


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  afflicts human female oocytes (e.g., giving Down syndrome).
2 ogical alterations found in individuals with Down syndrome.
3 deficits in the peripheral nervous system in Down syndrome.
4 stic neurological disorder in the context of Down syndrome.
5 e dentate gyrus of the Ts65Dn mouse model of Down syndrome.
6  research has tended to focus on dementia in Down syndrome.
7 ass-switch recombination in 17 children with Down syndrome.
8 espiratory tract infections of patients with Down syndrome.
9 xtual learning, in the Ts65Dn mouse model of Down syndrome.
10 ve diseases, including Alzheimer disease and Down syndrome.
11 d in tonsils from 4 additional children with Down syndrome.
12  and synaptic phenotypes in a mouse model of Down syndrome.
13 prove cognitive function in individuals with Down syndrome.
14  megakaryocytic abnormalities that accompany Down syndrome.
15 he abnormal neurological phenotypes found in Down syndrome.
16 t and development of Alzheimer's disease and Down syndrome.
17 ell-positive subjects was seen in those with Down syndrome.
18 ile range [IQR], 2.0-13.5) and 29 (8.5%) had Down syndrome.
19  and memory, reward, motor coordination, and Down syndrome.
20 e neonatal brains of Ts65Dn mice, a model of Down syndrome.
21 clinical features of dementia in people with Down syndrome.
22 ding pain, epilepsy, Parkinson's disease and Down syndrome.
23 ave a higher risk of fathering children with Down syndrome.
24 ual circuits is perturbed in mouse models of Down syndrome.
25 ute to visual impairment in individuals with Down syndrome.
26 etastasis, and mortality in individuals with Down syndrome.
27 n Ts65Dn mice, the most widely used model of Down syndrome.
28                      Only 2 of 29 cases were Down syndrome.
29 evated interferon signaling is a hallmark of Down syndrome.
30 nd, as we show, for the Tc1 mouse models for Down syndrome.
31  mRNA levels within the human brain underlie Down Syndrome.
32 genesis of HSA21-related disorders including Down Syndrome.
33 s might be central to the pathophysiology of Down syndrome.
34           DYRK1Ais a major candidate gene in Down syndrome.
35 smal fitness, manifest in conditions such as Down syndrome.
36 y loss and several genetic disorders such as Down syndrome.
37  severe mental retardation in females, after Down syndrome.
38 on show an unfounded bias against those with Down syndrome.
39 n VI microfibrils, an outcome accentuated by Down syndrome.
40 ntribute to distinct cognitive phenotypes in Down syndrome.
41 ts with obvious chromosomal syndromes (e.g., Down syndrome), a family history of chromosomal rearrang
42 e megakaryoblastic leukemia in children with Down syndrome, a malignancy that is defined by the combi
43 aques of AD and in the preamyloid lesions of Down syndrome, a model system for early-onset AD study.
44 how developmental restriction is achieved in Down syndrome acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (DS-AMKL),
45       To define the mutation spectrum in non-Down syndrome acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (non-DS-AM
46 nsient myeloproliferative disorder (TMD) and Down syndrome-acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (DS-AMKL).
47 regulation, and has been linked to epilepsy, Down syndrome, addiction, and arrhythmias.
48 OR, 1.31; 95% CI, 1.17-1.47; P < 0.001), and Down syndrome (adjusted OR, 6.22; 95% CI, 2.08-18.66; P
49 s other than prematurity, heart disease, and Down syndrome affect the risk and severity of hospitaliz
50 oning in 63 adults (31 male, 32 female) with Down syndrome aged 30-53 years who did not exhibit sympt
51 identified in another subgroup of 31% of non-Down syndrome AMKL and strongly associated with a gene e
52  radius (TAR) syndrome, Down syndrome-TMD or Down syndrome-AMKL, and the delayed platelet engraftment
53 ulations of 40 children and adolescents with Down syndrome and 51 controls were quantified, and pheno
54                                 A child with Down syndrome and a history of adrenocortical carcinoma
55 r their potential therapeutic application to Down syndrome and Alzheimer's disease.
56  the Ts65Dn mouse, a trisomic mouse model of Down syndrome and Alzheimer's disease.
57               Changes in NCAM2 expression in Down syndrome and autistic patients may therefore contri
58 volving chromosome gains and losses, such as Down syndrome and cancer.
59 rget for Alzheimer's disease, especially for Down syndrome and EGCG which inhibits Dyrk1A may have po
60 s known to cause intellectual disability are Down syndrome and Fragile X syndrome.
61 and Olig2, two genes that are triplicated in Down syndrome and in Ts65Dn mice, were overexpressed in
62 rrent healthcare issues for adolescents with Down syndrome and intellectual disabilities, including b
63  with cognitive deficits in individuals with Down syndrome and may enable discovery of the underlying
64 trum disorder trait, nutritional deficiency, Down syndrome and Non-specific neurodevelopmental delay
65 teen children (aged 10 months-14 years) with Down syndrome and nystagmus, and a control group of 93 a
66                        Using mouse models of Down syndrome and of genes associated with congenital he
67 nded karyotype ( approximately 3%, excluding Down syndrome and other recognizable chromosomal syndrom
68 es on patients having other disorders (e.g., Down syndrome and Parkinson's disease) and to brain PET
69 r disease and is associated with dementia in Down syndrome and poor neurological outcome after trauma
70  in understanding of other disorders such as Down syndrome and Rett syndrome, for example, are also r
71 g the molecular mechanisms of tumorigenesis, Down syndrome, and aging.
72 e significantly more likely to be male, have Down syndrome, and have higher MRD levels on day 19 and
73 sorders, including fragile X, Rett syndrome, Down syndrome, and neurofibromatosis type I suggest that
74        We find that translation of dyrk1a, a Down syndrome- and autism spectrum disorders-related gen
75                                Children with Down syndrome are at high risk for developing B-cell pre
76                          Our results confirm Down syndrome as a major risk factor for IRM.
77                                          The Down syndrome-associated DYRK1A kinase has been reported
78               Many advocates for people with Down syndrome believe that high abortion rates following
79 synaptic plasticity and a major candidate of Down syndrome brain alterations and cognitive deficits.
80 orted that Dyrk1A, which is overexpressed in Down syndrome brains, regulates alternative splicing of
81 n neoplasms are uncommon among patients with Down syndrome, but organ-specific autoimmune diseases ar
82 21 (HSA21) cause intellectual disability and Down Syndrome, but our understanding of the HSA21 geneti
83 Min) mutation into the Ts65Dn mouse model of Down syndrome by interbreeding caused formation of intes
84  lymphocyte subpopulations, individuals with Down syndrome can mount effector T-cell responses with s
85  Our findings indicate that many adults with Down syndrome can tolerate amyloid-beta deposition witho
86 ) in SMC phenotypic modulation and uncovered Down Syndrome Candidate Region 1 (DSCR1/RCAN1) as a nove
87 the up-regulation of a proangiogenic factor, Down syndrome candidate region 1 isoform 1L (DSCR1-1L),
88                                Patients with Down syndrome carry immunologic defects, as evidenced by
89                                              Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule (DSCAM) has mainly
90                                              Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule (Dscam) is expresse
91                      Increased expression of Down Syndrome Cell Adhesion Molecule (Dscam) is implicat
92                                          The Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule (DSCAM) is required
93                                          The Down Syndrome Cell Adhesion Molecule (DSCAM) is required
94 d use a gain-of-function mouse allele of the Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule (Dscam) to compleme
95 nce of deleted in colorectal cancer (DCC) or Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule (DSCAM), and expres
96 with and affects the axonal functions of the Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule (Dscam).
97                 Neurons that lack Drosophila Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule 1 (Dscam1) show abe
98 recent genetic analysis of vertebrate DSCAM (Down Syndrome Cell Adhesion Molecule) genes has revealed
99 ur results mirror those reported for Dscam1 (Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule) in Drosophila: thi
100                   We further identify Dscam (Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule), a gene within the
101 ertain cell types, in mice deficient for the Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule, Dscam, exhibiting
102                                              Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule, Dscam, serves dive
103                                              Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule, or DSCAM, has been
104                                          The Down syndrome cell-adhesion molecule (Dscam) confines th
105                            Expression of the Down syndrome cell-adhesion molecule (Dscam) is increase
106 /intellectual disability/mental retardation, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorder)
107  fold reduction in the probability to have a Down syndrome child between a 20 and 30 years old Down s
108                            Patients were non-Down syndrome children enrolled on Children's Oncology G
109                                              Down syndrome confers a 20-fold increased risk of B cell
110 ding gene at the centromeric boundary of the Down Syndrome Critical Region (DSCR) of HSA21.
111 examines the functional interactions between Down syndrome critical region 1 (DSCR1) and amyloid-prec
112                   This study examines Nebula/Down syndrome critical region 1 (DSCR1) and amyloid-prec
113 . demonstrate that the calcineurin regulator Down syndrome critical region 1 protein modulates both b
114 us introns from the human beta-globin, mouse Down syndrome critical region 1, or hagfish coagulation
115                  PEP-19/PCP4 maps within the Down syndrome critical region and encodes a small, predo
116 rectifying potassium channel and maps to the Down syndrome critical region between DIRK1A and DSCR4.
117 based experiments suggest that the so-called Down syndrome critical region of human chromosome 21 is
118 ee of refinement scales with defects in the "Down syndrome critical region" (DSCR) in a dose-dependen
119 r mouse model is trisomic for 33 genes (the "Down syndrome critical region" or DSCR) hypothesized to
120 ded RUNX1, miR-802, and genes mapping to the Down syndrome critical region.
121                           Here, we show that Down syndrome critical region1 (DSCR1) interacts with Fr
122 on-regulated kinase 1 A (DYRK1A) maps to the Down syndrome critical region; copy number increase of t
123 s in the transchromosomic Tc1 mouse model of Down syndrome, demonstrating that ultrastructural abnorm
124                                Children with Down syndrome develop a unique congenital clonal megakar
125 tion to mental retardation, individuals with Down syndrome (DS) also develop the neuropathological ch
126                                Children with Down syndrome (DS) and acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (AL
127 ipper motif) mediates rab5 overactivation in Down syndrome (DS) and AD, which is caused by elevated l
128 ical correlates of genetic disorders such as Down syndrome (DS) and autism spectrum disorders (ASDs).
129                                Children with Down syndrome (DS) and cerebral palsy (CP) often have re
130  the pathogenesis of brain disorders such as Down syndrome (DS) and fragile X syndrome (FXS).
131                                  Humans with Down syndrome (DS) and Ts65Dn mice both show a reduced v
132                   Intellectual disability in Down syndrome (DS) appears to be related to severe proli
133                     Children with trisomy 21/Down syndrome (DS) are at high risk to develop acute meg
134                                Children with Down syndrome (DS) are at increased risk for acute myelo
135                           Some neonates with Down syndrome (DS) are diagnosed with self-regressing tr
136 e neuronal loss in the developing and mature Down syndrome (DS) brain.
137                     At the neuronal level of Down syndrome (DS) brains, there are evidences of altere
138                                              Down syndrome (DS) children have a unique genetic suscep
139                      Dyrk1a localizes in the Down syndrome (DS) critical region of chromosome 21q22.2
140                    About half of people with Down syndrome (DS) exhibit some form of congenital heart
141                             Individuals with Down syndrome (DS) have a higher prevalence and severity
142                                Children with Down syndrome (DS) have a markedly increased risk of dev
143                                Children with Down syndrome (DS) have an increased risk of acute lymph
144                                Children with Down syndrome (DS) have an increased risk of B-cell prec
145                       Aging individuals with Down syndrome (DS) have an increased risk of developing
146 eta precursor protein gene on chromosome 21, Down syndrome (DS) individuals develop high levels of Ab
147                                         Most Down syndrome (DS) individuals eventually develop Alzhei
148                                 About 10% of Down syndrome (DS) infants are born with a transient mye
149                                              Down syndrome (DS) is a developmental disorder caused by
150                                              Down syndrome (DS) is a multi-faceted condition resultin
151                                              Down syndrome (DS) is a relatively common genetic condit
152                                              Down syndrome (DS) is associated with neurological compl
153                                              Down syndrome (DS) is associated with ocular abnormaliti
154                                              Down syndrome (DS) is caused by a triplication of chromo
155                                              Down syndrome (DS) is caused by the presence of an extra
156                                              Down syndrome (DS) is caused by the triplication of huma
157                                              Down syndrome (DS) is caused by trisomy of chromosome 21
158                        AMKL in children with Down syndrome (DS) is characterized by a founding GATA1
159                      Cognitive impairment in Down syndrome (DS) is characterized by deficient learnin
160                                              Down syndrome (DS) is characterized by intellectual disa
161               The Ts65Dn (Ts) mouse model of Down syndrome (DS) is exquisitely sensitive to an infant
162                           Tc1 mouse model of Down syndrome (DS) is functionally trisomic for approxim
163                                              Down syndrome (DS) is the most common cause of cognitive
164                                              Down syndrome (DS) is the most common example of a neuro
165                                              Down syndrome (DS) is the most common genetic aberration
166                                              Down syndrome (DS) is the most prevalent cause of intell
167 EADDs to stimulate degenerating neurons in a Down syndrome (DS) model, Ts65Dn mice.
168  We show here that axonal GCs of human fetal Down syndrome (DS) neurons (and of a DS mouse model) ove
169 s much of the aberrant neural development in Down syndrome (DS) occurs postnatally, an early opportun
170  (n = 135) elucidated the natural history in Down syndrome (DS) patients diagnosed with TMD via the u
171                                              Down syndrome (DS) patients exhibit abnormalities of hip
172 ukemia (AMKL) is more frequently observed in Down syndrome (DS) patients, in whom it is often precede
173 gene is located on trisomic chromosome 21 in Down syndrome (DS) patients, leading to its overexpressi
174                       Studies in humans with Down syndrome (DS) show that alterations in fetal brain
175 1, which is a phenotype long associated with Down syndrome (DS) that can also cause familial Alzheime
176                                Children with Down syndrome (DS) up to the age of 4 years are at a 150
177 my of human chromosome 21 (Hsa21) results in Down syndrome (DS), a disorder that affects many aspects
178 linical features collectively referred to as Down syndrome (DS), although DS phenotypes vary in incid
179 the most commonly occurring heart defects in Down syndrome (DS), and approximately 65% of all AVSD is
180 ses skeletal alterations in individuals with Down syndrome (DS), but the causative trisomic gene and
181                      Trisomy 21 (T21) causes Down syndrome (DS), but the mechanisms by which T21 prod
182                            Trisomy 21 causes Down syndrome (DS), but the mechanisms by which the extr
183                                              Down syndrome (DS), caused by trisomy 21, is the most co
184                                              Down syndrome (DS), caused by trisomy 21, is the most co
185                                              Down syndrome (DS), caused by trisomy of chromosome 21,
186                                              Down syndrome (DS), caused by trisomy of human chromosom
187                     As the genomic basis for Down syndrome (DS), human trisomy 21 is the most common
188                               Trisomy 21, or Down syndrome (DS), is the most common genetic cause of
189 preleukemic disorder unique to neonates with Down syndrome (DS), may transform to childhood acute mye
190                                              Down syndrome (DS), or trisomy 21, is a common disorder
191                                              Down syndrome (DS), or Trisomy 21, is the most common ge
192                                              Down syndrome (DS), or trisomy of chromosome 21, is the
193                                              Down syndrome (DS), trisomy 21, is a multifaceted condit
194                             One exception is Down syndrome (DS), where a third copy of chromosome 21
195  cell diversity in the Ts65Dn mouse model of Down syndrome (DS), which exhibits reduced neurogenesis
196                                  People with Down syndrome (DS), who are trisomic for Hsa21, are pred
197                            The prevalence of Down syndrome (DS)-affected births has increased during
198  disability are Fragile X syndrome (FXS) and Down syndrome (DS).
199 ults in the complex clinical presentation of Down syndrome (DS).
200 ppocampus in Ts65Dn mice, a model system for Down syndrome (DS).
201 y for human chromosome 21 (Hsa21) results in Down syndrome (DS).
202 and produce congenital abnormalities such as Down syndrome (DS).
203  that cause intellectual disability, such as Down syndrome (DS).
204 st complete widely available animal model of Down syndrome (DS).
205 ed in the neonatal leukemia of children with Down syndrome (DS).
206 ain abnormalities begin during fetal life in Down syndrome (DS).
207  craniofacial precursors in individuals with Down syndrome (DS).
208  course of both Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Down syndrome (DS); however, it is not clear how dysfunc
209 te lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL), including Down syndrome (DS-ALL) patients, lacking recurring chrom
210 cute megakaryocytic leukemia associated with Down syndrome (DS-AMKL), where they occur in over half o
211                             Individuals with Down syndrome (DS; also known as trisomy 21) have a mark
212 DP-17), the early onset dementia observed in Down syndrome (DS; trisomy 21) and the dementia componen
213 gic results tend to suggest that adults with Down syndrome have a reduced incidence of cancer, but so
214  date, investigations of neural anomalies in Down syndrome have focused on the central nervous system
215 males, using data from mouse models and from Down syndrome humans.
216 lcineurin phosphatase that is triplicated in Down syndrome, impairs neurotrophic support of sympathet
217 gakaryocyte-erythroid and B-cell leukemia in Down syndrome implicates trisomy 21 (T21) in perturbing
218  has been associated with the development of Down syndrome in both human and animal models, whereas s
219  More than half of infants and children with Down syndrome in Cairo had ophthalmic abnormalities; myo
220        Ocular and systemic manifestations of Down syndrome in infants and children in Cairo, and comp
221                                              Down syndrome incidence in humans increases dramatically
222         We analyzed two cohorts of live-born Down syndrome individuals (388 genotyped samples and 16
223 nt AD linked to PSEN1 mutations, in demented Down syndrome individuals and in sporadic AD subjects co
224                                              Down syndrome is associated with a markedly increased ri
225                                              Down syndrome is associated with significant failure in
226  of the basis for intellectual impairment in Down syndrome is hindered by the large number of genes d
227                                              Down syndrome is more common in the highly consanguineou
228                                              Down syndrome is the most common chromosomal disorder af
229 e 21 (Hsa21) transchromosomic mouse model of Down syndrome is trisomic for many Hsa21 genes including
230 reased DYRK1A gene dosage, such as occurs in Down syndrome, is known to affect neural progenitor cell
231 e implicated in autism spectrum disorder and Down syndrome, is required presynaptically for normal sy
232 ator of FMRP and that Fragile X syndrome and Down syndrome may share disturbances in common pathways
233       Genetically correcting RCAN1 levels in Down syndrome mice markedly improves NGF-dependent recep
234 ppocampal physiology and behavior in Ts65Dn (Down syndrome) mice.
235 le therapeutic target in myeloid leukemia of Down syndrome (ML-DS) and chronic myeloid leukemia (CML)
236            Patients with myeloid leukemia of Down syndrome (ML-DS) have favorable event-free survival
237 ildren with myeloid leukemia associated with Down syndrome (ML-DS) have superior outcome compared wit
238 s in visual and olfactory sensory systems in Down syndrome model mice, which provide insight into def
239                In slices from Ts65Dn mice, a Down syndrome model with excess inhibition and cognitive
240 es, generating euploid iPSCs from cells of a Down syndrome mouse model.
241 d cell death and other disorders observed in Down syndrome mouse models and human patients, in which
242 comprehensive screening of a large cohort of Down syndrome neonates for the transient abnormal myelop
243                  AMKL in individuals without Down syndrome (non-DS-AMKL) is frequently associated wit
244 ors also contribute to visual acuity loss in Down syndrome, nystagmus alone could account for most of
245                Live-born CHD associated with Down syndrome occurred in 0.5 per 1000 births, with > 4-
246  that were used for this study, and in human Down syndrome, older females have significantly lower pr
247 ted on chromosome 21 and is overexpressed in Down syndrome, one of the most prevalent genomic disorde
248 aired learning and memory processes, such as Down syndrome or Alzheimer's disease.
249 tal loss of sympathetic innervation in human Down syndrome organs and in a mouse model.
250 s, although they could be the primary AD and Down syndrome pathological agents.
251 tas and provide a unique mechanism of AD and Down syndrome pathologies.
252 had CRLF2-d, but it was more prevalent among Down syndrome patients (54%).
253                    Significantly, trisomy 21/Down syndrome patients develop early onset AD pathology.
254 ortant Hedgehog (Hh) pathway, but cells from Down syndrome patients paradoxically display reduced Hh
255 es and cerebral amyloid angiopathy of AD and Down syndrome patients, colocalizing with general Abeta
256  global learning and cognitive impairment in Down syndrome patients.
257  of genetic background for the expression of Down syndrome phenotype.
258 nase implicated in the mental retardation of Down syndrome, phosphorylates primarily serine 857 (S857
259                    POPULATION OR SAMPLE: 532 Down syndrome pregnancies and 1,155 matched unaffected p
260          A 15-year-old girl with features of Down syndrome presented to the Clinic of Ophthalmology f
261 gical evidence in support of the notion that Down syndrome reduces incidence of multiple types of can
262 f the disease occurring in children (such as Down syndrome related AML), as well as new therapeutic a
263                              In our patient, Down syndrome-related impaired T regulatory lymphocyte f
264  study how immunodeficiency in patients with Down syndrome results from immunologic defects in the B-
265 ng conditions including Alzheimer's disease, Down syndrome, schizophrenia, and mood disorders.
266   We used clinical data sets (United Kingdom Down syndrome screening data from Glasgow (1991-2003), E
267                                Children with Down syndrome seem capable of normal germinal center and
268                       Nearly all adults with Down syndrome show neuropathology of Alzheimer's disease
269 f memantine and antioxidants for dementia in Down syndrome showed that these treatment options were i
270 nd autoimmune disorders are more frequent in Down syndrome, suggesting abnormality of adaptive immuni
271 icate that the genetic complexity underlying Down syndrome supports multiple mechanisms that contribu
272 rsons with intellectual disabilities without Down syndrome than in the general population.
273 er median PlGF was 15%, 28% and 39% lower in Down syndrome than unaffected pregnancies at 11, 12 and
274          In the two types of mice models for Down syndrome that were used for this study, and in huma
275  Although it is clear that trisomy 21 causes Down syndrome, the molecular events acting downstream of
276                                              Down syndrome, the most prevalent cause of mental retard
277                          Even in the case of Down syndrome, the most viable and studied form of human
278 rombocytopenia-absent radius (TAR) syndrome, Down syndrome-TMD or Down syndrome-AMKL, and the delayed
279 evant to the predisposition of patients with Down syndrome to HSCR.
280 es women who receive a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome to receive positive information about the
281                  In guiding adolescents with Down syndrome towards healthy productive adult lives, cl
282 to thrombocytopenia, and the pathogenesis of Down syndrome-transient myeloproliferative disorder (TMD
283 fetal/neonatal MK progenitors, including the Down syndrome-transient myeloproliferative disorder and
284                                              Down syndrome (trisomy 21) is the most common genetic ca
285 urin-NFAT, candidates in the pathogenesis of Down syndrome (trisomy 21)-associated transient myelopro
286 or increased HSCR incidence in children with Down syndrome (trisomy 21).
287                                Patients with Down syndrome (trisomy 21, T21) have hematologic abnorma
288  disorders, such as Parkinson's, autism, and Down syndrome, understanding mechanisms modulating Synap
289 e the performance of antenatal screening for Down syndrome using the Combined, serum Integrated and I
290  pseudotumor cerebri syndrome group included Down syndrome, vitamin A derivatives, and growth hormone
291                                              Down syndrome was the most significant risk factor for I
292                   Importantly, patients with Down syndrome were at significantly higher risk for IRM
293                Twenty-two of the adults with Down syndrome were identified as having elevated neocort
294 s were significantly higher in subjects with Down syndrome, whereas their inhibitory receptor express
295 nificant differences between the adults with Down syndrome who had elevated neocortical Pittsburgh co
296    Moreover, our sample included adults with Down syndrome who were most 'resistant' to the effects o
297 que because it is the first reported case of Down syndrome with morning glory optic disc anomaly in l
298 syndrome child between a 20 and 30 years old Down syndrome woman.
299 analysis of previously reported 30 births in Down syndrome women shows a similar tendency with an alm
300 ely to contribute to cognitive disability in Down syndrome, yet the neural network basis of this path

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