


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              DSB repair occurs in the context of chromatin, and multi
2                                              DSB unwinding by AdnAB in vitro is stringently dependent
3                                              DSB-ddPCR demonstrates time-resolved, highly quantitativ
4                                              DSBs are continuously formed throughout interphase, are
5                                              DSBs elicit a cascade of events controlled by the ubiqui
6 t the interplay between these complexes at a DSB remains unclear.
7  Among over 100 novel proteins enriched at a DSB were the phosphatase Sit4, the RNA pol II degradatio
8 tand this, we targeted bacterial Ku (bKu), a DSB binding protein, to the mitochondria of rho+ cells w
9 eplication, typically, is not initiated by a DSB.
10                                 In addition, DSB-induced nuclear enrichment or chromatin association
11 ctivation of the DNA damage checkpoint after DSB repair.
12                                 First, after DSB formation, Mer2 is required for pairing by mediating
13 y the ubiquitin-proteasome system soon after DSB induction in human cells.
14 into how PD-L1 expression is regulated after DSBs.
15  water-soluble distyrylbenzene-bis-aldehyde (DSB-3), and provided strong discrimination against the p
16 t the cell cycle and accounts for nearly all DSB repair outside of the S and G2 phases.
17        Rec10 is required for essentially all DSBs and recombination, and three others (Rec25, Rec27,
18 tone modification, chromatin remodelling and DSB-repair via HRR; effectively phenocopying loss of TIP
19 ow that Cdc14 promotes spindle stability and DSB-SPB tethering during DNA repair, and imply that meta
20 ntly, increased cellular load of R-loops and DSBs, which are normalized on RNaseH1-mediated suppressi
21 ation leads to decreased AID recruitment and DSBs at the upstream donor Smu region.
22 le- and double-stranded DNA breaks (SSBs and DSBs), and single-stranded gaps can block progression of
23 n increases 53BP1 and RIF1 colocalization at DSBs, which inhibits BRCA1 recruitment, and sensitizes c
24 assembly of PALB2-containing HR complexes at DSBs.
25  bromodomains to H4Ac, which is generated at DSBs by the Tip60/KAT5 acetyltransferase.
26 lly, PAXX promotes the accumulation of KU at DSBs, while XLF enhances LIG4 recruitment without affect
27 of TLC1 RNA depends on Cdc13 localization at DSBs and on the SUMO ligase Siz1, which is required for
28 Polmu to randomly incorporate nucleotides at DSBs.
29 deficiency reduces histone ubiquitination at DSBs, decreasing the recruitment of 53BP1, and decreases
30 terference influences the population-average DSB landscape but also demonstrate that locally inhibito
31 if1 activity defines a dividing line between DSBs and telomeres.
32  points to an intricate relationship between DSBs and transcription.
33 ein determinants of DSB hotspots - they bind DSB hotspots with high specificity and are required for
34 NA double-strand break (DSB) sites, blocking DSB repair, which led to DSB accumulation, DNA damage re
35 efore and after a double-stranded DNA break (DSB), to estimate the level of chromatin decompaction.
36 sive resection of a DNA double-strand break (DSB) by a multisubunit helicase-nuclease machine (e.g. R
37 ith repair of a defined double-strand break (DSB) by the synthesis-dependent strand-annealing (SDSA)
38 lating cessation of DNA double-strand break (DSB) formation following crossover designation, and ensu
39               After DNA double-strand break (DSB) generation, Cdc14 is transiently released from the
40                   A DNA double-strand break (DSB) is the most critical type of genotoxic stress, but
41  HR pathway to complete double-strand break (DSB) repair by about 50%.
42 ci, suggesting that DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair by homologous recombination (HR) was comprom
43 thway choice within DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair is a tightly regulated process to maintain g
44  the most prominent DNA double strand break (DSB) repair pathway in mammalian cells.
45 mbination (HR) is a DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair pathway that protects the genome from chromo
46 HEJ) is the predominant double-strand break (DSB) repair pathway throughout the cell cycle and accoun
47  competition from other double-strand break (DSB) repair pathways, including non-homologous end-joini
48 pression of several DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair proteins and formation of repair complexes,
49            Improper DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair results in complex genomic rearrangements (C
50 r-prone pathway for DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair, is implicated in genomic rearrangement and
51 mbination (HR)-mediated double-strand break (DSB) repair, which is mediated through its ability to me
52 he progerin-induced DNA double-strand break (DSB) sites, blocking DSB repair, which led to DSB accumu
53 mechanical processes of double-strand break (DSB)-repair, especially the auxiliary factor(s) that can
54  locus containing a DNA double-strand break (DSB).
55 f contrast agent on DNA double-strand-break (DSB) formation in patients undergoing magnetic resonance
56 plex was recruited to double-stranded break (DSB) sites in response to etoposide treatment.
57 as been reported that double-stranded break (DSB)-induced small RNAs (diRNAs) are generated via the R
58 lyzes excision through double strand breaks (DSB) and the joining of newly excised transposon ends wi
59 ncluding 53BP1, to DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) and undergoes dynamic acetylation during DSB repair
60                    DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) elicit a ubiquitylation cascade that controls DNA r
61 ity in the form of DNA double strand breaks (DSB) in cancer cells that lack the tumor suppressor gene
62 ustering the yields of double-strand breaks (DSB) increase, up to saturation around 300 keV/mum.
63 NA lesions (OCDL), DNA double-strand breaks (DSB), apoptosis, and the local and systemic immune respo
64 e of single-strand and double-strand breaks (DSB).
65  digital PCR assay for double-strand breaks (DSB-ddPCR) to investigate the kinetics of Cas9-mediated
66 g of induced nuclear double-stranded breaks (DSB) but the resulting nuclear integrants are often imme
67 en species-induced DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) and were modestly sensitive to poly-ADP-ribose pol
68 y chosen to repair DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are critically influenced by the nucleosome packag
69                    DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) are generally repaired through nonhomologous end j
70                    DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are mainly repaired either by homologous recombina
71 pes of DNA damage, DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are probably the most deleterious.
72 bset of programmed DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are repaired as crossovers, with the remainder bec
73                        Double-strand breaks (DSBs) are repaired through two major pathways, homology-
74 9, which generates DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) at target loci, is a powerful tool for editing gen
75 d in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) by homologous recombination (HR), the molecular me
76 epair of SPO11-induced double-strand breaks (DSBs) by homologous recombination.
77 g the formation of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) by the Spo11 endonuclease early in prophase I, at
78 ical evidence that DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) can be directly generated by Top1 at sites of geno
79 pair efficiency of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) caused by exposure to gamma radiation across archa
80                        Double-strand breaks (DSBs) in DNA are recognized by the Ku70/80 heterodimer a
81 etection and repair of double-strand breaks (DSBs) in DNA, although detail concerning how Kaposi's sa
82 g (c-NHEJ) repairs DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in G1 cells with biphasic kinetics.
83 repair pathway for DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) in humans.
84 ied in response to DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) in vivo by the ARTs Adprt1a and Adprt2.
85    In pre-B cells, DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) induced at Igkappa loci by the Rag1/Rag2 (RAG) end
86 d genome stability.DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) induced by topoisomerase II (TOP2) are rejoined by
87 lytic resection of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) is essential for both checkpoint activation and ho
88          Repair of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) is key for maintenance of genome integrity.
89              Repairing double-strand breaks (DSBs) is particularly challenging in pericentromeric het
90  are vulnerable to DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) mediated by topoisomerase 2B (TOP2B).
91                    DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) occurring within fragile zones of less than 200 ba
92           Resection of double-strand breaks (DSBs) plays a critical role in their detection and appro
93                    DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) prevent cells from entering mitosis allowing cells
94                        Double strand breaks (DSBs) represent highly deleterious DNA damage and need t
95 helps recruit BRCA1 to double-strand breaks (DSBs) through the scaffold protein CCDC98 (Abraxas) and
96   End resection of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) to generate 3'-single-stranded DNA facilitates DSB
97 combination-initiating double-strand breaks (DSBs) via a feedback loop triggered by crossover designa
98                    DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) were assessed by immunofluorescence analysis of 53
99  of which leads to DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) within IgH switch (S) regions.
100 s a main source of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), one of the most toxic forms of DNA damage.
101 ensitizes cells to DNA double strand breaks (DSBs), suggesting defects in DNA repair.
102 rmation of meiotic DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), the precursors of cross-overs.
103  different chromosomal double-strand breaks (DSBs).
104 ly on Cas9-induced DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs).
105 echanism to repair DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs).
106 ependent repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs).
107 ' end resection at DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs).
108 RAD51 loading to DNA double-stranded breaks (DSBs) and stalled replication forks, enabling two distin
109 amination of how DNA double-stranded breaks (DSBs) are repaired, with many components of the ubiquiti
110 ent that induces DNA double-stranded breaks (DSBs) does not affect the interaction between DDB2 and X
111 gh the generation of double stranded breaks (DSBs) in murine macrophage genomic DNA.
112 l therapies, as unwanted mutations caused by DSBs can have deleterious effects.
113  suggest that resection of blocked and clean DSBs is initiated via distinct mechanisms.
114 se directly initiates the resection of clean DSBs by cleaving the 5' strand DNA approximately 10-20 n
115         Also individual DSB tend to cluster; DSB clusters peak around 500 keV/mum, while DSB multipli
116 ed both NHEJ and HR and severely compromised DSB repair resulting in chromosomal instability.
117 sts that multiple mechanisms of conservative DSB repair may contribute to tumor suppression in human
118 e demonstrate that HR repair of conventional DSBs is severely compromised in DEK-deficient cells.
119 diated by the Mre11 complex and HR-dependent DSB repair.
120 sm of how Rad52 contributes to RNA-dependent DSB repair remained unknown.
121 vide evidence indicating that Tel1-dependent DSB interference influences the population-average DSB l
122 able strand exchange of crossover-designated DSBs.
123 ormal oscillatory SPB movements that disrupt DSB-SPB interactions.
124 bs1 (MRN) and Ku70-Ku80 (Ku) direct distinct DSB repair pathways, but the interplay between these com
125 eling complex in the repair of a defined DNA DSB.
126 s can be produced by a single engineered DNA DSB in H2ax knockout cells, and that the production of t
127 fined the function of this cross-talk in DNA DSB repair.
128 air, suggesting that Wwox contributes to DNA DSB repair pathway choice.
129       Furthermore, And-1 is recruited to DNA DSB sites in a manner dependent on MDC1, BRCA1 and ATM,
130                            Thus, genomic DNA DSBs act as signaling intermediates in murine macrophage
131 f the three major pathways known to mend DNA DSBs, namely homologous recombination (HR), nonhomologou
132                  To analyze the level of DNA DSBs, peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolated f
133  with Ub, using the cellular response to DNA DSBs as the primary setting to compare these modificatio
134 SB) and undergoes dynamic acetylation during DSB repair.
135 t these pathways normally collaborate during DSB repair.
136 f PRMT5-mediated arginine methylation during DSB repair pathway choice through its ability to regulat
137 ly BLISS to profile endogenous and exogenous DSBs in low-input samples of cancer cells, embryonic ste
138  generate 3'-single-stranded DNA facilitates DSB repair via error-free homologous recombination (HR)
139 vironment surrounding DSBs which facilitates DSB repair and which is framed by extensive ZMYND8 domai
140 y immunofluorescence analysis of 53BP1 foci; DSB levels were determined by neutral comet assay; weste
141  ADP-ribosylation is also apparent following DSBs in vivo, by generating a strain with mutations at E
142 though tumor suppressor CtIP is critical for DSB end resection, a key initial event of HR repair, the
143  a high level of diRNAs is not necessary for DSB repair.
144 erved NHEJ to be the predominant pathway for DSB repair in our assay, MMEJ was significantly enhanced
145 s with high specificity and are required for DSB formation there.
146 NA damage response (DDR) and is required for DSB repair by homologous recombination (HR).
147              Yra1 and Def1 were required for DSB repair per se, while Sit4 was required for rapid ina
148 s work provides a comprehensive resource for DSB-free gene disruption by iSTOP.
149       The mislocalization of RAD51 away from DSBs in cells expressing HPV E6 and E7 hinders HR throug
150 on, which facilities 53BP1 displacement from DSBs.
151 king chromosomes less permissive for further DSB formation.
152  precise gene editing that does not generate DSBs.
153  be investigated at precisely mapped genomic DSBs is essential to study this relationship.
154 ction, and decreased HR repair in the DR-GFP DSB repair model.
155 sDNA), which serves as the template to guide DSB repair.
156 recombination (HR) repair of heterochromatic DSBs relies on the relocalization of DSBs to the nuclear
157                                     However, DSBs, which are the most deleterious type of DNA damage,
158  under most irradiation conditions; however, DSBs were elevated only after exposure to lower doses.
159           Furthermore, reduced OFD1 impaired DSB repair via homologous recombination repair (HRR).
160                        This role of ASF1a in DSB repair cannot be provided by the closely related ASF
161 s, Tel1 absence causes widespread changes in DSB distributions across large chromosomal domains.
162 eat, which we show here to cause a defect in DSB repair in yeast.
163 ts that NMD pathway mutants are defective in DSB repair.
164 ate that ruxolitinib-induced deficiencies in DSB repair pathways sensitized MPN cells to synthetic le
165 n machinery now identified as key factors in DSB repair.
166 cted DNA methylation pathway and function in DSB repair in Arabidposis.
167 r Advanced Glycation End-products (nRAGE) in DSB-repair.
168 ment to DSBs, indicating that MLH1's role in DSB response/repair is important for suppressing TSI.
169 are prone to nuclease cleavage, resulting in DSBs.
170         It also facilitates a Ku-independent DSB repair, which favours intra-S region recombination a
171                              Also individual DSB tend to cluster; DSB clusters peak around 500 keV/mu
172 itivity to bleomycin, a drug known to induce DSBs, further supports that NMD pathway mutants are defe
173 g Beclin 1 improved the repair of IR-induced DSB, but did not restore an autophagy response in cells
174 tribute to optimal resolution of AID-induced DSBs.
175  contribution to repair of radiation-induced DSBs has not been characterized.
176 ntaneously and in response to I-SceI-induced DSBs.
177  detected from CRISPR/Cas9- or TALEN-induced DSBs within the examined endogenous genes in Arabidopsis
178 a highlight the threat posed by TOP2-induced DSBs during transcription and demonstrate the importance
179 ak-induced replication in which the invading DSB end and its donor template share a 108-base-pair hom
180 to 8 are deleted in a switching B cell line, DSB formation is severely reduced and CSR frequency is i
181 ologous end joining (NHEJ) are the two major DSB repair pathways that are highly conserved from yeast
182 und-Thomson Syndrome, promotes the two major DSB repair pathways, non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) a
183       Preferential targeting of AID-mediated DSBs to S sequences is critical for allowing diversifica
184 ovokes increased R-loops and R-loop-mediated DSBs in TH1 cells relative to TH2 cells.
185 nome coined "hot spots." In mammals, meiotic DSB site selection is directed in part by sequence-speci
186 elated SCs of other species regulate meiotic DSB formation to form crossovers crucial for meiosis.
187 ed chromosomes, suggesting that many meiotic DSBs are normally repaired by intersister recombination
188 DNA repair pathways that essentially monitor DSB repair defects.
189 gh recruitment of the MRE11-RAD50-NBS1 (MRN) DSB-sensing complex to viral genomes and activation of t
190 is that bKu would bind persistently to mtDNA DSBs, thereby preventing mtDNA replication or repair.
191 GRs that originated from naturally occurring DSBs at (GAA)n microsatellites in Saccharomyces cerevisi
192 owever, illustrating homeostatic behavior of DSB regulatory systems.
193 11-oligonucleotide complexes, a byproduct of DSB formation, to reveal aspects of the contribution of
194  with conserved roles for Tel1 in control of DSB number and processing.
195 ec27, and Mug20) are protein determinants of DSB hotspots - they bind DSB hotspots with high specific
196 ysis of gammaH2AX foci showed no evidence of DSB induction after MR examination, independent of the a
197 Thus, our findings reveal the involvement of DSB repair in PD-L1 expression and provide mechanistic i
198  of genotoxic stress, but the involvement of DSB repair in PD-L1 expression has not been investigated
199 prehensive assessment of the localization of DSB repair proteins during KSHV replication, we have det
200 may allow the virus to evade localization of DSB repair proteins that would otherwise have a detrimen
201 us important insights into the mechanisms of DSB repair leading to CGRs.
202                  53BP1 is a key regulator of DSB repair pathway choice in eukaryotic cells and functi
203 dy identifies nRAGE as a master regulator of DSB-repair, the absence of which orchestrates persistent
204 y decreased the IGF-1-mediated resolution of DSB.
205                          The introduction of DSBs is initiated by activation-induced cytidine deamina
206 her IgH germline transcription or joining of DSBs within S regions by classical nonhomologous end joi
207 uring the following: (1) direct labelling of DSBs in fixed cells or tissue sections on a solid surfac
208 regation of chromosomes, but the majority of DSBs are processed toward a safer alternative, namely no
209 ly quantitative, and targeted measurement of DSBs.
210                           In the presence of DSBs, TLC1 RNA remains nucleolar in most G2/M cells but
211 n vitro transcription; (3) quantification of DSBs through unique molecular identifiers; and (4) easy
212 romatic DSBs relies on the relocalization of DSBs to the nuclear periphery before Rad51 recruitment.
213 ired transcriptional silencing and repair of DSBs by homologous recombination.
214  propose a mechanism for iterative repair of DSBs by NHEJ.
215 cs of Cas9-mediated generation and repair of DSBs in cells.
216  genome by blocking the homologous repair of DSBs.
217 quired for efficient long-range resection of DSBs.
218 racts with MDC1 and is recruited to sites of DSBs to facilitate the interaction of phospho-ATM with M
219 n many possible junctional outcomes from one DSB.
220 the absence of which orchestrates persistent DSB signaling to senescence, tissue-fibrosis and oncogen
221 ized away from both transient and persistent DSBs, whereas HPV E7 is only capable of impairing RAD51
222 n compromised HR and misrejoining of S-phase DSBs, and increased the sensitivity to DNA-damaging agen
223 ed several phosphatase subunits as potential DSB-associated proteins.
224 n of Rag1 and Rag2 expression is a prevalent DSB response among immature lymphocytes.
225      However, how HR-deficient cells process DSBs is not clear.
226          We conclude that AdnAB's processive DSB unwinding activity suffices for AdnAB function in HR
227 of oocytes containing a synapsis-proficient, DSB repair-defective mutation in a gene (Trip13) require
228              We previously reported that RAG DSBs induced at one Igkappa allele signal through the at
229 X-ray-induced strand breaks, to recapitulate DSB repair via MMEJ or nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ).
230             Down-regulation of BCCIP reduces DSB repair and disrupts BRCA2 and RAD51 foci formation.
231 petes with Ku70/Ku86 for binding to S-region DSB ends.
232  Atg7, suggesting that Beclin 1 may regulate DSB repair independent of autophagy in the cells exposed
233 f200 (Arid2) PBAF-defining subunit regulates DSB repair.
234 and is essential for HR repair by regulating DSB end resection.
235 shed that Polmu is the one adapted to repair DSBs with non-complementary ends, the most challenging s
236 h multiple enzymes at its disposal to repair DSBs, resulting in a diversity of repair outcomes.
237 o operate within damaged chromatin to repair DSBs.
238           Further, RAD51D-deficiency shifted DSB repair toward highly deleterious single-strand annea
239  segments associated with a meiosis-specific DSB site.
240 rich motifs associated with meiosis-specific DSBs fold into intramolecular G-quadruplex and i-motif s
241 romosomal segments surrounding site-specific DSBs at an exceptionally high frequency.
242 rming gammaH2AX immunofluorescence staining, DSBs were quantified with automated digital microscopy.
243 eric RNA:DNA hybrids, telomeric/subtelomeric DSBs and VSG switching frequency back to WT levels.
244  damage foci that Wwox expression suppresses DSB repair at the end-resection step of HDR.
245 restricted chromatin environment surrounding DSBs which facilitates DSB repair and which is framed by
246 equirement by linear amplification of tagged DSBs by in vitro transcription; (3) quantification of DS
247 nge plays an important role in RNA-templated DSB repair in vivo.
248 Therefore, this study provides evidence that DSB-mediated replication is the predominant form of mtDN
249                        We also observed that DSB-induced H4K16 acetylation was abolished in cells upo
250                 Finally, we demonstrate that DSBs induced in pre-B cells by etoposide or bleomycin in
251                In this article, we show that DSBs induced by ionizing radiation, etoposide, or bleomy
252                                 We show that DSBs repaired with slow kinetics, including those locali
253                     Our results suggest that DSBs are necessary but not sufficient for efficient diRN
254  resection requires Exo1 exonuclease and the DSB-responsive kinase Tel1, but not Sgs1 helicase.
255 gions or harboring additional lesions at the DSB site, undergo resection prior to repair by c-NHEJ an
256 kedly lower indel frequency than that by the DSB-mediated approach.
257 flanking chromatin, but is excluded from the DSB region.
258 iencies and hyper-resection 0.15 kb from the DSB that was dependent on the nuclease activity of Dna2-
259 kinase activity and on the distance from the DSB.
260 patient cells have pronounced defects in the DSB-induced histone modification, chromatin remodelling
261 on enhancer, which tethers HMLalpha near the DSB.
262                          In the process, the DSB forms hairpin intermediates on the flanking DNA side
263  the eviction of nucleosomes surrounding the DSB.
264 gly polar, favouring correction close to the DSB end.
265 panied by impaired recruitment of MRX to the DSB, and other functions of MRX in HR including the recr
266   OFD1 loss also adversely impacted upon the DSB-induced G2-M checkpoint, inducing a hypersensitive a
267                            However, when the DSB end contains a 3' protruding nonhomologous tail, Msh
268 modulating the cell cycle stage at which the DSB was induced, we were able to avoid mosaicism in clea
269 e map genome-wide and at high resolution the DSBs induced by a restriction enzyme, and we characteriz
270 d the chromatin architecture surrounding the DSBs.
271 h viral oncogenes were shown to disrupt this DSB repair pathway.
272 hanism regulating the recruitment of CtIP to DSB sites remains largely unknown.
273 SB) sites, blocking DSB repair, which led to DSB accumulation, DNA damage responses, and early replic
274 or cancers susceptible to radiotherapy or to DSB-inducing chemotherapy.
275 s BRCA1 recruitment, and sensitizes cells to DSBs from IR or stalled replication forks that require H
276    Notably, artificial targeting of Fun30 to DSBs is sufficient to bypass the cell cycle regulation o
277 ) disrupt BRCA1-independent RAD51 loading to DSBs and stalled forks in PARPi-resistant BRCA1-deficien
278    In this study, the XPA mislocalization to DSBs occurred at stalled or collapsed replication forks,
279 the bromodomain protein BRD2 is recruited to DSBs.
280 pression of TSI requires MLH1 recruitment to DSBs, indicating that MLH1's role in DSB response/repair
281 RECQL4 interaction and RECQL4 recruitment to DSBs.
282        Little is known about the response to DSBs once cells have already committed to mitosis.
283 d DNA end resection and cellular response to DSBs.
284 ases NHEJ, rendering cells more sensitive to DSBs.
285 dings suggest that translocation of TRADD to DSBs into the nucleus contributes to cell survival in re
286 ere, we used CRISPR/Cas9- or TALEN-triggered DSBs to characterize diRNAs in Arabidopsis and rice.
287 arrangement that is formed by EJ between two DSBs induced by the Cas9 endonuclease.
288 n remodelling during resection is underlying DSB repair pathway choice.
289 to eliminate meiocytes containing unrepaired DSBs or unsynapsed chromosomes.
290 calizes with chromatin bound BRCA2, and upon DSB induction, RAD51 colocalizes with BRCA2-BCCIP foci.
291 pathway choice and resection regulation upon DSB formation.
292 d H4K16ac in cells after exposure to various DSB-inducing agents, including neocarzinostatin, gamma r
293                                         When DSBs are repaired by homologous recombination, DNA ends
294                              Results Whereas DSBs in lymphocytes increased after CT exposure (before
295  DSB clusters peak around 500 keV/mum, while DSB multiplicities per cluster steadily increase with LE
296  nucleotide loss or addition, explaining why DSBs repaired by NHEJ are rarely restored to their origi
297 emonstrates that Tel1 shapes the genome-wide DSB landscape in unexpected ways.
298 ates in the nucleoplasm and colocalizes with DSBs in rad52Delta cells, leading to de novo telomere ad
299 ties with mechanisms in yeast that deal with DSBs in distinct sites that are difficult to repair, inc
300  CAG, CGA, and TGG) into STOP codons without DSB formation.

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