131 re broad-spectrum antibacterials that target DNA gyrase by stabilizing DNA-cleavage complexes, but th
132                   Mechanical manipulation of DNA hairpins with an engineered sequence is used to dete
133 ds to the formation of a high density of PNA/DNA heteroduplexes on the electrode surface for the subs
134 okiol application also inhibited UVB-induced DNA hypermethylation and its elevation of the levels of
135                                F. tularensis DNA in buffer or CFU of F. tularensis was spiked into hu
136  production stemmed from the accumulation of DNA in the cytoplasm of AT and Artemis-deficient cells.
137 s of PHF1 and MTF2 with bound CpG-containing DNAs in the presence of H3K36me3-containing histone pept
138 crophages were more potent in uptaking tumor DNA, increase of DNA sensing by blocking the interaction
139                                      Nuclear DNA indicated Neanderthals as a sister group of Denisova
140                                   The MEF8 T-DNA insertion (mef8) line exhibited reduced editing at 3
141 ange were determined by spiking B. anthracis DNA into individual PCR mixtures and B. anthracis CFU in
142 ratory capacity and release of mitochondrial DNA into the cytosol.
143                                              DNA is a remarkably precise medium for copying and stori
144  demonstrate that the ability of Lon to bind DNA is determined by its ATPase domain, that this bindin
145             In vertebrates, pathogen-derived DNA is sensed in the cytosol by cGAS, which produces the
146 high-throughput sequencing technology, where DNA is sheared into smaller pieces, sequenced, and then
147 fic and it requires only 50 mug of leukocyte DNA isolated from 2-3 mL of blood to accurately quantify
148 yacrylamide, unlike many currently available DNA ladders.
149 c D2 mice manifested increased mitochondrial DNA lesions (8-oxoguanine) exclusively localized to glom
150 , we monitored oxidatively induced clustered DNA lesions (OCDL), DNA double-strand breaks (DSB), apop
151  first quantitative human genome-wide map of DNA lesions induced by ultraviolet (UV) radiation, the u
152 s the misreplication of structurally diverse DNA lesions.
153 ional coupling of recombination steps at the DNA level with specific organizational features of meiot
154 range using microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA loci.
155 ct measurements on single nucleotides within DNA macromolecules, we demonstrate that the distance ove
156  proteins with human anelloviruses, and PCV2 DNA may be present in human food and vaccines.
157 ration of interstrand cross-links in genomic DNA may contribute to aging, neurodegeneration, and canc
158                                              DNA methylation aberrations have been implicated in acqu
159      Our model, which estimates age based on DNA methylation at 329 unique CpG sites, has a median ab
160                                              DNA methylation at promoters is an important determinant
161                                              DNA methylation changes associated with maternal smoking
162 opsies from CKD patients and show concordant DNA methylation changes in kidney cortex.
163 s the recent developments of electrochemical DNA methylation detection approaches.
164 in human populations, and the examination of DNA methylation is becoming increasingly common in psych
165 ensitive enough to detect changes in genomic DNA methylation levels as a function of growth phase in
166             The genome-wide investigation of DNA methylation levels has been limited to reference tra
167 tigation of these DMRs revealed differential DNA methylation localized to a 600 bp region in the prom
168 ther, these data suggest that differences in DNA methylation may partly explain the enantioselectivit
169 T-IH or during recovery from LT-IH prevented DNA methylation of AOE genes, normalized the expression
170 vestigated the impact of genome-wide cardiac DNA methylation on global gene expression in myocardial
171 arable in accuracy to other state-of-the-art DNA methylation prediction algorithms.
172 ed longitudinal changes of genome-wide blood DNA methylation profiles in relation to the development
173                The advent of high-throughput DNA methylation profiling techniques has enabled the pos
174 ed liver to have a pattern of acquisition of DNA methylation targeted to candidate enhancers active i
175 ssment of one epigenetic mark in particular, DNA methylation, in human populations, and the examinati
176 ling the transcriptional levels, but not the DNA methylation, of the Peg3 domain.
177 he electrochemical sensing and biosensing of DNA methylation.
178 not associated with causative changes in the DNA methylome, which appears relatively impervious to dr
179       H19 knockdown activates SAHH, enabling DNA methyltransferase 3B to methylate a subset of genes.
180 d further yielded a novel association in the DNA methyltransferase gene DNMT3B.
181                              A comprehensive DNA microarray-based assay was performed on all isolates
182               Analytical characterization of DNA microviscosity provides critical biophysical insight
183 gth DNA sample reservoir induces spontaneous DNA migration against the direction of flow.
184 ontaining >/=105 copies herpes simplex virus DNA/ml collected a median of 5 months apart (IQR: 2-11 m
185                          Many chromatin- and DNA-modifying enzymes make use of substrates and cofacto
186 apturing fluorescent signal patterns of long DNA molecules (in the range of 0.1-1 Mbp).
187             In low-frequency AC fields, long DNA molecules form macro-ion clusters.
188 plast genome that is composed only of linear DNA molecules is unprecedented among eukaryotes, and hig
189  this gap, we analyzed ancient mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from Scythians of the North Pontic Region (N
190  This was tested using a major mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) survey and sequencing of two nuclear markers
191 roteins have been identified as potent viral DNA mutators and have broad antiviral activity.
192 namic hetero-vesicle assemblies with complex DNA nano-scaffolds.
193 d lead to fast and automated purification of DNA nanostructures of various shapes and sizes, which wo
194  enable promoter opening and trapping of the DNA non-template strand.
195 hat malignant transformation compromises the DNA-nuclear matrix interface.
196                                              DNA obtained from 20 fresh OSCC biopsies (cases) and 20
197 e set of OL maturation genes and reduces the DNA occupancy of YY1, a transcription factor required fo
198 ost common non-standard nucleotides found in DNA of eukaryotic cells, with over 100 million rNMPs tra
199                                 The chimeric DNA oligomer was synthesized in a conventional DNA synth
200                              Single-stranded DNA oligonucleotides have unique, and in some cases sequ
201 ased diagnostic (CRISPR-Dx), providing rapid DNA or RNA detection with attomolar sensitivity and sing
202 d with chitosan scaffolds containing control DNA or wounded controls.
203 ts demonstrate the potential synergy between DNA origami technology and colloidal science, in which t
204 velength UV light can cause photo-lesions in DNA origami.
205                     We also mapped phage 9 g DNA packaging (pac) site containing two 21-bp direct rep
206  ATP hydrolysis catalysed by RecN during the DNA pairing reaction.
207                                   The target DNA partly hybridizes with capture probe on the gold sen
208           Oral administration of the plasmid DNA (pDNA) encoding GLP-1 decreased diabetic glucose lev
209                                              DNA photocleavage experiments demonstrate that, upon pho
210 her fine-tune the dynamic phosphorylation of DNA-PKcs after DNA damage to mediate NHEJ.
211 owing infection with Listeria monocytogenes, DNA-PKcs-deficient murine macrophages produce reduced le
212 ditionally, Cu(II) chelated PyED outcompetes DNA polymerase I to successfully inhibit template strand
213 rimers that are elongated by the replicative DNA polymerases.
214                               The details of DNA positioning on the nucleosome and the DNA conformati
215 ning buffers, the concentration of detection DNA probe used in the preparation of FCN-DNA conjugates,
216 pad and the dispensing cycles of the capture DNA probes on the test-zone), the biosensor could detect
217         Synthetic gene circuits that combine DNA, protein, and RNA components have demonstrated a ran
218 loprotease that is involved in the repair of DNA-protein crosslinks (DPCs).
219 assay, based on random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was developed for its efficient and
220 ere also sufficient to mediate PGBD5-induced DNA rearrangements in rhabdoid tumor cells.
221  junction (HJ) is a hallmark intermediate in DNA recombination and must be processed by dissolution (
222 epending upon the length and location of the DNA region within the chromatin fiber.
223       The presence of longer nucleosome-free DNA regions can positively or negatively affect the rate
224  to mediate the juxtaposition of two or more DNA regions on the same or different chromosomes.
225 ts, we used somatic variants in hypermutable DNA regions to reconstruct high-confidence phylogenetic
226 lysis revealed pathways including apoptosis, DNA repair and early estrogen response that were differe
227 n, which provides a mechanistic link between DNA repair and neurodegeneration.
228 lly important biological processes including DNA repair and replication.
229 an apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease 1 is a DNA repair enzyme involved in genome stability and expre
230 tial role for EAF2 in androgen regulation of DNA repair in prostate cancer cells.
231        We reveal that defective ATM-mediated DNA repair is a consequence of P62 accumulation, which i
232                    Targeting PARP-associated DNA repair may represent a novel therapeutic strategy fo
233                                              DNA repair protein counteracting oxidative promoter lesi
234 e is concomitant with defective ATM-mediated DNA repair signaling and accumulation of protein-linked
235                           Genetic defects in DNA repair underlie other neurodegenerative disorders (e
236                             The mechanics of DNA replication and cell cycling are well-characterized
237 erdependent coupled oscillators and identify DNA replication as a critical process in the circadian m
238                                              DNA replication depends on primase, the specialised poly
239 ction between TopBP1 and Treslin and promote DNA replication despite the presence of a Cdk2 inhibitor
240 biogenesis and composition of the eukaryotic DNA replication fork, with an emphasis on the enzymes th
241 in complexes, and that Lon may help regulate DNA replication in response to growth conditions.
242      Histone mRNAs are rapidly degraded when DNA replication is inhibited by a 3' to 5' pathway that
243                                              DNA replication results in the doubling of the genome pr
244      Therefore, the cooperative induction of DNA replication stress and damage by ATR inhibition and
245  of both RECQL5 and WRN severely compromises DNA replication, accumulates genomic instability and ult
246  meiosis share many processes, including the DNA replication, chromosome condensation and precisely r
247 teins involved in cellular redox balance and DNA replication, including the Mcm replicative helicases
248 ng mechanistic links to histone variants and DNA replication.
249 ragment in complex with its cognate promoter DNA, revealing the molecular details of promoter recogni
250  lines have publicly available, high-quality DNA, RNA, and drug screening data.
251 utilizes RNA-functionalized AuNPs which form DNA-RNA heteroduplex structures through specific hybridi
252 d microcapillary into a lower ionic strength DNA sample reservoir induces spontaneous DNA migration a
253 re potent in uptaking tumor DNA, increase of DNA sensing by blocking the interaction of SIRPalpha wit
254 I)) as an electrocatalyst in electrochemical DNA sensing.
255        The proposed paper-based colorimetric DNA sensor has potential to be an alternative approach f
256 del without fitting parameters, with genomic DNA sequence being the only input, we further validate t
257 ors (TFs) are proteins that bind to specific DNA sequences and regulate expression of genes.
258                                      Complex DNA sequences are difficult to detect and profile, but a
259                     The portability and long DNA sequences of RTnS offer great potential for field-ba
260 of G-quadruplexes formed by, e.g., telomeric DNA sequences, but are also interesting targets for supr
261 into the study of human genetic disease when DNA sequencing alone is not sufficient to reveal the und
262 ociated with somatic variations, advances in DNA sequencing indicate that cell-specific variants affe
263                              High-throughput DNA sequencing of microbiota from a diverse collection o
264 We demonstrate that targeted next-generation DNA sequencing reactions and in situ point mutation dete
265  With the development of new high-throughput DNA sequencing technologies and decreasing costs, large
266                 Recent advances in long-read DNA sequencing technologies, specifically Nanopore seque
267 duction, with high-throughput 18 S ribosomal DNA sequencing to elucidate the relationship between euk
268 s in estuarine and marine environments using DNA-SIP and to characterise marine isoprene-degrading ba
269 gher levels of circulating mitochondrial (mt)DNA, soluble thrombomodulin (sCD141) and ICAM-1, reflect
270                              Single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) is notable for its interactions with ssDNA b
271 , AgNP concentration, PNA concentration, and DNA strand mismatches.
272  an average ratio of 29.2% by targeting both DNA strands simultaneously with an over 98.6% coverage.
273 owerful weapons in the fight against foreign DNA, such as phages and plasmids, as well as a revolutio
274 ductase (MTHFR) gene, an enzyme essential in DNA synthesis and methylation, have been associated with
275 ctivity is required to activate compensatory DNA synthesis during mitosis and to resolve mitotic inte
276 w that ectopic dATM is sufficient to promote DNA synthesis in wild-type fat body cells.
277 ition in vitro, it is required for efficient DNA synthesis-coupled nucleosome assembly.
278 le for histone (H3-H4)2 deposition following DNA synthesis.
279 A oligomer was synthesized in a conventional DNA synthesizer, containing neutral nucleotides with a m
280 se of nuclear factor kappa B (NFkappaB) from DNA target sites in a process we have termed molecular s
281          Comparisons between eDNA, community DNA, taxonomy and UK species abundance data further show
282 cific single-molecule analysis of replicated DNA technique, we found that depletion of FANCM dramatic
283 t simplifies the preparation of roadblocking DNA templates.
284 la pertussis Ptl systems support conjugative DNA transfer in E. coli and trigger P. aeruginosa T6SS k
285  strand breaks, or the expression of MIRAGE1 DNA transposons.
286                 In recalcified PFP, purified DNA triggered contact-dependent thrombin generation (TG)
287                                              DNA tumor viruses such as Kaposi's sarcoma-associated he
288 ect ligand binding as blocking events during DNA unzipping, allowing determination of ligand selectiv
289 important in immunity to cytosolic bacteria, DNA viruses, or HIV.
290 rackish vs. freshwaters), and nucleic acids (DNA vs. RNA), suggesting niche differentiation.
291                              In the same way DNA was modeled, the tertiary structure of RNA is constr
292                             Whereas 10 bp of DNA was sufficient to support PU.1 binding as a monomer,
293 levels of dG-gx-dC and dG-gx-dA in leukocyte DNA were 1.94 +/- 1.20 and 2.10 +/- 1.77 in 10(8) normal
294 n triggers cytosolic escape of mitochondrial DNA, which engages cGAS.
295 composed of tandem arrays of alpha-satellite DNA, which spans up to several megabases.
296 red to female MNX mice having FVB/NJ nuclear DNA with either FVB/NJ, C57BL/6J, or BALB/cJ mtDNA.
297 create NGS libraries from as little as 20 pg DNA with PCR error correcting capabilities, and capture
298 table labeling and monitoring of HIV genomic DNA within infected cells during cytoplasmic transit, nu
299 ing chip and the unpaired fragment of target DNA works as a trigger to initiate the nonlinear HCR, fo
300 nt-based methods, we show that the resulting DNA-wrapped carbon nanotubes can be further sorted to pr

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